HDFS 276 - Midterm

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What criteria would you have to meet in order to take a human sexuality class in the early 1940s?

-Married/engaged -Heterosexual relationship

What is the egocentric fallacy? What is the ethnocentric fallacy?

Egocentric Fallacy: The mistaken belief that our own personal experience and values generally are held by others. Ethnocentric Fallacy: Also known as ethnocentrism, the belief that our own ethnic group, nation, or culture is innately superior to others.

Be familiar with the concept of sex positivity as discussed during lecture.

Sex Positive: having an open attitude towards sexuality *Be able to identify some examples that might indicate if someone was more likely to hold a sex positive or sex negative attitude.

What is the definition of a sexologist? What are the three fields of professional practice in sexology?

Sexologist: A health professional, usually a psychologist or psychiatrist, who studies sex and psychosexual interactions between males and females and transgender individuals 3 Fields: - Research - Sexual Education - Clinical Practice

Where does sex drive start?

The Brain - It acts as the "pleasure center." The hypothalamus governs sexual functions.

True or False: Children whose parents talk to them are more likely than others to postpone sexual activity.

True. When they do become sexually active, they have fewer partners and are more likely to use contraceptives.

How did Masters and Johnson collect data used to detail human sexual response? a. oral interviews b. correlations c. written surveys d. observation and direct measurement

d. observation and direct measurement

What can parents do to help answer your child's questions about sexuality?

-Don't wait for your child to ask questions -Use children's books as a resource -Find "teachable" moments. -Relax and be "ask-able." -Share your feelings, values, and beliefs and WHY you feel the way you do. -Know your facts. -Tell them about the joys, not just the dangers. -Listen. -Clarify what your child really wants to know -Understand what they should know for their age -Don't shame them or make them feel guilty -Clear up any wrong or misleading information the child may have -If you can't answer right away, say so and be sure to get back to the child

What do experts in child development say about genital touching/self-stimulation?

-Genital touching and sex play continues to be common. It's not a negative thing, just set boundaries. -Sexual curiosity is normal. Children want to know how things work. *Parents should be more concerned if babies and children show absolutely no curiosity about exploring their world and their bodies than if they touch themselves.

What are some reasons to study sexual anatomy?

-Increase sexual comfort and satisfaction for yourself -Increase satisfaction for current or future partners -Be able to pass on accurate information to children regardless of biological sex or gender identity -Understand your sexual health and related disease risk factors

What are some fears for someone coming out?

-Losing friendships and family connections -Being the subject of gossip and stereotypes -Being harassed and/or physically assaulted -Losing financial support from family members -Being thrown out of their home -Losing their job

What contributes to possible underreporting of rape and sexual assault for male victims?

-Many men blame themselves -Sometimes heterosexual male survivors sometimes worry that they may have given off "gay vibes" -Guilt because they may have become sexually aroused/ejaculated -Guilt because they couldn't protect themselves

What are some things to keep in mind regarding gender?

-Transgender can be an umbrella term -Transgender should be used as an adjective, NOT a noun or verb -Transsexual is NOT an umbrella term, it's an older term from the medical community, may continue to be used by people who have medical procedures such as surgeries and/or use of hormones -Transition is typically preferred to sex change -Gender confirmation surgery or sex reassignment surgery, NOT sex change surgery -Cross dresser as opposed to transvestite (for gender expression NOT entertainment) -Drag Queen or Drag King (for entertainment; NOT the same as transgender or crossdresser terms)

In what year did marital rape become illegal in all 50 states?


How do the US rates of circumcision compare to worldwide rates?

33-37% of males are circumsized world-wide About 71% of males are circumsized in the US.

Related to research about fantasy, what were findings about gender? What are some common obstacles to studying fantasy?

98% of men and 80% of women surveyed in the 2001 study in the Journal of Sex Research reported having fantasies. Obstacles: -The way data is obtained (retrospective reports, use of pre-set checklists) -Small sample sizes -Not longitudinal -Issues with reporting -Focus on "deviant" sexuality

What does research indicate related to the impact of talking to a child about sexual attitudes and behaviors?

A child's sex education does not begin with a discussion of "birds and the bees" but with parental ATTITUDES from birth about their bodies. Children learn as much about sex from a parent's tone of voice or facial expression as from words they use.

