History - after Napoleon

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Metternich's attempt to contain nationalism and liberalism

Censorship Secret police - to enforce censorship (KGB for Stalin, Gestapo/SS for Hitler) • Works temporarily - but then people rebel, "snap" - ideas don't go away; like putting a lid on boiling pot - pressure builds until it blows up

Father Miguel Hidalgo

-raised his voice for freedom -called to end slavery and improve conditions for Native Americans -presided over poor rural Parish of Doleres -the Creoles rejected his call because they thought it would cost him power -mestizos to form an army -ended up being killed

Father Jose Morelo

-was a mestizo who called wide-ranging social and political reform -wanted to improve conditions for the majority of Mexicans, abolish slavery, and to give a vote to all men -took 4 years to lead rebel forces before he was captured and shot in 1815

Metternich's 3 part plan for Europe after Napoleon

1. Prevent future aggression → Buffer zone 2. Balance of power 3. Restoration - Principle of Legitimacy


1st artistic movement; reaction to enlightenment; focus on feelings, more than logic; glorified the past - more heroic; focuses on the power of nature; larger than life; heroic; used as propaganda for Napoleon


2nd artistic movement; response to industrial revolution and grim living and working conditions; who life as it really is; darker; influenced by photography


3rd artistic movement; in reaction to realism; life at a glance - single moment, not as realistic; focuses on middle class and leisure activities for middle class; lighter


A hungarian clan - in center of Hungary - fought for independence


Activist for unification of Italy; nationalist; opposed to communism and marxism

The Five Powers

Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain, France


Austrian field marshall, leader of the reactionary faction of the Habsburg empire during the 1848 revolutions.

Grito de Dolores

Battle cry for war of Independence for Mexico

Why did Belgium, Greece, and France succeed in 1830

Belgium became an independent state with a liberal constitution. he revolutions at this time were successful because Louis-Philippe created a constitution and a monarchy. He accomplished their goals, but still favored the middle class.


Big Germany - with Austria

San Martin and Bolivar's independence in South America

Bolivar was the "brains" of revolution; Bolivar was "muscle" - coming from North, Jose de San Martin and Bernard O'Higgins cross the Andes Mountains

Venezuela Revolution

Causes: -Napoleon puts brother on Spanish throne chaotic, gave people opportunity to revolt -Enlightenment Ideas -French/American Revolutions -Creole discontent -Economic sovereignty Process: -Miranda tries and fails the first time -Bolivar liberates Gran Columbia with help of various slaves from Latin American countries Results: -Venezuelan Independence

Buffer zone

Creating an area France and the other 3 main powers - so if France tries to expand - those countries take the hit and the other 3 have time to get armies together; 1) Netherlands - given Belgium by Austria to make Netherlands stronger; 2) Sardina - Monaco, Genoa - Confederation of the Rhine - helps Austria, Prussia, Russia; 3) Poland gets divided up to Prussia and Russia. Great Britain - has ocean and has best navy; don't worry about Switzerland - they have Alps to defend themselves

Caste system in Latin America

Creole Discontent - Left out of Government Jobs and Trade Concessions Creole: born in the Americas but of Spanish descent Peninsulare: born in Spain but sent to the Americas to rule Mestizo: Amerindian and creole mix Mulatto: Creole and African mix Zambo: Mestizo and Mulatto Mix

Battle of Ayacucho

Decisive military battle in Peru's war for independence


Emperor of Austria until he abdicated

Alexander II

Emperor of Russia and King of Poland; reformer - emancipated serfs, expanded empire, had sense of humor, romantic, was assinated

How did Nationalism and Liberalism cause revolts

Firstly, the industrial change encouraged the development of nationalism. At that time, railway, unified measurement and currency helped the development of trade. On the other hand, they also stimulated nationalism because sense of belonging was developed. Moreover, industrial change led to the rise of bourgeoisie who would ask for political liberalism; i.e. democracy, economic liberalism; i.e. free trade, and human rights. All these facilitated the development of liberalism in Europe. Secondly, Romantic Movement also helped the two forces. Romanticism stressed on the feeling of freedom and tradition and hence stimulated liberalism and nationalism. Lastly, successful examples of revolt also encouraged other people to start revolutions for liberalism and nationalism. all these revolts showed that nationalism and liberalism were not uprooted; on the contrary, they were growing stronger and stronger in Europe.

