HIST 1020 Exam 3

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(The Great Depression) How did the slump affect local and global economics

****ed everyone except Russia somehow

The Bolsheviks

(look at notes) member of a wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power.

(The Paris Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailles)What were its provisions (what it included)

Germany had to pay reparations; had military forces restricted; had to take sole responsibility for the war

(The Russian Revolution) How did the Bolsheviks prevail in the Civil War of 1918-1921

1 the Whites were disunited 2 Trotsky, who was a brilliant war strategist, so the Red Army had good tactics. 3 Belief in their cause (Communism = good) 4 Lenin helped the Bolsheviks by introducing War Communism. 5 the Bolsheviks maintained absolute unity through Terror (even after Tsar was killed) 6 Bolsheviks had what they needed to win the war. The British, French and American armies were fighting thousands of miles from home, at the end of a long supply line

The five year plan

1929-1932, consumer goods aren't made, new heavy industrial revolution, subsidiary factories like clothing aren't focused on, so housing and clothes are pretty much ****ed, because of the success of the first plan he creates a second with higher quotas, cities grow faster, tractor manufacturing increased, cultural revolutions with woman tractor driver, education improved with recruited professionals, socialist realism art, and purges to get rid of society of people against the efforts of society and then people who were Lenin supporters

The War Guilt Clause

Article 231, often known as the War Guilt Clause, was the opening article of the reparations section of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War between the German Empire and the Allied and Associated Powers.

What was the chronology of the war and nature/conduct of warfare

Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia and Russia is Serb's ally, Germany declares war on France, Germany says neutral on Belgium and invades anyway, Britain declares war on Germany, Austria-Hungary declare war on Russia, Germany beats Russia at Tennenberg, 1st trenches of western front are dug, then total war, the Lusitania down, the Wilson warns Germany about submarine warfare, Wilson re-elected, Germany doesn't care, then we declare war, draft, and then the flu kills more than the war, then peace treaty

(The Great Depression) Why did it spread

Bc Americans were the one's loaning the money

(The Great Depression) Why did the slump begin in the US

Bc of the credit scare that wasn't terrible until the people thought it was

The mood of 1914

But the mood of 1914 was not just the result of the way in which governments had justified their immediate political decisions. It was founded on an accumulation of national traditions and attitudes which had formed beliefs about the nature of the state and its authority reinforced by the curriculum in the schools over the past decades and the kind of language in which politicians and journalists had discussed international relations. (everyone expected a war and wasn't surprised when it happened, also it was a race to prepare/attack bc whoever was fist would probably win)

How did governments foster national sentiments among populations

By using propaganda, total war, that kinda stuff *double check*

(The Russian Revolution) How did the Bolsheviks justify building communism in Russia

Defending Russia from exploiters

Fireside Chats

FDR chats with the US over the radio where he was transparent about the US, what was right, wrong, policies, and information about the US

(The Russian Revolution) Why did it occur when and how it did

Immense social tension mounting under the rule of the Tsar coupled with the hardships of WWI brought the Bolsheviks to power

(The Great Depression) What were the long and short-‐term causes of the "slump" in the global economy

Improved agricultural production War debts American banks loaning money to everyone

How did WWI make the unthinkable thinkable

It went from a mentality to reality that previously hadn't crossed people's minds, it also utilized total war, included tons of countries and lots of death

(The Russian Revolution) Long and short term causes

Long- suppression of the Russian people by the Romanov Dynasty Short- WWI

(The Great Depression) How did the slump affect the nature of politics, and the varieties of gov't responses to the problems caused by the slump

Many governments removed from power because people were looking for politcal reform

(The Great Depression) How did the slump affect the lives of ordinary people

Many people lost their jobs and had to go to places where they could become day laborers. Reduced to squalla and literally lived hand to mouth Some people were able to make a fortune off other people's misfortune and become very wealthy.

