History Exam 2

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Henry Grady

"Why is there a New South?" Editor of an Atlanta newspaper who said it was an acceptance of industrialization.





Plessy v. Ferguson

1890 - Supreme Court passed that you could not segregate between the states. Travel within the state could be. Homer Plessy bought a ticket as part of a campaign sponsored by Booker Washington. He had one drop of black blood and was otherwise white. He was an octaroon. One great-grandparent was black. Made sure his ticket would stay only within state of LA. It was said that separate but equal was ok as long as it was the same, but it simply never was. Legal fiction - fig leaf necessary to make people ok for the time. Different Bibles to swear on, different bathrooms, etc. Blacks were being told that they were second-class Americans.

John T. Scopes

1925, John Scopes from Dayton, TN was a high-school Tennessee taught evolution one day in high school science class. Darwin says that competition for resources gives you certain characteristics and other species then get certain characteristics and pass them on to future generations. Survival strategies also suggest survival of the fittest. We are the apex predators because we have society and work together, not because we are the strongest animals. This is all destructive to morality and shouldn't' be told according to Fundamentalists. "BUTLER ACT" was what this was under. Scopes knew he would be prosecuted. Fundamentalists were most likely former Populist. Great champion was William Jennings Bryan who was a prosecutor for Scope.

Share Our Wealth Society

1936 is the election where Huey Long, Townsend, and Coughlin tried to form the Share Our Wealth Society. (Look up). Long was dead by the election of 1936. By Charles Veisse. He does not survive the return fire of his bodyguards. Some stories think that the ricochet from the guards killed him, but not true. a program designed to provide a decent standard of living to all Americans by spreading the nation's wealth among the people. Long proposed capping personal fortunes at $50 million each (roughly $600 million in today's dollars) through a restructured, progressive federal tax code and sharing the resulting revenue with the public through government benefits and public works. In subsequent speeches and writings, he revised his graduated tax levy on wealth over $1 million to cap fortunes at $5 - $8 million (or $60 - $96 million today).

Albert Bacon Fall

Albert Bacon Fall as Secretary of the Interior - most infamous appointment. Had a ranch in Texas that he was about to lose. In debt for it, the cattle were emaciated, etc. All of a sudden, ranch is paid off, new herd. Took bribes to allow oil companies to drill around Teapot Dome. Marked US petroleum reserve. Fueled by petroleum not by coal. We had set aside some of our known oil fields as future for the navy in times of war. Sold off part of the strategic petroleum reserve. Last of a series of scandals and was major. Banished buddies, stopped serving alcohol at White House functions - Harding did these. During Prohibition, possession wasn't illegal, but manufacture, sell, etc. was. Many people kept stores. He stopped this. Hung out with Herbert Hoover. Harding's vice president is honest but cold and distant so no one liked him - Calvin Coolidge. Used to ring the front door of the White House then run away and make the staff answer it. Not a very nice man.


American invasion of Saipan. Things start to turn around. First place that had a large Japanese pre-war civilian population. Two developments that matter for our ultimate decision to fight the war with Japan the way we did. Midway stops them from doing offenses. June 15,1944. 19th - Japs launched their last carrier attack of the war. More than 400 planes at the Americans. Lost about 350 of them. Carriers - skilled pilots lost. Carriers survived. Pilots did not.

Henry Ford

Apparently Herbert Hoover was forced to play so much bridge with Harding that Hoover never played it again. Warren Harding then had a heart attack and died. Best thing for his presidency at that point. The rumors spread for decades that his wife has poisoned him to prevent further embarrassment. When he finished his inaugural address, asked his wife, "Did I do alright?" She was the Duchess. Coolidge became president. One virtue that made him indispensible - would not take a bribe. Still thought in producer terms for the economy. Did not fundamentally understand that in order to have prosperity in a consumer economy, the average person had to have money in their pocket. Purchasing power had to be broadly distributed. Henry Ford realized this. Ford argued that his prosperity was tied to his workers. If I pay them well, they will stay and contribute more to the business. Did not agree with this - Coolidge. Stayed entirely within the law and made himself and his treasury secretary millionaires by rewriting tax codes and encouraging financial speculation. Play the stock market because it can only ever go up. Move your money to bonds whenever you hear people start saying that. Coolidge did not agree and did not understand cooperation between industries and the working citizens. Beginning to realize that we are a consumer society. We have been since 1890s, but we now start to realize it. Leads us to installment plan. Pay up front then make payments on a loan for the rest of it. Ford resisted this. Thought debt financing was inconsistent with American character. It allows workers who might not be able to easily save up the money to buy a Model T to save 15 or 20 per month to keep paying toward it. Brings material, outward signs of prosperity into the reach of more and more people. Radios, washing machines, refrigerators. Speeding up of the disassociation with what you do for a living and how you live. More emphasis on leisure activities opposed to the working activities. You could still find out by reading the paper previously. Someone who knows how to read statistics can reconstruct a game by looking at them. By 1920, if you couldn't go to the game, you could listen to it on the radio. Just because the technology was there it doesn't mean it was widespread or useful yet. Because of these installment plan buying and prosperity, more people could buy. More widespread. Sports celebrities stop being regional and start being national. Babe Ruth. Satchel Paige, should have been first black to play baseball widespread. Even though Jessie Robinson did it first. They didn't want Paige to be in the league with whites because he was the best pitcher of the day. Baseball was the last white sport. They held it out as long as they could. Babe Ruth became a national not just a NY celebrity. Another aspect - celebrity culture begins to be expressed in movies as well. Four people - Charlie Chaplain does movies about modern society. Doesn't transition well to movies with sound. His voice isn't that good. Movies about the dignity of the average man. He was a silent movie man. Does at one point play a character making fun of Hitler. Toothbrush mustache. Average guy trying to keep up with the pace of the machines - machines taking over. 1920's term robot - first introduced into English language. Machines created to serve humanity turn on us. Very old fear. Buster Keeton - one of the greatest physical comedians of his time. Did all of his own stunts. Secondary to the other two. Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. and Mary Pickford.

The Souls of Black Folk

Argued that while Washington's idea was okay for the average Southern field hand (Looked down on these sorts of people and was not nice. Was hard to get along with, touchy, alienated a lot of his friends.), part of the argument for segregation was that all blacks were these sorts of people, and they were not.

Executive Order 8802

As a result of threatened march on Washington, Executive Order 8802 created the Fair Employment Doctrine. If you didn't want a contract in WWII, you were stupid. If you wanted government contracts, you could not discriminate in your hiring based on race. Sets up a coalition to investigate complaints of discrimination. Better than iwould have been without the FEPC. Listen here. ...

Literacy test

Came into being to try to replace poll taxes. Tests that were applied so that blacks would not be able to vote. They knew it was harder for blacks to get access to education, so harder for them to pass one of these. White men might be given a "See Spot Run" literacy test, but black men might be given one that said something like "Explain this Supreme Court case." Much harder for blacks. Even this system denied some white voters the right to vote, so they replaced it with the grandfather clause.

"New South"

Captains of industry argued that the Confederacy lost the Civil War because of the inability to produce the things it made. Idea that we should build mills to do some things ourselves. Shift from large-scale commodity agriculture to a mix between this and industrial processing. Problem was that more and more people had to move to town to work these mills. The created the issue of segregation, which was largely unthought-of before. Idea that supremacy and economic success for whites first. Problem when black people got jobs over whites. Lynching.

George Marshall

Chief of Staff of the army George Marshall said it was a real project and the money wasn't being wasted. Marshall was most respected in the army. Truman believed him.

direct primary

Direct primaries were created to avoid the problem of voting for this Populist or that one. Party bosses had too much power. You used it to shut down immigrant voting blocks and black ones too. It is interpreted that this is not a violation of the 15th Amendment to exclude certain voters in primary elections. Progressives accepted that public and business were separating. Fewer people own. You have to make the government more responsive. The long-term push is to get control of states and have them enact state-level laws for direct election of senators. Elected by people, not the state legislature, which was too easy to control. While they are arguing that the government is more responsive, it is more responsive to themselves just not everyone. Mueller v. Oregon.

"Talented Tenth"

Dubois's idea that there is this is all racial groupings, including black society. He says ignore the 90%. You need to focus on the writers, scholars, and artists. You elevate this group and send them to Harvard, not Tuskegee. Dubois started a journal where he and some other black activists raise money to fund court cases that challenge the disadvantages against disenfranchised blacks. Part of this argument for segregation was that all blacks were laborers, and they were not according to this idea. NAACP was the name of this. Colored people applied to Chinese, Indians, Native Americans. Not just blacks. Polite way to put it. They formed this organization for the advancement of blacks in society.

Executive Order 9066

Executive Order 9066 - created a zone-effects inflection on the West Coast. The army may exclude anyone who is considered a risk threat. Japanese-American Nissan. This meant they were native born. They fought back. Mr. Miyagi was a Nissan soldier and his wife and child died in internment camps while he was fighting for his life.

Douglas Fairbanks

Fairbanks, Pickford, and Chaplain created United Artists as the attempt to break the movie producers hold. Pickford and Fairbanks divorced someone else and had to go to Nevada to get their divorces then married each other. Huge scandal at the time. Modernity. How do you act when the rules are constantly changing? How do you form standards of behavior? For many people, these two people gave these standards. Their huge residence in Beverly Hills, CA, was revered by many. When a magazine photographer shot them playing tennis at their estate, sales of tennis clothing and rackets jumped dramatically. They tried to emulate them. Fairbanks drove the idea of what men were supposed to look like in society. Evolved from Carnegie being heavy-set and old - authority figures are supposed to look like this. Authority connoted by age, size. Fairbanks doesn't look like any of those. Wants to look young, slender. Clean-shaven. This was the first evolvement of this. After William Howard Taft, no presidents had facial hair. Doesn't create this trend but helps spread it. Didn't work when he aged, but worked for a while. How to be an action star - he invented this. Pickford and Fairbanks were the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston of their day. Anniston is the girl-next-door, and Pickford was the same. Help to define masculinity and feminism. Helped to change the way men dressed. Less formal. How do the adult businessmen of the era dress? In suits and ties. Fairbanks commonly showed up in exercise gear - polo wear, which helped other men to start doing this.

