HL English Midterm: Streetcar Scene Questions

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What reason does Blanche provide for her arrival in New Orleans?

Blanche came to visit her sister Stella

How and why does Blanche drive Mitch away at the end of the scene?

Blanche drives Mitch away at the end of the scene by screaming fire, fire, fire outside the window. She does this because Mitch was going to rape her

What does Blanche hope for in a relationship with Mitch?

Blanche hopes for a relationship where the man can take care of her and get her out of her current situation

What is Blanche's attitude towards money? How does she react when Stella offers her pocket money?

Blanche says she is indifferent to money. When Stella offers her pocket money, she says no and won't take it

Who does Blanche try to phone and why? What does she do when she learns this person is not home?

Blanche tried to call Mitch. She calls him to ask why he didn't come over for her birthday dinner. Blanche wonders why Mitch didn't come to the dinner.

How does the use of COLOR IMAGERY set the scene and create mood?

Color imagery can help set the tone for the scene and create a mood. For example, if it is sunny then the mood might be happy. If it's raining and dark then the mood might be sad.

the scene opens on another poker night. How has Stanley's luck changed since the first poker game?

During this scene Stanley talks about how lucky he is. Its symbolic because his mood has become better and his luck has increased while Blanche's life is getting worse

How is Stella described in the stage directions? How does she contrast with Stanley?

Stella seems more refined than her husband. This would make sense since they did come from different backgrounds. When Stanley yells up to her she doesn't give off the same energy back to him.

Explain's Stella's assessment of Stanley in relation to the other men

Stella states that Stanley is the only one of his friends who is likely to get anywhere because he has a desire to do better

What expressionistic effects are created just before and after Blanche is attacked by Stanley? What mood is created?

A mood of fear and male domination is created. Blanche breaks a bottle and threatens to cut Stanley with it, but he dominates her.

As the play opens, how is Stanley's primitive nature revealed?

As the play opens, we can see that Stanley is very comfortable with his friends and wife, Stella. We can see this when he yells out to Stella saying "Hey, there! Stella. Baby?". He also throws up a package of meat to her. This shows that he is unrefined and very comfortable with his wife. Most people when greeting their wife say something like "Hey honey!", not Hey Stella baby!

Describe the situation at the beginning of scene 8

At the beginning of the scene Stella, Stanley and Blanche are sitting at the table for Blanche's birthday dinner. Blanche is asking Stanley to tell a story

What is known about Blanche before she speaks her first line?

Before Blanche speaks her first line, we can sense an entitled attitude from her. An example would be when she looked at the slip then the building repeatedly as if she couldn't believe her sister would be living there.

Why does she ask Mitch to place the paper lantern over the light bulb? What does the lantern symbolize, and what does covering it symbolize?

Blanche asks Mitch to cover the light because it is a harsh light. The light symbolizes reality and the real world and the paper lantern symbolizes Blanche's world of illusion and fantasy

Stanley disappears into the bathroom. How does Blanche now attempt to save herself from disaster?

Blanche attempts to use the phone and call Shep in order to save herself from disaster

What is the color of the dress Blanche has chosen for her departure? How does this color become symbolic?

Blanche has chosen a blue dress specifically Delia Robbia blue

What is Blanche's condition? What action has Stella taken regarding Blanche?

Blanche hasn't been eating or drinking anything besides alcohol. Stella isn't sure how to deal with Blanche in this condition

What does Blanche learn about Stanley before she meets him? What image does she form of him?

Blanche learns that Stanley is Polish and works in an engineering company. Blanche pictures him as someone worse than an Irish person (no manners, loves to drink).

What has happened to Belle Reve? How does Blanche try to make Stella feel guilty for what has happened?

Blanche lost Belle Reve after the death of her parents. Supposedly nobody left any inheritance so Blanche had to pay for all of the funerals on her own. She didn't have the money to maintain the plantation so she had to get rid of it. She makes Stella feel guilty by saying she abandoned her and the plantation to come to New Orleans to be in her husband.

