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immigration restriction laws

definition:1882 chinese exclusion act, 1892 geary act, 1907 gentlement's agreement with japan significance: anti immigrant sentiment significance: economic fears

geary act (1892)

Definition: Extended ban on Chinese immigration for another 10 years and made all Chinese people carry photo id's 1892 (Chinese exclusion act in 1882) Significance: Demonstrates continued anti-asian sentiment that reflects that Asians were still coming to the country despite Chinese exclusion act and that people were concerned about illegal Chinese immigration Significance: First law to have deportation as a punishment for a crime which matters because it represents the degree of anti-immigrant (chinese immigrant) sentiment and the desire to rid America of Chinese presence Significance: Supreme court determined that due process did not apply to non-citizens because it began to establish more restrictions on the rights of immigrants and before this there was little distinction between which rights immigrants did/did not have - growing desire on the country to limit the rights of immigrants

haymarket 1886

Definition: chicago. workers striking at McCormick's harvester plant (produced a reaper) locked out union workers and replaced them with non-union workers. May 1st 1886 clashes between picketers and police klled someone. Small group of german anarchists distributed a circular calling for a meeting 2 days later at haymarket square to talk about what they could do to bring about the 8 hour work day. Just as meeting was about to end 180 police arrived and ordered the meeting to disperse. Police arrived and the anarchists threw a bomb at them...police fired into the crowd gathered at the meeting, killing 6 more people significance: ended their sympathy with organized labor (americans associate organized labor with violence). shows the radicalization of workers which becomes the dominant theme in american nativism, the theme that immigrants bring crime and need to be curtailed significance: brings about the first red scare in American History. panicked fear of infiltration of the US with violent radicals (communists, but in this period socialists and anarchists were more tied with the term) immigrants linked with radicalism

chinese exclusion act (1868)

The Chinese Exclusion Act: The Chinese Exclusion Act was a law passed by Congress in 1882 that outlawed all Chinese immigration other than merchants. The law was passed in reaction to years of anti-Chinese sentiment in the west, and especially due to the influence of the California Workingmen's Party and its leader, Dennis Kearney. 1) The law was significant because it reflected the anti-Asian nativism of the period, as well as the belief that the Chinese could never become "true Americans" because of their racial and cultural differences from European immigrants. 2) The law was also important because many westerners were not satisfied with the continued presence of Chinese in the west after the act passed, and this frustration with the act's inability to remove the Chinese entirely from the region led to anti-Chinese rioting in the years immediately after the act's passage in Washington state and Rock Springs, Wyoming. In the latter incident, more than two dozen Chinese were killed and the town's Chinatown completely destroyed.

mccarran walter act

definition: 1952. act passed that said all immigrants can be naturalized, even those in the US already and that no country could be banned from sending immigrants (though they gave tiny quotas for asia). it retained the quotas, but now every country had one. it allowed for non-quota immigration for spouses and children of citizens and gave visa priority to skilled workers. significance: done in response to soviet propaganda that americans discriminate against non-northwestern europeans. The soviet's counter to US argument of totalitarian oppression and one of their arguments is how the US discriminates against people who are not of european descent significance: unintended consequences of family reunification provision causes a huge resurgence of immigration

foreign miners tax

definition: $20 a month that ineligible immigrants chinese had to pay. If chinese wanted to mine, they had to pay $20 a month. Only group that was limited significance: Significance was that it showed resistance to the chinese miners in california and singled them out as ones who didn't deserve a chance at the gold. ruled unconstitutional in 1870 by supreme court significance: Also, forced chinese miners into other work such as railroad. they also worked in cigar making, worked in Laundromats and then established their own. This forced chinese to turn to other work. owners of industry were pressured to stop hiring the chinese because chinese were said to "work too hard." They believed that chinese would take up all of the factory jobs because they worked so hard and cost the business owners so little

grosse isle

definition: (1840s-50s) Canadians were not happy with sick irish people coming to Canada. Officials in quebec put these immigrants on grosse isle in quarantine. Suffered bad conditions on ship and then on grosse isle. If you were on the island for 2 weeks you could leave the island for the mainland. (quarantine) equivalent of staten island in USA. significance: This is significant because it signifies a fear that immigrants were spreading disease and that it was one of the first forms of restricting immigration. Before this there were no restrictions on immigrants significance: Also, it showed the terrible conditions on the boats, and that people were afraid of the spread of typhus which was spread through lice on the ships, that were known as coffin ships.

emma lazrus

definition: (1886 dedicated) poet who wrote "the new colossus," thinking about the persecution in the old world vs. the freedom that thsoe fleeing could enjoy in the new world. carved onto pedestal of statue of liberty significance: significant because the statue of liberty was not intended to be a symbol of immigration, but was transformed by her poem into one significance: also, it became a symbol of american pride and of immigrants making it to america. iconic image

dumb bell tenements

definition: 1879 design that resulted from problems with old tenements (no ventilation, no light, no windows, fear "vapors") they encourage fresh air. each apartment had 3 rooms, all rooms ahve windows for ventilation. "airshaft" in the middle amplifies noise significance:up through civil war years no laws regulating tenements at all, this comes about because of the need to reform during the progressive movement significance: need to make conditions better for immigrants (health and safety reasons) because there are so many of them and living conditions were so bad in the old-law tenements.

the immigration restriction league

definition: 1894 created and founded by very well to do members of the boston elite, Henry Cabot Lodge. He was a US senator from Massachusetts The League was associated with graduates from Harvard. significance: Due to ideas like race suicide, these people start to come around to changing from opposition to immigration to restriction to supporting it Group believed US was getting less ambitious, less hardworking immigrats and more of the lazaroni of Europe because it is easy to immigrate. significance: Believed too big a percentage of the population and too many are undesirables. Which in turn hurts trade unions, etc. Not really a big group because it is an elite organization with high dues to keep the riff-raff out

the nativist agenda

definition: 21 years before naturalization, only natives in elected or appointed office, moral objections to the bible in public schools and catholic "encroachments" significance: This is significant because it lead to the development of parties such as the American Republican Party by james harper, secret fraternal orders such as the order of the united americas (OUA) and the order of the star spangled banner which became the know nothing party. significance:also, it is a response to anti-catholic sentiment and revives religious controversy/tension between protestants and catholics. idea that immigrants are bad for america/America is a "protestant nation"


definition: A system used by the Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in which each congregation has complete autonomy and there is no central authority. Different congregations of "like-minded" people were free to emphasize different aspects of the bible in their own congregation. There is no bishop, pope or hierarchy and people were allowed to use personal interpretation of holy scripture significance: This was significant because it was an early sign of democratic values; that in america, things were done differently than in England and the people had a much more important role in the organization of the government (government was the puritan church). The pastors could only be removed by parishioners. significance: Also, this was the system that Winthrop wanted to model what kind of reforms he wanted to be made to the church of england.

