History final

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Which artifact led to the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics? Code of Hammurabi Tablet of Alexandria Rosetta Stone Papyrus of Ramses Testament of Charlie Cardinal

Rosetta Stone

Which one has the events listed in the correct chronological order? Alexander the Great conquers Persia, Trojan War, Athenian Democracy Trojan War, Athenian Democracy, Alexander the Great conquers Persia Athenian Democracy, Alexander the Great conquers Persia, Trojan War all of the above (seriously, don't pick this one)

Trojan War, Athenian Democracy, Alexander the Great conquers Persia

In the Early Modern Period, countries like England and the Netherlands which had relatively more freedom and lower taxes experienced faster economic growth than other European nations. True


Joshua was an Israelite war leader. True False


Moses was raised in Egypt where the monotheistic ideas of the Pharaoh Akhenaton may have influenced him. True False


The Carthaginian general, Hannibal, invaded Italy during the 2nd Punic War. True False


The Silk Road was a trade route which connected the Roman Empire with China. True False


In the Roman Republic A. the senate had a great deal of power because it controlled the money B. the two consuls served as the executive heads of the government C. the tribunes were elected to ensure the power and rights of the common citizens all of the above A + C

all of the above

The ancient Greek city-states A. existed in several places outside of the Greek peninsula B. started out as kingships or oligarchies, but most of them gradually developed some form of self-government C. were polytheistic all of the above none of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are accurate regarding the Renaissance? A. humanism was present in its philosophy B. it blended Christianity with Greco-Roman philosophy C. the plays of William Shakespeare reflected the emphasis on the individual all of the above B + C

all of the above

Which of the following are accurate regarding the Roman government in the last two centuries before the fall of the Roman Empire in the West? A. it grew into a large, oppressive bureaucracy B. it relied more and more on foreigners to serve in the Roman army C. it increased taxes and regulations on the populace all of the above B + C

all of the above

Which of the following are accurate regarding the ancient Greeks? A. their architecture placed an emphasis on balance and symmetry B. they developed drama as an art form C. their sculpture was a blend of realism and idealism all of the above B + C

all of the above

Which of the following are possible results of the Reformation we discussed in class? A. it created a large number of religious minorities within European countries B. it contributed to the gradual rise of self-government C. it reduced the power of the Church over scientific matters, thereby contributing to the Scientific Revolution all of the above A + C

all of the above

Which of the following were apparent results of the Roman Republic's conquest of the Mediterranean world? A. immense wealth poured into Rome B. the political structure of the Republic was put under a great deal of stress C. greed for power and wealth seem to increase in Rome, while the spirit of patriotism and civic duty declined all of the above none of the above

all of the above

Which of the following were problems faced by early Christians? A. deciding whether Jesus was God, man, or both B. deciding whether to accept or reject pre-Christian, Greco-Roman ideas and philosophy C. deciding which Christian writings should be in the Bible all of the above none of the above

all of the above

What did Vasco da Gama do?discover how to sail around the southern tip of Africa to reach the Indian Ocean discover the Americas several years before Columbus forge a new overland route to China sail from the Mediterranean Sea into the Red Sea

discover how to sail around the southern tip of Africa to reach the Indian Ocean

Octavian (also known as Caesar Augustus) made a few reforms in the Roman government, but was assassinated after just a few years, and Rome went back to the way it was before during his long reign, he succeeded in achieving the transition from Roman Republic to Roman empire was killed fighting the Persians made a fortune selling Sham Wow on infomercials none of the above

during his long reign, he succeeded in achieving the transition from Roman Republic to Roman empire

Which one has the events listed in the correct chronological order? a. invention of written language, domestication of animals, construction of the Roman Colosseum b. domestication of animals, construction of the Roman Colosseum, invention of written language c. construction of the Roman Colosseum, invention of written language, domestication of animals d. construction of the Roman Colosseum, domestication of animals, invention of written language e. domestication of animals, invention of written language, construction of the Roman Colosseum


During the Middle Ages the concept of Hell was largely deemphasized and ignored by Christianity there was a great deal of warfare, chaos and economic decline in the centuries just after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West Both Neither

here was a great deal of warfare, chaos and economic decline in the centuries just after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West

In the academic study of religion the Bible is ignored as a historical source since it is biased toward one religion historians analyze religious figures in the same way they would any other historical figure Both Neither

historians analyze religious figures in the same way they would any other historical figure

