History 122 Chapter 32- The Building of Global Empires

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mission civilisatrice

"civilizing mission" -justification for their expansion into Africa and Asia

terra nullius

"land belonging to no one"

Henry Morton Stanley

American journalist who undertook a well-publicized expedition to find Livingstone and report on his activities

Colonel Francis Younghusband

British military officer, reflected on differences between peoples that he noticed during his travels throughout China, central Asia, and India

Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau

French nobleman who took race as the most important index of human potential, wrote Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

Theodore Roosevelt

Panama was supported in its uprising against Colombia by U.S. president (A) Grover Cleveland (B) William Howard Taft (C) Theodore Roosevelt (D) William McKinley (E) Woodrow Wilson

Treaty of Waitangi

Treaty between British government and indigenous Maori peoples of New Zealand in 1840 that was interpreted differently by both sides and thus created substantial Maori opposition to British settlement

German migrants to plantations in the Congo

Which of the following would NOT be typical of labor migration patterns in the age of empire? (A) Chinese migrants to plantations in Cuba (B) German migrants to plantations in the Congo (C) Indian migrants to plantations in the Caribbean (D) Irish migrants to factories and railroads in the United States (E) Japanese migrants to plantations in Hawai'i

Charles Darwin

an English biologist, "survival of the fittest" wrote The Origin of Species

"Jesuit bark"

bark from the cinchona tree, remedy for malaria and also prevent it- became a favored treatment


most common, debilitating, and often deadly disease affecting the tropical and subtropical regions of the world

Ram Mohan Roy

most influential educated Indian elite, a prominent Bengali intellectual sometimes called "father of modern India"

"Great Game"

nineteenth century competition between Great Britain and Russia for the control of central Asia

scientific racism

nineteenth-century attempt to justify racism by scientific means

Queen Liliuokalani

the last monarch of Hawai'i, overthrown by a group of planter sand businesspeople

Rudyard Kipling

writer and poet, "white man's burden"

Emiliano Aguinaldo

led Filipino rebels to turn their arms against the new intruders

Indian National Congress

most important reform group, founded with British approval as a forum for educated Indians to communicate their views on public affairs to colonial officials

Napoleonic Wars

the British takeover of this Cape during this encouraged further Afrikaner expansion into the interior of South Africa

scramble for Africa

where European powers sought to colonize as much of the African continent as possible


"magic water"


Afrikaans for "pioneers"


Battle in which the Ethiopians badly defeated would-be Italian conquerors

all these answers are correct

The Mughal dynasty fell primarily because (A) the state had been weakened by conflicts during the reign of Aurangzeb (B) the East India Company established powerful, coastal trading forts (C) British merchants gained access to interior territories (D) the sepoy mutiny failed to drive the British out of India (E) all these answers are correct

Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

divided humanity into four main racial groups, each which had its own particular traits


indigenous people of New Zealand

Pierre Pelletier and Joseph Caventou

French chemists, extracted the alkaloid of quinine from cinchona bark, were able to make pills out of it and people kept them by their bedsides

all these answers are correct

Proponents of "scientific racism" argued that (A) race could be biologically defined and characterized (B) western dominance was justified on the basis on racial superiority (C) the theories of Charles Darwin supported world dominance by the "fittest" races (D) people of European descent were morally superior to other races (E) all these answers are correct


this battle opened the door for British colonial rule in Sudan

English East India Company

British joint-stock company that grew to be a state within a state in India; it possessed its own armed forces- enjoyed a monopoly on English trade with India

undercutting the cost of Indian cloth with cheap British textiles

British rule undermined the Indian cotton industry by (A) undercutting the cost of Indian cloth with cheap British textiles (B) forbidding the manufacture of cotton cloth in India (C) imposing tariffs on cotton imported into India (D) imposing tariffs on cotton cloth shipped from India to Britain (E) means of the monopolistic practices of the East India Company

a leading British imperialist active in south Africa

Cecil Rhodes was (A) the British military leader who was responsible for a boom in naval expansion (B) the American politician who articulated the belief in manifest destiny (C) responsible for the philosophy known as social Darwinism (D) the first leader of an independent Canada (E) a leading British imperialist active in south Africa

all these answers are correct

Colonial rule dramatically altered the environment in which of the following places? (A) India, due to tea production (B) Ceylon, due to tea production (C) Malaya, due to rubber production (D) Sumatra, due to rubber production (E) all these answers are correct


Dutch for "African"


Dutch for "farmer"

Richard Burton and John Speke

English explorers who ventured into east Africa seeking the source of the Nile River

