History chapter 10

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What happened in the Election of 1824 that caused Andrew Jackson to become upset?

John Quincy Adams convinced Henry Clay to use his influence with the electoral college and declare him the winner of the presidential election.

What was the "Corrupt Bargain"?

John Quincy Adams convinced Henry Clay to use his influence with the electoral college and declare him the winner of the presidential election.

What three representatives had ideas about how to connect each region economically? What were their plans for the region they represented to grow the economy?

1) Henry Clay was a representative from the west. He wanted to connect his region economically to the east by having the government put people to work building infrastructure in the area. Roads and bridges would allow farmers and businessmen in the West get their goods to the East much easier. 2) John C. Calhoun- represented the South. He believed that implementing a tariff would hurt consumers in the South because they would pay too much for goods. 3) Daniel Webster- represented the North. All of the business and industry( factories) needed the tariff to be able to compete with the Foreign merchants.

Why did the government feel that a Second National Bank was necessary for the national economy to grow?

A second national bank would allow one central place for the government to place its revenue (money). The federal (national) government would be in control of the money supply.

Who did Andrew Jackson believe should be involved in political life in America?

Andrew Jackson was supported by the common man. He felt that any white man should have the opportunity to vote and hold public office.

How did Andrew Jackson justify the Spoils System?

He justified the system of rewarding his supporters with government jobs as spreading democracy. The property requirement for voting was lifted, so more and more of his supporters were allowed to voice their opinions, which is what democracy was all about.

Why did Andrew Jackson become so upset with the Supreme Court's decision Worcester v Georgia?

He wanted to remove the Native Americans from their land and this court case prevented him from doing that.

Explain what the election of 1828 revealed about voters in America at the time?

It revealed that there was a growing split between the regions of the country and the different economic classes ( rich and common people)

Why did Americans see the presence of Native Americans as a hindrance?

It revealed that there was a split between the economic classes and there were divisions between the regions of the country.

Why was the tariff of 1816 passed?

It was passed to prevent dumping( key term) by British merchants.

Name and describe the important document that was written by President Monroe.

James Monroe put his Monroe Doctrine into effect. It said that European countries could no longer establish colonies in the Western Hemisphere ( North and South America).

Whose Presidency was known as the Era of Good Feelings? Why was his presidency called this?

James Monroe's presidency is known as "The Era of Good Feelings". It was nicknamed this because Americans were proud that we had won the War of 1812 and President Monroe said that this was reason to be unified as a country.

What was the nullification crisis? What was the role South Carolina played in it?

South Carolina, under the influence of John C. Calhoun, believed that tariffs made goods to expensive. He said that the states had the right to nullify, or void, any law passed by the federal government they did not approve. South Carolina threatened to secede, or leave, the Union ( the U.S.).

Why did Spain give up Florida to the U.S.?

Spain had trouble defending Florida from escaped slaves coming over its border. It decided to give up Florida in the Adams-Onis treaty.

What inspired the Spanish colonies to fight for independence from Spain?

The American Revolution and the French Revolution

Name and describe the system that Henry Clay devised to help our nation's economy?

The American System proposed high tariffs and a federal program of public works ( government jobs).

During the Era of Good Feeling, many Americans felt that focusing on domestic issues was necessary. What did the American people feel the government should focus on?

The American people felt that the government needed to focus on boosting the economy.

What were some of the customs and ways of life of the Cherokee people?

The Cherokee people were very advanced. Many of them learned to read and speak English. Many owned farms or businesses. They also had their own schools. One of their leaders, Sequoyah, developed an alphabet based on the Cherokee language. Many of the Cherokees also converted to Christianity. All of this was done to assimilate, or blend, into American society. The Cherokees were considered a separate nation, which governed itself by a Constitution much like ours.

What were the names of the two political parties in the U.S. after Andrew Jackson was elected?

The National Republicans (Whigs) And the Democrats.

Describe what happened during the Trail of Tears?

The Native Americans were forced off their land in the dead of winter with adequate supplies( tents, shoes, proper clothing, and blankets). Many suffered and died along the way to Oklahoma. They were forced to march hundreds of miles with little food or shelter.

After the president in #1 was elected, there was only one major political party, of which he belonged. What was the name of this political party?

The Republican party was the only political party until Andrew Jackson was elected president.

Explain the outcome of the case Gibbons v Ogden.

The Supreme court established in this case that the federal government had control over trade between two or more states. The states controlled trade within a state's borders.

Why did Andrew Jackson oppose the 2nd National Bank?

The national bank only benefited the rich and not the common man. Favors were given to the wealthy customers.

Explain the outcome of the case McCollough v Maryland.

The verdict of this case made the federal government. It ruled that states did not have the power to interfere with federal institutions (2nd national bank).

What was the Indian Removal Act?

This was a bribe from the U.S. government to give land West of the Mississippi River and money to the Native Americans in exchange for their tribal lands in the east.

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