HIST Final Exam Inquizitives Study

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Identify the events that contributed to stagflation.

- Arab oil embargo: Oil became scarce, and energy prices increased. *The United States' economy depended on having cheap energy. As oil prices increased and supplies dwindled, factories had to cut production. - budget deficits: Deficit spending on Great Society programs and the Vietnam War resulted in an expansion of the money supply. *An expanded money supply decreased the value of the dollar, resulting in inflation. - Yom Kippur War: OPEC refused to sell oil to nations that supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War. *The United States sent aid to Israel during the Yom Kippur War, which prompted OPEC to stop selling oil to the United States. - baby boomers: The workforce grew faster than the number of new jobs. *Unemployment increased to nearly 6 percent by the end of 1970. *Another factor leading to stagflation was the increased competition from West Germany, Japan, and other emerging industrial powers who had rebuilt following World War II.*

How did the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War influence Bush's foreign policy?

- Bush struggled to understand the changing political landscape of the world. *The end of the Soviet Union and the Cold War drastically changed the global landscape, as the United States needed to find a foreign policy to replace the outdated policy of containment that had guided it through the Cold War. - The end of the Cold War brought instability on a large scale. *America was the only remaining superpower after the Cold War ended, but there were still many unstable regimes throughout the world; this caused instability. *Containment became irrelevant after the Soviet Union dissolved.

Identify the aspects of Carter's personality that limited his success as a president.

- Carter failed to inspire the nation and came off as preachy and negative. *Carter's "crisis of confidence" speech seemed to blame Americans for the nation's problems. - Carter's desire to be a "strong, aggressive president" made it difficult for him to get Congress to pass any of his bills *Although Carter initially succeeded in pushing through several environmental laws, later in his term his struggles with Congress prevented him from addressing major economic issues. - Carter liked to micromanage. *Carter's involvement in details distracted him from creating clear priorities for his presidency. *During the Iranian hostage crisis, Congress and the American people wanted a military response. Carter first attempted a diplomatic approach to the problem before authorizing a rescue attempt, which failed.

What was Carter's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

- Carter imposed a grain embargo on the Soviet Union. - Carter imposed an American boycott on the Moscow summer Olympics. *To the contrary, Carter refused to sign a Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviets.

By the end of the Vietnam War, which areas in Asia were controlled by Communist forces?

- China - Laos - Cambodia - North Vietnam - South Vietnam *Congress refused to allocate resources to help Nguyen Van Thieu's government resist the North Vietnamese in 1975, when the North Vietnamese broke the cease-fire agreement.

To what extent was Clinton's foreign policy a success?

- Clinton negotiated several significant agreements between Israel and the PLO .- Clinton authorized military action that put an end to ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

How did the rights of gay Americans evolve during Obama's presidency? Place the events in chronological order.

- Congress repeals the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. - Obama endorses same-sex marriage. - The Supreme Court overturns the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). *The ruling allowed same-sex couples to receive the same federal benefits as straight couples.

The economy was deep in recession when Obama became president. Identify the laws Obama supported and their intended effect. (Not all answers will be used.)

- Dodd Frank: The act reformed the system that regulated the financial industry.- -TARP: The act provided bailouts to financial institutions.- -American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The act provided funds for states to spend on infrastructure development projects.

Place the events of the Watergate scandal in chronological order.

- Five burglars were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. - A Senate investigation revealed that Nixon was personally involved in the cover-up of the Watergate break-in. - The Supreme Court ruled that Nixon needed to surrender all of his secret tapes. - Nixon resigned. *Nixon believed that the president was above the law. The Watergate investigation and his subsequent resignation proved he wasn't.*

Which of the following statements accurately describe immigration in the twenty-first century?

- Immigration from Asia, as well as Latin America and Africa, means that the majority of new arrivals are no longer from Europe. - Asian Americans are the fastest-growing ethnic group as a result of Chinese immigration. *Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans are all more likely to vote Democratic than Republican.

How did the concept of instant gratification and the idea that Americans should be able to "have it all" influence the economy?

- Many Americans went on spending sprees. *They were influenced by advertisers and marketers who encouraged instant gratification at the expense of preparing for the future. - Public and private debt increased. *Consumers spent more and saved less while the federal government continued to run large deficits, which increased the public debt. *Homelessness became a major issue, as many poor people found it difficult to find low-cost housing. Support for mentally ill people disappeared, and many ended up living on the streets.*

Nixon and Kissinger worked to ease relations with China and the Soviet Union. Put the following events in chronological order.

- Nixon visited China. - Nixon visited the Soviet Union. - Nixon and Brezhnev signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. - Kissinger visited Moscow. *Kissinger flew to Moscow as part of his "shuttle diplomacy," and this eventually led to the negotiation of a cease-fire to end the Yom Kippur War.*

Which of the following helped the Hispanic rights movement succeed?

- Nonviolent demonstrations and strong alliances with labor and religious groups helped gain media attention. *Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers and gained national attention with his nonviolent means of demonstration for the rights of Hispanics. - Hispanics were a growing minority group in the United States. *Issues that were important to the Hispanic community were important to political candidates who needed the Hispanic vote.

