Hitlers Life

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The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to admit guilt for starting the war. The main sections were: Germany had to give up 10% of its land, Germany promised to pay the Allies a lot of money, and Germany promised never raise a large army

What was the Treaty of Versailles?

Hitler's idea was to take over the government. His voice started out very low and ended in a loud voice to get everyone excited

What was Hitler's idea and how did he project it?

Many Nazi leaders were scared of him. Some believed he would be the next Fuhrer. He was an expert in murder and mayhem. When he died many Nazi leaders breathed a sigh of relief

Who was Reinhard Heydrich?

Heinrich Himmler

Who was in charge of the SS?

The Allies were: Britian, Russia, United States, and France

Who were the Allies?

He stopped at the age of 15 when his father died because he was always laughed at for having second hand clothing and eating in soup kitchens

Why and when did Hitler stop going to school?

Hitler sold postcards during the day, in the winter he would paint houses. He was homeless, poor, and desperate.

What did Hitler do as a job and what was his life like after being turned down?

He reported about political groups

What did Hitler do in his job?

He wanted to be an artist in the Academy of Paris; he did not succeed

What did Hitler want to do when he grew up?

He issued an emergency decree which means this law will cancel all German rights "to protect Germany and its people." All the power will be in Hitler's hand.

What did President Hindenburg do?

Hess offered to write all of Hitlers ideas into a book. Hitler spoke and Hess wrote. The book was named Mein Kampf

What did Rudolf Hess do?

The book talked two main enemies of Germany: One: to fight for a country under one dictator ruler ship he talked about the Aryan race and "living space" Two: He spoke about the Jews as the enemy of the state, we as Germans need to clean Germany that the Aryan race will populate Germany.

What did the book talk about?

Hitler didnt get in again, they told him to go study architecture

What hapend the second time Hitler applied to the Academy of Vienna?

Hitler decided to take over the government building in Munich called the Beer-Hall. They gave in to his demand until they felt they were safe and then they sent him to jail. Because of the trial Hitler got a lot of publicity

What happend in 1923?

There were German elections again but Hitler did not win

What happend in 1928?

The stock market crashed in the US (Great Depression)

What happend in 1929?

the SS grew and Paul Van Hindenburg president at the time appointed Hitler as Chancellor. Hitler swore to defend the German people and to be loyal to its constitution. Through all this time when Hitler was in office all he thought about is how to destroy the government.

What happend in 1930?

There were more elections in Germany. This time to make sure he was elected he sent Nazi's to burn the Reichstag building. He went to the president of Germany to find the ones who were in charge of this act and Hitler volunteered to do it himself.

What happend in 1933?

Hitler decided to create another army the SS because the SA was getting out of control. The SS was bigger and crueler than the SA

What happend in the year 1925?

Hitler moved to Munich, Germany

What happend on August 14th, 1913?

The SS and Hitler demanded the Enabling act this law will give Hitler the power to change Germany's constitution. Hitler got what he wanted (The parliament voted out of fear).

What happend on March 23?

The SS and the SA ruled Germany and they burnt un-German books.

What happend on May 10?

Hitler changed his name from Hidler to Hitler so people who read his book wouldnt associate the name with the person who was had been in jail

What happend when Hitler got out of jail?

He met and old friend named Rudolf Hess who was a member of Hitler's party in 1920

What happend when he was in jail?

Hitler decided he needed an army so he trained a few of his people and called them the SA his private army (Storm-Troopers)

What happend when the Nazi party grew really big?

After the war there was no hope and no national pride, there was poverty and humiliation.

What happened after WWI?

Germany lost the war

What happened in the year 1918?

Hitler was sent to France, he got hurt, he recieved the second iron cross, when he got better he went back and got hurt again, this time in a British gas attack and recieved the first class iron cross.

What happened when Hitler was in the army?

His mom changed her last name to Hidler

What happened when Hitler's mom got re-married?

The war to end all wars

What is another name for World War I?

The army gave Hitler a job as an educational officer

What job did the army give Hitler after the war?


What was the Anti-Semetic newspaper named?

His father was a custom official and was abusive, his mother was a house wife

What were Hitlers parents like?

He met a group called the German Workers who needed a leader

Who did Hitler meet in his job?

His close friend Ernst Rohm

Who did the Hitler appoint to be in charge of the SA?

Jews ran it and they told him he needed to improve his paintings

Who ran the Academy of Vienna and what did they tell Hitler?

He controlled all the concentration camps. He became known as the man who had engineered all he details of the Holocaust.

Who was Adolf Eichmann?

He was in charge of the SS and he supervied mass killings. He was given direct comand of the destruction of the Jews

Who was Heinrich Himmler?

He was the Supreme Leader of the Prussian Gestapo, an SS general, President of the Reichstag, Commander in Cheif of the Air Force, Marshal, and official sucsessor to Hitler.

Who was Hermann Goering?

Karl Luger was an anti-semite that didnt like Jews for the religion and if they converted it was okay. That is the only thing Hitler didnt like about him.

Who was Karl Luger?

The German people were not allowed to express their belief or opinion in public, they were not allowed to gather in big groups on the streets, unless it was to hear Hitler's speeches. Hitler controlled the media and the Nazi had the rights to check citizens mail, houses, etc.

At this point, what did Hitler do with his power?

No he did not

Did Hitler get in to the Academy of Vienna?

Hitler was waiting for the right moment

How come Hitler hadnt taken over yet?

He became the leader by telling them all good things and giving them pride

How did Hitler become their leader?

Hitler felt Germanys pain, he felt even more humiliated becaue he had been in the war

How did Hitler feel?

He gave his group a symbol (Swastika), a new name, and uniforms

How did Hitler unify his group?

In the beginning there were only 280 in 1934 the SS grew to 250,000 people

How many people were in the SS?

Beer-Hall Putch

The act of taking over the government building

It is 3000 years old from Troy and Hinduism and it really symbolizes peace and love.

What are the original orgins of the Swastika?

He made his first public speech in 1920. He had a huge audience that was mezmerized by his idea

When did Hitler make his first public speech? What kind of audience did he have?

1889 in a small town in Austria

Where and when was Hitler born?

The Academy of Vienna

Where did Hilter decide to go instead?

Hitler arrested all the people that were against him like doctors, lawyers, communists etc.

Who did Hitler blame?

The master of propaganda

Who was Josef Goebbles?

At first they didnt but once it grew they did

Did people have to pay membership to be in the Nazi party?

Hitler changed the name from German Workers Party to National Socialists German Workers Party (Nazi)

What did Hitler change the name to?

My Struggle

Mein Kampf means?

Hitler decided to go to the German army but since he was Austrian and not German he had to change his last name to Hidler so people would think hes German

What did Hitler decide to do?

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