HDFS 3530 Exam 2

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States adopting ssm policies

12 more states in 2013-2014. 53% support SSM. Including NJ, CA, CO, RI, New Mexico, Nevada,

Breakdown of SSM by state

14 States. 5 by court. 6 by state. 3 by popular vote. New Jersey just recognized it. 35 States Ban Same-Sex Marriage. New Mexico has no law banning/legalizing it

Goodridge vs. Massachusettes

4:3 decision, mass passes a same-sex marriage law

Society Grows Old

America's older population will double by 2030 reaching 70 bil. Most rapid growth among the older pop will be those who are 85+.

Infant Mortality

An infant dies within the first year of life. U.S. Reluctant welfare state-Doesn't provide services for infant care. Ireland 30/1000 in 1960. U.S. 25/1000 in 1060 NOW 7/1000 in present day. Sweden 2/1000 present day.

George Reynolds

Arrested for practicing Polygamy. Appealed it all the way to the Supreme Court. Reynolds vs. U.S.

Teen Pregnancy Rates

Birth rates/1000 females 15-19 years old. Lowest asian/pacific islander. Highest hispanic. We are on a downward path regarding teen pregnancy rates in the world. The Netherlands have the lowest rate (There is no shame in talking about sex and educating children early including distributing contraception. Ex. Condom machines in schools) Us. Worries about morality. Netherlands deals with reality. Just say no campaigns arent effective.

Iqbal Masih

Boy in Pakistan sent to work by his parents to pay back a $16 loan. He was only 4. Worked in the carpet industry. Beaten and chained to looms. Iqbal spoke out about child labor and was shot and killed

Malala Yousafzai

Campaigned for the rights for women to attend school. Taliban shot her and attempted to end her life. She has been nominated for the nobel peace prize.

Living in Poverty

Child poverty rates include a family of four below $24,000. 25% of children in Kentucky, Alabama, and New Mexico are living in poverty (Extremely Poor States). Children born into poverty can get out (however it is hard to move out of the class you are born into).

Single-Parent Households

Children under age 18 who live with their own single parent either in a family or sub family. Percentage of children living in single-parent families florida 39%, Mississippi 46%. Poverty and single parent households are connected

Research and Advocacy groups for children

Children's Defense Fund Ann E. Casey Foundation Free the Children Human Development Index (UN)

Civil Unions

Civil Unions are a means of establishing kinship in a manner similar to marriage. Although they often involve the same formalities and receive the same benefits, some in the gay community do not see civil unions as a replacement for marriage.

End Child Labor?

Comfort the afflicted/afflict the comforted. Ask for rugmark label. ethical threads. etc.

Brigham Young

Continued the work of Joseph Smith. He moved the colony to Salt Lake City to practice polygamy.

Jonathan Turley

Defending the polygamists.


Doma Stands for the Defense of Marriage Act. Marriage is defined as a man and a woman. States could pass legislation that doesn't recognize same-sex marriage. This is a federal law that allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages granted under the laws of other states. DOMA was ruled unconstitutional in 2013. DOMA refused same-sex marriage couples to receive federal marriage benefits even if the state recognizes gay marriage.

Domestic Partnerships

Domestic partnerships are any of a variety of relationships recognized by employers or state or local government. The benefits of domestic relationships range from limited to all the rights given to married people by the state (except for where federal law makes providing those benefits impossible). If all of the rights are given, it is essentially a civil union.

Worsened Well-Being

Economic Well being has worsened. More children are in poverty, more children lack parents with secure employment. Family and community have worsened. More children in single-parent families, more children living in high poverty areas.

Improved Child Well-Being

Education has improved. There are less children not attending preschool, less fourth graders not proficient in reading, etc. Health has also improved, less low-birth weight babies, less children without health insurance

Factors that affect population size and composition by age

Fertility rate, mortality rate, immigration rate, birth rate charts,

Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions

First Domestic Partnership--Berkely CA. Morphed into Civil Union. DP=Same rights as marriage. Covered under health insurance of partner.


First state to legalize same sex marriage. Appeals court rules Hawaii cannot stop same sex marriage but a stay is placed on the decision. A year later it is overturned. Backlash ocurred when DOMA was passed.

