History test 2

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Destruction of the old regime

August decrees said seigneurial Rights abolished fetal dues, one code of law for all men, sweeps away basis for old regime. Declaration of the rights of man and citizens. Statement of natural and other rights, life, equality, for eternity, freedom of speech, religion, press, equality, before the law (for men). Religious equality, to a degree, abolish serfdom and slavery in France colonies. Also spoke of the general will, however so a balance of Locke and Rousseau's influence

The Austrian Empire: toward a dual monarchy

Ausgleich, compromise, 1867. Creates a dual monarchy, German and Magyars Dominate minorities, Francis Joseph emperor of Austria/king of hungry, somethings inhaled in common, other minorities

British leaders

Benjamin Disraeli , Extension of voting rights, reform act of 1867, and imperial expansion. William Gladstone, liberal reforms, education act of 1870, an Irish home rule

Napoleon and the Revolution

"Citizens, the revolution is established upon the principles which it began. It is ended" "They want to destroy the revolution by directing their attacks against my person. I will defend it, for I am the revolution"

Cotton industry

1. Harvesting raw cotton - unchanged until mechanical pickers in 1940s 2. Transport to factories - steamships and railroads 3. Combining/deseeding - cotton gin 4. Spinning into thread - spinning Jenny and water frame 5. Weaving into cloth - flying shuttle, power looms, sewing machines, chemical 6. Finishing, bleaching and dying - agents

Location of cool

1. In north eastern England, near Newcastle, easy access to the sea; transport to London. 2. In the east midlands, relatively near Birmingham and other industrial cities. 3. In South Wales more important and 19th century, then 18th century, the largest supplier in later air. Other small field as well as those in Scotland and Ireland

Third Estate

97% of the population (the rest of France) They consisted of the bourgeoisie, the san-culottes and the peasants; they paid high taxes and had no special privileges

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

A document, issued by the National Assembly in July 1790, that broke ties with the Catholic Church and established a national church system in France with a process for the election of regional bishops. The document angered the pope and church officials and turned many French Catholics against the revolutionaries.

Irish Potato Famine

A famine in 1845 when the main crop of Ireland, potatoes, was destroyed by disease. Irish farmers grew other food items, such as wheat and oats, but Great Britain required them to export those items to them, leaving nothing for the Irish to live on. As a result, over 1 million Irish died of starvation or disease, while millions of others migrated to the United States.

Cotton Gin

A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793

Spinning Jenny

A machine that could spin several threads at once

Haitian Revolution

A major influece of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.

The Terror (1793-1794)

A period of time where France was under the leadership of Maximilien Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety, tens of thousands deemed enemies of the revolution lost their lives on the guillotine. Shortly thereafter, Robespierre himself was arrested and guillotined, accused of leading France into tyranny and dictatorship. "The revolution," remarked one of its victims, "was devouring its own children."


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. They wanted imperialism because religious missionaries, civilizing mission, social Darwinism, commercial opportunities and national rivalries

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Adopted August 26, 1789, created by the National Assembly to give rights to all (except women).

Domestic accomplishments of Napoleon

Agreement of 1801, with the pope: RC recognized as preponderant religion in France. Did not restore its lands, nor and religious pluralism, recognize Napoleon as legitimate ruler. Code Napoleon: Efforts to bring into Accord all the legal changes since 1789, liberal in some ways such as a quality of all, and in special rights, conservative and others such as supremacy of men over women. Centralization of the French bureaucracy: Need for money, soldiers, etc. for military campaigns, had to run independently of Napoleon while he was with the army, retention of departments created by republic. Growing despotism overtime

Imperial Russia

Alexander the second, emancipation of serfs on March 3, 1861. Problems with emancipation, Zemstovos (local assemblies), Growing dissatisfaction, assassination of Alexander the second in 1881, Alexander the third returns to traditional method of repression

Industrialization in England

Ample supplies of coal and iron, large and accessible markets, including transportation to reach them, demand for consumer goods, available capital, flexible social system, social environment favorable to invitation, technology, development of necessary technology

Estates General

An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France.

The storm of the Bastille

Bastille was an old medieval castle in central Paris. In 1789 it was used as an armory holding weapons of French army and prisoners. In early July some people had been arrested two protests against the king. Rumors of troops entering the city. Crowd gathered around fortress, soldiers shot and killed 98 people; people storm the castle, released prisoners, and took weapons

Impact of enclosure

Before enclosure: Each of the three field would've been communally planted. Crops would've been rotated from one growing season to the next, usually leaving one fallow each season. Each village family would have had strips allotted to them in each of the three fields. All would have had access to the commons to grease livestock, collect fruit and nuts, and get firewood etc. After enclosure: The open fields have been replaced with distinct farms, sometimes owned by a small farmer, usually leased from a landlord. And each form the individual fields are now enclosed to the former they plant what he wants, without communal agreement. The villagers have lost their strips and now are merely waged laborers. The commoners have affectively vanished

Revolution of 1830

Bourgeoisie revolt against Charles X, fear that he was going to crack down on liberal political organization. June ordinances dismissed assembly, restricted suffrage even further, and censorship of press. Parisians took to the streets , Charles X forced to abdicate and was replaced by Louis Philippe, some consequences were increased franchise, mostly benefited bourgeoisie, king of the French, tricolor replace royal standard is national flag. Nationalists revolt in Belgium and Poland


British positioned on low ridge, take a defensive position and withstand to French infantry attacks, a cavalry charge, and a final assault by the imperial guard. In the meantime Prussians March 10 miles to arrive at the battlefield, attacked with the British and break the French lines. French then retreat in the disorder. There was a high casualty rate

The great western railway

British railway company that linked London with the south-west and west of England, the Midlands, and most of Wales. It was founded in 1833.