mary "mother" jones

definition: Advocated for child laborers. In 1903 Jones became nationally famous for organizing strike from Pennsylvania to president roosevelt's home in long island for child labor reforms. Child labor movmenet did not have much success. She moved then to working with miners. Co-founder of IWW significance: She was important because of the work she did in getting reforms for children's labor. significance: She was also instrumental in organizing the Colorado coal field strike of 1913-1914 (ludlow strike) which led to the Ludlow massacre in 1914.

movement to repeal birthright citizenship

definition: Birthright citizenship is the clause in the 14th amendment passed during reconstruction that anyone born in the US is automatically a citizen (put in place to make it clear that all slaves are citizens). the movement to repeal this came out of the fear that illegal immigrants take advantage of this by having their children in the US and then using them as anchors. significance: this is significant because it shows the fears that americans come up with when they notice that there is a large number of immigrants who could be affecting their lives. this fear is pretty much unfounded because the children of immigrants have to be 21 before they can even try to bring their parents legally. also, you cannot be eligible for this system unless you apply from outside the country significance: response to resurgence in illegal immigration

rear tenements

definition: Built in the back of immigrant tenements in NYC. the cheapest and worst conditions. no light coming in, small windows, bad ventilation, and open to the outhouses and other tenements surrounding them so they were very loud. significance: This is significant because it shows the awful conditions that immigrants coming to urban areas were living in and how crowded they were. Representative of 'slumming' in neighborhoods like 5points in NY...reputation for poverty in crime among immigrant groups (tourist attraction) significance: Also, this showed how willing landlords/building owners were willing to take advantage of immigrants by even further subdividing and squeezing them. This led to the eventual passage of building codes on tenements to prevent this from happening for safety and sanitation reasons.


definition: Created in the south immediately after the civil war as a means for white southerners to try through violence keep African Americans subjugated and prevent them through practicing their new rights that they won through the war and the legislation that passed as a result. Died in the 1880s, but revives in the 1920s. significance: revival in the in 1920s was a White Protestant Power Movement, that used violence not only to reiterate the subjugated place of blacks in teh south, but spreads to the north and focuses on immigrants in these areas (indiana, illinois...northern "border" areas) significance: continued anti-immigrant sentiment, major group with political legitimacy...ran for office in some places

franklin roosevelt and new deal coalition

definition: FDR's programs that jump started the country after the depression (jobs) gave critical unemployment benefits to the new immigrants that previous administrations were unwilling to give significance: once his new deal takes effect in 1933, 1934, and 1935 he convinces immigrants that propaganda is real and help him to win in 1936 significance: most immigrants up until this point were apathetic to elections, many didnt vote, and when they did participate, they voted republican. this moved them over to the democratic party and roosevelt was seen as a friend of immigrants/laborers

american federation of labor

definition: Founded in December 1886 in Columbus, Ohio by Samuel Gompers/William strasser (2 german immigrants to US) Started with 150,00 workers at first. Prided itself in being less idealistic and more realistic than other groups than the knights of labor because they were fighting for immediate objects, rather than trying to put everyone in one big union or make everyone business owners. They aimed at smaller goals like worker's insurance, better hours and working conditions. Believed in continued segregation of the workplace some jobs for white's only and some jobs for northern and western Europeans only significance: different from previous unions in that it was a "federation," or many smaller labor unions together under one big umbrella one. also different in that they significance: also, believes in inclusion of everyone, even blacks and southern europeans in labor unions b/c if they were not unionized they would bring down the wages of unionized people. inclusion of all laborers and immigrants.

douay bible

definition: The bible used by catholics, they demanded that their version of the bible being used in schools significance: This is significant because it spikes the nativist agenda, and leads to the second great awakening and an evangelical basis for anti-catholicism. significance: Protestants read the King James bible, and douay bible had footnotes to aid interpretation. upsets protestants that catholics are making so many requests. response to surge in catholic/irish catholic immigration

samuel gompers

definition: Gompers was a social Darwinist and believed/applied darwin's theory of survival of the fittest to social/economic stratification. He saw capitalism was a form of progress (allowed for a successful fishing out of less successful people) He believed and accepted inferiority of blacks and southern Europeans. Didn't believe that they should be excluded from unions (if they weren't unionized they would bring down the wages of unionized people) Was the founder of American federation of labor: not a single union, but a federation of many labor workers. Believed in Laissez-faire. Wanted government to stay out of the way of negotiations between unions and employers. Opposed minimum wage laws. Believed in winning things that benefited the dignity of workers. Wanted to maintain various artisanal traditions. Wanted union to determine the standard quality of work just as guilds had done centuries before. Gompers stressed that immigrants should NOT be used as strike-breakers. He supported laws against contract labor. significance: He was behind the push for less radical labor unions which were huge in the post haymarket period significance: Also, he helped establish and to build one of the most important labor unions of the period (American federation of labor)

american protective association

definition: Group with by far the biggest membership in the post civil war era was called the American Protective Association. Their focus was solely and completely on catholics. Founded in 1887 in Iowa on the belief that Catholicism and american citizenship were incompatible. You had to swear an oath of loyalty to the American public. They said catholics had to swear to the rulings of the pope. Could not at the same time be a good catholic and good American. Members never vote for catholic, never hire catholic if others are available significance: was a revival of anti-catholic sentiment and was one of the nativist fraternal groups (the other is the order of united american mechanics) that survived into this period significance: they also would never hire catholics, occupational segregation. they firmly believed that catholicism was incompatible with american citizenship


definition: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (this has been on exams before) most active during new immigration period (late 19th and early 20th century). Would provide lawyers if you were marked for detention or quarantine. Group that was at ellis island to help jewish immigrants get through the process and would then help them get jobs and a place to stay after Significance: one of the many groups that existed at this time to help with the immigration process. Reflected that the government did nothing to help immigrants through the processing and settling process Significance: fact that groups like HIAS exist reflects that members of communities took it upon themselves to organize and help their fellow immigrants to go through this process. Shows what a daunting process immigrating had become during this period. Irish emigrant society: first one...always had been these groups set up by every immigrant group


definition: Idea that foreign though these people may be, they make important contributions to American society known as "contributionism" significance: growing sentiment among americans that contributions to society outweighed the costs of the assimilation process. significance: argument used by americans who opposed the literacy test. significance: goes hand in hand with anti-hyphenism and WWI rallying for immigrants to support the war effort and for the nation to work together to make it through


definition: Immigration reform and control act. passed in 1986. says that it is illegal to hire immigrants, punishes marriages held for the purpose of gaining citizenship, denies illegal immigrants welfare benefits, provides amnesty for illegal immigrants who had lived in the US continuously since 1982, requires proof of citizenship when taking a job significance: does not have a huge impact because it is difficult to enforce or prevent immigrants from coming to the US if they knew they had a job significance: Also, this bill is passed while Reagan is president so there was very little motivation within the Justice department to go after big businesses. then, the democrats came into power and they also had little incentive to prosecute. it also created a huge market in fake-ids an fake social security cards as well as the outsourcing of employment. significant: also led to companies subcontracting the cleaning of buildings etc. in occupations where there were illegal immigrants to protect themselves from prosecution

samuel f.b. morse

definition: In 19th century famous for anti-catholic tirades. Wrote bestselling pamphlets in which he said that he noticed the amount of catholics coming to the US. Runs for governor of New York in 1836 significance: He is significant because he is one of the first nativists, who believes that catholics are by nature monarchical (could not be good americans). start of nativist political parties significance: Also, it was the first push for not allowing political powers and rights to immigrants, increasing the no. of years until they could vote, and it was a response to the famine-induced irish immigration surge.

