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Identify the structures of the male reproductive system (be able to identify the anatomical structures, their functions, purpose, and/or uniqueness). External vs. internal structures o Understand the functions mentioned in lecture regarding some of the structures. o Understand the differences regarding male erection, ejaculation, and emission.

Foreskin cut and removed

Describe what is distinctive about human sex and love

The human species is distinctive from other species in that we combine sexual activity and interaction with the emotion of love. How strongly one feels love and the expression of sexual pleasure often go hand in hand

Which of the following are disadvantages to face-to-face interviews? (Select all that apply.)

The personal nature of the interaction may lead to purposeful omissions of information. They can be expensive to conduct.

Explain what sexual culture means and how it organizes sexual behavior

there are different sexual cultures(ones that are approving, disapproving, encouraging, and oppressive). Sexual behavior tends to be looked down upon in disapproving societies, and approving societies are okay with it. Encouraging societies say that sex is healthy and should be normal. oppressive societies look down upon sex.

Understand the functions mentioned in lecture regarding some of the structures.

these structures relate to the function and how these structures respond

Kaplan's model of sexual response

three stages of sexual response that include desire, excitement, and orgasm

Describe how the media can blur the boundary between private and shared sexual images.

.1. Private sexual imagery has become public. 2. More explicit sexual images are being shared in public

Define sexual unlearning

- forget something that was taught at a very young age about sexuality- challenging to older generations to unlearn old taboos and integrate new, positive attitudes

Why might some choose to circumcise their female children's genitals?

- removal or shortening of clitoris- may include sewing the labia together to prevent sexual intercourse or rupturing of hymen -they don't want intercourse happening

Discuss the process of menstruation and how it is influenced. o When does ovulation occur?

- shedding of uterine lining- secular trend: average age for menarche has declined from 17 to 12- tied to body fat; estrogen stored in fat cells so fatter women mature more quickly- women in homes with non-biologically related males have this sooner 10 to 16 days before your period starts Menstruation, the shedding of the uterine lining, is one of the most significant physiological processes of the female body. During each menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus is prepared to nourish a fertilized ovum. If conception occurs, the ovum will implant in the uterus and the uterine lining will not be shed. If conception does not occur, the uterine lining is shed and exits the body through the vagina. This shedding process is what is referred to as a woman's period

Also understand the variability of the hymen. Does it indicate virginity? Why / why not?

- thin membrane containing blood vessels that covers the introitus- can be imperforate which means it completely closes over the vaginal opening no, it doesn't indicate virginity(it can tear/break) due to other reasons

Understand what happens in menopause (self-study / reading only).

- time when menstruation eventually stops and woman can no longer get pregnant - Hormone Replacement Therapy can help offset some of the lowered levels of hormones Menopause is a time in a woman's life when menstruation eventually stops and the body goes through changes that no longer allow her to get pregnant. The word menopause comes from the Greek meaning "end of monthly cycles

Discuss how pornography has changed the role of media in our personal sexual lives.

A fake image of how people should look for their appearance, and how they do things in the bedroom. Pornography: Any form of media created to sexually arouse the user, especially for commercial purposes •Sexual images sold for personal titillation •Soft pornography: Features nude images but no actual Penetrative sex scenes


A subphase of male orgasm. Emission is the movement of sperm (via the vas deferens) and semen into the urtehra in prepartion for ejaculation. - cremaster muscle pulls testes up close to the body to prepare for sperm release

Identify the major hormones that play a role in: sexual behavior (also overlaps with sexual arousal topic) § functioning of the reproductive system

Androgens, estrogens, testosterone.

FEMALE: External vs. internal structures

EXTERNAL: vulva, mons pubis, pubic bone, labia majora, labia minora, sebaceous glands, clitoral hood, clitoris, clitoral glans, clitoral crura, urethral opening, vaginal opening, anus, mucous membrane, Bartholin's glands INTERNAL: G-spot, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes/uterine tubes, introitus, hymen, perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium, fimbria, ovaries

Identify unique traits of human sexuality and how culture influences them.