Mary Pickford

Fairbanks, Pickford, and Chaplain created United Artists as the attempt to break the movie producers hold. Pickford and Fairbanks divorced someone else and had to go to Nevada to get their divorces then married each other. Huge scandal at the time. Modernity. How do you act when the rules are constantly changing? How do you form standards of behavior? For many people, these two people gave these standards. Their huge residence in Beverly Hills, CA, was revered by many. When a magazine photographer shot them playing tennis at their estate, sales of tennis clothing and rackets jumped dramatically. They tried to emulate them. Fairbanks drove the idea of what men were supposed to look like in society. Evolved from Carnegie being heavy-set and old - authority figures are supposed to look like this. Authority connoted by age, size. Fairbanks doesn't look like any of those. Wants to look young, slender. Clean-shaven. This was the first evolvement of this. After William Howard Taft, no presidents had facial hair. Doesn't create this trend but helps spread it. Didn't work when he aged, but worked for a while. How to be an action star - he invented this. Pickford and Fairbanks were the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston of their day. Anniston is the girl-next-door, and Pickford was the same. Help to define masculinity and feminism. Helped to change the way men dressed. Less formal. How do the adult businessmen of the era dress? In suits and ties. Fairbanks commonly showed up in exercise gear - polo wear, which helped other men to start doing this.

Eugene V. Debs

Founded the Industrial Workers of the World. Socialist Party of America run for Presidency. Got his best run for presidency in 1912. Called for government ownership of railroads, banks, and grain elevators. Operated on a nonprofit basis. Dissolution of the Senate. Away with the Senate, while Progressives wanted direct election of Senators. Abolish Supreme Court's power to strike down laws. Taft, Roosevelt, and McKinley had appointed these justices. So there was not a whole lots Debs could do. Taft was glad he lost. Teddy Roosevelt's Bull-Noose Party was in control, not a lot of Democrats. They voted for Wilson. Roosevelt also wanted to lose. He only took votes from Taft. Wilson takes office. He makes an ass of himself with the countries of Latin America and Mexico. Causes a huge scandal in 1914. First wife dies of kidney disease and marries the second in less than a year. Not accepted. We don't remember him for his domestic policy reforms but for his foreign policy. Summer of 1917 made a speech in which he argued that if you are going to conceive of the war as German autocracy because they were made to fight and the fact that we were free. Debs said you can't combat this idea with a draft. Espionage Act and Sedition Act went against the resistance for a draft. Debs was a quiet pacifist who opposed all wars and said that the policy might should have been adopted and that it contradicted American freedom. Arrested for violating the Espionage Act and sent to federal prison. Warren Hardy didn't want him in prison, so he got him out. Debs had carefully refrained from telling anyone not to draft, just disputed the draft in general as an institution.

W.E.B. Dubois

From Massachusetts and had the chance for success that Washington always wanted. First African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. Thought America should be made to live up to its rhetoric. "It's hard to love your country when you know your country doesn't love you back." For blacks, you have a problem. You want to be an American and believe in the language of Jefferson, but you know it doesn't apply to you. Washington was right that all the court cases in the world wouldn't change Southern society overnight. Dubois was right that you wouldn't have any economic advance without interference from the state. Both right in some ways and were somewhat vindicated later on.

Gerhard Reigner

Gerhart Moritz Riegner (Berlin, September 12, 1911 - Geneva, December 3, 2001) was the secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress from 1965 to 1983. On August 8, 1942, he sent the so-called Riegner Telegram through diplomatic channels to Stephen Samuel Wise, president of the World Jewish Congress. (However, Wise did not receive it until the end of the month.[citation needed]) The source of the information was Eduard Schulte, the anti-Nazi owner of a prominent German company that employed high-level Nazi officials. The telegram was the first official communication about the planned Holocaust. The Riegner telegram read in part: Have received through foreign office following message from Riegner Geneva STOP Received alarming report that in Fuhrers headquarters plan discussed and under consideration all Jews in countries occupied or controlled Germany number 3½ to 4 million should after deportation and concentration in East at one blow exterminated to resolve once and for all Jewish question in Europe.

William Jennings Bryan

Great champion was William Jennings Bryan who was a prosecutor for Scope. Denied his experts in the courtroom, Darrows put Bryan on the stand. Got him to admit in the scope of Christianity that it didn't matter that if the 7 days of creation were 7 days or 700 years. Bryan won in the courtroom, but in the scope of society, Darrow won.

George Creel

He was an advertising guy that headed the CPI. Said they should create a movie to sell the war. Pershing's Crusaders was made to symbolize the strength of America and need to protect us. Shows ton and tons of crusade people. Why do they want you to fight in the war? A fight for Christian civilization. Onward, Christian Soldiers - loved this song. Attitude towards religion was closer to the Roman Empire - don't all buy the religion, you will be punished. There was a cross on the movie poster on the horseman's shield. Growing your own garden and canning your own food is part of the war effort. "Can Vegetables and the Kaiser too" was one of the posters. Raised taxes on top wage earners to fight the war. Produced Liberty Loans. USA Bonds. Third Liberty Loan Campaign posters. Clean cut boy scouts and a picture of Lady Liberty behind them. Uncle Sam was the male representation of this. "Uncle Same wants you!" - most popular poster at this time. All of these promoted the good of the U.S. Marine "Devil Dogs" posters. If there's a draft, you can beat it by volunteering and picking your service. Or, you can get drafted and just go where they put you. The Marines were an all-volunteer unit at this point. We were much more uplifting. Then we switch to atrocity propaganda. Fourth Liberty Loan. German soldier. "Remember Belgium" He is a vicious monster leading away a small Belgian little girl. Monsters committing horrible atrocities. The other one said "Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds." They were bad. The Boxer Rebellion in 1900. German troops go to suppress the Society of Harmonious Fists. Remember you are fighting for Western civilization - be as merciless as the Huns. Looking across the Atlantic at us. The German soldier at the very top is looking at us supposedly going to come to America and overtake us. In reality, they would never do this. France fought the hardest of any of the Allies in WWI. 1 in 25 French people died. It was because of them that we had a strong front in Europe. Another one. Protect our helpless women and children from the vicious monsters. "Halt the Hun." "That liberty shall not perish from the earth" was the last poster. Civil War veterans were still alive. Showed this excerpt from the Gettysberg Address. Show that the German forces are gong to cross the Atlantic and blow it up and blow off the head of the Statue of Liberty. Huge dramatization of what they wanted people to be scared of. In reality, the only thing to be scared of was the German submarines on our mainland. Leads to an outbreak of foolishness in the US. Writing to universities telling them to stop speaking German. Renamed things that were German, like sauerkraut. Hamburger became the Liberty Sandwich. We didn't want any association with Germany whatsoever. We wanted a side of Freedom Fries with our sandwiches. People with German names were even beaten and lynched. We went too far.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican, had a series of objections to the Treaty of Versailles. Woodrow Wilson signed the treaty (Democrat) but the Senate had to ratify it by 2/3 majority. You don't change boundaries by force. Unclearly worded and could theoretically commit American troops with approval of League and not Congress. Private objections. Irish rebels had tried to... Senior senator from Massachusetts. His constituents are Irish immigrants. What happens when he votes for this treaty, there's another Irish uprising, and League troops go to resist it? How will he explain that he voted for this? Had Woodrow Wilson agreed to negotiate on League of Nations, it might have passed. He said vote it up or down. They voted it down.

Berlin airlift

Hitler thought that he was saved when FDR died. Somehow this would stop the Soviet Union from bearing down on Berlin. It didn't. The Soviet flag was invaded in 1945. They damaged half the buildings in Berlin and took the city. Soviets were convinced that they had done the dying in Europe. They had. Once Berlin fell, the Big 3 met again. FDR was dead, so Truman showed up.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Idea that we do not need international trade. Put extremely high tariffs on the incoming goods. Britain did the same thing. Some countries had to pay a lot more to trade together. Everyone said they would trade internally for while, even though they needed to.

Grandfather clause

If your grandfather voted in the 1860 presidential election, you got the right to vote even if you had failed every other test. This excluded all the black voters they didn't want and still allowed the whites. They picked a year when blacks weren't allowed to vote yet. These voting tactics created an interesting implication the "American" means white male in 1904-1905. There had been an effort to change this in the late 1800s by the African Americans and people in Reconstruction and the women's movement. This undid most of the Reconstruction era's progress in American-ness. Also created a protected African American black sector. Since they were segregated from whites, many business places just for blacks were created. Another theme it created was a "black group." By denying African Americans the right to exercise individual freedoms, they were actually creating a more unified black culture. White there's an external threat, you tend to ignore your individual differences. Created a certain identity that allowed the community to overcome segregation. People who detested each other even felt the need to try to work together, such as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois.