sacco and vanzetti

definition: In the 1920s Sacco and Vanzetti were two Italians who were convicted of murder/robbing a payroll from a factory in Massachusetts and shooting and killing a guard. Not clear if they were guilty or not. What was clear was that they were devoted anarchists. They didn't really try to defend themselves because they thought that they could be martyrs to their cause. Trial was a farce,the judge made statements that they were guilty both during and before the trial significance: one of the first times that there are international protests against the american justice system (they did not get due process) significance: BUT relatively little outcry within america for them because there was little sympathy for immigrants

national origins act of 1924

definition: Initially: number of immigrants allowed from each country per year is 2% of the number of immigrants from that country already in the US in 1890. After 1927: number of immigrants allowed in the US per year will be around 150,000. Number allowed from any one country will be determined by calculating that country's proportion of representation in the American population in 1920 significance: major motivation was "protecting hte american race" and the fear that "new immigrants" are seen as changing what makes an american/defines american. significance: becomes an extremely restrictive system which restricts immigration by 95% significance: for the first time during this period there is illegal immigration as immigrants try to find loopholes in the system. lasts until 1965

lewis hine/movement to eradicate child labor

definition: More important as a photographer of immigrants than Jacob Riis. Hine was part of progressive movement. Most famous image: man working on machine with man and machine essentially becoming one. Best known for images like this:Child labor: shrimp picker, Mississippi, 1911 .Wanted to help limit and regulate child labor because it was very dangerous and children were not going to school. Most of the child labors were immigrants because families needed to bring as many wage earners into family as possible to get on their feet. Hine becomes famous at first for pictures of child labor that goes on everywhere. Hine's publicized the anti child labor crusade by sending them to congress, newspapers and magazines and post advertisements that would try to seek public support for limiting child labor. Had to do nefarious things to get his photographs. He would pose as a fire inspector or a bible salesmen, or an insurance agent to get access to premises to take his photos significance: Hine was a part of the progressive movement and the anti-child labor crusade. his work inspired people to take action through social photography significance: his use of social photography was a means of advancing social work and the progressive movement

colorado coal field strike of 1913-1914/ludlow strike

definition: Most famous incident in the strike took place in Ludlow. Mine in Ludlow owned by rockafeller family. Rather than pay workers in cash, he would pay them in "script" that could be used to pay rent to rockafeller owned boarding houses or buy food form rockafeller owned grocery store. When demands were not met they moved out of boarding houses and into tent city that was leased by the union. Strikers would attack strike breakers and militia. Rockafeller hired pinkerton-like security companies to harass/kill the strikers. In 1914 a full scale firefight broke out between miners and militia including 13 women and children burned to death in a tent when milita leaders ordered the tent city to be burned to break strike. Becomes known as the LUDLOW MASSACRE significance: This was a major failure of the IWW, the union never succeeded in getting recognition by Rockafeller significance: Rockafeller's use of strike breakers and militia against the strikers showed the severity of the situation and that employers were not willing to listen to radical union requests

war of 1812

definition: Question of whether or not the british would stand for american independence. people were confident that america would be tested after the revolution. british take washington, burn white house, take baltimore, eventually things dont go their way because napoleon distracted the british. American victory in 1814 and 1815 significance: This is significant because it slowed immigration, because of the economic uncertainty associated with the War. This became a pattern in all wars the US is involved in (immigration slows b/c of various reasons). significance: Also, it signifies that american independence is real and after the war, immigration picked up and there is a dramatic increase because immigrants see stability in america.

teddy roosevelt and race suicide

definition: Race suicide was the fear that American race would disappear because of the influx of so many immigrants into the united states from places other than northern and western Europe he claimed it was not race murder, its race suicide. Roosevelt is most often associated with this. He did not blame the immigrants for this, he blamed Americans for not having enough children. Starting towards his last term, he made the theme of one of his speeches that Americans needed to have more children significance: it helps to win over to the immigration restriction idea more well to do americans who at this point had opposed it. they owned the businesses that used cheap immigrant labor that made their success possible significance: race suicide became the first rationale that elite americans could grasp as a rationale that could allow them to support immigration restriction

jacob riis

definition: Riis was an immigrant himself who wrote the book "how the other half lives" which documented through photos and his commentary, the living conditions in NYC tenements during the 1890s significance: changed how people thought about the country they lived in significance: president roosevelt was so moved by the photos that he went to the office of the NY Sun and offered his support. Riis's work inspired was one of the things that inspired the progressive movement and housing reforms especially. significance: social gospel movement: gave lectures at churches focused on spreading awareness of tenement conditions; particularly interested in mulberry bend

the school question

definition: Should or should not the bible be read in schools. American public schools started in 1830s and they were NOT run by the government. Government went to leading ministers of the areas and asked churches to organize schools. Catholic priests were not included in this committee Public schools were very much protestant in their orientation. Curriculum was protestant oriented Pitted catholic against protestants (good guy vs. bad guy). Large numbers of catholics in America are not pleased with this significance: This is significant because it is a question of religion in schools, and it highlights the tension between protestants and catholics, increasing anti-catholicism. political tool, leads to the splitting of the school fund significance: movement to keep america a protestant nation, despite claims of religious freedom, spikes nativism, something that is revived a few times.

lillian wald

definition: Social worker, public health official, teacher, nurse, modeled Henry Street settlement after Hull House provided care and nursing classes for immigrants significance: henry street settlement was financed by jacob Schiff, a jewish immigrant who was a financier and philanthropist, did it because he was embarrassed at the condition of jewish immigrants at the turn of the century significance: This was significant because it was established in response to the terrible conditions that jewish immigrants in NY were living in and an effort that came about by the assimilated jewish community to create a jewish immigrant community that was less embarrassing and more assimilate-able.