The Culture of Modernity

Modernity is a term of art used in the humanities and social sciences to designate both a historical period (the modern era), as well as the ensemble of particular socio-cultural norms, attitudes and practices that arose in post-medieval Europe and have developed since, (what people began to do, liberalism, nationalism, war, science, all that shit)

(The Paris Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailles)How did it affect politics, economics, and everyday life in the 1920s and 30s

Paying reparations caused inflation; Britain & France did not receive war reparations, couldn't pay loans to US; US loans Germany money to pay Britain and France; Britain and France pay loans to US

(The Paris Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailles)How did it help to pave the way to WWII (or why was peace imperfect)

People of Germany were not satisfied with the terms of the treaty

What conditions made mass politics possible in the 19th century

Printing press, higher literacy, Cities grew rapidly, political parties developed and the age of mass politics came into being

The Russo Japanese War

Russia suffered numerous defeats by Japan, but Tsar Nicholas II was convinced that Russia would win and chose to remain engaged in the war; at first, to await the outcomes of certain naval battles, and later to preserve the dignity of Russia by averting a "humiliating peace". The war concluded with the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by US President Theodore Roosevelt. The complete victory of the Japanese military surprised world observers. Russia and Japan both wanted control of Manchuria and Korea Japan won The war helped US realize Japs were equal playing field with West

The Dawes's Plan

The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was an attempt in 1924 to solve the World War I reparations problem, which had bedeviled international politics following World War I and the Treaty of Versailles Stabilized EU economy, growth, recovery, allowed the Germans to repair, and led to European countries relying on the US which led to 1929 hurting so damn fast

What were the long-term political and cultural origins of the war

The Federal government grew tremendously, Gov't spending increased at a pace never witnessed before, businessmen like hoover were essential to economic and monetary planning, the labor movement received concessions thanks to the war, women's rights received a boost like suffrage, US = military and economic power

Alsace Lorraine

The Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine (German: Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen or Elsass-Lothringen) was a territory created by the German Empire in 1871 after it annexed most of Alsace and the Moselle department of Lorraine following its victory in the Franco-Prussian War

What causes contributed to end of the war

The US kicking ass but the aforementioned stuff too

What conditions helped to popularize Socialism

The depression made people interested in its optimistic and utopian ideology, its progressive theory of human perfection, advocated social, economic, and political equality through state Econ interventions, and thanks to class struggles, people thought it might work Marx was a powerful speaker, Fabian Socialism was more moderate so people got on board, and it was seen as a political platform for the people

How did Nationalism transform the map of Europe before 1914

The imagined communities weren't realistic; nations were in conflict with other nations, new nations included Greece, Belgium, Italy, Serbia, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria

The aftermath of WWI- how did it impact EU and the rest of the world

The lost generation; war memorials; women can vote, reparations

What were the immediate causes of the conflict of 1914

They include militarism, alliance, imperialism, and nationalism

What were the different strands of Socialism at the turn of the 20th century

They were— Utopian: inspired Karl Marx and other early socialists. However, visions of imaginary ideal were viewed as not being grounded in the material conditions of society and as reactionary. Marxist: to classless, stateless social organization based upon common ownership of the means of production and to a variety of movements acting in the name of this goal which are influenced by the thought of Karl Marx Marxist/Leninism: Lenin's ideas that differed form Marx's, but still similar Stalinism: Stalin's take on Lenin's stuff

Why did a stalemate ensue from fall 1914 to spring 1917

Trench warfare made the fighting much harder

(The Russian Revolution) How did the Bolsheviks prevail in the Revolution in 1917

Tsar made poor decisions and lack of leadership ability which lead to military and economic disasters. He also did not liston to his advisores and did not keep promises. As a resoult the middle class, peasants, soldiers, and workers became more and more disapointed with the tsarist regime until they snaped and felt the need to do something to reverse the situation. which lead to the revolution.- Because Lenin promised peace the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, and this assured peace with Germany, which the people dearly wanted. Russia lost much land Poland, Ukraine, Finland

How did WWI influence political and economic history in 1920s and 1930s

US jobs were different, led to prosperity in the 20s an heartbreak in the 30s

(The Paris Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailles)Who participated and who was left out

US, France, Britain, Italy, Japan, NOT = Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Unrestricted submarine warfare is a type of naval warfare in which submarines sink vessels such as freighters and tankers without warning, as opposed to attacks per prize rules (also known as "cruiser rules").