Identify the examples of Obama's successes in achieving his counterterrorism goals.

- Obama used Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden. *Osama bin Laden was the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. - Voters in Afghanistan were able to participate in elections in 2014. *Obama achieved many of his counterterrorism goals in Afghanistan by narrowing the focus of the U.S. mission and providing extra soldiers to finish the job

What steps did Reagan take to end the Cold War? Place the events leading up to the end of the Cold War in chronological order.

- Reagan begins a massive military buildup. - Reagan authorizes the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). *The SDI was a space-based missile defense system. Since the United States had begun development of a missile defense system, the Soviet Union was forced to expend many resources to create one of its own to match it. -- Reagan calls for Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. - The United States and Soviet Union sign the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement. *The agreement called for both nations to completely eliminate their stock of intermediate-range nuclear weapons.Reagan's foreign-policy strategies helped free much of Eastern Europe from Soviet control.

What factors helped Reagan win the election of 1984?

- Reagan's campaign was more optimistic than the Democrats .- The economy prospered because of his economic policies. - Reagan promised he would not raise taxes whereas his opponent said he would. *Gorbachev did not come to power in the Soviet Union until after Reagan's reelection.

Place in chronological order the events of the Great Recession.

- Rising home prices encourage consumers to buy houses they cannot afford. - Housing prices fall dramatically. - Huge numbers of mortgage borrowers default on their payments. - Banks lose billions on bad mortgages and other debts, while reduced spending plunges the country into a recession. - Bush signs the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). *TARP was designed to prevent financial institutions from failing, but the program could not prevent the collapse of the stock market in 2008.

Identify how the following events limited Carter's ability to be a successful president.

- Stagflation: Unemployment and prices rose despite Carter's efforts to reduce taxes and increase spending. - Panama Canal: Republican critics worried that Carter had abandoned the country's national interests .- "Crisis of confidence" Speech: Carter seemed to blame Americans for his own failings as president. - Iranian Hostage Crisis: Carter and America appeared weak on the world stage.

Which of the following was a result of Nixon's policy of détente with the Soviet Union?

- The United States and Soviet Union signed the successful Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. *treaty limited the number of missiles with nuclear warheads that the two countries could produce and prohibited the construction of missile defense systems. - Relations with the Soviet Union gradually improved until the end of the Cold War. *Détente allowed Western influences to penetrate the Soviet Union and slowly undermine the Communist regime.

Identify the legacies of Reaganomics.

- The country was left with a large amount of debt. *Reagan's tax cuts and military spending created a huge budget deficit. - The economy prospered for years after Reagan left office. *Reaganomics helped spark "The Great Expansion," a twenty-year period in which economic productivity and prosperity increased overall despite some short downturns. *Reagan lowered taxes for many Americans and simplified the tax structure. Many Americans supported conservative politics at the time, as the nation shifted toward conservatism and away from liberalism.

Why was Clinton successful in the 1996 campaign?

- There were no foreign-policy crises. - The economy improved significantly, ushering in a period of great economic growth. - The Republican party was divided. *There was conflict between economic conservatives and social conservatives in the Republican party.

What were the achievements of the Immigration and Nationality Service Act of 1965, and how did it impact U.S. demographics in the 1960s?

- abolished discriminatory quotas based on national origin - led to an influx of Asian and Latin American immigrants (Asians and Latin Americans were the largest new American groups during the sixties.) - imposed visa ceilings based on hemisphere of origin Explanation* The act imposed a maximum of 20,000 people that could emigrate from any country each year.

Identify the impacts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 on the African American community.

- prohibited literacy tests at polling stations *(Literacy tests and poll taxes were among the many ways local officials in conservative regions would prevent the many poor and uneducated blacks from voting.)* - enabled election of black public officials in white-dominated politics - authorized federal officials to enforce the act - guaranteed all citizens the right to vote - empowered blacks to register to vote in the hundreds of thousands Explanation* Several states and counties had been notorious for preventing blacks from registering to vote. These governments, however, were never forced to pay reparations to the blacks they disenfranchised over the years.

Identify the "great silent majority" that Nixon appealed to when he spoke of promises to bring "law and order" to a nation overflowing with "violence, lawlessness, and permissiveness."

- southern white Democrats *Nixon specifically targeted white southern Democrats who were angry with the civil rights movement. - working- and middle-class whites *Many working-class and middle-class whites had been alienated by the protest movements and riots of the 1960s. Nixon did not appeal to African Americans, college students, or feminists. *Nixon did not support the civil rights movement.* *Nixon did not support the youth revolt or the counterculture.* *Nixon did not support the women's movement.*

Which of the following contributed to the development of the youth revolt?

- the civil rights movement - an American culture of consumerism and convention - Vietnam War - the large number of "baby boomers" attending college *The civil rights movement helped inspire the large generation of "baby boomers" to political and social activism. Many of these young people were disillusioned by what they saw as a conventional society tainted by consumerism and a stifling bureaucracy. After 1965, greater U.S. involvement in Vietnam inspired many of these youth to protest against the draft and the war.