At birth, the human brain is not fully developed Develops quickly in the first 3 years of life, as culture is learned Humans have larger brains in terms of body weight than other species at maturity Humans learn verbal language and symbols in context to represent the language of a group Through language humans create and share culture Humans create and use tools that allow groups to adapt to diverse environments Humans have a unique sense of self within the context of culture Humans have a sense of finite time and have knowledge of mortality Humans have deeply held beliefs about ultimate concerns, the meaning of life, death and immortality Basis of culture and religion

Discuss the role of the Internet as you explore and express your sexuality.

BENEFITS •Online dating •Virtual relationships •Virtual love •Virtual sex RISKS •Cyberbullying •Fake information •Online predators Children's online access has changed sexual socialization in terms of its potential psychological and social effects •Advantage of children's access - They can anonymously find answers to questions they may be too embarrassed to ask others •Resistance of parents and schools to teach about sexual well-being gives rise to new patterns of sexual socialization •The Internet becomes the default institution of sexual socialization


Both stimulates and offends a sexual arousal

What role does the endocrine system have in sexual physiology?

Controls production of sex hormones (estrogen in women and testosterone in men) and the production of eggs in women and sperm in men.


Culture plays a part in the tasting of bodily fluids • Sources of different taste sensations in people's fluids is determined from the food that is consumed

early clinical history of sexual science

Doctors in the 19th century, and well into the 20th century, tended to view sex as a disease to be cured or a problem to be fixed, seldom as something positive. But consider this: doctors saw only patients with unusual sexual behaviors who came to their clinics


During sex and intimacy, sounds may play a critical part • Enhance sensations of touch and taste

MALE: External vs. internal structures

EXTERNAL: penis, scrotum and testicles. INTERNAL: vas deferens, prostate and urethra.

Explain the role that the Internet has played in revolutionizing human society and how it impacts our social connection to one another

Easy access to porn, nude photos, etc Content which contains explicit or hidden sexual messages whether real or imagined, visual or auditory •Some visual images from early media have also been transformed from something very negative to something positive •Example: Consider "Vampires"

Identify the structures of the female reproductive system (be able to identify the anatomical structures, their functions, purpose, and/or uniqueness).

External vs. internal structures o Understand the functions mentioned in lecture regarding some of the structures. o Which structure is the primary source of orgasm for females? o Understand the difference between lubrication and ejaculation for females. Discuss the variability in appearance of female genital structures. o Also understand the variability of the hymen. Does it indicate virginity? Why / why not? • Understand what female genital mutilation (or cutting / circumcision) is and why it is performed in certain cultures. o How is this a concern regarding female sexual rights? o Why might some choose to circumcise their female children's genitals? o Why do some consider female genital cutting / circumcision to be a form of genital mutilation?

How is this a concern regarding female sexual rights?

Females have no control over this in many countries

Describe the role pheromones may play in sexual behavior and menstrual synchrony.

Females react to the other females that they live with by the pheromones in the air. - alignment of menstrual cycles of women who live together- McClintock studied this

• Describe the sexual triangle model of human sexuality

Humans are unique in the whole universe in creating rules and beliefs around sex that have become the foundation of culture, individuality, and religion •These unique traits come from the combination of three elements→ •Our species •Culture •Individuality

Demonstrate the connection between pheromones and sexual attraction and arousal.

In certain species, sex pheromones appear to communicate either the availability of females for mating or the presence of males in the females' territory

Explain how cybersex allows for self-exploration and has changed the ways in which people have sex.

