History -Chapter 12 - Sections 1-3

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how did the Republican Governments in the south attempt to rebuild the region?

-built roads, bridges, railroads\n-established orphanages and institutions for the care of the mentally ill and disabled

what was the difference between sharecropping and tenant farming?

the tenant farmers -rent land for cash & can keep crop Sharecropping - Landowner gives acres of land to farm, farmer keeps small part of crop rest goes to landowner.

in what ways were the rep. disunified?

there were different types of republicans. ex) liberal, radical

what things did many af. am. do with their new found freedom?

took advantage of their freedom to go where they wanted and search for loved ones

the supreme court decision that weakened the 14th amendment by declaring that the fed. gov. had no authority to punish individuals who oppressed blacks was ___

u.s. vs cruikshank

what does the 15th amendment say?

voting cannot be denied for men based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude

proposed that congress be responsible for reconstruction

wade davis bill of 1864

the enforcement acts of 1870 and 1871 were an attempt to weaken the ___


what are scalawags?

a traitor, who was once a democrat and switched to being a republican after war

what does the 14th amendment say?

all persons born or naturalized in the united states were made citizens of the country

dem. in the south were given back the right to vote and hold office by the ____

amnesty act

first president to be impeached

andrew johnson

laws that in effect restored many of the restrictions of slavery to African Americans after the civil war

black codes

northerners who moved to the south after the war


the 14th amendment provided a constitutional basis for the _______?

civil rights act

withdrawal of federal troops from the south, federal money to rebuild southern infrastructure, appointment of a conservative southerner to president cabinet

compromise of 1877

how was the African American community's entry onto the political scene a success? how was that success limited?

for the first time, af. am. held office in local, state, and fed. government. af. am. officeholders remained in the minority

aided african americans after the war

freedmen's bureau

the credit mobilier was just one of the scandals that hurt the ___

grant administration

the first African American. u.s. senator

hiram revels

the nominee of both the democrats and the splinter group the liberal republicans in the pres. race of 1872 was ___

horace greely

sought to restore white supremacy to the south

ku klux klan

the goal of lincoln's plan for reconstruction was to be as ___ as possible on the south


what are carpetbaggers?

northerners who came to the south following the civil war

wanted to destroy the power of former slaveholders

radical republicans

the period from 1865 to 1877 in which the nation attempted to rebuild after the civil war


the strong showing by ___ in the congressional elections of 1866 helped pave the way for congressional reconstrucion


___ became president and reconstruction essentially ended as a result of the compromise of 1877

rutherford b. hayes

what 3 groups in the south made up the republican party?

scalawags, carpetbaggers, african americans

the house of representatives impeach President Johnson for his violation of the ___

tenure of office act

leader of the radical republicans

thaddeus stevens

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