HA 402 Midterm

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CaO makes marble melt and makes molds to the shape they want innovation: the lime cycle


Charles Lyell's idea that geologic processes have not changed throughout Earth's history. tectonic plates, etc, eroision shape the physical world at the same place as they did in the past john frere 1797


Columns or pilasters attached to a wall.

Aemilius Paulus Monument at Delphi 167 bc

Greek art as conquest and power- greek art as spoils Roman conrtrol over Macedonia - meant to be dedicated to the Macedonian king

pseudoperipteral temple

In Roman architecture, a pseudoperipteral temple has a series of engaged columns all around the sides and back of the cella to give the appearance of a peripteral colonnade.


Roman civil servant = Bodyguards for consuls- to magistrates who held imeprium

Temple of Fortuna

Rome Example of Engaged Collumns


a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, especially on a wall near the ceiling.


a central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the whole together


a form of limestone? ancient marble


absolute power the legal right to rule-own another? roman art was an imperial art -work of non-roman artisians paid for by patrons


dabbling esp. in the arts [dilettante (n) = person who dabbles] status game 'deight'

portrait bust

material marble location unknown culture roman republic Date 1st BC a shown collaboration between romanism---verism and hellenistic--classical styles displays a good ex of heigtened realism deep set eyes furrowed brow sagging cheeks downward turned mouth exhibits the roman style of verism---Style in which artists concern themselves with describing the exterior likeness of an object or person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner. used by the romans, not the greeks romans portraying themselves as their real image old age= power and status can be related to the roman tradition of veristic head with a hellensitic--god like body the pseudo althete---stance calmly classical used as a marker of political power and belonging within the roman public political careers

2nd style Fresco

material painted plaster location- villa at Boscoreale---near pompeii Republican Rome begins in Rome paintings of extensive landscapes open up the walls attempts to create uses linear and atmospheris perspectve one of the earliest ex is on the walls of the capitolesum in rome redners architewctual effects using illusionistic patining tech used through most of the last century of the republic EX House of Griffin on the Paletine hill House of Faun laid the ground work for more radical departures from traditional paitngin anf decoration ----moved beyond the limitations of the first style small room could be transfromed

Freedman portrait

more natural and more realistic than greek veristic style later republican portrait roman freed slave funerary portrait pubilous gessius and his freeedwoman wife

Heronized pseudo athletic portrait

muscualar idealized images of bodies prestige expensive public dedications

Lapris Niger

small area of pavement on the roman forum black marble pavement said to contain the tomb of romoulus stones bearing one of the oldest inscriptions of latin


space+ height layer of a cake= the bottom is the oldest and largest? keeping records- photos

idealized portraiture

stylistic cycling \ from verism to classical hadrian adopts the republican physically fit and the heads having more of an ages look- versitic look Augustus fully used this technique

peripteral temple

temple having columns on all sides (ex: Pantheon)

Cloaca Maxima

the Great Drain 600 BC the tigris river instead of tax they had forced labor The greatest sewer main sewer of Rome, created by Tarquinius Superbus.

criticisms of classical archeology

too object centered and postivistic urban-centered too relient on texts= handmaiden of history not scientific in approach : processual archaeology lewis binford non-theoretical approach - post-processual archaeology (ian hodder)= part of the counter reaction


wedge shaped stones roman arches and concrete= roman political competition technical innovations

Archeological Survey

-Conducted to locate and or investigate surface/ subsurface archeological ruins -Typically magnetometers and side scan sonars are used for offshore archeological investigations search for archeological sites collecting information about the location disribution and organization of past human remains non-destructive techniques: aerial survey satellite survey random and non-random


1. a mixture of sand, water lime and cement used in building for holding bricks and stones together

Porticus Aemilia Rome 193 BC A warehouse that, through use of barrel vaults, was made cheaply; shows efficiency in building