Incapable of finding people in real life. Online dating •Virtual relationships •Virtual love •Virtual sex Sites that allow people to form online relationships, for business and pleasure •Create networks that encompass friends and sexual and romantic interests •SNSs have three main characteristics: Allow people to construct public or semipublic profile Offer a list of other users with whom people share a connection Allow people to view other people's networks

• Understand why it is important to know about the sexual body

Individuals need to be comfortable in a relationship to enjoy their own sexuality People experience sexual desire and love differently based on: Sexual Identity Sexual motivation Background/history Culture Gender roles Human motivation to engage in sexual behavior arises from physiological and psychological factors Pleasure is influenced both by thoughts or cognitions and by physiological functioning • Interpersonal cues from other people To stay healthy and take precautions to protect the body due to sexual interactions.

Compare and contrast how the great world religions view sexuality.

Islam: male sexual honor- female virginity before marriage- gender segregation- sexual purity of children Chivalry, must please wife sexually, mutual pleasure between spouses Christianity- religion where certain sex-negative ideas were introduced such as views about sin and the dangers of the female body- women heavily governed in what they can do with their body (victim blaming); women held responsible for male responses- ex) open letters to young girls about "protecting modesty" Hinduism: - place where female fertility and mutual sexual satisfaction for both men and women took on greater meaning- held sexuality in high esteem with positive view- where Hinduism took hold Judaism- joyful, for procreation, disapproves premarital sex, homosexuality is forbidden, negatively viewed

Discuss online romance, hooking up, and sex, and their real-world consequences for your life and relationships.

It could help build your confidence, get more accustomed to new people, and new relationships often shape way for people to escape their boundaries.

Sexual Literacy

Knowledge and skills needed to promote and protect sexual-well-being

• Compare Masters and Johnson's EPOR model of sexual response with the one proposed by Kaplan.

MASTERS AND JOHNSON: KAPLAN: Kaplan has desire EPOR model: Four stages of the human sexual response • Excitement phase: First stage of the body's sexual response, marked by vasocongestion and erection in the clitoris and the penis • Plateau phase: Second stage of the human sexual response in which sensitivity to touch increases and becomes more pleasurable • Sex flush: During the plateau phase, as the genitals are stimulated more, the chest area flushes to pink or red • .: Third phase of the human sexual response, at the peak of the plateau Phase • For both women and men, orgasm involves increased muscle tension throughout the body and then relaxation, especially in the pelvic area • Endorphins: Chemicals produced in the brain during strenuous exercise, excitement, pain, and orgasm that may alter our emotions in the period after orgasm • Work as "natural pain relievers" to produce a sense of well-being • Resolution: Fourth phase of the human sexual response • Involves relaxation of the body and a feeling of psychological wellness, as the extra blood in the genitals that caused erection drains out and the genitals return to their normal state • Refractory period: The period following orgasm during which a man cannot have another erection


Men and women experience different sexual arousal sequences on the basis of visual cues • Men tending to be aroused more easily than women

Identify the various sexual positions

Missionary- best opening. COwgirl- girl on top. SIde kying position. DOggy style rare entry. Rear entry, men front to women back Sexual intimacy can produce different emotional responses from people • Noncoital behaviors: Sexual behaviors that do not involve penetration of a vagina by a penis • Coital positions: Placement of bodies during sexual intercourse involving penile-vaginal penetration.


Most dominant sense • Leads to the highest levels of arousal and response to sexual stimulation • Erogenous zones: Areas on the body that provide great pleasure when stimulated by touch • Primary erogenous zones: Areas of the body that are most associated with sexual touch and pleasure • Genitals, butt, anus, perineum, breasts, and inner surface of the thighs, armpits, navel, neck, ears, and mouth • Secondary erogenous zones: Areas of the body that, when touched in a sensual way, can trigger arousal in the primary erogenous zones • Due to individual variation in people's preferences for touch, any other area of the body can be a secondary erogenous zone

• Explain how sex, history, and religion are intertwined

Painting of human female genitals found in Chauvet cave is the earliest-known representation of female sexual fertility •Spirituality: Individual's inner sense of having deep values, a spiritual path, or belief in an ultimate reality •Some prehistoric images suggest a burning desire to capture the power or miracle of sex Sexual Culture: Distinct shared sexual meanings and sexual practices of a group Great World Religions: Religions that have huge followings around the world, have roots in traditional holy texts and moral principles, and have changed the course of history Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam religion has had a lot of effect on how sex is viewed 20TH CENTURY- time period where casual sex, including premarital, increased- during both World Wars, women entered the work force and sense of strength increased but were expected to return to "traditional" values after1963 - contraceptives1970s - gay liberation movement1981 - AIDS flared up