What is gender dysphoria? *

A clinical term used related to transgender identity. A "diagnosis" istypically required for a person to receive formal support related to transitioning; however, many transgender individuals are not distressed or confused about their identity. Yet they are still forced to proceed within a world that is confused and problematizes their identity.

What is the significance of the hymen and what causes it to rupture?

An intact hymen is "pure" The hymen is a thin layer of tissue that partly covers the vaginal opening. It can be broken by many things, like exercise or sex.

What is the first thing you should do when child asks you a questions regarding sexuality?

Ask why they want to know, how much they know, and tell them it's a good question. Ask them, "what do you think?"

What is the automatic nervous system? How can you prevent/reduce premature ejaculation?

Automatic Nervous System: -Consists of the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) branches which work in unison during arousal. -Controls all smooth muscle contractions and affects the body's response beyond conscious control. -Sexual stimulation provokes excitation of several different kinds of sensory receptors in the body, which signal the sensory nerves in the lower abdomen for the sacral spinal cord to begin autonomic reflexes which results in arousal. -It is highly influenced by our mental state. Take a deep breath to prevent/reduce premature ejaculation.

What is the B.A.S.E.R. model? How can you support someone who has been raped? What are some things to not say?

Believe: important to listen to what they tell you and show you believe Affirm: acknowledge what happened was terrible but value your friendship Support: ask them what they need from you and offer support Empower: Don't do things for the person, do them with the person Refer: good to encourage a friend to report the assault, seek counseling Supporting -Accept what the person said -Assist the person in identifying options -Listen to the person -Do not touch before asking -Recognize that you, as family member, friend, or loved one, have also experienced the effect of the assault (feelings of sadness, anger, etc) -Do not blame the survivor -Get support for yourself Ongoing Support -Understand that they may never return to their previous version of "normal" -After traumatic events, one's personality and the way that they socially interact with others can change -Validate that who they are is okay DO NOT say: -"How drunk were you?" -"Don't let it bother you, it happens to a lot of people" -"Why haven't you told me before?" -"You could have avoided it if..."

In the article, "Are you sexually normal and does that matter," author, Dr. Marty Klein, believes that concerns about sexual normality begin during which stage of development? What are the 3 three core values he suggests to guide sexual decision making?

Childhood 3 Core Values: - Honesty - Responsibility - Consent

Based on "The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior" from 2010, what did the findings from this study reveal about condom use? What is the percentage of adolescents (teenagers) engaging in partnered sexual behavior?

Condom use overall has increased (1 in 4 acts of vaginal intercourse were condom protected). When it comes to responsible sexual behaviors, condom use is higher among black and Hispanic Americans than among white Americans and those from other racialgroups At any given point intime, most U.S. adolescents are not engaging in partnered sexual behavior. While 40% of 17 year-old males reported vaginal intercourse in the past year, only 27% reported the same in the past 90 days. Difference that could not be accounted for by some of the menhaving had male partners, discrepancy in % of males who reported partner had orgasm at most recent sexual encounter and % of females who reported having an orgasm at most recent sexual encounter - about a 21% difference

What is the EPOR-model developed by Masters and Johnson? Why was it criticized?

EPOR-model: -4 Phases: Excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution -Not exclusive to heterosexual interactions -Variations in patterns of response can change based on time spent in each phase Criticized for being focused on physical response, namely orgasm, without regard to emotions and relationship aspects of sexual response

What is the role of: -Epididymis -Vas Deferens -Cowper's Glands

Epididymis: Where sperm matures for about 10-14 days Vas Deferens: Tube extending from epididymis to prostate to transfer sperm Cowper's Glands: Produces fluid that cleans and lubricates urethra

What did the article, "Sex is More than Intercourse" discuss? Be familiar with the reasons given for this philosophy.

Equating sex with intercourse neglects the full range of sexual experience and pleasure that is available to us as human beings Many behaviors can be sexually fulfilling, and possibly even more satisfying than intercourse, for some there are.many reasons to not have intercourse. Reasons to not have intercourse - Selective abstinence: to avoid certain issues (pregnancy, STIs, thru vaginal/oral/anal) can become difficult or medically inadvisable - Certain cultures don't widely accept the idea of pleasures of sex without intercourse. can lead to misconceptions about sexual health (ex. oral sex is safe)

True or False: Gender dysphoria must be present for someone to be identified as a transgender individual.