Identify how the invasion of Iraq affected the American budget and economy.

-America faced massive budget deficits because of the enormous costs of the war. -The rebuilding process in Iraq cost nearly a trillion dollars. *During the 2004 election, Democrat John Kerry attempted to use the growing budget deficit caused by the war to his advantage, but Bush countered by asserting that the war in Iraq had ultimately made the United States safer.

Which of the following were long-term effects of America losing the Vietnam War?

-America's loss broke the national consensus that the United States must contain communism around the world. *Containment had been the guiding principle of U.S. foreign policy since 1947. - Vietnam was reunited under the Communist government of North Vietnam. *The government of South Vietnam was unable to hold the Communist forces off for very long without support from the United States. - The Khmer Rouge came to power in Cambodia. *When the United States stopped fighting the North Vietnamese, the U.S.-backed Khmer Republic was overcome by the Communist Khmer Rouge. *The Democratic party was very fractured because of the Vietnam War. The Khmer Rouge took over the Cambodian government and carried out genocide against its opponents.*

How were American politics influenced by increases in the number of minorities living in the United States?

-As the population became more racially and ethnically diverse, politicians could no longer ignore them, as had often happened in the past, and as a result they became a major factor in the shifting social and political life of the twenty-first century

Which of these provisions were included in the Economic Opportunity Act that launched the War on Poverty? Analyze Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and Great Society initiatives, and evaluate their impact on American society.

-COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM Explanation* The Community Action Program allowed underfunded neighborhoods the resources to organize programs that their residents required. -JOB CORPS Explanation* Job Corps was a training program aimed at inner-city youth. -HEAD START Explanation* Head Start was an educational program for disadvantaged preschoolers.

Why did Jimmy Carter fail to achieve long-term success as president?

-Carter and his advisers lacked national political experience. -Carter spent too much time on policy details and neglected to develop a vision for the future of America. -The Iranian hostage crisis persisted through the end of Carter's presidency.

What major difficulties did Clinton experience during his presidency?

-Clinton failed to pass health-care reform. *Clinton was unwilling and unable to compromise on his health-care reform bill. -Clinton's reputation was damaged by scandals *The Whitewater scandal and Clinton's sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky led to his impeachment and nearly forced him from office.

Nixon appointed Chief Justice Warren Burger to the Supreme Court. Complete the passage to describe how the Burger Court helped or hindered Nixon's efforts to slow desegregation.

-Even though Burger had been appointed by Nixon, the Burger Court did not support Nixon's efforts to halt the desegregation of schools. In Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that school systems had to bus students out of their neighborhoods to achieve desegregation. *Nixon sought to slow the expansion of civil rights; however, the Supreme Court prevented this from happening by continuing to desegregate.

Obama pursued an aggressive campaign of nation building to support democracy in the Middle East in accordance with the Obama Doctrine.

-False *According to the Obama Doctrine, the United States would not continue to pursue a policy of nation building. Significant change did come to the Middle East in the form of the Arab Awakening, but the movement was not led by the United States.

Bush remained popular among conservatives during his second term despite strong criticism from liberals.

-False *Fiscal conservatives disapproved of the large federal deficit.

As president, Reagan convinced Congress to significantly reduce spending for many social welfare programs, as he had promised to do as a candidate. True or False?

-False *Reagan did cut food stamps by 4 percent, but he maintained many other welfare programs, such as Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans were opposed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) because they wanted to protect American jobs and depended upon labor unions for political support.

-False *Southern Democrats and Democrats who supported unions opposed NAFTA, on the grounds that the people they represented would lose their jobs to countries with cheaper labor.

The Iran-Contra affair revealed that the Reagan administration was secretly channeling funds it secured by selling arms to Iran to fund research on the Strategic Defense Initiative, an anti-missile program that Congress had explicitly abolished, as it violated previous arms limitation treaties with the Soviet Union.

-False *The Iran-Contra affair revealed that the Reagan administration was secretly channeling funds that it had secured by selling arms to Iran toward the Nicaraguan contras, a counterrevolutionary military force combating the socialist government in Nicaragua, during a time that Congress had explicitly banned such aid.

Reagan's economic policies revitalized the American economy by creating more manufacturing jobs.

-False *The economy became more service oriented, as manufacturing jobs moved overseas.

The Watergate scandal and Nixon's subsequent pardon by President Ford validated Nixon's idea of "executive privilege." True or False?

-False *If Nixon had not resigned, he would likely have been impeached for his illegal actions.

Complete the passage to describe how music influenced the counterculture movement.

-Folk musicians were heroes in the youth revolt. In 1969, the outdoor music festival Woodstock, located in Bethel, New York, attracted thousands of members of the counterculture, also referred to as "flower children," to its rural acres. The festival expressed the values of peace and love through folk music and psychedelic "acid rock".

Why was democracy able to take hold in Eastern Europe?

-Gorbachev began to cooperate with the United States. *Under Bush, the United States and the Soviet Union reduced their supply of nuclear weapons. -Gorbachev stopped intervening in the affairs of Communist countries. *This allowed reformers in Eastern European countries to successfully carry out revolutions to install democratic governments.

