History Exam 2

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Market Revolution Definition

A change in American economic philosophy from subsistence- to commercial-based (people focused more on profits instead of producing for themselves); resulted from the combined impact of the increased output of farms and factories, the entrepreneurial activities of traders and merchants, and the development of an improved transportation network.

Invisible Church

A term used to describe groups of African American slaves who met in secret for Christian worship. Often times, slaves would pray for in the "next world" and the real one (abolish slavery, receive justice).

Market Revolution Historical Context

At the time many Americans belonged to self-sufficient homes and family farms, but the changing economic landscape at the time called for many changes in American lifestyle. The country was becoming more involved in commercial economic activity and national market relations.

War Hawks Historical Context

At the time many Americans were looking to acquire land out west as that was the most common means to develop ones wealth during the time. This expansionistic approach was one of the key drivers that made the war hawks deliberately attempt to incite war. Another important factor was Tecumseh and his efforts to unite the Indian tribes along the western frontier. Many of the war hawks believed they were allied with the British (whether it was true or not) and as a result this gave the war hawks even more reason to take up arms and invade.

German Coast Slave Rebellion Historical Context

At the time many slave owners and much of the US was tense due to what had happened in Haiti (slave rebellion). This caused not only white Americans to be tense but also many slaves as there seemed to be an uprising to come. Unfortunately, this particular revolt was stopped by militia and trials and executions were conducted shortly after.

"His High Mightiness" Historical Context

At the time the Articles of Confederation had just been replaced with a new, stronger more centralized government and many people were quite against this change. George Washington was the only individual that could legitimize the new government and as a result many people felt he had too much power. Another characteristic that influenced this [blank] is that the federalists had attempted to promote Washington as some sort of King which caught a lot of backlash as the American people were more in favor of a simpler, less extravagant leader.

Gradual Emancipation Historical Context

At the time the Haitian Revolution had just occurred and in the War of 1812, many slaves had taken up arms against the young American republic and as a result many of the country's leaders feared that the enslaved would do it again, therefore not only was this a social problem being targeted but also a militaristic one. The reason for a "gradual" approach can be attributed to America's dependence on the slave labor regime. To eradicate it overnight would have been detrimental to the American economy/development.

Cherokee Removal Historical Context

At the time, many Americans were aggressively looking to extend the country's borders westward in what was considered manifest destiny. Unfortunately for the people that were already occupying that land it meant they would either have to assimilate or relocate. The "Empire" of the "Free" America was going to see that anyone who stood in the way of this destiny (westward expansion) was going to be removed.

Whiskey Rebellion Historical Context

At the time, the US was in a lot of debt due to the recent war, so the taxation was necessary in order to pay off these debts. Another issue at hand was that Shay's Rebellion (1783) had exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, and the Whisky Rebellion was going to determine the strength of the newly formed US government.

Second Middle Passage Historical Context

At the time, the US was slowly expanding west and one of the predominant reasons why was the extensive land and growing season available west. This was a tragic and brutal quest for slaves and something was constantly trying to be avoided by most slaves. Work in the new south was more difficult as they were pioneering the land, and this meant separation from families. Due to the intense work and high demand for slaves in the new south certain requirements, traits, and characteristics were often insisted upon by slave owners.

Pushing System Historical Context

At the time, the cotton industry or cotton kingdom of the south was booming, and as a result demand for the good was exponentially growing. Therefore, the pushing system was driving productivity in order to meet the growing demands of cotton.

Northwest Ordinance Historical Context

At the time, there was a lot of conflict with the Indians as Americans were continuously infringing upon their land. This was an attempt by congress to control the American people and make amends with the Indians. This also established an orderly process to acquiring Indian land.

Antebellum Slave Families Historical Context

During the antebellum era of the US, many slaves were being removed from their homes/families to be transported south through the second middle passage. Therefore, the marriage was not as binding in terms of a couples being able to stay together (out of their control), but never the less was a sacred union.

