HIST 1301 Ch. 6-10

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Which of the following is true of American national identity as envisioned by the Constitution of 1787?

The "people" were free America; Native Americans and "other persons", meaning African-American slaves, were not considered part of the political nation.

What was the significance of the case of Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review.

What policy did the new United States pursue in its dealings with Native Americans?

The U.S. government set out to dispossess the Native Americans of their remaining rich lands and drive them westward.

Why did the founding fathers create the electoral college?

They did not trust ordinary voters to choose the president and vice president directly.

Which of the following is NOT true of the presidential election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson's victory in the New England states proved to be key to his election.

Anti-Federalists were concerned that the Constitution severely limited liberty.


Congress nearly passed a clause in the Ordinance of 1784 that would have prohibited slavery throughout the West.


Free trade and sailors' rights were the two issues that drew the United States into the War of 1812.


Not until the twentieth century did the Bill of Rights become revered.


Shay's Rebellion demonstrated to many leading Americans the need for a more central government to ensure private liberty.


Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa tried to revive a pan-Indian movement and unite against the white man.


The Twelfth Amendment required electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president.


The War of Independence weakened the deep tradition of American anti-Catholicism.


The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 proved to Federalists that democracy in the hands of the ordinary citizenry was dangerous.


The men who led the Revolution from start to finish were, by and large, members of the American elite.


The property qualification for voting was hotly debated during the 1770s and 1780s.


Women were counted fully in determining representation in Congress, and there was nothing specifically limiting women's rights in the Constitution.


In his Thoughts of Government (1776), John Adams advocated state constitutions that provided for:

a powerful governor and a two-house legislature that reflected the division of society between wealthy and ordinary men.


fighting for the american cause

Articles of Confederation

first written American constitution


forced American sailors into the British navy

The three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution:

gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted.

strict constructionist

government could only do exactly what the Constitution stated

Republican motherhood encouraged:

greater educational opportunities for women.

The new state constitutions created during the Revolutionary War:

greatly expanded the right to vote in almost every state.

Marbury v. Madison

judicial review

Alexander Hamilton's long-term goal was to:

make the United States a major commercial and military power.

Jay's Treaty

negotiated with Britain

The Naturalization Act of 1790 allowed:

only free white persons to become citizens.

In order to encourage virtue in future citizens, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams:

proposed free public education.

Ladies' Association

raised funds to assist American soldiers

Which of the following was NOT a way in which women contributed to the Revolutionary cause?

replacing their husbands in political offices

republican motherhood

responsible for raising the next generation of leaders

Sedition Act

restrictions placed on freedom of the press


retained their allegiance to the crown

Somerset case

ruled slavery unlawful in England

checks and balances

separation of powers

Sierra Leone

settlement in Africa for freed slaves

three-fifths clause

slave compromise

The Kentucky resolution originally stated that:

states could nullify laws of Congress.

"Strict constructionists" believed:

the federal government could only exercise powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

In The Federalist, James Madison argued that:

the large size of the United States was a source of political stability.

What served as a sort of "school of political democracy" for the members of the "lower-orders" in the colonies-turned-states?

the militia

Shay's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated:

the need for a stronger central government.

As a result of the American Revolution, Americans rejected:

the principle of hereditary aristocracy.

Which of the following contributed to the success of free trade advocates during the Revolutionary War?

the publication of Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"


the right to vote

Which of the following was NOT a key obstacle to the abolition of slavery in the Revolutionary era and new nation?

the widespread fear that freed slaves would move west and unite with Indians

Virginia Plan

two houses based on proportional representation

New Jersey Plan

unicameral system


unofficial conflict with France

"Republican motherhood" was an ideology that held:

women played an indispensable role in the new nation by training future citizens

free labor

working for wages, or owning a farm or shop

Which of the following was a characteristic of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation?

Congress was a two-chambered body, with a House of Delegates and a Council.

"Separation of Powers" refers to the relationship between the national government and the states.


As one of the few southern white elite men who did not own slaves, Thomas Jefferson was able to honestly declare that all men had inalienable rights.


For those Loyalists who remained in the United States after the war, hostility toward them proved to be long and intense.


George Washington made a significant statement about slavery when he freed his slaves before taking the presidential office.


In the Constitution, Native Americans were granted citizenship.


Louisiana's slaves enjoyed far more freedom under the liberty-loving United States than under the rule of tyrannical Spain.


Nearly every state constitution adopted in the 1770s and 1780s allowed Jews to vote and hold public office.


Seeing the events as an extension of their own progress of liberty, white Americans supported the Haitian Revolution and the establishment of Haiti as an independent nation in 1804.


The American victory in the Revolution marked a new era of expanding freedom for Indians living east of the Mississippi River.


The Embargo Act was devastating to the British and French.


The U.S. Constitution of 1787 was America's first written constitution.


The idea of republican motherhood encouraged direct female involvement in politics.


The relationship between the national government and the states is called:


Which statement about Loyalists is FALSE?

Fewer than 10,000 Loyalists left America after the war.

The "quasi-war" was a war of the United States against:


Which statement about gender and politics in the Revolutionary era is FALSE?

In appreciation for their invaluable contribution to the war effort, women were allowed universal suffrage.

All of the following statements are true of the Bill of Rights EXCEPT:

It explicitly granted states the right of secession.

Which of the following is true of the Virginia Plan?

It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house.

Which of the following is true of the Louisiana Purchase?

Jefferson expected the land acquisition to make possible the spread of agrarian republicanism.

Which of the following does NOT describe those who attended the Constitutional Convention?

Most had earned their wealth after rising from humble origins.

Fries's Rebellion

Pennsylvanian farmer uprising

Moravian Brethren

Revolution undermined church authority among this group

By the 1790s, the phrase "we the people" had come to mean what?

Rights were increasing for white Americans.

Which of the following is true of women and political life in the new republic of the 1790s?

Some women contributed to a growing democratization of political life by arguing for increased rights for their sex.

Virginia resolution

attacked the Sedition Act as unconstitutional


"School of political democracy"

Which statement about blacks and freedom in the Revolutionary era is FALSE?

After the Revolution, emancipation in the North was swift and all-encompassing.

How did Americans respond to the French Revolution?

Almost everyone supported it at first, because the French seemed to be following in Americans' footsteps.

Which of the following is true of the Constitution of 1787 and slavery?

Although never using the word "slavery", the document protected several aspects of the institution.


ability to sacrifice self-interest for the public good

slave trade

abolished in 1808

freedom petitions

action slaves took for their immediate release

Thomas Jefferson's Virginia "Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom" did the following EXCEPT:

allowed a second set of standards for Catholics.

Bill of Rights


Which of the following people would have been the most likely supporter of the Articles of Confederation?

an indebted farmer in western Massachusetts


an offensive term for the rituals of the Catholic Church

Treaty of Greenville

annuity system

With regard to slavery, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787:

banned slavery in the area north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River.

Louisiana territory

bought for $15 million

XYZ affair

bribery scandal

War Hawks

called for war against Britain

Naturalization Act of 1790

citizenship limited to whites only


division of powers

Hartford Convention

ended the Federalist Party

The Federalist

essays that generated support for Constitutional ratification

In its decision in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, the U.S. Supreme Court:

exercised the authority to overturn a state law that the Court considered in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

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