True or False: A criticism of the clinical research method is that it lacks depth.


What were the primary contributions of Clelia Mosher?

First to ask women about their experiences. Known for her research on male/female breathing and menstruation. Her goal was to improve sex lives of married women. Her findings reported pleasure and guilt for desiring this pleasure, but never published.

What are the foundations of human sexuality? *

Foundations of Human Sexuality -Enriching sexual knowledge -Sex is emotional -Your morals and values -Making responsible choices -Sex is more than intercourse

What are some sex hormones? *

Gonadotropin-releasinghormone(GnRH): instructs the pituitary gland to release more hormones that keep the sexual organs working Follicle-stimulatinghormone(FSH): regulates ovaries/eggs; testes/sperm Prolactin-controlling hormones: message the pituitary gland to start or stop breast milkproduction in lactating mothers; released after orgasm (relates to refractory period) Oxytocin is related to bonding in mom and baby and romantic partners, release of a mother's breast milk, stimulation of contractions during childbirth, moderating body temperature, and regulating sleep cycles. Dopamine floods the brain during orgasm, producing a sensation similar to a heroin rush to the brain. After orgasm, dopamine levels drop similar to what happens during withdrawal from drugs.

What is grooming? What are the 6 stages?

Grooming: Building an emotional connection to gain trust for purposes of sexual abuse, exploitation, or trafficking. Perpetrators may use grooming behaviors toward the parents too in order to build trust and gain access to the child. 6 Stages: -Targeting the victim -Gaining the child's trust -Filling a need -Isolating the child -Sexualizing the interaction -Maintaining control

What were the primary contributions of Alfred Kinsey?

Helped us open the door for the study of human sexuality, but only told us what people say they do. Started a human sexuality class. Scale from 0-6, with 3 being equally heterosexual. Homosexuality as a spectrum emphasized behaviors more than fantasies and emotions, but didn't consider past and present.

What are homologous structures? At what point in pregnancy can you distinguish between these structures?

Homologous structures: Male and female structures that developed from the same cells About 7-8 weeks

What is some general information about intersex people?

Intersex: A person who is born with sex chromosomes, external genitalia, or an internal reproductive system that is not considered "standard" for either male or female. -About 1 in 2000 children are born visibly intersex -Some intersex people might be trans or gender diverse, while other intersex people might identify with the gender they were assigned at birth (cisgender)

What were the main findings from the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct?

Just over 4% of all students indicated they had been victims of stalking since they enrolled at the college or university. More than half of the victims of sexual assault did not report the event because they did not consider it serious enough.

Kinsey's Continuum vs Klein's Sexual Orientation Grid

Kinsey's Continuum -Scale from 0 (Exclusively Heterosexual) to 6 (Exclusively Homosexual) with 3 being equally homosexual and heterosexual -Kinsey emphasized behaviors more than fantasies and emotions and did not consider the time element (past behavior vs. present behavior) -Also, the use of the terms heterosexual and homosexual may make people uneasy and they may want to so strongly identify with one or the other that they are not truthful about their experiences Klein's Sexual Orientation Grid -takes Kinsey's Continuum further by considering 7 dimensions as well as a time dimension -Attraction, Behavior, Fantasy, Emotional Preference, Social Preference, Self-Identification, and Lifestyle Past, Present, Ideal

How was the discussion of the marathon runner, Kiran Ghandi, used to demonstrate connection to a learning outcome in our course? What was the broader significance surrounding her story?

Marathon runner that ran without a menstrual product. Learning Outcome in Class: - The event has encouraged people to appreciate the complexity of human sexuality as a confluence of biological, psychological, environmental, social, cultural, spiritual, and other related factors - Apply critical thinking skills to reflect on your own and others' beliefs and perspectives inrelation to human sexuality. - Express an understanding of, and exhibit respect for, diversity in human sexuality Broader Significance: - The broader significance was how the stigma of periods had developed over the years and that women should not be ashamed of their body's functions, which are natural and completely normal, and should be treated normally and not like a "taboo" or scandal. - Women should not be experiencing period-shaming when half the population experiences it - Additionally, she highlighted the plight of women on her blog around the world who don't have access to period products and expected to hide their periods.