Northwest Ordinance Defintion

Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states and to maintain a mutual relationship with the natives.

Whiskey Rebellion definition

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.

German Coast Slave Rebellion

Involved a group of 500 slaves that came together under the leadership of Charles Deslondes with the objective of marching to New Orleans hoping to mimic what occurred in Haiti.

Dunmore's Proclamation Historical Context

Slavery was an intricate part of American society at the time and also a fear among many Americans/Colonists that they would in the event of invasion take up arms against the US. Dunmore recognized this vital military flaw within the colonies and as a result had potentially up to 2,000 enslaved join his forces.

Invisible Church Historical Context

Slaves were commonly introduced to Christianity by their owners as a means to make slavery less rebellious. Slaves were taught to know their place and emphasize work ethic/ productivity. Slaves, without their masters knowing often combined elements of Christianity with some of their own cultural values/ practices. This included songs of protest and liberation that were quite common.

War hawks Definition

Southerners and Westerners who were eager for war with Britain. They had a strong sense of nationalism, and they wanted to takeover British land in North America and expand.

Antebellum Slave Families

The "families" that were able to come together despite the complex system of slavery. It was not uncommon for these families to be both encouraged and divided by slaveholders. Families presented the opportunity for a natural increase in an owner's number of slaves, and an opportunity for owners to use as collateral to tighten control of their slaves.

Second Middle Passage

The 2nd middle passage was the transfer of roughly 1 million slaves from the East coast to the southwest. This was twice as many slaves being transported than during the Atlantic slave trade to North America.

Cherokee Removal

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.

Pushing System

The pushing system was an approach taken by many cotton plantation slave owners where they would require each slave to pick more cotton than they had the previous day. If the quota was not met, then each slave would get a corresponding number of lashes (in relation to the pounds of cotton they were lacking).

Second Middle Passage Significance

The second middle passage is especially significant because it created an entire slave trading industry that helped to facilitate the needs of the new slave owners as well as a safe passage to the new south. It was a horrific time in US history that helped develop the extensive network of slaves and plantations that would come to be in the cotton kingdom of the south.

Market Revolution Significance

The significance is that much of typical American life changed. Goods and merchandise were no more regularly bough rather than produced within the house. This cause many women who now found themselves displaced to begin to find work in cities and towns (urban areas), forever changing the structure of the typical American household. Another important aspect of the market revolution that deserves recognition is that it was fueled by the institution of slavery. Had there not been a labor regime as developed and complex as it was in the south, the industry and urbanization of the North would not have happened in the same manner and to the same degree.

Gradual Emancipation Significance

The significance of these plans is that it further divided the country between those that accepted slavery and those that did not (even though everyone benefited or was affected by slavery). It created a sense of regional polarization and was a potent source of friction between the North and South that would come to develop into the Civil War.

Northwest Ordinance Significance

The significance of this act is that it provided "good faith" with the Indians, although it would not be long before we started breaking the foundations and parameters we put in place and it also perpetuated the gradual emancipation in the North.

German Coast Slave Rebellion Significance

The significance of this revolt is that there would be no Haitian Revolution in the US. Slave masters and slave owners were far too invested and controlling and would not allow slaves the freedom or means to rise up on their own. They would need to enlist the help of others in order to abolish slavery in the US entirely.

Pushing System Significance

This is significant because brutal practice like this are what ultimately drove the US to its global economic position. They had an entire population/network of workers (slaves) that were being met with brutal and ridiculous workloads and they really did not have a say in the matter. Slaves would undoubtedly try and fight this system with ploys such as throwing rocks in baskets to dilute their final weigh ins and help each other out to meet the different quotas. This is a horrific time in American history but ultimately a key driver for American economic success.

Whiskey Rebellion Significane

This is significant because it demonstrated that the new government was powerful enough to handle any internal conflicts and that the different states that made up the US would ultimately have to answer to new more powerful, centralized government.

