HI 101 History of Civilization Test 4 (PCC Mr. Goodson)

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craftsmen and artisans living in the shadow of the castle.and were protected by the lords, but not as tied down as serfs

Tall and soaring with pointed tops used a new vault called flying butreces (directs the weight to the outside of the structure)

describe the Gothic style

Solid and bulky. rounded roofs and very dark with few windows

describe the Romanesque style


developed a new method of architecture and created a massive dome in Florentine

Edward I

first king to call for parliament

Bologna in 1088

first modern university in Italy, what year

Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile

the Spanish power couple who ruled during the Reconquista and made it extremely dangerous for Jews and Muslims in Spain

lay investiture

the appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles

Romanesque to gothic

the architectural style that Europe came out of in the High Middle Ages and the style they used more


the attempt to have the christians over take Spain, menaing to kick the Moors out


the belief that the majority of the power should be on the church council, not so much the pope

Summa Theolocia

the book Thomas Aquinas wrote

Childrens Crusade

the final Crusade in which the leader thought the pure in heart couldn't be stopped, hence they sent the purest forms they could find, kids

Bubonic Plague

the form of plague that killed the most people

Canute the Dane

the king of Dane who conquered Ethelred the Unready, but had weak kids

1st- clergy 2nd- nobles 3rd- everyone else

the new social classes and who were in them

vernacular writing

the non standard writing, more of how the common people spoke


the practice of passing things to the eldest son when the father dies

Venice (trade) Florence (culture) Rome (religion)

three major political cities

*Little European influence left *Trade was moe emphasized *Religious discontentment

three results from the crusades

inferno, pergatorio, and paradiso

three segregations in the Divine Comdey

Cistericians Franciscans Dominicans (the one thought to be heretical)

three types of monks

House of lords house of commons

two houses of parliament

created a truce to allow christians and muslims to both worship in the Holy Land

what agreement did Saladin and Richard come to

Unum Sanctum

what did Boniface write which excommunicated Philip and declared submission to the pope was required for sacrements

Domesday book

what did William the Conqueror use to keep track of his possessions and organize taxation

Availability of books Decline of use and availability of Latin

what effects did the printing press have

Phillip IV vs. Boniface VIII

what king wants to tax which pope which leads to the Popes excommunication

the lack of workable serfs

what led to the collapse of the feudal system

Great Schism

what was it called when two popes were elected and both tried to excommunicate each other leading great confussion

Peasants Crusade

what was technically the first crusade, though it was more of a joke than actually accomplishing anything

Established that the king is under the law, but it only really helped the nobles, not the commoners; at Runnymede

what was the Magna Carta and where was it signed

First Crusade

what was the only crusade to actually accomplish its goal

Council of Constance

where was the Great Schism finally resolved

Second Crusade

which crusade accomplished nothing but the muslims regaining the Holy Land

Henry IV vs. Pope Gregory VII

which pope excommunicated which king leading to the pope having more power than ever before

William the Conqueror vs. Harold Godwin

which two kings fought in the Norman conquest

Hugh Capet

who established the weak line of capetian kings

England vs. France (France won)

who fought the Hudnred Years War

Lorenzo Valla

who found the Donation of Constantine to be a fake while studying the old languages and original copies


who recaptured Jerusalem for the muslims

Edward the Confessor

who reigned after Canute the Dane

Joan of Arc

who turned the tide of the Hundred Years War

Richard I Phillip II (made a small claim and was satisfied) Frederick of Barbarrosa (died before reaching HL)

the three kings that were part of the Crusade of Kings


those who thought physical was always bad and spiritual was always good (leading to the conclusion Christ was not God)

Three Field System

A medieval innovation that increased the amount of land under cultivation by leaving only one-third fallow in a given year vs the before system of leaving 1/2 the field fallow

Wind/Water mills

very effective mechanical uses of wind and water power; became very widespread and was used to grind grain to produce flour

Battle of Hastings

what battle did William conquer Godwin in 1066


who wrote Divine Comedy

because of their kosher rules, diet, and washing of hands

why did the Jews die so much less during the Black Plague

AD 1096-1099

First Crusade where the Crusaders established four kingdoms in the Holy Land

Estates general

French form of parliament

AD 1440

Gutenberg invents the moveable type printing press

AD 1337-1453

Hundred Years War

the end justifies the means

Machiavelli's philosophy

AD 1215

Magna Carta

battle of Crecy

Major victory for the English where they used large 6ft long bows

AD 1066

Norman invasion with the Major Battle of Hastings

AD 1305-1378

Pope moved to Avignon and "Babylonian Captivity" of the papacy

AD 1453

Sack of Constantinople by Ottoman Turks leading to the end of the Byzantine Empire

Leonardo da Vinci

Sculptor and artist who painted the Last Supper


a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare that had a huge impact on medieval agriculture


believed in hands on reasoning and his teachings began making a comeback in the scholastic era

For urban elite Individual emphasis Secular

characteristics of th eRennaissance


city to produce high quality woolen cloth

Little Ice Age

climate change in the 13th century causing it to be cold which means smaller growing seasons leading to famine


code of conduct or ideal behavior. literally meant acting as though you owned many horses. warrior aristocracy using their power for good

Leonardo da Vinci

had an idealistic projection of realism


held the power through the feudalistic era because of their possession of land


how many crusades were there total


humanistic philosopher that downplayed religion and emphasized the potential of man

Johannes Gutenberg

invented the printing press

Henry II

kind of england but also Duke of Normandy causing him to control more of France than the French king. best known for strengthening power in the royal courts by inputting common law

Ethelred the Unready

king Alfred's son who was taken over by the king of Dane

Phillip IV the fare

king to establish estates general

Alfred the Great

king who battled the vikings into Dane

Thomas Aquinas

known as having the most profound voice in scholasticism


leading city for Italian trade

Fourth Crusade

led to the fall of the Byzantine Empire by the Sack of Constantinople

Frederick of HRE

led war against Italy because they kept causing trouble

Eleanor of Aquitaine

marriage with King Louis VII of France was annulled because of lack of sons. she then married King Henry II of England. She provided him with Richard and John

pneumonic plague

more deadly form of the plague that was more in the lungs

Third Crusade

most famous crusade known as the crusade of kings

*religious zeal *code of chivalry *adventure

motivation for crusades

Saracens or Seljuk Turks

muslims who obtained the Holy Land and the Pope was trying to drive out

old- trained monks for religious reasons new- trained city people for trades and higher understanding

old universities vs. new universities

Divine Comedy

one of the first vernacularly written works in Italy

Notre Dame

one of the most famous buildings using the Gothic style.

Otto the Great

one of the most important Roman Emperors who helped the pope with military power

Nicolo Machievelli

one of the most influential writers and wrote the prince


out of the common studies: medicine, law, and theology, what was held preeminent at this time


people joining like minded producers; regulated the trade and reduced competition


people with cash that financed the artistic ventures in the renaissance

Ad Fontes

phrase that meant to the sources

Pope Urban II in 1095

pope who called for the First Crusade

Common law

precedents set by judges who ruled in the past that applied to all cities, towns, and suburbs


private enterprise within a relatively unregulated free market; individuals buying and selling


reconciling of faith and reason; combining Aristotle's teachings with Biblical theology


someone who began to bring back the "importance" of realism

Jerusalem in 1099

the First Crusade captured what city (which was their goal) and in what year

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