Health Exam Study Guide

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Approximately, how many compressions should occur every minute during CPR


If a person cannot pay attention, concentrate, and/or is very hyperactive with impulsive behavior, they may be showing signs of which of the following conditions...


Many people undergo behavior changes in their teens, which of the following is an example?

All of the above (change in attention, change in motivation, change in risk-taking behavior)

Which of following are physical signs of drug abuse and addiction?

All of the above (sudden weight loss/gain, cycles of excessive sleep, confusion/disorientation)

Which of the following statements is NOT caused by extreme weather?

It causes the development of more land area

You and a friend are at a party where almost everyone is drinking. Your friend, who has had only two or three beers, offers to drive you home. What should you do?

Make sure your friend doesn't drive at all and call a parent for a ride

Which of the following is a risk factor for depression?

a major life change

Self-actualization is....

achieving one's full potential, including artistic expression

Which statement is NOT a cause of an infectious disease?

acids in the stomach

What is the correct order of the three stages of the body's stress response?

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Which of the following are risk factors for drug abuse and addiction?

all of the above (family history to mental illness, family history of addiction, peer pressure)

Emotional abuse is saying or doing something to another person that causes the person to experience which of the following.

all of the above (feel afraid, manipulated, and controlled)

Why should we know what to do in an emergency situation?

all of the above (there is not always a doctor available, an ambulance might not get to you immediately, you might save someones life)

Scientists who study addiction have proven that a person is more at risk of becoming an addict if...

all of the above (they have family members who have had a drug problem, they start drugs at a young age, they have mental health problems like depression, they hang around people who use drugs)

Tips for negotiating a conflict include which of the following?

allow each person to share his or her opinion, practice active listening, use effective communication

Symptoms of this type of emergency include: difficulty breathing, closing airways, wheezing, vomiting, and fast heartbeat. Call 911, use epinephrine injector, or go to emergency room.


The body's third line of defense against pathogens includes...


After dialing 911 to report an emergency you should:

begin chest compressions

People can become addicted to prescription medication if...

both b and c (the medication is not taken as directed, you take medication not prescribed to them)

People with low self-esteem show all of the following characteristics EXCEPT which one?

bouncing back quickly from setbacks

Treating this type of injury includes removing the clothing, applying ice, splinting the injured body part, and seeking medical care.

broken bone

Which of the following causes the symptoms: redness, swelling, and itching. In some cases this can cause wheezing, faintness of breath, and a rapid heart beat especially in people with allergic reactions.

bug bites and stings

Classified by 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees. Symptoms may include redness, pain, swelling, blisters, and damaged nerves.


How can middle and high school students break the "code of silence"?

by standing up for yourself and others

Which of the following is a helpful way to cope with your emotions?

confronting the situation head on

Which of the following is the best example of drug abuse?

deliberately taking cold medication when you aren't ill or showing symptoms

Which of the following is NOT a major type of infectious agent or pathogen?


If you are receiving multiple, unwanted text messages from an individual you are a victim of which type of abuse?


Which type of abuse does the following scenario describe? One of your classmates discusses the sexual orientation of a classmate with a group of students in order to cause the individual to feel embarrassment.


Which of the following is true about eustress?

eustress is positive

When you forget your P.E. clothes, have to much homework and have soccer and basketball practice after school, these types of stressors are....

everyday problems

A drug that speeds up activities of the central nervous system is known as a depressant.


Avoidance means settling a dispute with the help of a third party.


Inflammation is the process that occurs when your body destroys pathogens that it has previously encountered before the pathogens are able to cause disease.


It is easier to say no to drugs and alcohol when you hang out with people who use the substances.


It is impossible for a person to become addicted to drugs after the first try.


Marks and bruises have to be left to be considered physical abuse.


There are more injuries among student athletes during practice than there are student injuries in physical education class.


Withdrawing from virtual technology abuse and not attempting to tell anyone or resolve the issue is called mediation.


