History - India 3 (Consultation and Confrontation 1930-42)

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who was Bose?

- indian freedom fighter - president of INC 1938-9

when was the gandhi-irwin pact?


when did the Government of India 1935 come out?

2 August 1935

What was the Poona Pact of 1932?

Ambedkar, not wanting to be the cause of Gandhi's death, reversed the decision to have Dalit separate electorates

When was the Communal Award?

August 1932

When was the Lahore Resolution?

March 1940

who gained the most from the poona pact?

UNTOUCHABLES - now had more protection as a class and were more welcome in politics, 19% of seats were reserved for the depressed classes

what is a 'white paper'?

a firm set of proposals for legislation

What Congress do in response to the outbreak of WW2?

· Gandhi urged the British to engage in peaceful negotiations with Hitler · As hostilities advanced Gandhi gave his support to the British · Nehru and other Indian socialists supported the British approach to fascism · They weren't, however, prepared to commit themselves to a gov. which had not consulted them with a declaration of war · They weren't prepared to fight without a promise of purna swaraj · INC withdrew ministries from provinces where they had a majority in order to disassociate India from war and enforce INC determination to free India from foreign domination · In early months of WWII, the British had other preoccupations and so ignored INC's demands · As a consequence INC ordered all INC members to RESIGN from provincial ministries · This was NOT very sensible as they could no longer ease the effects of war from the people and could no longer influence events internal to India

What was Gandhi's reaction to the Communal Award?

· Gandhi was furious - especially because of the inclusion of Untouchables who he believed he represented because they were Hindu · He launched a fast-unto-death - blackmailing the gov. into withdrawing the communal award · Authorities couldn't do anything either as if Gandhi died he would become a martyr

How was the GoI act finally passed in 1935?

· the Act became law in 1935 - viceroy Hoare backing it saying no one in India had been able to produce a workable alternative

what is a 'federation'?

a national political grouping of regions with substantial autonomy

What was the Communal Award?

· Aug 1932 MacDonald announced the Communal Award which was to be incorporated into any Indian constitution · This gave Sikhs, Indian-Christians, Anglo-Indians, Untouchables and Muslims separate electorates in any new Indian constitution

How did the situation in Britain lead to the failure of the Round Table Conferences?

· Between 1930-32 in the UK the political situation considerably changed which affected the RTCs · Aug 1931 the 1st Labour gov. resigned and was replaced by a Tory dominated coalition · They faced the Great Depression, unemployment and the collapse of the economy · New secretary of state for India Sir Samuel Hoare had more reservations about self-gov. than his predecessor · These reservations were shared by many Tory people including Churchill · Churchill set up the India Defence League with support of 50 Tory's - he thought Indians were unsuited to democracy and should remain subordinate to the British Empire · By the time of the 3rd RTC PM MacDonald had lost support from his own Labour party and was only able to continue in office through a coalition

What were Indian attitudes to the raj in 1935-9?

· Between 1935-9 the Raj experienced a brief period of popularity · As the '30s progressed the Raj seemed even less of the natural leader of India - but there were no obvious alternatives · The vague promise of nationalism wasn't enough to bring people together anymore - more and more Indian's looked to the Raj for guidance · The realisation that freedom wouldn't solve all of India's problems was sobering · The new structure of provincial gov. in India didn't change much on British recruitment on the Indian Civil Service - recruitment boomed but it didn't make up for shortfalls · Many ICS men formed strong working/personal relationships with Indian provinces but had very heavy workloads

How and when did Bose die?

· Bose himself died from a plane crash in 1945

How did Bose's 1944 invasion of India go (w/ Japanese and INA help)?

· In 1944 They attempted in taking the capital city of an Indian state near Burma but of the 6000 that went 600 deserted, 400 were killed, 1500 died of dysentery or malaria, 1400 were crippled and the rest surrendered

what happened at 3rd RTC?

