History North and South Tensions Rising

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Which of the following are TRUE about Dred Scott.

-He was a slave. -He moved to Wisconsin with his master. -He argued he was not a slave since he moved to a free state.

How many candidates were there in the election of 1860?


What is a martyr?

A person who dies for a great cause.

Who would have agreed the most with the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case of 1857?

A southern plantation owner

The North called John Brown a Martyr. What would the South call him?

A terrorist

People who believed that slavery was wrong and tried to stop it


The decision made in Dred Scott v. Sanford greatly influenced the election of ______________ becoming President in 1860.

Abraham Lincoln

What was the South's main economic strength?


What was the platform of the Know-Nothings party in 1856?


How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act change decisions about slavery?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act would reverse a previous law, the Missouri Compromise, because it would allow the residents of these territories decide for themselves what type of territory they would have (popular sovereignty) moving forward.

Which part of the country supported the Republicans the most?

The North

Why did the tariff of 1828 anger Southerners?

The Tariff of 1828 angered Southerners because it significantly raised the tariffs on raw materials and manufactured goods. Southerners had to sell their cotton at low prices to be competitive. The South felt that the northern states had too much say in the direction of the economy and therefore too much say in the national government's influence over THEIR business (STATES' RIGHTS).

Why did the theory of nullification develop into a national debate/issue?

The actions in South Carolina, over nullification, became a national issue when the Webster-‐ Hayne debate in the US Congress sparked major concern that will last the next 30 years. WHO should have authority (Federal v. State Power)-‐ This is the nature of STATES' RIGHTS.

What argument did some Southerners use to justify secession?

The argument that Southerners used to justify secession was the idea of states' rights. They argued that the states had voluntarily joined the Union and that the states had the right to leave the Union if their rights were not being protected.

In what ways did the beating of Senator Sumner represent what was happening in the nation?

The beating of Senator Sumner had far reaching impacts in the nation. Northerners were shocked not only by the violence on the floor of the US Senate but how the South responded to this violent action. There were calls for a new political party to "deal with" the issue of slavery. This will be the start of the new Republican Party!

The Presidential Election of 1860 clearly showed which of the following?

The division between North and South over the slavery issue still existed.

What was the doctrine of nullification?

The doctrine of nullification stated that if a state felt that a federal (national) law was unconstitutional that it could reject, or nullify, that law within the state.

How did John C Calhoun apply the doctrine to the "Tariff of Abominations"?

The doctrine of nullification was applied to the Tariff of Abominations by stating that the tariff was unconstitutional and therefore South Carolina could reject the tariff inside of its border.

Why did Northerners and Westerners disagree over the sale of public land?

The federal government raised money partly from the selling of public lands in the western territories. This caused disagreement between sections of the country on THE VALUE for which the land should be sold. Northerners, fearing that their industrial workers would leave, wanted western lands to be sold had higher prices (as did Southerners!). Westerners wanted low land prices to encourage settlement (HEY-‐ we can be a state now! mentality)

Explain how the 5th Amendment was relevant in the Dred Scott court case.

The government had no right to take property without due process.

What issue split the Democratic Party?

The issue that split the Democratic Party was what to say (their platform) about slavery. Again the stance that Northerners took was one of popular sovereignty and Southern Democrats wanted the party to support slavery as it was.

What was the purpose of the Crittenden Plan? Was it successful? Why or why not?

The purpose of the Crittenden Plan was to come up with a compromise regarding saving the Union from breaking apart. However, the country had moved beyond compromise and the Plan did not pass in Congress.

What was happening to the Democrats by the 1850s?

They were splitting up- Northern Democrats were against slavery, Southern democrats were pro-slavery.

Why did John Brown raid Harper's Ferry?

To capture weapons with which to arm slaves

Roger Taney stated in the Dred Scott Case that slaves were not citizens of the US.


True or False: The Dred Scott ruling caused even more conflict between northern states (anti-slavery) and southern states (pro-slavery).


Uncle Tom's Cabin convinced Northerners of the brutality and violence of slavery. True or False?


Slaveholders stated that they had the right to transport their property (slaves) to any state or territory of the US. Therefore, the proposed bill to Congress in 1846 was unconstitutional.

Wilmot Proviso

This idea from 1846 stated that territories gained from the Mexican War should be closed off to slavery.

Wilmot Proviso

The Supreme Court ruled ___ Dred Scott.




Why was Charles Sumner beaten with a cane?

he insulted another senator that was pro-slavery

Lincoln challenged Stephen Douglas to a series of debates on slavery. What was the effect?

it made Lincoln famous. People saw him as clear-minded & intelligent.

