HIST 1020 Kicklighter Final Exam

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Warsaw Pact

What was the name of the alliance (association of Soviet dominated Communist countries) between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations? This was in response to the NATO (in Poland). It included East Germany, Czech, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Soviet Union.

West Berlin

What was the pro-Western city in East Germany?

The Berlin Airlift

When Americans airlifted in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin.


Which Germany was pro-Soviet? (East/West)


Which Germany was pro-Western? (East/West)


Western parts of Czechoslovakia with mixed German and Czech populations.

Polish, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia

What countries rebelled against the USSR?

Germany, Italy

What countries was the Pact of Steel between?

Britain, America, Soviet Union

What countries were in the Grand Alliance?

America, Britain, Soviet Union

What countries were the "Big Three" of WW2?


What was Germany's first military tactic used against Poland?


What was known as the Phony War?

Great Patriotic War

What was the Soviet term for World War II?

V-J Day

"Victory over Japan day" is the celebration of the Surrender of Japan, which was initially announced on August 15, 1945; brought the war to and end.

polish corridor

What was the area cutting between Germany proper and the easternmost part of Prussia, which cause serious problems between Poland and Germany?

East Berlin

What was the capital of Eastern Germany after the division?


What was the capital of West Germany or of the Federal Republic?


What was the capital of unoccupied France?

New Order

Hitler's program, based on the guiding principle of racial imperialism, which gave preferential treatment to the Nordic peoples above "inferior" Latin peoples and, at the bottom, "subhuman" Slavs and Jews.

Final Solution

Holocaust; Nazi persecution and effort to destroy Jewry.

Marshall Plan

A 1948 American plan for providing economic aid to Europe to help it rebuild after World War II. Stalin refused this plan for eastern Europe.


A breakthrough in improved relations between Premier Brezhnev and Presidents Nixon and Ford. This came to an end when the Soviets invade Afghanistan.

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

A imperialistic system founded by Japan consisting of other Asian countries during the early 20th century. Japan reduced its members to puppet nations, taking their raw materials and using them as new markets; the Europeans and Manchurians did not like this influence.

Atlantic Charter

A joint declaration released by US President FDR and Churchill following a meeting of the two heads of government. The charter provided a broad statement of US and British war aims. Among its major points were a nation's right to choose its own government, the easing of trade restrictions and a plea for postwar disarmament. The document is considered one of the first key steps toward the establishment of the United Nations.

Potsdam Meeting

A meeting in Germany where Stalin, Truman (who had replaced Roosevelt, Churchill, and then Attlee (replacing Churchill during the conference) planned the postwar peace in July 1945.

Berlin Wall

A wall erected in 1961 that was the effort to seclude West Berlin from everything.

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

A movement launched in 1965 by Mao Zedong that attempted to recapture the revolutionary fervor of his guerrilla struggle.

liberation theology

A movement within the Catholic Church to support the poor in situations of exploitation that emerged with particular force in Latin America in the 1960s.

Potsdam Declaration

A peace faction sought a negotiated end to the war with Japan; Truman, Churchill, and Stalin issued this which demanded unconditional surrender.

The Velvet Revolution

A peaceful protest by the Czech people that led to the smooth end of communism in Czechoslovakia.


A policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society; ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURE AND CHANGE; Economic restructuring and reform implemented by Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev that permitted an easing of government price controls on some goods, more independence for state enterprises, and the establishment of profit-seeking private cooperatives.


A policy of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which called for more OPENNESS with the nations of West, and a relaxing of restraints on Soviet citizenry; Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev's popular campaign for government transparency and more open media.

arab socialism

A secular and nationalist project in the Middle East aimed at economic development and a strong military.

Geneva Conference

American-Soviet Summit Conferences beginning with the _________ ________ of 1955 with British and French participation.

United Nations

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation; created to replace the League of Nations.


Anglo-American Invasion of France during June 1944; Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy, and it was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe and defeat Germany. It led to the liberation of France, denying Germany any further exploitation of that country's economic manpower resources.

North Africa, Italy

Anglo-American invasions occurred in _______ ________ and _______ so the British could secure victory in Africa and America could engage in the fight against Germany.

Moscow Olympics

Carter boycotted what after the Soviets tried to take Afghanistan? He decided the invasion was a moral outrage and blocked shipment of grain to the Soviet Union after they invaded Afghanistan to continue communistic rule.

