Hockey Penalties

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Throwing Stick/Object (misconduct)

A misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player who throws any portion of his stick or any other object outside of the playing area. A game misconduct penalty shall be assessed if done in protest of an official's decision or if thrown at or in the direction of a spectator.

Bench Minor

-Unsportsmanlike conduct or disputing the ruling of an official by an unidentified player -obscene, profane, or abusive language towards anyone using the name of the official in a loud or abusive manner -throwing any object onto the playing area during a stoppage of play banging the boards with a stick or other object at anytime. using threatening or abusive language or gestures directed at an opponent Interfering in any non-physical manner with nay game official, including off-ice officials, in the performance of their duties

High Sticking (major plus game misconduct)

A __________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of high sticking

Slashing (game misconduct or match)

Anhy player who swings his stick in the course of an altercation shall be assessed a _____________ (plus any additional penalty outlined in this rule) or a ________

Leaving the players' bench or penalty bench (face-off)

Play shall be stopped and the face-off conducted at the last play face-off location anytime a team starts play with fewer players than entitled to and the additional entering player is the first to play any puck coming from his defending zone, unless he his first made skate contact with his defending zone.

Refusing to Start Play (middle of game)

With both teams in the ice, after the game has started, a team for any reason refuses to play after being ordered to do so by the referee, the referee shall warn the captain and allow the team 15 seconds to resume play. a Bench minor for delay of game shall be assessed to the offending team who still refuses to start play and if the same team refuses to continue play, the referee shall suspend the game and assess a match penalty to the responsible team official.

Kneeing (major plus misconduct)

a _______ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as the result of kneeing

Holding an opponent (match)

a ________ for attempt to injure or deliberate injury to an opponent may also be assessed for grabbing or holding facemask


persists in any conduct where they were previosuly assessed a minor penalty -using obcene, profane or abusive language to any person in the rink before, during or after the game. -intentionally knocking or shooting the puck out of reach of an official who is retrieving it during a stoppage of play -not proceeding directly and immediately to the penalty bench or to the dressing room after being penalized and ordered to do so by the officials (equipment will be delivered by teammate if nescessaey) -entering or remaining in the referees crease, unless invited to do so -interfereing in any non-physical manner with any game official including the referee, linesman, timekeepers or goal judges in the perfromance of their duties

Throwing Stick/Object (minor)

A _____ shall be assessed to any player on the ice who shoots or throws any portion of his stick or any other object in the direction of the puck. (NOTE) when a player discards the broken portion of a stick by tossing it to the side f the rink (and not over the boards) in such a way as will not interfere with play or an opposing player, no penalty shall be assessed. However, a penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be defending zone. The referee shall allow play ot be completed and provided no goal is scored, the penalty shot./optional minor is awarded to the player who was fouled. If the player foulded is not readily identified, the captain of the non-offending team shall selec the player to take the penalty show from those players who were not on the ice at the time of the infraction.

Boarding (Match)

A _______ penalty for attempt to injure or deliberate injury to opponent may also be assessed for boarding.

Interference (minor)

A _______ shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who intentionally leaves his stick, or any portion of his stick, in front of the goal. a goal shall be awarded to the non-offending team if the puck shall hit the stick and prevent an obvious and imminent goal, regardless as to whether the goalkeeper is on the ice, in the act of leaving the ice or off the ice.

Checking from Behind (match)

A ________ shall be assessed for checking from behind in all instances when a player clearly checks an opponent from behind with excessive force while the opponent is in a vulnerable or defenseless position or the action was deemed to be a deliberate attempt to injure an opponent


A ________ shall be assessed to any player who makes stick contact with an opposing players goalkeeper while he is in his goal crease and who has covered or caught the puck, regardless of whether or not referee has stopped play

Spearing (match)

A _________ for attempt to injure or deliberate injury to an opponent may also be assessed for spearing

Delaying the game (bench minor)

A __________ _________ shall be assessed to any team, after warning by the referee, that fails to place correct number of players on the ice and commences play or that causes any delay by making additional substitutions or attempts to delay the game in any manor.