Which of the following were underlying causes of World War I? imperialism, Marxism, poor European leadership imperialism, militarism, nationalism militarism, romanticism, capitalism plagiarism, complex carbohydrates, karaoke

imperialism, militarism, nationalism

Which one has the events listed in the correct chronological order? fall of the Roman Empire in the West, life of Moses, Babylonians conquer Jerusalem life of Moses, fall of the Roman Empire in the West, Babylonians conquer Jerusalem life of Moses, Babylonians conquer Jerusalem, fall of the Roman Empire in the West none of the above

life of Moses, Babylonians conquer Jerusalem, fall of the Roman Empire in the West

Martin Luther A. not only pushed religious reform, but also urged the peasants to rebel against their local lords and their monarchs B. started the practice of selling indulgences to raise money for the struggling church C. believed that the church should interpret the Bible for the masses B + C none of the above

none of the above

Which of the following are historical facts? A. the Roman Empire fell because there was a decline in the army B. the religion of Judaism disappeared after Jerusalem was conquered C. there is no archaelogical evidence of the Israelite conquest of Canaan A + C B + C none of the above

none of the above

What did James Watt invent in the 1760s that was a key feature of the Industrial Revolution? light bulb diesel engines socialism steam engine phasers

steam engine

Which of the following are accurate regarding the resurgence of European imperialism that began in the late 1800s? the Europeans had powerful economic advantages over the countries they came to dominate the Europeans did not make any attempt to conquer or control countries in Africa Both Neither

the Europeans had powerful economic advantages over the countries they came to dominate

The Roman Republic and Carthage clashed in a series of wars known as the Persian Wars the Peloponnesian Wars the Punic Wars the Fashion Wars Clyde

the Punic Wars

Which of the following were reasons the U.S. joined WWI? the Zimmerman Telegram the German invasion of Belgium Both Neither

the Zimmerman Telegram

Which of the following collected Roman laws into an organized system? Nag Hammadi Library Plato's Legal Academy Homer Simpson Code of Justianian

Code of Justianian

Prior to World War II Britain and France tried to avoid war at all costs by appeasing Hitler and giving him whatever he wanted many European nations became military or royal dictatorships most European nations were economically prosperous and politically stable A + B B + C

A + B

The political ideas of the Enlightenment A. are prevalent in the American Declaration of Independence B. included the premise that the government derives its power from the consent of the people C. were based on a sense of pessimism that governments were corrupt and sinful, and therefore could not be improved all of the above A + B

A + B

According to Mr. Marsh, which of the following are accurate regarding the relationship today between Western industrialized nations and countries that are economically underdeveloped? A. the underdeveloped nations need capital, technology, and training from the industrialized nations B. dictators and oppressors often blame the Western nations for their country's troubles in order to deflect the hostility of their own people C. industrialized nations all refuse to invest in poor countries A + B

A + B

Which of the following are accurate regarding architecture in the Roman Empire? A. the Romans adopted much of the balanced style of the Greeks B. the Romans invented concrete and also used domes in their structures C. the Roman buildings were all made of wood, and none of them survived to today A + B A + C

A + B

Which of the following is an example of a primary source? A. The Code of Hammurabi B. a letter written by a soldier describing a battle in which he was a participant C. a history textbook Correct! A + B A + C

A + B

Which of the following were discussed in class as ways in which life for a citizen in the Roman Empire was similar to life in America today? A. travel and commerce could be carried out relatively safely B. citizens had some opportunities for upward economic mobility C. slavery had been abolished A + B A + C

A + B

Which of the following were given in class as background causes for the Reformation? A. the Church lost some prestige as a result of the bubonic plague B. many people were upset with the power and corruption of the Church C. most kings in Europe allowed so much religious freedom that people were starting to believe anything they wanted A + B none of the above

A + B

As a result of the French Revolution A. revolutions spread to other countries in Europe B. the French established a stable democracy by 1800 which has lasted until today C. the ideas of the Enlightenment were spread to other countries A + B A + C

A + C

Which of the following were discussed in class as possible factors in the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West? A. continuing economic problems B. the empire never stopped expanding C. religious disruptions A + B A + C

A + C

According to Mr. Marsh, which of the following are necessary components of civilization? A. cities B. written languages C. Mario Cart games A + B B + C


