HIST1301: Ch 5 MindTap activity

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This member of the Ottawa Native American tribe created and led an anti-British coalition to violently repudiate European alliances. -George Robert Twelves Hewes -Crispus Attucks -Pontiac -Neolin


The Sugar Act dismantled British legal protections in all of the following ways except for which of the following? Presuming the guilt of the accused Presuming the innocence of the accused Transferring customs cases out of colonial courts and into vice-admiralty courts Hearing all customs cases in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Presuming the innocence of the accused

Besides petitioning Parliament for the repeal of taxes on sugar and stamps in 1765, American colonists responded to the taxes through which of the following measures? Alliance with France Revolution Public defiance Alliance with Spain

Public defiance


Quebec Act passed Intolerable Acts passed

HUGH PACKARD: ____ has already declared its independence.

Rhode Island

February 1763 A ship recently arrived from Liverpool with news that Britain and France have each signed the Treaty of Paris, bringing the ______ to an end. Under the conditions of the treaty, France ____ a vast expanse of territory stretching from Canada into the Ohio Territory, leaving the victor in control of the world's largest empire.

Seven Years' War, cedes

JAMES PRESCOTT: Greetings, friend! I've just come from an emergency meeting of the _____ . We have been gravely offended by Lord North's latest insult.

Sons of Liberty

Delegates from nine colonies met last month in New York City as the ______. The delegates drew up a statement asserting American colonists' rights and grievances and called on the king and Parliament to ______ the odious tax on official documents. Although Parliament has failed to respond to the delegates' petition as of yet, this editor suspects that the meeting itself will result in greater cooperation and unity of purpose between the various colonies.

Stamp Act Congress, repeal


Stamp Act passed Quartering Act passed


Sugar Act passed


Tea Act passed

Paine's Common Sense argued all of the following except: Monarchy was rooted in superstition America's economy was not dependent on Britain The institution of slavery was crucial to American independence The pursuit of independence was of biblical importance

The institution of slavery was crucial to American independence

HUGH PACKARD: Well, he arrived with a letter of introduction from ____ , so there must be something to it.

Benjamin Franklin

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia PETER: Yes! I have heard that he will grant any enslaved man his freedom in exchange for______. Do you think it's true?

serving in Virginia's royal army

JAMES PRESCOTT: Oh, no! He may have pretended that he was following our wishes, but he has retained the most hated tax on ____ , which we can only interpret as evidence that he intends to break us with his authority.


JAMES PRESCOTT: Things only seem to be getting worse. After the deaths of five of our own in ___ last month, it is clear that we may need to prepare to take more drastic measures.

the Boston Massacre

HUGH PACKARD: Well, his ideas are quite radical. He claims that ____ is dangerous to liberty!

the monarchy

HUGH PACKARD: That's not enough to satisfy Paine. He's calling for something quite different. He's compared this moment to ________ .

the story of Noah and the flood

TIMOTHY JACOBS: I've not seen it, but it appears quite popular. It's sold 100,000 copies in just ____ months.


True or False: Massachusetts slaves used a British court decision to argue for their own freedom.


Which of the following did the Proclamation of 1763 prohibit? -Unauthorized settlement west of the Appalachians -The deportation of the Acadians -Trade with Ottawa Native Americans -The boarding of troops with colonists

Unauthorized settlement west of the Appalachians

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia SAMPSON: Yes! I've heard that nearly _______ slaves have taken him up on the offer, and I plan to be next. PETER: But what if it's just a rumor?


In the wake of the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed a series of acts that punished Boston, in particular, and Massachusetts, in general. These included all of the following acts except which one? -An act that recognized Roman Catholicism as the official religion of the colony of Massachusetts -An act that restricted the rights of Massachusetts citizens to hold town meetings -An act that closed the Boston harbor until damages for the destroyed tea were paid -An act that allowed British officials accused of murder in the colonies to be tried in Britain

An act that recognized Roman Catholicism as the official religion of the colony of Massachusetts

In the wake of the war, Britain changed its policies and aroused the resentment of American colonists when it did which of the following? Sold the land west of the Appalachian Mountains to Native American tribes Allowed French Catholics to settle in the Ohio Territory Refused to allow American colonists to petition Parliament with their grievances Attempted to raise revenues to defend and administer its American colonies

Attempted to raise revenues to defend and administer its American colonies


Board of Customs Commissioners created Townshend Acts passed


Boston Massacre

Which European power made the biggest gains in the size of its North American claims after the Seven Years' War? -France -Russia -Spain -Britain


