History Exam

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Soviet Counter attack

- February 1943, the Soviets launched a counterattack. Germans were forced to surrender at Stalingrad. - July 1943 Battle of Kursk - the greatest tank battle of World War II. - Soviet forces steadily advance westward. Reoccupying the Ukraine by the end of 1943 Baltic states by early 1944 Warsaw in January 1945 Berlin in April 1945. Soviet troops along a southern front swept through Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria - 1944-45.

Moderate wishes in March Revolution.

- constitution - social reforms - Russian republic

Radical wishes in March Revolution

- radical plots - hoped to lead discontented peasants to overthrow czarist regime - ignite revolutionists among proletariat: growing class of factory and railroad workers, miners, urban wage owners, - set up soviets (councils of workers and soldiers) - Bolsheviks, radical socialist group, took charge under revolutionary leader Lenin

Cold War after WW2

-period of political tensions, the Cold War, - followed the total victory of the Allies -ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Cold War dominated world affairs until the end of the 1980s. -cold war arose -communism vs. capitalism -Stalin suspicious of the Western powers. - buffer to protect the Soviet Union from possible future Western aggression. - pro-Soviet governments along the Soviet Union's borders. - Roosevelt favored the idea of self-determination for Europe. - pledge to help liberated Europe create "democratic institutions of their own choice"through free elections. - Roosevelt also agreed to Stalin's price for military aid against Japan: Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, ruled by Japan, as well as two warm-water ports and railroad rights in Manchuria. - The West thought Soviet policy was part of a worldwide Communist conspiracy. -The Soviets viewed Western, and especially American, policy as nothing less than global capitalist expansionism. - In March 1946, in a speech to an American audience, the former British prime minister Winston Churchill declared that "an iron curtain" had "descended across the continent," dividing Europe into two hostile camps.

US join WW1

1) Immediate cause naval war between Germany and Great Britain British used navy as blockade against Germany, kept war materials and goods from Germany - Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare, including sinking passenger liners - May 7, 1915 Germany sinks British Lusitania 1,100 civilians die more than 100 Americans Unrestricted submarine warfare suspended in September 1915 to avoid antagonizing US (Battle of Jutland only direct naval battle between Germany and GB) - January 1917 naval officers convince William 2 to starve British in 6 months with unrestricted submarine warfare US enter war in April 1917 (did not arrive in large numbers till 1918) Psychological boost 2) Zimmerman Telegram - message to Mexico from Germany, wanted Mexico in war - intercepted by British intelligence 3) Cultural ties - common history, language, culture, friendship

Total War in WW1

1) Increased Government Powers - governments had to respond quickly when war was long term - more men and supplies needed to continue - drafted 10 of millions hoping for breakthrough - expanded power over economy - free market capitalistic systems put aside - price, wage, rent controls - rationed food supplies, materials, regulated exports/imports - took over transportation and industries -planned economy - differences between soldiers and citizens narrowed 2) Manipulation of Public Opinion - patriotic enthusiasm waning - 1916 morale began to crack - Authoritarian Regimes used force - democratic states expanded police powers -Defense of Realm Act (DORA): gov arrest protesters as traitors - newspapers censored, publication suspended - Propaganda - sway public opinion - posters - simple ways to support war effort - can be against a side 3) Impact on Society - women's roles

Treaty of Versailles Five Points

1. Germany had to cede Alsace-Lorraine back to Francs, the Sudetenland to Czechoslovakia, and the Polish corridor to Poland 2. Demilitarization of the Rhineland 3. Germany's Saar coal region placed under international control for 15 years 4. Disarmament: Germany limited to 100,000 army troops, no reserves, troops, aircraft, warships, or subs permitted 5. Payment of $5 billion in immediate reparations with future payments determined by May 1922 (total 33 billion) Central Powers dissatisfied, very harsh treaty, "dictated peace" Reparations created a Great Depression, countries suffering economically after war, millions of men dead, central powers cannot pay reparations. Italy does not recieve promised land

Women's roles and society ww1

1918: deadly influenza worst epidemic in history kills 50 million worldwide Men left to fight on the front, women took over jobs not available to them. Civilian occupations such as chimney sweeps, truck drivers, farm laborers, factory workers, nurses, transportation. Both men and women accepted to be temporary. At the end of war men return to take back jobs 1919, 650,000 women unemployed in GB. Wages for women lowered War time role positive impact for women's rights. Right to vote in Germany, Austria, US (1920) 1918 British women over 30 could vote and stand for Parliament Women took jobs, lived in own apartments, relished new independence