Understand why the right to sexual pleasure is considered essential for sexual well-being

People are better able to attain sexual well-being and are healthier when: • They feel safe in their right to pursue their individual sexual pleasure • Male sexual pleasure reinforces male sexual dominance over women through prostitution, rape, and compulsory marital coitus • Compromises a female's right to sexual pleasure • Stated idea of sexual pleasure being a fundamental right is a big step toward sexual equality • All people should be able to engage in forms of sexual behavior that bring them happiness and fulfillment as long as they: • Are consensual • Allow their partner(s) to experience dignity, power, and well-being • Sexual pleasure is much more than just "feeling good"

Define how technological advancement has altered the frequency and methods of communication between people

People find their significant others, people to date, one night stands, meetups all over the internet now.

Recognize how sexual norms influence group acceptance of individual

People's expectations form the ideal blueprint of a sexual culture and are put into practice through sexual norms. A sexual norm is the standard of sexual behavior expected of people in a particular role, relationship, and situation. Sexual norms may be very general or context specific, which means that you may do one thing in a certain context, such as in the bedroom, but must behave very differently in another setting, such as at a shopping mall cultural rules about acceptable behavior- don't truly realize their power until you violate them- having these regarding sex and marriage prevented fighting among males (evolutionarily beneficial)Cultural examples: no incest, consent needed, not in public, no beastiality, monogamy (in mainstream)

Explain how different religions shape sexual attitudes in the United States through symbolic boundaries.

Puritanism: Morally upright and socially strict beliefs and practices of the Puritans Factor in how American society has framed the discussion about topics as nudity, premarital sex,extramarital sex, virginity, and pornography Symbolic boundary: Divides people according to their religious beliefs about what are good and bad/right or wrong sexual behaviors

Outline the changes in human sexuality over the past century, including the concept of sexual identity.

Puritans were Morally upright and socially strict beliefs and practices of the Puritans are considered, and now society is more open to talking about sex. Majority of societies can be sexually approving and disapproving, encouraging, or oppressively. Society is between approving and disapproving.

Explain how spirituality and sexual individuality can be compatible.

Radical inclusion: New sexual and cultural norm that grants everyone the right to be a member of a religious community, regardless of their color, gender, sexual identity, or any Other characteristic People can be spiritual and deeply religious and enjoy a satisfying sex life

Why might some individuals choose to circumcise their penis later in life? Or circumcise their male children's genitals?

Religious, media, personal hygiene

Discuss norms and boundaries as they occur online.

Sexting eliminates any barrier.

Examine how diverse media have influenced sexual norms and expression.

Sexual content in the media has changed our culture in four fundamental ways- Private sexual imagery has become public More explicit sexual images are being shared in Public Explicit sex talk has become acceptable in diverse conversations Sex in pop culture has transformed public attitudes about sexuality in society as a whole

Discuss how personal sexual needs influence sexual well-being.

Sexual desire and love appear to be normal for all human beings (Fisher, 2004; Jankowiak, 2008). Nevertheless, people may experience these feelings differently, some leaning more toward sex, others leaning more toward love. Still others may choose to remain single and abstain from sex. It depends, in part, on sexual motivation, background, culture, gender roles, and interpersonal cues from other people. • Understand

Identify the positive contributions of Freud, Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and others to sex research.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an Austrian neurologist who revolutionized the study of the human mind, as applied to personality, sexuality, and symbolism. Kinsey studied human sexual behavior and how often it happened. It was far more than what was expected and he gathered empirical data. William H. Masters (1915-2001), a gynecologist, and Virginia E. Johnson (1925-), a psychologist, worked together to understand how people became aroused and what went wrong when t hey couldn't have an orgasm. Masters and Johnson made important discoveries about the physiological responses of sexual intercourse

Relate the sexual behavior of the bonobo chimps to human sexual behavior

The female Bonobo conceives and bears only one offspring every 5 or 6 years Matriarchal: Type of social system in which females are dominant Norms: cultural rules about acceptable behavior Human package for evolution-human brain language, and culture, made possible human reproduction and adaptation to all environments

Explain how sexual expression online may contribute to people's sexual well-being.