In the mid-1760s, American colonists responded to the British government's imposition of taxes on consumer items, such as sugar and paper, through political means and by direct action, including all of the following responses except for which of the following? By organizing a boycott of British goods By calling a congress to debate Britain's right to pass legislation and impose taxes on the American colonies By intimidating and sometimes attacking agents responsible for enforcing British policies By calling for revolution and demanding American independence

By calling for revolution and demanding American independence

The Seven Years' War European possession in North America in 1755 and 1763 A British (yellow) B French (Green) C Spanish (Orange

By comparing the two maps, you can see that the British drove the French out of North America during the Seven Years' War, effectively eliminating the French as competitors in the colonies. France had occupied the land between the St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers but was forced to cede this territory to Britain by the end of the Seven Years' War in 1763. Spain took land west of the Mississippi. This acquisition, along with others elsewhere in the world, paved the way for Britain to become the preeminent colonial power of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Spain ruled much of South and Central America but traded Florida to Britain for Cuba.

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia SAMSON: But Peter, why should we be concerned with their liberty if they are not concerned with ours? Our brothers in ________ were arrested for inciting a rebellion when they marched against the Stamp Act.

Charles Town


Congress issues the Declaration of Independence

What might have undermined claims that the colonists did not plan to pursue open rebellion? They addressed George III, rather than Parliament. They advocated that an American legislature share legislative authority with Parliament. They conceded to Parliament the right to regulate commerce. Continental Association committees organized volunteer military companies and extralegal legislatures.

Continental Association committees organized volunteer military companies and extralegal legislatures.

October 1774 At the recent convention of the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, delegates voted to establish the ______ in response to the Intolerable Acts. The congress's plan calls for American colonists to resist Parliament by ______ all British-made goods. This editor agrees with the congress's rationale that if the British government will not listen to our words, it will certainly take notice when American tax revenues disappear.

Continental Association, boycotting

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia PETER: The Americans may yet make a new, better society. When ______was killed on Boston Common by redcoats, he was hailed as having died for the colonial cause. I've heard some big new ideas about freedom—if the Americans get their independence, they'll surely have to live up to their claims about life, liberty, and happiness.

Crispus Attucks

AMOS CHESTER: Ah, I see. Yes, it is a potent reminder of the brazen assertions of authority Parliament made with the ___ . They intend to make clear that we are their colonial subjects. What, then, are we to do?

Declaratory Act


Declaratory Act passed

True or False: Immediately following the eruption of hostilities in Boston, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence.


True or False: In the wake of the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed a law intended to punish Protestant-dominated Massachusetts by recognizing Roman Catholicism and permitting Catholics to retain their old customs and institutions wherever they lived in the colonies.


True or False: In the wake of the Seven Years' War, there was no longer any need for a large military presence in the American colonies, so the British government withdrew its troops to save money and appease suspicious colonists.


True or False: In the wake of the crisis over the Stamp Act, the government in London accepted the colonial claim that Parliament possessed the authority to legislate for the empire but not the authority to levy internal taxes within the colonies.


True or False: Parliament awarded the British East India Company a monopoly on American tea sales in order to assert its authority and to force American colonists into accepting its right to tax them.


True or False: The First Continental Congress also called on American colonists to resist British policies through force, essentially meaning that it endorsed rebellion and American independence.


True or False: The ten British soldiers who fired on American protestors did so with little provocation and were all later successfully prosecuted for manslaughter.


September 1774 Every American colony except Georgia sent delegates to the ____, which recently met in Philadelphia. Delegates endorsed the _____ , a powerful articulation of our right to resist the Coercive Acts. This editor is concerned that the Resolves also argue for armed defense against royal troops if we are to pursue any conciliatory measures in the future.

First Continental Congress, Suffolk Resolves

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia PETER: I've heard too many rumors of freedom that haven't been true. Before Britain held so much territory, how many of us actually made it to _____ and to freedom? And James Somerset received his freedom from a British judge, but what came of those petitions to the legislature in ______? Many of those who ran away here in Virginia were captured and punished harshly. Besides, I think I agree with those who say that the colonies should seek their independence.