What is the fatherhood bonus and the motherhood penalty?

Mothers are less likely to be hired for jobs, to be perceived as competent at work or to be paid as much as their male colleagues with the same qualifications, but men are seen as more competent if they're a father

What is considered natural sexual behavior? What is considered normal sexual behavior?

Natural sexual behavior: Typically indicates whether the behavior conforms to our culture's sexual norms. Heteronormativity is the most pervasive view of sexuality. Normal sexual behavior is behavior that conforms to a group's average, or median, patterns of behavior. Normality has nothing to do with moral or psychological deviance."

Define these terms: -Nonbinary -Pansexual -Bi-erasure -Outing

Nonbinary: An umbrella term to describe any gender identity that does not fit into the gender binary of male and female. Someone who is non-binary might feel like a mix of genders, or like they have no gender at all. A nonbinary person may have a blend of what is labeled as masculine & feminine characteristics. A nonbinary person may be more likely to use they/them pronouns, but not always. Pansexual: Capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. A person who is pansexual could be open to someone who is male, female, transgender, intersex, or agender/genderqueer. The term is reflective of those who feel they are sexually, emotionally, & spiritually capable of falling in love with someone based on their overall characteristics as opposed to a singular identity such as gender or sexual orientation. Bi-erasure: The existence or legitimacy of bisexuality (either in general or in regard to an individual) is questioned or denied outright. [September 23rd - Bi Visibility Day] Outing: Exposing someone's sexual orientation or gender identity to others without their permission

What were some findings from "Singles in America: Dating Trends, Rituals, and Social Media"?

Perceptions about feminism: -Men: 59% think that feminism "has changed the dating rules for the better" -Women: 57% say it makes them feel more empowered while dating More than 1⁄2 of U.S. singles have tried online dating. 62% of heterosexual singles state they would be open to a threesome Nearly 1⁄2 of singles have had a "friends with benefits"relationship and 1⁄2 of those have turned it into a committed relationship Those who were ages 60+ reported having the best sex

What were the primary contributions of William Masters and Virginia Johnson?

Played a big role in the sexual revolution. Built the foundation for our current understanding. Observed 10,000 complete sexual response cycles. First to observe intercourse between heterosexual partners (direct observations in natural environment or in a lab for a focus on behaviors)

Define rape culture. What are some common examples of how rape culture is perpetuated in society?

Rape Culture: An environment in which rape is prevalent and in which gender based violence is normalized and often excused in the media and popular culture. Examples: Jokes, TV, music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words, imagery

What is sexual orientation?

Refers to a person's romantic, sexual, emotional, and/or spiritual attraction to others. Sexual orientation is not merely determined by a person's sexual behavior.

What are the general findings about penis size?

Research has not found evidence that penis size is related to height, nose size, shoe size, race or ethnicity. If anything, there would be a connection to size of father's penis due to genetic inheritance.

What are some different things that oxytocin does related both to sex and childbirth/parenting?

Sex: Feeling closer to partner Childbirth/Parenting: Quick birth, lactation and milk letdown, bonding with child Oxytocin is related to bonding in mom and baby and romantic partners, release of a mother's breast milk, stimulation of contractions during childbirth, moderating body temperature, and regulating sleep cycles.

Define these terms: -Sexual violence -Sexual harassment -Sexual assault -Rape -Coercion -Consent

Sexual Violence: Umbrella term encompassing sexual harassment, stalking, interpersonal violence, sexual assault, and rape. Sexual Harassment: Any expression or behavior that can be interpreted to be of a sexual nature and is unwelcome b the recipient Sexual Assault: Legal term referring to any unwanted sexual contact, such as fondling, groping, penetration of any orifice by any body part or object Rape: Any penetration with any body part or object. Coercion: Tool of control that uses pressure or manipulation to ignore or reject the needs of another person. Can be subtle or overt threats, intimidation, blackmail, dishonesty, persistence, emotional withholding, etc. Consent: An ongoing physical and emotional process between people are willing, equally free of coercion, communicating unambiguously, and sincere in their desires.

In the video from artist, Jaime McCartney, "The Great Wall of Vagina," what was the outcome for the woman featured at the end? Was there a change in how she felt about the appearance of her genitals?