anti hyphenism

definition: Term often used to describe ethnic Americans which was to call them "hyphenated-americans". i am an American but my great grandfather might be a "Portuguese-American" There was a push to undo this status. Should not think of each other as "german-americans" here or "Italian-americans" here because it hampers unity that will help us in the war. significance: Big push by government to undo hyphenism and just to refer to people as Americans because we will be Americans and be more united and successful. Supporters of this are "german-americans" who don't want to be associated with the opposition (WWI) significance: this idea was promoted by the war and the fact that they wanted people to come together to fight the war. didnt want the threat of immigrants going against the country

chain migration

definition: The idea that one immigrant goes to the destination, earns money their, sends money back to native country to allow more members of their family to emigrate significance: This is significant because it re-esetablishes family ties and is one of the major reasons for immigrating. it occurred in almost every immigrant group...sometimes entire communities were transported through chain migration. significance: It also proves that there is economic stability in america, reinforces the economic reasons for coming to america. this is probably the most significant reason for increases in mass immigration

city upon a hill

definition: This was the idea of Mass Bay Colony governor John Winthrop, a biblical reference to how one city could serve as a model for everyone, and that Mass Bay Colony could be that city and would be run according to all of the dictates of puritanism. significance: This was significant because it was the goal of the puritans to shame the people of England so that eventually they would adopt Puritanism. Significance: This was also significant because it mean that the colony would be strictly run according to the tenants of puritanism and with the system of congregationalism

immigration act of 1990

definition: Tries to discourage illegal immigration by increasing the number of legal immigrants allowed to 700,000 per year (of those, 480,000 would be family based, 140,000 employment based, and 55,000 "diversity immigrants." significance: this was a response to the failure of IRCA in 1986, and all of the unintended consequences of that law such as the outsourcing of employment, creation of a market in fake-ids and social security cards, and increase in illegal immigration significance: sets up a commission, half democrats and half republicans to study the immigration issue and offer further suggestions for change significance: also makes allocation of immigrant visas by eliminating vestiges of the quota system of the past by giving preferences to countries underrepresented in the past. also grants amnesty to virtually all illegals who came during the 1980s in order to handle the problem that so many americans think illegals are not paying taxes

henry george/progress and poverty

definition: Wrote Progress and Poverty: an inquiry into the cause of public depressions and the increase of want with the increase of wealth. He argues that the cause of these great depressions is that wealth is too much concentrated in the hands of too few people. In particular too much American wealth is concentrated in the hands of people who don't work to earn it like landlords: they don't work, labor was the only way to make wealth. He claimed that landlords should not be allowed to rent out properties...they should not be allowed to make a profit. Believed there should be a capital gains tax of 100% (every penny tax) when a profit is made off of rented land. His followers are lower economic status new Yorkers...not only immigrants but also with irish catholics but condemned by catholic church for being a socialist. significance: as a result of the surprising support that he had, he didn't win the election when he ran for NY governor, but the NY state legislative session did pass laws in 1887 that reflected the public response (mainstream parties did this to answer the demands that George and his followers were making) significance: This shows how discontented the poor were with the behavior of landlords who had for so long taken advantage of immigrants (from the subdivided tenements to high rents)

patronage job

definition: a job that politician has at his disposal to give to people who they owed favors to. a gift the politician could give to someone significance: these were significant because once a person from a certain immigrant group came into office (ex. irish) he would give jobs to his constituents and that group would come to be influential in policy decisions. significance: Riis got one of these jobs as a court interpreter. they signified changes in politics or new components of politics

roger williams

definition: a minister from the Mass bay colony who came to the colony in 1631. He would not be a member of winthrop's church because members of that church refused to renounce the impurities of the church of england. he was a separatist, but was even more radical than the ones who settled at plymouth. eventually set up rhode island significance: he was significant because he was made the town pastor of salem and even though on many occasions Winthrop was tempted to remove him, but was limited by tenants of congregationalism. winthrop eventually convinced the salem parishioners to remove him by bribing them. Evidence of some gradual steps toward democracy significance: his exile in 1635 leads to the founding of rhode island! which ironically becomes the first colony to allow religious freedom because he realizes that it is impossible to create a "perfectly pure" church so it is better to just let everyone in

proposition 187

definition: adopted by california voters in 1994. Illegal immigrants would not be eligible for welfare significance: illegal immigrants become the scapegoats in california significance: governor wilson backed the proposition and used it as a platform for his run for president but he got nowhere. significance: shows the lack of success that candidates get from badmouthing immigrants in campaigns. shift from the 1920s when that was a party platform with the know-nothings. significance: shows the concern that people in california think that immigrants are taking advantage of welfare programs

horatio alger

definition: author who published more than 100 books in his 50 years which were all the same. 2 main stories (ragged dick:poor but honest, through honesty, hard work and a little luck he manages to better himself. luck and pluck: starts out in good circumstances, his parents are killed, he is orphaned, but through hard work and a little luck he regains his inheritance) significance: theme develops of economic mobility, "rags to riches" idea. term that was never used by alger, but was used in the stage adaptations of his books. significance: in the 1920s historians start to write about immigrants and why they come here. this is the beginning of immigrants showing up in literature and being taken seriously as a historical discipline.

david duke

definition: candidate running for political office in Louisiana. publicly known to be the former KKK national director. he then tried to run for US senate (lost). then ran for Louisiana governor. he beat the incumbent but lost in the runoff to the democratic candidate (1990) significance: shows that there was a significant minority constituency for people who worried about the "rights of European americans" significance: his legacy was followed by Pat Buchanan. "cultural conservatives"/republicans who wanted to maintain the "judeo-christian" values of white america

barbara jordan

definition: chairwoman of the Jordan commission of 1995. commission developed out of the 1990 immigration act and suggested in June 1995 that legal immigration be cut by reducing the family related quota exemptions by limiting it o 400,000 per year (the year before, it was 600,000), introduced to congress by congressman lamar smith of texas significance: there are three sides of the immigration debate (open borders, ethnic/cultural purity, and the middle), but nothing ever came of this bill because each side tried to make it fit their own preferences. the business people rejected it/opposed the proposal, cultural conservatives thought it didnt cut immigration enough significance: immigration reform will not make progress because of deadlock of conservative/liberal ideologies

vincent chin

definition: chinese auto industry worker (his killers thought he was japanese) in detroit beaten to death with a baseball bat by two white workers (father/son) in June 1982 when leaving a bar. murderers sentenced to 3,000 fine and probation which leads to public outcry from asian-american interest groups significance: result in the gradual decline of the american auto industry and the increase in demand for japanese cars which resulted from the OPEC oil embargoes. 14% unemployment in the industry significance: shows the resentment of chin (who himself is not an immigrant, and the japanese but more overall feeling that foreigners and immigrants are hurting the economy significance: creates a sense of an asian-american identity b/c the groups that come together to protest the Chin case are Japanese, chinese, Philippine (creates a pan-asian mentality)

return migration of the 1930s

definition: coincided with the great depression, many immigrants went back to where they came from because conditions were so bad during the great depression that they thought they would do better in europe because there were bigger social welfare programs. has to do with belief that depression was less severe in some places. some waited it out and then came back to america significance: prevalent theme, that over and over again when there is either war or economic trouble in america, it affects immigration. significance: contributes to the creation of Roosevelt's New Deal Coalition which attracted many immigrants to the democratic party/roosevelt

street arabs

definition: comes from the idea that arabs are nomads that wander around. little boys would sell newspapers. these were children significance: Photo of the street arabs by Riis brought up suspicion on the authenticity of his work...they were probably posed. significance: sign of how bad tenement crowding and poverty in NY was, that children didnt have a place to sleep and had to fend for themselves.

pat buchanan

definition: conservative political commentator (cultural conservative). wanted the US to maintain its Judeo-christian values. tried to broker his fame from TV for a run for the white house, but ran against bush (incumbent conservative) so he obviously lost significance: shows that there was a significant minority constituency for people who worried about the "rights of European americans"/cultural conservatives significance: his lack of success shows that the anti-immigrant stance is no longer one that will find success in politics.

