History Honors Chapter 13

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Describe the roundup.

Cowboys would herd all the longhorns they could find into a large corral, they sorted through the cattle deciding what cattle they want.

Describe four other Mexican influences on cowboy way of life that came from the first Spanish ranchers in Mexico.

Food, clothes, vocabulary, spurs and chaps.

What caused problems between miners and the Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho in the Black Hills, South Dakota?

Miners began searching the Black Hills for gold. The Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho protested the encroachment of their lands to no avail.

Describe the long drive

the movement of cattle over trails or to shipping containers.

Define the Morrill Act of 1862 and 1890.

this gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges.

How did American white settler feel about Native American land claims?


How much had the US population west of the Mississippi River grown between 1850 and 1900?

1% to 30%

About how many cowboys worked the Plains between 1866 and 1885? About what percent were African-American? Mexican?

55,000 worked the plains between 1866 and 1885. 25% were African Americans, 12% were Mexican.

What did Helen Hunt Jackson write?

A Century of Dishonor

Where was the Chisholm Trail? How many cattle were moved on this trail by its second year?

Abilene, Kansas all the way up north. 35 thousand were shipped.

Who were the exodusters?

African Americans who moved from post reconstruction South to Kansas.

What was the goal of the Dawes Act?

Americanize Native Americans

Who were the presidential candidates, parties, and issues of the presidential election of 1896? Define bimetallism and gold standard

Bimetallism: a monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checks. Gold Standard: backing dollars solely with gold. William McKinley was running on the republican side, and William Jennings Bryan ran for the Democratic side.

What led to the increased demand for beef after the civil war?

Cattlemen started selling their cattle, the demand for beef skyrocketed, because of the rapidly growing cities.

What workers built the railroads?

Civil war veterans, Irish and Chinese immigrants, African Americans, and Mexican Americans did most of the labor.

What happen at the little big horn river between colonel George Custer and crazy horse and sitting bull?

Colonel Custer reached Little Bighorn River, the Native Americans were ready for them. The warriors outflanked and crushed Custers troops. Cluster and all of the men of the seventh cavalary were dead.

Describe the challenges did western settlers faced on the Plains?

Droughts, floods, fires, blizzards, locust plagues, and occasional raids by outlaws and Native Americans.

How did the homestead act support western settlement?

Encouraged people to migrate to the South.

Describe the cause and impact of the Panic of 1893.

Farmers were overextended with debts and loans, everyone started to go into debt and they were going bankrupted. People panicked and traded paper money for gold. Over 15,000 businesses and 500 banks collapsed.

Explain what happened at Sand Creek, Colorado in 1864.

General S.R. Curtis and U.S. Army commander in the west, sent a telegram to militia colonel John Chivington that read, "I want no peace till the Indians suffer more." The attack happened on November 19th, 1864, it killed over 150 inhabitants, mostly women and children.

Define greenbacks. What action did the government take regarding greenbacks after the Civil?

Greenbacks were paper money, they could not be exchanged. Retiring greenbacks caused discontent. It increased the value of money that stayed in circulation.

The Populist or People's Party started in 1892 in Omaha, NE. List six of its reforms.

Increase in money supply, graduated income tax, federal loan program, election of US senators by popular vote, single terms for the president and Vice President, a secret ballot to end vote fraud.

What did Frederick Jackson Turner claim in his essay famous essay of 1893?

It claimed that the frontier was what made America unique.

How did this cause problems for the farmers? What did farmers and other debtors, throughout the 1870s call upon the government to do about this?

It made farmers who had borrowed money had to pay back their loans in dollars that were worth more than the dollars they had borrowed. They pushed the government to issue more money into circulation.

What financial pressures did farmers face? Define bonanza farms, mortgages

Machinery was expensive. Bonanza farms: enormous single crop spreads of 15,000-50,000 acres. Mortgaged: farmers mortgaged their land to buy more property, and as farms grew bigger, the farmers wouldn't go into debt.