Why does Blanche say she can't forgive Mitch? Why is this ironic?

Blanche says she can't forgive Mitch because she can't forgive people who are "deliberately cruel". She also says they are too different. This is ironic because Blanche has been cruel in the past to people and she constantly lies.

Blanche indicates that she'll be leaving soon. Why is she planning to leave?

Blanche says she is leaving soon because she has outstayed her welcome at Stella's home

What deceptions surface in Blanche's conversation with Mitch?

Blanche says that Stella is one year older than herself. She says she is adaptable. She says that she visits Stella because Stella is feeling run down.

What does Blanche say about realism and magic? Why does she prefer magic? What has he been trying to do for Mitch with her magic?

Blanche says that she prefers magic not reality. She says she likes the magic because it helps to create a better world and she has seen many horrors in the world. The 'magic' Blanche uses on Mitch is her lies and charm

Why does Blanche take the tin box from the trunk? What is in it?

Blanche takes the tin box out because it is filled with papers regarding Belle Reve

What does Blanche tell Mitch about life with Stanley and what is his reaction?

Blanche tells Mitch that Stanley hates her and goes out of his way to make her upset. Mitch is surprised when Blanche says this because he's been friends with Stanley for so long and this doesn't sound like him

What does Blanche reveal about her past? Why does she confide in Mitch?

Blanche tells Mitch that her ex-husband committed suicide. Also, she found him in a bed with an older man. He ran out of the club after Blanche called him disgusting and he shot himself in the head. She tells Mitch because she trusts him and thinks that he will be able to understand and comfort her

When Stella comes home, why does Blanche tell her to turn off the over-head light? What does this reveal about her?

Blanche tells her to turn off the overhead light because the light isn't flattering. She doesn't want to have anyone seeing her in this bad lighting. This show that she is self-conscious.

What might Blanche have meant in her last line of this scene?

Blanche's last line could show that she believes that there is good in the world and your life/happiness can change very quickly

Blanche tells Mitch the meaning of her name. How is it both ironic and symbolic?

Blanche's name means White Woods which can be a symbol for purity. It is ironic because she is a sinful and not pure person

Blanche says that she has been foolish to cast her pearls before swine. What Blanche's "pearls" and why does she fell that she has cast them before "swine"

Blanche's pearls are her personality traits like being kind and polite. She feels that shes cast them before swine because she has showed herself to people like Mitch and Stanley who she considers to be swine.

What does Eunice say that indicates this isn't the first time he has struck Stella?

Eunice said that a woman won't want to run back to a man that strikes her, we can assume this has happened before because Eunice seems so used to Stella coming to her

Explain the dramatic use of the piano in the background?

In the end of the scene it says that the piano goes into a hectic breakdown. As the piano is changing Blanche is realizing that Stella might know about her past.

Why does Mitch destroy the paper lantern? Why is this symbolic?

Mitch destroys the paper lantern so he can see Blanche in the light. This is symbolic because it shows us that Mitch isn't as kind as we thought. It also shows that Mitch is bringing her lies to the light since before they were in darkness

What is Mitch's response when he hears Blanche's voice? What does this suggest about his feelings for Blanche?

Mitch drops his head and tries to avoid Blanche. We can assume that he probably feels sorry for what he did, and he still has feelings for herEunice tells Stella she is doing the right thing and there isn't else she can do for her sister

Describe Mitch's reaction after he turns on the light

Mitch realizes that Blanche is older than he thought, but he says that her being older doesn't bother him. Her lying bothers him though

How does Mitch respond to her secret about her past?

Mitch responds by showing her compassion and comforting her. He also says to Blanche that they could be together since they're both alone

Mitch reveals that he knows about Blanche's past. How did he verify the truth about her history?

Mitch verified the truth of Blanche's past with a merchant in Laurel.

Why does Mitch want to know Blanche's age?

Mitch wants to know Blanche's age because he talks about Blanche to his mother and his mother wants to know how old she is

What is the purpose of Mitch's appearance at the end of the scene?