How did the black power movement influence the civil rights movement?

-It introduced a shift in mainstream civil rights focus from the rural South to urban ghettos in the North and West. -It inspired African Americans to celebrate their African culture and to take pride in their racial heritage. *It was Malcolm X who urged blacks to call themselves African Americans as "a symbol of pride in their roots."

Complete the passage to describe the limits that Nixon believed should be in place to restrict the power of the president.

-Nixon believed that the president was above the law and that anything the president did could not be illegal. Nixon used his power as president to discredit his opponents and to spy on his enemies. As the Watergate scandal unfolded, he encouraged his staff to avoid cooperating with law enforcement. *Congress passed legislation to limit executive power because of the Watergate scandal.

How did Nixon's draft policies slow the momentum of the anti-war movement?

-Nixon eliminated the draft. *In 1973, Nixon created an all-volunteer military. -Nixon created a draft lottery. *The lottery made the draft more fair and easier to understand.

Identify the political parties with whom Clinton worked to gain support for the following bills. (Not all answers will be used.)

-North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)-Republican & Democratic party. *Republicans and Democrats alike supported Clinton's desire to pass NAFTA. However, Clinton lost support from a few southern Democrats who wanted to preserve the jobs of their constituents. -economic reforms of 1993, Democratic party. Correct label:Democratic party *No Republicans supported Clinton's 1993 economic reforms. -Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA), Republican Party *After the Republicans took over both houses of Congress in the 1994 election, Clinton realized that he needed to appeal to the conservative movement.Clinton passed bills with the support of both Republicans and Democrats at various points in his presidency.

To what extent was Obama successful in his goal of uniting the country?

-Obama was a very divisive president. *Conservatives refused to work with the president, and the political climate worsened significantly after the 2010 election.

Identify the accomplishments of the civil rights movement between 1960 and 1965.

-Officials in Birmingham, Alabama, agreed to desegregate their city. Explanation* In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded massive demonstrations against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. Protestors braved violence and arrests. Ultimately, city officials agreed to end segregation in Birmingham. -African Americans in the South were registered to vote. Explanation* During the Freedom Summer, civil rights activists registered African Americans in the South to vote. These activists were harassed by southern whites, and some were beaten and even murdered. -African American children learned about civil rights and African American history. Explanation* In forty-one "freedom schools," civil rights activists taught African American children history, writing, and math. This was done in conjunction with the Freedom Summer efforts to register African American voters.

Why did Reagan increase military spending to the point where it represented a quarter of federal expenditures?

-Reagan hoped a massive military buildup would force the Soviets into an arms race that would ultimately bankrupt them. *Ultimately, the United States outspent the Soviets. The Soviet Union could not keep up with the United States in acquiring nuclear armaments, which ultimately led to its downfall.

How did Reagan gain the support of Christians who were part of the growing "Christian Right"?

-Reagan pledged to restore daily prayer in schools. -Reagan promised to ban abortions. *The emotionally charged debate around abortion included the charge by many evangelical Christians that abortion was a form of murder.Carter's loss was Reagan's gain, as many of the alienated white southern Democrats switched over to the Republican party during the election of 1980.

How did Reagan envision his "peace through strength" strategy succeeding?

-Reagan would brand the Soviet Union as the "evil empire." -Reagan would increase America's military strength and force the Soviets to try to keep up.

Why did HIV/AIDS become such a significant problem in the United States?

-Reagan's advisors encouraged him not to address the problem. *Reagan erroneously regarded HIV/AIDS as a "gay" disease, and his conservative advisers did not believe it was a problem that needed to be addressed.

Complete the passage to describe the ultimate effect of Reagan's tax cuts on the economy.

-Reagan's tax cuts encouraged increased spending from consumers. They also increased the federal debt and nearly led the country into a recession. *Reagan was forced to raise taxes slightly, and he worked with Congress to develop a deficit-reduction package.

How did Nixon's policy of détente change the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union?

-Relations became less strained, and the two superpowers were able to negotiate several agreements. *Détente helped the two nations come to an agreement during the Moscow summit, as well as during the Yom Kippur War.

What made the election of 2000 controversial?

-Supreme Court Intervened to decide the election *The Supreme Court ruled in Bush v. Gore that Bush had won the election and no further recounts should take place.

Complete the passage to describe how Native American reformers achieved success.

-The American Indian Movement used violent confrontation and peaceful protests, such as the Trail of Broke Treaties caravan, to promote Red Power. After the Sioux occupation of Wounded Knee the government re-examined Native American treaties.Native Americans shifted tactics and used the court system to get the attention of the government. Ultimately, many Native Americans were successful in getting the courts to award monetary compensation for their lost lands.

Complete the passage to describe how the Supreme Court responded to conservative assertions that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional.

-The Supreme Court ruled that the majority of the Affordable Care Act was constitutional. Republicans particularly opposed the individual mandate on the grounds that it was an imposition on personal freedom. The Supreme Court ruled that the mandate and subsequent tax penalties for being uninsured fell under Article 1 of the Constitution. The conservative chief justice of the Court voted to support the Affordable Care Act. *The Supreme Court's support of the Affordable Care Act made Obama's goal of providing health-care reform for the United States a success.