Suez canal

Build my Ferdinand de Lesseps and French Suez Canal company. In 1875 the British bought 44% of the company from the khedive for 4,000,000 pounds. After 1882, British dominate military and diplomatically

Foreign policy

Built up in army; introduced breech-loading rifles. Crimean War against Russia, allied with ottoman empire in Britain. Causes were weakening of the ottoman empire in Russian aspirations with constant opal. Custody of ancient Christian shrines in turkey. Napoleon the third trying to restore French leader ship, power in Europe. Breaks concert of Europe, first war between power since 1815. Fighting concentrated on Crimean Peninsula, Ineffective campaigning, poorly managed and supplied, very cold; poor treatment of wondered, remembered mostly for the charge of the light Barrogate

The energy supply

By the 18th century, England's old growth forest had all been cut, managed harvesting always meant there was some wood for fuel, but if the population is growing, where would the extra wood come from? Would also needed for industry and other uses. To produce 1 ton of salt from seawater, it required for wagon loads of wood. London brewers used 20,000 wagon loads a year of wood. 35,000 tons of steel being produced in the mid 18th century, which used to hundred thousand trees. Stage coaches being Introduced between cities, but you need 3.5 acres degrees the four horses needed to pull it


Call was not new, but have not been used as a primary fuel up until the 18th century. Rapid growth and cold and Coke from 18th century onward. Plentiful source in New England and in the midlands, relatively inexpensive, would become principal source of energy not just for manufacturing, but also for heating homes and cooking. Some disadvantages to call or that it's only found in some locations, it is heavy so it is hard to transport, and it causes pollution

Ways to move heavy goods

Canals were built in the 18th and 19th century to move goods. Connect minds and other sources of supplies with cities, port, or navigable rivers. Efficiency of moving heavy goods on water water water supports the weight, but provides a limited resistance. Can be built wherever necessary. Small hocks allow boats to move up/down hills

Modern class system

Capitalists/bourgeoisie = factory owners, large merchants. Middle-class = creation of commercial and industrial revolution's such as lawyers, doctors, factory managers, teachers, bank clerks. Working class = factory, dark, and railway workers

Unrest and revolt

Carbonari- Radicals in Italy and elsewhere who resisted Australian rules and like to reform. Unrest in Spain when restored King Ferdinand failed to follow through on reform, spread to Spanish colonies which salt independence, series of revolt resulting in creation of new republics. Metternich Brought Europe together to oppose revolution, French intervention in Spain in 1823

Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851

Celebration of Britain's industrial and commercial success in the mid 19th century. An option of free trade, wealthiest country in the world, leading producer in iron, cotton, etc. During designed by Joseph Paxton, land agent for duke of Devinshire. I'd be gone his crew is a gardener for the Duke. Complaints raised about erecting Masonary buildings in Hyde Park to host exhibition, cut down 100 year old trees, take up too much space. Paxton designed the Crystal Palace using cast prefab iron and glass. It was built around the trees, later taking down and moved to another park in south london

Natural resources and transport

Coal and iron ore are the key mineral resources of the first industrial revolution. Britain has assessable sources of both and easily reached. Already discussed growth of canals, but turnpikes, canals, the sea, and eventually railroads made getting resources to factories easy and inexpensive, as well as getting products to markets

Downfall of Robespierre

Danton convinced of conspiracy, theft, corruption. Pretext, as rivalry with Robespierre and latters fear of conspiracy the real reason. Robespierre Denounce by Jacobian 's. Would not need in particular enemies, however increasing tensions between radical factions during July. Call for Robespierre's Arrest. And he was later executed by guillotine after blowing off his jaw and his sale in a field suicide attempt

The reign of terror

Committee of public safety formed. Which consisted of 12 members given power by convention to act in defense of nation dominated by Robespierre, Danton. The era of radical republic, effective dictatorship by CPS, elimination of opponents. Moderate purged from assembly, 16,500 so-called enemies of the republic were killed after trial, the trials often only lasted about five minutes long; thousands other less formally. Anyone who officials deemed an enemy of the people which was someone conspiring with foreigners, but also a baker charging too much for bread were jailed. 300,000 people were jail during this time. Rebellion of Vendee region brutally suppressed 100,000 died. Republic of virtue Robespierres idea of republic, abolition of slavery in the French empire, the general maximum was a set price limit and punish price going up on grain, soap, firewood, leather and paper etc. actually further contracted the supply of regular goods, as people simply stop selling good prices set to low

Industrialization on the continent

Continental industrialization comes of age, Mechanization of textile and cotton industries, growth of iron industries, illumination of trade barriers, government support and financing

The consulate

Coup of 18 Brumaire ends rule of Directory. Replaced by consulate; 3 co-equal consuls to govern: 1. Napoleon Bonaparte 2. Abbé E. J. Sieyes 3. Pierre-Roger Ducos. Dictatorship by plebiscite under constitution of the year VIII. Approved by 99.94% of vote; Lucien Bonaparte ran the election. Constitution named napoleon "1st consul": crowned first consul for life, crowned emperor Napoleon I

October Days

Demonstrations in Paris from bread shortage scare. March to Versailles, forcing royal family back to Paris. Signifies power of mob and will of the French people.