Georges Clemenceau

In March of 1918, Germany signed a peace treaty with the Bolskeviks. Redeployed soldiers from the eastern front to the western front. On the 21 of March 1918, Germans broke through Allied forces and headed for Paris. Now the troops are out in the open after 3 years. Looks like the Allies are about to lose. This is when large-scale American combat participation begins. Allies name a supreme commander. Ferdinand Feroch was the commander from France. He went to Pershing and said I know you want to hold out and take command of some parts of the land. At least two American units are redeployed to help cover the lines. The Saul Me Hael Offensive - the pushed the lines back. It looks like the Americans are actually doing pretty well, but really the Germans are retreating to a spot where the line could be shorter and easier to hold. Reasonably well handled. The Americans do what they are supposed to do and it goes well, just not a big accomplishment. British and French launch their own offensives. Americans were attacking toward the lines. What happened if we got those two railroad junctures? All the German troops couldn't be supplied any more and we would have to fall back. Pretty well thought out offensive. While American soldiers are brave and fight well, they don't focus on this. Opening fight threw more shells by weight than the entire Union army for the Civil War. Late October, Germans are done. Representative sent to America asking for cease-fire. Primarily alluding back to Wilson's 14 Points. Progressivism trying to protect society. Wilson wanted to perfect the world, specifically Europe. • Early November. Kaiser advocates. The day that the Berlin Wall came down. November 9th. Kaiser advocates, new civilian government comes into power, terms of ceasefire agreed. November 11th was when the shooting stopped. Armistice goes into effect. 11th hour, 11th day, 11th month - End of War. Terms of the ceasefire were such that Germany couldn't resume war. Woodrow Wilson went to Europe and got a huge welcome in France and England. Immensely popular in war-weary Europe. He has a plan to not just solve this war but to end war. "The War to End All Wars." Plan enunciated in the 14th Points. Know the basic outlines of these points. Wilson wants a series of basic ideas: open treaties. Most treaties signed before WWI had secret components. Many Communist treaties had been somewhat secret until exposed. He also wanted open navigation of the seas. Access to trade and market. Free market. Before WWI, arms race going on in Europe. On land, increasing armies and in sea, increasing fleets. You have enough battleships and soldiers to defend yourself, but don't get so many to go picking fights. Boils down to national self-determination of peoples. You don't go to war to add new territory to your country. The people who live in that territory decide whether they want to be added to your country. La Raine - taking of two provinces by Germany that the French wanted. In Wilson's mind, this had made the French want to go to war with Germany. For all the crap that Wilson gets, this principle is still the basis for international policy. You don't cross international boundaries with force. National self-determination of peoples. Since 1945, most major military conflicts have taken place in bounds of nations not between. Important but deeply problematic. Only meant for white Europeans. Biggest nations and just won the war. England and France. Germany were going to lose their colonies because they lost, not because the idea of colonies is out. National self-determination doesn't make sense in Europe because nationalism is a creation of the middle class. Many Italian peasants don't even know they are part of Italy and don't speak Italian. Wilson applying his simple solution to a complex problem creates huge problems. Yugoslavia. Slavs. Russians step in backing the Serbs, etc.... Off topic here, I think. • Most important of his goals is the League of Nations. An international body where nations can talk and work out issues peacefully rather than resorting to warfare. Shows up with these great ideas and runs into the French. Georges Clemenseau. Is now Prime Minister of France. He thinks Wilson is a fool. These policies don't make sense. He was like sure, say German will listen to your points. No way. And when they don't, I still have to reside next to them while you return to America. • He said "God only needed 10 points." Thinks Wilson has a very shaky grasp of European politics. The problem of Germany is that there are 42 million too many Germans. He wants to break it into 2-4 countries. Take heavy industry away from the German government so they won't have the power to challenge France. • Council of Five - Japan was on the Allied side of WWI and didn't get much access to their side. British Prime Minister, Italian, French, and Woodrow Wilson. Clemenceau was shot four times during his peace conference but he still finished. He complained in the hospital that French marksmanship was declining. If they couldn't shoot someone as fat as me only hitting me 4 out of 7 times, they are terrible. Clemenceau wanted to break it apart. Tiger. Wilson wanted to punish it but not as much. Treaty of Versailles - Strips Germany of most of their modern military. No aircraft, tanks, no ships made after 1900. Army is small and no draft. Must serve for 25 years. Meant to discourage German enlistment in their army. Do not lose the land. Do not lose the land. They cannot fortify it and not put troops there. Cannot be readily protected. Germany loses much land. If you let every nationality have their own country, too many tiny countries that cannot defend themselves. If you keep them together, ethic catches. Germany - Have to pay 133 billion gold marks. Cost of the war and every German soldier. • Poland should be independent and have access to the sea. • No Russians at the Peace Conference. Civil War in Russia at the time. Lennon, Stalin were in charge of Russia. No Bolsheviks or Germans there either. • Treaty is imposed on Germany. Wilson knew the treaty was at best mediocre. Meant to cripple Germany. Argument that Great Depression comes from this. Unplugging Germany from the world economy caused this. Herbert Hoover was convinced of this. Germany finally paid off all money in 2010 from 1921. • Machiavelli is saying it's better to be feared than loved, but this was sarcasm. If you see your enemy in water up to his knees, help him out. If it's up to his neck, push him under. They had Germany in water up to knees and pushed them under. • Wilson thought he had won at conference. He had convinced European powers to accept most important article of 14 Points. League of Nations. American leadership in the League will undo the problems, etc. We never joined the League of Nations, however. What happened?


In this environment as well, we see changing possibilities for women. Women had always worked, but it becomes more respectable for an unmarried middle-class girl to work. Occupations expand beyond teacher to clerical work. Different from the lower class women doing sewing, etc. Clerical has the white-collar aspect. You are working with your mind, not your hands and we value that more. Move to cities, find relative degrees of financial and social freedom. Leads us to "flappers." Flappers - Do all sorts of dangerous things. Skirts above the knee. Roll their stockings down to the knee. Showing bare legs. Short hair. Long hair takes a good deal of logistical effort. For the flappers of the 20s, it was a show of independence. Shutting off the home role of domestic woman that had time to style hair. Smoke cigarettes in public. Dangerous push of boundaries from respectable women. Go to clubs to dance to African American music craze of the era. Jazz. Hip-hop of its day. The flappers wanted to wear clothes that made them look slender and boyish in their figures. In other words, this was still a vibrant cultural movement. Urban girls through the combination of clerical work and the lack of social control in urban environment could go out and do this sort of thing.

Espionage Act, May 1917

It originally prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment. In 1919, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Schenck v. United States that the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions. The constitutionality of the law, its relationship to free speech, and the meaning of the law's language have been contested in court ever since. Congress responded to a growing fear that public criticism of the war effort would make it difficult to conscript the needed manpower for American participation. Also contributing to widespread unease were the actions of labor groups, especially the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who proclaimed their sympathy for laborers through the world, including those in Russia. The Espionage Act, passed in June 1917, provided penalties of 20 years imprisonment and fines up to $10,000 for those convicted of interfering with military recruitment. The law also authorized the Postmaster General to remove treasonable or seditious material from the mail. This measure was quickly challenged in the courts. In a controversial Supreme Court decision, Schenck v. United States (1919), the law was upheld. Congress had the power to enact legislation that under ordinary circumstances might not be acceptable, when faced by "a clear and present danger." The terms of the Espionage Act were strengthened by the enactment of amending legislation, the Sedition Act of 1918. State and local Committees of Public Safety, although they often did effective work, also at times exceeded legitimate object and left a memory of unjust repression in some communities. No formal censorship existed but the result was the same, through pressure and the mere threat of prosecution under the Espionage Act of 1917.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

January of 1942 - Created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation - took tax dollars and public money and gave it to railroads, etc. Used public money to get private companies operating again. So radical for Hoover that it is normally attributed to FDR. DO NOT ATTRIBUTE IT TO HIM. IT IS HOOVER'S. Al Capone started the soup kitchen in Chicago. He was looking like a good guy for his good spirit. People criticized this that saying that it was done only for the betterment of owners.

George Kennan

Kennan and Charles Bohlen another State Department expert on Russia, fought over the wording of NSC-68, which emerged as the blueprint for waging the Cold War.[43] Kennan rejected the idea that Stalin had a grand design for world conquest implicit in Nitze's report and argued that he actually feared overextending Russian power. Kennan even argued that NSC-68 should not have been drafted at all, as it would make U.S. policies too rigid, simplistic and militaristic. Acheson overruled Kennan and Bohlen, backing up the view of the Soviet menace in NSC-68

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was sort of a break-through poet of the day.

John Pershing

Large numbers of American soliders in Europe in March 1918. Commander of the American expeditionary force in Europe. Wants for American soliders to serve all together. This is a problem because the US army is remarkably inexperienced. Pershing is a little crazy! Neither size has been able to move lines forward more than three miles in the west since 1914. East was a different story. The British spent 600,000 men and moved the line forward about 2 miles. Pershing said something needed to change. In a document, says that trench warfare is failing because they are trained for it. Open warfare would let you work through. Sergeant Alvin York was picked by Pershing because he fit the bill of what he though a soldier was. York and a squad of about 11 men capture 30 German machine guns in one day. Pershing sounds like what they did in 1914. His ideology produces the trenches. Idea for American forces to be broken up and fed into the line, serving with French, British forces, etc, and backing up and learning from them. Pershing's mental boxes that he put things into needed to adapt and he wouldn't. Woodrow Wilson had a plan to save the world and prevent all future wars. If there was no major identifiable American contribution, no one would listen. American troops alone needed to have some accomplishments, so they wanted American troops to serve on their own. Wilson wanted to say, "You couldn't do this without us." The 93rd Infantry Division was all black and was sent on their own because of that fact. The French had some black soldiers, so it was assumed they would know how to handle these . They handled them better than the Americans would have. Less racist. In March 1918, Germans made peace with Bolshevists (Russians). They could transfer more men from their German front to the western front. The Michael Offensive broke through British and French lines. Headed toward Paris. They reacted by setting up Ferdinand Furch. He was commander by all Ally troops. Pershing agreed to release several American divisions. And Stopped Germans. American got a sector of the line. They cleared out all German in their area. But the Germans were retreating, so it wasn't directly a victory. Germans didn't have the forces to resist all of them at once when they worked together, and they disintegrated. They decided they needed breathing space to run their army. Civilians asked US for some mercy. 14 Points was Wilson's words about how to have a peace without victory. Rules all people should abide by. Freedom of the seas, diplomacy, and "THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS." Where nations could go and talk instead of resorting to war. Germans starting negotiating to cease-fire. November 11, 1918 at 11 exactly. The German army lost 1 million men in a small amount of time. The entire time in the war for US was 150,000. The French had about 2 million. Wilson's seat at the peace table was not as he had hoped. Our contribution was small compared to those other nations. If something bad happens to you, it's your fault because you'd made a bad choice. Men were supposed to be autonomous, independent. These were the American ideas of how men should be. Heavy artillery in this was had a range of 15-20 miles. The average rifleman would take cover. What else could you do? You are not fully in control of your own destiny at this point. The European soldiers got a dose of this, but American soldiers at least got a taste. How could you combat these guns that you could not see? This contrasted their idea of war. How could they take control and fight back? A lot of these men formed their opinions of war by reading stories about the Civil War. Technology had changed. If you flinched under fire in the Civil War, you were a coward. If you flinched in this war, you were sensible. You needed to take cover to stay alive. You tried to hide your fear from the enemy. Ludendorf would not take cover even if he was under fire and continued to march forward while cops were shooting at him. Hitler ran and took cover, breaking someone's collarbone. The idea that you are in charge of your destiny does not apply when you can't see who's shooting at you. The American involvement was based heavily on the idea of tourism & going to the War to see Europe.

Herbert Hoover

Led agricultural side. One of the best men ever in public service. Orphaned at 12, got a university degree. Became an engineer and spent most of his life outside the US doing survey mining work. He spoke Mandarin. Overseen protection of refugees and volunteered hospitality and food/shelter for them. When Germany attacked France, they displaced tons of refugees. He advocated meatless Mondays. Sending posters to the American Jewish Council asking them to eat less ham. One of his idea was pig clubs. Get youngsters to go out and raise piglets so we can have more port. They raised too many and had to slaughter between 1/3 and 1/2 of the piglets so prices wouldn't go up after the war ended. Every country involved in the war had to come up with some way to manage their economy. We made it work because we had a lot of capability. Food prices rose 40% during the war. Something like 140% after. We also for the first time went to draft straight out of the gate instead of first asking for volunteers. Question is, "Is this the Progressive War?" Progressives liked progression of thoughts and reason not emotion. People were responding to the draft emotionally. Reflected the Progressive idea that representatives in Washington calculated how many people regionally we could spare and took them instead of asking for volunteers. Draft resistance was prominent, too. They needed to respond more than 3 million from 170,000 men. How do you identify these people in this great draft?