What effect did the invasion of Iraq have on the "war on terror"?

-The invasion destabilized Iraq and created an opportunity for terrorists to gain a stronghold. *Islamic militants entered the country to attack American troops and hinder the rebuilding process.

Describe the strategies and achievements of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and explain the divisions that emerged among its activists during the decade. The black power movement called for the use of militant tactics to demand equality and civil rights, especially in the cities of the North and West. Why did the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT appeal to young activists?

-The nonviolent civil rights movement had ignored the poverty and inequality in cities of the North and West. Explanation* Many activists in the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT lived in inner cities in the North and South where poverty and discrimination were rampant. But the nonviolent CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT had exclusively focused its attention on segregation and voting rights in the South. -The slow pace of change achieved by the nonviolent CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT was frustrating. Explanation* Many activists in the black power movement believed that nonviolent civil rights leaders had compromised with whites and accepted only modest gains for years and years of struggle and sacrifice *By the mid-1960s, when the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT was on the rise, the nonviolent CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT had an enormous following, as seen in the hundreds of thousands of people who participated in the March on Washington in 1963. *Young, college-aged activists participated in nonviolent civil rights protests in the South throughout the 1950s and 1960s. They were also welcomed as members into nonviolent civil rights organizations.

How did demographic changes make conservative politics more popular?

-The number of senior citizens in the United States increased. *Senior citizens tended to be more politically and socially conservative. -Americans migrated to conservative Sunbelt states. *The migration forced the United States to redistrict the House of Representatives, resulting in conservative southern and western states gaining seats, while liberal states lost them.

Why did the CIA operation at the Bay of Pigs fail?

-The operation did not inspire a large group of anti-Communist rebels in Cuba to join the fighting. -The United States did not deploy its warplanes to provide aerial support to the invasion. Explanation* American soldiers did not participate in the fighting. The Bay of Pigs was a secret CIA action in which the CIA trained anti-Communist Cubans and coordinated the attack.News of the failed CIA action at the Bay of Pigs in 1961 spread internationally, making the United States look weak and indecisive. President Kennedy described the Bay of Pigs invasion as a "colossal mistake." Fidel Castro's Communist regime in Cuba remained a thorn in the side of the American government.

Complete the passage to describe the goals of the women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

-The women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s sought to empower women to work outside the home. Although many middle-class women were educated, many were also underpaid and frustrated with their lifestyle. Reformers wanted women to end workplace discrimination and reform many aspects of birth control. To pursue these goals, Betty Friedan, the author of The Feminine Mystique, and other activists founded NOW.

The counterculture encouraged "dropping out" of conventional society and replacing it with a free, loving culture that embraced a lack of political and governmental structure. True or False?

-True *Disillusioned by politics and the social status quo, the counterculture established alternative communities that followed the slogan "Make Love, Not War."

The Watergate burglary was just one of many illegal actions sanctioned by Nixon to discredit his enemies. True or False?

-True *Nixon ordered illegal wiretaps on his opponents, tried to use the IRS for political purposes, and sanctioned other break-ins.

During his presidency, Carter's relationship with Congress deteriorated quickly while his relations with the American people deteriorated over time. True or False?

-True *Carter had a poor working relationship with Congress because he did not consult with Democratic congressional leaders. As a result, many of his requests to Congress failed.

According to President Kennedy, "The civil rights movement owes Bull Connor as much as it owes Abraham Lincoln." The nonviolent confrontation tactics employed by the civil rights movement were effective in drawing public attention to segregation in the South. True or False?

-True. Explanation* Connor, the head of the all-white police force in Birmingham, Alabama, provided the horrific scenes of police using attack dogs, tear gas, electric cattle prods, and fire hoses on nonviolent protesters. Such images propelled a bipartisan majority in Congress to support national legislation to end segregation and voting disenfranchisement in the South.

Kennedy's New Frontier domestic program included increased federal aid to education, medical insurance for the elderly, and anti-poverty initiatives—three major proposals that were all blocked in Congress. True or false?

-True. Explanation* Kennedy was unable to convince Congress to endorse most of his domestic initiatives. *Conservative southern Democrats and Republicans joined forces to block these proposals.

Nixon's victory in the election of 1968 was the result of the nation's desire to "peace with honor" in Vietnam. True or False?

-True. Explanation* Nixon vowed to bring "peace with honor" in Vietnam, and to reinstate order and middle-class values in America.

In the Arab Awakening, democratic uprisings spread through Arab nations. Young activists, who adopted democratic ideals, spearheaded the rebellions and ousted corrupt Arab tyrants. How did the United States respond to the pro-democracy movement in Libya?

-U.S supported the rhetoric of the rebels but waited for the leadership of European nations before engaging in joint military action *The American decision to wait until European nations took leadership before joining the military action in Libya reflected the Obama Doctrine, which asserted the United States could no longer afford to act as the world's police force.