Scientific socialism

Described in the communist manifesto, different from utopian socialist of previous generation. Derived from Karl Marx is scientific readings of history. A global movement, workers of the World United. You have nothing to lose, but your chains. The final sentence of the manifesto. The revolution is not limited to just one country

Economic motives

Economic purposes of the 17/18 century empires, still some extractive products. Altered motives of the late 19th century empires, imperialism for free trade, desire for markets for European industrial goods, and difficulties of this model

Great Britain the Victorian age

Did not experience revolt in 1848, reforms, economic growth. Queen Victoria reflected the age

Franco Prussian war

Dispute with France over the throne of Spain, French declaration of war, July 15, 1870. Battle of sedan, September 2, 1870. Siege of parish, capulates January 28, 1871. Southern German states join northern German confederation. William the first proclaimed Kaiser, January 8, 1871, of the second German Empire

Russia: the Decembrists revolt

Disputed secession to Alexander the first. 3000 army officers mostly aristocratic soir allegiance to Constantine. Younger brother of Alexander is the first and Nicholas the first, Constantine renounced throne, officer shot a constitution rather than Nicolas as tsar. Officer sought social/economical/political reform so Russia could compete With other European states, ultimately suppressed and leaders executed, Nicholas the first continued repressive policies and absolutism continued to 1917, bureaucracy did become more centralized and efficient, but no real social/economic changes; notbility retained influence and power

Early factory conditions

Each machine physically connected by leather belts to drums on ceiling. Each of these drums physically connect to master drum on end, which is in connected by belt or chain to the fly wheel of the steam engine. Or kinetic energy, which cannot be saved. Everything comes on at the same time, this is why you had to be there on time. The heavy skirts and bonnets one by women was to protect them from exposed belts and gears. Small children were often used to fixed broken threads or recede lines, necessitating small fingers near working machinery

Utopian socialism

Efforts to remedy difficulties in developing industrial society such as economic quality and friction between classes. Robert Cohen salt to build model industrial communities in new Lanark, Scotland, and new harmony, Indiana. Stressed cooperation rather than pure profits, provided better wages, housing, education, etc. and normally available. Charles Fourier Sought to abolish wage system, each occupation and community as important as others, so equally deserving. Louis blanc was a French journalist and politician who sought to use power of government to benefit the poor, state should use money to open workshops to provide jobs for all

Thomas Malthus

Eighteenth-century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations because, in his view, population growth would always outstrip increases in agricultural production.

Defeat of the third coalition

European war starts a new in 1804. The third coalition against France consisted of Britain, Prussia, Australia, and Russia. Napoleon amassing army in northern France intent to invade England. Needs control of English channel, so must defeat Royal Navy. October 21, 1805 at the battle of Trafalgar British Navy comprehensively defeats French in Spanish fleets; ends hope of invasion and leaves Britain in control of seas here after. Foiled in attempt to invade England, Napoleon marches army east. Defeats Australia at Austerlitz. Forces surrender of all three major Eastern Europe powers. Napoleon now dominant in Europe. His Allies were pressure, Austria, and Russia. Britain was opposed to France

Great Fear of 1789

Everyone heard about villages being attacked and set on fire and the peasants freaked out

Problems facing France

Executive power: absolutism is only as good as the king is; neither Louis XV or XVI really interested in running the government, decadent, Expensive lifestyle at Versailles 's only enhanced the problem. Legal system: 237 different legal codes in France, special legal rights to the first, and second estates, but also to specific groups like orders and guilds that were able to regulate trade independent of others. Corruption: As deaths grew, offices like that of independent now being sold by the king, government not only appeared corrupt, but less efficient. The main problem is death because of wars such as the war of Austrian succession, seven years war, American revolutionary war. Taxes were going up money is borrowed but no long-term financial solution. New loans are hard to achieve

Necessary pre-conditions

Expanding population. Doubles between 1750 and 1850. Result of more and better food and us improved health. People little longer, families had more children who more often survived.

Deceit and exile

Fighting retreat across Europe. Eventually trapped between the eastern European armies in the British moving into southern France from Spain. Surrenders and eggs out to the island of Elba, Off the coast of Italy. Which was close to his original home in Corsica. In the meantime, leaders of Europe had assembled in Vienna to start the reconstruction of Europe


First commercial railway opened in 1831 to connect Manchester and port of Liverpool. Rapidly grew to cover the entire country. Replaced the system of canals for the most part. Transformed ability to move easily, quickly

Liberal ideology

Focused on individual liberty, tradition of John Locke and natural rights, need to defend and protect these rights. Some influences were locked in enlightenment thinkers, British and American political tradition, and aspects of the French revolution. Most favored constitutional monarchy, so not necessarily Republican, not all were Democrat and many believed vote should be restricted. Some basic principles were equality before the law, government based on political rights and consent of the governed, laissez-faire economics


French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)

Scramble for Africa

From 10% of Africa to under European control to 90%, the Berlin conference of 1884, petition

Consequences of 1848

Frustration of liberals, who had failed to bring political reform to much of Europe, even in some places where this has been accomplished conservatives would reestablish prominence incoming years. End of liberal nation ideal, liberals had failed to harness the power of nationalism and bring about unity, reform. Incoming years, nationalism would be seized by conservative Leaders and be used to buttress government power and authority, rather than undermine it.