(The Russian Revolution) Was a Communist Revolution predictable in Russia in 1917

Yes, because the Bolsheviks claimed to be defending Russia from exploiters plus they needed to do something


a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl


a policy of forced consolidation of individual peasant households into collective farms called "kolkhozes" as carried out by the Soviet government in the late 1920's to early 1930's.


a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

War of Attrition

a prolonged war or period of conflict during which each side seeks to gradually wear out the other by a series of small-scale actions. (like 1915-1917 where British had a naval blockade of Germany, and German Navy had unrestricted submarine warfare)

Welfare State

a system whereby the government undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens, especially those in financial or social need, by means of grants, pensions, and other benefits. The foundations for the modern welfare state in the US were laid by the New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Trench Warfare

a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other. Leads to lots of death, sickness, not really effective bc when people leave trench they get shot The reason stalemate occurred in WW1

The Lost Generation

all the people who died in WWI, the demography lost 15 million, 9 servicemen

The Armenian Genocide

also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of 1.5 million Christian Armenians, mostly Ottoman citizens within the Ottoman Empire and its successor state, the Republic of Turkey

Class Consciousness

awareness of one's place in a system of social classes, especially (in Marxist terms) as it relates to the class struggle

Vladimir Lenin

before Stalin, yet Stalin worked with him, learned ideals, recreated them and killed off people from time who would know Lenin's ish and then made his own policies (was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of the Russian Republic from 1917 to 1918, of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1918 to 1924, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a Marxist, he developed political theories known as Leninism.)

Mixed Economy

capitalist, and controlled by the gov't defined as an economic system with markets and economic planning, public ownership and private ownership, or markets and economic interventionism. However, in most cases, "mixed economy" refers to market economies with strong regulatory oversight and governmental provision of public goods, although some mixed economies also feature a number of state-run enterprises.

The Schlieffen Plan

fails, but the German army's plan for war against France and Russia . It was created by the German Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen in 1903


devotion to the interests of the country, nation meant similar people, same language, history, cultures, independency, sovereign people, accountable to one another, political entity defined by cultural and ethnic boundaries


extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy. (was the culture of WWI people) Aggressive nationalism and patriotism directed against foreign countries; hyper-nationalism

NEP (New Economic Policy)

failure of war communism led to mass famine, there was a rejection of democracy and the ideology of class war, there were problems though both political and economic, there was industrial and cultural backwardness and a need for management and expertise, introduce the NEP as the solution, (a more capitalism-oriented economic policy, deemed necessary after the Russian Civil War of 1917 to 1922, to foster the economy of the country, which was almost ruined. The complete nationalization of industry, established during the period of War Communism, was partially revoked and a system of mixed economy was introduced, which allowed private individuals to own small enterprises) ended up being repealed by Stalin and he created a revolution from above

Fashion Consciousness

interested in the latest fashions and in wearing fashionable clothes: and I'm guessing that fashion made a difference in who you were, what/where in society you fit in

The Breadwinner Wage

is a paradigm of family centered on a breadwinner, "the member of a family who earns the money to support the others". In heterosexual relationships, the breadwinner is most often the male. The earner works outside the home to provide the family with income and benefits such as health insurance. The non-earner usually stays at home and takes care of children and the elderly. Got really ****ed up during the depression bc there was only one income households more often than not

The Proletariat

is a term for the class of wage-earners, in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor-power (their ability to work)

The Red Scare

is the promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism or radical leftism. In the United States, the First Red Scare was about worker (socialist) revolution and political radicalism. In response to Red Terror and fear of the spread of Communism

The Culture of National Sacrifice

it was normal for Total War and people were okay with it bc it gave jobs, stimulated the economy, etc

The Revolutions of 1848

known in some countries as the Spring of Nations, People's Spring, Springtime of the Peoples, or the Year of Revolution, were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe in 1848. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history. The revolutions were essentially democratic in nature, with the aim of removing the old feudal structures and creating independent national states. (pretty sure this is how so many European countries came to be)

Franklin Roosevelt

president after Hoover and hoover is blamed with Depression, FDR comes up with ways to fix the economy, like welfare state, mixed economy and regulation, then WWII concluded the depression artificially

War Reparations

re payments intended to cover damage or injury inflicted during a war. Generally, the term war reparations refer to money or goods changing hands, but not to the annexation of land. Germany had a lot of these to other people

Secular Religions

rise of science and social sciences (men, urban areas, Darwinism, and evolution), led to a separation of church and state

