History Midterm 2

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In Shcenck v. United States, the Supreme Court

ruled that bans on dangerous were constitutional

During World War II, Indigenous people of the U.S.

worked in war production and served in the military, including the Navajo code-talkers

Which of the following statements is true of the great steel strike of 1919

workers demanded union recognition

FDR's economic Bill of RIghts

would have enabled the government to provide education, housing and medical care

What was one result of the Good Neighbor Policy

The United States supported dictators in Latin America

Which statement is true about the UAW sit-down strikes in Flint, Michigan

The workers stayed inside the plants and kept the machines in working order

The Treaty of Versailles

imposed harsh conditions on Germany

Which of the following underlying problems did the New Deal fail to address

racial inequality

African Americans migrated north during the great migration for all of the following except

to escape industrial pollution

What led Great Britain and France to declare War on Germany

Germany invaded Poland, a country Britain and France had promised to protect

What was the "Final Solution"

Germany's plan of mass extermination, which targeted slavs, gypsies Queer people, those who were disabled, and above all Jews

Which statement is not true of the Communist Party of American during the Great Depression

It became much less active during the Depression

What influenced the ideas in the reports of the National resources Planning Board in 1942

Keynesian economics

How did the government try to discourage women in the workforce during the Depression

Legislation banned both members of a married couple from holding federal jobs

How did Roosevelt's opponents characterize liberty

Liberty meant freedom from powerful government regulation

Why did Executive Order 9066 NOT apply to persons of Japanese descent living in Hawaii?

Since nearly 40 percent of the population was of Japanese decent the evacuation order would have been impractical

The Equal Rights Amendment

intended to eliminate legal distinctions made on the basis of sex

The "Zoot Suit" riots of 1943

involved sailors and policemen attacking Mexican American youths wearing flamboyant clothing

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

made loans to banks, railroads and other business

What was the purpose of the appeasement policy

many nations wanted to avoid another conflict like world war 1

Men like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and Father Coughlin were members of the:

America First committee an isolationist group

The Lend Lease Act

Authorized military aid as long as countries promised to return the arms after war

Which of the following had been a traditional belief prior to economic theories oh John Maynard Keynes

Balanced budgets were sacred

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was most likely to support which of the following principles

Control of national institutions should be returned to native-born Protestants.

While many Americans embraced modern culture, others found it alarming. Which of the following groups felt threatened by mass entertainment and a pluralist society.


In the case of Korematsu v United states (1944), Justice Robert Jackson's Dissent argued that

Executive order 9066 was unconstitutional because guilt is not inheritable

During the war, Americans

Experienced the rationing of scarce consumer goods such as gasoline

Why did General Motors surpass Ford in sales of automobiles in the 1920's

GM designed and produced several models with stylish designs

How would woodrow wilson endorse the Ku Klux Klan?

He attended a KKK rally in Washington DC

Why did FDR try to change the balance of power on the Supreme Court

He feared the Supreme Court might invalidate the Wagner and Social Security Acts

How did the role of the federal government change during the war

It created several new federal agencies to regulate war effort

Which of the following statements is true of the Indian New Deal

It ended the policy of forced assimilation

Which of the following is true of the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s

Many of the members held respected positions in their communities

During the 1920's what happened to union membership

Membership declined precipitously, falling by more than 2 million members

According to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

Mexican Americans were white and deserved the same rights that other white Americans had

Under the bracero program

Mexican nationals were brought to the U.S as contract workers without the rights of citizenship

How did World War II affect the West Coast of the United States

Millions of Americans moved to California for jobs and military service

What political group most influenced FDR's New Deal


The Scottsboro Case (a black man rape 2 white girls/women)

Reflected the racism that was prevalent in the south and nation during the 1920s

which of the following statement about Prohibition is true?

Religious fundamentalists opposed prohibition on the grounds that it violated individual freedom.

