History Final Exam Review

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Plessy v. Ferguson

(1896) Legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs

After the Korean war, the dividing line between North and South Korea remained at ____

38th parallel

New Deal programs that were declared unconstitutional

AAA (Agricultural Adjustments Act) & NRA (National Industrial Recovery Act)


Agrarian-based political movement that aimed at improving conditions for the country's farmers and workers

What did Roe v Wade establish?

Allowed for women to choose to have an abortion

The early policy of _____ and the idea of granting concessions in order to keep peace helped Hitler continue in WW2


Harlem Renaissance

Art/writing movement based in Harlem

16th amendment

Authorized congress to enact a graduated income tax

Lend-lease Act

Authorized military aid so long as countries promised somehow to return it all after the war.

What made it difficult for the US to reject the demands of Stalin for establishing a soviet sphere of influence in Europe

Because he contributed so much into the war with Germany

Why was Jimmy Carter able to win the presidential race in 1976?

Because people were tired of America's dishonesty

Second Industrial Revolution

Began in the 1870's and lasted until the beginning of WWI in 1914. Perfect example of scientific breakthroughs and tech innovation.

National Resources Planning Board

Blueprint for a peacetime economy based on full employment

Social Gospel

Called for an equalization of wealth and power

What did the war on poverty concentrate on?

Concentrated on giving the war motivation and education to help fund and support the war essentially.

Social Security Act of 1935

Created a system of unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and aid to the disabled, the elderly poor, and families with dependent children.

How did the cold war intensify under Kennedy?

Cuban missile crisis, and the space race

What caused Americans to look outward in the last half of the 19th century?

Domestic policies and the need for firm markets


Economic system based on mass production and mass consumption

Equal Rights Amendment

Eliminated "legal distinction on account of sex"

Liberalism during the New Deal

Favored government regulation of business, more government spending to solve economic problems, higher taxes on the rich

American foreign policy during the 1920s

Focussed on domestic affairs rather than foreign policy

Haymarket Affair

Four strikers were killed by police, and people protested the killings, bombs were set off and police opened fire

How did Malcom X view the mixing of races?

He believed that people should be equal though segregated

How did Franklin Roosevelts background prepare him to deal with the Great Depression?

He dealt with hardship because he had polio as a child, as the governor of NY at the start of the GD and he had already established New Deal policies that were very successful in the state.

What 2 events best illustrate Nixon's foreign policy of detente?

He visited China and he visited Russia

By 1954 how did McCarthy's party view him?

He was an embarrassment to his party

Until 1963 what was Kennedy's record on civil rights?

He was really focusing on foreign policy and thus very reluctant to deal with civil rights.

What did Roosevelt's election mean to industrial workers

Hope for an end to the mini dictatorships of factory managers and owners

What did the Truman doctrine commit the US to?

If needed to, the US would militarily fight off communism.

African-American male political participation by the end of the 19th century

In the Northern areas of the south, blacks worked in mines and mills and owned land. Many became self-sufficient farmers


Invasion of the Beach of Normandy

What was the greatest scandal of the Reagan administration?

Iran-Contra Affair

What was the resolution of the gulf of (tonkin)?

It authorized the president to take all necessary measures to recall a attack on Vietnam

What was the focus of Betty Freedans the feminine mystique?

It emphasized the focus and discontent of middle class women

What was the Marshall plan?

It helped aid poverty stricken countries after the war (ww2).

What did the election of 1980 reflect? (Carter v. Reagan)

It reflected a growing frustration over the condition of America

What did Rachel Carson's "silent spring" inspire?

It was about raising awareness of environmental problems

What is the policy of containment?

It was the US's idea of keeping communism from spreading outside Russia and other parts of the world.

For America why is the Vietnam war distinct from all other wars?

It was the only war the US lost

What was containment and why was it adopted?