- VERY LITTLE was achieved - Chaudary Rahmat Ali proposed the name of the new land (Pakistan)

GoI Act 1935 details?

- would elect 35 million people (still >10% of population) - abolish dyarchy, give provincial control to all matters previously 'reserved' - make full provincial govs (leg and exec) - keep viceregal power (foreign, defence matters) - burma would become separate in 1937 (still report to london) - two new provinces (orissa, sind) - reserve emergency powers for central gov

what was the Yeravda (poona) pact?

- after 2nd RTC, british announced Communal Award that set out the rights to separate representation for minorities/castes - SO gandhi started a fast unto death cause he believes he represented all minorities - SO they compromised by saying that schedules castes got more reserved seats in the future but relinquished separated electorates

What did congress do in 1933 in response to the imprisonment etc?

- aug 1933-march 1934 = individual civil disobedience not directly under congress's policy (gandhi was arrested again but released again for health reasons)

what changed after the first RTC?

- british gives recognised that INC needed to be a part of the decision making - lord irwin reaches a comprise with gandhi (Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931) - civil disobedience ended in india - LABOUR gov now in power

British reaction to gandhi-irwin pact?

- churchill resigned from front-bench position to campaign against congress - seemed like they were rewarding indian disorder - Indian Defence league formed

why did first RTC fail?

- congress and gandhi did not go - they were the biggest party and national figure in India - little was done to implement indian recommendations so civil disobedience continued

why did 3rd RTC fail?

- congress and gandhi refused to attend - only 46 people came - labour party refused to attend

what happened at first RTC?

- congress did not attend (gandhi was in prison) - decided that india was to develop into a federation - defence and finance safeguards were agreed - legitimised the Irwin declaration

why did 2nd RTC fail?

- division over separate electorates inhibited further progress - gandhi said he was head of minorities

What did the 1933 British 'white paper' state?

- eventual federation at the national level - provincial autonomy - social responsibilities and safeguards vested in the executive power

What was Gandhi's response to the communal award?

- furious - wasn't in favour of separate electorates at all - Untouchables was the final straw - he wanted to remove untouchable stigma and class them as hindus - decided to FAST UNTO DEATH

what did the British do to congress after 2nd RTC?

- imprisoned gandhi - outlawed the whole of congress's working organisation, local branches and committees - around 100,000 total were arrested - gandhi was released from prison on health grounds (fasting)

what happened at the 2nd RTC?

- no substantial results on indias future - arguments between hindus and muslims - arguments about reserving seats for each community

When did the first round table conference start?

12 nov 1930

when did 3rd RTC start?

17 nov 1932

What was the Indian Defence League?

1931 - created by churchill after G-I pact, a british pressure group, dedicated to keeping India under British power (didn't think democracy could work)

What was the gandhi-irwin pact?

1931 - gandhi would halt civil disobedience, - Irwin would release non-violent political prisoners, - congress would come to 2nd RTC, - cancellation of fines, unbanning organisations and permission for peaceful picketing for Indian goods

when did 2nd RTC start?

7 sept 1931

what did bose do in 1939?

In 1939 Bose left C - out-manoeuvred by Gandhi · Bose formed the Forward Bloc Party which was a terror organisation aimed at getting the British to quit India · It had a newspaper 'Forward Bloc' which was published a month after WWII was declared which was used to rally support

How did Germany react to the raj in 1940s?

In Germany Hitler feared the collapse of Raj would lead to Russia moving into take control of India - he did however encourage Indians to rise up against British tyranny · The Nazis eventually agreed they would talk with Japan about a land invasion in India

What were the round table conferences?

Irwin announced British would settle India's future with their consultation at a series of conferences in London

ML reaction to the GoI Act 1935?

The ML rejected the Act because it didn't give enough power to Muslims in central or provincial legislature - no guarantees were offered to protect Muslim rights either

What was the first Forward Bloc Party all-India conference?