Refusing to start play (start of game)

A bench minor penalty for delay of game shall be assessed to the offending team if prior to the start of the game or start of a period, one team fails to go onto the ice promptly when ordered to do so by the referee. A match penalty shall be assessed to the responsible team official(s), and the game suspended, if the same team fails to go onto the ice and start play within 5 minutes.

Abuse of Officials (minor)

-Challenging or disputes the ruling of any officials -taunts or incites opponent -creates distrubence during the game -shoots the puck after the whistle, if in the opinion of the official such shot was avoidable

Boarding (major plus game misconduct)

Shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of boarding.

Disallowed goal

A goal shall not be allowed if the following occurs: 1) an attacking player kicks the puck directly into the goal or a kicked puck deflects off any player, including goalkeeper prior to entering the goal. 2) the puck has been thrown or deliberately directed into the goal by any other means than a stick, even if subsequently deflecting off any player, including goalkeeper, prior to entering the goal 3) The puck was deflected into the goal directly off an official. 4)The puck entered the goal while an attacking player was positioned in the crease (unless psychically interfered with by a defending player causing him to be in the goal crease) of interfering with the goalkeeper (see Rule 625(B) Interference) 5)The puck has not completely crossed the goal line prior to the expiration of the period. 6) The team scoring committed an infraction (prior to the goal scored) that reported to the Referee by a linesman) 7)As otherwise specified in the Official Playing rules

Broken Stick (delay of game)

A goalkeeper whose stick is broken may not go to the players' bench fro a replacement during a stoppage of play, but must receive his stick from a teammate. An infraction of this rule shall be assessed to the goalkeeper for __________

Throwing Stick/Object (penalty shot/minor)

A penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be awarded to the non-offending team anytime a player is interfered with by any object thrown or shot in his direction by a defending player or team official during a breakaway. For the purpose of this rule a "breakaway" is defined as follows: A player who is in possession and control of the puck (see Glossary), is beyond his defending blue line with no opponent between him and the goalkeeper. A goal shall be awarded to the non-offending team if the goalkeeper has been removed from the ice and the stick or other object is thrown or shot in the direction of the puck and prevents an obvious and imminent goal.

Broken Stick (equipment violation/bench minor)

A player whose stick breaks must obtain a new stick from the players bench or a teammate on the ice. a _______ for __________ ___________ shall be assessed to a player who illegally receives the stick illegally unless it is thrown onto the ice from the bench under rule 601(b.4)

Charging (goalie contact)

Any deliberate body contact or check that is delivered to the goalkeeper shall be penalized as ________________ the goalkeepers privileged area is an area outlined by connecting the endzone face off spots with an imaginary line from each face off spot running perpendicular to the end boards

Interference (in the crease)

a face off shall be conducted at the nearest neutral zone face-off spot anytime an attacking player stands, holds his stick or skates through the goal crease provided the puck us in the attacking zone, the attacking team has possession of the puck and the goalkeeper is in contact with the crease. No goal may be scored with an attacking player in the goal crease unless the puck has preceded the player(s) into the goal crease or the goalkeeper is out of the goal crease area. However, if the attacking player has been physically interfered with by the actions of a defending player that causes him to be in the goal crease, play shall not be stopped and any legal goal scored shall be allowed. (note) the goal crease area shall include all the space outlined by the semi-circular crease lines (including crease lines) and extending vertically to the level of the top of the goal frame

Broken Stick (minor equipment violation)

a player whose stick is broken must drop his stick prior to participating in the play. A player or goalkeeper shall be allowed reasonable time to be aware that the stick is broken. a ______ for an ______________ __________ shallbe assessed for a player who plays with a broken stick

Boarding (minor plus misconduct)

action where a player pushes, trips or body checks an opponent causing them to go dangerously into the boards. Includes: Accelerating through the check to a player who si in a vulnerable position, driving anb opponent excessively into the boards with no focus on or intent to play the puck, or any cheeck delivered for the purpose of punishment or intimidation that causes the opponent to go unnecessarily and excessively into the boards. THE ONUS IS ON THE PLAYER DELIVERING THE CHECK TO AVOID PLACING A VULNERABLE OR DEFENSELESS OPPONENT IN DANGER rolling a player along the boards where he is attempting to go through too small of an opening is NOT _________

Match Penalty

Deliberately inflicting physical harm, or attempting to do so, to any game officials including off-ice officials -Deliberately injuring, or attempting to do so, or any opposing player or team official. -Behaving in any manner that is critically detrimental to the conduct of the game, including spitting at an opponent, spectator, game or team official, or verbally threatening a Game official, opposing Team Official or opposing player with physical harm -uses language that is offensive, hateful or discriminatory in nature anywhere in the rink before, during or after the game.