Why did McKinley win the election?

McKinley got approximately 7 million votes, McKinley carried the east. The voters of the industrial middle west, with their fear of inflation, brought McKinley into office.

What was the Homestead Act?

Offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of the household.

What was the Grange? Who established it? What did it spend most of its time doing?

Oliver Hudson Kelley, grange: an organization for farmers that became popularly. Was used to provide a social outlet and an educational forum for isolated farm families.

What were the two main political parties? What people and regions tended to support each party?

Republicans were business owners and bankers. Democrats were the farmers and laborers of the agrarian South and West.

What percent of the land out West was actually settled by families? Who were the other groups that claimed land?

Only 10% was settled by families. Private Speculators and state government agents sometimes used the law fro their own gain. Cattlemen also fenced in open lands.

What three things were responsible for bringing an end to the cattle frontier?

Overgrazing of the land, extended bad weather, invention of barbed wire fencing.

Describe the work that women performed on the praire.

Plowed the land, planted and harvested crops, sheared sheep, carded wool for clothes, hauled water, amde soap and candles from tallow, canned food. They also were skilled in doctoring and sponsored schools and churches.

What vicious economic cycle were many farmers trapped in by the late 1800s?

Prices for crops were falling, and farmers often mortgaged their farms so that they could buy more land and produce more crops.

What problems did farmers have with the railroads?

Railroads made secret agreements with middlemen-grain brokers and merchants- that allowed the railroads to control grain storage prices adn to influence the market price of crops.

List six inventions that helped to improve farming between 1837 to 1878.

Steel plow, reaping machine, spring tooth harrow, grain drill, corn binder, reaper.

What two companies helped build the transcontinental railroad? In what year did the railroad connect in Utah?

The Central Pacific and the Union Pacific. The railroads reached Utah in the spring on 1869.

What actions did the US government take to support settlement of the Great Plains?

The federal government had passed an act that designated the entire Great Plains as one enormous reservation, or land set aside for Native American tribes.

What types of grants did the federal government provide to the railroads from 1850 to 1871 through the Pacific Railroad Act?

The federal government made huge land grants to the railroads. IN one grant, both the Union Pacific and the central received 10 square miles of public land for every mile of track laid in a state and 20 square miles of land for every mile of track laid in territory.

Explain the importance of the horse, guns, and buffalo to the Native American Culture.

With horses, Native Americans could travel farther, and with guns they were able to to hunt more efficiently. With Buffalo, they made teepees from buffalo hides, hides fro clothing, shoes, and blankets. They also ate the buffalo meat.

What did Farmer's Alliances do? About how many farmers were members?

The grange gave rise to other organizations, alliances sent lecturers from town to town or educate people about topics such as lower interest rates on loans and government control over railroads and banks.

Define the Great Plains

The grassland extending through the west-central portion of the United States

What political and electoral success did it have?

The populists' programs eventually became the platform of the Democratic Party and kept alive the concept that the government is responsible for reforming social injustices.

What was the result of the battle of wounded knee?

The seventh cavalary slaughtered as many as 300 native Americans

Who taught the American settlers how to manage herds?

Their Mexicans neighbors.

Describe what happened in Oklahoma in 1889. Where does the name 'Sooner" and 'Sooner State' come from?

There was a huge land giveaway which attracted thousands of people. Because the people claimed land sooner, Oklahoma became known as the Sooner State.

what were Texas longhorns?

Wild cattle, from southern Spain

Why did whites kill buffalo on the plains? How did it affect native Americans?

Tourists and fur traders shot buffalos for sport. It took away the Indians main source of food, clothing, shelter, and fuel.

The government created the first of these in 1872. What was it?

Yellowstone National Park

Define assimilation

a plan under which native americans would give up their way of life and become americanized

Describe soddies?

a sod home, was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They were small but offered little light or air

Define the Hatch Act of 1887.

established experiment stations to inform farmers of new developments.

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