the NYC mosque controversy

definition: controversy over whether or not to build a muslim cultural center and mosque 2 blocks from ground zero in NYC significance: significant because the people who want to build this are mostly immigrants who want a place to worship/pray during the day near where they work/live. question of how much influence should immigrants have in our lives significance: once again, people are afraid of what is different, whether it is the catholics and their pope and bibles in schools or muslims and their cultural centers, americans want to keep this idea of a protestant nation, something that is difficult to maintain when your constitution guarantees religious freedom

arizona immigration law

definition: empowers local police authorities/law enforcement officials to check the immigration status of any person they have a reasonable cause to beleive might be in the country illegally significance: shows that the deadlock in congress/national government will lead to the states taking the issue into their own hands significance: this will probably come in front of the supreme court in the near future; supreme court overturned aspects of prop 187 in california and overturned head tax on immigrants in 19th century

hart cellar act of 1965

definition: ends national origin quota system (no longer bases slots for immigrants on ethnicity, not trying to replicate the ethnic makeup of US today, instead tries to portion slots among the nations that most want to come to the US). raises number of immigrants allowed per year from 150,000 to 290,000 (170,000 from eastern hemisphere but no country can have more than 20,000 each, 120,000 allowed from western hemisphere with no limit from any country. continues exemptions of the McCarran-Walter Act significance: this goes into effect as the sons and grandsons of the "new immigrants" begin to win political office and as JFK is president (first catholic president, there are many catholic new immigrants) and there is a shift; JFK's book "a nation of immigrants" about how we should celebrate diversity instead of cover it up. significance: unintended consequences of the exemptions results in government mandated chain migration and a snowball effect. this creates the immigration system that we have today!

longoria affair

definition: felix longoria was killed in the pacific theater in 1942. when his remains were returned to his family in 1948, his family wanted to bury him in three rivers, TX but the church said the funeral home was for whites only. The family needed a mortician which the church could provide. the case ended up getting national attention and local politician lyndon johnson interceded on their behalf, getting longoria the right to be buried at Arlington national ceremony significance: as a result, veterans of latino descent who fought in WWII began to run for political office in the late 1940s and early 1950s significance: this was significant because it was one aspect of a movement towards desegregation which was occurring in latino/american areas. The movement didnt start with the decision to be buried at arlington, they were honored but what they really wanted was the end of segregation

mulberry bend

definition: five points in the 1880s. home to the worst tenements, the outside from the street didnt look that bad, but the alleys behind that were terrible, may have 2 rear tenements and an alleyway between the buildings where crooks could disappear; bandits roost was on this street, stale beer dives etc.; this was the street that Riis wanted to expose significance: This area was an example of the terrible conditions that immigrants were forced to cope with, and with Riis's help, the expose of the conditions led to reform and the progressive movement significance: knowledge of these neighborhoods increased nativist fears that immigrants were breeding crime and were dangerous

american republican party

definition: founded by James Harper who ran for the mayor of NY and is elected. endorsed by the whig party. Philadelphia riots in May 1844 lead to its demise. Nativist party significance: This is significant because it shows just how agitated people are about religion/bible in schools that they would start a political party on it significance: Also, it is one of the nativist political parties and once it falls apart after the Philadelphia riots, it causes the formation of other nativist political parties

Dennis Kearney: the workingmen's party of california

definition: founder of the "workingmen's party of california" the party whose slogan was "chinese must go" significance: This is a result of the huge depression of 1873 when economy went into a tailspin and there was 5 years of high unemployment (25%). The chinese are the scapegoat for american sentiment on the depression. significance:the party got control of the california state constitutional convention...led to legislation that said chinese could not be hired by corporations, state government, or buy/inherit land. These laws were put into effect, first significant blatantly discriminatory laws against chinese immigrants...much worse than anything in the past. led to some americans defending the chinese (a divide in what some people thought was constitutional and others thought was unconstitutional) significance: caused few chinese to leave, eventually led to the passing of the 1875 page act which barred prostitutes and coolie-laborers


definition: from the 1600s, a group from england, who thought the church of england was too much like the catholic church and needed to be purified. The majority of this gropu wished to implement these views in the church of england, but a radical minority of separatists thought all participation with the church of england was heretical significance: this group was significant because they set up the massachusetts bay colony and were one of the best colonizers because were financially backed and they sent people ahead of the settlers to build the colony having learned from the failure of the virginia colonists. significance: Also, these were the colonists who set up the "city upon a hill" and be so successful that they would convince people back in england to change the religion as a whole by instituting reforms such as congregationalism/autonomy

splitting the school fund

definition: idea of splitting the money for schools. catholics said that they would take that money that would be going to teaching catholics in public schools and they would set up their own parochial schools. objected to by protestants for the same reasons as bible issue. Protestants didnt want their money going to support catholic teaching and didnt want segregation of children in schools b/c they thought that if they were separate they would eventually be in conflict with each other significance: this is significant because it is a revival of the bible in school controversy and the protestant belief that catholics are teaching "ignorance and superstition" significance:later (1870s) there is a revival of this issue when Boss Tweed actually splits the school fund in NY and it is such an uproar that president Grant, who never spoke, ever, made a speech in opposition to this issue. in the 1880s almost every state had a law that banned the splitting of the school fund. Catholicism continues to be an issue in national politics after grant leaves office

stale beer dive

definition: if you tap a keg there is some beer that you cant get out (out of pressure/beer is flat), they would take the stale beer into the saloons. they would add chemicals to it to make it not flat and alcoholics would drink it significance: (see mulberry bend) significance:

return migration

definition: immigrants who come to america, stay for a while, and then take their earnings back to where they came from. some return migrants known as "birds of passage" significance: significant because this happens in the 1930s during the great depression. immigrants think conditions are so bad, they will do better back in europe (more people leaving on ships than coming in) significance: happens whenever there is a war (prevalent during WWI and WWII). lack of social welfare programs in the US. is one of the factors that contributes to Roosevelt's New deal coalition.

the pale of settlement

definition: in 1795-1835 laws confined russian jews to the district called the "pale of settlements" located around western and southern russia and northeastern poland. laws governing jewish life in the pale became very restrictive. jewish farmers forced to leave homes and live in these towns/villages/shtetls. idea was to group jews together so you could keep an eye on them. significance: This was significant because this discrimination in Russia was a reason for russian jews to leave and come to america significance: also, teddy roosevelt wanted to stop violence against jews so he complained to the czar. he did this to help them, but also to stop them from coming to the states

settlement house

definition: institutions set up by social workers in immigrant neighborhoods in order to provide help to immigrants who otherwise wouldnt have access to welfare programs significance: it applies the ideas of the progressive movement, and inspired further betterment of living and working conditions, provided resources like training in classes for the immigrants that they wouldnt have necessarily had otherwise. significance: movement that helps immigrants get out of poverty/slums in spite of terrible conditions.