Head Contact (minor plus misconduct or major plus game misconduct)

Head Contact is the action of a player contacting an opponent in the head, face or neck with any part of the player's body equipment or stick a _________ or _________ shall be assessed for head contact to an opponent

Delaying the game (minor)

If a goalkeeper (all classifications) or player (excluding adults) deliberately removes their helmet/facemask during a breakaway a penalty shot/optional _______ shall be awarded. If a goalkeeper (all classifications) or player (excluding adults) deliberately removes their helmet/facemask during the last two minutes of the game or anytime during overtime, a penalty shot/ optional _______ penalty shall be assessed

Leaving the players' bench or penalty bench (disallowed goals)

If a player illegally enters the game either from the players' bench or penalty bench (Timekeeper error or not), any goal that is scored by the offending team while he is illegally on the ice shall be disallowed. However, all penalties assessed to either team shall be served in a normal manner. A penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be awarded to the non offending team anytime a player who is on a breakaway is interfered with, in any manner, by an opposing player who has illegally entered the game.

Kicking Opponent of Puck (kicking the puck)

Kicking the puck shall be permitted provided the pcuk is not kicked by an attacking player and entered the goal either directly or after deflecting off any player including the goalkeeper. However, the puck may not be played by the so called "kick shot" which combines the use of the leg and foot driving the shaft and blade of the stick producing a very dangerous shot

Puck out of sight(minor)

a _____ for delay of game shall be assessed to any player who intentionally falls on the puck causing a stoppage of play. a _____ for delay of game shall be assessed to any player(s), including a goalkeeper , who holds or freezes the puck along the boards or goal frame in any manner causing a stoppage of play.

interference by spectator (game misconduct)

a _____ for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be assessed to any player who physically interferes with a spectator (Note) The Referee shall report all incidents pertaining to this rule to the Proper Authorities who shall have full power to take further disciplinary action as deemed appropriate.

Kicking Opponent or Puck (match)

a _____ shall be assessed to any player or goalkeeper who kicks, attempts to kick or injures an opponent by kicking

Unnecessary Roughness (minor or major)

a ______ or ______ shall be assessed to any player who makes avoidable physical contact with an opponent after the whistle

Unnecessary Roughness (minor or major)

a ______ or _______ shall be assessed (except adult male classifications) to any player who delivers an avoidable body check to an opponent who is no longer in possession and control of the puck

Leaving the players' bench or penalty bench (bench minor)

a ______ penalty to the team, or a game misconduct to the team official, or both, shall be assessed when any team official enters the ice surface after the start of the period and prior to its end without the permission of the referee. (NOTE) any incident involving a team official entering the ice surface without permission during the course of a game shall be reported to the proper authorities for further disciplinary action.

Holding an opponent (major plus game misconduct)

a ______ shall be assessed to a player who uses his hand to rub, grab or hold the facemask of an opponent

Head Contact (match)

a _______ for attempt to injure or deliberate injury to an opponent may also be assessed for head contact

Body Contact (major plus game misconduct)

a _______ shall be assessed any player who injures an opponent with a body check in a body contact category or non check adult classification

Tripping/Clipping/Leg Checking/Slew Footing (major plus misconduct)

a _______ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of tripping, clipping, leg checking or slew footing.