Herbert Spencer

English philosopher, relied on theories if evolution to explain differences between strong and the weak: successful individuals and races had competed better in the natural world and consequently evolved to higher states than did other, less fit people

Franco-Prussian War

French imperialism likely intended to restore France's international prestige after its humiliating defeat in this war

resentment at the unequal treaties forced on them by the United States

Japanese imperial expansion in the late nineteenth century was primarily motivated by (A) the need for land for settlement by a growing population (B) the desire to spread Buddhism to other lands (C) resentment at the unequal treaties forced on them by the United States (D) a long-standing rivalry between China and Japan (E) all these answers are correct

establish English-style schools for children of Indian elites

One social goal of the British authorities in India was to (A) abolish the caste system (B) ensure Indians drank tea so that they could profit from its export (C) convert the local population to Christianity (D) establish English-style schools for children of Indian elites (E) none of these answers are correct

the British preferred to use local institutions to control subject populations

One striking difference between the British and the French imperial models in Africa is that (A) the British preferred to use local institutions to control subject populations (B) the French preferred to employ local rulers to govern their colonies (C) the British established schools and academics to train African civil servants to run their colonies while the French did not (D) many more British citizens relocated to Africa to administer their colonies than did French citizens (E) the British actively sought to convert Africans to Christianity, while the French did not

educated Indians seeking self-rule

Pressure for reform in British India came from (A) educated Indians seeking self-rule (B) educated Indian women seeking greater independent (C) Indian Muslims seeking independence from the Hindu majority (D) Indian peasants and workers mobilized into unions (E) enlightened British rulers who felt that India was ready for self-government

Russian contest with Britain for central Asia

The "Great Game" refers to the (A) British and French rivalry for control of India (B) German conflict with the British and French for control of Africa (C) U.S. view of their easy victory in the Spanish-American War (D) Japanese and Chinese contest for domination of Manchuria (E) Russian contest with Britain for central Asia

moral duty of the west to work to "civilize" the rest of the world

The "white man's burden" proposed by Rudyard Kipling referred to the (A) cost if creating and supporting an empire (B) moral duty of the west to work to "civilize" the rest of the world (C) cost of abolishing slavery in Africa (D) need for Christian missionaries to undermine Islam in Africa and Asia (E) all these answers are correct

European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army

The Battle of Omdurman clearly demonstrated that (A) Europeans were morally superior to Africans (B) Japan had become a major world power (C) European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army (D) Britain had fallen behind Germany by the end of the nineteenth century (E) none of these answers are correct

that, if a European power indicated its intention to colonize and then proceeded to occupy an African territory, it could claim that colony

The Berlin West Africa Conference in 1884-1885 established (A) the procedures for purchasing African lands from local rulers (B) the rules of military engagement for European forces overseas (C) that the Americas were off-limits for further European colonization (D) that Africa would be carved into spheres of influence similar to those of China (E) that, if a European power indicated its intention to colonize and then proceeded to occupy an African territory, it could claim that colony

annexing the islands after American planters had overthrown the monarchy

The United States acquired Hawai'i by (A) secretly sponsoring a rebellion against the Hawaiian people (B) means of a purchase treaty with the Hawaiian people (C) seizing the islands by force in order to obtain a naval base in the Pacific (D) purchasing the islands from Spain in the wake of the Spanish-American War (E) annexing the islands after American planters had overthrown the monarchy

brutal treatment of the Congolese people by King Leopold II

The colonization of the Belgian Congo is noted for the (A) spirited resistance of the Congolese people (B) brutal treatment of the Congolese people by King Leopold II (C) policy of free trade that encouraged merchants from all countries (D) humane policies of the Belgian government toward the Congolese people (E) all these answers are correct

all these answers are correct

The scramble for Pacific island colonies in the late nineteenth century was motivated by (A) the desire for tropical produce (B) the need to defend the whaling industry (C) concerns about Japanese expansion to nearby islands (D) the desire for strategic ports and refueling stations in the Pacific Ocean (E) all these answers are correct

with British bureaucrats and officers overseeing Indian civil servants

Under British imperial rule, India was governed (A) as a peasant colony of Queen Victoria (B) as an independent sovereign state, but subject to British authority in foreign affairs (C) as the private domain of the East India Company (D) by a viceroy working in collaboration with Indian provinces (E) with British bureaucrats and officers overseeing Indian civil servants

encouraged conversion to Christianity

Unlike the British in India, the French in Indochina (A) encouraged conversion to Christianity (B) recruited local peoples into their colonial army (C) worked closely with local elites (D) promoted domestic industries (E) had no obvious racial bias

all these answers are correct

Which of the following improved communication between India and Britain? (A) completion of the Suez Canal (B) use of steamships (C) invention of the telegraph (D) laying of submarine cables (E) all these answers are correct