Mitch's appearance in the scene shows that he cares a lot about Blanche and she doesn't care as much about him as she thinks she does.

What is Napoleonic Code? When Stanley mentions the code to Blanche, how does she respond?

Napoleonic Code is a law that places women's property in the hands of their husbands

When does scene 10 begin? What is Blanche's condition at the beginning of the scene?

Scene 10 begins after Mitch has left. Stanley is coming around the corner but Stella is still at the hospital. At the beginning of the scene Blanche is starting to lose it. She is wearing a evening gown and heels with a tiara.

Why does Stanley disregard Stella's request to keep her pregnancy a secret? How does Blanche respond when she learns Stella is pregnant?

Stanley disregards Stella's request to keep her pregnancy a secret when he tells Blanche she is pregnant. Blanche is very excited to learn that Stella is pregnant. She doesn't seem that upset about the fact that Stella didn't tell her herself

Why is Stanley, and not Mitch or Blanche, the best character to now tear the paper lantern from the bulb?

Stanley is the best character to rip the paper lantern because he has brought Blanche and her situation to the light and now, she is being sent away to a mental institution.

What has Stanley learned of Blanche's past in Laurel? How did he learn this?

Stanley knows a man named Shaw who said he saw Blanche at the hotel flamingo. The hotel flamingo is a place where prostitutes work

How does Stanley know that Blanche is lying about her encounter with Mitch? How does he react to this last episode of lies?

Stanley knows that Blanche is lying about her encounter with Mitch because he had been with Mitch. He also connects this lie to the lie about Shep Huntleigh. He becomes fed up with Blanche's lying and he rapes her.

Why does Stanley slap Stella?

Stanley slaps Stella because he doesn't want to stop playing cards with his friends

Describe the story Stanley tells Blanche about his cousin. Why does he tell this story?

Stanley tells Blanche the story of his cousin who could open beer bottles with teeth and that was his only 'talent'. He tells this story as a display of his animalistic tendencies, we can see they run in his family.

What news does Stanley reveal about Blanche and how does Stella respond?

Stanley tells Stella that Blanche worked at the Hotel Flamingo, and was fired from her teaching job because she had a relationship with a 17 year old boy. At first Stella doesn't believe Stanley what so ever, but eventually she starts to believe him

Stanley tells Stella that he told Mitch about Blanche's past. Why did he tell him? What was Mitch's response?

Stanley told Mitch about Blanche's past because they are good friends and he doesn't want him getting wrapped up in Blanche's mess. Stanley says that Mitch has wised up and learned about what's happening. But then later Stanley says that Mitch isn't 100% done with Blanche

Stanley tells Stella that his life has been interrupted by the arrival of Blanche as well as Stella's pregnancy. What kind of life does he want to return to?

Stanley wants Blanche to leave so he can have his physical relationship with Stella back. Blanche and the baby would interrupt his plans for a physical plan

What is Stanley's birthday present for Blanche? Why is this a cruel gift? How does she react?

Stanley's birthday present for Blanche was a ticket to Laurel on the Greyhound. It is a cruel gift because Blanche is scared about returning to Laurel and she wants to stay with Stella. Blanche immediately has a panic attack and runs to the bathroom

Stella demands to know why Stanley has done this to Blanche. What does he tell her and how does Stella respond?

Stanley's explanation is that he wanted her to go back to Laurel and he wants his old relationship back with Stella. He wants to be happy again and not have Blanche

Why does Stella ask Stanley to understand and be nice to Blanche?

Stella asks Stanley to understand and be nice to Blanche because she has been through a lot with the plantation and their family dying

What feeling prevails at the end of the play, and how is this feeling communicated?

The feeling at the end of the play makes it seem like everything is already back to normal and nothing has happened. Steve says something about the card game, and he is already focused back on the poker rather than considering what has just happened to Blanche

What mood do the opening stage directions and setting description create? What effect is created with the "blue piano" music?

