History Unit 3

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actively worked to fix problems


informed others of problems


He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. He was also the co-author, with his wife, of The Rise of American Civilization (1927), which had a major influence on American historians. An icon of the progressive school of historical interpretation

Charles Beard

True/False: Booker T. Washington, who was an early Civil Rights leader of African-Americans believed Blacks should demand equality now by rejecting the notion of accommodation.


True/False: George Wearing, George W. Plunkitt and Jacob Riis would ALL be considered progressives


True/False: In America during the 21st Century, the Republican Party will traditionally support increases in the federal minimum wage.


True/False: In America today, there is little if any governmental regulation in the workplace


True/False: Jacob Riis wrote the "Jungle"; in it he exposed the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry


True/False: Progressive activists were much more important than progressive analysts because they actually did something to reform society for the better, whereas analysts didn't actually do anything about the problems of industrialization & urbanization.


True/False: TR became known as the "Trust Buster" during the United Miners Coal strike of 1902.


True/False: TR decided to run for President again in 1912 because he thought Taft was stealing his glory as a progressive president.


True/False: TR was shot by John Schrank in Milwaukee because of his support for the Woman's Suffrage Movement


True/False: The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act of 2009 could be described effectively as a politically corrupt act passed by Congress and signed by President Obama


True/False: The Underwood Tariff, passed in 1913, raised tariff rates to their highest levels in American History.


True/False: The number of mergers, which led to Trusts in America declined during TR's "The Trust Buster" administration, but then increased again during Pres. Taft's administration.


True/False: The owners(Blank & Harris) of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company were charged and convicted of manslaughter after the fire which resulted in the deaths of 146 of their workers.


True/False: The progressives, during this period in American History were successful in solving All the problems of industrialization and urbanization.


True/False: The rural population in America increased at much higher rate than city populations between the years 1870-1920


True/False: Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were progressive presidents, but William H. Taft was not


True/False: There is no need to reform our society any more because all the changes that could make our society better have already been done.


She was the general of the National Consumers League, she worked to force the government to outlaw child labor in America.

Florence Kelley

He was a machine political graft which kept many of the working poor in the slums with few rights to make their lives better.

George Washington Plunkitt

Early leader in the civil rights movement who worked to put an end to lynching in America

Ida B. Wells

American journalist whose investigative reporting led to the breakup of the Standard Oil Company's monopoly. Her father's been destroyed by them.

Ida Tarbell

Author of "How the Other Half Lives" who described the lives of the working poor in America and illustrated the book with pictures taken using his flash photography

Jacob Riis

Opened a community center called Hull House in which neighborhood residents could learn to speak English, learn U.S. politics, and it even contained a day nursery.

Jane Adams

Reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform in the United States. He started "Education is fundamental."

John Dewey

In the case of Muller vs. Oregon, her testimony was instrumental in showing that long work hours damaged the health of women.

Josephine Goldmark

Author of "Dynamic Sociology" he tried to research and show that the notion of Social Darwinism was destroying America. His ideas ended up being called Reform Darwinism.

Lester Ward

Used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs were instrumental in changing the child labor laws in the United States

Lewis Hine

She went to battle against Goodyear Tire Company because they paid her less for doing the same job that they paid male workers.

Lilly Ledbetter

New York nurse who launched a drive to inform women about ways they could prevent pregnancy (birth control)

Margaret Sanger

Superintendent of Kenosha schools who worked relentlessly to get children out of the factories and into schools.

Mary Bradford

Wrote extensively about how scholars ignored the contributions of women in history

Mary Ritter Beard

What message is this the author of this cartoon trying to send to the reader?

NIKE's outsourcing has led to child labor in foreign countries

people trying to reform society for the better


The fiery reform Governor of Wisconsin who promoted "The Wisconsin Idea" which was created by the state's progressives.

Robert La Follette

The largest political machine in the United States at the turn of the 20th Century, it was located in New York.

Tammany Hall

Which class of people in America did many of the reformers from the Progressive Era come from?

The Middle Class

He was the 1st Progressive President in the United States, and he came to be known as the "Trust Buster" and the "Square Deal."

Theodore Roosevelt

True/False: At the turn of the 20th century, many American children worked a regular job instead of attending school. About 20% of all children worked.


True/False: In the Election of 1912, The Republican Party supported high tariffs which was a pro big business (protectionist) policy.


True/False: Many of the problems in our growing American cities by the end of the 19th Century revolved around the issues of Industrialization & Urbanization.


True/False: Nativists believed that immigration laws should restrict the number of Roman Catholics, and immigrants from Eastern European Countries from entering the country. Many Americans concluded that immigrants from these countries lacked the intelligence and motivation supposedly held by northwestern Europeans.


True/False: Political Machines and the "graft" they brought, were an example of the problems in our country which expanded because of the urbanization of America


True/False: President Woodrow Wilson pushed congress to pass the Clayton Antitrust Act, which made corporate officers personally responsible for violations of antitrust laws. This was part of his "New Freedoms" Program.


True/False: Progressive reformers like George Wearing & Jacob Riis generally came from the middle class


True/False: Roosevelt argued that if we needed big business in America; we then needed bigger government to regulate the large businesses. In 1912, this idea became known as New Nationalism.


True/False: Socialist like Eugene Debs, argued that capitalism itself was the main reason workers suffered so much in America


True/False: Sweatshops are banned by law in America. Today we have laws that protect worker rights. Workers earning a minimum wage is an example of one of those protections.


True/False: The Triangle Shirtwaist fire of March 25, 1911 helped to illustrate many of the problems of an increasingly industrialized America


True/False: The result of TR bolting from the Republican Party during the 1912 election was the Democrat Woodrow Wilson being elected President


True/False: Theodore Roosevelt believed if we were going to have big business then we would need bigger government to act as a restraint and regulate the excesses of capitalism.


True/False: Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb was one of the factors which led to the urbanization of America.


True/False: When Woodrow Wilson was elected Governor of New Jersey, he declared his independence from the political machine, and attempted to transform the State with clean politics. In fact, his slogan was, "It Takes Time to Remove the Grime."


True/False: When a Hurricane made landfall in the city of Galveston, Texas 6,000 people were killed. However, the tragedy became a premier example of how a city could strip the power of machine bosses and return it to their people.


Author of the "Jungle" which exposed the unsanitary conditions in the Chicago meat packing industry.

Upton Sinclair

He was a minister who believed the cause of many social ills was from lack of faith

Walter Rauschenbusch

He was a reform minded American President who established the 'Children's Bureau' which dealt with issues like child labor in the United States. He destroyed twice as many trusts as TR did.

William Howard Taft

Which of the following factors contributed to the tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Building in New York City on March 25, 1911?

all of the following factors contributed to this tragedy

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