Australia became a multicultural society, drawing settlers from all over the Pacific

Which of the following is NOT true about the settlement of Australia? (A) the British defined the continent as land belonging to no one (B) the first settlers were mostly convicts, banished from Britain (C) smallpox and measles reduced the aboriginal populations by 86 percent (D) Australia became a multicultural society, drawing settlers from all over the Pacific (E) settlement increased significantly after the discovery of gold

European and American industry needed more sources of coal

Which of the following was NOT an economic motivation for imperialism? (A) Cheap raw materials from overseas colonies were needed to sustain industrialization (B) Overseas colonies offered markets for manufactured goods (C) Overseas colonies offered a haven for the settlement of surplus populations (D) European and American industry needed more sources of coal (E) none of these are correct, as all were economic motives for imperialism

the brutal use of forced Africa labor by companies provoked a public outcry in Europe

Why had most European governments abandoned concessionary companies in Africa by the early twentieth century? (A) the companies provoked rebellion, and the governments had to come to their defense (B) the companies became so profitable that the governments decided to take over management of the colonies (C) the companies became so powerful that they threatened to break away from the mother country (D) the brutal use of forced Africa labor by companies provoked a public outcry in Europe (E) none of these answers are correct

Dr. David Livingstone

a Scottish minister, who traveled through much of central and southern Africa in the mid-nineteenth century in search of suitable locations for mission posts

Maji Maji Rebellion

a local prophet organized this to expel German colonial authorities from east Africa

Cape Town

a supply station for ships en route to Asia

Theodore Roosevelt

an enthusiastic champion of imperial expansion

The Origin of Species

argued that all living species had evolved over thousands of years in a ferocious contest for survival

indirect rule

characteristic of British colonies, colonies were ruled by previous forms of government, not a head of government

Berlin West Africa Conference

during which the delegated of twelve European states as well as the United States and the Ottoman empire-not a single African was present- devised the ground rules for the colonization of Africa

King Leopold II

employed Henry Morton Stanley to help develop and establish a colony called the Congo Free State in the basin of the Congo River

Roosevelt Corollary

exerted the U.S. the right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations within the hemisphere if they demonstrated an inability to maintain the security deemed necessary to protect U.S. investments

Suez and Panama Canal

facilitated the building and maintenance of empires by enabling naval vessels to travel rapidly between the world's seas and oceans, also lowered the costs of trade between imperial powers and subject lands

Thomas Stamford Raffles

founded the port of Singapore, which soon became the busiest center of trade in the Strait of Melaka

"concessionary companies"

granted large concessions of territory and empowered them to undertake economic activities such as mining, plantation agriculture, or railroad construction, also had permission to implement systems of taxation and labor recruitment

"doctrine of lapse"

if an Indian ruler failed to produce a biological male heir to the throne, his territories lapsed to the company upon his death

James Monroe

issued a proclamation that warned European states against imperialist designs in the western hemisphere

indentured labor

labor source for plantations; wealthy planters would pay the laboring poor to sell a portion of their working lives, usually seven years, in exchange for passage

Maxim gun

light and powerful weapon that fired eleven bullets per second

Cecil John Rhodes

made a fortune mining diamonds and gold, worked tirelessly on behalf of British imperial expansion

Monroe Doctrine

served as a justification for later U.S. intervention in hemispheric affairs

"survival of the fittest"

species that adapted well to their environment survived, reproduced, and flourished, whereas others declined and went into extinction

The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa

stressed the moral and financial advantages of exercising control over subject populations through indigenous institutions


term associated with the expansion of European powers and their conquest and colonization of African and Asian societies, mainly from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century

Frederick D. Lugard

the driving force behind the doctrine of indirect rule, wrote The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa

"white man's burden"

the duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands

South African War

the influx of thousands of British miners and prospectors led to tensions between British authorities and Afrikaners which led to this

direct rule

typical of French colonies, colonies featured administrative districts headed by European personnel who assumed responsibility for tax collection, labor and military recruitment, and the maintenance of law and order

Russo-Japanese War

victory of the war transformed Japan into a major imperial power, the war broke out and Japanese forces overran Russian installations before reinforcements could arrive from Europe

Spanish-Cuban-American War

war broke out as anticolonial tensions mounted in Cuba and Puerto Rico- the last remnants of Spain's American empire- where U.S. business interests had made large investments

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