Your immune system is found within your digestive system. It is a network of vessels that collects fluid from your tissues and returns it to the bloodstream.


How do moderate fevers help fight infection?

fevers prevent the growth of pathogens

When the problems and stress in your life become too difficult to manage, you should...

find someone to talk to

Ring worm is a skin disease that is caused by a...


The skin performs all of the following function EXCEPT ________.

helps the body with digestion

All traits that are passed biologically from parent to child are considered......


Which of the following factors, has an impact on your health, but is beyond your ability to change or control?


Swelling, redness, and itching caused by an allergic reaction.


The inflammatory response causes swelling because it....

increases blood flow to the area of the injury

Tolerance causes a drinker's body to need...

increasingly larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the original effect

Which of the following is a nonspecific defense against pathogens?


What commonly happens to self-esteem when a child enters adolescence?

it decreases

A powerful emotions resulting in negative and strong feelings


Which of the following is a sign of possible drug abuse?

major changes in behavior and personality

An illness that affects the brain and reduces a person's ability to cope, to adjust to everyday life changes, or to get along with others is called a...

mental disorder

The wellness wheel contains which of the following?

mental health, nutrition and diet, fitness, self image, prevent and safety

All of the following are symptoms of heart disease EXCEPT for which one?

obstructed airway

A disease-causing agent is called a....


Infectious diseases are caused by...


Your body's first line of defense against infectious disease includes...

physical barriers like skin, mucous membranes, and cilia

Having enough energy to go to school and participate in every day activities without getting overly tired is a sign of good __________?

physical health

This can lead to a misunderstanding or saying something inappropriate.

poor communication

Which of the following mental illness does NOT begin during adolescence?

post-traumatic stress disorder

This may occur when a person feels like they are losing control over something.

power struggle

Prejudging or forming an opinion about someone or something is called...


Peas and beans are good plant sources of _________?

proteins and amino acids

Which of the following is NOT a way that a person can be exposed to environmental dangers?


Abuse does NOT include which of the following examples?

sexual and violence

If you can get along with others, at work, school, and/or play, you are said that you have good __________?

social health

Which of the following is a role of carbohydrates?

supplying energy for your body's functions

Mucous membranes are present in all of the following areas of the body except:

surface of the skin

Which of the following is an example of using a drug appropriately?

taking medication according to the instructions on the label

The proper way to determine unresponsiveness is to:

tap the victim and yell, "are you okay?"

Which of the following is the best thing to do if your friend abuses drugs?

tell a trusted adult

Which of the following examples is NOT included in the tension building phase of an abusive relationship?

tension is released in burst of physical abuse

Someone with good mental and emotional health demonstrates which of the following traits?

the ability to look at the positive side of a situation

The state of Nevada currently has both laws and policies regarding anti-bullying.


What is heredity?

the passing of genes from parents to offspring

____________ contains nicotine.


A blog and/or chatroom is also called an online forum.


A vaccine causes the immune system to respond by fighting a pathogen without having symptoms of infection.


Alcohol is a stimulant


Cilia are tiny hair-like structures that line your air passages to help trap and remove pathogens.


Confrontation means facing an issue head on.


Gender can influence your health because risk factors may vary between males and females.


Hallucinogens are strong mood changing drugs with unpredictable psychological effects.


LSD, marijuana, and ecstasy are categorized as schedule 1 drugs.


Physical abuse is any intentional unwanted contact with another person's body.


Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure.


Sexual harassment is the uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person.


Suicide is the third leading cause of death among people ages 14-24 years old.


The immediate, initial response by any bystander during EMS involves his/her care for the victim of an injury or illness until professional medical care arrives at the scene of the accident.


The openings into your body, such as your mouth, eyes, and nose, are covered by protective linings called mucous membranes.


You can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke if you learn to mange your stress.


One of the best ways to prevent the spread of disease, is to

wash your hands

Which of the following is NOT an example of the body's first line fo defense against infection?

white blood cells

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