Kim Il-Sung

Communist leader of North Korea; his attack on South Korea in 1950 started the Korean War. He remained in power until 1994. He was the first communist leader of his family. When Japanese troops left Korea, he was chosen by the Soviet Union to lead North Korea. He has a history of fighting Japanese imperialism.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Created in 1964, a loose union of Palestinian refugee groups opposed to Israel and united in the goal of establishing a Palestinian state.

Douglas McArthur

Emperor Hirohito maintained in authority during the occupation led by General _________ __________.

German Blitz

German bombing campaign against Britain; it was the German effort largely by air to crush the British led by Churchill.

Pact of Steel

Germany and Italy sign this pact which says that Italy will be allies with the Germans and not with French or Brits. This is where the Germans and the Italians become a confirmed axis. Mussolini sings this because he sees it as a good opportunity because Germany is strong. This pact did not last.

Soviet Union

In 1941, Germany broke the Non-Aggression pact and attacked the _______ _______. Moscow was besieged and Ukraine conquered.

The Rape of Nanking

In late 1937, Japan defeated the Chinese city of Nanking. Chinese civilians were brutalized and thousands were killed. The event shocked Western powers and contributed to sanctions against Japan. (from study guide: Japanese attack on Chinese city).

Tokyo War Crimes Trials

Japanese leaders, including General Tojo, implemented savage policies and committed many shocking atrocities such as the Rape of Nanjing. They killed up to 4 million Chinese people. Tojo and six others were hung for their war crimes. What was this called?


International port city essential for Poland located in the Polish Corridor and under authority of the League of Nations; This place which is now Gdansk, Poland, inter-war, was known as the "free city" and was administered by the League of Nations and desired by both Poland and Germany.

Battle of Britain

July 1940, German planes attacked British airfields and key factories, dueling with British defenders in the skies. Hitler began indiscriminately bombing British cities to break British morale. Britain began winning and Hitler gave up on invasion.


Lightning war; Destruction by airplanes, bombs, etc. and there is no concern about the civilians, just want to win. Start in Norway, go down to Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, finally to France.

38th Parallel

Line that divided Korea - Soviet Union occupied the north and United States occupied the south, during the Cold War.

Great Leap Forward

Mao Zedong's acceleration of Chinese development in which industrial growth was to be based on small-scale backyard workshops run by peasants living in gigantic self-contained communes.

Cocoa holdups

Mass protests in Africa's Gold Coast in the 1930s by producers of cocoa who refused to sell their beans to British firms and instead sold them directly to European and American chocolate manufacturers.

Munich Conference

Meeting of Daladier, Chamberlain, Mussolini, and Hitler to settle the issue of Sudetenland and agreed that Sudetenland should be ceded to Germany.

Fortress Europe

Military propaganda term from the Second World War that referred to the areas of Continental Europe occupied by Nazi Germany, as opposed to the free United Kingdom across the Channel. It referred to Hitler's plans to fortify the whole of occupied Europe in order to prevent invasion from the British troops.

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

Name the three parts of the French Indochina.

Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin

Name two post-Soviet Russian leaders.


Official rejection of the special role of Stalin in the Soviet Union after his death in 1953.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki

On what two cities in Japan were the atomic bombs dropped during WWII?


Opposition to German Authority in various parts of western Europe.


People who, through a movement beginning in 1919, sought black solidarity and envisioned a vast self-governing union of all African peoples.


Polish labor movement beginning in the 1970s, taking control of the country from the Soviet Union; Led by Lech Wałęsa, an independent Polish trade union organized in 1980 that worked for the rights of workers and political reform.

muslim league

Political party founded in 1906 in colonial India that advocated for a separate Muslim homeland after independence.

Syngman Rhee

Right-wing nationalist leader of South Korea chosen to lead by the US.

Yalta Meeting

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill (big three) met at Yalta (was a part of Ukraine but now Russia) to negotiate plans for the remainder of the war in Europe, Russia's participation in the war in Asia, and the postwar world.

The Free French

Supporters of General de Gaulle who refused to acknowledge the French armistice in 1940. In 1944, de Gaulle's Committee of National Liberation was proclaimed and recognized as the French provisional government; 1940-44 when Paris was recovered.