Charlemagne was a medieval king of the Franks who conquered sections of Western Europe forced non-Christians he conquered to convert to Christianity wrote much of the New Testament all of the above A+B


Rulers in the first civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt A. were supported by professional warriors and temple priests B. were viewed as being ordained by the gods, or even as gods themselves C. were usually elected by the citizens all of the above A + B


Which of the following are accurate regarding The Prince, by Machiavelli? A. it advises a ruler that he cannot always behave virtuously, but he should always try to make it appear that he does B. it essentially advocates that "the end justifies the means" in government C. it states that a ruler must never lie to his own people A + B A + C


Socrates A. was a Greek philosopher who believed in reason, and loved to debate his fellow citizens, however he wrote nothing down B. was a king of Sparta C. was convicted and executed for "corrupting the youth" all of the above A + C


The victory of the Greeks in the Persian wars A. increased the Greeks confidence and sense of destiny B. was made possible by the leadership of Pooh and Piglet C. marked the first time a large force of free, citizen-soldiers defeated an army of soldiers who were servants of a tyrant A + C none of the above


Which of the following are accurate regarding a historical fact?

A. it is something that is considered commonly accepted information among historians

John Calvin wrote, ". . . glory in God for his mercy alone, by which, without any merit of ours, we have been admitted to the hope of eternal salvation." From this quote we can deduce A. that Calvin agreed with Martin Luther that salvation came from faith alone and was not dependent on a person's works or actions B. that Calvin agreed with Martin Luther that a person must earn salvation through their works or actions on earth C. that Calvin believed that the church could grant forgiveness of all a person's sins B + C none of the above

A. that Calvin agreed with Martin Luther that salvation came from faith alone and was not dependent on a person's works or actions

During the Roman Republic A. there was a strong emphasis on civic duty B. the loose morals of the people were based on a "if it feels good, do it" attitude C. religion was separated from government B + C none of the above

A. there was a strong emphasis on civic duty

The Athenian Democracy A. was based on a democratic ideal that every adult male citizen was capable of making government decisions and holding government office B. was a direct democracy where all adult men and women voted on all laws and issues of the government C. had a system in which all government officials were elected A + B B + C

A. was based on a democratic ideal that every adult male citizen was capable of making government decisions and holding government office

During the Paleolithic age A. humans first began farming Correct! B. humans were all nomadic hunter-gatherers C. humans invented the wheel, sail, pottery and cloth A + C none of the above


Islam A. is a polytheistic religion B. conquered large sections of land within a century of the death of Muhammad C. originated on the Arabian Peninsula A + C B + C

B + C

Citizen soldiers A. were never very effective because they lacked training B. were used in the Greek city states C. brought their own weapons and served without pay all of the above B + C


The Byzantine Empire A. was the name of the former Western Roman Empire, and its capital was Rome B. was the foundation of the Christian Eastern Orthodox Church C. preserved some Greco-Roman culture all of the above B + C


The Iliad A. tells the story of the Persian Wars B. was supposedly set in the era of the Mycenaean (Bronze Age) Greeks C. was supposedly written by Homer B + C none of the above


Which of the following are accurate regarding Judaism? A. the Jews relied on oral stories and pictures to transmit their beliefs since they did not have a written language B. Jews came to believe that there was only one God and He was everywhere C. Jews view time as linear A + B B + C


Which of the following are accurate regarding religion during the Roman Empire? A. archaeological evidence proved that the Romans worshiped a giant Donald Duck Pez dispenser B. there was a great mixture of religious ideas, as well as the development of new religions C. the traditional Roman religion had grown stale and bureaucratic for many people in the Empire A + B B + C


Which of the following are accurate regarding the first civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt? A. from the beginning, religion and government developed independently of each other B. people believed the gods and goddesses took a very active role in the operation of the world C. governments arose from both voluntary cooperation and from conquest A + B B + C


Which of the following are accurate regarding the ancient Greeks? A. they believed in freedom, so they abolished all forms of slavery in their city-states B. Athens was home to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle C. they rejected humanism A + B B + C

B. Athens was home to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

"The Egyptian pyramids could be viewed as monuments to agriculture." Which of the following best explains this statement? A. they were built to honor the Egyptian god of farming B. Egyptian agriculture must have been very efficient to feed the huge labor force required to build the pyramids C. they were built to look like the hats farmers wore while working in the sun D. all the farmers of a region were buried inside a pyramid