Quadruple Alliance

Formed for purpose of defeating Napoleon Included Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria "Holy Alliance"

How did Cavour unite Italy

Giuseppe Mazzini and his leading pupil, Giuseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempt to create an Italy united by democracy. Garibaldi, supported by his legion of Red Shirts-- mostly young Italian democrats who used the 1848 revolutions as a opportunity for democratic uprising--failed in the face of the resurgence of conservative power in Europe. However, it was the aristocratic politician named Camillo di Cavour who finally, using the tools of realpolitik, united Italy under the crown of Sardinia. Realpolitik" is the notion that politics must be conducted in terms of the realistic assessment of power and the self-interest of individual nation-states (and the pursuit of those interests by any means, often ruthless and violent ones) and Cavour used it superbly. In 1855, as prime minister of Sardinia, he involved the kingdom on the British and French side of the Crimean War, using the peace conference to give international publicity to the cause of Italian unification. In 1858, he formed an alliance with France, one that included a pledge of military support if necessary, against Austria, Italy's major obstacle to unification. After a planned provocation of Vienna, Austria declared war against Sardinia in 1859 and was easily defeated by the French army. The peace, signed in November 1959 in Zurich, Switzerland, joined Lombardy, a formerly Austrian province, with Sardinia. In return, France received Savoy and Nice from Italy--a small price to pay for paving the way to unification.

How did Bismark unite Germany

In order to get the German states to unify, Bismarck needed a single, outside enemy that would declare war on one of the German states first, thus providing a casus belli to rally all Germans behind. This opportunity arose with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.


Italian leader for unification, conservative

King John and Dom Pedro

King John - Prince regent from Portugal. Family escapes to Brazil when Napoleon came in; later made unified country with Brazil and Portugal

Louis Philippe

King of France; "Citizen King" he owed his thrown to the people of France. his policies favored the middle class at the expense of the workers. too absolute; political parties not able to meet, to discuss campaign - starts taking away rights - people rise up - over in 3 days. End up with a Republic - hold elections - Great nephew of Napoleon runs - becomes president of France - asks for expanded power - asks to become Emperor - Napoleon III - better at diplomacy - but sucked at military


Leader for mexican revolution


Leader of Haitain revolution

Toussant L'Overture

Leader of Haitian revolution


Leader to Mexican revolution

Congress of Slavs

Meant as a manifestation of power, unity and vigilance; debate about role of Austria in Slavs; led to manifesto to the Nations of Europe: The statement was a strongly worded proclamation that demanded an end to the oppression of the Slav people


Mexican General and Politician; took control of Mexico City in war of independence

Crimean War

Ottoman empire had become weak; Russia wants to take over Constantinople - good port, essential for trade (tea and cotton); Austria worries about Russia having too much power; Great Britain and France join Ottoman Empire to fight Russia.

Bourbon and Hapsburg families

Powerful families


Russian army officers who led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Tsar Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession. Happened in December.


San Martin's right-hand man- assisted when traversing the Andes and stuff to help out Argentina and Chile


Small Germany -- without Austria

Why Hidalgo and Morelos fail in Mexico

Striving for racial equality; peasant armies; militia left behind a bloodbath; In Mexico their attempt to revolt failed and is made into an independent nation by the man that stops the revolt; Hidalgo and Morelos were democratic leaders because they were as poor as the people revolting

How did the Crimean War impact Russia

The Treaty of Paris, Black Sea neutralised; 1. Strengthened the Tsar's desire to preserve autocracy and Tsarism. 2. Emancipation of the Serfs 3. Modernisation of the military 4. Introduction of Zemstvos and other changes to local government.

