Histology World questions

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How many corpus spongiosum are there? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

a. 1

What is the dark band in muscle? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

a. A band

What vessel is a branch of the interlobular artery? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

a. Afferent arteriole

What vessel supplies blood to the glomerulus? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

a. Afferent arteriole

Where is glucagon secreted from? a. Alpha cells b. Beta cells c. Gamma cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

a. Alpha cells

What is the space anterior to the iris? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

a. Anterior chamber

Which of the following is involved in the blood brain barrier? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

a. Astrocytes

Which of the following is the largest neuroglia cell? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

a. Astrocytes

Which of the following is the most abundant neuroglia cell? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

a. Astrocytes

What is the acronym for the diffuse lymphatic tissue in the respiratory tract? a. BALT b. DALT c. FALT d. GALT e. HALT


Which cell type is located at the basal lamina of the olfactory mucosa? a. Basal cells b. Brush cells c. Olfactory cells d. Sustentacular cells e. All of the above

a. Basal cells

What is the bottom of a microscope called? a. Base b. Nosepiece c. Stage d. Tube e. Diaphragm

a. Base

What is Wright's stain used primarily for? a. Blood b. Fat c. Nervous tissue d. Elastic fibers e. Decalcified bone matrix

a. Blood

Which layer of the cornea is acellular? a. Bowman's membrane b. Substantia propria c. Epithelium d. Endothelium e. All of the above

a. Bowman's membrane

What is corpora arenacea? a. Brain sand b. Basal body c. Nissl body d. White body e. Degenerating corpus luteum

a. Brain sand

Which structure is part of the conducting portion of the airway? a. Bronchi b. Alveolar ducts c. Alveoli d. Alveolar sacs e. Respiratory bronchioles

a. Bronchi

What are the small tunnels seen in bone? a. Canaliculi b. Sharpey's fibers c. Trabeculae d. Tome's process e. Lacuna

a. Canaliculi

At what level of the vascular tree does gas exchange occur? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

a. Capillary

Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Loose connective tissue c. Mesenchyme d. Dense connective tissue e. Mucous connective tissue

a. Cartilage

Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? a. Cholecystokinin production b. Bile production c. Detoxification d. Albumin production e. Synthesis of clotting factors

a. Cholecystokinin production

What is the mature cell in cartilage called? a. Chondrocyte b. Chondroblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell

a. Chondrocyte

What is the vascular pigmented structure? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Lens

a. Choroid

Where are catecholamines secreted from? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

a. Chromaffin cells

Which of the following is a component of the adrenal medulla? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. All of the above

a. Chromaffin cells

Which of the following is seen the innermost portion the adrenal gland? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

a. Chromaffin cells

Where is the ciliary muscle located? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

a. Ciliary body

Which cell is found in large numbers in the terminal bronchioles? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

a. Clara cell

Which is the most abundant fiber in connective tissue? a. Collagen fiber b. Elastic fiber c. Reticular fiber d. Purkinje fiber e. Muscle fibers

a. Collagen fiber

What are the ducts of Bellini? a. Collecting tubules b. Distal convoluted tubule c. Proximal convoluted tubule d. Loop of Henle e. Medullary ray

a. Collecting tubules

What is the primary cell of the intestinal epithelium of the large intestine? a. Columnar absorptive cell b. Goblet cell c. Parietal cells d. Paneth cells e. Chief cells

a. Columnar absorptive cell

In which structure are things moved across the epithelium via pinocytotic vesicles? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV anastomoses e. Venous sinus

a. Continuous capillaries

What are the splenic cords? a. Cords of Billroth b. Cords of Paneth c. Cords of Bellini d. Cords of Rothchild e. Cords of Hassall

a. Cords of Billroth

What is compact bone? a. Dense bone b. Woven bone c. Immature bone d. Cancellous bone e. Spongy bone

a. Dense bone

Which meninx is made of a dense irregular connective tissue? a. Dura mater b. Arachnoid c. Pia mater d. Both a and b e. All of the above

a. Dura mater

What type of gland secretes its product directly into the bloodstream? a. Endocrine gland b. Multicellular gland c. Exocrine gland d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Endocrine gland

What is the term for the general process that cells us to bring things into the cell? a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis c. Pinocytosis d. Phagocytosis e. Active transport

a. Endocytosis

Where are the blood vessels which supply the heart located? a. Epicardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Endocardium e. Endomysium

a. Epicardium

Which of the following is composed of stratified squamous epithelium? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

a. Epidermis

What is the outer connective tissue covering of a muscle? a. Epimysium b. Sarcoplasm c. Perimysium d. Sarcolemma e. Endomysium

a. Epimysium

What do you call a tissue composed of a conglomeration of cells which are tightly packed together, yet which does not have a free surface? An example of such a tissue would be the parenchyma of the adrenal gland. a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional e. Pseudostratified

a. Epithelioid tissue

During the first week to 10 days, what is the main hormone which stimulates the growth of the follicles? a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen e. Progesterone

a. FSH

When do the testes descend into the scrotum? a. Fetal development b. Infancy c. Puberty d. Adulthood e. During arousal

a. Fetal development

Which connective tissue cell type produces collagen? a. Fibroblast b. Connective tissue macrophage c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

a. Fibroblast

Which connective tissue cell type produces the ground substance in connective tissue? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

a. Fibroblast

Which type of papillae on the tongue does NOT contain taste buds? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

a. Filiform papillae

Which type of papillae on the tongue is the most abundant? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

a. Filiform papillae

Which type of papillae on the tongue is the smallest? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

a. Filiform papillae

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, how is the tissue preserved? a. Fixation b. Embedding in paraffin c. Staining d. Slicing e. Dehydration

a. Fixation

Which structure contains the oocyte? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex

a. Follicle

Which of the following is the most abundant sensory receptor of the skin? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

a. Free nerve endings

Which of the following responds to pain? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

a. Free nerve endings

What is a collection of cell bodies outside the CNS called? a. Ganglion b. Perikaryon c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

a. Ganglion

What is a characteristic of a secondary nodule? a. Germinal center b. Lymphocytes c. Capsule d. Trabeculae e. None of the above

a. Germinal center

What is the capillary tuft of the nephron? a. Glomerulus b. Bowman's capsule c. Renal corpuscle d. Loop of Henle e. Distal convoluted tubule

a. Glomerulus

What is ovulated? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum

a. Graffian follicle

What is the primary component of red marrow? a. Hematopoietic tissue b. Fat c. Cartilage d. Fibrous tissue e. Bone

a. Hematopoietic tissue

Which of the following is found in the hair follicle? a. Henle's layer b. Bipolar cells c. Amacrine cells d. Rods e. Ganglion cells

a. Henle's layer

Which one of the following is not found in the retina? a. Henle's layer b. Bipolar cells c. Amacrine cells d. Rods e. Ganglion cells

a. Henle's layer

Costal cartilage is composed of what type of cartilage? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Hyaline cartilage

What type of tissue makes up the "Adam's apple"? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Fibrocartilage c. Elastic cartilage d. Both a and b e. Both a and c

a. Hyaline cartilage

What type of tissue makes up the rings of the trachea? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Fibrocartilage c. Elastic cartilage d. Both a and b e. Both a and c

a. Hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage forms the articular surface on bones? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage forms the epiphyseal growth plate? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage forms the skeleton of the fetus? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage is characterized by a glassy matrix? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage is the most abundant? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Hyaline cartilage and elastic cartilage equally e. Elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage equally

a. Hyaline cartilage

What are the mineral crystals in bone called? a. Hydroxyapatite b. Calcite c. Tourmaline d. Rubellite e. Indicolite

a. Hydroxyapatite

What is the name of the cellular mass for the endocrine portion of the pancreas? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

a. Islets of Langerhans

Where is the endocrine portion of the pancreas housed? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

a. Islets of Langerhans

In which of the following is an arterial portal system found? a. Kidney b. Liver c. Muscle d. Brain e. Stomach

a. Kidney

Which cell is a hepatic macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

a. Kupffer cells

What is the lymphatic capillary within a villus of the small intestine called? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

a. Lacteal

What cell type secretes prolactin? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

a. Lactotropic cells

Which cell is a phagocyte? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

a. Langerhans cell

What is the functional unit of the liver? a. Lobule b. Portal triad c. Central vein d. Hepatocyte e. Sinusoids

a. Lobule

What is the half moon shaped white area on a nail called? a. Lunula b. Eponychium c. Matrix d. Nail bed e. Root

a. Lunula

What are the localized concentrations of lymphocytes that are seen in the respiratory tract, genitourinary tract, and gastrointestinal tract? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

a. Lymph follicles

What is another term for lymphatic nodules? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

a. Lymph follicles

Which leukocyte is the second most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood? a. Lymphocytes b. Basophils c. Neutrophil d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils

a. Lymphocytes

Which of the following is not a granulocyte? a. Lymphocytes b. Neutrophil c. PMN d. Eosinophils e. Basophils

a. Lymphocytes

What is another name for a splenic nodule? a. Malpighian corpuscle b. Trabeculae c. White pulp d. Red pulp e. Cords of Billroth

a. Malpighian corpuscle

What is the connective tissue covering around the brain and spinal cord? a. Meninges b. Myelinated nerve fibers c. Cell bodies d. Nodes of Ranvier e. Neurofilaments

a. Meninges

Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle? a. Microtubules b. Lysosomes c. Peroxisomes d. Mitochondria e. Endoplasmic reticulum

a. Microtubules

What are finger like projections on the surface of some cells called? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b

a. Microvilli

What forms the brush border? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b

a. Microvilli

What is a single neuron and the aggregation of muscle fibers innervated by that single neuron called? a. Motor unit b. Motor neuron c. Motor end plate d. Neuromuscular spindle e. Neurotransmitter

a. Motor unit

What is the innermost layer of the GI tract called? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

a. Mucosa

Which layer contains the lamina propria? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

a. Mucosa

Which layer contains the lining epithelium? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

a. Mucosa

Which layer contains the muscularis mucosa? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

a. Mucosa

Which layer of the gastrointestinal tract contains the gut associated lymphatic tissue? a. Mucosa b. Submucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Muscularis mucosae e. Serosa

a. Mucosa

Which layer of the gastrointestinal tract contains the gut associated lymphatic tissue? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

a. Mucosa

What type of tissue is Wharton's jelly? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

a. Mucous connective tissue

What is actin? a. Myofilament b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

a. Myofilament

Which leukocyte has a multi-lobed (3-5 lobes) nucleus? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

a. Neutrophil

In the female, what is the correct term for the production of gametes called? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova

a. Oogenesis

What cell is involved in bone resorption? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

a. Osteoclast

Which of the following is a multinucleated cell? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

a. Osteoclast

Which gland secretes glucagon? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

a. Pancreas

Which gland secretes insulin? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

a. Pancreas

In a good compound microscope, the focus knob does not have to be readjusted when changing the magnification. What is this phenomenon called? a. Parfocal b. Unifocal c. Bifocal d. Focused e. Convergent

a. Parfocal

What is the name of the tissue which surrounds muscle fascicles? a. Perimysium b. Periosteum c. Perichondrium d. Perineurium e. Endosteum