The party's first all-India conference was held in 1941 in Nagpur where the party declared itself socialist and passed a resolution urging militant action against the British

Who replaced Irwin as Viceroy in 1931?

WILLINGDON - previously governor of Canada, Bombay and Madras · He despised the Gandhi-Irwin pact as he saw Gandhi as a Bolshevik so had a coloured attitude to nationalist agitation · Willingdon adopted stricter measures against protestors and alienated nationalist opinion

when and why did civil disobedience begin again?

after 2nd RTC in 1932, due to Irwin breaking promise by imprisoning Gandhi and most of Congress, Gandhi wanted to end it but congress did not, and government did not free prisoners

what was the communal award 1932?

it designated sikhs, indian christians, angloindians and untouchables as separate classes, along with muslims, so were all entitled to separate electorates in any new Indian constitution

What was special about the GoI Act 1935?

longest and most complicated legislation ever passed by parliament (450 clauses)

What happened at the First Round Table conference 1930?

· 1st RTC was opened by Irwin in 1930 - chaired by British PM Ramsey MacDonald · 3 British parties were represented by 16 delegates · 58 delegates represented India (except INC) · the princes sent 16 delegates - they supported the idea of dominion status · it was decided: · India would be run as a dominion · the dominion would be a federation including the princely states and 11 British provinces · There would be Indian participation at all levels of the gov.

Bose's impact in Japan (after Germany)?

· Bose went to Japan where he formed the Indian National Army (INA) made up of India prisoners of war captured by Japanese · Japan first used the INA as spies in India - most were found by authorities or just went home when they got there · Bose still planned a full-scale invasion of India - the Japanese had more limited objectives

What did the GoI act 1935 say?

· British-written constitution, imposed on Indians · A federation of India was proposed but never put into action · India divided into 11 provinces - each with a legislative assembly & provincial gov. . the provinces would be in charge of all domestic affairs · Each had a governor who retained the power to act in emergency · Dyarchy was ABOLISHED · Separate electorates would continue · Burma separated from India and given its own gov. · 2 new states of Sindh and Orissa were created · Viceroy would still be the face of the British gov. and in control of defence and foreign affairs · Viceroy would have to follow advice of an Executive Committee which was made up mostly of Indians

What was the outcome of the 1937 Elections?

· C and ML were faced w the dilemma of if they would participate in the 1937 election · To not participate would be inline with their rejection of the act · A total boycott would cut them off from the gov. · To participate would give them an opportunity to work within the system to create change · C and ML decided to take part

Congress reaction to the GoI Act 1935?

· C rejected the Act because they wanted purna swaraj and weren't interested in this ½ way idea · C wanted India to have a strong central gov. which would be strongly Hindu · They couldn't support strong provincial govs. Because some might end up being Muslim dominated · C also had strong objections to reserving seats for minority groups · C was officially opposed to the prince's idea of federal legislature and wanted to end their autocracy · C leadership was afraid that splinter groups of C would use the agitation in the princely states and build their own group and challenge C

Why were their divisions within congress in 1938?

· C was a partner in the gov with the Raj · C's central leadership was uncertain about how much control it could exercise over provincial leaders · Gandhi favoured using parliamentary tactics even if it meant temporarily working with the Raj in order to achieve purna swaraj · Others backed Nehru who hated working within the constituency and disliked having to admit that the British had ultimate power over India

Impact of 1937 elections results?

· C was highly successful - gained overall control of the United and Central Provinces, Orissa, Bombay and Madras · They became the largest single party in Assam and the North-West Frontier · C won all provincial seats open to general electorate and 59 more from separate electorates ending up with 716 legislative members · ML did badly · They had no strong leadership until 1935 when Jinnah returned to India · He worked hard to build up a power base but had limited time - he didn't even find enough candidates to fill all reserved Muslim seats · They had little support even from Muslims

How did Bose create divisions within congress in 1938?