Peaceful coexistence

Term used by Khrushchev in 1963 to describe a situation in which the United States and Soviet Union would continue to compete economically and politically without launching a thermonuclear war.

Truman Doctrine

The 1945 American policy of preventing the spread of Communist rule; it promised military and economic support to governments threatened by Communist control; aimed to "contain" communism to areas already occupied by the Soviet army. Turkey and Greece and communist threats.

Common Market

The European Economic Community created in 1957.

common market

The European Economic Community, created by six western and central European countries in the West Bloc in 1957 as part of a larger search for European unity.


The German effort was largely fought in the _____ to crush the British led by Winston Churchill.

European Recovery Act

The Marshall plan was also known as the:


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an anti-Soviet military alliance of Western nations, formed in 1949.


The Policy of British-French Appeasement was created to avoid war, but let Hitler expand German territory unchecked. This was a policy of weakness mostly associated with which British prime minister?

Pearl Harbor

The US provided up to 90% of Japan's oil. On July 26, 1941, President Roosevelt embargoed all oil exports to Japan and froze its assets in the US. Japan now either had to recall its forces from China or go to war before running out of oil- they chose war. This brought about the Japanese bombing of _______ _________.


The acceptance of and cooperation with German control/occupation.

National Liberation Front

The anticolonial movement in Algeria, which began a war against the French in 1954 and won independence in 1962.

dependency theory

The belief, formulated in Latin America in the mid-twentieth century, that development in some areas of the world locks other nations into underdevelopment.

modernization theory

The belief, held in countries such as the United States in the mid-twentieth century, that all countries evolved in a linear progression from traditional to mature.


The collapse of the Soviet Union occurred under who?

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea. There were up to 36,000 American deaths. It ended in a stalemate and a fragile truce was negotiated.

Chiang Kai-shek

The defeated leader of the Guomindang Party and after the defeat, he fled to the island of Taiwan. He established the Guomindang party in Taiwan, among the non-communists.

economic nationalism

The effort to promote development through substitution of imports with domestic manufacturing and state control of key industries.

Phony War

The first 8 months of WW2 where not much fighting occurred. Also known as "Sitzkrieg." Germans and Russians agree to the Non-Aggression pact to split Poland. Poland fell and the French and British step in to protect Poland and fight back against Germany.

Winter War

The first Soviet-Finnish War. The Soviets attacked Finland because they border Russia to gain more land.

Europe First Policy

The military strategy, set forth by Churchill and adopted by Roosevelt, that called for the defeat of Hitler in Europe before the United States launched an all-out strike against Japan in the Pacific and no unilateral treaties; this policy cemented the Grand Alliance because it denied Germany and Japan any hope of dividing their foes.

Cold War

The post-World War II conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union?


The process of removing Nazi Party figures from roles of public authority and dismantling Nazi laws and institutions in postwar Germany.

The Nuremberg War Trials

The trials for Nazi war criminals, including major German leaders. Some were exiled and some executed.

Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI)

The use of trade barriers to keep certain foreign products out of one's country so that domestic industry can emerge and produce the same goods.

German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

This pact was an agreement between Hitler and Stalin not to attack each other. It allowed for German victories in the west without worries of the east; secretly divided the countries that lay between them.


This process between America and China first begins with the American Ping Pong Team. Americans are invited to China to play ping pong and things start to be "normal" between America and China. Their relationship was bad because of China being communist.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

This treaty consisted of Western Europe, West Germany, America, and Canada. It was based on Anti-Communism.

V-E Day

Victory in Europe Day; occurred after Hitler's suicide. Those who are left in charge of Hitler's government would surrender; it was a huge celebration.


Who popularized the "iron curtain" term in a 1946 speech?

Mao Zedong

Who was the founder of Chinese Communist party? He had the support of the Russians and defeated Chiang Kai Shek of the Guomindang Party. He has a good relationship with Khrushchev and a bad relationship with Nixon.

Marshal Henri Petain

Who was the leader of Vichy France? He wanted to get along with Germany because they are so powerful.

Charles de Gaulle

Who was the leader of the "Free French" Resistance?

General Tojo

Who was the major Japanese leader during most of the war?

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin

Who were the "Big Three" of WW2?


Yugoslav statesman who led the resistance to German occupation during World War II and established a communist state after the war. Yugoslavia split up after his death in 1980.

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