Bernard Baruch

Led the Wall Street bankers and was Jewish. Bought Democrats in Congress. Heads the War Industries Board.

Committee on Public Information

Middle class progressives had the idea that they could use the army to homogenize the American experience. The problem was that all weird groups within America that wouldn't assimilate. To homogenate food consumption, put 3 million men in the army and say this is how we do it. They discovered there were things like salt pork, cornmeal, and molasses that were the Southern diet. Pellagra - sores on your skin and mental instability caused by this. Tried to teach the Hispanics not to eat all of their tomato-based foods and to eat ours. Most Americans shaved with straight razors. Had to issue Gillette razors. Safety with a curved piece over the end so the people could not kill each other in army camps. Somewhat Victorian culture. Did not discuss sex. Not polite. Army tried to prevent venereal diseases. While the army did not adopt the French solution to STDs (running their own brothels and having regular medical exams), we did have regulations. After WWI, they talked about sex a little bit more and a little bit more about STDs. Before this, not very much. In WWI, they were sat down and told abou sex and STDs more than they had ever heard in their life. This had an impact on the men. Progressives are afraid of the lower class. Also, first war with an advertising based society. They didn't know much about it yet. Fairly heavy draft resistance to WWI. Especially in the rural south. It wasn't our war in many people's view. They thought it was a war to help the businesses and weapons manufacturers, not the average man. Advertisers need to sell the war, therefore. They created the CPI, Committee on Public Information) headed by George Creel.


National Council Report 68 (NSC-68) was a 58-page top secret policy paper issued by the United States National Security Council on April 14, 1950, during the presidency of Harry S. Truman. It was one of the most significant statements of American policy in the Cold War. NSC-68 largely shaped U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War for the next 20 years, and involved a decision to make Containment against Communist expansion a high priority. The strategy outlined in NSC-68 achieved ultimate victory, according to this view, with the collapse of the Soviet power and the emergence of a "new world order" centered on American liberal-capitalist values.[1] Truman officially signed NSC-68 on September 30, 1950. It was declassified in 1975.[2]

Booker T. Washington

Older than Dubois. Addressed the Atlanta Cotton Growers Acquisition. Argued that African Americans should not directly resist segregation. Atlanta Address of 1895. He was of a conservative temperament. He was famous for the Tuskegee Institute. You could take classes on soil science, not French. A very practical institution. Being from the South and in slavery, he looks at the Southern context and says that before they can get the right to vote, they must acquire economic power. You have to move slowly and carefully. You can't just go down into the street and start protesting Jim Crow. He realized the lengths that whites would go to in order to defend their system. If you are the guy that works for someone else, your boss could tell you not to vote. If you owned one of the biggest business in town as a black, this wouldn't happen. This was Washington's argument. Tuskegee Institute was founded to help African Americans learn skills, primarily in farming, so that you could find your own success. Response to segregation is that you can't challenge the system yet. Work within it now. The time is not write to challenge it yet. It was, however, a lot of his money that put Homer Plessy in the train to challenge the separate car law. He quietly supported court challenges to segregation. He was the most prominent African American leader of his day and got to have dinner at the White House. Read the Southern context reasonably well.

Clarence Darrow

Opposed by a prominent defender of civil liberties. And an Atheist. Clarence Darrow. Darrow is allowed to write into the evidence and court records something to help Scopes. ***** He wasn't allowed to say it. Scopes loses and is fined $100. Then, he appealed. The court record shows the expert testimony but the jury didn't hear it. Denied his experts in the courtroom, Darrows put Bryan on the stand. Got him to admit in the scope of Christianity that it didn't matter that if the 7 days of creation were 7 days or 700 years. Bryan won in the courtroom, but in the scope of society, Darrow won. Supporters suggested that mean old Darrow broke his support on the stand. Because of this, more people read about evolution than ever otherwise would have. All the expert testimony that wasn't in the courtroom was in the newspapers. The Fundamentalists lost. Just because they lost one day didn't mean they were gone. Made them rethink what the public sphere meant and what their place in it was. If we are going to be a tolerable society, they had a place in it too.

Gifford Pinchot

Pinchot served as the first Chief of the United States Forest Service from 1905 until his firing in 1910, and was the 28th Governor of Pennsylvania, serving from 1923 to 1927, and again from 1931 to 1935. He was a member of the Republican Party for most of his life, though he also joined the Progressive Party for a brief period. Pinchot is known for reforming the management and development of forests in the United States and for advocating the conservation of the nation's reserves by planned use and renewal. He called it "the art of producing from the forest whatever it can yield for the service of man." Pinchot coined the term conservation ethic as applied to natural resources.

Robert Yerkes

Robert Yerkes said that you should give them a test and that the smart ones could be officers. They agree for him to issue the tests. Not a good test. Measures education, not intelligence. Confirms that the progressives have a nasty undertone of racism and white supremacy, proven by the test. Most had IQ's between 70-100. Morons. The Mismeasure of Man is a book that goes into great detail on these IQ tests. Shows that blacks had lower IQs than whites. Surprise, surprise - not much education, if any. The army winds up being Progressive by being suspicious of everything.

Schenck v. United States

Sent a pamphlet through US Mail telling them not to register for the draft. He violated the act on purpose hoping to go to the Supreme Court and have it reviewed. Got a very famous court case. Majority opinion upheld his conviction. Always limits on free speech. In wartime, the government can take further measures to restrict speech if they find a "clear and present danger." National security state comes from the fact that the US can infringe on individual rights for a better whole. The Post Master General tried to take out of the mail all efforts to undermine American society. Burleson requires newspapers to submit in advance translations of their articles in order to submit them to their readers. At their expense. Couldn't afford it. Also took out labor publications, Socialist anti-war publications, foreign newspapers, etc. He didn't fight against these things smartly but very stupidly. They commissioned Creel to write a book on German and how they had doen it wrong. Burleson saw the title, decided that it was pro-German, and immediately banned it. They conduct this was and Progressives values, centralization, homogenization, and executive control were the principles that these Progressives wanted.

Alfred Sloan

Speeding up of American society - physically faster and more individuals have access to their own speed. The automobile. No electric starter, not really enclosed. Meant to be a cheap car for the masses. About $900. Average annual salary was about $1200. Ford makes it possible for the average person to own their own car. Within a theoretical reach. From public transportation to private automobiles. Another form of speeding up - pace of technological change advanced very dramatically. Difference between 1915 & 1920 Model T - suspension improved but looked basically the same. One of Ford's rivals, General Motors. Chief Executive officer - Alfred Sloan basically came up with the idea of the yearly model update. His engineers asked him not to do this. They needed models every 5 years. Until then, no need to. Sloan did not come at this from engineering perspective, but from a styling perspective. Trying to take business from Ford. Last year's Ford or this year's Chevy? Model changes. Any color you want so long as that color is black. Ford was utilitarian. What if we were buying it in part to reflect our social status? The Model T didn't really reflect it. That nice new Cadillac was the expensive one. You could buy a nice GM car instead. Eventually drove Ford to have to do the same thing by the end of the 20's. Technological innovation being driven by a push for market share. We have the newest X. The electric starter. Nice advantage over Henry Ford. Why they did it. Ford had the biggest market share until GM came along. Planned obsolescence. The product needs to be replaced before it wears out, not just because it is not updated. Apple. Their changes are not necessary to be made to the product, you just buy it because you are out of date. Same basic idea of the yearly model update in the 1920s. More forward looking. If we call forth on this continent America. History is bunk. If you are going to change the world, you can't get too bogged town in history. Ford when he got outside of technical innovation was very strange. Believed in reincarnation, hated fat men, doctors, prison, etc. Has his hand on the telephone, fast pace of American society. Industry outside. History starts tomorrow.

Potsdam Conference

Stalin, Churchill, and Truman—as well as Attlee, who participated alongside Churchill while awaiting the outcome of the 1945 general election, and then replaced Churchill as Prime Minister after the Labour Party's victory over the Conservatives—gathered to decide how to administer punishment to the defeated Nazi Germany, which had agreed to unconditional surrender nine weeks earlier, on 8 May (V-E Day). The goals of the conference also included the establishment of post-war order, peace treaties issues, and countering the effects of the war.

The Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

Teddy Roosevelt thought that Upton Sinclair was a doofus. H.L. Minkin once said that Upton Sinclair believed more things than any man he knew. Direct result of The Jungle, written by Sinclair. He tried to get the public to sympathize with the poor workers, but the outcry became so great that the public was disgusted by the gross food descriptions. Roosevelt reluctantly had to get it investigated and found that it was worse than the book described. Meat packers had to pay for the inspections. They used the Pure Food and Drug Act as a way to drive the smaller competitors out of business. Teddy Roosevelt did not like this and was interested in the public good.

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

Teddy Roosevelt's domestic policy gives a good idea of the progressive party as a whole. He brings back into prominence this law, which John Sherman had gotten through Congress. Free enterprise is not necessary for the private enterprise system. Forbids creation of organizations that restrict free market. It was used to break up labor unions, though not original intention. Roosevelt uses the act as it was intended and goes after big companies. "Trustbuster." Concept of public good and harmonious society was important to him. Roosevelt killed bad trusts to encourage behavior of good trusts. Trusts must use their power in the public good was his argument. Trusts shouldn't use their own selfish private interests over the public good. Shift from heavy government interference to Teddy Roosevelt being the mediator. Roosevelt does not like labor unions. Unnatural, un-American group thing rather than individual. He is also aware that sometimes they have grievances. Coal miners went on strike due to high death rates for them. Only higher death rate was carrying a rifle for the army. They asked Teddy to help. Teddy Roosevelt invites the leaders of the coal miners union and owners of the mine to come to the White House to compromise. The owners thought the White House was taking side of the union people. Owners would not come. Roosevelt tells J.P. Morgan to stop issuing loans and funding them until they will come to talk. What they talk about is a 10% increase in the miners' wages with a 10% rise in the price of coal. Not anti-business by preserving profits. During the Industrial Revolution of 1870-1900, public interest was business interest. Rare to think the public was not best served by the actions of business. Roosevelt accepts that most people will not be owners any more. Public and business are not the same thing any more. Republicans modify his free-labor ideology. Roosevelt is comfortable around big business owners. His job is to preserve the free enterprise system and protect it from big business owners that don't want it to continue. Knew that if he didn't take care of the union people they would follow the Radicals. Still thought he was acting in business's interests, too, though.