Rise of Mussolini

1920s Benito Mussolini set up first European Fascist movement 1919 created Fascio do Combattimento, League of Combat Armed gangs "Blackshirts" Middle class fear of socialism, communism, and disorder made Fascists attractive Italians still angry over over failure to receive land from peace treaty Promised recreation of Roman Empire, order in Italy, jobs, militarism 1922, Fascists threaten to march on Rome if not given power Victor Emmanuel 2 makes Mussolini prime minister Mussolini creates a Fascist dictatorship Made head of gov with power to make laws by decree Police given unrestricted authority to arrest for political or no political crimes 1926 Fascists outlaw all other political parties Set up secret police the OVRA Mussolini rules as IL Duce, "The Leader"

Two approaches of Indian Independence

1930s Jawaharlal Nehru entered movement (studied law in GB) Independence movement split into 2 paths Uncertainty about Indias future Gandhi: - religious - anti western - traditional Nehru: - secular - pro western - modern

Battle of Verdun

700,00 men died over a few miles of land

Concentration camp

A camp where prisoners of war, political prisoners, or members of minority groups are confirmed, typically under harsh conditions


A payment made to the victor by the vanquished to cover the costs of war


A person who assists the enemy


A policy of natural isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political or economic relations


A political philosophy that glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler DICTATORSHIP An authoritarian form of government that is not communist Extreme nationalism Action, violence, discipline are glorified "Believe, Obey, Fight!" Blind loyalty to the state Anti-democratic "Survival of the fittest" - foreign expansion


A truce or agreement to end fighting (November 11, 1918)

War of attrition

A war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses

Nazis take control

After 1930 gov ruled by decree with support of PM Hindenburg Reichstag had little power, right wing elites of Germany look to Hitler for leadership (industrial elites, landed aristocrats, military officers, higher buerocrats) 1933 Hindenburg allows Hitler to become chancellor create new gov March 23, 1933 two thirds of Reichstag passed enabling act Gave gov power to ignore constitution for 4 years while it issued laws to deal with Germany's problems Hitler became a dictator appointed by parliamentary body itself (No need for Reichstag or Hindenburg) Nazis brought all institutions under control Purged civil service of democratic elements and Jews Blamed Jews for economic woes Concentration camps for people who opposed them, all other political parties abolished By summer of 1933 basis for totalitarian state Hindenburg dies in 1934, Hitler sole ruler of Germany People took loyalty oaths to Fuhrer (Leader)

Germany's surrender

Allied forces advance into Nazi occupied land liberating concentration camps. Nazis tried to destroy evidence, allies could see awful crimes against humanity January 1945 Hitler moved to bunker 55 feet under Berlin Hitler in final political testament anti Semitic Committed suicide on April 30 May 7, 1945 Germany surrenders

Militaristic Japan

At the end of the 1920s militant group with ruling party gained control of political system - militants convinced that western ideas had corrupted parliamentary system - others angered by cuts in military spending and fascist policies - 1930s extremist patriotic organizations - 1931 middle level officers invaded Manchuria without gov approval - gov soon dominated by military Japanese society on wartime status, military draft law passed in 1938, economic resources under strict control All political parties merged into Imperial Rule Assistance Association Called for Japanese expansion abroad Labor unions disbanded, education and culture purged of western ideas


Belief that there is no god that became an official state policy under Stalin's totalitarian state

Radicals in Power

Bolsheviks seize power in other cities Week of fighting in Moscow to blast local gov out of Kremlin- former czarist center of gov Moscow new capital of Bolsheviks with Kremlin headquarters - ended private ownership of land, distributed to peasants - workers given control of factories and mines - red flag, hammer and sickle indicated union between peasants and workers - millions thought they gained control over their life- Bolsheviks renamed communists new masters

Rise of Hitler

Born in Austria in 1889 Developed basic political ideas of fascism, anti Semitism Extreme nationalist knew how parties could effectively use propaganda and terror Served 4 years on Western Front 1919 joined German Workers Party (One of several extreme nationalist parties) 1921 Hitler had taken charge renamed National Socialist German Workers Party Within two yrs party membership grown to 55,000 people with 15,000 in party militia: SA, storm troops, Brownshirts Staged an uprising November 1923 Beer Hall Putsch- sentenced to prison wrote Mein Kampf Links German extreme nationalism, strong anti Semitism, anti communism together by Social Darwinism theory of struggle Rights of superior nations to Lebensraum (living space) through expansion. Superior individuals to gain authoritarian leadership