Fighting (match)

a ________ (for all age classifications) shall be assessed to any player who deliberately removes his helmet/ face-mask prior to an altercation shall be assessed to any player who deliberately removes his opponent's helmet/facemask prior to or during an altercation

Falling on Puck (minor delay of game)

a ________ for _________ shall be assessed to a player other than the goalkeeper who deliberately falls on or gathers the puck into his body, deeming the puck unplayable and causing a stoppage of play NOTE: any player who drops to his knees to block a shot shall not be penalized if the puck is shot under him or becomes lodged in his clothing or equipment, BUT the use of hands to make the puck unplayable should be penalized promptly

Delaying the game (minor)

a ________ for ____________ shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who drops the puck into his pads or onto the goal net or deliberately piles up snow or obstacles near the goal that in the opinion of the referee, could prevent the scoring of a goal.

Head-Butting (match)

a ________ for attempt to injure or deliberatle injury to an opponent may also be assessed for head butting

Charging (minor plus misconduct or major plus game misconduct)

a ________ or ________ shall be assessed to a player who body checks or charges a goalkeeper while the goalkeeper is within his goal crease of privileged area. a goalkeeper is NOT "fair game" because he is outside his privileged area. A penalty for ________ or _________ should be called in every case where an opposing player makes unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper. Likewise, referees should be alert to penalize goalkeepers for any infractions they commit in vicinity of the goal.

Fighting (major plus game misconduct)

a ________ shall be assessed to any player involved in fighting off the playing surface, before, during or after the game

Fighting (minor + game misconduct)

a ________ shall be assessed to any player who drops his stick and/or removes his glove(s) during an altercation and is not a participant in the original altercation. a ___________ shall be added if, in the judgement of the referee, such player is deemed to be the instigator of a subsequent action.

Elbowing (major plus game misconduct)

a ________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as the result of a foul committed by elbowing

Butt- Ending (Match)

a ________- fro attempt to injure or deliberate injury to an opponent may be assessed for butt ending

Fighting (major plus game misconduct)

NOTE: a punch, or an attempted punch, thrown by nay player in the direction of an opponent, regardless as to whether contact is made is considered fighting. a __________ shall be assessed to any player who engages in fighting. an additional minor penalty shall be assessed to any player who starts or instigates fighting

Leaving the players' bench or penalty bench (minor)

No penalized player may leave the penalty bench expect on the expiration of his penalty or at the end of a period. A _______ penalty shall be assessed to any player who leaves the penalty bench before his penalty before his penalty expired, unless it resulted from an error by the penalty timekeeper. In all situations, the player shall serve the remaining penalty time. If a penalty timekeeper error occurred no additional minor penalty assessed (NOTE) In all cases where a penalized player has left the penalty bench prematurely, whether the result of Penalty timekeeper error or not, the penalty timekeeper shall note the time and verbally alert the referee who shall stop play when the offending team gains possession and control of the puck.

Game Misconduct

Persists in any course of conduct for which he has previously assessed a misconduct penalty or bench minor penalty assessed to team (team official) -Uses an obscene gesture anywhere in the rink before, during or after the game -Interferes in any physical manner with any game official, including off-ice officials, in performing their duties -A player who receives their second misconduct penalty during the game shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty in lieu of the second misconduct penalty.

Falling on Puck (minor delay of game)

a _________ shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who falls on or gathers the puck into his body and causes a stoppage of play when : 1) the puck is behind the goal line and his body is entirely out of the goal crease 2) he fails to play the puck with his stick when provided the opportunity to do so prior to being pressured by an attacking player 3) the puck is outside the boundaries of the "goalkeepers privileged" area 4) He holds or places the puck against any part of the goal frame or boards or intentionally drops the puck on the back of the netting. NOTE: the goalkeepers privileged area is an area outlined by connecting the end zone face-off spots with an imaginary line and imaginary lines from each face-off spot running perpendicular to the end boards.

Unnecessary Roughness (major plus game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of an avoidable check to a player who is not in possession and control of the puck or who makes avoidable physical contact with an opponent after the whistle.