National Origins Act, 1924

The Klan took up money and used it to carve Stone Mountain in GA. The Klan has a definition of white Anglo-Saxon from England or Europe, not Ireland, and Protestant are their idea of "white." Not a wholly Southern institution. (The first one was, not the second.) While they call themselves an invisible empire, they aren't. This second one demonstrated in Washington, D.C. You can see their faces and do not hide them. They are nation-wide. Indiana and Oregon had Klan governors and elected Klan officials took over city council in Anaheim, California. Their idea - American patriotism is for white people. They claimed that Woodrow Wilson supported them, and he may have. They don't like the liberties of "outside" American taking away from the liberty of real "Americans." Remarkably similar to Nazi ideology, which exists at the same time. Klan members are not to buy from Jewish or Catholic businesses and they generally support Jim Crow. America is first and foremost a country for white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They claimed to be defenders of Christian tradition. One of the leaders was convicted of kidnapping and murdering his secretary. This helped contribute to their decline. He took her across state lines to do it, violating the 1910 "Man Act". Women cannot be taken across state lines for immoral purposes. Was meant to target prostitutes but also could help slaves sometimes too. They would get white men drunk and get them to take them back to NYC from Atlanta and would use this to blackmail them. The public Klan was destroyed in 1925 with the trail of one of its leaders. He had not only killed her but had bitten the corpse so many times that it looked like it had been "chewed on my a cannibal." Not defenders of Christian civilization, huh? The public idea of them faded more, and faded out of view. • They did help to get passed the National Origins Act of 1924 restricted immigration into the US could have 2% of its population in the Census. Many Poles come, and many of them are Jews. We made it harder for refugees from that part of the country to come to the US, so we made it harder for German-occupied Europe to take refuge here. We didn't really care about the Holocaust. It does not intend to go to the same place as the German Nazis in our American "native" ideology. Some same definitions, but not nearly as radical. We didn't want to round up or execute people.

Teapot Dome

The Teapot Dome scandal was a bribery incident that took place in the United States from 1922-1923, during the administration of President Warren G. Harding. Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall leased Navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome and two other locations to private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding. In 1922 and 1923, the leases became the subject of a sensational investigation by Senator Thomas J. Walsh. Fall was later convicted of accepting bribes from the oil companies.

The "Wisconsin Idea"

The idea that the government should help all people, not just African Americans comes about. Called for direct election of senators, progressive income tax, standardized bookkeeping for railroad companies, regulation of insurance companies, and using the income of the upper class to pay for all this. Returning control of the government to the middle class. Railroads must publish their rates and stick to them. No more under the table deals. Start to put an income tax into practice to make sure that the upper class doesn't get so far away from the middle class that they can't catch up. Aimed at small-scale professionals to help them.

Secret ballot

These were supposed to disenfranchise certain voters. It made it harder for illiterate and semiliterate voters to know who they were voting for. Previously, blacks could vote publicly by putting their ballot in a box, so they didn't even have to read to vote. They could use ballot stuffing by all putting their ballots in the box that they wanted and ballot stuffing. Could get together and decide which one they wanted by audibly finding out which box was for which candidate. Secret ballots made it easier to steal an election when you didn't like the outcome. It also discriminated against people who were somehow able to slip through the literacy tests. Another thing that went along with this was that the election commission started printing ballots rather than parties. They influenced ballot design to make it harder to read and therefore discriminate more. Due to these tactics, in Louisiana in 1877 there were 300,000 black voters. By 1900, only 3,000. The whole goal was to reduce the voice of black voters. The Southern Progressives were instituting these ballot powers and voting against the Redeemers. The Redeemers fell to the Progressives who set up Jim Crow. Once the Redeemers got in power, they were just as willing to use the black vote, which the Progressives called corruption. They would get the blacks to vote for them to get more money, etc.

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

They passed the National Recovery Act, which creates the NRA. It is headed by Hue Johnson who was crazy. Brigadier general. Theoretical legal power to regulate wages, prices, and production levels in American industry. A government agency telling you all this??? Many Americans angered by this. Soviet Union was not failing in 1933. They had just expanded their industrial sector by about 500%. Just begun the second 5 year plan. Centralized planning seemed to be the way to go. Everyone else who didn't have it was imploding in their economy, but the Soviets were prospering. So they needed to find their version of centralizing and planning the economy. Johnson knows full well that the NRA's powers to regulate would not survive court challenge. Struck down in 1936. He tried a public pressure campaign. When they passed regulations, he did not punish them legally for not following them. If you did follow them, you got a blue eagle that said, "We do our part. NRA." This gave incentive and public pressure to follow the rules. He said you should go to businesses that had the emblem in their window. Worked for consumer businesses but not others. Contained within this is the Public Works Administration. SO MUCH CONSTRUCTION that they built. Wilson Dam is in Muscle Shoals. Built in 1918 and finished in 1919. Had hydroelectric capability. Generated energy for a plant that made nitrates. Nitrates are used for fertilizer and explosives. Progressives like George Norris wanted to see the government make more plants like these and sell them for costs of operating them to the public. As governor of New York, FDR had overseen many of the publically funded hydroelectric. This was one of his long term goals.

William Howard Taft

Too fat to be in the bathtub of the White House. Over 300 pounds. Had to have another one. Only president to also serve as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He agreed with who he was talking to in person and then when they left he went and did as he pleased. Roosevelt thought Taft understood his project. Roosevelt wanted to use anti-trust lawsuits sparingly to target those that misbehaved. Taft introduced 3x as many as Roosevelt. He says that if the law said you couldn't get above a certain size, then you couldn't. Did it more cut and dry and went against Roosevelt's plan. After the stock market crash, J.P. Morgan said that U.S. Steel wanted to buy the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. Told Roosevelt. Would violate the Sherman Antitrust Act with a regional monopoly, but Roosevelt allowed it because it would get the economy rolling again. In Roosevelt's mind, this should be allowed because it benefitted average workers as well as Morgan. However, Taft issued a suit against Morgan as soon as he took the presidency. Taft did not like Roosevelt. Not what Roosevelt thought of as a Progressive. Bull-noose party. Progressive party. New Nationalism - Use federal power to counterbalance the other power (of industry). It is the federal government's job to secure liberty of the average person. Using the federal government to secure power rather than destroy it. Guy who actually beat Roosevelt in the election of 1912 when he was shot was Woodrow Wilson, who called for a "new freedom" and set international diplomacy on the course it is on now. New Freedom - Use of federal power to break up big business and return us to the prosperous era of small business where everyone has a shot. Wants to reform the banking system, which he does and created the Federal Reserve.

Social Security Act (1935)

Townsend said it was morally wrong that old people were not respected in this country. What if we placed a 2% tax on every item sold from producer to distributor/consumer? Give the money to old people. Support consumer spending within the month they get it and not hold a job. Job creation plan. Paying old people not to work so that young people can get their jobs. Similar to Social Security now. How is it determined now? By how much money you've made. You get a proportional amount of what you've paid in. Townsend wanted a general economy-wide tax. FDR said that it should be separate. Townsend's method was insane. There were Townsend clubs all over the country. He has donors, etc. When Roosevelt passes Social Security, it undercuts Townsend. He said no damned politician would ever be able to undercut his Social Security. You can't do it indirectly. You have to say "let's cut social Security." Making it a separate line item in the budget protected it. If you do this, you don't get votes from old people and it jeopardizes you. FDR recognized this.


Wilson is involved in trying to make Mexico behave the way we want to. He is inextricably linked with the Great War (WWI). World War, etc. Long story short, Germany was gambling this whole time. The US when the war broke out in August 1914, Wilson declared it wasn't our business and we should be neutral in thought and deed. The Germans were badly outnumbered. Very poorly led even though they might have had a numerical advantage at times. Great Britain, Russia, and France were better in all facets. Germany decided to use their submarines to starve the British out of the war. They were reacting because the British had blockaded Germany. So, the Germans thought they were responding. It was illegal since they were seizing food and medicine. The Germans used their submarines to counterblockade Great Britain. Not effective, tiny, weak, and slow. They only have the element of surprise. Policy was introduced called unrestricted submarine warfare. They would shoot near a cargo ship. The cruiser pulled up and decided whether or not to take the cargo. Not many people killed this way. If they shot them, they would either win or be sunk back by the ship. The problem for the Germans it that their submarine campaign was not effective. The British put more ships in the water than the Germans could sink. Neutral people were annoyed by this. Men who worked on merchant marine were tattooed, drunks, etc. often. It annoyed people when civilians are killed. U20 sunk the Lusitania. She was carrying explosives and was listed as a reserve British cruiser in a time of war, so the Germans thought they should attack it. They had no way to know it was civilians. 1200 people die including some 100 odd Americans. The sinking of the Lusitania DID NOT bring the US into the war. Wilson wrote the Kaiser a strongly worded letter and Germany backed off. They weren't willing to get into the war in 1915 and they said their ships would not do something specific while keeping a sharp eye on them.

Nuremberg trials

With the ex-Nazis we found, we put them on trial at Nuremberg, a city very important to the Nazis. The Soviets did not want to hold a real trial. Did not want to let them speak. The first four were all executed. The Americans and British wanted to hold a trial to establish permanently that what they did was wrong and what the consequences would be if others tried to do this. The main crime they got them on was invading other countries and starting a war. If you invade your neighbors for territory, that is a war against humanity. They didn't even use the Holocaust for this. The Soviets were disturbed that in the American occupation zones in Europe in Yalta, we start putting midlevel Nazis back in charge. Town mayor, local engineering jobs. The Soviets followed a ruthless de-Nazification party. George Patton was staying we also to take what's left of German army and go after the Soviets because they were the real enemy. This made the Soviets nervous. They didn't know they could trust us. There is no good answer to what do you do with the Nazi party. If you wanted to get ahead in Germany, you had to join the Nazi party. Sounds like the Bath party in Iraq. In 2003, we did the same. How do you separate true believers from career people? We took the Soviet answer in Iraq. Purged them all. Americans let true believer Nazis slip through. There is no good answer. You are going to get it wrong one way or the other.