The setting gives off a poor area that is full of life. While the area might not be the most attractive to the eye, it has a good energy. The "blue piano" creates and expresses the "spirit of life". In the town it is said that races intermingle which gives it a positive energy.

Who is the young man, and why does he come to the apartment? What happens between him and Blanche? What do we learn about Blanche from this scene?

The young man is collecting money for the local paper. Blanche has a thing for children and she kisses the boy

How does this incident in her past life affect her present life?

This event has affected Blanche a lot and now she thinks that she doesn't have anyone in her life and she doesn't want to have many commitments to people. She has so many bad memories that she feels like she won't be able to get happy.

Explain what ironies exist during Blanche's "special moment"

When Blanche gets emotional it's ironic because normally when she talks to Mitch, she is flirtier. Now she is being more emotional and open

How does Stanley exhibit his "commonness" when he first meets Blanche?

he doesn't stand when Blanche comes inside the house. he is also very blunt and doesn't have manners

What is Blanche's immediate reaction to Mitch? What does she tell Stella?

she thinks he is better than the rest of the guys.

Explain the significance of Mitch's silver cigarette case and how it helps to increase the attraction between Blanche and Mitch

the silver case had a quote Blanche knew so she became more attracted to Mitch. Also the case was given to Mitch by someone who is now dead so they bonded over the death of their loved ones (Blanche-Allen)

Describe Stella's return to Stanley. Why is Blanche so shocked? What is Mitch's comment about their reconciliation?

when Stella returns to Stanley he falls to his knees as Stella is walking down the staircase. Stella holds Stanley's head against her stomach and rubs head. Then Stanley picks up Stella and they return to the apartment. Blanche is shocked because she would never go back to someone who abused her.

What is Blanche's reaction when she discovers she has arrived at Stella's home?

Blanche is disgusted by Stella's home. She is used to seeing her in a big home because they came from a wealthy family. When she first arrives, she didn't believe that this was her sister's home.

How to Blanche's drinking problem introduced?

Blanche's drinking problem is introduced when she takes a shot of Stella's whiskey when she is alone in her apartment. She didn't ask and then when Stella returned, she pretended like she didn't know where the whiskey was but then she drank more.

Describe the conversation Stanley overhears between Blanche and Stella. Give Stanley's reaction. How does Stella respond when Stanley enters the room? Why?

Stanley overhears Blanche and Stella talking about how Stanley is similar to an animal. When Stanley came into the room he pretended like he didn't overhear the conversation. When Stanley walks into the room Stella runs up to him and wraps her arms around him. Stanley looks over Stella's shoulder and smiles at Blanche - rubbing it in her face

How does Stanley react to the news that Belle Reve has been lost?

Stanley wants proof that everything was "lost"

Describe Stella's reaction to Stanley's violence. What does he do to her? How do the others in the apartment respond to this next outburst?

Stella gets mad at Stanley and talks back to him which results in him slapping Stella. The men in the apartment grab him and put him under the shower while Blanche and Stella run upstairs to Eunice

Why is Stella's labor and the suggestion of birth appropriate at the end of this scene?

The birth of Stella's baby is appropriate because Stanley and Stella's relationship isn't going well and is 'dying' but life comes back to their relationship through their baby

Blanche hears cathedral bells chime. What does this chiming represent?

The cathedral bells symbolize purity

What celebration is in the works as the scene opens and why is this ironic?

The celebration in the works is Blanche's birthday party. This is ironic because Blanche doesn't like to talk about her age.

What does the appearance of tamale vendor suggest at the end of the scene?

The tamale vendor symbolizes unity. Tamales symbolize unity and families coming together

Blanche claims to have forgotten something. What is Stanley's response to this, and how does this response become symbolic?

When Blanche says she has forgotten something Stanley stands and tries to block her way. The response becomes symbolic because Stanley rips the paper lantern from the light.

How does Blanche respond to the doctor and matron's arrival?

When Blanche sees the doctor and matron she is initially scared because she doesn't know who they are

what dramatic function to Steve and Eunice, as a couple, serve?

they are the older version of Stanley and Stella

What does Blanche do that seems flirtatious? How does Stanley react?