Florida, Massachusetts

Which power lost all of its mainland North American territory by 1763? -Portugal -France -Spain -The Netherlands


What led some colonists to believe that Britain was attempting to "enslave" them? -Growing colonial indebtedness -Violations of the Navigation Acts -The presence of 10,000 British troops west of the Appalachians -Promises to reimburse the colonial assemblies for war expenses

Growing colonial indebtedness

Parliament passed which of the following acts in response to the Boston Tea Party, prompting the American colonies to rally to Massachusetts's aid and pushing Britain and the colonies closer to war? Townshend Acts Quartering Act Declaratory Act Intolerable Acts

Intolerable Acts

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer convinced Parliament to pass a series of laws in 1767, raising taxes on items such as glass, paper, paint, and tea. On which of the following grounds did he justify the new taxes to the American colonists, despite the American resistance to the Stamp Act? -American colonists should not expect to receive the full rights of Englishmen until they paid their fair share of taxes to maintain the empire. -It was not an internal tax on purchased goods but rather an external one on imports that was payable at American ports. -Parliament was the supreme authority of the empire and could impose whatever taxes it wanted. -It was not an external tax on imports that was payable at American ports but rather an internal tax on purchased goods.

It was not an internal tax on purchased goods but rather an external one on imports that was payable at American ports.

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia SAMPSON: Are you thinking of those who followed in the path of ______?

James Somerset

AMOS CHESTER: I'm told that those redcoats who fired on us were defended by none other than ___. Should we take this as a sign that we are losing support for our cause?

John Adams

TIMOTHY JACOBS: Well, if that's the problem, why not just negotiate with members of Parliament? Certainly _____ has sought to be a friend to us.

John Wilkes

March 1775 Following the eruption of hostilities at ____ , where some 300 redcoats were wounded or killed, colonial citizens have taken up arms against our common oppressor. A force of 20,000 has launched itself against the nearby British garrison at ____ . This editor fears that we cannot go back from this aggressive position, though many among us still long for reconciliation.

Lexington, Boston

you find yourself transported back in time to 1776 Virginia SAMPSON: Have you heard the news? The governor,____ , has made a most exciting proclamation.

Lord Dunmore

November 1775 News has arrived from Virginia that the colony's royal governor, ____ , has issued a dangerous proclamation. He has promised freedom to all slaves who ___ . Both Virginia and Maryland have stepped up slave patrols, and initial reports suggest that dozens—if not hundreds—of slaves intend to take advantage of the lord's offer.

Lord Dunmore, join the British army

The British colonists in America complained about taxation, but how much were they taxed relative to their counterparts in England? Those living in England weren't taxed Much more lightly About equally Much more heavily

Much more lightly

Which river valley changed ownership by 1763? Colorado River Rio Grande Ohio River Columbia River

Ohio River

TIMOTHY JACOBS: I suppose. And I certainly found the rejection of the ____, to say the least. If the king thinks we're in rebellion, maybe we should be.

Olive Branch Petition

April 1776 In the three months since its publication by_____ , the pamphlet Common Sense has sold ____ copies, one for every four or five men among us. His plain prose has awakened colonists to the urgency of their situation.

Thomas Paine, 100,000

AMOS CHESTER: But I thought he repealed the hated ______. Should we not consider him a friend?

Townshend Acts

March 1770 It is not enough that two regiments of redcoats have occupied Massachusetts for the past two years in an attempt to enforce the ___ ! Now they have shown their utter baseness by firing on a crowd of townspeople, killing or injuring eleven citizens. This editor urges his readers to remember ___. Let this event stand as a reminder to American colonists that the king and Parliament have little regard for the rights of Englishmen on this side of the Atlantic. The time for reconciliation is quickly coming to an end!

Townshend Acts, the Boston Massacre

JAMES PRESCOTT: No, I don't think so. Support for our___ may come from surprising sources.


HUGH PACKARD: That's exactly what he's doing. He claims that our ____ is strong enough that we don't even need the British at all.


December 1773 Nearly one hundred men disguised as Native Americans boarded British ships and dumped their cargo of tea into Boston Harbor in protest over the ____ given to the British East India Company. Parliament's policy was intended not simply to save the company, but also to assert British power. It seems that Parliament was hoping that Americans would swallow not only the liquid, but also the three-pence duty on tea. The protestors refused both, asserting the principle of " _________ ."

monopoly, no taxation without representation

AMOS CHESTER: Indeed! I'm told that ____ shall lead the charge. Many, including those from the finest households, have already organized spinning bees. I would not be surprised if they denounce tea and its purchase and consumption.


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