Rise of Dictators

By 1939 only two European democracies remained-France and GB The rest took dictatorial regimes: authoritarian or totalitarian Totalitarian state led by a single leader and party (Control political, economic, social, intellectual, cultural life's of citizens) Central state power wanted to conquer minds and hearts of subjects Mass propaganda and modern communications

Nationalists vs communists

Chinese Communist Party joins Nationalist Party led by Sun Yat-sen 1923 formed alliance to oppose warlords and drive Imperialist powers out of China; formed revolutionary army Tensions rose after Sun Yat- Sen death when General Chiang Kai-shek took control and in 1927 killed thousand of Communists in Shanghai Massacre 1928 Chiang Kai-she's founded new Chinese Republic at Nanjing Believed communists more dangerous than Japenese

The New China

Commitment to plan for republican government, first a transitional period. - training to prepare Chinese for constitutional government - used dictatorial power for land reform program and modernization of urban industrial sector Class Divide: - neglect in civil war weakened political, economic, social fabric - some signs of industrial rev in major urban centers - peasants still poor and illiterate (80% of pop) -westernized middle class forming in cities supported gov - elite more concerned with middle class western values and advancement-not peasants Traditions and innovations - Kai-Shek tried to link modern western innovations with traditional values of hard work and obedience (confusion values) - US educated wife starts New Life movement goal to promote traditional Confucian ethics: integrity, prosperity, righteousness - rejected material greed of capitalism - ideas widely discredited, traditional system failed to provide answers to Chinese decline - Nanjing gov only controlled handful of provinces - Japanese threatened control of North China - Great Depression Limited Progress: - road building, repaired and extended railroad, new factories, foreign powers gave up extra territorial rights, national bank, improved education system - repressive gov feared communist influence, suppressed opposition and free expression - did not push for redistribution of wealth - support gave from landed elite and industrial middle class - land reform program had little effect, no real improvement for peasants - little industrial growth - national wealth in hands of Four families and military, little left for social and economic benefit Four families: senior officials and close subordinates of ruling elite

Communism vs Fascism

Communism: Supporters Proletariat Ownership of property and means of production state owned Goal: international change Fascism: Supporters business class, entrepreneurs Ownership of property and means of production: private (mainly) and some state-owned industry Goal: national expansion

Communists in hiding

Communists hid in Shanghai to revive Communist beliefs in working class - people discontented looking for leadership Mao Zedong led communists in mountains hiding Convinced a revolution driven by poverty stricken peasants 1931 Chiang Kai-shek forces communists to flee from Shanghai to Mao's base Mao fought Chiangs forces with guerrila tactics The Long March: communist base surrounded but Mao's People's Liberation Army broke nationalist lines and raced to Chang Jiang and last surviving communist base Mao Zedong became sole leader in Communist Party, 9,000 troops remained out of 90,000

Testing of the Alliances

Crisis in Balkans (1908-13) Balkans "powder keg" 1908 Austria Hungary annexes Bosnia Herzegovina Hopes of Slavic state destroyed Assassination of Archduke by Gavrilo Princip June 28, 1914 Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia July 28 July 29 Russia mobilizes Germany declares war on Russia August 1

Alexandra and Rasputin

Czarina took advice of self proclaimed "holy man" Gregory Rasputin Reputation of healer, healed czarina's son 1916: Rasputin has large influence over Czarina weakening confidence in gov, officials appointed, dismissed at his say so Group of Nobles killed him Dec 29, 1916

Pearl Harbor and US entry to war

December 7,1941 Japanese aircraft bombed Pearl Harbor Damaged or destroyed 350 aircraft, 18 ships, killed or wounded 3500 Americans. Japanese advanced on Malaya, Philippines, Dutch East Indies, spring of 1942 controlled almost all Southeast Asia and west pacific Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Intention to liberate Southeast Asia from western control Needed resources for war machine and treated countries as conquered lands Prime Minister Tojo (virtually military dictator) hoped Pearl Harbor would destroy US fleet in Pacific. Roosevelt administration would accept Japanese domination of Pacific Attack on Pearl Harbor served to unify American decision to become involved in war. Joined with European nations and nationalist China to defeat Japan Germany declared war on US December 11 (4 days later)


