History 1310 Test 1 Study Guide TXST

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Which of the following was a cause of the British National Debt in 1763?

- the French and Indian War - the continued British military presence in the American colonies

What was the outcome of the Glorious Revolution?

- James II was overthrown - Edmund Andros was overthrown - The power of the monarchy was limited.

The Columbian Exchange between Western Europe and the native people of the New World thrived mainly due to which of the following

established Native American trade routes

Which of the following was not a factor in the transportation revolution?

the combustion engine

What was the Dominion of New England?

the consolidated New England colony James II created

Which state had the clearest separation of church and state?


To what form of government did the American revolutionaries turn after the war for independence?


Which extensive tribe forged a political confederacy to strengthen their influence and resolve internal disputes?

the Iroquois

Which crop became popular with Europeans after slaves brought it from Africa and began growing it on southern plantations?


What was the most significant change produced by human populations on the environment and biodiversity of North America during the Paleo-Indian Era?

the overhunting of large mammals

Under the Articles of Confederation, what power did the national Confederation Congress have?

the power to create land ordinances

Which of Alexander Hamilton's financial policies and programs seemed to benefit speculators at the expense of poor soldiers?

the public credit plan

To what does the term "Restoration" refer?

the restoration of Charles II to the English throne

Robert Fulton is known for inventing what?

the steamship engine

Which of the following was decided at the First Continental Congress?

to boycott all British goods and prepare for possible military action

Which of the following was not a goal of the Stamp Act?

to declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves

What was the main reason why the British government offered free land as a means of encouraging immigration to their American colonies?

to defend against rivals and attacks from native peoples

What was the purpose of the Tea Act of 1773?

to help revive the struggling East India Company

Which social class was most drawn to amusements like P. T. Barnum's museum?

wage workers

Most people who migrated within the United States in the early nineteenth century went where?

west toward Ohio

Which is the best characterization of textile mill workers in the early nineteenth century?

young farm women whose behavior was closely monitored

Which of the following was most helpful to the success of the Columbian Exchange in the New World?

established Native American trade routes

The 1657 petition known as the Flushing Remonstrance concerned which of the following?

freedom of religion

Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Townshend Acts?

greater colonial unity

What was the primary goal of Britain's wars for empire from 1688 to 1763? Incorrect

greater power in Europe and the world

Which below is not part of the main arguments that Thomas Paine made in his pamphlet Common Sense?

hereditary ruling class

Which term describes German soldiers hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion?


Which of the following is not one of the tasks women performed during the Revolution?

holding government offices

What was the significance of the Cumberland Road?

it made it quicker to move west

Which of the following was not one of Franklin's thirteen virtues?


Which of the following groups generally supported the abolition of slavery?

middle-class northerners

Which of these was not a primary cause of Shays' Rebellion?

mistreatment of slaves

Which crop did the Europeans first find in the New World?


What was the primary issue of Adams's presidency?

relations with France

Which of the following characterized the post-Archaic phase in North America? Correct

sedentary village life

What was the predominant labor system in the Carolina colonies?


What was the "conspiracy" of the New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741?

slaves conspiring to burn down the city and take control

Which of the following was not one of Franklin's thirteen virtues?


Which of the following represents a concern that those in England and her colonies maintained about James II?

that he would institute a Catholic absolute monarchy

What belief did the Quakers hold that other Protestant groups did not?

that war and aggression were wrong under all circumstances

On which modern-day location did Christopher Columbus's fleet first land in the New World?

the Bahamas

What battle turned the tide of war in favor of the Americans?

the Battle of Saratoga

To which colonies were the largest number of slaves transported from West Africa during the transatlantic slave trade?

the British and French West Indies

Which plan resolved the issue of representation for the U.S. Constitution?

the Connecticut Compromise

Peter Minuit was the director of what European nation's first colony in the Americas?

the Netherlands

Which Spaniard was the first to explore Florida?

Ponce de León

Which of the following is not a tenet of the Enlightenment?


What was the driving force behind the Europeans' desire to find an oceanic route to Asia?

being able to circumvent Arabic merchants

After explorers were unable to find a passage to Asia through Florida, what led the Spanish crown to continue financing the Florida colony?

the work of the Franciscan missionaries with the native peoples

Which of the following was not a result of Dunmore's Proclamation?

A majority of slaves in the colonies won their freedom.

Which of the following is not true of a republic?

A republic is governed by a monarch and the royal officials he or she appoints.

What evidence most clearly indicates that the Aztec people migrated to Mexico from the American Southwest?