a. Perimysium

Which of the following is not considered a "formed element"? a. Plasma b. Erythrocytes c. Platelets d. Leukocytes e. Red blood cells

a. Plasma

What is the limiting membrane of a cell? a. Plasmalemma b. Glycocalyx c. Protoplasm d. Cristae e. Ground substance

a. Plasmalemma

Which stage of the follicle is arrested in prophase? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle

a. Primordial follicle

Which stage of the follicle is characterized by a surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle

a. Primordial follicle

What cell of the parathyroid gland is also called a "chief cell"? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

a. Principal cell

What is the most common cell in the parathyroid gland? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

a. Principal cell

What type of hormone is insulin? a. Protein b. Peptide c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

a. Protein

What type of hormone is prolactin? a. Protein b. Peptide c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

a. Protein

What type of epithelium lines the epididymis? a. Pseudostratified b. Simple columnar c. Stratified squamous d. Simple squamous e. Simple cuboidal

a. Pseudostratified

What type of epithelium lines the seminal vesicles? a. Pseudostratified b. Simple columnar c. Stratified squamous d. Simple squamous e. Simple cuboidal

a. Pseudostratified

What type of epithelium lines the vas deferens? a. Pseudostratified b. Simple columnar c. Stratified squamous d. Simple squamous e. Simple cuboidal

a. Pseudostratified

What is the central portion of a tooth called? a. Pulp cavity b. Dentin c. Dental pulp d. Cementum e. Enamel

a. Pulp cavity

What color is keratin with Masson's trichrome stain? a. Red b. Pink c. Green d. Black e. Yellow

a. Red

Lance Armstrong is the seven time winner of the Tour de France. The Tour de France is a bicycle race which covers between 3500 to 4000 kilometers. What type of muscle fiber probably predominates in his legs? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type has a lot of mitochondria? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type has more myoglobin? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type is more resistant to fatigue? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type is smaller in diameter? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type makes up slow-twitch muscle? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Which fiber type uses more aerobic metabolism? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Red fibers

Where is the site of protein synthesis? a. Ribosomes b. Peroxisome c. Microfilaments d. Centrioles e. Nucleoli

a. Ribosomes

What are divertiuclae of the mucosa of the gallbladder called? a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses b. Ducts of Luschka c. Duct of Wirsung d. Ampulla of Vater e. Sphincter of Oddi

a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses

Which organelle produces protein for export? a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Lysosome d. Golgi apparatus e. Mitochondria

a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following forms myelin in the peripheral nervous system? a. Schwann cells b. Basket cells c. Ganglion d. Neuroglia e. Satellite cells

a. Schwann cells

What is a gland called if it has an unbranched duct? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar e. Tubuloalveolar

a. Simple gland

Which type of microscope has only one lens? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

a. Simple microscope

What type of tissue forms the alveoli in the lung? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Pseudostratified epithelium

a. Simple squamous epithelium

What type of tissue lines blood vessels? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

a. Simple squamous epithelium

What is the pacemaker of the heart? a. Sinoatrial node b. Atrioventricular node c. Bundle of His d. Right bundle branch e. Purkinje fiber

a. Sinoatrial node

What type of muscle is always multinucleated? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

a. Skeletal muscle

What is the space between the liver sinusoids and the hepatocytes called? a. Space of Disse b. Space of Mall c. Vacuole d. Lacuna e. Howship's lacuna

a. Space of Disse

Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Spinal cord b. Pubic symphysis c. Ligament d. Areolar tissue e. Organ capsule

a. Spinal cord

Which layer of the epidermis contains dividing cells? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

a. Stratum basale

Which layer of the epidermis is also called the stratum germinativum? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

a. Stratum basale

What are the modifications of the muscularis externa that is seen on the large intestine? a. Teniae coli b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Vill

a. Teniae coli

Which of the following is not true regarding the endocardium? a. The endocardium contains abundant adipose tissue b. The endocardium is layered c. The endocardium contains blood vessels d. The endocardium contains smooth muscle e. The endocardium is lined by endothelium

a. The endocardium contains abundant adipose tissue

What is another term for a platelet? a. Thrombocyte b. Monocyte c. Lymphocyte d. Basophil e. Erythrocyte

a. Thrombocyte

Where do T lymphocytes gain their immunocompetence? a. Thymus b. Thyroid c. Bursa of Fabricus d. Bone marrow e. Lymph node

a. Thymus

Which of the following cells can be classified as a basophil? a. Thyrotropic cells b. Lactotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. None of the above e. All of the above

a. Thyrotropic cells

Which of the following is not associated with connective tissue? a. Tightly packed cells b. Extracellular fibers c. Tissue fluid d. Ground substance e. None of the above; all of the above are seen with connective tissue

a. Tightly packed cells

Which of the following is composed of skeletal muscle? a. Tongue b. Blood vessel c. Walls of the visceral organs d. Lower esophagus e. Heart

a. Tongue

What is a group of fibers traveling together? a. Tracts b. Islets c. Soma d. Cortex e. Nuclei

a. Tracts

Which layer in an artery contains the endothelium? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Tunica intima

What is the middle layer of the eyeball? a. Uvea b. Rods c. Cones d. Bipolar cells e. Ganglion cells

a. Uvea

Which cranial nerve is responsible for general sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X e. XII

a. V

Where are podocytes seen? a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule b. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule c. Pedicels d. Juxtaglomerular cells e. Macula densa

a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule

What is nonlamellar bone? a. Woven bone b. Dense bone c. Cancellous bone d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

a. Woven bone

Which of the following would be best suited for peripheral blood smears? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

a. Wright's stain

What is the suspensory ligament of the lens? a. Zonlular fibers b. Purkinje fibers c. Elastic fibers d. Spiral ligament e. Oval ligament

a. Zonlular fibers

What is the usual magnification of the ocular lens on a compound microscope? a. 1X b. 10X c. 100X d. 1000X e. 10,000 X

b. 10X

How many corpora cavernosa are there? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

b. 2

How thick is the plasma membrane? a. 8-10 angstroms b. 8-10 nanometers c. 8-10 micrometers d. 8-10 millimeters e. None of the above

b. 8-10 nanometers

What cells of the pancreas secrete glucagon? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Gamma cells

b. Alpha cells

What is the smallest airspace of the respiratory tree? a. Alveolar duct b. Alveoli c. Alveolar sac d. Respiratory bronchiole e. Terminal bronchiole

b. Alveoli

What part of the respiratory tree is the functional unit where gas exchange occurs? a. Alveolar duct b. Alveoli c. Alveolar sac d. Respiratory bronchiole e. Terminal bronchiole

b. Alveoli

What type of glands are the glands of Moll? a. Endocrine gland b. Apocrine sweat gland c. Oil gland d. Sebaceous glands e. Eccrine sweat gland

b. Apocrine sweat gland

Which meninx is made of a delicate web like connective tissue? a. Dura mater b. Arachnoid c. Pia mater d. Both a and b e. All of the above

b. Arachnoid

What vessel regulates the amount of blood going into a capillary bed? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

b. Arteriole

Which structure has only a few layers of muscle in the tunica media? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Elastic artery d. Muscular artery

b. Arteriole

Which of the following is found in the cerebellum? a. Schwann cells b. Basket cells c. Ganglion d. Neuroglia e. Satellite cells

b. Basket cells

Which leukocyte is the least abundant in a peripheral smear of blood? a. Lymphocytes b. Basophils c. Neutrophil d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils

b. Basophils

Where is insulin secreted from? a. Alpha cells b. Beta cells c. Gamma cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

b. Beta cells

What is an olfactory cell? a. Unipolar neuron b. Bipolar neuron c. Multipolar neuron d. Supporting cell e. None of the above

b. Bipolar neuron

Which of the following contains a substantial amount of smooth muscle? a. Upper esophagus b. Blood vessels c. Heart d. Biceps muscle e. Tongue

b. Blood vessels

What color does hematoxylin stain structures? a. Orange b. Blue c. Pink d. Red e. Green

b. Blue

Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Mesenchyme b. Bone c. Dense connective tissue d. Mucous connective tissue e. Loose connective tissue

b. Bone

What is the double layered cap on the glomerulus? a. Glomerulus b. Bowman's capsule c. Renal corpuscle d. Loop of Henle e. Distal convoluted tubule

b. Bowman's capsule

Which cell type is involved in general sensation of the olfactory mucosa? a. Basal cells b. Brush cells c. Olfactory cells d. Sustentacular cells e. All of the above

b. Brush cells

What type of muscle has branching cells? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

b. Cardiac muscle

What type of muscle has intercalated discs? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

b. Cardiac muscle

Where is diffuse lymphatic tissue NOT found? a. Gastrointestinal tract b. Central nervous system c. Genito-urinary tract d. Respiratory tract e. None of the above-diffuse lymphatic tissue is found in all of these regions

b. Central nervous system

What is the innervation of an eccrine sweat gland? a. Cholinergic; parasympathetic b. Cholinergic; sympathetic c. Adrenergic; parasympathetic d. Adrenergic; sympathetic e. Cholinergic; motor

b. Cholinergic; sympathetic

What cell produces the cartilaginous matrix? a. Chondrocyte b. Chondroblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell

b. Chondroblast

Where is the ciliary muscle located? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

b. Ciliary body

What is responsible for adjusting the lens? a. Choroid b. Ciliary muscle c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

b. Ciliary muscle

What type of epithelium is found in the respiratory mucosa of man? a. Non-ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells b. Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

b. Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells

Which type of papillae on the tongue is arranged in a "V" shape on the tongue? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

b. Circumvallate papillae

What are Sharpey's fibers? a. Elastic fibers b. Collagen fibers c. Reticular fibers d. Trabeculae e. Dense regular connective tissue

b. Collagen fibers

What is in the bone matrix? a. Elastic fibers b. Collagen fibers c. Reticular fibers d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

b. Collagen fibers

What is a gland called if it has an branched duct? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar e. Tubuloalveolar

b. Compound gland

What is another name for the bright field microscope? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

b. Compound microscope

What is another name for the light microscope? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

b. Compound microscope

Which of the following is the receptor for color? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Horizontal cells

b. Cones

What type of basic tissue type is bone? a. Epithelium b. Connective tissue c. Muscle d. Nervous e. Bone

b. Connective tissue

Which of the four basic tissue types does blood belong to? a. Epithelium b. Connective tissue c. Muscle d. Nervous tissue e. Blood

b. Connective tissue

Which structure is avascular? a. Retina b. Cornea c. Choroid d. Sclera e. Uvea

b. Cornea

Which of the following cells can be classified as a basophil? a. Lactotropic cells b. Corticotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. None of the above e. All of the above

b. Corticotropic cells

What is another term for the intestinal glands? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn

What is the dura mater composed of? a. Loose irregular connective tissue b. Dense irregular connective tissue c. Dense regular connective tissue d. Simple squamous epithelium e. Nervous tissue

b. Dense irregular connective tissue

Which of the following can be classified as "connective tissue proper"? a. Adipose tissue b. Dense irregular connective tissue c. Bone d. Blood e. Cartilage

b. Dense irregular connective tissue

What surrounds the pulp cavity? a. Pulp cavity b. Dentin c. Dental pulp d. Cementum e. Enamel

b. Dentin

The papillary layer is part of which layer? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. None of the above

b. Dermis

The reticular layer is part of which layer? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. None of the above

b. Dermis

What are the connection between the cystic duct and liver? a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses b. Ducts of Luschka c. Duct of Wirsung d. Ampulla of Vater e. Sphincter of Oddi

b. Ducts of Luschka

What vessel is formed from an aggregation of the glomerular capillaries? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

b. Efferent arteriole

What structure is called yellow cartilage? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

b. Elastic cartilage

Which type of cartilage is characterized by the presence of elastic fibers? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. Elastic cartilage

Which type of cartilage is found in the external ear? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. Elastic cartilage

Which type of cartilage is found in the walls of the eustachian tube? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. Elastic cartilage

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what allows the tissue to hold its form? a. Fixation b. Embedding in paraffin c. Staining d. Slicing e. Dehydration

b. Embedding in paraffin

Which of the following lines the ventricles? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

b. Ependymal cells

What is the correct term for cuticle? a. Lunula b. Eponychium c. Matrix d. Nail bed e. Root

b. Eponychium

Which of the following is described as a "biconcave disc"? a. Platelets b. Erythrocytes c. Leukocytes d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils

b. Erythrocytes

What is the term for the general process that cells us to expunge material from the cell? a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis c. Pinocytosis d. Phagocytosis e. Active transport

b. Exocytosis

What are Sudan stains used primarily for? a. Blood b. Fat c. Nervous tissue d. Elastic fibers e. Decalcified bone matrix

b. Fat

What is the primary component of yellow marrow? a. Hematopoietic tissue b. Fat c. Cartilage d. Fibrous tissue e. Bone

b. Fat

Which structure contains pores? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV anastomoses e. Venous sinus

b. Fenestrated capillaries

Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle? a. Lysosomes b. Filaments c. Peroxisomes d. Mitochondria e. Endoplasmic reticulum

b. Filaments

Which sensory receptor in the skin is NOT encapsulated? a. Ruffini endings b. Free nerve endings c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Meissner's corpuscles e. Merkel cells

b. Free nerve endings

Which of the following is a type of neuron? a. Rods b. Ganglion cells c. Cones d. Pigmented epithelium e. Supporting cells

b. Ganglion cells

What is also called a low resistance junction? a. Tight junction b. Gap junction c. Junctional epithelium d. Junctional complex e. None of the above

b. Gap junction

What tissue surrounds the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex

b. Germinal epithelium

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the endocrine system? a. Products secreted into blood b. Glands with ducts c. Secretes hormones d. Non localized response e. All of the following are characteristics of the endocrine system

b. Glands with ducts

What is the polysaccharide coating that is sometimes found on the cell membrane? a. Plasmalemma b. Glycocalyx c. Protoplasm d. Cristae e. Ground substance

b. Glycocalyx

Which of the following is a unicellular gland? a. Squamous cell b. Goblet cell c. Basal cell d. Basket cell e. Sertoli cell

b. Goblet cell

Which cell type is the receptor cell within the organ of Corti? a. Cells of Hensen b. Hair cells c. Inner border cells d. Outer phalangeal cells e. Inner pillar cells

b. Hair cells

Where is masticatory mucosa found a. Tongue underside b. Hard palate c. Soft palate d. Lips e. Cheek

b. Hard palate

Which of the following stains is used for routine histological examination? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain

Which cell is a connective tissue macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

b. Histiocyte

What forms the skeleton of the fetus? a. Elastic cartilage b. Hyaline cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Spongy bone e. Compact bone

b. Hyaline cartilage

What is the light band in muscle? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

b. I band

What region is made of thin filaments? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

b. I band

Which structure is part the uvea? a. Sclera b. Iris c. Ora serrata d. Pigmented epithelium e. Cornea

b. Iris

Which cell is the most abundant cell in the epidermis? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

b. Keratinocyte

Ovulation is triggered by a dramatic increase in which hormone? a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen e. Progesterone

b. LH

In which of the following is a venous portal system found? a. Kidney b. Liver c. Muscle d. Skin e. Stomach

b. Liver

What is a renal pyramid and its associated cortex referred to? a. Medulla b. Lobe c. Renal columns d. Nephron e. Medullary ray

b. Lobe

Which is the smallest leukocyte? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

b. Lymphocytes

What does connective tissue develop from? a. Mesothelium b. Mesenchyme c. Mesangial cells d. Mesentery e. Wharton's jelly

b. Mesenchyme

What type of connective tissue is an undifferentiated tissue found in the embryo? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

b. Mesenchyme

What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the abdominal cavity? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional e. Pseudostratified

b. Mesothelium

Which one of these cells is not a cell type routinely found in loose connective tissue? a. Fibroblast b. Microglia c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

b. Microglia

Which of the following can be classified as "embryonic connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Mucous connective tissue d. Adipose tissue d. Bone e. Blood

b. Mucous connective tissue

What layer is NOT found in the gallbladder? a. Mucosa b. Muscularis mucosa c. Muscularis d. Adventita e. Serosa

b. Muscularis mucosa

What is white matter? a. Meninges b. Myelinated nerve fibers c. Cell bodies d. Nodes of Ranvier e. Neurofilaments

b. Myelinated nerve fibers

Which connective tissue cell type contains properties of smooth muscle cells? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

b. Myofibroblast

What are the thick filaments composed of? a. Myofilaments b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

b. Myosin

Which of the following is a granulocyte? a. Lymphocyte b. Neutrophil c. Monocyte d. Erythrocyte e. Thrombocyte

b. Neutrophil

What is the turret? a. Base b. Nosepiece c. Stage d. Tube e. Diaphragm

b. Nosepiece

What is the region where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

b. Optic disc

Where is the blind spot? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

b. Optic disc

Where on the retina are there no photoreceptors? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

b. Optic disc

What is another term for the Haversian system? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

b. Osteon

What is the cylindrical structure in compact bone? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

b. Osteon

What is the female organ called where gametogenesis occurs? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova

b. Ovary

Which cell type is found in the parathyroid, but is not the most abundant cell type? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

b. Oxyphil cell

Which of the following is not part of the neurohypophysis? a. Median eminence b. Pars distalis c. Pars nervosa d. Infundibular stalk e. All of the above are part of the neurohypophysis

b. Pars distalis

What is the correct term for the foot processes on podocytes? a. Pedis b. Pedicels c. Pedalis d. Pes e. Pediocyte

b. Pedicels

What type of hormone is antidiuretic hormone? a. Protein b. Peptide c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

b. Peptide

What type of hormone is oxytocin? a. Protein b. Peptide c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

b. Peptide

Which of the following is NOT lined by a mucosa? a. Genitourinary tract b. Pericardial cavity c. Respiratory tract d. Alimentary canal e. All of the above are lined by a mucosa

b. Pericardial cavity

What is the connective tissue sac surrounding the heart? a. Epicardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Endocardium e. Endomysium

b. Pericardium

What is the cell body of a neuron called? a. Ganglion b. Perikaryon c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

b. Perikaryon

What surrounds a bundle of nerve fibers? a. Neurium b. Perineurium c. Epineurium d. Endoneurium e. None of the above

b. Perineurium

What is the covering of a bone? a. Perimysium b. Periosteum c. Perichondrium d. Perineurium e. Endosteum

b. Periosteum

Which of the following is lined by a serosa? a. Genitourinary tract b. Peritoneal cavity c. Respiratory tract d. Alimentary canal e. All of the above are lined by a mucosa

b. Peritoneal cavity

Which organelle contains detoxifying enzymes? a. Ribosomes b. Peroxisome c. Microfilaments d. Centrioles e. Nucleoli

b. Peroxisome

Where is corpora arenacea found? a. Pituitary b. Pineal gland c. Adrenal gland d. Pancreas e. Thyroid

b. Pineal gland

What structure is at the angle of the liver lobule? a. Lobule b. Portal triad c. Central vein d. Hepatocyte e. Sinusoids

b. Portal triad

What is the space posterior to the iris? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

b. Posterior chamber

Which stage of the follicle is marked by the surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells becoming cuboidal? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle

b. Primary follicle

Which is the largest accessory structure of the male reproductive system a. Epididymis b. Prostate c. Seminal vesicle d. Bulbourethral gland e. Cowper's gland

b. Prostate

Which of the following is NOT a glycosaminoglycan in cartilage? a. Chondroitin sulfate b. Proteoglycans c. Keratan sulfate d. Hyaluronic acid e. All of the above are glycosaminoglycans in cartilage

b. Proteoglycans

Which of the following is composed of dense irregular connective tissue? a. Epidermis b. Reticular layer of dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

b. Reticular layer of dermis

Which of the following responds to continuous pressure? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

b. Ruffini's corpuscles

What is the plasma membrane of a muscle cell called? a. Endomysium b. Sarcolemma c. Sarcoplasm d. Perimysium e. Epimysium

b. Sarcolemma

What are the collagen fibers that extend into bone at an angle called? a. Canaliculi b. Sharpey's fibers c. Trabeculae d. Tome's process e. Lacuna

b. Sharpey's fibers

What is the most commonly seen type of epithelium in the prostate? a. Transitional b. Simple columnar c. Stratified squamous d. Simple squamous e. Simple cuboidal

b. Simple columnar

What type of tissue composes the kidney tubules? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

b. Simple cuboidal epithelium

What type of tissue lines most ducts? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

b. Simple cuboidal epithelium

Where is the primary site for absorption of nutrients? a. Stomach b. Small intestine c. Ascending colon d. Descending colon e. Both a and b equally

b. Small intestine

Which organelle is involved in lipid metabolism? a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Lysosome d. Golgi apparatus e. Mitochondria

b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Where is thick skin found? a. Over the knee b. Sole of the feet c. Breast d. Lips e. All of the above

b. Sole of the feet

What is the cell body of a neuron called? a. Ganglion b. Soma c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

b. Soma

What is the surface modification seen on the cells of the epididymis? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b

b. Stereocilia

What type of epithelium is more than one layer thick? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal e. Columnar

b. Stratified

What type of epithelium is on the surface of the cornea? a. Simple squamous b. Stratified squamous c. Simple cuboidal d. Simple columnar e. Transitional epithelium

b. Stratified squamous

Which layer of the epidermis contains star shaped cells? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

b. Stratum spinosum

Which layer contains Meissner's plexus? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

b. Sub mucosa

What is the connective tissue layer around the primary follicle? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum

b. Theca folliculi

Which of the following is composed of epithelioreticular cells? a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Lymph node e. None of the above

b. Thymus

Which gland secretes T3? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

b. Thyroid

Which gland secretes calcitonin? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

b. Thyroid

What cell type secretes TSH? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

b. Thyrotropic cells

When looking at the spleen, what are the invaginations of the capsule into the splenic parenchyma called? a. Malpighian corpuscle b. Trabeculae c. White pulp d. Red pulp e. Cords of Billroth

b. Trabeculae

Which layer in an artery is primarily smooth muscle? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. Tunica media

Which cell is a squamous pulmonary epithelial cell? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

b. Type I pneumocyte

Which cranial nerve is responsible for taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X e. XII

b. VII

What type of muscle probably predominates in Charles Atlas, the worlds most famous power weight lifter? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