"Pitchfork" Ben Tillman

a Southern Progressive elected to Congress in Grover Cleveland's second administration. He said he would vote for a farmer relief bill and if Cleveland didn't sign it, he would "poke him with his pitchfork." Ok with the power of the state to protect people's political hopes. Segregationalist. Rather than anti-lynching laws, you got segregation. Put an end to the people who executed black for success by separating them. 14th and 15th Amendments were in the way. "Separate but equal" was the solution.


a faction lead by Lodge, mostly these Republicans that wanted to change parts of treaty.

War Industries Board

a group of leaders led by Bernard Baruch. Coordinate all the producers, etc. It failed. Despite being a pacifist, Henry Ford agreed to build heavy tanks. The American Heavy Tank branch would use Henry Ford's tanks. By the end of the war, he had built 15. So we were equipped by the Allies. We used for the most part their sources. The Allies equipped us. U.S. Army was on the metric system even in WWII. We got it fro the French. French 75 became the American armament for the tanks in WWII. Established to coordinate the purchase of war supplies. The organization encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products. The board set production quotas and allocated raw materials. It also conducted psychological testing to help people find the right jobs.

Ida B. Wells

a woman who had just had a friend lynched for his grocery store being more successful than a white one nearby. Poured her energies into anti-lynching laws. She was black. Needed laws to prevent these attacks, but this would require the idea that blacks were equal under the law to whites, which they didn't believe.

Marshall Plan

an American program to aid Europe where the United States gave monetary support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II in order to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism. The goals of the United States were to rebuild a war-devastated region, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, and make Europe prosperous again.

Selective Service Act, May 1917

authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through conscription. The British ships were bigger and stronger than the submarines. Battle of Verdun. British and French had a huge battle. One of the worst battles of the 20th century equaled only by Stallingrad. Lasted longer. The Germans failed. They didn't break France or capture Verdun. The German surface navy was destined to get its butt kick by the Royal Navy. They would lose and take enough ships with them that British would leave them alone anyway. The Germans tried to lure part of the British fleet out. They tried to do that a few times and then they had to face the British and eventually defeat them. The British intercepted this message and met them with heavy resistance. The British had more ships to sink, even though the Germans sank more. The pounded on the first German ship in the line. They ran away twice from the attacking British. It was August before they could even contemplate leaving the port. They went Communist rather than fight the British again. Army officers in charge of Germany made a gamble: Resuming unrestricted submarine warfare will bring the US into the war. Correct. 2nd - It will be a year before the US army show up in large numbers. Also correct. 3rd - German submarines can strangle Great Britain in 6 months. Wrong. They brought the US into the war. They knew that resuming their submarine campaign would absolutely bring the US in. Woodrow Wilson justified this by neutral shipping rights. Wilson thought of the US as a commercial power, an exporter. What does it mean for the US economy if we can't export? Hard times for business owners and for workers. Wilson is the only American president to hold a Ph.D. in History. Wilson was an immense racist. He argued that he understood Europe's problems better than the Europeans. His plan to end the war permanently depended upon his ability to get a seat on the Peace Conference at the end of war. He had run in 1916 on the premise that US is at war, and we're not in it. Wilson tries to take his chance to change the world. In the first month and a half of the war, the French fired off ¾ of their artillery shells. What are the requirements of modern war? LOTS of artillery. Because of the trenches, you needed a way to break through them - tanks invented by the British. To stop a tank attack, dig a ditch too wide for it. The tank bounces across it if this happens. You need gas masks. In a desperate effort, both sides resorted to chemical weapons. You need machine guns. All types of things from 50's science fiction. French soldiers with their Hotchkiss picture. You also needed stupid hats, apparently, to go with your uniform. The scale of this war means that they have to coordinate their massive American economy to produce war material on a scale no one had contemplated, even three years previously. Mobilize an army and find officers for it, and first war fought in industrial age and development of mass society. So they had to use media to influence the broad percentage of Americans not to directly oppose it and hopely to support it.

A. Mitchell Palmer

best known as A. Mitchell Palmer, was Attorney General of the United States from 1919 to 1921. He directed the controversial Palmer Raids. The Palmer Raids were attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport radical leftists, especially anarchists, from the United States. The raids and arrests occurred in November 1919 and January 1920 under the leadership of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. Though more than 500 foreign citizens were deported, including a number of prominent leftist leaders, Palmer's efforts were largely frustrated by officials at the U.S. Department of Labor who had responsibility for deportations and who objected to Palmer's methods. The Palmer Raids occurred in the larger context of the Red Scare, the term given to fear of and reaction against political radicals in the U.S. in the years immediately following World War I. A group of Communists had the October Revolution. They were 13 days behind everyone else because they hadn't updated their calendar. Some Soviet Bolsheviks and Leon Tronskty called for revolution. The Red Scare began. He died from an ice pick to the head. 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia. 1919 Communist Uprising that fails in Berlin. There is a real fear that there is going to be Bolshevik agitation in other places. Most of them wanted to. In this context, we handled the transition from war to peace on the economic front very, very poorly. War Industries Board canceled all war contracts in 1919. All of the factories were out of work now. Cost of living had already gone up during the war, now we had mass unemployment and quick return of veterans with no way to get jobs. They had arms training. March 1919, general strike in Seattle. Most workers walked off the job trying to force 8 hour day. Seattle is close to Russia and Russia is full of Communists. Therefore it's a conspiracy. The Communists were actually on the opposite side of Russia from Seattle. Americans, Japanese, and Siberians got into it. American labor radicalism starts to because linked to Bolshevism. He wanted day-to-day improvement - Samuel Gompers. They tried to blow up the Mitchell Palmer house. Nitro glisterin. It set the bomb off. Palmer overreacts. He was in the back of the house with the women and children. Then, that fall, an anti-senator labor worker in GA got a package and opened it and her hands blew up and off. Packages addressed to Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc. in a postmaster group in NY. They find them and want to know who and why. A. Mitchell Palmer takes it on himself that all the anarchists in this country are in it together. Raids offices of Russian Workers Federation. Immigrants, anarchists, and atheists. No one defended them. They were looking for a list of names. A network who those guys were talking to. No evidence that these guys sent the bombs. We still don't know who sent them bombs. Poor police work. He doesn't know what he's doing. Doesn't like having to depend on local police. Creates Investigative Bureau in the federal government created. Headed by J. Edgar Hoover. Now the FBI. Hoover powerfully shaped American law enforcement and hunted for American Communists. To be a genuine Communist, you have to be an atheist. MLK was a Baptist minister. The NY State Legislature expelled Socialist party members. They were a goofy bunch. They were legitimately elected. Why were they allowed to be thrown out? This scared people because it could happen again. When Americans get scared, they get stupid and overreact. There was a legitimate threat. Mitchell Palmer in 1920 does a large series of raids. Rounds up people and ships them off to the Soviet Union. Communists are everywhere. Palmer overextends himself. He claims that there is going to be a communist uprising in the US on May 1, 1920. May Day. International Protector of Labor. Soviet Union had a big parade with tanks. • Mobs went to streets of Boston to show liberty and respect of private property. Smashed storefront windows. Doesn't mean Socialists had arrived. People were silly. Machine guns at intersections, and subways shut down in NY. • When it fails, most people leave you alone. Prediction was based on fear, not evidence. Woodrow Wilson emerges and gets a further hand on the process. Anti-German nonsense of WWI translates into Anti-Bolshevik fear. Bomb set off on Wall Street on a horse car. They overreacted but calmed down fairly quickly. Leads us to the election of 1920, in which a major candidate said people are tired with agitation and reform. We want normalcy. Warren Harden made it up.

Robert M. La Follette

creator of the "Wisconsin Idea." Most commonly associated with him. Business eventually regulated on behalf of the public. States start passing laws regulating working hours, wages, etc. Especially Oregon. One of the biggest events that impacted these laws was the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire. They couldn't fight it and many people had to jump out to their death or burn. From this, modified worker laws. Less hours, more regulations, etc. Oregon sued in court saying they were in violation of their rights but since they only applied to women and children, the worker laws upheld. A modification of free labor, which assumes that the goal of every man is to go into business for himself.

National Union for Social Injustice

founded by Charles Coughlin. He wrote a platform calling for monetary reforms, the nationalization of major industries and railroads, and protection of the rights of labor. The membership ran into the millions, resembling the Populist movement of the 1890s.

Agricultural Adjustment Association (AAA)

o Agricultural Adjustment Act which creates the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Pushes farmers to grow less making commodities cost more. Paid for planting less. The government paid them to grow less. They had to destroy every fourth row. After the first year, they just planted less, but at first they had to destroy crops.

Francis Townsend

o Francis Townsend - Lives the longest of these. Outlived both Long and Coughlin. He had an interesting idea. He saw old ladies scrounging in his garbage looking for food. Said it was morally wrong that old people were not respected in this country. What if we placed a 2% tax on every item sold from producer to distributor/consumer? Give the money to old people. Support consumer spending within the month they get it and not hold a job. Job creation plan. Paying old people not to work so that young people can get their jobs. Similar to Social Security now. How is it determined now? By how much money you've made. You get a proportional amount of what you've paid in. Townsend wanted a general economy-wide tax. FDR said that it should be separate. Townsend's method was insane. There were Townsend clubs all over the country. He has donors, etc. When Roosevelt passes Social Security, it undercuts Townsend. He said no damned politician would ever be able to undercut his Social Security. You can't do it indirectly. You have to say "let's cut social Security." Making it a separate line item in the budget protected it. If you do this, you don't get votes from old people and it jeopardizes you. FDR recognized this.