Assess President John F. Kennedy's efforts to contain communism abroad and pursue civil rights and other social programs at home. What was the Bay of Pigs and how did it plan to restrict the spread of communism?

-an American initiative to train anti-Castro Cubans Explanation* Approved by Eisenhower, the operation trained 1,500 anti-Castro Cubans. -a secret CIA operation to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro Explanation* Kennedy did not learn about this secret operation until after his inauguration. -a strategic invasion of Cuba intended to spark a wider native Cuban rebellion against Castro Explanation* U.S. military leaders assured Kennedy that the invasion would not only succeed but also inspire anti-Castro rebellions in the wider Cuban community. *No undercover U.S. agents were trained or dispatched for the Bay of Pigs.

How did the Tet offensive affect civilian perceptions of the U.S. war effort in Vietnam? Explain Presidents Kennedy's and Johnson's motivations for deepening America's military involvement in the Vietnam War, and appraise their efforts to preserve a non-Communist South Vietnam.

-caused a significant decline in civilian support for the war -contradicted consistently optimistic claims by military leaders about the war Explanation* Although the Tet offensive was a major success, the scale and intensity of the operation turned the American public against the war. *General Westmoreland, his commanders, and later military strategists viewed the Tet offensive as a huge success over the Viet Cong.

What was Johnson's initial approach to the war in Vietnam?

-continue his predecessors' strategy of minimum involvement. Explanation* From Truman to Kennedy, Johnson's predecessors maintained just enough involvement to avoid taking responsibility if Vietnam was "lost" to communism.

Analyze Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and Great Society initiatives, and evaluate their impact on American society. Higher Education Act

-created scholarships for poor students, reduced student loan interest rates

Identify the components of Reaganomics, President Ronald Reagan's economic program for prosperity.

-cuts to federal spending on domestic programs -tax cuts for individuals and corporations -reduced government economic regulation *Ronald Reagan hoped to revive the faltering American economy with his economic program, Reaganomics. The benefits of tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations, he speculated, would trickle down to all Americans. However, rising military spending and a ballooning national debt, along with the failure of trickle down, meant that Reaganomics did not have the positive benefits Reagan intended.

Analyze Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and Great Society initiatives, and evaluate their impact on American society. Appalachian Regional Development Act

-funded anti-poverty programs in remote mountain area.

Explain Presidents Kennedy's and Johnson's motivations for deepening America's military involvement in the Vietnam War, and appraise their efforts to preserve a non-Communist South Vietnam. What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, and what piece of misleading information served as its basis?

-gave the president unlimited authority in defense of U.S. forces abroad -based on Johnson's false account of the Tonkin Gulf incident as a Viet Cong attack

What did the Revenue Act of 1964 accomplish, and how did it impact the success of future War on Poverty reforms?

-increased consumer spending -boosted economic growth -reduced tax rates by 20 percent -reduced unemployment Explanation* The Revenue Act changed taxes overall. It was an attempt to put money in the pockets of consumers and promote the hiring of workers. The Revenue Act put money in the pockets of consumers and promoted the hiring of workers, significantly reducing the unemployment rate. Lower taxes and unemployment rates spurred a prolonged period of prosperity that contributed significantly to Johnson's ability to fund future reforms.

Which of the following economic actions by President Reagan contributed to the massive expansion of the national debt in the 1980s?

-large increases in military spending *Reagan reinvigorated the Cold War and massively increased military spending. In a five-year period, the federal government spent $1.2 trillion on military expenses. -the continuation of federal subsidies to corporations and agribusiness *Reagan's policy of continuing huge federal subsidies to corporations and agribusinesses was criticized as "welfare for the rich." The cost of the subsidies contributed to the national debt. -broad tax cuts to individuals and corporations *By dramatically lowering taxes, Reagan's economic policy meant that the government received less money with which to pay its expenses, contributing to the rising debt.

Analyze Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and Great Society initiatives, and evaluate their impact on American society. Housing and Urban Development Act

-provided development funds for cities, helped poor families afford their rent

Describe the strategies and achievements of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and explain the divisions that emerged among its activists during the decade. In 1964, Malcolm X stated, "You show me a black man who isn't an extremist and I'll show you one who needs psychiatric attention."What tactics and philosophies was he directly challenging in this statement?

-the philosophy of nonviolence and integration that had propelled the civil rights movement through the mid-1960s Explanation* Malcolm X dismissed mainstream civil rights leaders as "modern Uncle Toms" who promoted African Americans being "passive and peaceful" rather than aggressive and powerful.

Why did the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) send a group of eighteen Freedom Riders to New Orleans by public bus?

-to "test" the federal court ruling that banned racial segregation on buses, on trains, and in terminals -to draw the attention of the Kennedy administration to the cause of civil rights in the South -to integrate buses and trains *CORE's leader, James Farmer, predicted that the Freedom Riders would likely be attacked during the course of their trip.