· There was pressure for Bose to quit as Gandhi didn't trust him · Nehru refused to stand for his place and Bose refused to step aside for Gandhi's faction nominee · Bose had student, peasant and worker delegate's support · 12 members of Gandhi's faction resigned in protest against the democratic election of their own president · Bose was left president of a party that couldn't function because of the rifts within it · Bose was forced to quit and Prasad (a member of the CWC) took his place - Bose and his brother Chandra both left C

Congress reaction to Lahore Resolution 1940?

· There were lots of talks between Jinnah and Gandhi with Gandhi maintaining that the Lahore resolution was suicide for India · Mini-Satyagraha's took place over India protesting against the resolution - the Raj acted swiftly and arrested them · Nehru denounced the idea of a separate Muslim state as a mad scheme · Young Hindus were already wearing pseudo uniforms ready for the supposed conflict with Muslims · C were bitter that their decision of protest against the war had led to the destruction of their idea of India

What was the August Offer?

· Two months after Lahore Linlithgow invited Jinnah to Simla where they aimed to discuss issues about the war · Jinnah gave a list of proposals to him which Linlithgow made the basis of his 1940 August Offer · 'Representative' Indians would join his Executive Council · A War Advisory Council would be established which would include the princes and other interested parties · An assurance that the gov. wouldn't adopt any new constitution without prior approval of the ML

General reaction to the GoI Act 1935?

· Uncertainty around the results of the upcoming 1937 elections to the new provincial assemblies · As the Act was proposing an all-India Federation it would result in a diminution of the power of Princes too - they were prepared to bargain to protect their fiscal right · People were worried the princes would join up with Churchill to prevent full completion of the Act - cause embarrassment for parliament · By 1939 only 2/5 of the states had agreed to the form of federation required by the Act · The princes faced pressure to reform · Unrest and limited rioting broke out

What did the ML do in response to the outbreak of WW2?

· C's decision allowed the ML to strengthen its position · The last C provincial ministry abandoned its post in Dec '39 which Jinnah designated Muslim India's Day of Deliverance - called on Muslims to celebrate freedom from Hindus · Behind the scenes Jinnah and Nehru worked together for a possibility of rapprochement · Nehru wrote to Jinnah expressing sadness that C and the ML had such different political objectives and values - expressing hope that a common ground could be found · Jinnah replied that he needed C to treat the ML as the authoritative representative in India before reconciliation could occur · With C out of the picture it was up to the ML to work with the Raj to support the war effort and strengthen its position in India

How did congress cause the failure of the RTCs?

· Congress had no rep in the 1st RTC as Nehru and Gandhi were in jail · Gandhi went to the 2nd one and maintained that he could speak for the whole of India including Muslims · While this was an attempt in establishing INC as the umbrella organisation of India he only succeeded in alienating all group seeking separate representations

What happened at 3rd Round Table Conference Nov-Dec 1932?

· Doomed before it started · Only 46 delegates attended · None from Labour party/ C · Couldn't reach any definite conclusions so collapsed

Significance of the inauguration of New Delhi?

· Feb 1931 British formally inaugurated New Delhi as the administrative capital of India · 2 leading British architects planned and designed new parts of the city which would be a symbol of India in the dominion status and included wide streets, new houses and shopping arcades · made an acropolis of 4 columns, representing the four dominions of Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand - showing that India soon would be welcomed to this 'family' · timing was bad as the RTC were meant to be about conciliation and compromise whereas their message was literally set in stone · Imperialist - Churchill - didn't like the idea of India having a single central gov. either as well as Gandhi or Nehru

what was discussed in Poona 1932?

· Gandhi discussed the proposals with the delegation for days and reached an agreement · The British gov. Communal Award proposal was for an allocation of 71 seats on the provincial legislatures for the Untouchables, C had 148, elected by a system of primary and secondary elections for Untouchables · Untouchables were only able to vote in primary elections · Untouchables also given 18% of Central Assembly seats · The agreement abandoned the separate electorates because the voting for the reserved seats were by the general electorate · Hindus and Untouchables also agreed money should be set aside for the education of Untouchables · The British accepted the Poona Pact

Outcomes of the Poona Pact 1932?

