Hist 101 Ch 1 review

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(Q044) The Indian belief that sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things is called "existentialism."








(Q051) The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was swiftly crushed by European colonial authorities.


(Q055) Before Europeans arrived in the New World, Native Americans lacked extensive trading networks, irrigation systems, or large cities.


(Q061) Europeans in the 1500s held firmly to the view that all men are created equal.


(Q063) Most European men in the 1500s owned property and could vote.




(Q066) The Aztecs lived in a peaceful, nonviolent society.


(Q067) Horses, cows, and pigs were plentiful in the Americas before Europeans arrived.


(Q068) In 1492, the population of Europe was three times greater than that of the Americas.


(Q069) Perhaps 8 million Native Americans died in the century and a half following first contact, the greatest loss of human life in history.


(Q070) In 1493, the Catholic pope, Alexander VI, divided all the Americas between Spain and Britain.


(Q073) As the climate warmed, the early inhabitants of the Americas experienced a food increase as the immense animals they hunted increased in number.


(Q075) In the Spanish colonies, race and class remained unimportant as socially defined systems of power.


(Q076) A common conception throughout Europe was that freedom was more political or social in status than a moral or spiritual condition.


(Q078) Portugal enslaved the Spanish to grow sugar on plantations in the Azores, Canary, Madera, and Cape Verde islands starting before European colonization of the Americas.


(Q079) Modern Brazilians continue to venerate the Virgin of Guadalupe, who originated in the colonial era as a vision of the Virgin Mary with dark skin.


(Q080) The system by which Indian villagers remained legally free and entitled to wages but were still required to perform a fixed amount of labor each year was called hacienda.




(Q082) New France attracted a large number of colonists compared to other European colonies in the Americas.


(Q085) The French invented the joint-stock company, which proved central to the development of modern capitalism.


(Q086) As a result of Governor Petrus Stuyvesant's leadership, the Dutch people experienced more religious diversity and harmony than they had experienced before.


(Q017) The Seneca, Mohawk, and Oneida created the

Great League of Peace

(Q014) How did Cortés conquer the Aztecs?

He relied on iron weapons and gun powder.

(Q003) What mistake did Columbus make regarding exploration to the New World?

He underestimated the size of the Earth

(Q032) Why did the explorer Henry Hudson sail into New York Harbor in 1609?

He was trying to find a northwest passage to Asia.


In marriage, a wife surrendered her legal identity

(Q028) Which African kingdom provided Europe with most of its gold?


For centuries before the conquest of the Americas, Europeans had intersected with__________ populations in North Africa and Eurasia.




(Q018) In the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish in the Americas relied on which of the following groups to work fields and mines?

Native American workers

(Q021) Why did the Pueblo Revolt take place?

Native Americans in New Mexico grew resentful of Spanish colonization.

(Q022) Who were the peninsulares in the Americas?

Persons of European birth

(Q010) This dwelling structure in New Mexico stood five stories high and had more than 600 rooms.

Pueblo Bonita

(Q019) The reconquista was the reconquest of

Spain from the Moors.

(Q007) The three European colonizing countries in North America in the seventeenth century were

Spain, France, the Netherlands.

(Q031) In 1610, __________ founded the capital of New Mexico in __________, establishing the first permanent European settlement in the Southwest.

Spain/Santa Fe

(Q015) Bartolomé de Las Casas in A Very Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies in 1552 argued that

Spanish people burned Native American children alive


St. Augustine, Florida

(Q039) Which of the following European nations in the early seventeenth century experienced a "golden age" in the form of a rapid rise in wealth, the sciences, and the arts?

The Netherlands

(Q041) How did the Dutch settlers near present-day Wilmington, Delaware, circumvent the West India Company's trade monopoly over North American colonization?

They claimed to be operating under the Swedish flag.

(Q035) How did the Dutch interact with Native American tribes in North America?

They engaged in warfare at times with Indian tribes

(Q045) After achieving territorial unification, Spain sponsored the transatlantic voyages of Columbus.








(Q053) Historians no longer use the term "discovery" to describe the Europeans' conquest and colonization of Native American societies after 1492.




(Q056) At the time of first contact with Europeans, perhaps 12 million people inhabited the Inca kingdom.


(Q057) Most Indian tribes were matrilineal.


(Q058) Small-scale slavery in which Indians enslaved other Indians existed in some Indian societies.


(Q059) In 1537, Pope Paul III outlawed Indian slavery, but not the enslavement of Africans.


(Q060) During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, all European nations had established churches that decreed what forms of religious worship and belief were acceptable.


(Q062) On the eve of colonization of the Americas, freedom in Europe was framed in hierarchical, top-down terms, with each level of society enjoying its own degree of freedom.


(Q064) Africans enslaved other Africans long before the arrival of European traders.


(Q071) When Columbus first sailed to America in 1492, Christian Europe was entirely Catholic; twenty-five years later, following Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, the Protestant Reformation had begun, and Europe was thrown into more than 100 years of Christian religious wars.


(Q072) The absence of livestock in the Western Hemisphere before European arrival prevented the plowing of fields and the use of animal waste as fertilizer by Native Americans.


(Q074) Some people before 1492 arrived in the Americas by sea from the Pacific Islands and Asia.


(Q077) By 1485, Portuguese ships had reached Benin, West Africa, whose craftsmen produced bronze sculptures.


(Q083) In the eighteenth century, Spanish colonial authorities adopted a more tolerant attitude toward traditional religious practices and made fewer demands on Indian labor.




(Q040) Under the Dutch in North America, "half freedom" referred to

a labor and land relationship with enslaved Africans.

(Q034) Dutch shareholders were called patroons because they

agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor

(Q038) In 1498, the explorer Vasco de Gama proved that

an eastern sea route existed to Asian countries.

(Q025) Which of these crops formed the basis of Native American agriculture?


(Q030) A child born of an Indian and a mestiza in the Spanish colonies was a


(Q002) Slaves, in the traditional African example, tended to be

criminals, debtors, and captives in war.

(Q033) Women in Dutch settlements

enjoyed more independence than in other colonies.

(Q009) A major achievement of North American Indians in the thousands of years before Columbus's arrival was

large earthen burial mounds in the Ohio River Valley.

(Q011) Native American religious beliefs and practices included

medicine men in positions of authority.

(Q042) A "borderland" is a

meeting place of peoples where geographic and cultural borders are not clearly defined

(Q008) At the time of first contact between Europeans and Native Americans, Native Americans had not developed

metal tools and machines

(Q023) Who were the mestizos in the Americas?

persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin

(Q004) Which of the following was a feature of Native American civilization prior to the voyages of Columbus?

populous urban centers

(Q036) Because French and Dutch settlements were more dependent on Indians as trading partners and allies than the English, Native Americans exercised more

power and freedom with Europeans in relations with these settlements

(Q006) Indian societies of North America possessed the cultural belief that

spiritual power resided in all aspects of the natural world.

(Q005) Which of the following was a notable characteristic of sixteenth-century Spanish America?

the conquest of Native American societies

(Q001) The primary goal of fifteenth-century Portuguese expansion was

the establishment of a trading empire in Asia.

(Q029) Why did news of the 1492 voyage of Columbus spread rapidly in Europe?

the invention of printing with movable type

(Q026) Which of the following was a major reason why early Europeans thought that Native Americans were barbaric?

their religion and ceremonial practices


they pitted European colonizers against each other

(Q027) Despite China's growing territorial power, their purpose in exploration was

to impress other world peoples with their might

(Q024) Prior to 1800, the largest settled community in what is now the United States was


(Q013) The first African slaves were shipped to the New World in what year?


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