History Exam # 2 continued

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Which of the following statements best describes Booker T Washington's attitude toward race relations

Black should accept the racial caste system while working for economic advancement

What innovative measure did the National Farmers' Alliance call for in their Ocala Demands

Creating a sub-treasury system for crops

What did William Howard Taft make the cornerstone of his foreign policy?

Encouraging private investment abroad

As president, Taft proved to be a staunch conservative, blocking efforts to establish safer workplaces and to establish an 8 hour workday and mountains still though unsuccessful opposition to the graduated income tax True or false


Before the ratification of 19th amendment women couldn't vote in any elections in US. True or false


In 1916 Wilson ran for president on the pledge that he would take the US to war and conquer Germany before the end of 1917. True or False


In the 20 years between 1877 and 1897 the Republicans never lost control of the White House True or False


John Muir was noted for his theories on how progressivism affected financial markets. True or False


Like African Americans, Mexican soldiers were laced into segregated units rather than being integrated into regular army units with whites. True or False


Most farmers opposed the printing of "greenbacks" because they had faith in only "sound money" backed by gold.True or False


Of the two parties Democrats were the more likely to support high tariffs. True or False


Progressive foreign diplomacy shunned the racist belief in the superiority of white people that was at the core of European imperialism. True or False


Roosevelt believed that constitution set strict limits on power of Presidency and that assuming any power not explicitly granted to executive threatens Republican True or False


Throughout the first 3 years of WW1 new military technologies gave an overwhelming advantage to the offense. True or False


Unlike Roosevelt, Wilson rejected any notion of "Anglo-Saxon superiority" in his foreign policy and insisted on treating all peoples of the world on an equal basis. True or False


William Jennings Bryan resigned as Wiilson's secretary of state because he believed that Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania should have included a condemnation of the british. True or False


What message was conveyed by the Zimmerman telegram, a document that helped push the US into war with Germany

Germany would help Mexico regain the SW if Mexico would declare war against the US

Which of the following statements best captures Roosevelts brand of progressivism

He saw growth and consolidation as natural and desirable as long as competing interests checked each other with the government accting as the final arbiter

As a disciple of Emmeline Pankhurst, what was Alice Paul's chief contribution to the Woman's suffrage movement?

Importing the militancy of the english woman suffrage movement to he US

Under Wilson, which Mexican general did the US first support then abandon then suffer an attack by and then sent troops to capture (unsuccessfully)

Pancho Villa

Upton Sinclair's novel the Jungle played a significant role in advancing what reform?

Regulation of food industry

Generally speaking how did the Republicans of the 1880's and 1890's differ from the democrats

Republicans were more likely to favor limited government and states' rights

Which of the following statements best describes President Wilson's approach to foreign policy?

The American system of government and economics was superior to all others and should be spread to other countries, by force if necessary

Which of the following factors contributed least to the decision by the US to declare was against Spain in 1898

The ardent desire of President McKinley to greatly and forcefully expand American territory, against the will of moderates like Roosevelt and Lodge

All the following statements about Grover Cleveland are true except

he was a leading figure among the Stalwart Republicans who supported the spoils system

What policy did the US adopt with regard to China in the late 19th and early 20th century

it pushed for imperial powers to allow open access for all nations to those parts of China that they controlled

The presidental election of 1896 signaled a new era that included

stronger presidents

From 1899 to 1902 a brutal guerrilla campaign against American rule left as many as a 230,000 people dead in the recently aqcuired territory of

the Philippines

Which event contributed most directly to the passage of the Civil Service or Pendleton Act of 1883

the assassination of James Garfield

Describe the election of 1912. Why did Theodore Roosevelt run for president? What impact, if any, did he have on the final results

The election on November 5th, 1912 was a 4 way. William Howard Taft (R), Theodore Roosevelt (progressive), Woodrow Wilson (D) and Eugene V. Debs (socialist). Roosevelt decided to run because he was dissatisfied with the previous President William Taft, because Taft was undoing some of his policies. However when Roosevelt tried to run as republican he failed to receive the nomination so he went as progressive. When Roosevelt ran he caused the republicans to split their votes between himself and Taft, republicans to split their votes between himself and Taft which led to democrat Woodrow Wilson winning the 1912 election.

Describe the role of the Populist Party in Gilded Age politics and evaluate its impact on American soceity

The gilded age was at the end of the civil war around the end of reconstruction in 1877 to the 20th century. During that period politics were dominated by corruption because politicians were taking bribes.Populists were southern farmers who were hostile against banks, railroads because they treated their workers poorly and gave the bad wages. The civil rights movement was greatly influenced by the People's party at that time which helped with getting the 14th & 15th amendment passed between 1866-1869. The populist party was official 1891 but it dissolved once their presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan lost.

All the following factors contributed significantly to American support for the Allies in WW1 except

the pro-britain sentiment of most Irish Americans

The accomplishments of the Wilson administration included all but?

the racial integration of federal offices

Which progressive reform allowed citizens to vote directly to enact/repel laws

the referendum

From 1870 though the 1890s most successful initiatives to investigate and regulate industries such as railroads originated with

the state governments

Although some women did become physicians, prejudice and custom regulated most to female jobs. True or false


Which of the following statements about civil liberties during WW1 is false?