Head Contact (major plus game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of head contact or who intentionally or recklessly contacts an opponent in the head, face or neck

Hooking (major plus game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of hooking

Slashing )major plus game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of slashing (NOTE) Referees are instructed to penalize any player who swings his stick at any opposing player (whether or not contact is made) or makes a wild swing a the puck with intention of intimidating the opponent

Checking from Behind (major plus a game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent, or causes them to go head firs into the boards or goal frame, as a result of checking from behind

Leaving the players' bench or penalty bench (major plus game misconduct)

a _________ shall be assessed to any player who leaves the players' bench or penalty bench during an altercation or for the purpose of starting an altercation. These penalties are in addition to any other penalties that may be assessed during the incident. Substitutions made prior to the altercation shall not be penalized under this rule provided the players so substituting do not enter the altercation. For the purpose of this rule, an altercation is considered to be concluded when the referee enters the referee's crease or, in the absence of penalties, signals a face off location

Cross Checking (major plus game misconduct)

a _________- shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of cross-checking

Charging (major plus a game misconduct)

a __________ shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of charging

Fighting (minor, double minor, or major plus game misconduct)

a ___________ at the discretion of the referee, shall be assessed to any player who, having been struck, continues the altercation by retaliating. A player who does not retaliate after being struck shall not be assessed a penalty for fighting under this rule. (Note) The Referee is provided very wide latitude in the penalties that he may impose under the rules, including Rule 601 "Abuse of Officials and Other Misconduct" in an effort to discourage fighting. This is done intentionally to enable the Referee to differentiate between the obvious degrees of responsibility of the participants either for starting the fighting or persisting in continuing the fighting.

Falling on puck (minor/ penalty shot)

a ____________ shall be assessed to the non-offending team when any player, except the goalkeeper, falls on the puck, gathers the puck into his body or uses the hands to hold the puck while in the goal crease. Fro application of this rule, the decision as to whether the puck is in the crease is made at the moment the infraction occurs. a goal shall be awarded to the non-offending team if goalkeeper has been removed from the ice at the time of the infraction and the action under this rule has prevented an obvious and imminent goal.

Delaying the game (minor)

Play shall be stopped immediately when the goal frame has been displaced from its normal position. A _______ shall be assessed to any player who deliberately displaces the goal. If the defending team deliberately displaces the goal frame during a break away or deprives the attacking team of an immediate scoring opportunity, a penalty shot/ optional ______ penalty shall be awarded to the player in possession of the puck If the goal frame is deliberately displaced in the last two minutes of the game or anytime in overtime, a penalty shot/optional ______ penalty shall be assessed If a player on the defending team deliberately displaces the goalpost when the goalkeeper has been removed, if in opinion of the referee, the puck would have entered the goal thereby preventing an obvious and imminent goal - a goal shall be awarded in lieu of the penalty shot.

Fighting (game misconduct)

shall be assessed to any player or goalkeeper who is the first to intervene in an altercation in progress. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty incurred in the same incident.

Fighting (game misconduct)

shall be assessed to any player who actions during an altercation causes the removal of an opponent's helmet and face-mask. The player or goalkeeper shall be suspended for his team's next two scheduled games. this two-game suspension is in addition to any other required suspensions incurred during the same incident. a _______ shall be assessed to any player who doesn't wear his helmet/facemask as designed and the helmet/facemask is removed during an altercation.

Fighting (minor)

shall be assessed to any player who fails to move immediately and directly to the players' bench (or goal crease for a goalkeeper) when instructed to do so by the Referee during an altercation)

Fouled from behind (penalty shot/minor)

(Note 1) For the purpose of this rule, fouled from behind is defined as any infraction committed to an opponent either directly or diagonally from behind (beyond the fouled player's peripheral vision), that would normally be deemed a penalty, including cross-checking, high sticking, holding, hooking, slashing and tripping. (Note 2) For the purpose of this rule a "breakaway" is defined as a player who is in control of and is propelling the puck in a desired direction, and is beyond his defending blue line with no opponent between him and the goalkeeper. a ________ shall be awarded to the non-offending team anytime a player is fouled from behind, or diagonally from behind by an opponent, and is denied a reasonable scoring opportunity during a breakaway. (Note) The intent of this rule is to restore a reasonable scoring opportunity that has been lost by reason of a foul committed from behind during a breakaway situation. this penalty shall be assessed in the normal manner allowing for a "delayed penalty" and a change of possession prior to stopping play.