"His High Mightiness" Significance

This is significant because it embodied the two major opposing political perspectives at the time. There was a lot of tension between those that supported a stronger and those that supported a weaker government. Although originally the plan for the US was to embody a weaker form of government, it was soon realized that a stronger one had to be put in place and that is the format we have continued now for over 200 years.

Invisible Church significance

This is significant because it emphasizes the idea that a slave live could not be completely controlled and monitored. Slaves would undoubtedly see past their masters false beliefs and senses of security and recognize that the lives they lived were not in line with the beliefs "values" of their master. Slaves would continuously find ways throughout their suffering to mitigate the tight grip of slavery.

Washington and Slavery Significance

This is significant because it highlights America's dependency on slavery at the time. Individuals as powerful and influential as Madison, Jefferson, and Washington could never come to face the problem head on but rather avoided it. If these individuals had been able to work up the courage then the lives of millions could have been saved/freed. The is a terrible truth to American history and absolutely tarnishes the reputations of these highly influential men.

War Hawks Significance

This is significant because it reversed the foundations of the Northwest Ordinance. The American government went on take and remove many Native Americans from their land without the etiquette and order they had once promised. It was the efforts of the War Hawks and their willingness to fight that led to the loss of a complex society that has now been reduced to almost nothing.

Dunmore's Proclamation Significance

This is significant because it would go on to be one of the principle reasons (along with social justice) to free the enslaved. They did pose a serious threat to the safety and security of America. This event that transpired was quite eye opening for many Americans and as a result stricter policy was enforced on slaves in order to eradicate rebellious tendencies.

Mill Girls Significance

This is significant because women were finally beginning to develop their own voice. They were now becoming working members of society that were beginning to see and fight to be equal with men.

Antebellum Slave Families Significance

This term is significant because it was a vital survival function for many slaves. By having a family and a sense of belonging, slaves were able to find some meaning in their lives. Unfortunately, this meant that they also had something important to them that could be taken away. Slaves found "sisterhood" and "brotherhood" with other displaced slaves (from their families). Slaves had to come together in some ways in order to develop enough mental fortitude to survive during this horrific time in American history.

"His High Mightiness"

This was a term given to the new president within the new government , George Washington. He was considered to be a king under a different title.

Mill Girls Historical Context

This was during the market revolution and as a result, many women began to find work and this particular industry was well known for employing women. The conditions however were quite unpleasant with poor wages, intense hours, and constant surveillance. Therefore, in response, many women began to form unions and fight to get quality rights at work. One specific example was hundreds of women that came together while working for the Lowell Spinning Mill.

Washington and Slavery Historical Context

Washington had key individuals that influenced his life including Marquis de Lafayette and Robert Carter III. These two individuals were highly critical of slavery and abandoned the practice altogether. Washington recognized the military, social, and economic problems associated with the practice along with other founding fathers (Madison and Jefferson). While Washington did help to pass gradual emancipation laws and promised to free his slaves in his will, there was never any real effort to eradicate the problem altogether.

Washington and slavery

Washington was distressed over the issue of slavery and felt as though it was something that had to be eradicated but unfortunately this great leader never acted out of fear of political solitude.

Mill Girls

Women who worked at textile mills who were thus given new freedoms and independence not seen before. By 1815, there were roughly 170 mills along New England rivers.

Cherokee Removal Significance

Yet again Americans were continuously exploiting the natives and taking from them everything, and not with diplomacy, but rather brutality. This was a disgusting time in American history, and yet again shows that we would not address the natives with diplomacy.

Gradual Emancipation

a method of abolishing slavery slowly so that the transition from a slave to a wage-labor system was less disruptive. Part of the method involved allowing children born from a free mother to be free and instituting a specified age where slaves would eventually obtain their freedom. This would hopefully allow a gradual process to phasing out slavery rather than abolishing it at once.

Dunmore's Proclamation Definition

the decree signed by Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, which proclaimed that any slaves or indentured servants who fought on the side of the British would be rewarded with their freedom

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