Harry Potter Quiz

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What does Hagrid do to the gun that Vernon Dursley threatens him with in the first book?

ties it in a knot

How tall is the troll that becomes lose in the school in the first book?

twelve feet

To get to Platform 9 and 3/4, you have to run through the ______ in between PLatform 9 and 10.


What is the Dursley's address? (number and street name only)

4 Privet Drive

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor McGonagall's chamber?

A Giant Wizard Chess Set

What Charm did Dobby use to smash the Dursley's pudding?

A Hover Charm

What kind of letter does Ron receive from his mother in the beginning of the second book?

A Howler

Who is Molly Weasley's husband's name A.K.A. Ron's dad? (first and last name)

Arthur Weasley

What does Professor Flitwick teach?


In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Sprout's chamber?

Devil's Snare

Where do the students of Hogwarts go to buy school supplies?

Diagon Alley

What is the house-elf's name that visits Harry in the second book?


Who tampered with the bludger that broke Harry's arm?


Who does Harry meet when he is getting fitted fro his school robes?

Draco Malfoy

What is Hagrid's dog's name?


In the second book, how do the Weasleys and Harry et to Diagon Alley?

Floo Powder

What was the three-head dog's name that guarded the Sorcerer's Stone hiding spot?


Who is the Defense of the Arts Teacher in the second book?

Gilderoy Lockhart

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Gryffindor


What house is Ginny sorted into?


What house is Harry put in?


Who got blamed for opening up the Chamber of Secret the first time it was open? (last name only)


On what day does Mrs.Norris get petrified?


On what holiday was James and Lily Potter killed by Lord Voldemort?


What is Harry's owl's name?


Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Hufflepuff


What does Professor Sprout teach?


What does Professor Binn teach?

History of Magic

When he says Diagon Alley wrong when he is traveling by Floo Powder in the second book, where does he end up?

In Knockturn Alley

How does Fred,George, and Ron Weasley rescue Harry from the Dursley's in the second book?

In an enchanted Ford Anglia

How does Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts in the second book?

In an enchanted Ford Anglia

When is Harry Potter's birthday?

July 31

How did Harry's parents die (the real way)

Killing Curse by Lord Voldemort

In the second book, who are the leaders of the Dueling Club? (last names only)

Lockhart and Snape

Who was attached to Professor Quirrell's head?

Lord Voldemort

Who is the librarian at Hogwarts?

Madam Pince

What was going to cure the people who got petrified?


What was Cornelius Fudge's job in the first five books?

Minister of Magic

What office in the Ministry of Magic does the Arthur Weasley work in?

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

Who is Arthur Weasley's wife's name A.K.A Ron's mom? (first and last name)

Molly Weasley

What is Filch's cat's name?


Who is the ghost of the Gryffindor house?

Nearly Headless NIck

What does Harry,Ron, and Hermione go to on Halloween in the second book?

Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party

What kind of brooms did Draco's dad get the Slytherin team?

Nimbus 2001

What is the dragon's name that Hagrid raises in the first book?


What do Hermione,Harry, and Ron brew so that they can see if the heir of Slytherin is Draco?

Polyjuice Potion

What goes Professor Snape teach?


Who gave Harry his Invisibility Cloak? (that use to be is dad's)

Professor Dumbledore

Who is the Head of Ravenclaw?

Professor Flitwick

Who is the Head of Gryffindor?

Professor McGonagall

Who is the Head of Slytherin?

Professor Snape

Who is the Head of Hufflepuff?

Professor Sprout

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Ravenclaw.


What are the centaur's names that Harry meets in the first book?

Ronan and Bane

Fill in the blank. One of the founders of Hogwarts was ________ Slytherin.


What founder created the Chamber of Secrets?

Salazar Slytherin

What does Draco Malfoy play as on the Slytherin Quidditch team?


What position does Harry play on Gryffindor's Quidditch team?


How did Madam Pomfrey fix Harry's arm?


What house does the Sorting Hat think of putting Harry in?


What house is Draco Malfoy put in?


Who is the ghost of the Slytherin house?

The Bloody Baron

What is the wizard newspaper called?

The Daily Prophet

What does Lord Voldemort want to make after getting the Sorcerer's Stone?

The Elixir of Life

Where does Dumbledore say not to go to in the first book? (other than the third floor corridor)

The Forbidden Forest

What is Harry trying to catch as Seeker?

The Golden Snitch

Who is the ghost of the Ravenclaw house?

The Grey Lady

Who does Harry Potter meet while trying to get to Platform 9 and 3/4?

The Weasley Family

What do Ron and Harry crash into with the Ford Anglia when they get to Hogwarts?

The Whomping Willow

What does Borgin and Burkes sell?

Things of the Dark Arts

What Horcrux was destroyed first?

Tom Riddle's diary

What does Professor McGonagall teach?


Can Harry speak Parseltongue? Yes or No?


Did Harry's parents leave him money at Gringotts? (Yes or No answer)


What kind of broom is Harry's first broom?

a Nimbus 2000

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Snape's chamber?

a Potion riddle

Professor McGonagall is a animagus, what can she turn into?

a cat

What is in vault #713 that Hagrid picks up in the first book?

a dirty little package

What creature does Hagrid raise in the first book?

a dragon

How did Hagrid transport Harry from his old house in Godroc's Hallow to the Dursleys?

a flying motorcycle

What is inside Harry's wand?

a phoenix feather

In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Quirrell's chamber?

a troll

What color was the Sorcerer's Stone?


What kind of snake does Harry talk to at the zoo on Dudley's birthday?

boa constrictor

What did the rogue bludger in the second book do to Harry?

broke his arm

How do first-years get to Hogwarts after getting off the train?

by boat

How did Harry's parents die (what the Dursleys said)

car crash

At Vernon Dursley's firm, what is made?


In the Sorcerer's Stone's hideout with its seven chambers, what was in Professor Flitwick's chamber?

flying keys

What does Madam Hooch teach?

flying lessons

What did Hagrid do to Dudley on Harry's 12th birthday?

gave him a pig's tail

After the rogue bludger in the second book breaks Harry's arm, what does Gilderoy Lockhart do to Harry?

got rid of all the bones in his arm

What happened when Professor Quirrell touch Harry?

he got burned

What did Dumbledore say he would see in the Mirror of Erised?

himself holding a pair of wooly socks

What is wrong with the barrier between Platform 9 and 10 in the second book?

it got sealed

What can unicorn blood do?

keep you alive

On the wall where Mrs.Norris is petrified, what was written on the wall? ( Fill in the Blank, THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES_______________, BEWARE.

of the heir

What color hair does the Weasley family have?


What does Professor McGonagall do after she sees Harry catching Neville's Remembrall?

shows him to Oliver Wood

In my part of the Dursley's house is Harry living in when he is 11 year old?

the cupboard under the stairs

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