The New Deal

short term policies intended to address the great depression crisis, fire-side chats, emergency banking relief act (1933), federal emergency relief administration (FERA for local crises), gov't regulation of banks, wages, and prices, the Civil Works Administration, the CCC, the Works Program Admin (CCC for infrastructure), and led to part 2 which was long term policies—to avoid the depression again, created Union legislation, collective bargaining, Agriculture Adjustment Act, and the Social Security Administration

Joseph Stalin

supposed successor of Lenin, good arguer and organized, communist bastard who starves country, focuses industrialization strictly on industry, disregards well-being of country, loses millions of lives but within 10 years, while other countries are struggling he brings Russia back on top

The Homefront

the informal term for the civilian populace of the nation at war as an active support system of their military. Military forces depend on "home front" civilian support services such as factories that build materiel to support the military front.

The Bourgeoisie

the middle classes. 2. (in Marxist thought) the ruling class of the two basic classes of capitalist society, consisting of capitalists, manufacturers, bankers, and other employers. The bourgeoisie owns the most important of the means of production, through which it exploits the working class.

Self Determination

the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government. An individual and collective right to "freely determine...political status and [to] freely pursue...economic, social and cultural development.

Socialist Realism

the theory of art, literature, and music officially sanctioned by the state in some communist countries (especially in the Soviet Union under Stalin), by which artistic work was supposed to reflect and promote the ideals of a socialist society.

The Second Industrial Revolution

there was class conflict, Industrialization and immiseration-(economic impoverishment.), inequality of living standards, class consciousness (over both politics and economics) which encouraged political mobilization and the creation of trade unions, in 1894 there was the Pullman Strike (the biggest strike of the day and needed the nat'l guard to come in and stop it) According to notes: 1840 was full of failures, Liberalism and Laissez Faire triumphed, Marxist Ideology and Communist manifesto, class struggle engine of history and argues we at the end of struggle and communism brings violent revolution

The Cultural Revolution

under Stalin where education improved, recruited professionals to teach, great purges occurred, social realism became a thing, women could ride tractors, cities grew, etc

Social Darwinism

using evolution to justify discrimination and people who suck, suck bc they're weaker and stupider than others Survival of the fittest, applied socially, and with wars.

Total War

utilizing an entire nation's resources to fund a war effort and have complete support from one's country, blurs line b/t combatants and non-combatants, propaganda outta control A nation mobilizes all available resources for the war effort. Blurs the line between soldiers and civilians; apparent in both WW1 and WW2

The Red Terror

was a campaign of mass killings, torture, and systematic oppression conducted by the Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918. Soviet historiography describes the Red Terror as having been officially announced in September 1918 by Yakov Sverdlov and ending about October 1918.

The Great Purges, who was this against?

was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1938. It involved a large scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, and widespread police surveillance, suspicion of "saboteurs", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions

The League of Nations

was an intergovernmental organization founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. Also, didn't have the US at first

The Myth of the Stab in the Back

was the notion, widely believed in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, that the German Army did not lose World War I but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front, especially the republicans who overthrew the monarchy in the German Revolution of 1918-19

The Treaty of Versailles: who did it affect most? What did it do to that(those) countries? What did it aim to do? What was created as a result?

weakened Germany, led to demilitarization, reparations and war guilt clause, new nations formed, League of Nations created and the US refused to join. Furthermore, ended WWI, lead to fear of USSR and Germany, left Germany too powerful, allowed prewar conflicts to persist, created new countries with internal nat'l conflicts

Sanshiro, who was he? Where was he from? What did he do that made him so important?

went from the countryside to Tokyo and wrote about the busyness, the violent, startling, endless, shocking nature of the city, also the fact he was among a ton of people yet felt alone, solitude in crowds, the quickened pace, and the collapse of traditional roles

The New Woman/New Man

women were dissatisfied with the idea of separate spheres (work and home, men doing whatever at work and it being reckless/sinful and women being perfect at home) and inequality, this led to a change in the nature of the economy, the rise of the department store gave women a place to go and shop and also to work, which led to the rise of corporation. Gender and Second Industrialization improved communications, middle class secretary and second generation of women who are typewriter gals out in public, fully independent, employed, single, and ride bicycles (iconic)

The Communist Manifesto

written by Charles Marx ("solution" to economic and social problems) political pamphlet by German philosophers

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