An active turquoise trade existed between the regions.

Which colony provided the basis for the Declarations and Resolves?


Which of these was NOT an effect of industrialization upon consumers?

Migration within North America declined.

Which American general is responsible for improving the American military position in the South?

Nathanael Greene

Why did European colonists choose to replace the slave labor of native peoples with that of West Africans?

Native Americans were not able to resist diseases carried by Europeans.

How were the New England textile mills planned and built?

New England merchants and British migrants memorized plans from British mills.

Which city served as the base for British operations for most of the war?

New York

The Flushing Remonstrance was a petition for freedom of religion written by people from what religion?


What was the first permanent French colony in the Americas?


Which nation first entered Alaska, the last region in North America to be explored by Europeans?


Why was Jamestown originally founded?

as a center for economic opportunity

What was the main purpose of the Sugar Act of 1764?

It strengthened enforcement of molasses smuggling laws.

Why do historians refer to the election of Thomas Jefferson as the Revolution of 1800?

Jefferson's presidency marked the first peaceful transfer of power from one party to another.

What was the predominant religion in Pennsylvania?


Which of the following was not a cause of the Panic of 1819?

Banks hoarded gold and silver.

What was the location of the largest mound-building culture in early North America?


Which of the following is true of the Gaspée affair?

Colonists believed that the British response represented an overreach of power.

Who were the main combatants in the French and Indian War?

Great Britain against the French and their Indian allies

How did British General Thomas Gage attempt to deal with the uprising in Massachusetts in 1774?

He attempted to seize arms and munitions from the colonial insurgents.

The New England colonists fought which conflict without the aid of colonial powers?

King Philip's War

Which event was most responsible for the colonies' endorsement of Samuel Adams's Massachusetts Circular?

Lord Hillsborough's threat to dissolve the colonial assemblies that endorsed the letter

In 1626, Peter Minuit became the director of the first Dutch colony in the Americas, which was located in which modern-day location?


Which European's travels first provoked the Western European curiosity for exploration and expansion?

Marco Polo

What happened in the late 1600s that led to changes in the legal status of Africans in the United States?

Other forms of inexpensive labor were becoming scarce.

Which of the following states had the most democratic constitution in the 1780s?


What happened as a result of climate change in North America at the beginning of the Archaic Era?

People turned from hunting and gathering to farming and herding for food.

Which of the following figures did not actively challenge the status of women in the early American republic?

Phillis Wheatley

From where did the first migrants to North America originate?


Where were the first Europeans to establish a colony in North America from?


What was the first European colony established in North America?

St. Augustine

The excavations of the Hopewell peoples' burial sites in the Midwestern United States and the objects discovered within have indicated which of the following?

The Hopewell had a wide trade network.

Which of the following factors did not contribute to the Boston Massacre?

The Tea Act of 1773

What occurred as a result of the economic prosperity the American colonies had experienced by 1750?

The colonists began to desire greater political autonomy.

Why did the Spanish crown continue to finance the Florida colony even after the explorers failed to find a passage to Asia?

The colony had become an important base for missionaries.

What was a consequence of the growth in population that occurred in the American colonies in the early 1700s?

The gap between the rich and poor became wider.

Which of the following both opposed slavery, and yet owned hundreds of slaves - even fathering children with one?

Thomas Jefferson

What gave Western Europe an advantage over other world powers when it came to exploration of the New World?

They had the greatest ambition and willingness to take risks.

Why was finding an oceanic route to Asia important to the Europeans?

They wanted to circumvent Arabic merchants.

Why were West Africans preferred over the native people of the Americas for enslaved labor?

They were able to resist diseases that had affected the native peoples.

How were the Quakers different from other Protestant groups?

They were pacifists who were against fighting wars.

Which of the following was not true of Jay'sTreaty of 1794?

Which of the following events is not an example of partisan acrimony?

By 1750, the economic prosperity experienced by the American colonies had resulted in which of the following?

a colonial desire for political autonomy

How did the Spanish colonists react to the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

by ceasing to demand labor and goods from the Pueblos for tribute

How did the first people to migrate to North America reach it?

by crossing the Bering Strait from the west

How was the U.S. Constitution ratified?

by each state at special ratifying conventions

The Hohokam people of modern-day Arizona were best known for which of the following?

canal construction

Which of the following most drove the governments of European nation states in colonizing the Americas?

competition with eachother

Which of the following nearly decimated the population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?


What posed the biggest threat to the early peoples of the American Southwest prior to the year 1300?

environmental changes

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