Which fiber type fatigues more readily? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

Which fiber type gets its energy primarily from glycogen? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

Which fiber type is larger in diameter? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

Which fiber type is make up fast-twitch muscle? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

Which fiber type uses more anaerobic metabolism? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

b. White fibers

What is the lymphatic tissue in the spleen called? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

b. White pulp

What is immature bone? a. Dense bone b. Woven bone c. Cancellous bone d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

b. Woven bone

Which of the following is the inner layer of the adrenal cortex? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

b. Zona reticularis

Which part the adrenal gland secretes sex steroids? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

b. Zona reticularis

How many neurons are in the body of man? a. 10,000 (10 to the 4th) b. 10,000,000 (10 to the 7th) c. 10,000,000,000 (10 to the 10th) d. 10,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 13th) e. 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 16th

c. 10,000,000,000 (10 to the 10th)

How many layers of smooth muscle are in the vas deferens? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

c. 3

How many layers of tissue compose the eyeball? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

c. 3

How many types of cartilage are there? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

c. 3

How many seminiferous tubules are found in each testis of an average man? a. 4-6 b. 40-60 c. 400-600 d. 4000-6000 e. 40,000-60,000

c. 400-600

Approximately what percentage of the volume of blood do the formed elements comprise? a. 5 b. 25 c. 45 d. 75 e. 90

c. 45

Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Loose connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Adipose tissue d. Mucous connective tissue e. Dense connective tissue

c. Adipose tissue

Which of the following is supporting cell of the central nervous system? a. Ganglion b. Perikaryon c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

c. Astrocyte

What cells of the pancreas secrete insulin? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Gamma cells

c. Beta cells

What are neurons in the retina? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

c. Bipolar

Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system? a. Receptors b. Brachial plexus c. Brain d. Ganglia e. Sciatic nerve

c. Brain

What is the atrioventricular bundle? a. Sinoatrial node b. Atrioventricular node c. Bundle of His d. Right bundle branch e. Purkinje fiber

c. Bundle of His

What is spongy bone a. Immature bone b. Compact bone c. Cancellous bone d. Dense bone e. Woven bone

c. Cancellous bone

Which of the following constitutes the microvascular bed of a tissue? a. Capillaries b. Capillaries and arterioles c. Capillaries, arterioles, and post capillary venules d. Capillaries, arterioles, post capillary venules, and veins e. Capillaries, arterioles, post capillary venules, veins, and arteries

c. Capillaries, arterioles, and post capillary venules

What is the glomerulus? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

c. Capillary tuft

The colloquialism "gray matter" refers to somebody using his intellect or reasoning ability. In reality, what is gray matter? a. Meninges b. Myelinated nerve fibers c. Cell bodies d. Nodes of Ranvier e. Neurofilaments

c. Cell bodies

What structure is in the middle of the hepatic lobule? a. Hepatic artery b. Portal triad c. Central vein d. Portal vein e. Sinusoids

c. Central vein

Which cells secrete pepsinogen? a. Parietal cells b. Oxyntic cells c. Chief cells d. Mucous neck cells e. Both a and b

c. Chief cells

Which structure is part the uvea? a. Ora serrata b. Pigmented epithelium c. Choroid d. Cornea e. Sclera

c. Choroid

What cell surface modification is made of microtubules? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b

c. Cilia

Which contains endolymph? a. Scala vestibuli b. Scala tympani c. Cochlear duct d. Both a and b e. All a, b, and c

c. Cochlear duct

What is dense bone? a. Immature bone b. Cancellous bone c. Compact bone d. Woven bone e. Spongy bone

c. Compact bone

What is within the pulp cavity? a. Pulp cavity b. Dentin c. Dental pulp d. Cementum e. Enamel

c. Dental pulp

Which layer of the cornea is acellular? a. Epithelium b. Endothelium c. Descemet's membrane d. Substantia propria e. None of the above

c. Descemet's membrane

What is the pancreatic duct? a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses b. Ducts of Luschka c. Duct of Wirsung d. Ampulla of Vater e. Sphincter of Oddi

c. Duct of Wirsung

Which cell is a respiratory macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

c. Dust cell

What type of tissue makes up the epiglottis? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Fibrocartilage c. Elastic cartilage d. Both a and b e. Both a and c

c. Elastic cartilage

What is within the membranous labyrinth? a. Lymph b. Blood c. Endolymph d. Perilymph e. Air

c. Endolymph

What is the covering of an individual muscle fiber? a. Sarcoplasm b. Perimysium c. Endomysium d. Epimysium e. Sarcolemma

c. Endomysium

What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the blood vessels? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional e. Pseudostratified

c. Endothelium

Which of the following is a granulocyte? a. Thrombocyte b. Lymphocyte c. Eosinophil d. Monocyte e. Erythrocyte

c. Eosinophil

What surrounds a nerve? a. Neurium b. Perineurium c. Epineurium d. Endoneurium e. None of the above

c. Epineurium

Which of the following is the most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood? a. Neutrophils b. Basophils c. Erythrocytes d. Leukocytes e. Platelets

c. Erythrocytes

What type of gland secretes its product through a duct or tube? a. Endocrine gland b. Multicellular gland c. Exocrine gland d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Exocrine gland

Which of the following clotting factors is NOT produced in the liver? a. Factor I b. Factor II c. Factor IV d. Factor IX e. Factor X

c. Factor IV

What structure is called white cartilage? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

c. Fibrocartilage

Which type of cartilage forms the intervertebral disc? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Fibrocartilage

Which type of cartilage forms the symphysis pubis? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Fibrocartilage

Which type of cartilage is characterized by the presence of thick bundles of collagen fibers? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Fibrocartilage

Which type of cartilage is present in the temporomandibular joint? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Fibrocartilage

What is the stroma of the prostate? a. Loose irregular connective tissue b. Smooth muscle c. Fibromuscular d. Adipose tissue e. Dense irregular connective tissue

c. Fibromuscular

What is the role of the condenser lens? a. Control the aperture of light b. Increase the magnification c. Focus the light on the specimen d. Initial magnification of 10X e. Provide light

c. Focus the light on the specimen

Where is the region associated with maximum visual acuity? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

c. Fovea centralis

Which type of papillae on the tongue is mushroom shaped? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

c. Fungiform papillae

Where is pancreatic polypeptide secreted from? a. Alpha cells b. Beta cells c. Gamma cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

c. Gamma cells

What is a collection of nerve cell bodies outside of the central nervous system called? a. Schwann cells b. Basket cells c. Ganglion d. Neuroglia e. Satellite cells

c. Ganglion

A beauty treatment for the reduction of wrinkles is the injection of hyaluronic acid into the wrinkle. What is hyaluronic acid? a. Dermatan sulfate b. Proteoglycan c. Glycosaminoglycan d. Chondroitin sulfate e. Keratan sulfate

c. Glycosaminoglycan

Which of the following cells can be classified as a basophil? a. Somatotropic cells b. Lactotropic cells c. Gonadotropic cells d. None of the above e. All of the above

c. Gonadotropic cells

What are the follicular cells? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum

c. Granulosa cells

During a pregnancy, which hormone which maintains the corpus luteum? a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen e. Progesterone

c. HCG

What are the spherical structures seen in the medulla of the thymus called? a. Psammoma bodies b. Corpora arenacea c. Hassall's corpuscles d. Prostatic concretions e. Pacinian corpuscles

c. Hassall's corpuscles

Which of the following is composed of cardiac muscle? a. Biceps muscle b. Tongue c. Heart d. Upper esophagus e. Walls of the visceral organs

c. Heart

Which connective tissue cell is a tissue macrophage? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

c. Histiocyte

Which of the following is found in the hair follicle? a. Pigment epithelium b. Muller's cells c. Huxley's layer d. Horizontal cells e. Cones

c. Huxley's layer

Which one of the following is not found in the retina? a. Pigment epithelium b. Muller's cells c. Huxley's layer d. Horizontal cells e. Cones

c. Huxley's layer

What forms the articular surface on bones? a. Spongy bone b. Compact bone c. Hyaline cartilage d. Elastic cartilage e. Fibrocartilage

c. Hyaline cartilage

What forms the epiphyseal growth plate? a. Elastic cartilage b. Fibrocartilage c. Hyaline cartilage d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

c. Hyaline cartilage

What type of tissue makes up the rings of the trachea? a. Compact bone b. Spongy bone c. Hyaline cartilage d. Fibrocartilage e. Elastic cartilage

c. Hyaline cartilage

Which of the following is NOT considered an epidermal appendage? a. Sweat gland b. Hair c. Hypodermis d. Nails e. Sebaceous glands

c. Hypodermis

Which of the following is composed of loose connective tissue? a. Epidermis b. Reticular layer of dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

c. Hypodermis

Which cranial nerve is responsible for general sensation to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X e. XII

c. IX

Which cranial nerve is responsible for taste to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X e. XII

c. IX

What connects the pituitary to the hypothalamus? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Infundibulum d. Adenohypophysis e. Neurohypophysis

c. Infundibulum

Which type of neuron is also called an internuncial neuron? a. Sensory neurons b. Motor neurons c. Interneurons d. Both a and b e. All of the above

c. Interneurons

Which type of neuron is most abundant? a. Sensory neurons b. Motor neurons c. Interneurons d. Both a and b e. All of the above

c. Interneurons

What is bone formation called when the bone is formed directly, without using a cartilage template? a. Intraosseous b. En bloc c. Intramembranous d. Endochondral e. Endosteum

c. Intramembranous

What is the most anterior portion of the uvea? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

c. Iris

What are the openings within the sclera which allow nerve fibers to exit? a. Os b. Optic chiasm c. Lamina cribrosa d. Optic disc e. Ora serrata

c. Lamina cribrosa

What is areolar tissue? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

c. Loose irregular connective tissue

Which organelle contains digestive enzymes? a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Lysosome d. Golgi apparatus e. Mitochondria

c. Lysosome

What is the growing part of the nail? a. Lunula b. Eponychium c. Matrix d. Nail bed e. Root

c. Matrix

What is the inner part of the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex

c. Medulla

Which cell is responsible for skin pigmentation? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

c. Melanocyte

Where does cartilage come from? a. Ectoderm b. Endoderm c. Mesenchyme d. Connective tissue e. None of the above

c. Mesenchyme

What structure contributes to the cells cytoskeleton? a. Ribosomes b. Peroxisome c. Microfilaments d. Centrioles e. Nucleoli

c. Microfilaments

Which is the largest leukocyte? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

c. Monocytes

What sensation does the crista ampullaris recognize? a. Sound b. Position c. Movement d. Vibration e. All of the above

c. Movement

In which of the following is a portal system NOT found? a. Kidney b. Liver c. Muscle d. Brain e. None of the above is correct; a portal system is found in all of the above

c. Muscle

What is another term for muscle cells? a. Myofilaments b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

c. Muscle fibers

Which layer contains Auerbach's plexus? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

c. Muscularis externa

Which layer of the heart is composed of cardiac muscle? a. Epicardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Endocardium e. Endomysium

c. Myocardium

What are the thin filaments? a. Myocardium b. Myofibrils c. Myofilaments d. Muscle fibers e. Myosin

