"He Showed Us the Way" - Quiz

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Who organized the Farmworkers' Movement?

César Chavez

Unlike MLK and his demonstrators, what is the Farmworkers' Movement willing to do?

Even though they would like to see victory come soon, they are willing to wait, and believe that time is their ally

What is another reason for why nonviolence is more effective than violence?

If one is to respond with nonviolence, despite an inflicting violent action upon them, then it can attract people's support. When people are faces with a direct request from the poor struggling nonviolently against great odds, they will react positively

Who inspired much of the Farmworkers' Movement?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is the characteristics of concerned men and women about people? What do they later become under certain circumstances?

Men and women who are truly concerned about people are nonviolent by nature, but if they become deeply concerned with frustration and insurmountable odds, their actions turn violent

Why is nonviolence more powerful than violence itself?

Nonviolence supports you if you have a just and moral cause and provides the opportunity to stay on the offensive needed to win, while violence resorts in the violence either being escalated (causing injury or death) or total demoralization of the workers

In order to overcome the workers' frustrations, what did the movement do?

allowed people to be involved in their own struggles throughout the movement

Why do the workers advocate for militant nonviolence?

because it is their means of achieving justice for their people, but at the same time they are not blind to the feelings that seethe within the workers

What will the workers most likely do for the rest of their lives?

build their union, as there is nowhere else to go

What would happen if the workers beat the growers with violence?

it would come with various consequences or expenses, such as death or extreme injury; this would cause the movement to lose concern for human beings and their lives

Even if violence was to be successful, what would its results be?

it would replace one violent form of power with another just as violent, and people would suffer

What is the only weapon that Christians who struggle for social change can claim as their own?


What happens when their is greater oppression?

nonviolence holds greater grip/advantage

What happens if the Farmworkers' Movement's main motive for nonviolent protest fails?

people will resort to violence as a shortcut to change

What are the purposes of boycotts, demonstrations, and marches, besides using them as weapons against the growers?

they can be the way of workers avoiding senseless violence

How is freedom best experienced?

through participation and self-determination

What opportunity does the observation of Dr. King's death give to the farmworkers?

to recall the principles with which the struggle has grown and matured

What are the farmworker's main conviction on the basis of human life?

every human life is a very special possession given by God to man and that no one has the right to take it for any reason; therefore, violence should not be justified as it takes life away

What happens to the farmworkers if they are solely committed to nonviolence as their only tactic or strategy?

if nonviolence was to fail then the only alternative is for violent action (which will fail as well); therefore, the workers must have a balance on what they have to use and what they are doing

Why is non-violence a truly powerful weapon?

it can be used to achieve equality and liberation

According to Gandhi, what is the purpose of a boycott?

it is a nearly perfect instrument to actively allow masses of people to participate in nonviolent change

What was MLK's life bases upon?

it was an example of power that nonviolence brings to bear in the real world; it is also an example that inspired much of the philosophy and strategy behind the farmworkers' movement

What does "exploit" mean?

use someone or something, usually selfishly or for profit

What is the most vicious type of oppression?

when one asks men to arm themselves with many promises, and ask them to give up their lives, but do not produce for them afterwards

When you lose your sense of life and justice, what else do you lose with it?

your strength

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