Huey Long

o Huey Long was the governor/senator from Louisiana. In 1932, he went to Washington to take up his senatorial job, entrusting one of his buddies to be the governor of Louisiana. For two years, he held governor and senator positions, completely illegal. Poor. When elected governor, he went in. Many poor people but a rich state because Standard Oil owned much land there. Raised taxes on oil companies and used it to build infrastructures and schools, etc. Sarah Palin did some things similar to this too. Long decided he was a small-breed Populist. Small people loved him. He said we needed to have the wealth of Louisiana benefit all Louisianans. He decided that his enemies are so dirty that he could be as dirty as he wanted and still be good. Rigged the election, controls his candidates. Gets Louisiana under his control with popular support. In this time in Europe, Hitler said that if you kept doing this I would fix things. FDR said the same thing but leaves people to their choice, but never tried to assume a dictator-style leadership. Adolf Hitler and Huey Long both thought they had to abolish democracy to save the economy/nation for a while (read.) Long is our version of Hitler. Sort of. Decided to make a third party run for president. 1936 is the election where Huey Long, Townsend, and Coughlin tried to form the Share Our Wealth Society. (Look up). Long was dead by the election of 1936. By Charles Veisse. He does not survive the return fire of his bodyguards. Some stories think that the ricochet from the guards killed him, but not true.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

o They also create the Civilian Conservation Corps - designed to reduce violence and unrest. Young men 18-25 in barracks and they basically build the National Park System. They clear trails and build cabins and bridges. They were paid $25 a month and got to keep $5. Sent the rest back to family. Five dollars left for luxuries for the children. Useful for the families who did need it.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

o They passed the Tennessee Valley Authority act. People went and worked on the dams to build them, so it gave them jobs. Local businesses also were happy because these were new consumers. Stimulated the economy everywhere the dams were built. Probably the most enduring thing in the New Deal. Only thing still around, we think.

Father Charles Coughlin

o Townsend is relatively easily beaten. FDR incorporates the useful aspects of his plan. Coughlin had a radio program and it is very dry and theological. By 1932, one of the greatest dangers to Christian civilization was unbridled capitalism. Communism was only worse. This only makes sense if you assume that they are opposites. Catholic priest. He believed that he would drive the money chargers from their place of high importance in civilization. The support of banks and extension of diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union angered Coughlin when FDR did it. This was one of the smartest things he ever did. Making at least moderately nice of the Soviets puts us in a position to defeat Hitler. Hitler and Coughlin believed that Jews were Communist bankers. Got more fan mail than anyone else in the US in 1934. Father Coughlin. He got more than even FDR. For 1936, Coughlin founded the National Union of Social Justice. Mailing list, donations, and donors. He began to move away and denounced certain things FDR did. Wanted to overturn FDR and wanted to overturn the Republicans because he didn't like them either. He wanted to run for President. A Catholic had never been president. Also, he was born in Canada. He can't run for president but he could sure put his organization behind anyone who could. Townsend couldn't run because he was too old.

Truman Doctrine

the American foreign policy in 1947 of providing economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey because they were threatened by communism. It was the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion; it was a major step in beginning the Cold War.

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity

was a concept created and promulgated during the Shōwa period by the government and military of the Empire of Japan. It represented the desire to create a self-sufficient "bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers". It was announced in a radio address entitled "The International Situation and Japan's Position" by Foreign Minister Hachirō Arita on June 29, 1940.[1] • A faction in Japan was the Imperial Way faction that conquered Manchuria against orders for Japan. Then they invaded China. Use anti-imperialism as a cover for Japanese-imperialism. Get the westerners out of Asia and the Asian economy returns toward Japan. Turn it towards themselves. Attacked the Soviet Union. The Red Army had a lot of problems but lots of real strengths too. Destroyed Japanese army twice the size of theirs in a battle. The defeat was so stunning that they never went north again. Kalkinqual. Never expanded toward Siberia again. They have none of the things they need to be a major industrial power. After this, they turned south. Then, they seized the northern half of Indochina. Vietnam and Laos. Embargo on Japanese purchases on certain things of the US. Slap on the wrist. 80% of their oil and 50% of ....

Inchon landon

was an amphibious invasion and battle of the Korean War that resulted in a decisive victory and strategic reversal in favor of the United Nations (UN).

America First Committee

was the foremost non-interventionist pressure group against the American entry into World War II. Peaking at 800,000 paid members in 650 chapters, it was one of the largest anti-war organizations in American history.[1][2] Started in 1940, it shut down after the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

Article X, League of Nations Charter

where nations could go and talk instead of resorting to war. Never put into effect because the Senate voted it down. Wilson went on a speaking tour in 1919. 1/3 of the Senate would change in 1920. Putting pressure on the people up for elections and wanted them to vote his treaty. Tried to convince the people up for reelection that if they oppose the election they would lose their seat. Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. Removed him from the fight over the Treaty of Versailles. Which we didn't ratify and did not learn League of Nations. Made a wholly separate treaty with Germany in 1921. Stroke ended his leadership. Continued to maintain that he was in control. Wife Edith took all responsibilities, went in and would handle Wilson's affairs for him. Would take the proposals in to Woodrow's office and "talk" with him then come back out and give his answer. He may not even have been responsive. We don't know.

Bonus Expeditionary Force

• Bill comes through Congress. Soldiers who went to France got a pay raise. They would give you a pay if you were in the AEF and lived until 1945, you would get that back pay. They put it in trust funds and play to pay it out in 1945. If you want to say this, you can make the argument that if someone put a uniform on and braved it in the battlefield, pay them now. They argued that they were going to spend the money. The Bonus bill moved through the two houses of Congress. Led by Walter White, a group of Veterans, show up at Washington, D.C. after moving through country. They call themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force. They are arguing for the passage of the bill. Rather large demonstrations. New police chief after the old one doesn't suppress them. After the new one comes in, several marchers killed. Fearing that they will be injured the next day, he ordered that they be escorted out of the city. Hoover did this. General Douglas McArthur's orders were to clear the marchers out of Washington past the bridge. He thought that they were Communist marchers and that only he could save the government. They tear gassed and burned the camp with swords drawn and army tanks. The US Army publically removed veterans from Washington who were demonstrating peacefully. McArthur was very powerful in the Republican Party. Hoover, instead of saying that he had gone past his orders, backed him. In an election year, this hurt his image. Dwight D. Eisenhower had helped him in this attack, as well.


• City in Japan that we had not targeted. Largely untouched by American air raids. August 6, 1945. The crew of the Anola Gay all had psychological problems the rest of their lives. The guy who actually pushed the button to kill almost 100,000 people had serious problems the rest of his life. Hiroshima is what this was. A few days after this, the Soviet Union invaded Manchuria. The Soviets had tanks and men that had just crushed the German army. Japanese resistance collapsed.

Ardennes Offensive

• Don't forget the Ardennes Offensive - the Soviets came to our aid when we needed it. In Europe, we took prisoners before this.

Dwight Eisenhower

• Eisenhower had already sent an American officer home for insulting a British officer. It was a term of affection for some American soldiers. Eisenhower said that he couldn't do that because it was offensive and not good if we were going to fight the war together.

Al Smith

• Election of 1928. Who votes for which party is going to shift. Up until this point, city dwellers and immigrants were primarily Republican. Otherwise, Southerners and agriculture people were Democratic. Republicans supported Prohibition; Democrats did not. Republicans got more of the Catholic vote. Democrats were more white Anglo-Saxton Protestant. They nominated Al Smith. NYC investigators who had investigated the Triangle Fire. Al Smith was nominated by the Democratic party. Proud immigrant and NYC accented Catholic. Also, opposed to Prohibition. They voted for him anyway even though he was different from what they wanted. They simply knew that the was a Democrat, and they always voted Democrat in the South. Smith won some cities, however. Who votes for Democrats and Republicans started to shift at this point. Smith went up against the great engineer, Herbert Hoover. Herbert vas highly qualified to lead these people out of the depression (insert qualifications). He wrote a book about how to solve government. "The greatest technical mind is finally in the head of government," was said.

United Nations

• Headquartered in New York. The United Nations could do military action, but they didn't actually do it. Eleanor Roosevelt was our first ambassador for the UN

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

• Herbert Hoover blew what little chance he had for reelection. He came up against one of the best political operators of the 20th century. FDR. More or less permanently ensconced in the record book. Elected president 4 times. No one else will ever pull that off. The Constitution was changed to prevent it. As a candidate, he was everything Hoover was not. Hoover is brilliant, but was also cold and distant. Gave no press conferences in his last year in the white house. Roosevelt was not that. He was personable. He was friendly and managed to make the average person feel like he understood them. Roosevelt was NOT an average person. Was never afraid of poverty. In the 1890s when he was growing up, this made him very different from the children of working class families whose lives were very uncertain. He believed that everyone should have that same sense of security he had. Son of the elite and never had to overcome anything in his life. After 1921, his legs never worked properly again. He was struck with polio. He supported himself with his arms. His chest was huge. He had to work his upper body to make up for the fact that his lower body was no longer functional. Hoover would draw a line on a map. Tell you what counties the lines ran through, which banks were in them, etc. Hoover had a mind for numbers. Roosevelt could tell you who were the district leaders and funny stories in each of them. He had a mind for people. FDR was inconsistent. He contradicted himself sometimes. Could be very frustrating.

Herbert Hoover

• Herbert Hoover made a huge speech. He said factories and everything else that made our economy is still there. Andrew Mellon said let the system purge out its evils, etc. So did Harding's press secretary or one of the earlier presidents. His first explanation was that the problems of the depression must fall on profits, not wages. When the cash cycle is interrupted, you have to keep consumer spending up, which will in turn help jump start the factories again. You had warehouses that were full and overproduction, so he realized this would take a while. Hoover went to the biggest employers in the country - GE and US Steel. Got them to agree to a general wage freeze. They didn't fire people immediately. Suggesting it is in the best interest in the bottom line of the industrial concerns to keep these people happy and still buying things. Top 10% of the country controlled 2/3 of the wealth. They needed broad purchasing power. The extremes of the economy mean that most people are going to be struggling to consume. They can consume a lot, but only so much. In an industrial and consumer economy, the workers have to be able to belly up to the table. Buy things so their employers can make things. He was Santa Clause of consumer confidence. Hoover was concerned not about the US but with Europe. It was substantially worse in Europe than there. Unemployment topped out in 1933 around 25%. German was about 40%. This didn't count people who had given up looking for work. They got Hitler as a result. Before this, they got 2% of the German vote. Matched the unemployment really nicely. As Europe collapses, the Allied governments owed the federal government and our banks lots of money that they had taken out to furnish the war. Hoover tried to get a Moratorian to agree to suspend the loan payments for the duration. The volume of international trade fell by 2/3. • Hoover took a critical step. Doubled the public works budget. Tried to put people to work by building infrastructure and therefore putting money in people's pockets. Not much, though. January of 1942 - Created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation


• Hitler wanted for Germany to be the world's dominant economic power. The language of international business is English, the dollar is the currency, and the nation of dominant economic power is America. Hitler wanted this for Germany. This would give a better life for the "better" German. They needed to carve out space and an empire in Europe. Poland, etc. These people living here have no place in Hitler's world order, and he had to get rid of them. Hitler knew he would have to fight the US eventually. Franklin saw that he was trying to upset the international order, and that order benefitted us. ... LISTEN HERE. With Britain fighting Hitler, the Royal Navy was essentially shielding the US. If Hitler defeated Britain, these ships would go into his hands. • The plan that Roosevelt came up with was House Resolution 1776, which created the lend-lease program. If we can't sell war materials to Britain, we will just give it to them. In one of his fireside chats, he says "Our neighbor's house is on fire. Are we going to lend a fire hose to him or waste time talking about legalities of it?" • Provided nearly 40% of Britain's weapons. Lend-Lease passed. • Lend-lease extended to Soviet Union. Provided for about 10% of their war effort. The Soviets beat the Germans. We helped them more with Germany than they helped us with Japan. It was the smartest thing to do to extend lend-lease to Soviets. This creates unofficial naval war in (look up.) Pacific.