The woman at the end realized that her vagina wasn't as big as she thought it was and that every has a different look. She was not as self-conscious or insecure about it in the end.

What is the basic premise of the overlapping-curve of gender differences?

Things are not strictly female or strictly male. Most things overlap. Gender differences in persuasion tend to be overlapping, rather than "either-or" A graphic representation of how two groups who differ on a particular attribute often share the characteristic to varying degrees and are not mutually exclusive (i.e. some men are less aggressive than women, some men display less aggression compared to women). For most human characteristics, gender differences are relatively small.

What is gender diversity? *

Used to refer to people who experience their gender identity outside the binary of male and female. Also useful for people who are questioning or unsure about their gender identity

What are basic functions of the primary female sex organs (internal and external) -Vulva -Clitoris -Vagina -Uterus -Cervix -Perineum -Ovaries

Vulva: The entire external structure Clitoris: erectile sexual structure that triggers orgasm Cervix: lower end of the uterus that connects it to the vagina Vagina: canal usually 3-4 inches in length that extends from the vulva to the cervix Uterus: where the egg is fertilized and the fetus grows Perineum: area of skin between the anus and vaginal opening, usually sensitive to touch Ovaries: produce hormones, follicle cells are stored here and mature into ova-vulva: external female genitals

What are some traditional male and female scripts compared to the examples of contemporary sexual scripts?

Whereas the traditional male sexual script focuses on sex over feelings, the traditional female sexual script focuses on feelings over sex Contemporary sexual scripts include the following elements for both sexes: -Sexual expression is positive and healthy -Sexual activities involve a mutual exchange of erotic pleasure. -Sexuality is equally involving, and both partners are equally responsible. -Legitimate sexual activities are not limited to sexual intercourse but include a wide variety of sexual expression. -Sexual activities may be initiated by either partner. -Both partners have the freedom to accept sexual pleasure and experience orgasm, no matter from what type of stimulation."

What are some recommendations for distinguishing between flirting and harassment?

Whether flirtation is sexual harassment depends on: -Whether you have equal power -Whether you are approached appropriately -Whether you wish to continue contact

In researching society's changing views of family, Stephanie Coontz found that when high school seniors were asked what percent agreed that the best family was one where the man is the primary income earner and the woman takes care of the home, in 1994 ______ % agreed and in 2014 _______% agreed. a. 42; 58 b. 70; 30 c. 84; 42 d. 55;64

a. 42; 58

Based on the terminology information provided in the virtual lecture notes, which statement(s) include accurate description(s) of sexual violence. a. All of these statements accurately reflect definitions of sexual violence as outlined in the virtual lecture notes. b. An example of sexual assault would be coercing someone into unwanted kissing, touching, and making-out after buying them several drinks with the intent of trying to have sex with them. c. Cat-calling is a form of sexual harassment, which falls under the umbrella definition of sexual violence. d. Rape is a form of sexual assault, but sexual assault doesn't necessarily mean that a person was raped.

a. All of these statements accurately reflect definitions of sexual violence as outlined in the virtual lecture notes.

In the section, "Societal Norms and Sexuality," what is the term used to refer to a belief that heterosexuality is normal, natural, and superior to all other expressions of sexuality? a. Heteronormativity b. Homophobia c. Ethnocentrism d. Sexism

a. Heteronormativity

Which is NOT a reason given for the declining divorce rates in the United States? a. Increase rates of marrying for practical reasons b. Increased rates of cohabitation c. Marriage at later ages d. Access to birth control

a. Increase rates of marrying for practical reasons

This term is used to "describe media where the creators integrate homoeroticism between two characters to lure in LGBTQ and liberal audiences, yet never fully include actual representation for fear of alienating a wider audience." a. Queerbaiting b. Sexual objectification c. Scapegoating d. Unidimensional

a. Queerbaiting

In Chapter 6, discussions about parental influence align with which of the following recommendations? a. Teachers, parents, and doctors should be talking about sex more instead of less. b. Discussions about sexuality should begin in middle school with mandatory sexual health classes each year throughout high school. c. Parents are clearly an important influence for adolescents; however, doctors and health care professionals should be the primary sources of sexuality education because they have access to expert knowledge. d. The conversation about sex should be mostly the parent's responsibility.

a. Teachers, parents, and doctors should be talking about sex more instead of less.

