Health Assessment Ch 11 Eyes

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Inspection of a client's eyelids reveals significant lid swelling, moderate redness, but little pain. Which of the following would the nurse suspect?


When using hand gel to clean the hands, what must the nurse do before touching a patient's eyes?

Make sure the hands are completely dry.

The thin mucous membrane that lines the inner eyelid and covers the sclera is known as what?


A 29-year-old physical therapist presents for evaluation of an eyelid problem. On observation, the right eyeball appears to be protruding forward. Based on this description, what is the most likely diagnosis?


The nurse is preparing to test a client's eyes for accommodation. The nurse would have the client focus on an object in which sequence for this test?

Far, then near

A nurse begins the eye examination on a client who presents to the health care clinic for a routine examination. What is the correct action by the nurse to perform the test for near visual acuity?

Have the client hold the Jaeger card 14 inches from the face & read with one eye at a time.

The nurse observes a middle-aged colleague fully extending her arm to read the label on a vial of medication. Which of the following age-related changes is the nurse likely to have observed?


A 67-year-old lawyer comes to the clinic for an annual examination. He denies any history of eye trauma or recent visual changes. Inspection of his eyes reveals a triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva across the outer surface of the cornea. He has a normal pupillary reaction to light and accommodation. Based on this description, what is the most likely diagnosis?


Which of the following is a symptom of the eye?


As part of a physical assessment, the nurse performs the confrontation test to assess the client's peripheral vision. Which test result should a nurse recognize as indicating normal peripheral vision for a client using the confrontation test?

The client and the examiner see the examiner's finger at the same time.

A 6-year-old boy has come to the clinic with his mother because of recent eye redness and discharge. The nurse's assessment has suggested a diagnosis of conjunctivitis. What should the nurse tell the mother about her son's eye?

"This might have been the result of an allergy, but most likely it was caused by a bacteria or virus."

Which of the following assessment findings suggests a problem with the client's cranial nerves?

A client's extraocular movements are asymmetrical and she complains of diplopia.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the maintenance of normal intraocular pressure?

Aqueous humour is continuously circulating through the eye with production equalling drainage.

Which technique by the nurse demonstrates proper use of the ophthalmoscope?

Asks the client to fix the gaze upon an object and look straight ahead.

A client complains of excessive tearing of the eyes. Which assessment would the nurse do next?

Assess the nasolacrimal sac

A diabetes educator is teaching a group of adults about the risks to vision that result from poorly controlled blood glucose levels. Which of the following pathophysiologic processes underlies the vision loss associated with diabetes mellitus?

Blood vessels supplying the retina become weak and bleeding occurs.

The nurse is preparing to assess a client's visual fields to evaluate her gross peripheral vision. Which test would the nurse perform?


A light is pointed at a client's pupil, which then contracts. It is also noted that the other pupil contracts as well, though it is not exposed to bright light. Which of the following terms describes this latter phenomenon?

Consensual reaction

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