HESI Adaptive quiz

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Which age should the nurse teach the parents of a school-age client to expect mandibular second molars to erupt?


Which age range does the nurse know is classified as the toddler years?

12-36 months

If hearing loss is detected early, proper intervention can help a child achieve normal language development. What is the latest age that hearing loss should be detected to ensure that a child achieves normal language development? Record your answer using a whole number.


What is the average height of a four-year-old child?

3 ft 4.5 in 103 cm

During which week of pregnancy does placental development occur?


The nurse is learning about the shift in total body fluid that occurs from infancy to adulthood. What percentage of body weight is the weight of extracellular fluid (ECF) in an infant at term?


Which Korotkoff sound represents the diastolic blood pressure in a toddler?

4th The fourth Korotkoff sound is muffled and low. This sound corresponds to diastolic pressure in the toddler

What percentage of his or her adult weight does an individual gain during the adolescent years?


Which Korotkoff sound represents the diastolic blood pressure in an adolescent?


diagnostic label

A diagnostic label is the name of the nursing diagnosis as approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I). It describes the essence of the client's response to health conditions in as few words as possible.

What is the best way for a nurse to interact with a 3-year-old child sitting in the waiting room of the pediatric clinic?

By walking into the waiting room to greet the child The child may be fearful of the examining room experience. Greeting the child while in the safety of the waiting room may help make the experience less threatening. Calling the child without entering the room is an authoritarian approach that will not limit the child's anxiety. Having someone else bring the child into the examining room is an authoritarian approach that may make the child more fearful. Standing at the examining room door while the child walks down the hall is an authoritarian approach that may increase the child's anxiety.

By which age do children develop binocularity?

Children develop binocularity (the ability to fixate on one visual field with both eyes simultaneously) by 3 to 4 months.

lead poisoning

Children who are exposed to lead are at risk for lead poisoning, which causes multisystem damage with the worst effects in the central nervous system. Lead poisoning can result in seizures, cognitive impairment, and death.

A nurse is observing hospitalized toddlers in the playroom. What does the nurse identify as their most important need?

Contact with their parents

A parent of a 20-month-old toddler who has experienced an episode of diarrhea calls the pediatric clinic for advice. What instructions should the nurse give the parent, according to evidence-based practice for this situation?

Continue the child's feedings as usual, observe the frequency of stools, and bring the child to the clinic tomorrow if the diarrhea continues.

How many days is the neonatal period?

Day 0-28 (4 weeks)

Which statement is true about Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

During the sensorimotor stage, infants develop an action pattern for dealing with their environment. According to Piaget's theory, during the sensorimotor stage, infants develop a schema or action pattern for dealing with the environment. Piaget's theory includes four periods which are related to age. In the early preoperational stage, children experience animism. During the concrete operations stage, children are able to perform mental operations.

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory explains the influence of moral values on an individual's thought?

During the society-maintaining orientation stage, an individual expands focus from a relationship with others to societal concerns. These individuals may be influenced by moral values.

A client in labor is having an indwelling urinary catheter inserted. What should the nurse plan to do to prevent late decelerations of the fetal heart rate during this procedure?

Elevating the right hip during catheter insertion displaces the uterus to the left. This action improves placental perfusion and prevents supine hypotension caused by pressure on the vena cava with its associated late fetal heart rate decelerations.


Intraocular pressure is determined by performing tonometry.

Ishihara chart

Ishihara chart is used to determine colorblindness.

sociocultural mores

Learning the sociocultural mores of the family implies that the child is developing a conscience. This does not imply that the child is learning gender roles, developing a sense of security, or learning about the political process.

order of female puberty

Menarche occurs when the prepubertal growth spurt is almost completed and after the primary and secondary sexual characteristics are almost fully developed. Pubic hair is seen about 6 months after the breast buds appear; the buds appear earlier than menarche. Although there may be a familial tendency to reach menarche at the same age as the mother, there are too many variables for this to be used as a guideline. The breast buds become noticeable about 2 years before menarche; they are the first secondary sexual characteristic to appear.


Peripheral vision is determined by performing a test called perimetry confrontation test can be also be used for peripheral vision

At what age does an infant achieve permanent eye color?

Permanent eye color is usually established between 6 and 12 months of age.

The average weight of a three-year-old child

The average weight of a three-year-old child is 32 lb (14.5 kg).

There are four periods of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

The first period is the sensorimotor period; this period describes object permanence. During the ages of birth to 2 years old, the child understands that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible. The second period is the preoperational period, which is observed in children between the ages of 2 and 7 years. During this time, children learn to think about the use of symbols and have mental images. The third period is the concrete operations period, which is observed between the ages of 7 and 11 years. During this period, the child thinks about an action before performing it. The formal operations period is the fourth period, which is observed in children from the ages of 11 years old throughout adulthood. During this period, there is a prevalence of egocentric thought.


The neonate's first stool, which is thick and greenish-black expected occurrence that should be documented. This stool is expected; there is no reason to suspect intestinal obstruction. Meconium stool on the first day of life is expected and does not require further examination

types of play for children

Toddlers play independently but beside other children; they are aware of the other children, often grabbing toys from them, but do not socially interact with them. Group play is characteristic of older children. Dramatic play or acting is characteristic of older children; starting at the preschool age, they assume and act out roles. Cooperative play is also characteristic of older children; starting at the preschool age; they learn to share, wait their turn, and become sensitive to their peers' needs.

A nurse is evaluating a 3-year-old child's developmental progress. The inability to perform which task indicates to the nurse that there is a developmental delay?

Using a spoon effectively is a task expected of 3-year-old children. Copying a square is a task expected of 4- or 5-year-old children. Hopping on one foot and catching a ball reliably are tasks expected of 4-year-old children.

Havinghurst's theory of stage crisis

based on developmental tasks. This theory incorporates three primary sources for developmental tasks: tasks that surface because of physical maturation, tasks that evolve from personal values, and tasks that are a result of pressures from society.

Piaget's theory of cognitive developmen

comprises four periods related to age: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations.


educed visual acuity that may occur when an eye weakened by strabismus is not forced to function. The lack of binocularity may result in impaired depth and spatial perception,

nephrotic syndrome.

group of clinical signs and symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in urine

labyrinth righting.

hen an infant in prone or supine position is able to raise head, it is known as labyrinth righting. It appears at 2 months, and is strongest at 10 months of age.

good boy-nice girl orientation stage,

individual wants to win the approval of and maintain the expectations of one's immediate group

Body righting

is a modification of the neck-righting reflex in which turning hips and shoulders to one side causes all other body parts to follow; it appears at 6 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age.

During testing of the neurologic reflexes of an infant, which reflex should the nurse expect to appear at 3 months and persist until 24 to 36 months of age?

neck righting

degree of nail bed in normal nail and clubbing

normal 160 degrees 180 degrees

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development

states that an individual needs to accomplish a particular task before mastering the stage and progressing to the next one.

Gesell's theory of development

states that each child's pattern of growth is unique and that this pattern is directed by gene activity.

universal ethical principal orientation stage

universal ethical principle orientation stage defines "right" in accordance with self-chosen ethical principles.

Otolith righting

when the body of an erect infant is tilted, the head is returned to an upright, erect position which appears at 7 to 12 months of age, and persists indefinitely.

rooting reflex;

when touched on the cheek, the infant reflexively turns the head to that side. The rooting reflex is expected to disappear by 4 months of age. An

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