In looking at gender variation as a continuum of gender, someone who showed a gender role expression of pretty equally masculine and feminine characteristics, might be referred to as: a. androgynous b. transgender c. cisgender d. intersex

a. androgynous

Stereotypical beliefs a. are resistant to change. b. are the same across different cultures. c. are surprisingly flexible. d. are based on religious beliefs.

a. are resistant to change

In reviewing the most common differences of sex development, someone who was born with typical male chromosomes (XY), undescended testes, labia and a shallow vagina are generally most likely to identify as... a. female b. male c. transgender d. genderqueer

a. female

The message or expectation that men should not express certain feelings; men are always ready for sex; sex equals intercourse; and sex as a performance are examples of: a. male sexual scripts b. gender schemas c. gender roles d. misogyny

a. male sexual scripts

Ethnocentrism is reinforced by a. opinions, biases, and stereotypes about other cultures. b. government-sponsored research. c. the objective study of other cultures. d. the globalization efforts of countries.

a. opinions, biases, and stereotypes about other cultures.

From the virtual lecture slide, "a word on false reports," what percentage range best aligns with the information provided about false reports from the article "False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assault" and the newer study by Ferguson & Malouff? a. 8-12% b. 2-5% c. 18-20% d. 10-15%

b. 2-5%

Based on the discussion of "Sexual Fluidity: Women's and Men's Variable Sexual Attractions," which statement most aligns with current understandings of variations of sexual fluidity? a. Men and women report similar rates of bisexual orientation. b. Alfred Kinsey's research revealed that 1 in 3 individuals had engaged in same- sex behavior at some point in their lifetime. c. Based on current research, findings reveal that sexual expression is most closely linked to biological factors. d. Men's patterns of sexual attraction are more likely to change over time than women's are.

b. Alfred Kinsey's research revealed that 1 in 3 individuals had engaged in same- sex behavior at some point in their lifetime.

What is recommended for you to do as a bystander to prevent sexual assault? a. So far research about bystander intervention training has not shown that it changes participants' likelihood of intervening. b. Consider your safety and make a choice to create a distraction, ask directly, refer to an authority, or enlist others as options for intervention. c. The best way to intervene is to ask a person that you are concerned about if they would like your help. If they say yes, then utilize your options for intervention. d. Most people do not intervene in these situations because they don't recognize them as inappropriate.

b. Consider your safety and make a choice to create a distraction, ask directly, refer to an authority, or enlist others as options for intervention.

In Chapter 4, based on the explanation of homologous structures, which of the following would be considered homologous? a. Testes and uterus b. Scrotum and labia majora c. Cowper's gland and skene's glands d. Glans penis and cervix

b. Scrotum and labia majora

In the "think about it" section, your authors present a "Declaration of Sexual Rights" from the World Association for Sexual Health. Which statement is one of the sexual rights included in that declaration? a. The right to publicly express affection to others b. The right to education and the right to comprehensive sexuality education c. The right to access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare

b. The right to education and the right to comprehensive sexuality education

Related to "The Neural System and Sexual Stimuli," the libido of people is biologically influenced by testosterone. Which statement most aligns with the current understanding of the role of testosterone? a. Testosterone in men steadily increases throughout the life span b. Women are more sensitive than men to testosterone's effects c. Testosterone production in men stems from the testicles and in women it is primarily from the pituitary gland d. Women do not produce testosterone after going through menopause

b. Women are more sensitive than men to testosterone's effects

Related to the grooming of pubic hair, based on information from various studies, which statement most aligns with research findings? a. Black women are more likely than White women to groom pubic hair b. Women with higher educational levels are more likely to practice grooming of pubic hair c. Partner preferences and expectations do not seem to influence the likelihood that people will change their personal pubic grooming behaviors

b. Women with higher educational levels are more likely to practice grooming of pubic hair

According to Sigmund Freud, the part of the body upon which eroticism is focused during the first stage of psychosexual development is the a, anus. b. mouth. c. abdomen. d. genitals.