definition: italian word for "godfather," used during 1860s to describe italian labor contractors who go around italy looking for parents who are willing to sell their children to indentured servitude. taught basics of musicianship to children, street performers (for money) significance: around 1870s, exposes came out and resulted in laws that banned children from performing in the streets without their parents significance: for new immigrants, mainly italians, street vending (including performing/organ grinders) was a major source of income for italians, once laws are passed to restrict child preformers, padrones move into labor contracts with adults and not just in NY, but throughout other italian immigrant areas in US (such as mines, railroads, florida dockworkers, agricultural workers,

lynching of leo frank

definition: leo frank was lynched in 1915, manager in a pencil factory in atlanta, GA, convicted of rape (1913) of worker mary fagan. jewish. significance: has to do with anti-jewish nativism. prosecution of frank was full of anti-semitism "rich northern jew taking advantage of workers" there was weak evidence...not good evidence for implicating frank, he claimed not to know fagan, janitor had much more evidence against him (even confessed). significance: convicted of life sentence in prison, but was kidnapped from prison by a mob that included prominent GA political figures (including Tom Watson), considered a highpoint of American anti-semitism


definition: like an indentured servant, but they have the captain bring them over without having to pay in advance. they would promise the captain that they would pay as soon as they arrived in america (redeem/redemption-ers) significance: this was significant because it is initially associated with german immigration because they did not want to be indentured slaves. historically germans were one of the most prevalent immigrant groups throughout american history. significance: Also, it shows evidence of america letters and chain migration, because there had to have been communication back and forth between themselves and former immigrants in order to arrange for someone to pay the ship captain upon their arrival.


definition: minority of puritans who thought all interaction with the church of england was heretical. They disavowed the church of England, a crime which was punishable by death. At first they went to Leyden in the Netherlands and eventually ended up coming to America on the Mayflower and setting up a successful colony at Plymouth Plantations. Significance: they represented the divide that existed in england during the 1600s and were the first group to immigrate in american history for religious freedom. Significance: because they were a radical sect, they never grew very big and found themselves in constant tension with the mainstream puritans who set up the massachusetts bay colony 30-40 years later.

molly maguire's in PA

definition: most famous of the immigrant dominated labor organizations of the post civil war years. question of whether or not they truly existed. owners of mines in PA were thought to have made up this organization in order to justify their brutal responses to strikes (mine owners cited death threats) significance:others think that it really existed as a secret organization who tried to get mine owners to pay them more and treat them better. significance: this created the image of labor unions that americans had in the 1870s as violent and radical and irish significance: during this period, strikes were prevalent

1901 NY state tenement law

definition: passed at the beginning of progressive movement: regulations on windows, fire escapes, number of people in an apartment, number of toilets per residence. four features: all rooms = outward facing windows, all buildings had to have open courtyards, required indoor toilets of all newly built buildings, regulation or work that goes on inside tenements significance: result of this law was the dumb-bell tenement design significance: reason these laws passed was because of people like Riis who had established political fears (if we dont do this immigrants would become radicalized, and also health fears, that they would become a public health problem and you could get sick even if you're not an immigrant - increasing the spread of disease)

basement lodging houses

definition: people would rent basements from landlords and then would bring the poorest of the poor to live. Biggest targets of Riis's work. Price determined where you slept (expesive = top bunk, cheapest = floor) significance: another example of cheap lodging for immigrants, Riis used these as a tool for furthering his call for reform. significance: overcrowding of immigrants in NYC, tenement crowding, overpopulation,

ellis island

definition: place where immigrants came through after 1892. significance: people began to be documented, some were sent back (single women and prostitutes), screening process, deportation at a systematic level, myth of inspectors changing names, attempts to exclude undesirables significance: facilitated the quota system, people can trace ancestors back through ellis island. record keeping, medical screening, immigrant aid societies develop

know nothing party

definition: political party that comes about in the pre-civil war period. eventually the party died and was overtaken by the republican party. Anti-immigrant/catholic and therefore anti-slavery b/c irish were known to support slavery and the democratic party. significance: Significance is a peak in nativism. it is successful in gaining seats because it is linked with the slavery issue (supports abolition) which eventually leads to its demise (passage of kansas-nebraska act). significance: Also, it shows that immigrants have an effect on politics and decisions that voters made when voting.

order of the star spangled banner

definition: popular between 1853-1854. nativist secret fraternal order goes from 10,000 members to a million members and eventually becomes the know nothing party significance: significant because it shows the reality of nativist sentiment and the strength of their ideals significance: also, it was a response to the falling apart of the American Republican party and the reality of anti-catholic nativist sentiment

progressive movement

definition: purpose was to come up with legislation that would ameliorate the negative changes brought to american society as a result of the industrialization of the post civil war years. significance: the bulk of the workforce during the progressive era was made up of immigrants, so reforms had a huge impact on immigrants significance: living conditions and working conditions of immigrants were a major focus (jane addams, jacob riis, lilian wald, jacob schiff)

palmer raids

definition: raids set up by US government targeting immigrants who were thought to be communists/socialists. Reaction to post WWI. Russian revolution fear of export of communism. After WWI fear of too many immigrants flooding into the country Significance: demonstrate growth of anti-immigrant sentiment with the growth of the new immigration early 20th century. Socialist and ancharchist movemts by new immigrants and the development of a communist state of soviet union Significance: used immigrants as a scapegoat for communist scare Significance: govt could not target native radicals, so took it out on immigrants

pete wilson

definition: ran for governor of california in 1994. He used his support for prop 187 as a springboard for his presidential run significance: many republicans in the mid 1990s thought that they could use the immigration issue as a springboard for higher office significance: if this had been in the 1920s or earlier times in the south and midwest maybe they would have done better, but today, attacking immigrants is not a formula for electoral success

bachelor society

definition: when an immigrant group is mainly men, it is thought, by nativists to be characterized by drugs, gambling, and prostitution. example: san fransico, chinatown (100 chinese men to each woman) significance: This is significant because it encouraged anti-chinese nativism significance: Also, because there were so few chinese women, the chinese men were marrying american women which was an outrage to nativists. Also restaurants were very important in chinese places in america. Significance: also, chinese gambling and opium dens were established in these areas and were part of most chinese settlements.

the bracero program

definition: rather than having unregulated migration of Mexicans each year to work in farm areas, instead they start a government program. worked on sugarbeet farms in terrible conditions (treated the workers like cattle, thought of as disposable human manpower) Did stoop labor (farm-work that required being constantly bent over) program ended in 1964 significance: because people were only given a portion of their pay while in the US, the system regulated immigration by forcing workers to return to mexico. unfortunately this didnt really work because the mexican banks were so corrupt. significance: This program lasted from 1942-1964, a period when mexican workers were really needed to fill vacancies left by the americans going off to fight in wars.