The North reacted to John Brown's raid by

making Brown a martyr for the cause of abolitionism

Having pride and loyalty to one's region and/or state is the idea of...


In the 1857 Dred Scott case, the US Supreme Court ruled that the 36'30 line from the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because slaves were ____________ and could be taken anywhere.


Cultural and political differences that divided the country


The Missouri Compromise, the compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act were all efforts to

settle disputes over the spread of slavery to the western territories

Lincoln won the election of 1860 without winning a singe ________ state.


What did John Brown hope to achieve by his raid at Harpers Ferry?

to create a slave rebellion that would bring an end to slavery

This was a mini-Civil War fought in the Kansas territory between pro-slavery settlers and anti-slavery settlers

Bleeding Kansas

Distinguish the views of Breckinridge and Lincoln on the expansion of slavery in the western territories.

Breckinridge, a Southern Democrat, and Lincoln, a Northern Republican had the most extreme views concerning slavery. Breckinridge defended slavery and stated that the federal government be required to protect slavery in any territory. Lincoln opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories. His was one of containment.

What were the differences among the sections on internal improvements & tariffs?

Business leaders in the Northeast and those farmers in the West backed government spending on internal improvements, such as new roads and canals (RR's later). Southerners opposed more federal spending on internal improvements because the government financed these projects through tariffs and other taxes. Northerners supported high tariffs because they made imported goods more expensive than American-‐made goods. The North wanted to protect northern manufacturers. The South opposed rising tariffs because its economy depended on foreign trade. Southern planters sold most of their cotton to foreign buyers and did not want to pay higher prices for goods exported AND imported.

In the Compromise of 1850, one of following states was permitted to enter the Union as a free state.


In 1856, abolitionist Senator _____________________ was attacked and nearly beaten to death after giving a speech condemning slavery.

Charles Sumner

California was admitted into the Union, Utah and New Mexico were able to choose (free or slave state) and settled border disputes from war with Mexico.

Compromise of 1850

How did the Dred Scott court case change the issue of the expansion of slavery in the US?

Congress had no power to ban slavery anywhere, therefore slavery was legal in all states.

Economic differences in the US created divisions. What were these differences in the North, South and West? How did these divisions contribute to growing sectionalism?

North-‐ Industry, South-‐ Plantation Economy, West-‐ Farming the land; All areas wanted to benefit themselves SO this can lead to division because the federal and state governments will have different ways to govern the people within the states (STATES' RIGHTS)

The _______ led South Carolina to threaten to secede from the Union in 1832.

Nullification Crisis

What did the Compromise of 1850 do?

Passed the Fugitive Slave Act Admitted California as a free state Allowed slave holding in Washington D.C.

What was the platform of the Democratic party in 1856?

Popular Sovereignty in the West

What is popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that you let the people of a state/territory decide for themselves on an issue, most times through an election. This is what Congress (Stephen Douglas) decided that this should happen in Kansas and Nebraska on whether to make those territories "free" or "slave" territories. Let the residents of those territories decide.

How was the tariff controversy settled in South Carolina?

President Andrew Jackson decided that he needed to support the Tariff of 1832. South Carolina, who had threatened to secede from the Union, was not going to be allowed to leave the Union if Jackson had a say. He threatened to use the force of the US government to make sure that S. Carolina complied to the tariff. In addition, Henry Clay worked out a compromise, lower, version of the tariff that S. Carolina will ultimately agree to in the end.

What caused the Kansas Territory to be called "Bleeding Kansas"?

Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery forces attacked one another

Why did proslavery forces attack Lawrence, Kansas?

Pro-slavery forces attacked Lawrence, Kansas in large part out of a response to the political disputes in the territory. Both sides claimed victory in the election to determine if Kansas would be a slave or free state. Out of this political dispute, both pro-slavery and anti-slavery sides armed themselves. This led to the Sack of Lawrence in which pro-slavery forces destroyed buildings belonging to anti-slavery individuals.

A political party formed to prevent the spread of slavery

Republican Party

Which of the following was one of the effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Residents could vote on the issue of slavery

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time of Dred Scott case was

Roger B. Taney



What is sectionalism?

Sectionalism is the loyalty to the interests of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole. This can lead to sectional differences in how "things" should be run or governed.

How did the Missouri Compromise address the issue of slavery in the US territories and future states?

