HIST. 201 - Ch. 24: An Affluent Society (1953 - 1960) MULTIPLE CHOICE/REVIEW QUESTIONS

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d. the Southern black church

During the 1950s, the mass movement for civil rights found principal support among _________. a. union leaders b. corporate leaders c. Democratic and Republican political leaders d. the Southern black church

c. Beats

The name for the small group of poets and writers who railed against mainstream culture and that included Allen Ginsberg was the _______. a. hippies b. Yippies c. Beats d. Beatles

a. League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

The principal organization in the Southwest - the equivalent of the NAACP - that challenged restrictions on housing and employment, as well as the segregation of Latino students was named the ____________. a. League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) b. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) c. National Urban League (NUL) d. Congress on Racial Equality (CORE)

d. resisting alignment with either major power bloc

The wave of decolonization that began when India and Pakistan achieved independence in 1947, and by which, in the decades following World War II, Europe's centuries-old empires collapsed, witnessed the newly created Third World nations. a. aligning with the Soviet Union b. aligning with the United States c. aligning with Great Britain d. resisting alignment with either major power bloc

b. Modern Republicanism

What did President Eisenhower call his domestic agenda that embraced a "mixed economy," in which the government played a major role in planning economic activity, and by which Eisenhower consolidated and legitimized the New Deal? a. the "New" New Deal b. Modern Republicanism c. the Great Society d. the New Frontier

c. the Southern Christian Leadership Committee

Formed in 1955, what was the coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists that pressed for desegregation and had Martin Luther King Jr. as its leader? a. the Congress of Racial Equality b. the NAACP c. the Southern Christian Leadership Committee d. the Interfaith Council of Churches

c. 35%

In 1955, what percentage of non-agricultural workers were unionized? a. 10% b. 25% c. 35% d. 57%

a. defender of business to champion of the "forgotten man," for whom heavy taxation had become a burden

In the 1950s, Richard Nixon pioneered efforts to transform the Republican Party's image from _____________. a. defender of business to champion of the "forgotten man," for whom heavy taxation had become a burden b. defender of the small farmer to champion of the military-industrial complex c. defender of the military-industrial complex to champion of the small farmer d. defender of freedom-loving peoples and anticommunists o proponents of detente

c. Montgomery, Alabama

In the aftermath of Rosa Parks' arrest for refusing to giver her bus seat to a white rider, a year-long bus boycott took place in what city? a. Memphis, Tennessee b. Birmingham, Alabama c. Montgomery, Alabama d. Little Rock, Arkansas

b. "massive retaliation"

The 1954 update to the doctrine of containment, announced by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that declared a Soviet attack on any American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, was called "brinksmanship" by its critics and what by supporters? a. SALT I b. "massive retaliation" c. isolationism d. "nuclear imperialism"

b. the Soviet launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik

The National Defense Education Act, which for the first time offered direct federal funding for higher education, was passed into law by Congress in 1957 in response to ______________. a. the French defeat by Vietnamese forces at Dien Bien Phu b. the Soviet launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik c. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's visit to the United States d. inner-city riots, and the rise of feminist activist endeavors across the Midwest

d. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

What was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided on May 17, 1954, in which the Warren Court unanimously asserted that segregation in public education violated the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment? a. Menendez v. Westminster b. Loving v. Virginia c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

a. black Americans must not try for full racial equality too quickly; before they achieve that, they must first prove their worthiness to all America

Which of the following was NOT a feature of Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy? a. black Americans must not try for full racial equality too quickly; before they achieve that, they must first prove their worthiness to all America b. blacks and whites must work together to combat segregation c. the civil rights movement should always fight racial injustice on a non-violent basis d. the civil rights movement is a crusade not merely to improve the lot of blacks, but, more broadly, to redeem the soul of America

a. large income tax reductions

Which of the following was NOT a key cause of the economic prosperity of the 1950s? a. large income tax reductions b. housing construction in the expanding suburbs c. Cold War-related military production d. the building of the interstate highway system

c. a growing tendency of husbands and wives to share the role of breadwinner and homemaker

Which of the following was NOT a prominent feature of suburban married life during the 1950s? a. a rise in birth rates b. a decline in divorce rates c. a growing tendency of husbands and wives to share the role of breadwinner and homemaker d. a growing desire among husbands and wives to find fulfillment through the shared enjoyment of material comforts, recreation, and sexual relations

c. a surge of student radicalism on college campuses

Which of the following was NOT a significant trend in 1950s America? a. the growing association of the automobile with individual freedom b. the emergence of TV as the nation's prevalent form of entertainment c. a surge of student radicalism on college campuses d. the rise of a youth culture that challenged the bland conformism of postwar America

b. the United States will always respect the sovereignty of foreign democracies - even those whose policies we oppose

Which was NOT a key premise of American foreign policy during the Eisenhower years? a. any Soviet attack on one of our allies will result in a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union b. the United States will always respect the sovereignty of foreign democracies - even those whose policies we oppose c. we must be prepared to negotiate with the Soviet Union d. the United States will intervene in the Middle East - militarily, if necessary - to ward off the threats of communism or Arab nationalism in the region

c. labor leaders

Which was NOT one of the elements of "the power elite" - the interlocking directorate that dominated government and society in the 1950s - in the view of sociologist C. Wright Mills? a. corporate leaders b. politicians c. labor leaders d. military men

d. unions sponsored "wildcat" strikes in an effort to discipline management

Which was NOT part of the new "social contract" between organized labor and management in leading industries during the 1950s? a. unions agreed to leave decisions regarding capital investment and plant location in management's hands b. employers ceased trying to eliminate existing unions c. employers granted benefits such as private pension plans, health insurance, and automatic cost-of-living pay adjustments to employees d. unions sponsored "wildcat" strikes in an effort to discipline management

c. Allen Ginsberg

Who was the leading voice of the Beats? a. Orville Faubus b. William Levitt c. Allen Ginsberg d. Adlai Stevenson

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