Deliberate mass murder or physical distinction of a particular race, political, or cultural group. Systematic killing

Trench warfare

Elaborate systems of defense-stretching from English Channel to Switzerland Fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire, defended by machine gun nests, gun batteries, and supported by heavily artillery. Military leaders would begin attacks by "softening up" other side with artillery barrage followed by an attack Men were unprotected from machine gun fire and millions died In 1916-17 fighting for breakthrough


Elite revolutionary party representing small percentage of society "Majority"


German for "lightening war" a swift and sudden military attack, used by the Germans during WW2

Allied invasion of Italy

Germans set up defense lines in hills south of Rome Allies Advance up peninsula (from North Africa) with many casualties June 4, 1944 allies took Rome Italian war secondary as long awaited second front in Europe opened up- DDay (June 6, 1944)

Command economy

Government officials make all basic economic decisions

Totalitarian state

Government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens Stalin's state: Terror Propaganda Social Benefits Education Women Socialist Realizm New Elite Religion Censorship

Mussolini's fate

He was made head of a German puppet state in northern Italy as German troops moved in from the North (and Allies advanced from South) Eventually Mussolini and his mistress had tried to escape to Switzerland, but were captured, and shot. Their bodies were left on display for people to abuse, then they were hung on meat hooks at a gas station.

Rise of Nazism

Hitler realized Nazis would have to attain power legally Needed mass party to obtain votes 1929, had a national party organization 3 years later 800,000 members and largest party in Reichstag Germany's economic difficulties crucial factor in Nazi rise Unemployment risen from 4.35 million in 1931 to 5.5 mill by winter of 1932 Hitler promised new Germany that appealed to nationalism and militarism

Hindus vs Muslims

Hostility between Hindus and Muslims rose in Independence Movement - Muslims dissatisfied with Hindu dominance of the INC - believed Islam was in danger - 1930s Muslim League lead by Mohammad Ali Jinnah - separate Muslim state of Pakistan (land of the pure)


Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause

Japan's need for resources

Japan had difficulty finding sources of raw resources and foreign markets for manufactured goods Until WW1, Japan seized territories for resources such as Taiwan, Korea, southern Manchuria. Aroused concerns of West, US. 1922 US held a conference of nations with interests in Pacific Nine power treaty recognized territorial integrity of China and maintenance of Open Door policy Japan agreed, if recognized for its control of southern Manchuria Agreement did not prove popular. Heavy industry, mining, manufacture of appliances and automobiles required resources limited in Japan. Government under pressure to find new sources for raw materials

Japan's economic problems

Japan's society developed along a Western model Economy: - zaibatsu: large financial and Industrial corporation - caused economic inequalities and economic crisis - WW1 led to inflation of prices,food shortages and Great Depression - calls for return to traditional Japanese values - objected to growing influence of western education and political systems - denounced Japan's cooperation with west - demanded Japan used strength to dominate Asia


Large farms owned and operated by peasants in a group

Marxism in Russia

Lenin adapted Marxism to fit Russian conditions - Marx predicted industrial working class would overthrow gov - Russia did not have large urban proletariat - Lenin called for elite group to lead revolution, "dictatorship of the proletariat" - represented small percentage of socialists, Lenin still named the, Bolsheviks meaning "majority" - Socialists in Western Europe believed in gradual and moderate reforms such as higher wages, increased suffrage, social welfare programs - Lenin believed these to be capitalistic tricks to repress masses - only revolution would bring change - promised Peace, Land, and Bread

Collapse of monarchy

March 1917: Disasters on battlefield and food, fuel shortages at home Petrograd workers went on strike, marchers and demonstrates in the street, troops refused to fire. Czar abdicated- Duma politicians set up provincial gov, liberals began preparing a constitution for a Russian republic. Continued fighting with Germany Fatal: Russians fed up with war, troops deserting, peasants want land,workers want food and supplies. Radical group began Soviets (councils of workers and soldiers) and Bolsheviks soon take charge in November


Military Draft


Military draft

India Nationalism

Mohandas Gandhi active in Indian National Congress and movement for Indian self rule before WW1. After war, remained an important figure as new leaders arose Protest and Reform - Gandhi organized mass protests against British laws - nonviolence, methods of civil disobedience for Indian independence - refusal to obey laws that are considered to be unjust - 1919 troops killed hundreds of unarmed protesters - Gandhi briefly retreated from politics - later arrested and imprisoned for role in protests 1935 Britain passed Government of India Act - expanded role of Indians in governing, two house parliaments with two thirds of its Indian members elected - 5 million Indians given right to vote (still small percentage)