Which former enemy of Germany signed a nonaggression pact with them

Soviet Union

In 1921, Congress imposed country by country immigration quotas. Which of the following regions was not subject to them

The Americas

What statement is true of the Federal Housing Administration

The FHA insured long-term mortgages issued by private banks

How did the New Deal discriminate against people of color

The Federal Housing Administration refused to ensure mortgages in integrated neighborhoods

Which statement about Pearl Harbor attack is true

The Japanese Military attacked a U.S Naval base to try to prevent the US from being able ot enter the war quickly

Which of the following statements accurately describes events in Asia during the 1930s

The Japanese military killed an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war

Why did more than 400,00 Mexican Americans move to mexico during the Depression

They were coerced by local authorities

In the United States during World War II

Unemployment declined and income taxes increased

How did world war I and the rhetoric of freedom shape the labor movement and workers' expectations

Wartime rhetoric inspired hopes for social and economic justice

In reaction to the Great Depression,

World War I veterans demanded the early payment of a bonus

What ended the great depression

World War II spending

Which of the following policies did fundamentalists support during the 1920s

a prohibition of liquor sales

which of the following statements accurately describes consumerism of the 1920's

advertising created a desire among buyers to purchase new goods

In 1940 the "cash and carry" plan

allowed Great Britain to purchase U.S. arms on a restricted basis

President Harding's call for a return to normalcy meant:

an end to progressive reform

The Great Depression was caused by which of the following factors

an unequal distribution of wealth leading to the problem of underconsumption

In which way was "liberalism" redefined by the New Deal

as an active effort by the government to help people in need

Garveyites defined freedom

as black self-reliance and national self-determination

According to supreme court justice Louis Brandeis, how could corporations have prevented the Great Depression

by giving workers more purchasing power

The "Declaration of Principles" adopted W.E.B Du Bois's Niagra movement

called for both economic and educational racial equality

During World War II, Black Internationalism

connected plight of Black Americans to that of people of color worldwide

in fireside chats and public addresses, President Roosevelt connected freedom with

economic security

At the versailles peace conference in paris, Woodrow Wilson

failed to support the independence of peoples still under British and French colonial rule

What did the Filipino Repatriation Act offer Filipinos

free transportation to return the Philippines

The Civilian Conservation Corps

gave work to unemployed young men in national parks and wildlife preserves

During the 1920's

government polices reflected the pro-business ethos of the decade.

In 1938, Congress established the House Un-American Activities Committee, which

included liberal and unionists in its definition of "un-american"

American Farmers in the 1920's

increasing abandoned family farming and moved to urban areas

Why was the Glass-Steagall Act a key piece of legislation

it banned commercial banks from involvement in buying and selling stocks, and it set up the FDIC

Which statement about the social security act is correct

it created a system of unemployment insurance

The prevailing ideology of the United States Supreme Court in the 1920's can be best described as


What was one result of the National Recovery Administration's Act

larger companies were able to dominate the code-writing process at the expense of smaller ones.

During the 1920s immigration restriction involved which of the following

legislation that severely limited immigration from southern and eastern Europe

Women working in defense industries

made up about one-third of the west coast workers in aircraft manufacturing and ship building

How did the American public react to the dropping of the Atomic Bomb

most accepted the attack at first, but it was criticized

Anti-Semitism in the United States during World War II resulted in

only 21,000 Jewish refugees from Europe being allowed into the United States

In response to the Russian revolution that led to the creation of communist soviet union, the United States Government

pursued a policy of anticommunism that continued throughout the twentieth century

American foreign policy during the 1920s:

reflected the close relationship between government and business.

The Harlem Renaissance

reflected the quest of writers such as a Claude McKay to locate the roots of the Black experience

What was the dust bowl

soil erosion

According to the philosophy of the "New Negro"

stereotypes should be rejected

The Double-V campaign reflected

the dual effort to fight fascism abroad and end discrimination against African Americans at home

Although American citizenship was granted to Puerto Ricans in 1917, in what way was it limited

they could not participate in presidential elections

Why did southern Democrats start to pull support from the New Deal in the late 1930s

they feared union membership would increase in the south

How did the supreme court react to New Deal legislation

they invalidated key initiatives as conservative judges continued to understand freedom as liberty of contract

What happened to most female war workers after the war

they lost their jobs, especially those in better-paying positions

In his book The American Century(1941), Henry Luce advised Americans

to take up the mantle of world leadership and to spread democracy and freedom

The Wagner Act

was considered the "Labors Magna Carta: because it brought democracy into the American workplace.

Henry Ford's "Fordlandia"

was created to secure a supply of rubber for tires

The GI Bill of Rights

was intended to prevent economic disruption and widespread unemployment

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