Urban housing

Generally 1 to 2 rooms on first floor; kitchen, sitting room. Two bedrooms on the second floor. Heat/cook with cold burned in iron stoves. No running water or indoor plumbing, overcrowded, and filled with diseases


Good sense of size of Manchester and number of factories there. Second largest city in England. Faced lots of pollution in the air and water

Political division

Growing counter revolution, emigrees across Europe Calling on other countries to intervene. Peasants and others who taught revn. Had gone to far with interference in religion, trade, etc. Internal political divisions such as Girondins: seek to spread revolution across Europe, through content with degree it has gone in France. Jacobins: desire greater Socio economic/political change in France. Seek universal suffrage and broad political freedom. Montagnards "the mountain": Extreme Jacobins Show named because they sat on the top of the theater in which the assembly was meeting


Had begun in France in 1790s, now spreading across Europe in response to French occupation or control. Ethnicities seeking to control their own destiny's and the government. Dislike of Neapoleonic code And other French institutions being forced upon them, even if we might see things like greater religious liberty a good thing, mini resented it at the time. Inspiring other people to resist France and its policies. Napoleons consolidation of smaller German states into the confederation of the Rhine ironically had the impact of enhancing nationalist feeling. His invasion of Spain and occupation of parts of Germany would cause nationalist reactions

Napoleon in Egypt

His motive was to protect French economic interest in the eastern Mediterranean. Theoretically to threaten British in India. He invaded with 25,000 men, on July 20, Battle of the pyramids, Napoleon defeats local and ottoman forces. August 1, battle of the Nile, British fleet slips behind friendships at Abukir; 13 of 17 friendships sunk or were captured, Napoleon and his army or now stranded. Campaigned through Northern Egypt and eastern Mediterranean coast; established government, proclaimed himself a liberator from ottoman rule. The French army discovers Rosetta Stone in desert with transcription in ancient hieroglyphics, daemonic script, and ancient Greek. Decades later scholars decode it and are able to read Egyptian hieroglyphics. August 1799, Napoleon, hearing of unrest in Paris, slips out of Egypt and sales home abandoning his army which surrenders in 1801


Hotbed of nationalism in the 19th century, declining power of ottoman empire, often conflicted with Austrian ambitions to expand. Revolt of orthodox serbes against Turks, Aided by Russia; establish some autonomy under Serb prince, independence achieved in 1878. War of Greek independence, demonstrated willingness of European powers to intervene against vitamins, greets history as foundation of European culture made support for it popular in many parts of Europe, southern part of Greece recognized as independent


Impact of scientific revolution now bearing on machinery as scientific knowledge being adapted to machines. Machines lead to factories and industrial production T Newcomen - vacuum pump J Hargreaves- spinning Jenny J Watt - steam engine J Kay - flying shuttle R Arkwright - spinning machine S Crompton - spinning mule

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1852 national assembly denied his demand to amend the constitution to permit him a second term as president, seized control of government, restored universal suffrage, assumed title Napoleon III. Regimen marked by liberal economic policies, authoritarian government, aggressive military, imperial, foreign policies

Failures of grand empire

Inability to defeat Britain or force them to make peace. Continental system, introduced in 1806, economic boycott of British goods, illegal to import them into France or any ally or territory controlled by them, I deal was to hurt British merchants economically and have them call on government to make peace, the problem with this was it was difficult to enforce, especially the further away from France and in small ports. So it didn't hurt Britain as much as was hoped. Ultimately unsuccessful and lead Napoleon to crucial mistakes mistakes

Canal network

It was possible to put goods on a canal boat in Manchester and take them all the way to London. In practice, you wouldn't do this. It was easier to put them on a sea going ship

Revolution in Italy

Italy divided into numerous states, Austria occupied Lumbardy and Vanetia , Influenced Tuscany, Parma, and Modena. Kingdom of the two Sicilies ruled by Bourbon family, popes ruled in people states, piedmont-Sardinia a separate kingdom. Giuseppe Mazzini Italian nationalist and liberal who started young Italy movement in 1831. Believe national autonomy would remove international friction and promote liberal values

Liberalism and laissez-faire

John Stuart Mill what is the greatest 19th-century exponent of liberal thinking on liberty and limits of individual freedom, Tairney of the majority, and supported expanded electorate including women. Laissez-faire economics a business was property and therefore subject only to its owner, government should stay out of economy to greatest degree possible, certainly should not pick favorites are grant privileges to some but not all firms, taxes were necessary but should be as low as possible, 1846 removal of tariffs and adoption of free trade in Britain was a landmark, drew upon ideas of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and other early economists. " peace, reform, retreatment and free trade"

Invasion of Russia, in 1812

June: Napoleon and 420,000 men mainly German and Polish conscripts with some French regulars. Russians generally avoid battle and retreat to Moscow where they burned countryside as they went, preventing the French easy access to food supplies. Sept 7: Battle of Borodino just went west of Moscow. Russians tried to preserve Moscow, but defeated retreat east beyond it Sept. 14: Napoleon occupies Moscow. Can he stay there? Oct. : Retreat from Moscow begins

Louis XVI (16th)

King of France during the French Revolution, is executed by the guillotine

National unification Italy

Kingdom of Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel the second of kingdom of Piedmont. Count Camilo di Cavour. Napoleon the third's alliance with Piedmont, 1858, water with Austria, 1859. Northern states join Piedmont. Guiseppi Garibaldi , The red shirts, invasion of kingdom of two Sicilies in 1860. Kingdom of Italy, king Victor Emmanuel the first. Subsequent additions to Italy annexation of Rome in 1870 and Venetia in 1866


Land owners see profits being made by merchants in overseas trade, looking to increase their own profit, to do so they need more control over land, this permits experimentation and new technologies to be introduced. The result is higher yields in profits, greater efficiency, with fewer workers. This would allow England to support the growth of cities resulting from industrialization. Enclosure was a legal process by which landlords by profit act of parliament were permitted to buy out the shares of commonly formed the land belong to peasants.The peasants were compensated, but it left landowners with control of the fields. The peasants became agricultural laborers working for wages only