Blanche asks Stanley to button her dress. Stanley helps her but catches on to what she is doing

Explain Blanche's statement that she doesn't know how much longer she can "turn the trick"

Blanche doesn't know how much longer she can keep up her act and lies. She also doesn't know how much longer she can maintain her appearance.

Why is Blanche depressed at the opening of this scene?

Blanche had started to explain the story of the death of her first husband

What does Blanche tell Stanley about truth and illusion? What "truth" does she tell Stanley?

Blanche says that a woman's charm is 50% illusion. Blanche tells Stanley that she didn't cheat her sister or anything with Belle Reve

What are Stanley's plans for Blanche?

Stanley is planning on Blanche leaving on Tuesday and he bought her a bus ticket.

How is Stella's understanding of desire different from Blanche's?

Stella's desire is a physical relationship and it makes everything seem unimportant besides the physical aspect. While Stella thinks desire is important Blanche says you cannot base your marriage off of desire.

What does the opening dialogue suggest about the poker players?

The dialogue seems like are close friends. When they are playing poker, they are the most manly. They seem more powerful and dominant

Blanche recalls a death scene. Then she tells Mitch that the opposite of death is desire. What does this mean?

When Blanche says that desire is the opposite of death she means that desire is a way to 'escape' death. She also talks about how after her husband died she slept with many men to fill the void of her deceased husband

How do Stanley, Pablo, and Steve react to Mitch's desire to quit the game?

they want Mitch to keep playing

What is Blanche doing as the scene opens? Why?

As the scene opens Blanche is sitting in a chair in the bedroom. She is looking straight ahead mumbling words to a song playing in her head, there is an open bottle of liquor next to her

How does Blanche respond when Mitch asks to kiss her? Why is her response ironic?

Blanche asks Mitch why he always asks to kiss her. This is ironic because the last time he tried to kiss her she refused

Why is Blanche nervous when preparing for her date with Mitch? How has she deceived him?

Blanche is nervous to go on the date with Mitch because she doesn't know if she can fool him. She also is scared that Mitch won't love her for who she is since she is constantly putting on a façade. She has deceived him by lying about her age.

Why is Blanche writing Shep a letter? What do the contents of the letter reveal about Blanche?

Blanche is writing a letter to Shep and talking about stories which never happened. This reveals that Blanche lies a lot and tries to make people think of her as something else than what she really is.

Stanley asks Blanche why she is all dressed up. What reason does Blanche give? What is Stanley's response?

Blanche says that Mr. Shepp Huntleigh is coming for her and they are going on a cruise together. Stanley seems to not believe Blanche and thinks she's lying to him again.

What lie does Blanche tell Stanley about Mitch, and why does she tell them?

Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came to her begging for her forgiveness. She then goes on to say that he dismissed Mitch because she couldn't forgive him. Blanche tells this lie to Stanley to show that Mitch regrets what he did and wants to be with her, but she is above him so she doesn't forgive him.

What does Blanche urge Stella to do? What is her response? How does Shep Huntleigh figure into this scheme?

Blanche urges Stella to divorce Stanley and leave, Stella says she will never get divorced. Blanche mentions Shep Huntleigh. She says he has a lot of money

What is the significance of Blanche's final line?

Blanche's final line is "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." This is significant because she really has always depended on other people and she can't do things on her own. She has depended on Stella and Stanley and Mitch.

What is Eunice's advice to Stella?

Eunice tells Stella she is doing the right thing and there isn't else she can do for her sister

What is the situation at the end of the scene? Discuss the significance of Stanley's final line in this scene.

In the end of the scene Stanley rapes Blanche. Stanley's final line is "We've had this date with each other from the beginning". This line shows that this has been destined to happen since Blanche met Stanley

Why does Mitch embrace Blanche?

Mitch embraces Blanche because he is attempting to sexually assault her. As he embraces her he says "what I've been missing all summer" after Blanche asks him what he is doing.