193/ 174 BC Rome long building

plan of theater of Pompey

55 BC various materials campus martius, rome republican roman concern over building a permanent theater ---permanent theaters were forbidden before the late republic period luxiorious and had the name of his builder pompey called it a temple to venus curia pompeia- seante meting house simialt to roman buildings- collnaded court behind the theater highlights how Greek theatrical performences were religoius blending of tradition + innovative like the rest of roman art

Geographic Information System

A computer system that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays geographic data. organize spatial or geographic data

Corinthian capital

A more ornate form than Doric or Ionic; it consists of a double row of acanthus leaves from which tendrils and flowers grow, wrapped around a bell-shaped echinus. Although this capital form is often cited as the distinguishing feature of the Corinthian order, there is, strictly speaking, no Corinthian order, but only this style of capital used in the Ionic order.

Grand Tour

A pilgramage of aristocrats wealthy and diplomaktic persons to tour the important area of Europe to obtain the knowledge and classical culture a white mans game

punic wars 264 BC

A series of wars between rome and carthage resuolted in the destruction of Carthage and rome's dominance over the western mediterranean emslavement of the Carthage peoples battled hannibal captures italy local citizens joiining in battle

Doric Style

A simple style of Classical architecture, characterized in part by smooth or fluted column shafts and plain, cushionlike capitals, and a frieze of metopes and triglyphs.

Ionic Style

A style of Classical Greek architecture that is characterized in part by columns that have fluted shafts, capitals with colutes (scrolls), and a base; a continuous frieze is also characteristic. The one that has rams ears look


A temple with a circular plan. Also, the burial chamber of a tholos tomb. shrine delphi tholos

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

AKA Temple of JOM. Finished in 509 BC. BIg temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Mars on Capitoline Hill. WHere Romans went when Gauls sacked Rome in 390 BC. "best + greatest" - the religous center of rome of the capital hill early roman triumph here Etruscan style temple tradition: worked in teracotta inspired later capitals caitoline hill

Old World

Archeology is a stufy unto itself , oftern assoc with history art history and ancient languages rich white guy game the grand tour renaissance/leisure/ education science+nationalism Napolean traveling to Egpyt for the rosetta stone in 1798 individual nations fighting over materials The papal states= popes/churches include collections/ museums in churches

New world

Archeology is a subset of Anthropology , along with cultural anthropology , liguistics and physical anthroplology archeology as science


Bionical urns - cremation remains decorated with geometric designs oldest phase of Etruscan culture and the earliest Iron age of Itallian Etruscan geometric etrsucan script and some greek scprits borrowed greek culture explored painted, geometric design

severe style

Early phase of Classical sculpture characterized by reserved, remote expressions restful calm

Titus Quinctius Flamininus

Elected consul in 198 BC. His charismatic nature and being knowledgeable of Greek culture gave Rome a boost in the war. He gave Greece hope with his slogan "Freedom and self-determination of all Greeks." He also militarily maneuvered Philip V nearly from all of Greece except for key fortresses in Thessaly, Euboea, and Corinth. Philip was forced to communicate with him but refused to give up his inherited fortresses so the war raged on. Flamininus was rewarded for his military success and made proconsul to continue the war. Freedon of the greeks roman general pro imperial power illustrated himself on the coin--- mirroring the greek kings presenting themselves as gods mirroring Phillip V Macedon

English Antiquities

English decorating their houses with archeological remains dillenti- means "delight" was a status game hamilton- ambassador to naples vases that built the pottery market period of collecting where then individual collections become state collections----EX rosetta stone as a result of Napoleans expedition to Egypt the papal states church includes collections Curio collections

Votive heads

Etruscan Accurate/ portrait nature teracotta= baked clay reflect individuality/ personality Testa Malavotta