b. mouth

Based on figure 1 in chapter 7, the average age of first sex for women is _____ and for men _____. a. 17.2 years and 16.5 years b. 16.4 years and 15.6 years c. 17.8 years and 18.1 years d. 16.7 years and 16.9 years

c. 17.8 years and 18.1 years

Based on the statistics presented in the virtual lecture notes, taken from the RAINN.org website, approximately _____ of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. a. 3/4 b. 1/2 c. 2/3 d. 1/3

c. 2/3

Dealing with "The Question of Male Circumcision," a study that looked at the percentage of American adults believing that male children should not be routinely circumcised, which age group was most likely to be in favor of circumcision? a. 30-44 b. 18-29 c. 65+ d. 45-64

c. 65+

Related to explanations for cultural differences in parenting, which statement most closely describes common patterns? a. All of these b. White families are more likely than Black or Asian American families to socialize daughters to be more self-reliant and assertive. c. African American couples are more likely to show egalitarian roles and assignment of household chores compared to other groups d. The traditional female role model as homemaker that was prevalent in earlier times has decreased across all cultural groups since the late 1990s.

c. African American couples are more likely to show egalitarian roles and assignment of household chores compared to other groups.

If someone is experiencing primary amenorrhea, what is a common treatment? a. A wait-and-see approach b. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin c. Hormone therapy d. Outpatient surgery

c. Hormone therapy

In the section, "Sexual Behavior and Variations," (pgs 20-21), the authors discuss current researchers' common approaches to classifying sexual behaviors. Which one is NOT part of the current psychological standard for determining if a sexual behavior is considered harmful? a. If coercion is involved b. If there is a potential harm to oneself or others c. If it is considered abnormal by most people d. If it is causing personal distress

c. If it is considered abnormal by most people

Which statement aligns with our understanding of masturbation during adolescence? a. By ages 14 to 17, research shows that approximately 50% of males and 30% of females have masturbated alone or with a partner. b. Girls and boys become interested in masturbation at approximately the same age; however, girls are more likely to keep it secretive. c. Males typically begin masturbating at a slightly younger age than females and among teens who masturbate, prevalence is higher in males than females across all age groups. d. Historically, we saw that males were more likely to talk openly about masturbation; however, we now see males and females talk openly about masturbation starting around the age of 14.

c. Males typically begin masturbating at a slightly younger age than females and among teens who masturbate, prevalence is higher in males than females across all age groups.

What is assigned gender? a. Legal term used for when someone makes a change to their gender identity that is different from their gender at birth b. A person's internal sense of being male or female c. Perception that others have about a person's gender, typically based on perception at birth d. Term used when someone has a discrepancy in their biological sex and their social gender identity

c. Perception that others have about a person's gender, typically based on perception at birth

What is the BASER model? a. Is the foundation upon which the concept of SART was developed. b. Is the type of formal therapy model found to be most effective for helping a victim of sexual assault overcome the assault. c. Provides guidance to someone in helping a friend who has been sexually assaulted. d. Is the typical cycle that a survivor will go through after experiencing a sexual assault.

c. Provides guidance to someone in helping a friend who has been sexually assaulted.

Based on the "Tips for Allies of Transgender Persons," developed by GLAAD, all of these are considered supportive EXCEPT: a. If you don't know what pronouns to use, it is considered acceptable to just ask that person. b. Knowing that it is not okay to ask the surgery status of a transgender person. c. Showing interest by asking someone what their real name or name given at birth was. d. Realizing that just because you know a person's gender identity, you can't make assumptions about their sexual orientation.

c. Showing interest by asking someone what their real name or name given at birth was.

In the "think about it" discussion of the "Good Enough Sex" (GES) model, all of these are included as primary concepts EXCEPT: a. Satisfied couples cooperate as an intimate team. b. Sexual satisfaction various from one experience to the next. c. The best quality sex happens when you focus exclusively on your partner's satisfaction. d. Achieving high quality sex is a lifelong process.

c. The best quality sex happens when you focus exclusively on your partner's satisfaction.