· Gandhi ended his fast and the next week was celebrated as the Untouchability Abolition Week · Hindu leaders declared no one would be regarded as an Untouchable anymore but it took another 2 decades before this was put in law · The British made various amendments to the Communal Award · Despite this the Hindu/Untouchable agreement wasn't enough · The RTCs demonstrated the wide divergences in long-term aspirations of other minority groups · Believing Indians were unable to reach an agreement on their own constitution the British created one for them with the Gov. of India Act

Where did Bose go after escaping imprisonment in 1941?

· He travelled to the Soviet Union but his attempt to get Stalin to support Indian independence failed as Stalin was coping with the first stages of Nazi invasion · Bose then travelled to Germany to try and get support from Britain's enemy

How did Indian British authorities react to Bose and his party? Impact?

· In India British authorities banned the Forward Bloc and its publication · Anti-British activities still continued but intermittently and without direction

Which actions did Willingdon take against Indians upon becoming Viceroy 1931?

· In India the situation was deteriorating so Willingdon took a tough line · He arrested Gandhi one week after he returned from India after the 2nd RTC · INC was outlawed · All members of the CWC and Provincial Committees were imprisoned · Youth organisations were banned · In 4 months 80,000 were in prison - reaction by Indians were swift but disorganised because all their leaders were in prison · Boycotts of British goods were common, non-payment of taxes, terror youth organisations - more women involved than before · Authorities kept control of the situation

How did divisions within congress develop in late 1938?

· In the end Gandhi negotiated with the British and gained assurance that provincial govs. wouldn't interfere with normal admin · This worked in some areas but in some provinces there was refusal to accept not only the Raj but also the rights of Muslims · By the end of 1938 C was torn apart by in-fighting over its presidency

Who fought the GoI act in 1935?

· It was a group of Conservatives (inc Churchill) who fought the Gov. of India bill - joining forces with ex-generals and former civil servants · They formed the India Defence League · Media support came from the Daily Mail who wrote outrageous articles about Gandhi and C being semi-educated, fake photos of British troops quelling riots · They had the message of showing Indians being unfit to govern themselves - that if British left India carnage would follow · It talked about how India was essential to British economy

What was the Lahore Resolution?

· Jinnah focused on the ML and the challenging problems of formulating the MLs constitutional goals · He called a meeting of the ML in Lahore in March '40 which was attended by 100,000 Muslims · The resolution set out what the ML's, under strong guidance of Jinnah, basic principles were · Its two main proposals were: areas where Muslims were the majority would be grouped to form separate independent states, minorities had to be protected · A working party was set up to frame a constitution based on these things · The idea of 'separateness' was key at Lahore as Jinnah couldn't see any rapprochement between the ML and C · At this point it's certain that the ML envisioned two separate states of East and West Pakistan would emerge · It's not certain if Jinnah wanted this but may have been using the idea to gain separate representation within a united India

Why did Jinnah choose to rejuvenate the Muslim league?

· Jinnah knew they had to attract mass support in order to win control in some provinces - esp Punjab and Sind · Otherwise they would have to enter a power sharing agreement with C - which C refused to contemplate · Many new C provincial council ministers took advantage of their new offices and appointed relatives and fellow caste members to jobs · In some provinces fiscal policies were drawn up to hurt Muslim landowners · C flags were hoisted on public buildings where there was a Muslim minority · Muslims felt like they were living in a Hindu-Raj - more than ever before they felt the need of electoral safeguards

How did the division over separate electorates cause the failure of the RTCs?

· Jinnah repping ML supported separate electorates and was supported by other minority groups esp. Untouchables who didn't like Gandhi saying he repped them · Jinnah conducted tactics behind the scene - playing once group off against each other · The British supported separate electorates

How did Jinnah rejuvenate the ML?