c. Myofilaments

Which leukocyte is the most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood? a. Lymphocytes b. Basophils c. Neutrophil d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils

c. Neutrophil

Which of the following stain blue with H&E stain? a. Cytoplasm b. Collagen fibers c. Nucleus d. Elastic fibers e. Decalcified bone matrix

c. Nucleus

Which cell is a type of neuron? a. Basal cells b. Brush cells c. Olfactory cells d. Sustentacular cells e. All of the above

c. Olfactory cells

Which of the following forms myelin in the central nervous system? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

c. Oligodendrocytes

Where are the sensory receptors for hearing? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

c. Organ of Corti

What is the mature bone cell called? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

c. Osteocyte

What sits in a lacuna? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

c. Osteocyte

Which cell is the mature bone cell? a. Chondrocyte b. Chondroblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell

c. Osteocyte

When looking at a lymph node, which term does not refer to the same region as all the others listed? a. Deep cortex b. Tertiary cortex c. Outer cortex d. Juxtamedullary cortex e. Paracortical zone

c. Outer cortex

What occurs cyclically in a female? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova

c. Ovulation

Which of the following responds to vibration and rapidly changing pressure? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

c. Pacinian corpuscles

Where is thick skin found? a. Lips b. Over the knee c. Palms d. Breast e. All of the above

c. Palms

Which cell type are also called C cells? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

c. Parafollicular cells

Which cell type secretes calcitonin? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

c. Parafollicular cells

What is another term for the anterior lobe of the pituitary? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Pars distalis d. Pars nervosa e. Infundibular stalk

c. Pars distalis

What are the foot processes on podocytes? a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule b. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule c. Pedicels d. Juxtaglomerular cells e. Macula densa

c. Pedicels

What does the acronym PALS stand for? a. Papillary layer sinus b. Peyer's lymphatic sheath c. Periarterial lymphatic sheath d. Peripheral lymphatic sinus e. Parenchymal lymphatic sheath

c. Periarterial lymphatic sheath

What is the connective tissue covering which surrounds cartilage? a. Perimysium b. Periosteum c. Perichondrium d. Perineurium e. Endosteum

c. Perichondrium

What are the large aggregates of lymphatic tissue in the ileum? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

c. Peyer's patches

Which microscope would be particularly useful for looking at living cells? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

c. Phase contrast microscope

Which meninx covers the brain intimately? a. Dura mater b. Arachnoid c. Pia mater d. Both a and b e. All of the above

c. Pia mater

Which gland secretes melatonin? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

c. Pineal gland

What are the cells of the pineal gland called? a. Follicular cells b. Parafollicular cells c. Pinealocytes d. P cells e. PP cells

c. Pinealocytes

What is another term for the valve of Kerckring? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

c. Plicae circulares

Where are apocrine sweat glands NOT found? a. Areola b. External genitalia c. Posterior neck d. Axilla e. Circumanal region

c. Posterior neck

Collectively, what is the cytoplasm and nucleus called? a. Plasmalemma b. Glycocalyx c. Protoplasm d. Cristae e. Ground substance

c. Protoplasm

What is the space between the renal pyramids called? a. Medulla b. Lobe c. Renal columns d. Nephron e. Medullary ray

c. Renal columns

What is the Malpighian corpuscle? a. Glomerulus b. Bowman's capsule c. Renal corpuscle d. Loop of Henle e. Distal convoluted tubule

c. Renal corpuscle

When using oil immersion to view a tissue, what is the refractive index of the oil? a. Zero b. Same as air c. Same as glass d. Same as water e. None of the above

c. Same as glass

The appearance of the antrum is a characteristic of which stage of follicular development? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle

c. Secondary follicle

Which follicular stage is also called an antral follicle? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle

c. Secondary follicle

Which of the following is NOT considered part of the male genital duct system? a. Rete testis b. Tubuli recti c. Seminal vesicles d. Ductus deferens e. Ductus epididymidis

c. Seminal vesicles

What are mucous surface cells? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

c. Simple columnar epithelium

What cell type makes up the mucosa of the gallbladder? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

c. Simple columnar epithelium

What type of epithelium is associated with goblet cells? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Pseudostratified epithelium

c. Simple columnar epithelium

What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

c. Simple columnar epithelium

What are wide, leaky capillaries called? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV anastomoses e. Venous sinus

c. Sinusoidal capillaries

Which of the following is a distinct structure found specifically in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV anastomoses e. Venous sinus

c. Sinusoidal capillaries

Where are Brunner's glands located? a. Esophagus b. Stomach c. Small intestine d. Large intestine e. Rectum

c. Small intestine

Where are Peyer's patches located? a. Esophagus b. Stomach c. Small intestine d. Large intestine e. Rectum

c. Small intestine

What type of muscle is composed of spindle shaped cells? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

c. Smooth muscle

What is another term for the cell body of a neuron? a. Tracts b. Islets c. Soma d. Cortex e. Nuclei

c. Soma

What cell type secretes growth hormone? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

c. Somatotropic cells

What type of epithelium is composed of flat cells? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal e. Columnar

c. Squamous

Where do you place the slide when using a microscope? a. Base b. Nosepiece c. Stage d. Tube e. Diaphragm

c. Stage

What type of hormone is estradiol? a. Protein b. Amino acid chain c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

c. Steroid

What type of hormone is testosterone? a. Protein b. Amino acid chain c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

c. Steroid

Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? a. Conversion of glucose into glycogen b. Storage of glycogen c. Storage of bile d. Storage of fat soluble vitamins e. Cholesterol synthesis

c. Storage of bile

What type of epithelium lines the vestibule? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells e. Transitional epithelium

c. Stratified squamous epithelium

Which layer of the epidermis has cells which have keratohyaline granules? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

c. Stratum granulosum

Where is the cerebrospinal fluid? a. Between the dura mater and bone b. Subdural space c. Subarachnoid space d. Between the pia mater and brain e. None of the above

c. Subarachnoid space

Which of the following would be best suited to visualize lipid? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

c. Sudan stain

Where in the pancreas are islets of Langerhans most numerous? a. Head b. Body c. Tail d. Evenly distributed e. Depends on the individual

c. Tail

Which of the following are produced by the Leydig cells? a. Inhibin b. Androgen binding protein c. Testosterone d. Both a and b e. All of the above

c. Testosterone

Which of the following is true? a. There is one corpus cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum b. There is one corpus cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum c. There are two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum d. There are two corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum e. There are four corpora cavernosa and two corpora spongiosum

c. There are two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum

What are the spicules on spongy bone called? a. Canaliculi b. Sharpey's fibers c. Trabeculae d. Tome's process e. Lacuna

c. Trabeculae

Which layer in a large artery or vein contains the vasa vasorum? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Tunica externa

Which layer in a large vessel contains the nervi vascularis? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Tunica externa

Which layer in an artery is also called the tunica adventitia? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Tunica externa

Which layer in an artery is primarily connective tissue? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

c. Tunica externa

Which cell is a also called a septal cell? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

c. Type II pneumocyte

Which cell secretes surfactant? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

c. Type II pneumocyte

What is the a small clear space within a cell? a. Space of Disse b. Space of Mall c. Vacuole d. Lacuna e. Howship's lacuna

c. Vacuole

Which structure receives blood from the capillary bed? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

c. Venule

What is the space posterior to the lens? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

c. Vitreal cavity

What is the term for the entire lymphatic region of the spleen? a. Malpighian corpuscle b. Trabeculae c. White pulp d. Red pulp e. Cords of Billroth

c. White pulp

A sarcomere is defined as the segment from _____ to ____? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

c. Z line

What is line that bisects the light band in muscle? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

c. Z line

Which of the following is the outer layer of the adrenal cortex? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

c. Zona glomerulosa

Which part the adrenal gland secretes mineralocorticoids? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

c. Zona glomerulosa

What is the maximum resolving power seen with a compound microscope? a. 2 millimeters b. .2 millimeters c. 2 micrometers d. .2 micrometers e. 2 angstroms

d. .2 micrometers

Approximately how many nephrons are there in each kidney? a. 1,000 b. 10,000 c. 100,000 d. 1,000,000 e. 10,000,000

d. 1,000,000

When using a compound microscope, what is the magnification of the oil immersion lens? a. 4X b. 10X c. 40X d. 100X e. 1000X

d. 100X

On a cross section of a muscle, how many thin filaments surround each thick filament? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 e. 8

d. 6

What percent of the matrix of cartilage is water? a. 0 b. 10-40 c. 40-60 d. 60-80 e. 80-100

d. 60-80

What is a direct route between arteries and veins called? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV anastomoses e. Venous sinus

d. AV anastomoses

Where are tropic hormones secreted from? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Infundibulum d. Adenohypophysis e. Neurohypophysis

d. Adenohypophysis

What gland secretes aldosterone? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

d. Adrenal gland (cortex)

Which gland secretes cortisol? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

d. Adrenal gland (cortex)

Which gland secretes sex steroids? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

d. Adrenal gland (cortex)

What is the innervation of an apocrine sweat gland? a. Cholinergic; parasympathetic b. Cholinergic; sympathetic c. Adrenergic; parasympathetic d. Adrenergic; sympathetic e. Cholinergic; motor

d. Adrenergic; sympathetic

Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidney? a. Erythropoietin production b. Vitamin D modification c. Acid base balance d. Aldosterone production e. Renin production

d. Aldosterone production

Which of the following is lined by a mucosa? a. Peritoneal cavity b. Pericardial cavity c. Pleural cavity d. Alimentary canal e. All of the above are lined by a mucosa

d. Alimentary canal

Which fiber type is seen in skeletal muscle? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

d. All of the above

Which type of cartilage is characterized by the presence of chondrocytes sitting in lacunae? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

d. All of the above

What is a gland called if the secretory portion is flask shaped? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar e. Tubuloalveolar

d. Alveolar

What is another term for an acinar gland? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar e. Tubuloalveolar

d. Alveolar

What is the opening of the pancreatic duct into the duodenum? a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses b. Ducts of Luschka c. Duct of Wirsung d. Ampulla of Vater e. Sphincter of Oddi

d. Ampulla of Vater

What type of glands are the ceruminous glands? a. Sebaceous glands b. Eccrine sweat gland c. Endocrine gland d. Apocrine sweat gland e. Oil gland

d. Apocrine sweat gland

Which of the following is a granulocyte? a. Thrombocyte b. Monocyte c. Lymphocyte d. Basophil e. Erythrocyte

d. Basophil

Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Mesenchyme b. Mucous connective tissue c. Dense connective tissue d. Blood e. Loose connective tissue

d. Blood

What color do elastic fibers stain with Verhoeff Elastic stain? a. Red/Orange b. Pink/red c. Purple/Red d. Blue/black e. Green/blue

d. Blue/black

What type of muscle contains centrally placed nuclei? a. Smooth muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Skeletal muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

d. Both "a" and "b"

What type of muscle contains sarcomeres? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

d. Both "a" and "b"

What type of muscle has visible cross striations? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

d. Both "a" and "b"