Basis of a nation

Language, effort to reestablish languages such as Irish Gaelic. Religion polls and Catholicism. Serves/Croats = orthodox/R.C. And common history

Accomplishments of the republic

Levee en masse- calling all citizens to defend the nation upon invasion; young men in army, women in workshops, etc. Successful resistance to invasion, Austrians defeated at Valmy, helped that the Austrian army, suffering from dysentery but a win what is a win. The revolutionary calendar start off with 12 30 day months that were named after the climate in France at the time Thermidor hot equals July. 3 10 day months Does abolishing traditional Sundays and also saints days there were often holidays. Five day national holiday at the end of the year to make 365 days. Abolition of Catholic Church and replacement with a deist like alternative, known as the cult of the supreme being

The revolution in Germany

Liberal and national in character, new businessman, industrialists and Rhine Valley favored economic liberalism and representative politics. Across Germany, mini sought creation of unified German state. Even Frederick William Ivy after a clash in Street killed 250 promised a new constitution

The second empire

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon, often in exile for a time, prison as he had two times tried to seize power; both huge failures. Elected president a second republic in 1848, in eligible for a second term, seized power, and 1852 declared himself emperor Napoleon III. Promise to make France great again, restore French glory, military power, economic might, colonies and empire that was still associated with his uncle rule. Initially this was popular

France, 1815 through 1830

Louis XVIII restored with absolute powers, but tended to work with assembly, result was a conservative policy in which order was restored, but the changes of the previous 25 years which were popular were retained, but not expanded upon. Charles X and ultra royalists. Insistent on absolutism; less cooperation with assembly, salt to undo legal changes, lien transactions from 1970s; aristocrats got money for Land, aimed to restore aristocratic Estates, legal privileges, church put back in charge of education, provoked bourgeoisie revolt in 1830

Italy in 1848

March 1848, popular revolt in Lumbardy against Austrian occupation, forced Austrians out of Venice. Supported by king of Piedmont Sardinia Uprising began in Rome; a republic declared, Mazzini returned from exile in London . Eventually, momentum faded by insufficient power to dislodge Austria, French troops occupied room to defend the pope; defeated the new Roman Republic, Vince retaken by Austrians. In the end, very little change; Mazinnis ambitions for a new Italy evaporated


Midsized industrial city. It was built in a valley to originally utilize river for power, to transport goods. Terrorist working class house is rising up Valley, but you might not live near your factory

Agricultural revolution

Most evident in England after 1750, and many other places little or no change. The result of more farmland by enclosures, fens. Increased yield buy better rotation, and new crops. Better life stock by scientific breeding. Improved climate by end of "little Ice Age"

Nationalist perspective

Most people thought of the most basic social identity was the nation or ethnicity

The revolutions in Austrian empire

Multinational ethnic state, up he was in 1848 primarily nationalist. March 13, 1848, assembly in Vienna forst resignation of prince Metternich, Series of weak liberal government resulted, but unable to consolidate authority across the empire. Limited accomplishments or abolition of serfdom in some areas, broader freedom of press/association, new parliament temporarily established, and elections generally return conservatives or moderate liberals, not radicals. Overtime, conservative and Australian government able to restore authority

Final exile

Napoleon escaped the battle of Waterloo and runs back to France. Ultimately surrenders to British naval officer in western France on July 15 now exiled to Saint Helena in the south Atlantic, from here he can't escape. He dies in 1821 and rumor has it that he was poisoned. He had a lasting impact on European development through things such as law, development of French administration, military art, rising nationalism, can and consolidated the revolution and idea of individual rights, and abolition of the old regime. Though remembered very differently in France where mini would still see him as a hero then in other countries

Return for the 100 days

Napoleon returns to France. Marshall ney Sent by restored king to arrest him, defects to him. Napoleon was still popular in France, king Louis XVIII fleas Paris, Napoleon reestablishes power. Immediate preparation for war, I like the armies (English/Prussia) in Belgium keeping watch. English under Wellington, near Brussels, Prussians under blucher , further east. Napoleon hopes to defeat Wellington before the two allied armies can combine and overwhelm the French army


Napoleon the third since troops to Mexico to try to install the Austrian Archduke Maximillion as emperor, efforts to reestablish French emperor in western hemisphere, restore payments on debts owed to France, and access to Central/south American markets, taking advantage of recent political upheaval. 40,000 troops sent in early 1862, and 1866 Napoleon the third with drawls French troops, in 1867 Maximilian be signed, Captured, and executed

The invasion of Spain in 1808

Napoleon was upset at lack of Spanish enforcement of the continental system. Invades his hitherto Ally and place is his brother Joseph on Crown as a new king. Spain is not happy; revolt and begins guerrilla war against France. The start of long conflict as France is unable to in resistance, despite large army, British sins aid and Army via Portugal. Begin long campaign led by duke of Wellington that leads to France being forced out of Spain by 1814. Napoleon since a little time in Spain but ties down troops, resources, money for years and gives England a foothold and Ally for the first time in years

Sell of Louisiana

Napoleonic ambitions for a renewed empire in America, especially during brief universal peace of Amiens. Force of Spain, an ally, to return Louisiana to France which had lost it in 1763. Hope to use Haiti as base for reestablishing French presence in North America. Hatian revolution had created a new independent black republic. Haiti defeats army of 20,000 men set by Napoleon to re-conquer the colony. Napoleon gives up idea of a new empire and sells Louisiana to the USA for $10 million