· Jinnah rose to the occasion and began personal appearances, rallies and press interviews · He targeted uni students and persuaded them they'd only have success in their future careers if they supported the ML · They argued a Hindu-dominated India would have no place for Muslims · Jinnah embodied Muslim identity, hopes and dreams · Rapprochement between the ML and C was impossible · In 1938 one last attempt was made at unifying them by the C leader at that time Subhas Bose · Talks broke down because of Jinnah's insistence that the ML be recognised by C as the sole party of Muslims

Who pushed the GoI act 1935 through?

· PM Stanley Baldwin steered the Gov. of India Act through the House of Commons and continued to support the Irwin Declaration . convincing the rest of his party that the British Empire had to change or die

What happened at the Second Round Table Conference Sep-Dec 1931?

· Similar mix of delegates · Hoped progress could be made building on the foundations of 1st RTC · Gandhi-Irwin pact made it possible for Gandhi to be there as a sole rep of INC · He hoped to symbolise the unity of the Indian Nationalist Movement · As a recent supporter of the 'young hooligans' Gandhi couldn't support the dominion status and opposed the outcome of the 1stRTC · Iqbal the Aga Khan (spiritual leader of small Muslim sector), Jinnah for ML, reps for the Sikhs and Untouchables were also there and demanding separate electorates · Muslims and Hindu's couldn't agree and Gandhi had to worry about the princes allying themselves with the Muslims too - outweighing INC power · The 2nd RTC couldn't come up with a workable solution

When and why was Bose arrested?

· Suspecting treason/uprising Bose was arrested in July 1940 - Jan 1941 he escaped and went into exile

Conclusion of whole topic (5 bullets)?

· The 1930s saw little change from the pattern of proposal, counter-proposal, deadlock and rot · There was little change in India's soc and eco structure and the daily lives of Indians · In the early years of WWII, there Indian independence seemed achievable · C was showing it still had control over millions of Indians and showed that the Raj no longer had the consent of C supporters · ML had greatly strengthened its position but the Raj showed it could hold India by force if necessary and was more resilient than India thought

Attack of the GoI act 1935?

· The Gov. of India Act was attacked by Churchill and Attlee · 50 MPs followed Churchill into the 'no' lobby

Impact of August Offer on Muslims?

· The Viceroy accompanied his offer with a statement that place the ML at the centre of any decision-making about the future of India · The wishes of the Muslim community would be taken into account of any post-war settlement · The vital role Muslims played in the army strengthened Jinnah's hand particularly in comparison to Cs obstructive attitude

How did Gandhi's fast-unto-death affect untouchables and other hindus? (after communal award)

· The fast put lots of pressure on Untouchables and other Hindus so together they put out a set of proposals which they took to Poona where Gandhi was fasting

What was the reaction to the outbreak of WW2?

· WWI had the effect of driving Hindus and Muslims together in unifying India's nationalist movement · Events in the '20s and '30s drew Hindu's and Muslims further apart while making it clear India's freedom was achievable · In 1939 Viceroy Lord Linlithgow announced India was going to war the same day as the British - also drafting 300 million Indians into war without consultation

Why didn't they let Gandhi die in 1932?

· Willingdon and C didn't want Gandhi to die - Willingdon didn't want his course to be inflated and C didn't want to lose their leader · Willingdon planned to release Gandhi once he got to the point of no return so at least he wouldn't die in prison · The fast put lots of pressure on Untouchables and other Hindus so together they put out a set of proposals which they took to Poona where Gandhi was fasting

How did Congress and Viceroy Willingdon react to Gandhi's fast-unto-death?

· Willingdon and INC didn't want Gandhi to die - Willingdon didn't want his course to be inflated and INC didn't want to lose their leader · Willingdon planned to release Gandhi once he got to the point of no return so at least he wouldn't die in prison

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