Nationalism of Jews and Arabs came into conflict as both groups viewed the area as a potential national state - Zionist movements from 1890s advocates Jewish state - Arabs and Jews claim ancestry and a homeland in Palestine - Zionism and anti Semitism cause Jews to migrate to Palestine - Britain issues Balfour declaration to gain Jewish support- support of national homeland for Jews in Palestine, this goal should not undermine rights of non-Jewish people living there - Balfour dec deem more Jews to Palestine - during 1930's and Holocaust Jews flee to Palestine - violence flared between Jews and Muslims - British declared in 1939 that 75,000 Jews would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine over next 5 years - only intensified tension and bloodshed

Stalemate on Western Front

Neither French nor Germans could dislodge eachother from trenches Stretched from English Channel to Switzerland Both sides virtually in same positions for 4 years Trenches built in 1914 elaborate systems of defense by 1916 protected by barbed wire, machine gun nests, gun batteries, heavy artillery Military leaders had trained to fight wars of movement, maneuver "Softening up" other side, mass of soldiers leave trenches with bayonets unprotected and work their way to enemy trenches 16-17 millions of men died War of attrition: wearing down other side with constant attacks, heavy losses

Industrialism leading to WW1

New methods of shipbuilding Use of iron, steel, and chemicals for new weapons Growth of mass armies after 1900 increased tensions War would be highly destructive if it came Conscription (military draft) common in western countries Europe's armies doubled between 1890 and 1914 Russia: 1.3 million men French and German: 900,000 Britain, Italy, Austria Hungary: 250-500,000

Russia's Absolute Monarchy

Nicholas 2 Romanov dynasty, had failed to solve Russia's basic political, economic, and social problems - backward nation ruled by landholding nobles, priests,autocratic czar - majority peasant population in stark poverty - small middle class and urban working class as industrialism rises - czar reforms did not ease crisis - Duma of 1905 has no power - moderates press for constitution and social change - czar weak and ineffective used secret police and force - corrupt bureaucracy, over burdened court system

El Alamein

North Africa, British forces had stopped General Erwin Rommel's troops at El Alamein in the summer of 1942 The Germans then retreated back across the desert. In November 1942, British and American forces invaded French North Africa. They forced the German and Italian troops there to surrender in May 1943.

November Revolution 1917

Nov 1917, squads of Red Army Guards - armed factory workers - joined mutinous sailors in attacking In Petrograd, gov members meeting in Winter Palace Bolsheviks begin to storm palace Provincial Government fell with no struggle Three year civil war between Reds (communists) and Whites (counterrevolutionists loyal to czar)

Modernization of Turkey

Ottoman emigre collapse, only Turkey remained under Ottoman control. Greece invades Turkey alarming key elements in Turkey Under control of war hero Kemal Ataturk - summoned national congress calling for an elected government - New republic of Turkey - drove Greek forces from Anatolian peninsula - 1923 last sultans flee, Turkish Republic declared - Kemal transforms Turkey into a modern state - democratic system - did not tolerate opposition and suppressed critics - Arabic elements eliminated from Turkish alphabet -citizens forced to adopt last names in western style - modernizing of economy - factories built, 5 year plan created, modernize farming - break power of Islamic religion - transform Turkey into secular state, rejecting religious influence over politics - caliphate position abolished, men forbidden to wear fez, women discouraged from wearing veil, women marriage and inheritance rights, 1934 recieve right to votr

Impact of WW1

Outbreak of war fired national pride and United Russians War quickly strained Russian supplies Factories could not make enough supplies Transportation broke down 1915: soldiers have no rifles, ammunition. 2 million dead Nicholas 2 goes to front with, incompetent as generals Leaves German born czarina to domestic affairs

Ethnic cleansing

Policy of killing or forcibly removing an ethnic group from its lands, used by the Serbs against the Muslim minority in Bosnia

INC's push for independence

Push for Independence - INC sought more reforms - wanted to push for independence from Britain - Gandhi returned from prison to earlier policy of civil disobedience Salt March: - GB had increased salt tax and prohibited Indians from manufacturing or harvesting salt manufacturing or harvesting own salt - 1930 Gandhi led a protest against salt tax and law by walking to the Sea with his supporters in the Salt March. Gandhi and thousands of Indians picked up a pinch of salt in civil disobedience. Gandhi and many members of INC arrested