B. Egyptian agriculture must have been very efficient to feed the huge labor force required to build the pyramids

Renaissance artists A. painted only Christian scenes B. employed new techniques such as oil paints and improved the use of perspective C. were the first to draw Calvin and Hobbes cartoons A + B none of the above

B. employed new techniques such as oil paints and improved use of perspective

Which of the following are accurate regarding the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten? A. he taught that there were many gods B. he may have been trying to enhance his own power by closing the temples to other gods C. his religious reforms lasted for nearly 1000 years in Egypt all of the above B + C none of the above

B. he may have been trying to enhance his own power by closing the temples to other gods

Paul of Tarsus A. believed that only Jews could be Christians B. is responsible for establishing much of the belief and structure of the Christian religion C. wrote the Captain Underpants children's book series all of the above A + C

B. is responsible for establishing much of the belief and structure of the Christian religion

How did the fact that the Roman Empire was split into East and West contribute to its decline? You Answered A. most of the barbarian invasions were in the East, but the Western half of the Empire refused to send money and troops to defend the East B. most of the barbarian invasions were in the West, but the Eastern half of the Empire refused to send money and troops to defend the West C. the two governments were too small to govern effectively D. it started an inter-dimensional invasion in Gravity Falls E. Seriously? As if I'm going to get asked this on a job interview someday

B. most of the barbarian invasions were in the West, but the Eastern half of the Empire refused to send money and troops to defend the West

Which of the following are accurate regarding culture during the Roman Empire? A. the Romans refused to adopt any of the philosophies, science, or ideas of the Greeks, because they viewed the Greeks as an inferior, defeated people B. the Roman engineers used aqueducts to bring fresh water into the cities C. all Roman legal cases were decided by temple priests who used sacrifices to divine the will of the gods all of the above none of the above

B. the Roman engineers used aqueducts to bring fresh water into the cities

Which of the following are accurate regarding historical interpretations?

B. they are conclusions or opinions based on historical facts,

What royal fortress did the Paris mob storm in the early months of the French Revolution? Marseilles Mount Olympus Ticonderoga Eiffel Tower Bastille


Athenians defeated the Persians and stopped their first invasion of Greece A small force of Spartans held up an advancing horde of Persians for several days before being wiped out

Battle of Marathon Battle of Thermopylae

Here is a selection from the Code of Hammurabi: If a merchant give an agent corn, wool, oil, or any other goods to transport, the agent shall give a receipt for the amount, and compensate the merchant therefore. Then he shall obtain a receipt from the merchant for the money that he gives the merchant. Which of the following might we infer about this society based on the above selection? it was a society that had cities It was a society that had sheep Both Neither


Which of the following are accurate regarding Hagia Sophia? it is a famous example of Byzantine architecture with its rounded arches, domes, and lavish interior painting it is currently being used as an Islamic mosque Both Neither


Which of the following are accurate regarding Islam? Fundamentalist (Radical) Muslims believe that a country's laws should be entirely based on Islamic law The absorption of a great mass of Greco-Roman knowledge, acquired by the Muslims through their conquests, propelled them into the "Golden Age of Islam. Both


Which of the following are accurate regarding Muslim beliefs? Muhammad was the last and greatest in a long line of prophets the Torah and Christian Bible are considered to contain sacred writing, but they are not as important as the Koran Both Neither


Which of the following were allies of Russia during World War I? Germany and Italy Britain and France France and Germany Austria-Hungary and Italy Whoville and Oz

Britain and France

The _______________ colonies in America experienced continuing economic and population growth because ______________________. French; they were only in warm climates Spanish; the government made sensible economic decisions British; the people owned their own lands and businesses and had great incentive to work hard Spanish; they did not use slavery

British; the people owned their own lands and businesses and had great incentive to work hard

During the Neolithic age A. the Egyptians built the pyramids B. humans finally learned how to control fire Correct! C. humans first began farming all of the above none of the above


During the Pax Romana A. Roman citizens paid extremely high taxes B. the economy was locked in a depression C. the Roman empire continued to expand through conquest all of the above none of the above

C. the Roman empire continued to expand through conquest

Where was ancient Mesopotamia? A. located along the Nile River B. on the Greek peninsula C. in the fertile Indus River Valley D. between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq E. just past the first star to the right and straight on till morning