Nation = a people = ethnicity. Not a country or a state, ideally, each nation should have its own state/country. Not a left right ideology, could be associated with either, before 1848 seen as radical as it underminded the Stratus quo. Some, like G Mazzini, Formally linked nationalism and liberalism at this time, if each people governed itself, less conflict would result. Emerged in era of French revolution, first in France as it defends it's revolution, second in occupied areas as they resisted French control (Germany, Spain)


Nationalist leader, Louis Kossuth lead revolt of Hungarians. Local assembly proposed its own constitution. Metternich failed in effort to suppress reforms before his fall from power, Austrian government receded to Hungarian demand for local autonomy. Diet it in Budapest passed laws Creating a union between Austria and hungry, abolition serfdom, and establishing freedom of religion impress, enhanced small performers. The outcome was a degree of autonomy for Hungarian but not other ethnicities under the Austrian thrown

Thermidorian reaction

New government established on July 27, 1794 (9 Thermador). Curtailed mini of terrors economic policies, restored social order. 1795 a new constitution, suffrage to all adult men who could read and write, but they voted for electors who choose the legislators, executive branch consisted of five directors known as the directory. Successful in waging military campaigns in Italy and elsewhere. Did consolidate some of the accomplishments of early revolution While cracking down on radicals and conservative enemies of the republic. Not well loved and corrupt, but did restore order. Overall, and effective, if a little loved government

Conservative ideology

New mode of thought which emerge during/after air of French revolution. Most associated with thinkers of English writer/politician Edmund Burke. Member of house of commons, Vehement opponent of revolution in general, reform sometimes necessary, but should be gradual and not abrupt. Should build upon existing national institutions and not replace them with those of other countries our ideal enlightenment models of government. Conserve what worked In existing government, or making necessary changes. General belief in the value of monarchy, state religion, etc. as pillars of social and political order. Outlined these ideas in reflections of the revolution in France. Significant in providing legitimate by us for a position to change, liberal ideals, etc. without reverting to reaction which was the rejection of all change

National rivalries

New powers looking for territories such as Germany, Italy, and Japan. Commercial exfoliation, Belgian Congo. Existing empire seeking to protect their interests, Naval Station's. This was possible through advanced technology such as medicine, transportation, communication, and weapons

The third estate

Not a uniform group, but diverse elements within different interests. Peasants take up 21 million of roughly 24 million population of France. They are overpopulated which put a strain on the land, they only own About 1/3 of the land in France and the rest rent from others. Still owed feet or dues to lords and taxes and tithes. Bourgeoisie which consisted of merchants, bankers, manufacturers, professions, urban, educated, could avoid many taxes but they don't own too much land. Frustrated with lack of political status and influence. Sans culottes Consisted of shopkeepers, artisans, urban workers, purchased food, so dependent of prices will be militant during the revolution. Interests will often conflict with the peasants

Influence of Marx

Not immediate, but spread overtime, more influential on continent which was undergoing industrialization after Marx began publishing his ideas organizations were the first international working man's organization which sucked a champion global revolution. Labor unions; many unions on the continent and in the US had Marxist associations

IR in Europe

Noticeable changes, mostly in North France, Belgium, lower Rhine Valley, Silesia. Don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just copy from British, so piece of change is faster. Industrializes in 1 to 2 generations rather than 3 to 4 generations like the British. Greater social/economic dislocation. Doing so after Marxist ideas in circulation pockets of industry in east and south Europe, but literal overall, stronger influence of aristocracy, persistence of serfdom

Problems in the late 1780s

Poor harvest in 1787 through 1788 because of too much rain. 1/3 of the population lived in poverty. Inability to reform the government and solve the debt crisis. Assembly of nobles was a hand selected group by the king and advisers to try to find a solution, rejected taxes on nobles and other charges. Calling of the estates general in 1789. The medieval assembly of France, the less influential than English Parliament. Has not met since 1714! The first estate consisted of 300 delegates. The second estate consisted of 300 delegates. The third estate consisted of 600 Delegates mainly lawyers, merchants, landowners, not common people

Effects of industrialization

Production in factories concentrated labor; lead to growth of cities. Growing population which consisted of a greater than two times increase in Europe. Hire an industrial areas than rural. Concerned about growing population

Building a new French

Provide for the financial needs of the church, write a new constitution. Constitutional monarchy, routed on the modern Britain. Elect a new assembly, defend the nation and the revolution. Creation of 83 departments, declaration of war with Austria, civil constitution of the clergy, attempted flight of the king to Belgium. New elections for national convention, declaration of republic

The revolution in France

Provisional government included liberals, Republicans, and socialist or non-Marxist. Declared a second republic, male suffrage, abolition of slavery in empire, and elections returned a majority moderates. Presidential election won by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte by 74% of vote. He promised to restore French grandeur, power and one support of rural France and strong Catholics

Pre-industrial production

Putting out system or cottage industry. Using spinning wheels or handlooms, rural workers would produce yarn/cloth in their homes. Advantages to workers where it fit into agricultural cycle which could produce cloth win not employed in the fields. Particularly necessary after transformation of rural working class by enclosure. Advantages to employers were inexpensive labor, don't have to invest in equipment or buildings. Grew in the 18th century in some places whole village is basically dedicated to this form of production


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.

