Health test chapter 1

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A form of health that means having a good quality of life

give an example of adopt good personal health habits

floss your teeth

give an example of how to adopt safety practices

follow simple safety rules

list all six healthy lifestyle determinants

getting regular physical activity, avoiding destructive behaviors, personal health practices, sound nutrition, good safety habits, and managing stress

what are the three priority healthy lifestyle choices

health and wellness promotion, preventing illness, treating illness

what are the negative and positive aspects of intellectual component of health and wellness?

ignorant and informed

what are the negative and positive aspects of health component of health and wellness?

illness and wellness

what are the five components of health and wellness?

intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, physical

list two social and individual determinants

interactions with others and personal decision making

give an example of how to manage stress

learn to manage time

which determinant is completely under your control?


what are the negative and positive aspects of social component of health and wellness?

lonely and involved

list six personal health habits

be physically active, eat properly, manage stress, adopt good personal health habits, avoid destructive habits, adopt safety practices

why is it important to understand lifestyle determinants?

because they are effective in preventing and treating various illnesses.

why is it important to understand how personal determinants affect health and wellness?

because you need to be aware of the disease you are prone to

which determinant is not at all under your control?


name one environmental determinant over which you don't have control

physical factors because you cannot control the quality of air and water where you live and go to school

list three environmental determinants

physical, social, school

why is it important to learn how to conduct self-assessments?

self-assessments help you know what your current health status is and help you set goals for good health.

name one environmental determinant over which you have control

social because you can control the relationships you have with people

how can a person be free of illness but not well?

someone can be free from disease but feel depressed, unfulfilled, unfit, ignorant, and lonely.

why aren't vocational health and environmental health included in the components of health and wellness?

they are not included because they are not personal characteristics.

what are the negative and positive aspects of physical component of health and wellness?

unfit and fit

what are the negative and positive aspects of spiritual component of health and wellness?

unfulfilled and fulfilled

what is one action associated with good skin care?

using sun screen

list two safety practices that reduce the risk of injury or accident

wearing your seat belt and wearing a helment

how do health and wellness differ?

wellness is a positive component of good health. Health is being free from disease and wellness is having a good quality of life.

Why are health care determinants not fully under your control?

you can control where you live and work and if you recycle or not, but you cannot control the quality of air or pollution.

How does your choice of friends affect your health?

your friends impact the choices you make and how you act. for example if you hang out with people who avoid destructive habits and practice healthy habits you are more likely to be healthy and well than those who don't.

what is the difference between controllable risk factors and uncontrollable ones?

controllable risk factors are things you can control about your health and uncontrollable ones are things that are not up to you

what are the negative and positive aspects of emotional component of health and wellness?

depressed and happy

what is a determinant?

determinants are the factors that affect your health and wellness

give an example of how to eat properly

eat fruits and vegetables

give an example of how to be physically active


list the five benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices

enjoying life, feeling good, learning better, meeting emergencies, looking good


Being free from disease, being well, and enjoying a high quality of life.

explain how a person can have a disability and still be well?

One can be happy and involved and still have a disability such as autism. this does not make them any less fit, fulfilled or informed.

how can a person be sick and be well?

a person can have a disease but still be happy, fit, fulfilled, informed, and involved.

list three health care determinants

access, compliance, affordability

list four personal determinants

age, heredity, sex, disability

give two examples of destructive habits

alcohol and drug abuse

what is a risk factor?

anything that increases your chance of getting sick

how many hours of sleep per night are recommended?

around 9 hours

give an example of how to avoid destructive habits

avoid drugs

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