Portonaccio Temple

Location: Veii, Italy 510 BC Stone, wood, teracotta decoration (statues alond ridge line of the roof done in Etruscan style- Etruscan cultre Teracotta sculptrue atop of the tomb that shows clear similarities to Greek Arcaic styles A sculture of Apollo that is done in a Style that is similar to contemporary Greeks Borad Archaic smile formailized drapery stiff conventional pose all similar to Greek statues Smile that resembles the Greek Archaic style with a powerful body positioning that is more Etruscan a tradtion mass up with Etruscan works: there's still an expression of power within his face and bosy position that resembles the Etruscans The use of teracotta for temples was long establsihed in Rome Significance: evidence for temple design? -Temple controversy: we're not sure that there actually were 3 chambers -Depth of the porch is accurate, we have a wide cella, we only have columns on front of building shows either borrowed of inherited traditions from Greeks

Paris Reliefs

Marble Rome Republican Roman 2nd-Ist BC a scene of sacrafice---bull, ram and a boar offered to Mars--the god of war fpir figures---the census--- acting a scene of testimony and record making referncing to the cencus this monument made to make note that making the postion of the censor was one of the highest public official positions They reflect a collision of two cultures: Greek and Roman many figures in classical poses: restrined, objective style of art the census has this orderly quality ---classical as the fish and samkes are seen intertwining, overlappoing and showing a variety of poses shows the tradition of Roman nobles setting these iamges up in an attempt to allign themselves iwth the values of the roman republic to gain power and authority

Temple of Hercules Victor

Material Penticle Marble Campius Matrius Rome 140 BC Republican Rome entirely greek in material, plan and elevation but set up in the city of Rome Plan was purely Greek --- unlike its neighbors temple of Olive the merchant greek plan greek marble greek masonry style all form a direct allusion to Greece and the Hellenistic arcghiectual practices illustrates the abiltiy of late-hellenistic scultturess to directly re-create past hellenistic materials and traditions illustrated his low society beginnings

Etruscan Tombs

Most of what we know about the Etruscans comes from their tombs Shows scenes of everyday life, mythology, funeral rites, feasting, dancing, swimming, fishing, and playing Usually in bright colors, and a lively style Decline of their civilization is reflected in later art Tomb of the bulls: rape/sex scenes Greek myths Francois Tomb: natiuralistis/realistic paintings subterranean chambers violents scenes now v parties inscriptions: mythological tombs are nearly identical to their homes rock-cut

Temple of Fortuna

Stone/ concrete roman republic 120 BC Praenste ambitious use of concrete in religous context at the top of the sanctaury of Fortuna Hellenistic arch theater temple at the very top is the small round temple- fortuna


Style in which artists concern themselves with describing the exterior likeness of an object or person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner. used by the romans, not the greeks romans portraying themselves as their real image old age= power and status

Theatre temple

Temple of Fortuna The theater of pompeii arches, stair cases, thater space frame a temple used mountain and terracing done with poured concrete circular shaped


The act of aligning the clay on the potter's wheel in order to proceed with forming and shaping.

Appian Way 312 BC

The oldest and most celebrated highway of the roman republic. and aqueduct from rome to se coast of Italy invasions speeded by roman roads emperors naming cities after their 1st name v their clan name begins benefit to roman people

Capitoline Hill

The tallest hill in Rome, site of the Capitoline temple of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva


The wealthy, hereditary aristocrats during the Roman the landowning white males the roman citizens

Archaic- stlye Athena

Villa of Papryi Material- marble 2nd BC roman republic statue features a mixture of style dfrom different eras archaic early classical high classical villa of staues ---had a lot of variety showing a expanding cosmopoitin view of the world was a copy of vrious works this hows the question of originslity didnt really matter to the patron


a horizontal, continuous lintel on a classical building supported by columns or a wall, comprising the architrave, frieze, and cornice.


a large stone coffin with man and woman from Cerveteri, painted terracotta couple reclining Date: 520 B bodies that look stylized the age may be yougner than the actual body inside a lil chubby= showing wealth


a people who inhabited early Italy etruscan is a roman term indigenous culture? we dont know where they came from Rasenna was the name for themselves


a series of shallow concave grooves, vertical on the shaft of a column.


a stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece. material stone culture Etruscan date: 2nd BC location : Tarquinia Necropolis done in a way to represent the deceased Sarcophgagus of Lars Pulena Italy Carved from local soft stone, nenfro The reliefs are carved not from Greek Mythlology biut based on the life experiences of the deceased --- common within Estruscan sculptures Using traditional relief style from the area Common within Etrsucan cultures to have a mixtire of stlyes and traditions: preserves a local tradition facial features show no sign of idealization: mouth firm slight frown illustrating him as an individual with life experience Showing Etrusscan tradition: showing power, wealth and status through funerary monuments ---- this tradition is tracable to the oerintlitizing objects of the 7th centruy-----Fibula beneath his body is the presence of Etruscan Dieities Holding a scroll that has all of his lie accomlishments wirtten on it

post and lintel

a structure consisting of vertical beams (posts) supporting a horizontal beam (lintel)


a triagnular space enclosed by the curves of arches a triangular space enclosed by the curves of arches


a wedge-shaped or tapered stone used to construct an arch. helps form an arch


anncient rome symbol of authority origin in eutruscan civilaization and passed on into roman society symbolized a magistrates power and jurisdiction bundle of rods with a projecting axe blade


backfilling is slosing it up the hole is closed/ mark the stoppping point drop wrappers in the hole after excavating- cleaning and logging storage ans protection of site objects

J.J. Winkleman's art history 1763

beginning of art history set the agenda that we still follow today thinks roman art is crap and greek art is true art german art historian and archeologist

ashlar masonry

carefully cut and grooved stones that support a building without the use of concrete or other kinds of masonry


cemetary city of the dead Eastern mediterranean influences regolini -galassi tomb: Tumuli + Necropoleis city of the dead inderground chambers with dead bodies Etructcans borrowing from Egyptian divinities Greeks selling pots to Etruscans Etruscians exploring greek stories thru red+black figure vessels

Social War (91-88 BC)

civil war fought between rome and their italian allies was very costly the roman allies wanted roman citizenship, power, and the right to vote and then most tries to succeed from the nation


common people freeborn freed all non-land-owning, free men in ancient Rome

peripteral colonnade

consists of a single row of columns on all sides

Q. Lutatius Catulus

consul of roman republic


cylindrical containers used by wealthy women as cases for toiletry articles such as mirrors, cosmetics, and perfume practical and mystical uses

terminus post quem

date after which an event must have taken place AFTER

terminus ante quem

date before which an event must have taken place endpoint before which

Archeological excavations

destructive techniques accidential discovery looting large scale projects pre-planned excavations a multi-step process: research the history of the site and its previous excavation secure the neccesarry permissions raise the funds assemble a team according to research goals secure equipment mapping and est. datum points more specific survey

The Hellenistic

focus on sensuality of the body facial expressions


gold tomb of regolini galassi in Italy Etruscan 650 BC- 7th C Near the western coast of Italy Clothing fastener often elaborately decorated functioned like a modern-day safety pin Repouisse - hammered relief displays skillful gold smithing Material, object and location are near Eastern This is an example of a luxury good made within an exotic material, gold It was common to place these goods within Etruscan tombs as a way for the ruling elite to demonstrate their monetary and cultural wealth Speaks to the Etruscan tradition of using their tombs and funerals to make statements about wealth and status Etruscan tombs favored decorative motifs and exotic materials in the 7th century, more decorated and lavish goods were included to illustrated wealth exoctic materials- gold, silver, and ivory----Asiatic and North African origins Demonstrates there was an local industry within Italy- luxury Orientielixing objects--- to meet the demand of Etruscan nobility The goods within this tomb were preserved thanks to a tumulus built on top -- causing the tomb looters to miss these goods Also demonstrates cultural exchange with the East--- shows contact with travelers from the East Has a repousse of lions and rossettes Some believe it to have funerary conncetions and connections to Egyptian iconogrpahy Connections to Egyptian dieties and the sun disks they would wear on their heads Found within the Necroplolis of Etruscan culture was a product of intercation from Carthage and the East Etruscan culture was a mixture of Villianovan, Greek and near Eastern traditions

