health study guide 2 Social Health and Emotional health

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Which of the following is NOT a positive thought about a bad situation?

"Nothing ever works out for me."

Ideas of Emotional health

1) How you feel 2) the way something or someone makes you feel

Ideas of what Social health is

1) the people around you 2) the people you hang out with

Identify two possible sources of conflict in communities.

1.Cultures 2.Neighbors

Describe four refusal skills.

1.Saying no 2. stay focused 3. stand your ground 4. walk away

*The WHAT produces emotions and life events


Describe how you should speak in a conflict situation

Calmly, and clearly

*The first step to effective WHAT is knowing what you want to say.


the result of an action you take is what


If you identify your emotions, you may be able to WHAT with problems better.


What is automatic behavior used to reduce stress

Defensive mechanism

An WHAT is a set of emotions arranged by how pleasant they are.

Emotional Spectrum

what is the way a person experiences and deals with feelings.

Emotional health

Example of Emotional health

Every day when Kisha went to school, a girl would say bad things about her clothing. The more upset Kisha got the more the mean girl teased her

Identify three types of relationships that can influence your choices.

Family Role Models Peers

Name four physical changes in the body that emotions can elicit.

Fear anger blood pressure face gets red

what is an organ that releases hormones into the blood.


*List three major changes that often disrupt family life.

Health Problems Money Problems Relationship Problems

what is the way people think about and respond to events in their daily lives.

Mental health

What is focusing on the bad side of a situation

Negative thinking

*Describe a media message that would be a good influence on your relationships.

On TV commercial someone who is a good role model. On a commercial when people say always respect anybody or be nice to others etc.

Why do family roles change over time?

People move and responsibilities change over time.

What is self talk thinking about the good parts of a bad situation

Positive self talk

Unhealthy emotions can prevent people from solving what

Problems, conflict

What is a measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself


Describe four possible sources of conflict at school

Someone Clothes who you hang out with Having disagreement the way you act

What is the natural response with which the body reacts to unpleasant situations


a what is a feeling produced in response to a life event.


*What are two ways you can cope with family problems?

Talk to a trusted adult Hold a family meeting

What is body language?

The way that your body is acting

What is personal responsibility?

Things that you have to learn how to do on your own

Example of Social health

Tim was worried about about his friend Loud, Loud was not eating, he slept all the time and he never wanted to do anything. Tim thought Loud might be depressed

Situations, people, and events that cause a person to feel an emotion are called what


Explain good decision

When you decide to do the right thing

*Depression is not just feeling sad, it is

a mental illness that can be extremely dangerous.

*When two single parents marry and combine their families, the result is called a

blended family.

What are some possible sources of conflict at home?

conflict with siblings conflict with parents

a professional who helps people work through difficult problems by talking


*A family that includes members such as grandparents and cousins is an

extended family.

What is NOT sign of depression

feeling hopeful

What is a long-term goal

graduating from college

a what is a chemical that helps control how the body grows and functions.


*Someone who is thinking about suicide should be taken to a

hospital emergency room.

Define Social health

how a person gets along with other people

What are the sources of your goals?


Why is it good to be able to recognize signs that violence may happen?

it is good to recognize signs of violence because you can prevent or avoid

What is a form of healthy expression?

making a sculpture

Hormone changes that occur during teen development can affect emotions by causing differences in a teen's what

mood and energy.

Depression is WHAT which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless for long periods of time. *What is suicidal thinking?

mood disorder a desire of taken own life

*What is NOT a source of help for people with emotional problems or disorders?


*A family consisting of two parents and three children is a

nuclear family

*Providing care and other basic needs is called


a medical doctor who specializes in illnesses of the brain and body that affect emotions and behavior


a person who addresses mental health problems by dealing with individuals and their friends and family members are called


Different ways of saying no are called

refusal skills

to change thoughts, feelings and actions by finding the reasons behind them or by suggesting new ways to manage emotions

social worker

*Treating mental disorders or serious emotional problems early can help prevent WHAT and other violence.


a community resource that teens can call to talk privately and anonymously about their problems

teen hotline

Define emotional health

the way you feel about something, how something makes you feel

What is active listening?

when you listen to what someone has to say

What does self-esteem refer to?

your feelings about yourself

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