definition: small villages of jews within the pale of settlement. yiddish word. people had been kicked off their farmland. not allowed to live outside the pale or attend universities. significance: This was significant because this discrimination in Russia was a reason for russian jews to leave and come to america significance: also, teddy roosevelt wanted to stop violence against jews so he complained to the czar. he did this to help them, but also to stop them from coming to the states

triangle shirtwaist company fire

definition: strike in 1909 and 1910 led by international lady-garmet worker's union that succeeded in getting industry to agree with demands for most factories, but this company did not agree to terms. fire in 1911, many were working on 8th, 9th, 10th floor. doors were locked, people couldnt get out, people jumped from windows, led to a civil suit significance: causes passage of workman's compensation laws to be passed (1910, employers have to pay for medical bills if you are hurt on the job) significance: owners were tried for negligence but found innocent b/c they said they didnt know doors were locked and then the families win a civil suit - leads to workers comp laws significance: by the next decade 44 states had passed workers compensation laws that offered employers insurance from lawsuits

koramatsu vs. united states

definition: supreme court decision that said president has the power to intern japanese immigrants and second generation japanese americans using torture logic to make the case significance: wartime hysteria causes increase in anti-immigrant sentiment significance: leads to an increase in anti-asian sentiment in general (even other groups who were not japanese). great lengths taken in distributing propaganda to distinguish between japanese/chinese.

birds of passage

definition: terms that americans used to describe the new immigrants b/c they complained they were coming to america to earn money and then would leave significance: immigrants were often damned if they did stay and damned if they didnt. by not putting roots down in america they didnt have pride of place so they would treat their areas badly and not invest in american economy. significance: example is the slavic miners who were seen as "submissive slavs" in pennsylavnia and west virginia. they irony was that they did not go back to europe, because of the destruction of WWI and then joined unions, leaving american fears unfounded.


definition: the belief that people can control their own faith/opposite of predestination. significance: Contrasted the prevailing view that everything in life was predetermined. This was attractive to protestants, but not to conservative puritans, who were radically conservative in this sense. significance: King Charles I supported this and decided to destroy puritanism in parliament. He was also married to a catholic, imposed catholic-like reforms to the church of england and seen as a sympathizer which was the worst thing that puritans could imagine.

jane addams

definition: the most well known progressive. social worker from illinois who funded the Hull House (1889) in Chicago. significance: first settlement house in the US, idea was based off of a settlement house she had seen in London. significance: Part of the settlement house movement was that reformers had to live in the slums with the immigrants/poor people significance: led to women's rights and suffrange, ending child labor, juvenile court, this was a model that was copied by many others sucha s the Henry street settlement in NY by lillian wald in 1893)


definition: the place below the deck, they would squeeze immigrants and supplies in here. disease rampant, terrible conditions. overcrowded, smelly, breeding ground for typhus and typhoid, seasickness. significance: exists even once throughout immigration history...even as technology improves it is still a notorious kind of experience even though people are there for a shorter period of time. conditions are still bad but they are less of a factor significance: only steerage passengers went to ellis island. first class passengers/immigrants got off at the dock. 94% of immigrants beginning 1892 come through ellis island/are in steerage.

bandits roost

definition: the worst alleyway in mulberry bend (old hags, stale beer dives, man with shotgun, crooks, gangsters) significance: (see mulberry bend) significance:

economic mobility

definition: theme that drew immigrants to america. "rags to riches dream" significance: showed up as a theme in horatio alger's books and also in plays during the 1920s significance: historians start to question why immigrants are coming. immigrants came for primarily economic reasons and for the most part they were satisfied with their economic success once they were in the US.

domus centered society

definition: theme that family is the center of family life, with the mother at the center of that. significance: imitates religious beleifs, support system, family, orsi draws analogy between madonna (mother), and jesus (oldest son) significance: influences everything that italians do, men work, women are housewives, oldest son does the mother's bidding and allows for her to have control over the family. also allows for families to stay grounded in traditional italian family structure even in america

great railway strike of 1877

definition: very violent strike, in baltimore, also severe in buffalo and pittsburg, wasnt nationally organized, but had developed independently of local organizations. significance: the violence that it involved spawned hatred of unions and also it was a few years after the communist uprising in Paris and there was a belief that there was an international socialist movement brought to US by immigrants significance: backlash over the depression that lasted until 1877

black and tan

definition: women would go and drink in stale beer dives, would allow mixing of the races. significance: not only was it unacceptable for these women to be drinking, but they were also sitting too close to members of the opposite race. significance: Riis' image was another depiction of how bad it was in this area, and caused outrage at these conditions by americans

terrance powderly

definition:Becomes leader of the Knights of Labor. A labor organization that becomes popular in late 1800s in the US. Called for the creation of "one great brotherhood of workers." complained that monopolies and capitalism had limited ability for people to climb social ladder/americans had to rise from rags to riches. first irish catholic elected mayor of a significant american city. significance: this organization was the opposite of the radical image that americans had of labor unions (a labor union to counteract the violence and radicalism). significance: was a response to the mechanization of specialized trades. wanted to protect the trades that were left in the workplace

new immigration

definition:Began in the 1900, a term used to describe the shift in European Immigration from Western and Northern to Southern and Eastern Europe like Russia, Italy and Austria Hungry. The peak years of new immigration were 1900 -1914. Most weren't looking for farmland like in the past. Industrial jobs brought them to the US. significance: Significant because it was a response to WWI, also it was due to an increase in transportation (steamships and trains) and technology so poorer immigrants could come over who could not afford it before. Industrial revolution pushes people out significance: also, it changes who is coming to america and inspires legislation to restrict these groups because americans see them as inferior and want to keep america "white"

gangs (tongs)

definition:Better equivalent to something like the Italian mafia: organized crime. Criminal organizations set up by Chinese in America for the purpose of extorting money from shopkeepers, gambling den keepers, opium den keepers. Threats were twofold:If you don't pay protection money we wreck your place.If you don't pay protection money We will use our influence with authorities to have you arrested for what you are doing significance: Significant because it showed an inability/unwillingness of the chinese to assimilate because these institutions were established in china and carried over in america. significance: it is imporatnt because it shows difference in anti-chinese nativism which is much more regional in its focus than irish or german which was more based on religion and ideals whereas chinese was their entire culture which was seen to be complete un-assimalatable

the awful disclosures of maria monk

definition:Book published in 1836. Books like this were a staple of publishing in the protestant world for centuries. Can sum up the content pretty easily I have been a nun in a convent: behind the convent walls we are raped by priests and the nuns give birth and the priests killed the children etc. Written by 2 male protestant ministers. Lots of salacious details would be added in to make it provocative: 19th century pornography. Prevalent even before famine irish arrive significance: This was significant because it fanned anti-catholic sentiment. it spreads the idea of corruption within the catholic church, the fact that they are not good people. significance: Also, it was a response to the large numbers of catholic immigrants who came around the famine period (including before famine). nativist responses to large immigrant groups became a pattern.