It was to prevent the spread of communism

Japanese acts of aggression overseas in 1931 and 1937

Japan invaded Manchuria, then moved further into China and massacred 300,000 Chinese prisoners of war and civilians

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration

Korematsu v. US

Korematsu refused to go to a relocation camp for Japanese Americans and was arrested and convicted

Relationship between the government and the economy during the Gilded Age


Expansion after 1890

Most Americans who looked overseas were interested in expanded trade, not territorial possessions

What were the factors that enabled the US to build an industrial economy?

Natural & Labor Resources and Infrastructure

The leader of the Soviet Union at the time of the Cuban missile crisis was _______

Nikita Kruzchev

Knights of Labor

Organized to improve social conditions of all workers

What were the 2 policies of mikil gorbachav that moved the soviet union towards democracy?

Perestroika & Glasnost

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Placed a ban on all new immigrants from China

This era started in response to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by providing reforms

Progressive era

How did the CIA and the Defense Department wage a cultural cold war?

Propaganda that the CIA funded for the war even though most the population was against the war.

Pullman strike of 1894

Railroad strike that started when the Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages while maintaining high rents; led by Eugene V. Debs; ended when President Grover Cleveland called in federal troops

Realities of settling in the "Wild West"

Rather than gunfights and lawless individuals, isolated farms and farmers were prevalent

America used _____ or the limit and amount of certain goods to provide and make sure soldiers have all they need in WW2.


Court packing scandal

Roosevelt wanted to increase the number of supreme court justices, but would work to neutralize those who didn't like his New Deal plan, didn't work

Turn of the century immigration (late 1800's and early 1900's)

Settles poured into the west, Chinese moved to California

First thing Roosevelt did when he took office

Shut down all banks for rest

Popularity of Socialism during the Progressive era

Socialism flourished in diverse communities like New York city

During the industrial era, the government passed taxes called ______ to encourage Americans to buy domestic goods rather than foreign goods


The _____ was a govt agency used to build dams and helped send electricity to the Appalachian region of the county

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Spanish-American War

The least among of casualties in a War in American history, lasted only 4 months

What event marked the highpoint in black and white civilization?

The march on Washington

After WW2 the only nation that could rival the US was?

The soviets


The word "Progressive" came into common use around 1910 as a way of describing a broad, loosely defined political movement of individuals and groups who hoped to bring about significant change in American social and political life.

Carnegie, Rockefeller, and other leaders of the Industrial Revolution

They both build giant corporations that dominated the industry

The most prolific inventor of the industrial era was _____

Thomas Edison

What did Jimmy Carters approach to the Iranian hostage do to him politically?

Undermined his political platform

The German use of _____ during WWI & II prevented ships from reaching the US and pushing the US into war

Underwater warfare (U boats)

How did trickle down economics plan to increase tax revenues?

Upper class spends more money to open businesses and grow businesses more. This creates more taxes to pay for them, the money trickles down and gives the other classes money which they have to use for taxes as well. When money goes down the classes, so do taxes.

National Industrial Recovery Act

Used by the government to stimulate economic recovery

Warren G Harding's administration

Very corrupt, Albert Fall accepted 500,00$ from private businessmen and leased government oil reserves at Teapot Dome

Eleanor Roosevelt's role as first lady

Very politically active, spoke out on public issues, very influential

What did the VV (double V) campaign refer to?

Victory of the war and the civil rights

What was the universal declaration of human rights?

Was drafted by the UN and was spread across the world to UN affiliates. Was a list of universal rights like freedom of speech and a lot of things that countries do not provide

The idea that the govt should assume responsibility for the poor, elderly, and sick, is_____

Welfare state

What ended the Great Depression

When WWII started in Europe and the US economy was making new materials

What was the Berlin blockade?

When the soviets surrounded the entire city of berlin and the city itself was split in half into all of east Germany and west Germany

What was the Manhattan project?

When they built nuclear bombs

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Worked toward the prohibition of alcohol

Upton Sinclair

Wrote the novel, The Jungle, that exposed conditions in the US meat-packing industry

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