History of Gay Marriage

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What happened in 1971?

Baker v. Nelson -Two male University of Minnesota students applied for a marriage license. -Minnesota state law didn't explicitly state the required sexes of the two applicants. -They were denied and appealed to the Minnesota Supreme Court. Denial sustained

What happened in 2008?

CA SC rules 4-3 that same sex marriage ban is unconstitutional

What happened in 2005?

CA legislature attempts to legalize same sex marriage governer vetoes

What happened in 2004? (post-SF)

CA voids them

What happened in 1999?

CA was the first state to allow domestic partnerships

What happened in 1993?

Hawaii SC says denying same sex marriage is unconstitutional

What happened in 1998?

Hawaii upholds federal ban on same sex marriage via a referendum

What happened in 2013?

Hollingsworth v Perry -the sponsors of prop 8 tried to appeal -said proponents of prop 8 of previous ruling could not appeal because they lacked standing

What happened in 1973?

Maryland was the first to legally ban same sex marriage

What happened in 2003?

Massachu. SC declares same sex marriage constitutional

What happened in 2015?

Obergefell v Hodges -states must recognize -marriages have equal protection of the law

What happened between 1973-1992?

Other states including CA (in 1977) banned same sex marriage by clarifying man+woman definition

What happened in 1996?

Passage of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) signed by Clinton -establish federal definition of man + woman -states dont need to recognize each others same sex marriages

What happened in 2000?

Prop 22 passed to close the loophole in the 1977 CA family code which allowed the recognition of other states

What happened in 2008

Prop 8 gets put on ballot - defining marriage once again

What happened in 2004?

SF Major Gavin Newsome issues same sex marriage licenses

What happened in 2009?

Straus v. Horton -case that maintains prop 8 is constit -old marriage licenses still valid

What happened in 2013 after Hollingsworth v perry?

US v. Windsor - fed def was unconstitutional, states still did not need to recognize

What happened in 1992?

Washington DC first to allow domestic partnerships

What happened in 2007?

the same thing, gov vetoes

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