definition:Chinese indentured servants. USA was being flooded by Chinese workers who would work for nothing because they were being forced to do so. Labor contractors would buy them in china and bring them over to the US and take jobs from the other immigrants significance: The page act was passed to bar this type of immigrant (along with prostitutes) because they were thought to be lowering wages for americans. they were the cause of the anti-chinese riot in denver, and a subsequent chain of acts/exclusions on the chinese (chinese exclusion act that barred chinese laborers) significance: The riots that happened in response to anti-coolie sentiment were so intense that rioters would literally try to tear down the entire neighborhood so that chinese would have no place to live. this was different than anti-immigrant riots in other cities where they would instead riot and take political action - radicalized and violent. leads to push for exclusion

castle garden

definition:If you landed in new york you landed at castle garden. Located at the bottom tip of manhattan where people landed in 1850s. You didn't get to castle island unless you passed the quarantine inspection first. If you were sick you went to staten island. Castle Garden was before Ellis Island is opened in 1892 (administrative/regimented system starts after civil war) significance: This is significant because it is the first time that US immigration officials keep records of who is coming to the US, how they traveled and where they settled. significance: Also, immigrant runners were common. they would steal immigrants luggage and use extortion to force them to pay to get their belongings back. this led to the move to ellis island.

de leon

definition:Jewish immigrant who saw henry george was his inspiration. Created newspaper: the people. Ran on socialist ticket for governor of NY state. Highly critical of trade union movement. Highly radical → divide rather quickly into two camps Those who upported political action (electing people to office who would bring about goals of IWW) were De leon and debbs. Those who supported direct action Bill haywood, emma goldman. Direct action people won control of IWW, de leon and debbs both left and created rival organizations. De leon made rival organization. Debbs created socialist political party significance: was part of the camp within the IWW that supported Political Action (electing people into political office) but then when direct action faction of the IWW won control of the organization, he organized a rival organization significance: Important because he was highly critical of the trade union movement at a time when there was a lot of support/a bug push for the trade union movement

immigration act of 1921

definition:Limited number of immigrants who could come to the united states in any year from any country to 3% of the number of immigrants already in the US as of 1910. Huge reduction for immigrants from italy and Czech republic for example significance: response to the fear that there would be a surge of immigrants coming from the countries that had stopped sending immigrants during the war significance: showed the failure of the literacy test in keeping people out. wanted to keep more immigrants out...first time we see the use of quotas

1913 literacy law

definition:Literacy test was the solution that the Dillingham report came up with. Terms of the literacy test: had to prove you could read 30-40 words in any language. There was exemption for those fleeing religious persecution. This test was administered at ellis island: if you could read the passage you could move on. Women and men 16 or over had to take the literacy test. significance: vetoed by president taft, important because many americans opposed the literacy test, and saw it as an effort to specifically limit southern and eastern immigration significance: response to the depression of 1893-1897 unemployment was 20% at times (for about for years), and people thought that immigrants were taking jobs (it was voted on in 1897 but didnt pass then because the depression had lifted, became an issue again in 1917 under wilson who passed it because he was concerned with paying for war - passed by determined congress with a 2/3 vote to overrule wilson's)

the dillingham commission

definition:One of the most important catylists of immigration restriction laws. Senator William P Dillingham of VT chairman of senate immigration committee. Dillingham commission created in 1907, issued its report in 1911. Dillingham commission is one of those that you find often in congress in which the committee says they are doing it to see if there is a problem and then. He announced what the findings of the commission were that southern and eastern European immigration if it continues will bring great harm to the United States, lowering intelligence of American people as a whole. Believed that the commission was something organized for the press. Dillingham commission does reflect the tenants of progressivism though. It was a movement to ameliorate problems of urbanization and industrialization significance:insisted that the literacy test be used to keep out undesirables and radicals and in that way you could improve the tenor of immigrants while still keeping a flow of immigrants (goes into effect eventually in 1917) significance: was created in response to the 1907 immigration Act. In response to the fear that immigrants were bringing crime into the US

jewish pogroms

definition:Organized episode of religious persecution in Russia. typically organized by the government or inspired by the government. russian officials at the top of government at local level. persistent pogroms in the 1880s and early 1900s, third wave 1917 to 1921. coincides with russian revolution significance:each series of pogroms followed by massive rise in jewish emigration from russia significance: significant because it shows a rise in anti-semitism in europe, and then with a surge of these immigrants it happens in the US. These jews were associated with the new immigration and were discriminated against by even earlier groups of jewish immigrants who had been very successful

peter stuyvesant and new amsterdam

definition:governor of New Amsterdam in the 1600s. Set up as a dutch colony/trading post on the Hudson River. Initially there was no separation of church and state significance: This is significant because it eventually becomes New York when the english take it over in the 1600s, the place through which the majority of other immigrants will come through, known as the first melting pot. significance: Also, because it was a dutch colony, they encouraged many people to go there and it was one of the most ethnically diverse colonies of the time and allowed for religious tolerance/diversity (more so than virginia and english colonies).

mendez v. westminster

definition:in orange county, CA sylvia mendez (latino) filed a lawsuit demanding to end segregation in Westminster county on grounds that it violated the 14 amendment. they won and the appeals court upheld the ruling but did not base its affirmation on the 14th amendment. (1946 and 1947) significance: a few years later the entire state of California was desegregated, showed that there was sympathy in the courts for immigrants when it came to education significance: was a sign of growing sentiment against latino immigrants, especially in border areas such as california as well as texas as seen in the Longoria affair


definition:international ladies garment worker's union. Once was one of the largest unions in the united states. Predominantly female membership. Founded in 1900 when several smaller garment workers unions banded together. Grew quickly and had successful strikes → membership grows Involved/lead the 1909: uprising of 20,000 and Great Revolt. clara lemlich (spokes person) significance: This group was responsible for the great revolt which brought a health benefits program and favored arbitration rather than strikes significance: inspired by walkout of workers at triangle shirtwaist company. moved to gain better conditions and improved hours


definition:international workers of the world, nickname: the wobblies. Founded in Chicago in june 1905 at convention of radical union organizers from all over united states who had gathered to come up with an alternative organization to the AFL. First organizers included big bill Hayward, Daniel de leon, Eugene debbs, mary jones (mother jones), carlo tresca, joe hill. significance: Most leaders of IWW were immigrants. IWW was polar opposite of the AFL. Thinks that all workers should join one big union. Do not believe in segregation or discrimination in the workplace. Most important of socialist unions of the period. Members included everybody on radical fringe of labor movement in this period significance: Also, this group broke up into two and most everybody associated with it were socialists and anarchists and they divided into two camps significance: did not organize, but helped the Textile strike 1912 which was successful in getting better pay and conditions for workers


definition:the idea that various immigrant groups are undesirable and are bringing the quality of life in america down. significance: This is significant because nativism was pushed by the thought that they were bringing undesirable habits like alcoholism, it leads to be bann of alcoholism and a push towards the temperance movement, also that immigrants were "importing poverty" significance: led to nativist political parties, in the belief that immigrants were corrupting politics, violence became prevalent in politics, kept people from voting Also, this is a trend that showed up many times in immigration history (irish, jewish, chinese in california, "new immigrants," mexicans today)

chicago school of sociology

definition:the most legitimate group that the US had produced (out of the university of chicago) interested in applied sociology significance: studied the poor and found a way to make better the problems they were suffering from, worked with sociologists as well as people living in Hull House significance: Jane Addams worked closely with them and through their support was able to achieve the reforms she was working towards (see Jane Addams and settlement house)

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