Modernization of Iran

Qajar dynasty not successful in solving domestic problems, turn to Russia and GB to protect itself from its own people Led to Led to large foreign presence in Persia Oil exports increased growing foreign interest Foreign presence led to rise in nationalism 1921, Reza Khan seized control of Tehran 1925 Reza Shah Pahlavi established as shah - reforms to strengthen/modernize government, military, economic system - Persia modern state of Iran in 1935 - did not destroy power of Islamic beliefs - encouraged western education - forbade women to wear veil in public - foreign powers continued to harass Iran - grew closer to Nazi Germany to avoid GB, Russia

Civil disobedience

Refusal to obey laws that are considered to be unjust

Russia's mobilization

Russia supporter of Serb cause Czar Nicholas 2 orders partial mobilization against Austria Hungary (Assembling troops and supplies for war) In 1914 mobilization act of war Military leaders refused to partially mobilize as plans were based on war against Germany and Austria Hungary. It would cause chaos in army. July 29, 1914, Czar orders full mobilization of army Germans warn mobilization must halt in 12 hrs Germany declares war on Russia August 1

Tangle of Alliances

Russia supporter of Serbia, pan slavism Great Britain, France support Russia Austria Hungary want to attack Serbia, annex Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany offers Austria Hungary blank check

Global conflict

Russians out of war, Italy joins Entente (Allied powers) Bulgaria joins Central Powers (Ottoman Empire, Germany, Austria Hungary) Allies declare war on Ottoman Empire Allies try to open a Balkan front by landing troops in Gallipoli (disastrous campaign) 1917 true world conflict Lawrence of Arabia urged Arab princes to revolt against Ottoman overlords 1918 British forces from Egypt mobilized troops from India, Australia, New Zealand to fight Ottoman Empire Took advantage of Germany's preoccupations and lack of naval strength and seized German colonies. Japan, a British ally, seized German held islands. Australia took New Guinea. (Japan wanted to expand, Ottoman Empire wanted to keep and control minorities, Arabs)


Satisfying reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability

Axis Victories

September 1, 1939: German forces invaded western Poland. September 3: Britain and France declared war on Germany. Appeasement is over. Blitzkrieg: quickly broke through Polish lines and encircled the bewildered Polish troops. Within four weeks, Poland had surrendered. On September 28, 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union divided Poland. 1940: April: blitzkrieg against Denmark and Norway. May: attack on the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. not through French-German border where French built a fortified line of defense (Maginot Line) attack from Belgium The French signed an armistice on June 22, 1940. France divided: North: controlled by Nazi Germany South: "Vichy France" - French gov in exile August 1940: German planes bombed British air and naval bases, harbors, communication centers, and war industries. The British fought back with determination. The Luftwaffe began massive bombing of British cities. Hitler hoped in this way to break British morale. London Blitz: intense bombing of the city for several days British were able to rebuild their air strength quickly. Hitler postponed the invasion of Britain indefinitely. June 22, 1941: massive attack along an 1800-mile long frontline - Quick German advance through Ukraine - German siege of Leningrad - Germans getting closer to capital, Moscow - delayed as Balkan front open to Allies after Mussolini's failure, Hitler swept Balkans BUT: severe winter stops German advance December: Soviet counterattack - ominous sign for Hitler By this time: Hitler had already gained the political cooperation of Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania. Hitler seized both Greece and Yugoslavia in April. Dec 7, 1941: Japanese aircraft attacked the U.S. naval base attacked the Philippines and advanced on Malaya By the spring of 1942, almost all of Southeast Asia and much of the western Pacific had fallen to the Japanese. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: entire region would now be under Japanese direction

Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Serbia determined to make independent Slavic state Austria Hungary annexes Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina June 28 1914, heir to Hapsburg throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and Sophia visit Sarajevo in Bosnia. 19 year old Bosnian Serb Gavrillo Princip Member of Black Hand, Serbian terrorist organization wanted Bosnia apart of Serbian kingdom Failed assassination earlier that day, Princip later fatally shot Archduke and wife Austria Hungary used opportunity to attack Serbia and were backed by Germany William 2. July 28 war declared on Serbia


Shortened form of the German Nazional, or the National Socialist German Workers' Party; a member of such a party

Internal Dissent leading to WW1

Socialist labor movements growing Socialists used strikes, even violent ones, to achieve goals Conservative leaders alarmed at increase in labor strife and class division, feared European nations on verge of a revolution The desire to subdue internal disorder encouraged leaders to war in 1914 (Socialism big evil)