Analyze Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and Great Society initiatives, and evaluate their impact on American society. Food Stamp Act

-was initially devised to aid farmers, helped the poor afford groceries and improve their nutrition

Complete the passage below about the legacy of Johnson's Great Society. The Great Society and War on Poverty were not the sweeping successes Johnson had envisioned. The __1__was partially responsible for draining funds from the programs. Three lasting achievements were __2__, which remain popular and effective today, as well as the significant decrease in the number of __3__ in poverty. Johnson's programs provoked bitterness among the __4__class, triggering a conservative backlash and drastically altering the public's expectations of the federal government.

1 Vietnam War 2 Medicare and Medicaid 3 elderly Americans 4 middle Explanation* While Johnson's initiatives did create lasting accomplishments, there were many aspects of the president's efforts that were not fully realized due to mismanagement, lack of funding, and, at times, corruption.

Complete the passage to describe the experiences of U.S. military forces in Vietnam. American soldiers experienced great struggle and frustration in Vietnam, many of which stemmed from their lack of training in __1__employed by the __2__. The environment also posed a challenge to American soldiers, who were not used to the __3__climate and the expanse of __4__.

1 guerrilla tactics 2 Viet Cong 3 hot and humid 4 thick jungles Explanation* These factors contributed to the increasing number of casualties during the Vietnam War. That American setbacks in Vietnam were so highly publicized by the nightly news only contributed to the plummet of morale among soldiers and civilians.

Examine the presidential election of 1968, and explain the issues that propelled Richard Nixon to victory. Place the following key events of 1968 in chronological order.

1- Johnson announces he is not seeking reelection. (The Vietnam War made Johnson deeply unpopular, even in his own party.) 2- Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated. (The murder of King set off a wave of violence across the nation that saw over 100 cities engulfed in riots.) 3- Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated. (The deaths of Robert Kennedy and King left liberal idealists disillusioned with the prospect of social reforms through the political process.) 4- Riots erupt at the Democratic National Convention of 1968. (Millions of television viewers watched as police pummeled anti-war protesters across the nation.) 5- Richard Nixon wins the presidency. (Nixon appealed to the "silent majority" amid the Republican resurgence in reaction to the widespread disillusionment with Johnson's welfare programs and the Vietnam War.)

Place the following civil rights efforts and accomplishments in chronological order.

1- Student activists form the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to work toward integration. Explanation* In April 1960, 200 college student activists form SNCC to help dismantle segregation. 2- The assaults on Freedom Riders bring the brutality of white racists to the nation's attention. 3- The Interstate Commerce Commission requires interstate transportation facilities to integrate. Explanation* In September 1961, the ICC responded to the Freedom Rides by ordering that all interstate transportation facilities be integrated. 4- James Meredith attempts to enroll at the University of Mississippi. 5- Martin Luther King Jr. writes his "Letter from Birmingham Jail." 6- Kennedy announces his intention to pass a significant new civil rights bill.

Place the following events of Kennedy's presidency in chronological order.

1- The United States installs nuclear missiles along the Soviet border in Turkey 2- Soviets secretly install nuclear missiles in Cuba. 3- U.S. spy planes photograph Soviet missile sites in Cuba. 4- The United States establishes a naval quarantine of Cuba. 5- Soviet ships do not challenge the U.S. naval quarantine of Cuba. 6- The United States publicly agrees not to invade Cuba.

Complete the passage below about the foundation for Johnson's War on Poverty. The crux of the War on Poverty was the ______1_____, which initiated eleven new programs to be administered by the Office of Economic Opportunity. Among these community-based initiatives were _______2_______, which offered training programs for inner-city youth, and ______3______, which provided educational resources for preschoolers in low-income families. The _____4______ sent volunteers to urban areas to fight poverty.

1. Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 2. Jobs Corps 3. Head Start 4. Volunteers in Service to America *The Economic Opportunity Act created various initiatives that addressed a slew of problems in low-income America. These included the lack of access to education, occupational training, and legal assistance for poor Americans in all stages of life.

How did Gorbachev's policies signal the end of the Cold War?

1. Perestroika restructured the economy in an effort to supply goods and services to the Soviet people. 2. Glasnost made the Soviet economy more open. 3. Gorbachev limited Soviet imperialism and sought better relations with the United States. *Communist hard-liners opposed Gorbachev's policies and would eventually stage a coup to try to return the country to a more strict form of communism.

Examine the presidential election of 1968, and explain the issues that propelled Richard Nixon to victory. Complete the passage to describe the strategy behind George Wallace's campaign, and explain how his candidacy affected the election of 1968. Appealing to the ___1___ ___2___ class, Wallace hoped to take away enough ___3___ votes from ___4___ in order to ____5____. Word Bank: -carry the South and win the popular vote -working -popular -white and liberal -force the House of Representatives to choose the president -middle -Humphrey -both Nixon and Humphrey electoral

1. white and conservative 2. working 3. electoral 4. both Nixon and Humphrey 5. force the House of Representatives to choose the president Appealing to the (white and conservative) (working) class, Wallace hoped to take away enough (electoral) votes from (both Nixon and Humphrey) in order to (force the House of Representatives to choose the president).

Complete the passage to describe how Obama applied the Obama Doctrine in Libya.