The supreme court ruled in Schenck V. US (1919) that not even the threat of a clear and present danger could justify violations of the first amendment rights

Although it developed into a political movement, the Granger movement was original founded for social purposes, not political ones True or False


An influenza epidemic from 1918 to 1919 kill roughly four times as many Americans died in fighting WW1 along with approximately 50 million people throughout the world. True or False


By 1917 3/4 American population lived in "dry" counties, almost 2/3 of states adopted laws prohibiting sale of alcohol. True or false


Debt lay at the heart of southern farmer's problems because few of them could plant or harvest their crops without first borrowing money. True or False


During Wilson's presidency, American troops intervened in Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republican, and Cuba among other nations. True or False


In 1896 the populists nominated the same presidential candidate as the democrats but nominated a different vice president. True or False


President Roosevelt won the Nobel peace prize in 1906 after successfully mediating between the 2 combatants in the Russo-Japanese War. True or False


Roosevelt took the lead in environmental protection through his administration tended to support conservation over preservation True or False


The large-scale migration of African Americans to northern industrial cities aggravated racial tensions nd contributed to outbreaks of racial violence in the "red summer" of 1919. True or False


The new measure that disfranchised large numbers of southern blacks in the 1890s and early 1900s also disfranchised many poor whites. True or False


The term muckraker was coined by TR to denigrate a class of journalist whose work was held in contempt. True or False


Theodore Roosevelt ascension to white house was 2 fold accident because he came to power after someone was assassinated and his party made him vice president to remove him from power. True or False


Included among the fourteen points that Wilson offered as a plan for peace were

a call for open diplomacy disarmament and democratic self rule

In response to widespread racial discrimination, W.E.B Du Bois?

called an elite "talented tenth" of the African American community to assume leadership in the struggle for civil rights

Under the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine to the US

claimed for itself the right to police the internal affairs of other American nations

Wilson's initial commitment to neutrality in WW1 stemmed from his conviction that the US

could lead the warring nations to a peace without victory if it remained neutral

Although Wilson suffered numerous setbacks in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Versailles he did succeed in

creating a dozen new states on the basis of national self-determination

Which of the following statements about radicalism in the US in 1919 and 1920 is least accurate?

due largely to the efforts of the Russian governments Comintern organized labor and workers generally became dominated and aligned with radical communists by the end of 1920

Grover Cleveland set up the most volatile issue of the 1896 election when in response to the depression of 1893 he

ended federal purchases of silver

With regard to race relations,president Roosevelt did all the following except

exonerate black troops unjustly accused of shooting up Brownsville, Texas

The populist movement arose form all the following factors except

falling crop production that drove down agricultural prices

In politics, progressives generally preferred to strengthen the power of the legislature at the expense of the executive. True or false


Which of the following statements about eugenics is least accurate?

fringe movement that obtained little popular attention or support

Which of the following ideas was not shared by most progressies

A darwinian belief that biology, not enviroment, determined character

As part of Roosevelt's gentlemen's agreement what did Japan receive in return for a promise to block future Japanese immigration to the US

An end to the segregation of Japanese students in San Francisco schools

As evidence by the reforms of Tom Johnson and Hazen Pingree, many of the 1st progress experiments in political reform took place in?

mid western municipal governments

The "Brandeis Brief as innovated by Louis Brandeis in the case of Muller V. Oregon was notable for what quality?

It favored factual evidence over legal precedent

Which reporter and photographer "how the other half lives" exposed middle class readers to the suffering of the urban poor?

Jacob Riis

Describe the factors that led to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 and the factors that eventually led to the US entry in the war. Your answer should discuss both the ideologies and the events that led to the "great war". In your opinion, was US entry inevitable

Leading to the war was the murder of Francis Ferdinand, the next king of Austro-Hungarian, and a Serbian man killed him. Germany also began being a strong and technology advanced country. France and Britain began worrying Germany would want to expand. more countries started becoming involved with their alliances, once war between countries began. The US specifically was involved for 2 reasons. One reason was because the Lusitania was sunk on May 7, 1915 and the other reason was the Zimmerman note in 1917 which was a note Germany sent Mexico saying if they should go to war with us, but instead the US received the note. The ideologies of the war was democracy vs. Monarchy (king) because god appoints king. The sides of the war were central: Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Allies: Russia, France, Italy, Great Britain, US

The Central powers and their allies in WW1 consisted of all the following except?


Which of the following reforms received the least attention from the mainstream progressive movement?

Stopping lynching and protecting blacks and voting rights

Which of the following factor contribute least to the push for establishment of an American empire

The belief that only the cheap labor of colonial subject would allow American industries to function effciently

What effect did WW1 have on workers?

The war helped make the federal government an arbiter between labor and capital in ways that often benefited workers

Contrast "Big Stick Diplomacy and "Dollar" Diplomacy or Wilson's "Moral" Diplomacy

Theodore Roosevelt's policy was "speak softly and carry a big stick". He used this when the panama canal was being built in 1903 and with coal mining workers because in both situations he warned them both and tried to get them to work it out, then he involved military if nothing resulted without it. Roosevelt also thought the white race was superior. Basically Big Stick was involving military if action business. He tried to sustain stability with other countries such as the Chinese railroad, but it made the Japanese mad and he wasn't good at leveraging economic power.

Which secretary of state oversaw the purchase of Alaska in 1867

William Seward

Robert La Follete's progressive program became synonymous with which state which he governed from 1901-1906


The problems faced by the US in the 1870s through the 1890''s included all the following except?

an overarching chief executive who ruled with little imput from congress

How did President Wilson respond to the economic challenges of WW1

by creating a managed economy partly through persuasion and partly through direct control

What was the cornerstone of Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom

opposing Big Business and government alike

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