Soviet Union wanted their to be a second front in west Since autumn of 1943, Allies planned invasion of France from GB across English Channel. June 6, 1944 allied forces under Dwight D. Eisenhower landed on beaches of Normandy in greatest naval invasion Allies fought way past hidden underwater mines, treacherous barbed wire, horrible machine gun fire. Germans responded slowly believing it to be a diversion. Gave allied time to set up a beachhead in three months, Allies landed 2 million men and 500,000 veichles Forces began pushing inland and broke through German defense

Totalitarian Regime under Stalin

Stalin's state: Terror: secret police, violent purges, censorship, critics send to labor camps, nothing published without official approval Propaganda: constant bombardment, radios, Loud speakers, movies, theaters, schools, messages of communist success, capitalistic evils, newspapers show harvests, dams being built, suffering of workers in west, billboards, posters, extreme nationalism, communist newspaper Pravda or "truth" Social Benefits: free education, medical care, day care, inexpensive housing, public recreation, standard of living low, industrial growth led millions to migrate in cities, limited housing, bread plentiful with meat, fruit, other foods scarce Education: communists built schools everywhere, required all children to attend, supported technical schools and universities, educated workers needed for industrialism, basic skills, communist values, love of Stalin, collective farming, atheism, sports, cultural activities, political classes to train teens for party memberships, participated in harvests and parades Women: equality under law, education, wide range of jobs, 1930s women worked in medicine, science, engineering. Contribute to economy, work in factories, collectives, construction, added to family wages Socialist Realism: heavy hand of state control crippled arts, artists and writers forced to conform to socialist realism: boost socialism by showing Soviet life in positive light, could criticize bourgeoisie past, point out mistakes in communism, must show overall message of hope in communist future, popular themes: peasants, workers, heroes of revolution, Stalin New Elite: head of society members of communist party, small fraction of Soviet citizens allowed to join party, motivated by desire to get ahead not ideology, industrial managers, military leaders, scientists, artists and writers, given benefits, best apartments, vacation homes, special stores for consumer goods Religion: atheist official state policy, targeted Russian Orthodox Church, seized religious property, turned churched into offices or museums, priests and religious leaders died in prison camps, Roman Catholic priests charged with "counterrevolutionary activities" for teaching youth, seized Jewish synagogues, banned Hebrew, discouraged Islam, religion replaced with ideology, sacred writings of Lenin and Marx, shrines such as tomb of Lenin, portraits of Stalin in home. Censorship: control what books displayed, music heard, artists who ignored communist guidelines could not get workspace, materials, jobs. Writers, artists, composers faced gov persecution.

MAIN causes of WW1

System of nation states from 19th century led to competition Subject to no higher authority, guided by own success Leaders considered war acceptable to keep power Imperialism: - imperialist expansion last half of 19th century - competition for lands abroad (Africa) - led to conflict and heightened rivalries Nationalism: - not all ethnic groups had become European nations - Slavic minorities in Balkans and Austria-Hungary - dreamed of their own nations state - Irish in Great Britain - Poles in Russian Empire Militarism: - aggressive preparation for war - armies grew = influence of military leaders - complex plans for mobilizing millions of troops and supplies - insisted plans not be altered to not cause chaos in military - political leaders made decisions for military not political reasons Alliances: - Europe's powers divided into 2 political alliances - Triple Alliance formed in 1882: Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy - Triple Entente formed in 1907: France, Great Britain, Russia - tested by crisis in Balkans - allies were important by 1914 - willing to go to war to preserve power and power of allies


Term used to identify people speaking Indo-European languages; Nazi's misused the term, treating it as a racial designation and identifying the Aryans with the ancient Greeks and Romans and twentieth century Germans and Scandinavians. Hitler's "master race"

Decline of Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire grew steadily weaker during the 19th century losing land. (Eastern Europe, North Africa, Middle East) 1876 Reformers had seized control and adopted a constitution and legislature, however the new sultan suspended it. Young Turks reformers forced restoration of constitution but lacked strong support The final blow to the Ottoman Empire came from World War 1. The British undermined Ottoman rule by supporting Arab nationalists (Lawrence of Arabia) 1916 Arabia declared independence, British troops seized Palestine, after suffering 300,000 deaths during ww1 Ottoman Empire made peace with allies in 1918


The growing class of factory and railroad workers, miners, and urban wage earners.