Harlem Renaissance

• In New York, you start to see an emerging African American middle class. Fur coats and non-cheap car. These people are doing reasonably well for themselves in NY. They need literature, art, movement to distract themselves. Harlem Renaissance is a rebirth of American culture. E.E. Cummings was poet. Langston Hughes was sort of a break-through poet of the day. Incorporates speech rhythms of his contemporaries in his poetry. Similar to jazz of the era.

Yalta Conference

• In Yalta in 1945, there was a conference. They were seated because Roosevelt couldn't stand. In this time, he had only 2 months to live. Winston Churchill was talking. At this conference, we tried to decide the shape of the post-war world. Stalin got roaring drunk and made fun of Churchill at the conference before this. The war with Japan was not over. We still might need Soviet help from Japan. FDR extracts from Stalin a promise that within 3 months of the war, he would attack the Japanese in China. They invaded Manchuria. Declaration on what Europe would look like after the war. Trying to build a peace settlement that will last, unlike the one in WWI. Free elections in which everyone but the Nazis could participate. Stalin had a hand in drafting this Declaration on Liberated Europe. It is pretty clear that where the Red Army goes, communism is going too. (Listen) Where the American army goes, free market democracy is going. FDR probably knew that Stalin would not hold a "free democracy" election in Poland. He said it didn't matter either as long as we didn't have to be best friends with them. Basically tried to convince Stalin that we were not going to attack him, etc. FDR died in 1945. Hitler thought that he was saved when FDR died. Somehow this would stop the Soviet Union from bearing down on Berlin. It didn't. The Soviet flag was invaded in 1945. They damaged half the buildings in Berlin and took the city. Soviets were convinced that they had done the dying in Europe. They had. Once Berlin fell, the Big 3 met again. FDR was dead, so Truman showed up.

Phillip Randolph

• June of 1941, gearring up industrial production for lend-lease. Arsenal of democracy. Don't fight the people who are offering ..., • Head of that union was A. Phillip Randolph. He was black and took pictures with Elanor Roosevelt and Laguordia of NY. He decided to march on Washington and not discriminate in hiring jobs for the war. The idea of a large number of African Americna men coming to the South terrified many. Told white secretaries, go home and lock your doors or you'll be raped. Randolph was going to hold march on Washington, but never did.

Marcus Garvey

• Marcus Garvey had a flair for publicity. Met publicly with the head of the KKK in Atlanta. Got him much attention. Also made the argument that all white men in his time were racist. Basic ideas: black economic nationalism. Economic success should not just be for whites. Also, black Zionism. They(Germany?) were beginning to argue that Jews had no place in their culture in Europe. They needed a country that could put pressure on them from the outside because they were Jews too. He wanted a strong state in Africa to go against the US and tell them to quit discriminating against the blacks in the US. His idea is that a strong African state would encourage the US not to discriminate. He wanted there to be a strong African country without really understanding Africa that well.


• Okinawa. 250,000 dead. America lost 450,000 in the entire war. They had no idea what was going to happen when they hit Japan.

The "Four Policemen"

• Roosevelt's Four Policemen. Eagle, bear, lion, dragon. • Americans were eagle, bears were the Soviet Union, lions were Britain, dragons were China. No one wanted to fight these four nations. The world's largest army, largest economy, most populous country. No one could challenge these or wanted to. Good idea by FDR. Five permanent members who could veto anything that happens on Security Council. France was the fifth. National animal - rooster. Five permanent members (four plus France) will keep the peace. This might have actually worked if not for the Cold War. If we didn't veto a Security Council thing, the Soviets did.

Manhattan Project

• The Germans never built a bomb because some of their people lacked the technical skill, etc. The British had an atomic bomb program but no resources. The Soviets went with tanks instead of atomic bombs. Japs had two atomic bomb efforts. They also lacked utterly in the resources. To manufacture uranium, you have to make uranium hexafluoride gas. Measured in grams. In TN, we could do it by the ton. The US was the only one who could fight one war in Europe, one on the mainland, create three secret new cities, arm our allies, and build a nuclear weapon. All of the top nuclear physicists in the country helped us. First sustained chain reaction in Chicago done. A fair number of people working on American atomic bomb projects - MANHATTEN PROJECT as a way to keep it secret. President that seceded FDR didn't even know. Truman started tracking it and started uncovering it. Chief of Staff of the army George Marshall said it was a real project and the money wasn't being wasted. Marshall was most respected in the army. Truman believed him.

Herbert Hoover

• The election of 1920 saw Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats essentially discredited. One of the more interesting people to ever to become American president. Warren Harding who would have ever been just as happy not to be President. Republicans that year thought they had a good shot of winning White House. Harding was in the Senate. He was not exactly a Senator. Missed more than 2/3 of the votes while he was in the Senate. Liked how it was an exclusive country club. Personable fellow. Campaign manager went to negotiate a deal Leonard Warden and Charles Hughes couldn't surpass the deadlock. So campaign manager said let's nominate the best of the second. Liked to make up words and give speeches. Blowveiating. Apparently a central Ohio witticism for giving a speech that is "an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea." Realized that American had had only Teddy Roosevelt in the reform minded way. Famous campaign lines. American people are tired of this. Not nostrums but normalcy. The American public was tired of all the Progressive agitations and wanted things back to how they were in the good old days. Was elected in a landslide. The 19th Amendment had been passed and this was the first presidential election in which women voted in large numbers. The 18th amendment was also on the books at this point, so alcohol bans. He was the last machine presidents due to his campaign manager's actions. He said he wished that some people would explain this presidency and tax things to him. • He gets some things right. Herbert Hoover was appointed as Secretary of Commerce. Bipartisan. Republican working in Harding's Democratic legislation. Volunteerist order and rationalize the process of competition. Works. Putting producers in touch with other people. Also appointed Charles Evans Hughes as Secretary of State. One of the two that tried to be president. Harding believed in disarmament like Wilson and Pershing. He was a fiscal conservative. Ways to do this is to reduce the size of the Navy. On the other side, it's bad policy to just reduce our navy and hope we don't get in trouble. Tells Hughes to fix this. Invites world's naval powers to conference in New York. Washington Naval Treaty. Fleets would stay within certain sizes. No new construction for 10 years. Finish the ones you are working on now. Size limitations. No one expected it to go as well as it did. Arms limitation. Odd development in American Naval policy. Lexington and Saratoga. Battle cruiser. Churchill. Eggshell with a hammer. Don't do well in conflict against battle ships. Under treaty, we had to scrap them. We didn't have enough aircraft carriers, however. Substantially faster than any other battleships afloat. Americans start building "fast carriers." What won us the war in Pacific in WWII. Harding by accident created the fast carrier in US Navy. Japanese had two similar ships, which hit Pearl Harbor in WWII. Had a sense of picking associates like Grant. Secretary of Veteran's Affairs named Charles Forbes. Provision allowed them to sell off surplus supplies if not needed. Shell shock, PTSD was discovered after WWI. Forbes takes the medical supplies and sells them, pocketing the money. Threw the most lavish parties in D.C. Under a public servant's salary. Harding wasn't doing any of this and died in debt. Harding was a big man. Forbes was not. Harding made a lot of his appointment based on that he liked the guy. Good a poker, telling jokes. Comes back to killing Warren Harding, who died of heart attack in 1923.


• Then, we dropped the 20 kiloton bomb on Nagasaki. The bomb is actually more powerful. Hiroshima was flat. Nothing to impeded progress of fireball. Nagasaki had hills to do this. 80,000 people died instantly at Nagasaki.

Korematsu v. United States

• There was a Japanese Individual who challenged the internment in courts. Executive Order 9066 should terrify you because it lets the government round up U.S. citizens based on who their parents are if they feel it. Korematsu had to go back to the internment camp. There are actually two of these cases. It overturned the legality the second time. It was the same guy. They paid out $25,000 to each family who had been rounded up. It took a while for it to work its way through and for us to feel bad about it. American economic mobilization more or less made consumer life in the 50s possible. This mobilization meant we had to be more inclusive in hiring practices and the war. Only extended to African Americans, women, etc. Not the Japanese.


• UNIA (United Improvement Association) - overall goal is to turn working class African Americans into owners slowly on a broad scale. The dues are not very high and one of the things you can do as a member is sell the newspaper for it. In Omaha, Nebraska, the Little family were big in the Garvey organization. Malcolm Little's dad was a Garvey UNIA member. Garvey founded this. African American workers take a small portion of their wages and buy stock in UNIA and set up bulk shipping funded by the subscriptions of large numbers of small scale investors. The name of the line that operated the Titanic was the White Star. He named it the Black Star Line, Ltd. He has rather grand ideas. Regular freight and passenger services. Never raised enough money to buy good ships. They bought a few on Lake Michigan. Not enough money to negotiate properly and knew nothing about buying a cargo ship. Never really got into operation. Mail fraud for soliciting money for this line that collapses. He is not a US citizen but is a resident alien born in Jamaica. He then decided to try to change West Hemisphere African based culture, discouraged. He founded Rastafarians. His own religion. Rastafarians are Old Testaments in their views toward women. Not always pleasant. An emperor would rise in Africa, signaling a new era for African Americans. Emperor of John Rast something of Uganda. He never really understood that he was their hero. Argumend of W.E.B. DuBois in the argument that African American culture is legitimate. Both argue for economic uplift with someone else.

Zora Neale Hurston

• Zora Neale Hurston wants to explain southern African Americans to the NY blacks. There is a culture there that is worth paying attention to. These two both aim to give legitimacy to African American culture. It is reasonable, valid, and an accomplishment. Segregation presumes inferiority. They are arguing that the black middle class is as good as the white middle class. Hurston and Hughes too.

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