The right to privacy. Experts speculate that sexual specializations have become more prominent through online community formation •These communities provide support for the growth of sexual individuality and sexual well-being all over the world •For example: •Transgender : People who express gender behavior that varies from the traditional binary •Internet has enabled such individuals to join online communities to meet and strengthen their identities and their common cause

. o Why are testis external structures rather than internal structures?

The testicles make sperm. To do this, the temperature of the testicles needs to be cooler than the inside of the body. This is why the scrotum is located outside of the body.

Understand how to create a sexual journal and the benefits of keeping one.

Therapists recommend keeping a sexual journal to help individuals and couples explore their sexual fantasies and sexual needs, but recording personal sexual thoughts and experiences in a sexual journal can enhance everyone's sexual well-being

advantage of face to face interviews

They allow researchers to build rapport. The interviewer can vary the sequence of questions depending on responses. Interviewers can ask follow-up questions for clarification.

Explain how sex research can improve the sexual well-being of individuals

To be more aware of sexual transmissions, diseases, etc. To be able to practice safe sex and other sexual interactions

Apply the concept of bodily integrity rights to female genital mutilation and circumcision.

To stay clean and cannot be impregnated. People are better able to attain sexual well-being and are healthier when: • They feel safe in their right to pursue their individual sexual pleasure • Male sexual pleasure reinforces male sexual dominance over women through prostitution, rape, and compulsory marital coitus • Compromises a female's right to sexual pleasure • Stated idea of sexual pleasure being a fundamental right is a big step toward sexual equality • All people should be able to engage in forms of sexual behavior that bring them happiness and fulfillment as long as they: • Are consensual • Allow their partner(s) to experience dignity, power, and well-being • Sexual pleasure is much more than just "feeling good"

Describe how the five senses shape and express sexuality

Touch, sight, smell, taste, sound.

male erection

Triggered by parasympathetic nervous system (Involuntary) Nerves will trigger -> Vasodilation -Corpora cavernosa (and to lesser extent corpus spongiosum) engorge with blood Ischiocavernosus & Bulbospongiosus contractions compress veins in the penis & prevent return of blood to the heart (until it needs to get oxygenated.) - firm and enlarged condition of body organ or part when erectile tissue becomes filled with blood- blood vessels in penis expand

Understand why sexual research has been disconnected from U.S. policy.

Unfortunately, a variety of recent research studies reveal that some politicians oppose rational planning and good public health care when it comes to family planning

Explain what makes sexuality a human right, not a privilege

Universal human rights are freedoms to which all humans are entitled, such as the freedoms of speech and religion, freedom from violence or intimidation, and the most basic right of all, to life. These rights are based on inherent qualities of life: freedom, dignity, and equality of all human beings

What were some of the sexual health issues discussed for male sexual anatomy? o What can cause penile "fractures"?

a tear in the tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea is the rubbery sheath of tissue below the skin that allows the penis to increase in width and length to produce a firm erection. Sometimes the erectile tissue beneath the tunica albuginea also ruptures. That's known as the corpus cavernosum.

Discuss the variability in appearance of female genital structures.

all genital structures are unique Hymen may look different for every female

Compare the hormonal cycle of biological males to the female menstrual cycle and menopause. (also see Table 4.1 in textbook) o What role does follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) play for biological males?

andropause, occurs in some men, as decreasing levels of testosterone slow the desire for sex and reduce the depth of sensation in the genitals. FSH and LH stimulate Sertoli cells and interstitial cells of Leydig in the testes to facilitate sperm production. The Leydig cells produce testosterone, which also is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of males. In females, FSH and LH cause estrogen and progesterone to be produced.