What is the space anterior to the lens? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

d. Both a and b

Which contains perilymph? a. Scala vestibuli b. Scala tympani c. Cochlear duct d. Both a and b e. All a, b, and c

d. Both a and b

Which of the following are produced by the Sertoli cells? a. Inhibin b. Androgen binding protein c. Testosterone d. Both a and b e. All of the above

d. Both a and b

Which of the following layers comprise the skin? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

d. Both a and b

Which type of cartilage is found in the larynx? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Both a and b e. All of the above

d. Both a and b

Which type of neuron is multipolar? a. Motor neurons b. Interneurons c. Sensory neurons d. Both a and b e. All of the above

d. Both a and b

What is the classification of the pancreas? a. Mixed b. Endocrine c. Exocrine d. Both endocrine and exocrine e. None of the above

d. Both endocrine and exocrine

Which type of bone has spicules? a. Immature bone b. Dense bone c. Compact bone d. Cancellous bone e. Woven bone

d. Cancellous bone

Regarding the blood supply to cartilage: a. Cartilage has minimal circulation b. Cartilage has a duel circulation c. Cartilage is highly vascular d. Cartilage is avascular e. There is nothing unique about the blood supply to cartilage

d. Cartilage is avascular

What type of hormone is epinephrine? a. Protein b. Amino acid chain c. Steroid d. Catecholamine e. None of the above

d. Catecholamine

What covers the tooth that is embedded within the jaw? a. Pulp cavity b. Dentin c. Dental pulp d. Cementum e. Enamel

d. Cementum

What structure is at the base of cilia? a. Ribosomes b. Peroxisome c. Microfilaments d. Centrioles e. Nucleoli

d. Centrioles

Which of the following is NOT part of the retina? a. Receptor cells b. Neurons c. Pigmented epithelium d. Ciliary body e. Supporting cells

d. Ciliary body

What structure adjusts the shape of the lens? a. Internal oblique muscle b. Orbicularis oculi c. Tarsus d. Ciliary muscle e. Levator muscle

d. Ciliary muscle

What type of tissue lines the paranasal sinuses? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells e. Transitional epithelium

d. Ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells

What is the outer gray matter of the brain called? a. Tracts b. Islets c. Soma d. Cortex e. Nuclei

d. Cortex

What cell type secretes ACTH? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

d. Corticotropic cells

What cell type secretes MSH? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

d. Corticotropic cells

What gland in the male is homologous to the greater vestibular gland in the female? a. Bartholin's gland b. Prostate gland c. Skene's gland d. Cowper's gland e. Brunner's gland

d. Cowper's gland

What is another term for a bulbourethral gland? a. Bartholin's gland b. Prostate gland c. Skene's gland d. Cowper's gland e. Brunner's gland

d. Cowper's gland

What are the folds on the inner mitochodrial membrane called? a. Plasmalemma b. Glycocalyx c. Protoplasm d. Cristae e. Ground substance

d. Cristae

What type of epithelial cells are as tall as they are wide? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal e. Columnar

d. Cuboidal

What cells of the pancreas secrete somatostatin? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Gamma cells

d. Delta cells

Where is somatostatin secreted from? a. Alpha cells b. Beta cells c. Gamma cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

d. Delta cells

What type of tissue makes up the dermis of the skin? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

d. Dense irregular connective tissue

Which microscope makes things appear three dimensional? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

d. Dissection microscope

Which of the following is NOT considered an accessory gland? a. Prostate b. Bulbourethral gland c. Seminal vesicles d. Ductus deferens e. None of the above

d. Ductus deferens

Which cell is also called an alveolar phagocyte? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

d. Dust cell

What is the aorta? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

d. Elastic artery

Where is endothelium located? a. Epicardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Endocardium e. Endomysium

d. Endocardium

What is bone formation called when the bone is formed from a cartilage template? a. Intraosseous b. En bloc c. Intramembranous d. Endochondral e. Endosteum

d. Endochondral

What is the covering of a nerve fiber? a. Neurium b. Perineurium c. Epineurium d. Endoneurium e. None of the above

d. Endoneurium

Which of the following is an acid dye? a. Azure II b. Toluidine blue c. Methylene blue d. Eosin e. Thionine

d. Eosin

Which leukocyte has orange-pink granules? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

d. Eosinophil

Which leukocyte usually has a bi-lobed nucleus? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

d. Eosinophil

Which cartilage of the larynx is made of elastic cartilage? a. Thyroid cartilage b. Cricoid cartilage c. Arytenoid cartilage d. Epiglottis e. Corniculate cartilage

d. Epiglottis

Which type of papillae on the tongue is not well developed in man? a. Filiform papillae b. Circumvallate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. All of the above

d. Foliate papillae

Which cell type are involved in the secretion thyroglobulin? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

d. Follicular cells

What is the acronym for the diffuse lymphatic tissue found in the intestinal tract? a. BALT b. DALT c. FALT d. GALT e. HALT


Which organelle sorts and packages proteins within a cell? a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Lysosome d. Golgi apparatus e. Mitochondria

d. Golgi apparatus

What is line that bisects the dark band in muscle? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

d. H band

All of the following are properties of neurons, except: a. High metabolic rate b. Longevity c. Specialized for conduction d. High mitotic rate e. Limited ability for oxygen deprivation

d. High mitotic rate

What is woven bone? a. Cancellous bone b. Compact bone c. Dense bone d. Immature bone e. Spongy bone

d. Immature bone

Where is renin secreted from? a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule b. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule c. Pedicels d. Juxtaglomerular cells e. Macula densa

d. Juxtaglomerular cells

What is a characteristic of the cells in the epidermis of the skin? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b

d. Keratinization

Which of the following is a receptor for fine touch which is located in mucous membranes? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

d. Krause's end bulbs

Which of the following cells can be classified as an acidophil? a. Gonadotropic cells b. Corticotropic cells c. Thyrotropic cells d. Lactotropic cells e. All of the above

d. Lactotropic cells

What do you call the space where a chondrocyte sits in? a. Space of Disse b. Space of Mall c. Vacuole d. Lacuna e. Howship's Lacuna

d. Lacuna

What is Bruch's membrane? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

d. Lamina vitrea

What is the inner layer of the choroid? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

d. Lamina vitrea

Which of the following is NOT a layer of the cornea? a. Bowman's membrane b. Substantia propria c. Descemet's membrane d. Lamina vitrea e. Endothelium

d. Lamina vitrea

Which cell is a macrophage found in the skin? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

d. Langerhans cell

Where is the myocardium the thickest? a. Right atria b. Left atria c. Right ventricle d. Left ventricle e. Both right and left ventricle

d. Left ventricle

What is the primary component of myelin? a. Amino acids b. Protein c. Carbohydrate d. Lipid e. Both b and c

d. Lipid

Which structure does the proximal convoluted lead to? a. Glomerulus b. Bowman's capsule c. Renal corpuscle d. Loop of Henle e. Distal convoluted tubule

d. Loop of Henle

Which of the following can be classified as "connective tissue proper"? a. Bone b. Blood c. Adipose tissue d. Loose irregular connective tissue e. Cartilage

d. Loose irregular connective tissue

Which of the following is an encapsulated lymphatic organ? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

d. Lymph node

What is the total magnification achieved with a compound microscope? a. Magnification of objective lens b. Magnification of ocular lens c. Magnification of ocular lens added to the magnification of the objective lens d. Magnification of ocular lens multiplied by the magnification of the objective lens e. Magnification of condenser lens multiplied by the magnification of the objective lens

d. Magnification of ocular lens multiplied by the magnification of the objective lens

Which cell is a mechanoreceptors? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

d. Merkel cell

Which of the following is the CNS macrophage? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

d. Microglia

What is "compound microscope"? a. Microscope with the capability to view oil immersion b. Microscope with the capability to view compounds c. Microscope with a single lens d. Microscope with two lenses e. Microscope with three lenses

d. Microscope with two lenses

Which of the following is not a granulocyte? a. PMN b. Basophils c. Neutrophil d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils

d. Monocytes

What are interneurons? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

d. Multipolar

What are most neurons in the body? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

d. Multipolar

What are motor neurons? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

d. Multipolar

What are the bundle of longitudinal contractile elements within a muscle cell called? a. Myofilaments b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

d. Myofibrils

What is myosin? a. Muscle fibers b. Myofibrils c. Myocardium d. Myofilament e. Muscle cell

d. Myofilament

Which of the following is NOT a term used for a neutrophil? a. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils b. Poly's c. PMN d. NP e. Polymorph

d. NP

What is underneath the nail plate? a. Lunula b. Eponychium c. Matrix d. Nail bed e. Root

d. Nail bed

What is the functional unit of the kidney? a. Medulla b. Lobe c. Renal columns d. Nephron e. Medullary ray

d. Nephron

What are nervi vascularis? a. Neuropil b. Neuroglia c. Pigmented lesion of a vessel d. Nerves e. Blood vessels

d. Nerves

What are the supporting cells in the central nervous system called? a. Schwann cells b. Basket cells c. Ganglion d. Neuroglia e. Satellite cells

d. Neuroglia

What is a receptor in muscle? a. Motor unit b. Motor neuron c. Motor end plate d. Neuromuscular spindle e. Neurotransmitter

d. Neuromuscular spindle

What are the basophilic clusters of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum seen in neurons called? a. Ganglion b. Perikaryon c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

d. Nissl

What are the gaps that occur within the myelin sheath? a. Meninges b. Myelinated nerve fibers c. Cell bodies d. Nodes of Ranvier e. Neurofilaments

d. Nodes of Ranvier

Which of the following cells can be classified as an acidophil? a. Corticotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Gonadotropic cells d. None of the above e. All of the above

d. None of the above

What are developing gametes called? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova

d. Oocyte

What is the region called where the optic nerve exits the eye? a. Os b. Optic chiasm c. Lamina cribrosa d. Optic disc e. Ora serrata

d. Optic disc

What is the anterior pigmented portion of the retina called? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

d. Ora serrata

What cell is an immature bone cell? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

d. Osteoblast

What cell is involved in laying down new bone? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

d. Osteoblast

Which cell type is responsible for bone breakdown? a. Chondrocyte b. Chondroblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell

d. Osteoclast

What is another term for the posterior lobe of the pituitary? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Pars distalis d. Pars nervosa e. Infundibular stalk

d. Pars nervosa

Which of the following is not part of the adenohypophysis? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Pars distalis d. Pars nervosa e. All of the above are part of the adenohypophysis

d. Pars nervosa

What is within the bony labyrinth? a. Lymph b. Blood c. Endolymph d. Perilymph e. Air

d. Perilymph

What is tissue which surrounds a nerve fascicle? a. Perimysium b. Periosteum c. Perichondrium d. Perineurium e. Endosteum

d. Perineurium

What vessels arise from the efferent arteriole? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

d. Peritubular capillaries

What is the term for the process used by cells for the transport in of particulate matter? a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis c. Pinocytosis d. Phagocytosis e. Active transport

d. Phagocytosis

Which connective tissue cell is derived from B lymphocytes? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

d. Plasma cell

What are the alveolar pores called? a. Pores of Luschka b. Pores of Descemet c. Pores of Mall d. Pores of Kohn e. Pores of Disse

d. Pores of Kohn

What are the spherical structures seen in some prostatic alveoli called? a. Psammoma bodies b. Corpora arenacea c. Hassall's corpuscles d. Prostatic concretions e. Pacinian corpuscles