Related to the "think about it" section on "Singles in America," which statement most accurately describes current trends: a. 62% of heterosexual singles state they would be open to a threesome b. More than half of U.S. singles have tried online dating or a dating app. c. all of these d. Singles who are ages 60+ report having the best sex

c. all of these

Based on the 2018 Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault cited in your notes, what percent of men and women reported sexual harassment and/or assault during their lifetime? a. 10% of men and 40% of women b. 20% of men and 70% of women c. 50% of both men and women d. 43% of men and 81% of women

d. 43% of men and 81% of women

In asking the question, "Does Penis Size Matter," what are some common findings? a. Results about how much penis size is related to sexual satisfaction have been mixed and overall show individual variation. b. Surgery to augment penile length or girth has become increasingly common, although it is not approved of by any major medical organization. c. A study of 250 men who complained of a small penis revealed that 82% of them were actually considered to have a normal penis size. d. All of these

d. All of these

Which statement most aligns with the current understanding of male cycles? a. Men's testosterone is typically lowest in the night and highest in the afternoon b. Only 40% of men have actually experienced nocturnal orgasms (wet dreams) c. Levels of testosterone increase with age d. Having erectile difficulties can be associated with the level of erections experienced during REM sleep stages

d. Having erectile difficulties can be associated with the level of erections experienced during REM sleep stages

Based on 2010 data from the AARP, approximately what percent of males and females ages 45 and older were having sex at least once per week? a. Close to 20% b. Approximately 10% c. Approximately 40% d. Just under 30%

d. Just under 30%

According to the authors in chapter 6, comprehensive sexuality education programs should be focused on: a. Preventing early onset of sexual behaviors b. Prevention of teen pregnancy c. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) d. Promoting adult sexual health

d. Promoting adult sexual health

Based on the information presented related to rape culture, which statement most aligns with the underlying influence of rape culture on sexual violence in society? a. If rape culture did not exist in society, sexual violence would not exist. b. Rape culture refers to how men in a society view women. c. Rape culture is an out-dated theory that discredits the real-life experiences of sexual assault survivors. d. Rape culture is one factor that contributes to underlying attitudes and behaviors that contribute to sexual violence.

d. Rape culture is one factor that contributes to underlying attitudes and behaviors that contribute to sexual violence.

The discussion of "Sexuality in Middle Adulthood," identified key findings related to sexual frequency, including: a. Single people have more sex than married people. b. Most couples who report declining frequency of sex also report higher levels of relationship problems. c. Sexual frequency with a partner is lower in people with infants and toddlers, people over 40, and for people who watch sexually explicit videos. d. Sexual frequency is declining among American adults regardless of gender, race, or marital status.

d. Sexual frequency is declining among American adults regardless of gender, race, or marital status.

The primary functions of the testes are: a. Sexual pleasure and regulation of ejaculation b. Sperm production and sexual pleasure c. Regulating puberty and sperm production d. Sperm production and hormone production

d. Sperm production and hormone production

Not being able to access a bathroom that aligns with your gender identity, can cause risk for: a. urinary tract infections b. dehydration c. violence and harassment d. all of these

d. all of these

A major limitation of correlational studies is that they cannot a. show relationships between variables. b. accommodate a large number of subjects. c. be ethically used in research on sexuality d. indicate which variable causes the other to change.

d. indicate which variable causes the other to change.

In the context of sex research methods, the drawing of a general conclusion from specific facts is called a. reliability. b. logic. c. deduction. d. induction.

d. induction

In the context of sex research methods, clinical research a. can be used to draw inferences about cause and effect. b. uses questionnaires to gather information. c. emphasizes the study of normal individuals. d. is normally descriptive in nature.

d. is normally descriptive in nature.

Danny, one among the many volunteers selected for a study on the sexual behavior of married men, lies about his sexual fetish and the frequency of intercourse in a week. He has casual sex outside marriage but does not reveal it. Which of the following sex research methods is most likely to have been used for the study? a. experimental research method b. laboratory research method c. observational research method d. survey research method

d. survey research method

A major reason for the lack of popularity of Freud's theory of sexuality among American sex researchers is a. his overemphasis on adolescent and adult sexual expression. b. the emphasis on unconscious forces such as libido. c. his view that excessive masturbation is the root of many personality problems. d. the fact that there were no empirical data to support his ideas.

d. the fact that there were no empirical data to support his ideas.

Define these terms: -Sex -Gender expression -Gender roles -Cisgender -Transgender -Gender binary

sex: biological sex (male, female, and intersex) gender expression: how we communicate our gender identity to others gender roles: behaviors that are socially appropriate to a specific gender cisgender: gender identity matches the sex given at birth transgender: gender identity does not match the sex given at birth gender binary: female-bodied feminine people and male-bodied masculine people

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