Who rings the doorbell? What does Blanche do before she opens the door? Describe the visitor's condition and Blanche's reaction

Mitch rings the doorbell. Before Blanche opens the door she puts on power and puts cologne on herself. She also hides the alcohol in the closet. When Blanche opens the door Mitch just pushes past her

What impression of Mitch is created during the opening scene?

Mitch seems like a caring guy who isn't as primitive as his friends

What doe Stella say when she learns of Blanche's shock over the reconciliation? What does Stella reveal about her wedding night that further shocks Blanche?

She forgot that Blanche is very excitable. Stella reveals that Stanley broke a ton of lightbulbs with her shoe

How does Blanche react to Stella's apartment

She seems very uncomfortable and uneasy. She also says she could never be comfortable in a place like that. Right away we realize she has grown up with privileged and never experience living in a small apartment

Stanley returns home. Why? What condition is he in?

Stanley comes home and he is obviously drunk. He also has more beer with him that he has brought home

What does Stanley conclude about the loss of Belle Reve?

Stanley concludes that nobody paid the mortgage for the house/land

Why does Stanley get out his silk pajamas?

Stanley gets out his silk pajamas because it is a very special night. The only other time he has worn the pajamas was when he was getting married to Stella.

Why does Stanley throw the radio out the window? Describe the immediate effect this has on Blanche

Stanley threw the radio out the window because Blanche wouldn't turn off her music during his poker game

How has Stella deluded herself?

Stella has convinced herself that Blanche isn't telling the truth. Blanche has been telling the truth about Mitch and Stanley but since she has a history of lying, nobody believes her

Why is Stella taking Blanche out for the night? What is Stanley's reaction?

Stella is taking Blanche out because she doesn't want her to be home for the poker game. Stella doesn't want Blanche to be around their drinking and cursing. Stanley feels like Blanche is in competing for Stella's attention and affection.

What does Stella say that angers Stanley? What is his reaction and why?

Stella makes Stanley mad when she insults him and calls him a greasy pig. Stella asked Stanley to clear his place and rather than bringing it to the sink he threw the dishes on the floor and screamed at Blanche and Stella.

Why are Steve and Eunice quarreling? How does Blanche react when she hears it?

Steve and Eunice were fighting because Eunice thinks that Steve is cheating on her with a woman from the bar. Nobody seems to make a big deal of it.

Tell how tension is created with the appearance of Stanley

Tension is created right off the bat when Stanley starts asking Blanche about her appearance. Also he unbuttons his shirt which also causes some tension

When does the flower vendor appear? What purpose does he serve?

The flower vendor appears as Mitch and Blanche are arguing. She symbolizes that Blanche and Mitch's relationship is dead

What is ironic about the song Blanche sings in the bathroom?

The song is ironic because it's talking about how the world is like a circus and in the song Blanche is asking people to believe her. This is ironic because Blanche constantly lies.

The author often relies on stage directions to establish character rather than dialogue. Explain what the stage directions reveal about Stanley's character

The stage directions make Stanley out to be almost a pig or player. It talks about how when he meets a woman, he sizes them up and then determines how he smiles at them, even though he is married.

How does Mitch respond to Blanche's offer of a drink?

When Blanche offers Mitch a drink, he says he doesn't want to drink Stanley's liquor. He also says Stanley told him Blanche has been drinking all his liquor

How does Mitch become involved when Blanche retreats? What does this indicate about his temperament?

When Blanche retreats Mitch breaks down and starts to cry. This indicates that he still has feelings for Blanche and realizes this isn't the best thing for her.

At the beginning of the scene, Blanche is taking a bath. What is the symbolic meaning of this?

When Blanche takes a bath is shows that she feels dirty on her trip. Blanche is trying to make herself clean and was away her sin.

What expressionistic devices are coupled with the doctor's arrival, and what effects do the devices create?

When the doctor and matron arrive, Blanche starts to see the figures on the wall and hear the music again. This is like when she flashbacks to her husband dying

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