Slavery was banned in Louisiana Territory north of the 36-‐30, except Missouri; South of 36-‐30 would be slave states PROBLEM?????????? WHAT ABOUT THE TERRITORIES WEST OF LT??????? It's a TEMPORARY solution!

What abolitionist escaped from slavery and then sued for their son's freedom and succeeded?

Sojourner Truth

Which political party supported the court's decision on Dred Scott?

Southern Democrats

Why did Southerners feel that the Fugitive Slave Act was justified?

Southerners felt that the Fugitive Slave Act was justified because *they saw their slaves as their property*. And one Constitutional right is to maintain and keep your property. Therefore, if their property was "misplaced" they had a right to regain their property.

Why did white Southerners resent Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Southerners resented Uncle Tom's Cabin because they felt that southern slavery was portrayed critically and unfairly by the author.

States have individual rights outside of the ones in the federal government

State's Rights

In the election of 1860, who was the Democratic Party's nominee from Illinois?

Stephen Douglas

Who was running for Illinois senator in the election of 1858?

Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln

What was the Republican's main message in the election of 1854?

Stop the spread of slavery in the West!

What was the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

That African Americans did not have the right to sue in federal court because they were not citizens

How did the Confederation Constitution differ from the US Constitution?

The Confederation Constitution was modeled closely after the US Constitution with very little differences. One difference was the fact that the Confederation Constitution protected the idea of states' rights and secondly it protected the institution of slavery.

How did the Lincoln Douglas debates of 1858 impact Lincoln's political future?

He became known throughout the nation

What was Dred Scott's reasoning for being free?

He had lived in free territory

During the election, what did Lincoln's opponent accuse him of? How did Lincoln respond?

His opponent accused Lincoln of wanting to treat African-Americans as equal to whites, which Lincoln denied.

What U.S. Senate seat was contested during the Lincoln/Douglas Debate in 1858?


What was the North's main economic strength?


During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln's view of slavery was that

It was a moral issue

Who ran for President in 1856 in the Democratic Party?

James Buchanan

Who won the 1856 election?

James Buchanan

Who was the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party?

John Bell

Who led the attacks at Pottawatomie Creek?

John Brown

What effects did John Brown's actions have on the situation in Kansas?

John Brown's actions led to an increase in violence throughout the territory of Kansas. Bloodshed and civil war broke out in Kansas over the next three years.

Who ran for President in 1856 in the Republican Party?

John C. Frémont



This law (act) opened the Kansas and Nebraska territory to being possible slave states

Kansas-Nebraska Act

According to the debates of 1858, how would Lincoln and his opponent have addressed the issue of slavery differently as US Senators?

Lincoln wanted to ban slavery in all the new states while Douglas wanted to use popular sovereignty to see if they would be slave or free states.

What event led the South to secede?

Lincoln's election

How did President Buchanan and other Northerners respond to Southern secession?

Many Northerners rejected the idea that the South could secede. They believed this action to be unconstitutional. Buchanan believed the Constitution prevented such actions from occurring. This also brought about the idea of majority rule.

What moral dilemma did the Fugitive Slave Act force Northerners to face for the first time?

Many northerners resented the Fugitive Slave Act. They now felt they were in a dilemma. Do they follow the law but go against what they may believe in (that slavery was morally wrong) OR do they break a federal law to help another person, whom they do not know, escape slavery?

Who ran for President in 1856 in the Know-Nothings Party?

Millard Fillmore

Why did the question of admitting Missouri to the Union divide the nation?

Missouri wants to be a slave state (slavery in the western territories?) 2) Balance of power in Congress (Senate) between slave v. free states

She was called the "Moses of her people" for leading over 300 slaves to freedom:

Harriet Tubman

Who was a conductor of the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman

What did Southerners fear Lincoln would do after the election?

Despite Lincoln's statements that he would do nothing to abolish slavery in the South, white Southerners did not trust him. Southerners saw the Republican victory as a threat to the Southern way of life.

Why were Douglas and Bell thought to be moderates?

Douglas and Bell were considered moderates because neither one of them wanted the federal government to pass new laws on slavery. Their push was for popular sovereignty.

Lincoln won the 1858 Illinois Senate race.


He was an ex-slave who became an adviser to President Lincoln?

Fredrick Douglass

What abolitionist was a prominent writer and orator (speech giver) that worked with Abraham Lincoln on many slavery issues?

Fredrick Douglass

What was the platform of the Republican party in 1856?

Free territories in the West

The WHAT was part of the Compromise of 1850 and made it a crime to help runaway slaves?

Fugitive Slave Act

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