Cold War

The period of political tension following WW2 and ending with the fall of communism in the Soviet Union at the end of the 1980


The process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war Total war mobilization of all the resources and people of a country


The unity of all black Africans, regardless of national borders

Guerrilla tactics

The use of unexpected maneuvers like sabotage and subterfuge to fight an enemy

Planned economy

Total war in ww1 An economic system directed by gov agencies

Germany's aggression without war

Treaty of Versailles limited military power 1) 1935 Hitler expands military (Air Force, army size, draft) - condemned by Fr, GB, Italy but did nothing - Great Depression 2) 1936 sends troops to demilitarized Rhineland -Hitler believes west won't use force to maintain treaty - west did nothing, beginning appeasement -satisfying reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers to maintain peace 3) Germany gains Mussolini as ally - Italy invades Ethiopia - send troops to Spain to fight communists - Rome-Berlin axis 4) 1936 Germany and Japan anti-Comintern pact -against communism - 1937 Germany world power 5) 1938 take over Austria - Anschluss 6) 1938 Germany Sudetenland - Munich conference w GB, Fr, Italy - did not object to Germans - high point of Western appeasement 7) March 1939 invasion of most of Czechoslovakia - threatens to invade Poland - British and French claim to protect Poland - realize they need Stalins help 8) Nazi-Soviet non aggression pact - feared alliance with Soviet Union, GB, Fr - formed non aggression pact with Soviets - wanted to make Soviet people peasants and take land for support system for Aryan race - offered Stalin control of eastern Poland, Baltic states 9) Invaded Poland September 1 - September 3 Britain and France declare war on Germany

Africa and Pan-Africanism

Treaty of Versailles: Germany was stripped of its African colonies These colonies were awarded to Great Britain and France to be administered as mandates for the League of Nations. Britain and France now governed a vast portion of Africa. - After WW1 Africans more active politically - foreign powers introduced western education - new ideas of freedom and nationalism - seeking reform: Protests against Land distribution in Kenya - large tracts of land given to white settlers - received little or no compensation - moderate protest organizations in 1920s in Kenya - Kikuyus association intent on blocking land confiscation - radical protestors arose: Young Kikuyu Association challenged European rule Protests against Foreign Rule in Libya - forces led by Omar Mukhtar used guerrilla warfare against Italians - Italians established concentration camps and modern weapons to crush revolt New Leaders call for Independence - young African leaders rose educated abroad - influenced by ideas of Du Bois and Marcus Garvey - African American Du Bois tried to make Africans aware of cultural heritage - Garvey stressed need for unity of Africans, Pan Africanism - unity of all black Africans regardless of national boundaries - Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya argued British rule destroying traditional culture of African people - Leopold Senghor organized independence movement in Senegal - Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria began newspaper, The West Africa Pilot, urged non violence as method of gaining independence - just few leaders who worked to end colonial rule in Africa - success did not come to after WW2z

Schlieffen Plan

Two front war with Russia and France Attacked France through Belgium Declared war on France August 3 GB enters war on August 4th for violating Belgium's neutrality All Great powers of Europe at war

Total War

War that involved complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting lives of all civilians in warring countries, even those remote from the battle field

Allies Western Front

Within three months after D-Day, the Allies had landed 2 million men and 500,000 vehicles. Began pushing inland and broke through German defensive lines. To berlin August 1944 Paris liberated December 1944 German counterattack - Battle of the Bulge January 1945, both sides had suffered heavy losses, but Allied lines held. March 1945, the Allied forces crossed the Rhine River, advance into Germany. April 1945, Allied armies move toward the Elbe River --they linked up with the Soviets.

Totalitarian State

a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens

Ethnic cleansing

a policy of killing or forcibly removing and ethnic group from its lands; used by the Serbs by the Muslim minority in Bosnia


a political philosophy that glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler

Collective/ collectivization

a system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government


an elite radical socialist group \ their leader is Lenin / they took charge of the government...they lead Russian revolution in the name of the people

Trench Warfare

fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire, as in World War I


ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause


shortened form of the German Nazional, or the National Socialist German Workers' Party; a member of such party


the deliberate mass murder or physical extinction of a particular racial, political, or cultural group


the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war


the unity of all black Africans, regardless of national boundaries


the working class

Similarities between Communism and Fascism

totalitarian one-party rule flourished during economic hard times (1920s-1939) new elite propaganda

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