Baker vs. Vermont

GLAD: Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (team of lawyers would interview same-sex partners and determine if they break stereotypes of typical gay partners and how good they are). MAIN ARGUMENT: Stereotype that gays cannot procreate is false. Court ruled that same-sex marriage should be legal. Passed a Cilvil Union law in 2000 then in 2009 a same sex marriage law


Gay men dying in san francisco. Stigmatized not to go near gay people. Increased the push towards same-sex marriage because the partner is restricted to specific visiting hours, no control over estate planning after death and no control over funeral. High rate of death leaves surviving spouses. Becomes clear they aren't equal citizens. Pushed the creation of the first Domestic Partnership in Berkeley, CA

The Stonewall Inn Riot

Greenwhich Village, NYC. Inn was frequented by gay men. NYPD harassed the men. They fought back. Symbolized a development in the gay rights movement. Fighting back.

Free the Children

Group started because of Iqbal by Craig Kielberger to end child labor. Free children from sweatshops, give families goats to avoid children being sent to work, money to build schools

Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith formed the Book of Mormon which in turn created a colony that practices polygamy. They moved across the United States to make their own town. Joseph Smith was arrested for sending his militia to destroy printing presses so the surrounding towns couldn't slander their society. He was put in jail and killed.

Windsor vs. U.S.

Legally-married same sex couples are entitled to equal treatment under federal law in regard to income taxes and social security benefits. Windsor's wife died, because they were not recognized under DOMA, the taxtes for what she inherited would have been over 360,000 and a third of what she would have had to pay if it was a husband who died. Supreme court ruled that portion of DOMA was unconstitutional HOWEVER, STATES COULD STILL BAN SAME-SEX MARRIAGE

Nursing Homes

Less than 5% of the elderly are in a nursing home or institution

Old people are senile

Myth. Only a small minority of the elderly can be considered senile

The Marriage Vow

Pledge drafted by Iowa org. called the Family Leader, signed by Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum. Condemns same sex marriage, divorce, abortion, pornography, polygamy. Claims black children were better off during slavery.

Prop 8

Prop 8 was a ballot initiative and california state constitutional amendment, which says only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Prop 8 was overturned by the United States District Court Judge in 2010 through Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, ruling that it violated due process and Equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

Reynolds vs. U.S.

Reynolds practiced Mormon religion. Despite that Utah had a law against polygamy, he had several wives and argued his religion permitted him to. He argued his arrest violated the first amendment. Polygamy is still illegal

Same-Sex Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage is available to same-sex couples in 14 states and D.C. These are not recognized in all states.

Same-Sex Unions

Same-Sex Unions are legally recognized in some states in various forms. These include Same-Sex Marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships. Legally recognized unions can be formed in 19 states. Hawaii was the first state to recognize same sex unions.


Stonewall Inn Riot + AIDS and Domestic Partnership + Civil Unions =Same Sex Marriage


The study of populations. Counting and describing people (age, sex, marital status, income) Demographers calculate and study life expectancy, birth rate, marriage rates, composition of families.

Federal Marriage Laws

Traditionally, the federal government doesn't define marriage. Any marriage recognized by a state was recognized by the federal government, even if that marriage was not recognized by other states. United States v. Windsor ruled DOMA unconstitutional in 2013. Although states can define marriage, federally benefits must be given.

Hollingsworth vs. Perry

Two same sex couples filed a constitutional challenge to Prop 8 (Which nullified their california marriages).

Child Well-Being

U.S. Ranks towards the bottom of child well-being. The Netherlands ranks the highest.

Loving vs. Virgina

U.S. Supreme court case. White man and black woman got married and moved to Virginia. They were arrested in the middle of the night. Put in prison vs. they could re-enter the state seperately. Mildred Jeter & Richard Loving went to D.C. to marry because interracial marriage was banned in VA. They were arrested. Lovings sued VA claiming rights were violated. Violated Equal Protection Clause of 14th Amendment.

Low birth weight babies

When a baby weighs less than 5.5 ounces. Consequences include slow cognitive development, physical problems (not growing to normal height), susceptible to illness and asthma. U.S. 8.5% of births.

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