Atmosphere of changed by 1780s

Real need for change. Inability of king Louis XIV to raise enough money to pay off debts which is skyrocketed due to 18th century wars, most recently the French participation in the American revolutionary war. New ideas of the enlightenment suggested that there were other better forms of government in the system of absolutism in France. A popular press had developed which openly criticized the king by mocking monarchy

Congress of Vienna

Reconstruction of Europe. Restore kings/governments to replace European rulers who had been imposed by French over previous 20 years. Redraw borders that have been changed since 1791. Principle of legitimacy, who would roll after depositions of French republic and Napoleon, wish to avoid further revolution. Their major principles were to have a balance of power. Principle that no single state should dominate the continent, most evident and British diplomacy, but something that are favored to some degree, Creation of larger states that, it was hoped, would be able to resist French expansion. And the desire to prevent further revolution. Metternich , The dominant figure at the Congress of Vienna, moderate treatment of France, crack down on domestic dissent, reform movements. Wanted to limit Russian power in Eastern Europe. The whole alliance was Russia, Austria, and Prussia, idea of Czar Alexander the first Who wanted to revert to pre-1789 absolutist principles. This went too far for Britain and France. The concert of Europe, five great powers should avoid war, cooperate, intervene to prevent revolution and avoid war.

Domestic policies

Referendum or democracy, no legislature, votes on individual issues, basically, Napoleon the third was a dictator. Economic policy, liberal laissez-faire in some ways, invention list and others

The turning point in history, where history failed to turn

Revolutions were liberal and national in character. Desire for continued liberal political reform, began in France, and spread to Italy and central Europe. King Louis Philippe seem to be cracking down on ability of liberals to assemble, corruption of us government, rose up and quickly for forced out

The three Estates

Right belong to which group in society you were a member of. The first and second pay few taxes. Clergyman collect mandatory tithes. The first estate is the clergy, consisting of 100 to 150,000 members, 10 to 15% of land owners, pay no taxes. The second estate is the nobility, consisting of 350 to 400,000 members, 20 to 25% of land owners, pay no direct taxes. The third estate is everyone else, 24,000,000+, 30 to 40% of land owners, pay all taxes

Markets and capital

Rising profits of commercial revolution had changed economy in society. Demand for fine goods, buy those who now had money. 18th century relatively good. For even the lower classes and they sought new goods as well. Import of these goods had created the structures of the market such as shops. Commercial revolution had also created business and banking structures. Profits of the commercial revolution were put into banks which were stable and trusted. The bank of England above all. Joint stock companies where an early form of corporation, allowing the sale of shares in company ownership. Originally used to finance larger trading companies, but would later be used for some large manufacturing concerns. People willing to put money in banks and invest in firms, this created capital that new businesses could draw up one for loans to get started

Berlin conference of 1885

Rules for occupation, notification of others, hinterland, affective government/occupation, suppression of slavery, and prohibition on sale of alcohol/guns in some regions

Social response to conditions

Sadler commission appointed by parliament investigated conditions in factories, especially of women and children. Society rather shocked by findings such as long hours, harsh treatment, and poor wages. Response was the factory active 1833. Some earlier attempts, this one was established and enforcement mechanism within the government. Hey Siri is a factory ask in the 19th century in Britain which would ban women and children from working in mind, and limited hours of 12, then 10, hours/day.Unions also began to emerge to collectively bargain for better wages and conditions

The British beehive

Shows different levels of British society. It implied the legal/political system near the top of the pyramid benefits all and ensure success of those below. Ability to move from one level to another

The great fear

Some fear of counter revolution. Mainly peasants seeking social economic change by force. Peasants across France spontaneously arose forming malicious. Principle target where the Château's/Country houses of nobles/landlords and the distraction of the mid evil records that documented the fetal dues owed by peasants. If the documents didn't exist, payments couldn't be enforced. Spread revolution across the country, no longer just in Paris

Industrial revolution on continent

Some local manufacture in North France, Belgium, Germany, had some but not all, of the factors which facilitated in Britain. Less transport, some not all of necessary natural resources, less impact of commercial revolution. Less accumulation of capital, less acceptance of new bourgeoisie by existing elites. Serfdom continued in east Europe in Spain to a greater extent. Interpretation of French revolution and Napoleonic wars, legally made some things easier, aristocracy Less important, but consistent war made broad social/economic change impractical. It's a little economic change after 1815

Napoleons origins

Son of minor minor nobleman on island of Corsica. Access to French military Academy, but not really excepted by other wealthier French cadets, took commission in 1785 in artillery, ordinarily would have had limited career. After the revolution abolition of purchase of commission and army many aristocrat officers left; Napoleon stayed, success in campaigns deterring Br. Raids in southern France and Italy. Quickly promoted; a brigadier General by 1794 at the age of 24. And 1793, he defended Toulon from British raids, promoted to brigadier general. Won the support of Dictory government By firing a great shot on royalist crowd in streets of Paris. Helped suppress Vendee revolt in 1795. Now given command of army in Italy, some of his greatest campaigning, defeat Austrians, French take over much of a delay, creating new client republics in the image of their revolution

Frankfurt Assembly

Sought to draft constitution for a unified liberal Germany, constitutional monarchy, liberal economically. Problems big or little Germany? Authority of assembly? And no legal system. Frederick William Ivy consolidated constitutional opinions, ultimately rejected crown offered by assembly, no other viable alternative


Strong support for Christian missionaries, belief and Christian doctrine

French expansion in 1790s

Successful workers brought territorial expansion and the spread of Republican ideology. Annexed to France: Avignon, savoy, nice, Austrian Netherlands (Belgium). Sister republics: Batavian republic (Holland), Helvetic republic (Switzerland), Cis-Alpine republic (NE Italy), Roman republic (central Italy), Parthenopean republic (S Italy), Ligurian republic (Genoa )