d. Prostatic concretions

What type of epithelium is composed of cells which all touch the basement membrane and is only one cell layer thick? a. Stratified squamous epithelium b. Transitional epithelium c. Stratified cuboidal epithelium d. Pseudostratified epithelium e. None of the above

d. Pseudostratified epithelium

Which of the following is NOT a fiber found in connective tissue? a. Collagen fiber b. Elastic fiber c. Reticular fiber d. Purkinje fiber e. All of the above are fibers found in connective tissue

d. Purkinje fiber

Where are the splenic sinuses? a. Malpighian corpuscle b. Trabeculae c. White pulp d. Red pulp e. Cords of Billroth

d. Red pulp

What is the first portion of the respiratory tree where gas exchange can occur? a. Alveolar duct b. Alveoli c. Alveolar sac d. Respiratory bronchiole e. Terminal bronchiole

d. Respiratory bronchiole

Which of the following is NOT lined by a serosa? a. Peritoneal cavity b. Pericardial cavity c. Pleural cavity d. Respiratory tract e. All of the above are lined by a serosa

d. Respiratory tract

Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle? a. Lysosomes b. Peroxisomes c. Mitochondria d. Ribosomes e. Endoplasmic reticulum

d. Ribosomes

What are the folds of the stomach called? a. Ruffled border b. Taeniae coli c. Gastric glands d. Rugae e. Gastric pits

d. Rugae

What is the cytoplasm of a muscle cell? a. Epimysium b. Sarcolemma c. Endomysium d. Sarcoplasm e. Perimysium

d. Sarcoplasm

Where are the sensory receptors for movement? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

d. Semicircular canals

Where is mesothelium found? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

d. Serosa

Which layer consists of only a single layer of epithelial cells and underlying connective tissue? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

d. Serosa

Which of the following would be best suited to visualize reticular fibers? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

d. Silver impregnation

What is the mature sperm cell? a. Primary spermatocytes b. Secondary spermatocytes c. Spermatids d. Spermatozoa e. Spermatogonia

d. Spermatozoa

What type of epithelium forms the epidermis? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Pseudostratified epithelium

d. Stratified squamous epithelium

What type of tissue lines the esophagus? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

d. Stratified squamous epithelium

What type of tissue lines the upper esophagus? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

d. Stratified squamous epithelium

Which layer is NOT present in masticatory epithelium? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

d. Stratum lucidum

Which layer of the epidermis is present only in thick skin? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

d. Stratum lucidum

What are microvilli called that are seen in the small intestine? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

d. Striated border

What is another term for the brush border? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

d. Striated border

Which layer forms the majority of the cornea? a. Epithelium b. Endothelium c. Descemet's membrane d. Substantia propria e. Bowman's membrane

d. Substantia propria

Which cell type is most numerous in olfactory mucosa? a. Basal cells b. Brush cells c. Olfactory cells d. Sustentacular cells e. None of the above

d. Sustentacular cells

Which of the following is NOT a distinguishing feature between larger veins and arteries? a. Veins have valves whereas arteries do not have valves b. The tunics in veins are not as clearly delimited as are the tunics in arteries c. The walls in veins are thinner than the walls in arteries d. The lumen of a vein is smaller than the lumen of an artery e. None. All of the above are true

d. The lumen of a vein is smaller than the lumen of an artery

Which of the following is NOT made of a framework of reticular fibers? a. Bone marrow b. Lymph node c. Spleen d. Thymus e. None of the above--all are made of a framework of reticular fibers.

d. Thymus

What type of epithelium has dome shaped cells on the apical surface? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional e. Pseudostratified

d. Transitional

On a microscope, what structure connects the eyepiece to the objective lens? a. Base b. Nosepiece c. Stage d. Tube e. Diaphragm

d. Tube

What is the connective tissue which surrounds the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex

d. Tunica albuginea

Which of the following is the middle layer of the adrenal cortex? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

d. Zona fasciculata

Which part the adrenal gland secretes glucocorticoids? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. None of the above

d. Zona fasciculata

What is the acidophilic glycoprotein coat which surrounds the oocyte? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum

d. Zona pellucida

What type of muscle makes up the muscularis externa in the esophagus? a. Smooth b. Striated c. Cardiac d. both a and b e. a, b, and c.

d. both a and b

What type of muscle contains actin and myosin? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

e. "a" "b" and "c"

What type of muscle is specialized for contraction? a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Both "a" and "b" e. "a" "b" and "c"

e. "a" "b" and "c"

How many layers does the retina have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 e. 10

e. 10

When using a compound microscope, objective lenses can be found to have a magnification of all of the following, EXCEPT? a. 4X b. 10X c. 40X d. 100X e. 1000X

e. 1000X

What percentage of neurons are interneurons? a. 0.1% b. 1% c. 20% d. 80% e. 99.9%

e. 99.9%

Which of the following is the exocrine portion of the pancreas? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Acini

e. Acini

Which gland secretes epinephrine? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

Which gland secretes norepinephrine? a. Pancreas b. Thyroid c. Pineal gland d. Adrenal gland (cortex) e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

What is the outer layer of the GI tract called when it is abutting another organ? a. Mucosa b. Sub mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa e. Adventitia

e. Adventitia

Which of the following is NOT a function of skin a. Vitamin D production b. Protection from water loss c. Sensory reception d. Heat regulation e. All are functions of skin

e. All are functions of skin

What cell types are found in the respiratory mucosa? a. Ciliated cells b. Goblet cells c. Basal cells d. Brush cells e. All of the above

e. All of the above

What type of cells are found in the olfactory mucosa? a. Basal cells b. Brush cells c. Olfactory cells d. Sustentacular cells e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which cartilage of the larynx is made of hyaline cartilage? a. Thyroid cartilage b. Cricoid cartilage c. Arytenoid cartilage d. Corniculate cartilage e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following are considered to be part of the meninges? a. Dura mater b. Arachnoid c. Pia mater d. Both a and c e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following cells can be classified as a basophil? a. Corticotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Gonadotropic cells d. None of the above e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following is a component of the ground substance? a. Hyaluronic acid b. Proteoglycans c. Glycosaminoglycans d. Chondroitin sulfate e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following is an element of the peripheral nervous system? a. Receptors b. Brachial plexus c. Ganglia d. Sciatic nerve e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following is part of the adrenal gland? a. Chromaffin cells b. Zona reticularis c. Zona glomerulosa d. Zona fasciculata e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a function of the spleen? a. Destruction of red blood cells b. Lymphocyte production c. Storage of blood d. Fetal blood cell formation e. All of the above are functions of the spleen

e. All of the above are functions of the spleen

What is the cavity within a secondary follicle? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum

e. Antrum

Which cell has large blue granules, often obscuring the nucleus? a. Neutrophil b. Lymphocytes c. Monocytes d. Eosinophil e. Basophils

e. Basophils

What are vasa vasorum? a. Vasoactive material b. Valves c. Vasopressin secreting cells d. Nerves e. Blood vessels

e. Blood vessels

Which cell is a resting osteoblast? a. Chondrocyte b. Chondroblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell

e. Bone lining cell

What are sensory neurons? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

What are the receptors for vision? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

What is the buffy coat? a. Leukocytes b. Platelets c. Erythrocytes d. Plasma e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

What is the surface layer of masticatory mucosa composed of? a. Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium b. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium c. Simple squamous epithelium d. Pseudostratified squamous epithelium e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Where are the sensory receptors for position? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Where is the ependyma found? a. Lining ventricles b. Lining spinal canal c. Covering the brain d. Covering the spinal cord e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Which cells produce testosterone? a. Interstitial cells b. Leydig cells c. Sertoli cells d. Sustentacular cells e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Which cells secrete hydrochloric acid? a. Parietal cells b. Oxyntic cells c. Chief cells d. Mucous neck cells e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Which cells secrete intrinsic factor? a. Parietal cells b. Oxyntic cells c. Chief cells c. Mucous neck cells e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Which of the following formed elements do not contain a nucleus? a. Platelets b. Erythrocytes c. Leukocytes d. Monocytes e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Which structures are part of the portal triad? a. Portal vein b. Hepatic artery c. Central vein d. Sinusoids e. Both a and b

e. Both a and b

Where is gray matter? a. Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum b. Outer surface of the spinal cord c. Inner portion of the spinal cord d. Both a and b e. Both a and c

e. Both a and c

What type of adipose tissue tends to decrease as humans age? a. Brown adipose tissue b. White adipose tissue c. Unilocular adipose tissue d. Multilocular adipose tissue e. Both a and d

e. Both a and d

What makes up the Juxtaglomerular apparatus? a. Pedicels b. Juxtaglomerular cells c. Macula densa d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

e. Both b and c

What type of adipose tissue tends to increase as humans age? a. Brown adipose tissue b. White adipose tissue c. Unilocular adipose tissue d. Multilocular adipose tissue e. Both b and c

e. Both b and c

Which of the following is composed of connective tissue? a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

e. Both b and c

here is white matter? a. Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum b. Outer surface of the spinal cord c. Inner portion of the brain d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

e. Both b and c

What type of tissue lines the pharynx? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells e. Both c and d

e. Both c and d

Which cells are also called "nurse cells"? a. Interstitial cells b. Leydig cells c. Sertoli cells d. Sustentacular cells e. Both c and d

e. Both c and d

Which cells are directly involved in spermatogenesis? a. Interstitial cells b. Leydig cells c. Sertoli cells d. Sustentacular cells e. Both c and d

e. Both c and d

Which cell is rarely found in the alveolus? a. Clara cell b. Type I pneumocyte c. Type II pneumocyte d. Dust cell e. Brush cell

e. Brush cell

Where does aqueous humor from anterior chamber collect into? a. Canaliculi b. Canal of Hering c. Canal of Muller d. Canal of Descemet e. Canal of Schlemm

e. Canal of Schlemm

"Pulling on heartstrings" refers to strong feelings of love or sympathy pulling one's conscience. What anatomical structure is it a reference to? a. Sinoatrial node b. Bundle of His c. Right bundle branch d. Purkinje fiber e. Chordae tendinae

e. Chordae tendinae

Which cell type is found in the adrenal medulla? a. Principal cell b. Oxyphil cell c. Parafollicular cells d. Follicular cells e. Chromaffin cells

e. Chromaffin cells

Which structure is part the uvea? a. Ora serrata b. Pigmented epithelium c. Cornea d. Sclera e. Ciliary body

e. Ciliary body

What structure is shaped like a snail shell? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Cochlea

e. Cochlea

Where is the organ of Corti? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Crista ampullaris d. Semicircular canals e. Cochlea

e. Cochlea

What makes up the bulk of the cornea? a. Purkinje fibers b. Myofibrils c. Elastic fibers d. Reticular fibers e. Collagen fibers

e. Collagen fibers

What makes up the bulk of the sclera? a. Purkinje fibers b. Myofibrils c. Elastic fibers d. Reticular fibers e. Collagen fibers

e. Collagen fibers

What type of basic tissue type is cartilage? a. Muscle b. Nervous c. Cartilage d. Epithelium e. Connective tissue

e. Connective tissue

Which structure is transparent? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Cornea

e. Cornea

What is the outer part of the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex

e. Cortex

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what step occurs after the tissue is preserved? a. Fixation b. Embedding in paraffin c. Staining d. Slicing e. Dehydration

e. Dehydration

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what step occurs after the tissue is stained? a. Fixation b. Embedding in paraffin c. Staining d. Slicing e. Dehydration

e. Dehydration

What type of tissue is a ligament composed of? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

e. Dense regular connective tissue

What type of tissue is a tendon composed of? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

e. Dense regular connective tissue

On a microscope, what structure varies the diameter of the cone of light? a. Base b. Nosepiece c. Stage d. Tube e. Diaphragm

e. Diaphragm

What do you call the random distribution of lymphocytes that are found in the respiratory tract, genitourinary tract, and gastrointestinal tract? a. Lymph follicles b. White pulp c. Peyer's patches d. Lymph node e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

e. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

Which structure leads to the collecting duct? a. Glomerulus b. Bowman's capsule c. Renal corpuscle d. Loop of Henle e. Distal convoluted tubule

e. Distal convoluted tubule

What type of tissue makes up the epiglottis? a. Compact bone b. Spongy bone c. Hyaline cartilage d. Fibrocartilage e. Elastic cartilage

e. Elastic cartilage

What covers the visible portion of a tooth ? a. Pulp cavity b. Dentin c. Dental pulp d. Cementum e. Enamel

e. Enamel

What is the connective tissue called which surrounds an individual cardiac muscle fiber? a. Epicardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Endocardium e. Endomysium

e. Endomysium

What is the lining of the inner bone on the side which abuts the medullary cavity? a. Perimysium b. Periosteum c. Perichondrium d. Perineurium e. Endosteum

e. Endosteum

What is Mucicarmine stain used primarily for? a. Blood b. Fat c. Nervous tissue d. Elastic fibers e. Epithelial mucin

e. Epithelial mucin

Which of the following is described as having a "central pallor"? a. Leukocytes b. Monocytes c. Eosinophils d. Platelets e. Erythrocytes

e. Erythrocytes

A new miracle skin cream recently hit the beauty counters which is suppose to stimulate collagen production. Which cell is it supposedly stimulating? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

e. Fibroblast

Which cell is found in the dermis? a. Langerhans cell b. Keratinocyte c. Melanocyte d. Merkel cell e. Fibroblast

e. Fibroblast

What cells of the pancreas secrete pancreatic polypeptide? a. Islets of Langerhans b. Alpha cells c. Beta cells d. Delta cells e. Gamma cells

e. Gamma cells

What cell type secretes FSH? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

e. Gonadotropic cells

What cell type secretes LH? a. Lactotropic cells b. Thyrotropic cells c. Somatotropic cells d. Corticotropic cells e. Gonadotropic cells

e. Gonadotropic cells

What is another term for the mature follicle? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Antral follicle e. Graffian follicle

e. Graffian follicle

What is the hollow area underneath an osteoclast called? a. Space of Disse b. Space of Mall c. Vacuole d. Lacuna e. Howship's lacuna

e. Howship's lacuna

What is bundle bone? a. Cancellous bone b. Compact bone c. Dense bone d. Spongy bone e. Immature bone

e. Immature bone

What is Prussian blue stain used for? a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Calcium d. Copper e. Iron

e. Iron

What is the space that an osteocyte rests in? a. Canaliculi b. Sharpey's fibers c. Trabeculae d. Tome's process e. Lacuna

e. Lacuna

What bisects the H band a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. E band e. M line

e. M line

What cells are sensitive to sodium concentration? a. Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule b. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule c. Pedicels d. Juxtaglomerular cells e. Macula densa

e. Macula densa

Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers ? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

e. Masson's trichrome stain

Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

e. Masson's trichrome stain

Which connective tissue cell type secretes histamine? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

e. Mast cell

What is the projection of the medulla into the renal cortex called? a. Medulla b. Lobe c. Renal columns d. Nephron e. Medullary ray

e. Medullary ray

Which of the following is a receptor for fine touch which is located in the dermis? a. Free nerve endings b. Ruffini's corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscles d. Krause's end bulbs e. Meissner's corpuscle

e. Meissner's corpuscle

Which of the following can be classified as "embryonic connective tissue"? a. Adipose tissue b. Bone c. Blood d. Cartilage e. Mesenchyme

e. Mesenchyme

Which cell is a macrophage found in the central nervous system? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

e. Microglia

Which of the following is NOT considered an inclusion? a. Pigment b. Glycogen c. Lipid d. Secretory granules e. Mitochondria

e. Mitochondria

A pronounced internal elastic membrane and external elastic membrane are distinguishing characteristics of which type of vessel? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

e. Muscular artery

What are most of the named arteries in the body? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

e. Muscular artery

What is the brachial artery? a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Elastic artery e. Muscular artery

e. Muscular artery

Where is cardiac muscle found? a. Myofilaments b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

e. Myocardium

Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Blood b. Bone c. Tendon d. Intervertebral disc e. Myometrium

e. Myometrium

What provides tensile strength to a neuron? a. Meninges b. Myelinated nerve fibers c. Cell bodies d. Nodes of Ranvier e. Neurofilaments

e. Neurofilaments

Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secreted from? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Infundibulum d. Adenohypophysis e. Neurohypophysis

e. Neurohypophysis

Where is oxytocin secreted from? a. Pars intermedia b. Pars tuberalis c. Infundibulum d. Adenohypophysis e. Neurohypophysis

e. Neurohypophysis

What is released at a synapse? a. Motor unit b. Motor neuron c. Motor end plate d. Neuromuscular spindle e. Neurotransmitter

e. Neurotransmitter

Which fiber type is seen in smooth muscle? a. Red fibers b. White fibers c. Intermediate fibers d. All of the above e. None of the above

e. None of the above

Which layer in an artery is primarily skeletal muscle? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica media c. Tunica externa d. All of the above e. None of the above

e. None of the above

Which type of cartilage forms the hammer, anvil and stirrup? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

e. None of the above

Which type of cartilage is highly vascular? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. All of the above e. None of the above

e. None of the above

What are the conglomerations of gray matter deep within the cerebrum and cerebellum called? a. Tracts b. Islets c. Soma d. Cortex e. Nuclei

e. Nuclei

Where are ribosomes constructed? a. Cytoskeleton b. Peroxisome c. Microfilaments d. Centrioles e. Nucleoli

e. Nucleoli

What is unmineralized bone matrix? a. Osteoclast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast e. Osteoid

e. Osteoid

When looking at a lymph node, where are lymphatic nodules? a. Deep cortex b. Tertiary cortex c. Juxtamedullary cortex d. Paracortical zone e. Outer cortex

e. Outer cortex

What is a mature gamete called? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova

e. Ova

What are the pressure receptors in skin called? a. Psammoma bodies b. Corpora arenacea c. Hassall's corpuscles d. Prostatic concretions e. Pacinian corpuscles

e. Pacinian corpuscles

What is the connective tissue covering of a muscle fascicle? a. Sarcolemma b. Endomysium c. Epimysium d. Sarcoplasm e. Perimysium

e. Perimysium

What comes from a megakaryocyte? a. Lymphocytes b. Basophils c. Erythrocytes d. Monocytes e. Platelets

e. Platelets

What type of epithelium appears stratified, but is not? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional e. Pseudostratified

e. Pseudostratified

What type of epithelium lines the trachea? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Pseudostratified epithelium

e. Pseudostratified epithelium

What stain would be best to demonstrate the elastic fibers in elastic cartilage? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Resorcin fuchsin and orcein

e. Resorcin fuchsin and orcein

Which is structure is NOT part of the conducting portion of the airway? a. Bronchi b. Larynx c. Trachea d. Larynx e. Respiratory bronchioles

e. Respiratory bronchioles

What is the portion of the nail which is underneath skin? a. Lunula b. Eponychium c. Matrix d. Nail bed e. Root

e. Root

Which of the following is a supporting cell found in the ganglia? a. Schwann cells b. Basket cells c. Ganglion d. Neuroglia e. Satellite cells

e. Satellite cells

Which of the following is NOT considered neuroglia? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

e. Schwann cells

Which of the following is found in the peripheral nervous system? a. Astrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Oligodendrocytes d. Microglia e. Schwann cells

e. Schwann cells

During the American Revolution, in the battle of Bunker Hill, an officer instructed his troops: "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". What anatomical structure was he referring to? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

e. Sclera

In what structure does blood run through between the hepatocytes? a. Hepatic artery b. Portal triad c. Central vein d. Portal vein e. Sinusoids

e. Sinusoids

Which one of the following are the earliest cells of spermatogenesis? a. Primary spermatocytes b. Secondary spermatocytes c. Spermatids d. Spermatozoa e. Spermatogonia

e. Spermatogonia

What are the valves which regulates the flow of bile into the intestine? a. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses b. Ducts of Luschka c. Duct of Wirsung d. Ampulla of Vater e. Sphincter of Oddi

e. Sphincter of Oddi

Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system? a. Receptors b. Brachial plexus c. Sciatic nerve d. Ganglia e. Spinal cord

e. Spinal cord

What is cancellous bone? a. Dense bone b. Woven bone c. Immature bone d. Compact bone e. Spongy bone

e. Spongy bone

Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? a. Metabolism of bilirubin b. Deamination of amino acids c. Storage of iron d. Storage of copper e. Storage of calcium

e. Storage of calcium

Which layer of the epidermis contains cells with no nuclei or organelles? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

e. Stratum corneum

Which layer of the epidermis is on the surface of the skin? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

e. Stratum corneum

What is the end of an axon called? a. Ganglion b. Perikaryon c. Astrocyte d. Nissl e. Terminal bouton

e. Terminal bouton

In which structure does gas exchange NOT occur? a. Alveolar duct b. Alveoli c. Alveolar sac d. Respiratory bronchiole e. Terminal bronchiole

e. Terminal bronchiole

What type of tissue lines the bladder? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium e. Transitional epithelium

e. Transitional epithelium

Which microscope does not rely on visible light? a. Simple microscope b. Compound microscope c. Phase contrast microscope d. Dissection microscope e. Transmission electron microscope

e. Transmission electron microscope

What is a gland called if the secretory portion is tube shaped ending in a flask shaped area at the terminus? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar e. Tubuloalveolar

e. Tubuloalveolar

Which layer in an elastic artery is the largest thickest? a. Tunica intima b. Tunica albuginea c. Tunica externa d. Tunica vaculosa e. Tunica media

e. Tunica media

Which is NOT part of the retina? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Uvea

e. Uvea

What are the "straight vessels"? a. Afferent arteriole b. Efferent arteriole c. Capillary tuft d. Peritubular capillaries e. Vasa recta

e. Vasa recta

What is the venous channel which is around the brain? a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. AV Anastomoses e. Venous sinus

e. Venous sinus

What are the finger like projections of mucosa that are seen in the small intestine? a. Lacteal b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn c. Plicae circulares d. Striated border e. Villi

e. Villi

Which of the following is composed of smooth muscle? a. Upper esophagus b. Heart c. Tongue d. Biceps muscle e. Walls of the visceral organs

e. Walls of the visceral organs

Which cranial nerve to the tongue is responsible for movement? a. V b. VII c. IX d. X e. XII

e. XII

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