As the civil war in Libya destabilized the country, Obama did not deploy troops to occupy the country. Obama appealed to the international community and launched airstrikes to support rebel fighters. America's European allies provided air support. Obama did not practice nation building in Libya. *The rebels were successful in ousting Gaddafi, and the United States avoided another long Middle Eastern war.

Complete the passage to describe how Carter's handling of the energy crisis contributed to his lack of success as president.

Carter's failure to solve the energy crisis deepened an ongoing stagflation and contributed to his declining approval ratings. The crisis in Iran complicated matters because America's oil supply was limited even further. *Carter failed to solve the energy crisis because he had a poor working relationship with lawmakers, but the crisis in Iran certainly worsened the problems Carter faced.

How did the Reagan Doctrine modify the containment strategy?

Correct answers: -The Reagan Doctrine supported U.S. attempts to outspend the Soviet Union in an arms race. *Reagan believed that the Soviet Union would not be able to keep up with American military spending.* -The Reagan Doctrine granted U.S. support to brutal dictatorships in order to oppose Soviet expansion. *Reagan announced that the United States would fight communism throughout the world, regardless of the allies it needed to do so.* Incorrect: -The Reagan Doctrine mandated that the United States seek to reduce its military buildup and carry out a policy of détente with the Soviet Union. *Reagan began a massive military buildup during his presidency, in the hopes that the Soviet Union would fail to keep up with American spending. Reagan believed détente only favored the Soviets and was too soft of a strategy.* -The Reagan Doctrine insisted that the United States refrain from supporting dictatorships of any kind in order to spread democracy throughout the world. *Reagan would support any country that was opposed to communism, as long as it supported the United States in its fight against the Soviet Union.*

Complete the passage to describe the extent to which a "Reagan Revolution" occurred.

Despite Reagan's pledges to reduce the size of the federal government, the amount of federal employees increased under Reagan's watch, and he never succeeded in abolishing federal agencies or cutting spending on Social Security. Furthermore, he never fulfilled his campaign promises to ban abortions and restore daily prayer in public schools. Nevertheless, his popularity and the economic resurgence that happened during his presidency helped his anti-government and anti-tax agenda dominate the nation's politics for the next twenty years. *While Reagan failed in achieving many of his goals, his was a transformational presidency—one that helped revive the Republican party and shift the nation's political discourse further to the right.

Medicare is a federal program that provides _____________ for _____________. Medicaid is a federal program that provides _____________ for _____________. Work bank: - coverage of medical costs -senior citizens -underprivileged children -the poor -legal immigrants -free emergency care -health insurance.

Medicare: -health insurance -senior citizens. Medicaid: -coverage of medical costs -the poor. Explanation* The passage of Medicare and Medicaid was a monumental success twenty years in the making. *President Truman had initially proposed similar programs in 1945 to the opposition of the American Medical Association.

Match the organization to the reformers who were inspired by the early civil rights movement during the 1960s and 1970s.

Native Americans: - AIM *The American Indian Movement was an example of the "Red Power" movement that worked to organize protests to challenge the federal government's treatment of Native Americans. Women: -NOW *The National Organization for Women worked to gain equal employment opportunities and wages for women. Mexican American migrant workers: - UFW *The United Farm Workers represented Mexican American migrant workers in their fight for fair wages and work.

Complete the passage to describe what the election of 1980 indicated about the changing political landscape of the United States.

Reagan won a large victory over Carter. He convinced many southern Democrats to switch to the Republican party. His victory also meant the religious right had more power in American politics. *Reagan's victory indicated a rise of conservatism in America.

1963 March on Washington.

The historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was a remarkable demonstration by blacks and whites, both young and old. The march was a response to the stalemate in Congress over the civil rights bill proposed by President Kennedy. Various activists and musicians spoke and sang out in the name of racial justice. It was on this day that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his passionate "I Have a Dream" speech on racial equality describing his hope that America would come to embody "the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.'" Explanation* Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was so impressive that even President Kennedy, who had urged activists to cancel the march, told an aid that "he's damn good."

Identify the goals of the "Christian Right."

The size of the government should be reduced. -Roe v. Wade should be reversed. -The biblical story of creation should be taught in public schools. *Religious conservatives wanted prayer and Christian teachings back in public schools.

Complete the passage to describe how Reagan's presidency influenced liberal ideas and institutions.

Under Reagan, the AFL-CIO lost much of its political power as Reagan did not support unions. Additionally, feminism faced setbacks as Reagan opposed the Equal Rights Amendment. *Reagan appointed the first woman, Sandra Day O'Connor, to the Supreme Court, but otherwise did not support the feminist movement.

Identify the political agendas of the following activist movements.

Youth International Party (Yippie): - This movement created political statements through ironic pranks and mischievous, drug-induced antics. Its activism was often designed to "mock" the conventional themes of American politics and culture. Free-Speech Movement (FSM): - Formed by student activists, who fought for the freedom for university students to protest on campus, this movement swiftly turned into a political criticism of the overall university bureaucracy. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS): - Initiated by student activists, this group fought to change the unjust and unequal administration of American democracy.

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