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

A steam engine at work

The brass boiler is heated to produce the steam. The piston raises and lowers the rocker arm. The slide wheel pools on the cables. It seems hear that it is probably being used to raise coal from the mind; although perhaps also to pump out water from the bottom of the mine

British radicalism

The chartists or frustrated by lack of affective working class representation in 1832 site fundamental changes to British political system, sent a series of petitions to parliament expressing their complaints, no immediate success, but most schools eventually passed into law, no revolution either. Peoples chart 1. Universal white male suffrage 2. Secret ballot 3. End to property qualification as a condition of public office 4. Annual parliamentarian elections 5. Salaries for members of the H. Of C. 6. Equal electoral districts

Karl Marx

The communist manifesto, published at end of year of revolution in Europe. Does not cause these revolutions, which were liberal and nationalist, not socialist. Though Marx claimed to be inspired by radicals who insisted he publish treatise expressing their views. Fredrick Engels was Karl Marx co- author he had earlier published the condition of the working class in 1845 describing the poor living and working conditions in Britain. He would later support Karl Marx economically

National Convention

The meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party's platform.

Civilizing Mission

The notion that colonialism was a duty for Europeans and a benefit for the colonized. Legacy of enlightenment, the white man's burden

Foreign policy Crimean war

The ottoman empire, this Integra geisha of the ottoman empire, encroachment of the Russian Empire, constant opal, loss of territory. The war, Russian demand to protect Christian shrines in turkey, Ottomans refuse; Russia invades Moldavia and Wallachia. Turks declare war on October 4, 1853, Britain and France declared war on Russia on March 28, 1854. Destroys the concert of Europe and war ends in March 1856

The ancien regime

The social and political system in place before 1789 in France. Monarchy and divine right absolutism. Social hierarchy in rigid social system. Personal excise of power. Philosophes had questioned many aspects of this but not changed it

Reform in Britain

The reform act of 1832, removed corrupt Burroughs, gave representation to new industrial communities, supported by working class, but benefited the middle class. New reform legislation: Poor law of 1834, abolition of slavery in 1837, repeal of the corn laws in 1846, factory ask and legislation to improve sanitation, education, etc. in coming decades, subsequent expansion of suffrage in 1868, and 1885

Rising nationalism and resistance

The rise of nationalism in Germany was due to French occupation. Brothers Grimm collected folktales as evidence of German wisdom equal to French enlightenment thinkers. Defeat and limits established by Napoleon on the size of armies led to creation of reserved forces that can be given some training, released, but later called up. A form of conscription. By 1812 France was unhappy that Czar Alexander I was not enforcing the continental system. Napoleon then set on invasion to force Russia to submit and comply

Spinning technology

The spinning Jenny, a water frame, and a mule

Steam engines

Thomas Newcomen: Atmospheric engine, created a partial vacuum and steam condensed causing piston to return into cylinder and start the cycle again James Watt: Asked to fix Newcomen engine, he improved it. Instead of releasing Steve and then using water to cool chamber and then reheating water to stream, watch condense the steam and a separate chamber

Industrial revolution

Took place in the mid 18th century to the mid 19th century. Profound transformation and how people lived and worked: Rural to urban, agricultural to industrial, and forms to factories. Altered class structure of society, sustained economic growth and wealth accumulation, pressure for political change, and impact on cultural transformation

The tennis court oath

Took place on June 20, 1789, door to the room where the third estate had been meeting in was locked and guarded. Taking is assigned the king was going to disband without reform. Representatives of the third estate got to the large indoor tennis court and there they declared themselves to be the national assembly and pledged not to leave until recognized

Flexible social system

Unlike others, England was generally ruled under one legal system; so less of a deterrent to people starting a business. Furthermore, since the commercial revolution, people had seen the advance and wealth and sought to join in. If you gentry or aristocratic landlords wanted to run a company, but they didn't object to them. They might even invest in one. Or marry one of their younger children into a rising mercantile family.

Water power

Water wheels originally powered much of the equipment. Mini small rivers flow down to the Irish see; they were than used power of the water wheels. A damn was built to create a mill pond, holding water which was sent down the slush in controlled volumes to power of the wheel

Reconstruction of Paris

What Napoleon the third is best remembered for today. Knocked down much of cramped medieval Paris, replaced by broad boulevards designed by Baron Haussmann , Sewer system built, built circular railroad around Paris, and set parks aside, and new outer defenses constructed

Marx's Class based approach

What is the dominant link in human society. Marx doesn't really have any interest in peasants

National unification of Germany

William the first wanted military reforms, blocked by liberals in pression diet. Otto bon Bismarck Junker father, Bourgeoisie mother. Appointed chancellor by the king, re-organization of the army. The first stages were Zollverein customs union and common currency. The Danish war in 1864, Schleswig and Holstein joint administration with Austria. Austro Prussian war in 1866, Austrian defeat at Königgratz , North German confederation, military agreements with pressure

The march on Versailles

Women march on Versailles. Popular anger in France about rising price of bread. They forced the king to return with them to Paris. Again the common people had forced events forward. Both of the peasants in San-culious were doing what was in their best interest

Abbe Sieyes

Wrote an essay called "What is the 3rd estate" Argued that lower classes were more important than the nobles and the government should be responsible to the people.

Power looms

used to turn threads into fabric (wove cloth) machines faster than hand weavers

Flying shuttle

was developed by John Kay, its invention was one of the key developments in weaving that helped fuel the Industrial Revolution, enabled the weaver of a loom to throw the shuttle back and forth between the threads with one hand


worked on land, lived in large self sufficient villages

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