Congress of Vienna

To work out long-term peace plan; focus is diplomacy instead of fighting 1. Prevent future aggression → Buffer zone 2. Balance of power 3. Restoration - Principle of Legitimacy

Rome Republic

When Pope Pius IX fled -initially changed Papal states into republic government

Why did Austria, Prussia, and Italy fail

While the countries all wanted independence they did not unite and fight as one liberal force and instead were separate nations fighting against the old conservative government; Simply because the monarchy failed they did not have a system prepared in advance. Mainly, the time was a competition for power. In order to get things done you need to overthrow the government. Since there was no government, no one could obtain power.

Needle Gun

breech loading rifle, main weapon of Prussians

Ivan IV

called "the terrible;" Was married to Anastasia; 1547-1560 = good days - victories, added land, created a code of laws; after Anastasia dies - turns on boyar

How did Peter westernize Russia

clothing; ship building; wanted manufacturing to strengthen Russia; Introduced potatoes, started Russia's first newspaper, raised women's status, ordered the nobles to give up their traditional clothes, advanced education by opening a school of naviagation

Franco-Prussian War

coalition of german states - led by Prussia defeated Napoleon III/France; end of domination of France, and lead to creation of unified Germany

Pope Pius IX

consolidated pope's power; rejected reforms of revolution

Principle of Legitimacy

dynasties of Europe that had reigned in pre-revolutionary days should be restored to their thrones - prevented drastic punishment for France - and old rulers were against revolution and liberalism. If original King no longer available, then use the closest male relative


from venezuela- liberated them then helped to liberate Ecuador, Peru, Colombia- President of Gran Colombia for a little bit; "No Unity"

Catherine the Great

german born; carried on Peter the Great's work; married to grandson of Peter the Great -- who was horrible -- so she overthrew him to take the thrown.


guiding politics and diplomacy for all of Europe for next 40 years; planning several moves ahead; 1842 - becomes chancellor (like Prime Minister) of Prussia - goal is unify Germany - into small Germany - all German speaking (no Austria) - by blood and iron - by war - blood of soldiers and iron of weapons, iron in railroads; we will not be stopped - the iron will of german people; the politics of reality - ok to lie, cheat, steal if for right purpose (like Machiaveli).

San Martin

head of army in Argentina traveled around South America liberating countries with his ever-growing army, would gain support (therefore more soldiers) with each country he won independence for

Ems Dispatch

incited France to declare the Franco-Prussian War in July 1870; Bismark edited the telegram to purposefully anger the French

William I

king of Prussia, first German emperor; known to be conscientious and have self-restraint


loyalty to country; sees country as superior; The belief that people's greatest loyalty should not be to a king or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history

Klemens von Metternich

man with the plan; the leader of the Congress - from Prussia, but working for Austrian emperor , he's Austrian's Prime Minister- hates French Revolution - Napoleon took his family's land, likes absolute monarchy


political and social movement to consolidate smaller states into larger country

Napoleon III

president of second republic of France, then emperor of France; had two decades of prosperity under a stable, authoritarian government but finally led it to defeat in the Franco-German War

How was revolt in Brazil different

revolt led by slaves - african-born muslims; The slaves knew about the Haitian Revolution (1791−1804) and wore necklaces bearing the image of President Dessalines, who had declared Haitian independence. Rulers were tipped off about revolt. Got trapped and had to go around soliders barracks - but most were killed. Repressive measures enacted against society - executed 4 leaders, arrested many, tried to convert Slaves to catholic

Peter the Great

ruthless, tortured his own son; Create a navy - but before he learned how to build ships and sail them; Conquered new territory; tall and lean; first marriage didn't go well; had to fight his half-sister, Sophia

Piedmont War

second war of italian independence


wanting change - founded on ideas of liberty and equality

Seven Weeks War

war between Prussia vs. Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, and other German state; Prussia won, and meant Austria was kept out of unification with Germany; results in Prussian dominance in Germany

How was revolt in Haiti different

wide spread slave rebellion - led to abolition of slavery; Toussant L'Overture was a slave and gifted military leader. Made peace with France after they abolished slavery. After capturing L'Overture, France tried to reintroduce slavery. Dessaline then took up revolution. The Haitians revolted and won their independence. In Mexico they revolted but lost, yet win their independence.

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