Funerary Mask

gold, repousse, royal grave, placed on deceased's face, hair detailed in patrician families, these were preserved as ancestor portraits for display or for ceremonies


greek sculptor gold statue of zeus for the temple of Metellus originator of copying sculptures by plaster casts and pointing machines


half of a circle

pointing machine

helped copy greek statues

A podium temple sits...

high base Temple of Jupitor optimus maximus best and greatest + the religious . center of Rome on the capital hill Etruscan temple style tradition= worked in teracotta- the color red assoc with victory

Etruscan mirror

images of Mythology: Aphrodite and Helen engraved Mirror of Paris incsribed often made of bronze


informal alliance between A group of three rulers system of checks and balances The first triumvirate: Pompeius Magnus juluis Caesar= claims to be the man of the people Crassus Caesar was the last man standing and becomes the dictator for a time romans fighting romans to gain land within the mediteranean

Traditional Italic Domus/// The Atrium house

material various location pompeii Culture republican rome mant cases the exterioir received little attention and there was a lavish indoors sig public function for hosting guests diff from Greek how the owners and the guests interacted the romans operated business and political interactions within their home roman houses didnt hide away women and children like the greek houses tended to no spearate womens quarters--- women also had political and social power diff asrrangements of public space Roman house: atrium: the open water guest greeting area--- display objercts you want visitors to see partially roofed sky open in the middle---beneath is the pool called impluvium tricilium is the public dinning room roman design more symmmetrical than Greek personal bedrooms out of public view in both roman and Greek House of Faun good ex of this Hellenistic touches peristyle offers a good look inside of these houses roman like to introduce elements of nature indoors

Archeological techniques

non-desdtructive techniqiues LIDAR- laser image detecting and ranging multi-spectral imaging

Etruscan Temple

not much survives, template is made of mud-brick, steps in front direct attention to deep porch, influences of Greeks are apparent, raised on podium, three doors represent three Gods

Photogrammetric Surveying

obtaining reliable information on objects and the environment thru recording measuring and interpreting images and paterns

servian wall 390 BC

oldest architecture in rome tomb of romulus on top of the city wall of ancient rome volcanic sufa capitoline hill

Curio Collection

period of collection indivudual collections become state collections thru musuems hoarding relics in a curio closet lord elgin hoarding sculptures

Types of archeology

prehistoric: before the written word historical: after written documents maritime: having to do with the sea public: having to do with public projects- cultural resource management

Campus Martius, Rome

publically owned area of rome named after god of war- mars held the temple of mars hadrian;s temple parthenon

Classical Style

restrained, objective style of art more developed muscular form --- style that Augustus quotes


roman art was imperial art paid for by patrons the relationship between the patron- patronus and the client client typically of lower class a freedman became the client of his former master

Theater of Marcellus and temple of apollo

rome, italy republcian rome 1st BC campius martius, Rome marble prima portess, outside of rome was begun by caesar and finished by augustus, who named the building after his nephew Casear aquired land to outdo pomepy rising imprial rome sewage systems elecrtions meaningless 44-22 BC, built by Caesar, Augustus continued building it after Caesar's death.Held secular games, plays, and gladiator fights. Temple of Apollo Sosianus final building in the campus martius rep the change of the republiv to the empire located bw the theater of Marcellus and porticus Metelli probably built by a private citizen narrative freize on interioir collonade clasical scultpures displayec inside transitional moment from republic to imperial as it has the ealriest depictions of triumph and vistory ---scuplted images


the official count of a population

barrel vault

the simplest form of vault consisting of an unbroken series of arches; it forms a tunnel like shape


the study of ancient things systemetic study and description of ancient objects scientific study of the material remains of past cultures


the study of humans and human cultures


the study of rock layers digging different soil types + chronology first in, last out

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