Describe the continuum of approving and disapproving cultures around the world.

approving: culturally supportive of positive attitudes toward sexual expression and behavior- focus on pleasure and positivity disapproving: negative cultural attitudes toward sexual expression and behavior- focus on disease states and risk

Why do some consider male circumcision to be a form of genital mutilation?

because this is a way to hurt the genitals that could allow sexual satisfaction

Why do some consider female genital cutting / circumcision to be a form of genital mutilation?

because you are taking out the females right to sexuality, and in turn this is mutilation

Which structure is the primary source of orgasm for females?

clitoral body

Compare and contrast cultural relativism, cultural chauvinism, and sexual chauvinism.

cultural relativism: ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one's own culture cultural chauvinism: belief that one's culture (and often one's religion or spirituality) is somehow objectively superior to all other cultures (and religions or spiritualities). sexual chauvinism: Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women. The belief that one gender is superior to the other, especially that men are superior to women

What is Koro syndrome?

culturally related disorder characterized by intense anxiety that the penis (vulva or nipples in females) is shrinking or retracting and will recede into the body. Usually it occurs in epidemics in Southeastern Asia, being extremely rare in western countries.

Understand the process of circumcision and how it affects the physical structure of the penis and possibly the male sexual experience

cutting off foreskin, For the glans penis, circumcised men reported decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or tingling and numbness of the glans penis)


ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra

How sexual literacy relates to emotional literacy

emotional literacy is the capacity to perceive and express feelings

Understand the endocrine system (overview for both binary biological sexes) - both lecture and textbook.

lecture definition: The endocrine system is the system of glands that regulates body functions and processes, including puberty, metabolism, and mood, by releasing chemical substances called hormones. textbook definition: - system of glands that regulate body functions and processes by releasing hormones- processes include puberty, metabolism, and mood

Understand the difference between lubrication and ejaculation for females.

lubrication is what the vagina naturally secretes to keep it moist and protected, and ejaculation is what happens during orgasm

How is circumcision a concern regarding male sexual rights?

may not allow men to have proper sexual satisfaction

Describe the benefits and drawbacks of each sexual position on performance and sexual enjoyment

missionary: kissing, eye-contact cowgirl: more g-spot stimulation for female side lying: better comfort doggy: much more

o Does penis size matter? § Understand the difference in size regarding flaccid vs. erect penis.

no, it doesn't matter. or resting, state flaccid: , the spaces are collapsed and the tissue is condensed erect: blood flows into the spaces, causing distention and elevation of the penis. The amount of blood entering the penis can be increased by physical or psychological stimulation.

Explain why the power structure in many cultures prevents women from realizing their right to sexual pleasure

patriarchal societies say that women don't deserve pleasure

Understand what female genital mutilation (or cutting / circumcision) is and why it is performed in certain cultures.

performing female circumcision without antiseptic or anesthesia- "traditional" and associated with transition from being a girl to a woman- many women will never be able to have sexual pleasure and often it is unsanitary of partially or totally removing the external genitalia of girls and young women for nonmedical reasons.

Define religious identity in relation to sexual behavior.

religious identity marks a huge effect on sexual behavior because they tend to have strict moral values in relation to sex

Freud believed that children had sexual feelings and had to ________ their incestuous feelings because they were unacceptable to society and led to fetishism and madness.


Discuss how sexual fantasy shapes sexual motivation and behavior.

sexual fantasies might help someone feel satisfied and motivated to have sex

Understand what happens in the body during orgasm.

• Autonomic nervous response because the brain's limbic system controls it • During orgasm, the lower pelvic muscles go through a series of quick contractions around the genitals and the anus • Involves involuntary muscle spasms in other parts of the body including vocal spasms

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