D. between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq

From an example we discussed in class about a proposed invasion of Syracuse, one of the biggest potential problems with direct democracy is A. that elections are almost always corrupt and invalid B. that most people are just too stupid to be trusted with government power C. the middle class always wants to turn it into a dictatorship D. the majority can get fooled or carried away by emotions, and does not always make wise decisions E. that sooner or later SpongeBob and Patrick will be running the whole show

D. the majority can get fooled or carried away by emotions, and does not always make wise decisions

Which of the following statements are true? In a symbolic or picture language, anything which can be spoken can also easily be written Egyptian pharaohs were considered to be gods. Both Neither

Egyptian pharaohs were considered to be gods.

During WWI, the British used unrestricted submarine warfare against the Germans. True False


During the period of the Roman Republic, the Roman army was comprised of paid, professional soldiers. True False


Gauis Gracchus was an Roman emperor who ruled in peace for over 40 years. True False


In class, we studied the fall of the Roman Empire in the East. The Western Empire lasted for several more centuries. True False


President Wilson won re-election in 1916 by promising to lead America into war. True False


Since many people were leaving the farms and going to the cities, the amount of food produced continued to decline throughout the Industrial Revolution. True False


The Athenians exhibited such a creative and dynamic culture because the government controlled everything and the citizens had very little freedom. True False


The Renaissance began in England. True False


The Silk Road was an overland route to India which brought goods to Europe much cheaper and safer than by ship. True False


The leaders of France, Germany and Russia tried very hard to solve the crisis and prevent their countries from being drawn into WWI. True False



Here is a selection from the Code of Hammurabi: If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. If the slave of a freed man strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off.Which of the following might we infer about this society based on the above selections? it was a society where all people were treated equally it was a society that did not have money, but relied entirely on bartering Both Neither

Which the following shows the correct chronological order in which civilizations first arose? Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, China Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, India Mesopotamia, China, India, Egypt Never Never Land, Narnia, Middle Earth, Ball State

Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China

Christians believe this individual is divine, but Muslims view this individual as only a prophet in a long line of prophets. Muhammad St. Paul Jesus St. Augustine Jimmy Neutron


Which of the following did we discuss in class as possible contributing factors in the rise of democracy in Greece? they believed the gods controlled everything, so individual human thought and action had no impact the fact that Greece was one large empire Both Neither


Civilization in Egypt was located along the ____________ River. The unique and important feature of the river was that every year at the same time it __________________. Amazon, flooded Ganges, dried up Tiber, was teeming with fish Nile, flooded Euphrates, flooded

Nile, flooded

Which of the following are accurate? One of the goals of the prologue is to demonstrate Hammurabi's credentials by telling that he was chosen by the gods to rule. Men had no obligations under the Code Both Neither

One of the goals of the prologue is to demonstrate Hammurabi's credentials by telling that he was chosen by the gods to rule

Why were so many sports invented in the second half of the 19th Century? Doctors had figured out that physical exercise was good for you Gambling provided an economic incentive for sports People had the leisure time to play and/or watch sports None of the above

People had the leisure time to play and/or watch sports

Which one has the events listed in the correct chronological order? the founding of the Roman Republic, the death of Julius Caesar, the Pax Romana the Pax Romana, the founding of the Roman Republic, the death of Julius Caesar the founding of the Roman Republic, the Pax Romana, the death of Julius Caesar none of the above

the founding of the Roman Republic, the death of Julius Caesar, the Pax Romana

"War must have been fairly common in that society." What evidence from the Code of Hammurabi would you use to back up that view? There was a whole section of the Code where the laws started with the words, "During wartime..." A number of laws described the duties and regulations for soldiers there were some laws that described whether or not a woman could go live with another man if her husband was a prisoner of war The Code stated that their society was in a constant state of war with the Hittites

there were some laws that described whether or not a woman could go live with another man if her husband was a prisoner of war

Alexander the Great was a Roman Emperor was a Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire was opposed to any mixing of other cultures with Greek culture was the son of Dora the Explorer none of the above

was a Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire

Under the Code of Hammurabi, women had no protections in case of divorce. Even if they had children, their husbands got everything. were in some ways like property, with a price for their marriage and more power exercised by their fathers and husbands Both Neither

were in some ways like property, with a price for their marriage and more power exercised by their fathers and husbands

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