Kicking opponent of puck(major plus game misconduct)

(Note 1) _____ is the action of a player deliberately using his skate(s) with a kicking motion to propel the ouck or to contact an opponent. (Note 2) a "push off" with the skate is defined as the action whre a player uses their skate(s) in a non-kicking motion to make contact with the opponent a _______ shall be assessed to any player or goalkeeper who uses their skate to "push off" an opponent.

Icing (nullified)

For Adults, high school and youth/girls 16 and under age classifications and above only. the offending team can ice the puck shorthanded

Fouled from behind (awarded goal)

If the opposing goalkeeper has been removed from the ice and an obvious and imminent goal has been prevented by the fouled from behind provisions, then the Referee shall stop play and award a goal to the non-offending team.

High Sticking (slap shot)

The use of the slap shot in youth and girls 10 and under are classifications and blow is prohibited. when a player who, in the process of making a forehand or backhand shot or pass, raises the blade of the stick above his waist as part of the backswing, play shall be stopped immediately and a face-off is conducted at one of the end zone face-off spots of the offending team.

Misconduct or Game Misconduct

Touches or holds any official with his hand or stick -attempts to continue an altercation after been ordered to stop, or resists the lineman in stopping the altercation -intentionally bangs the board or protective glass or goal frame with his stick or any other object at anytime. if done in the protest of an officials decision, an additional minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be assessed.

Delaying the game (minor)

______ shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who has an opportunity to play the puck prior to being pressured by an attacking player, but instead intentionally causes a stoppage of play

Leg Checking (minor or major)

________is the act of extending the leg from the front or from behind for the purpose of tripping the opponent a ______ or ______ shall be assessed under this rule for any reason of the actions described above

Checking from Behind (minor plus misconduct or major plus game misconduct)

__________ occurs when a check is delivered to a player directly behind, or diagonally from behind. Ths onus is on the player delivering the check to not hit from behind. This includes body checking or pushing an opponent from behind from behind in open ice or directly into the boards or goal frame. a ________ or _______ penatly shall be assessed

Cross Checking (minor or major)

___________ is the action of using the shaft of the stick between the two hands to forcefully check an opponent with no portion of the stick on the ice a _______ or _______ shall be assessed for __________

Delaying the game (minor)

_____ shall be assessed to any player or goalkeeper who deliberately freezes the puck along the boards or goal frame for the purpose of delaying the game

Kneeing (minor or major)

______ is the act of a player leading with or extending their knee outwards for the purpose of making contact, or attempting to do so, with the opponent a ______ or _____ shall be assessed for _______ an opponent

Spearing (major plus game misconduct)

______ is the act of poking, stabbing, or attempting to poke or stab an opponent with the tip of the blade of the stick while holding the stick with one or both hands a ________ shall be assessed for spearing an opponent

Hooking (minor or major)

______ is the action of impeding the progress of an opponent with a pulling or tugging motion by applying the blade of the stick to any part of an opponent's body or stick. A player cannot use his/her stick against an opponent's body (puck carrier or non-puck carrier) to gain a positional advantage. Actions considered hooking include tugs or pulls on the body, arms or hands of the opponent that reduces space between the opponents; placing the stick in front of the opponent's body and locking on that impeded the opponent's progress or causes a loss of balance; a stick placed on the hand/arm that takes away the ability for the opponent to pass of shoot the puck with a normal amount of force. a _________ or _________ shall be assessed for hooking on opponent

Interference (minor)

_______ is defined as when a player uses his body ("pick" or "block") to impede the progress of an opponent (non-puck carrier) with no effort to play the puck, maintain normal foot speed or maintain an established skating lane a _______ penalty shall be assessed for interference. This includes the following actions which shall be penalized under this rule: 1)providing a protective screen and limiting the opportunity for an opposing player to apply pressure to a teammate in possession and control of the puck 2) making no attempt to play the puck while facing-off and instead plays the body of the opponent. 3) an attacking player who no longer has possession and control of the puck initiates contact with the defending player in an effort to obstruct their ability to play the puck or an opponent 4) a defending player who changes his skating lane or foot speed in an effort to play the body of an opponent who is no longer in possession and control of the puck 5)deliberately knocking the stick out of an opponent's hand 6)preventing an opponent who has dropped his stick or any other piece of equipment from retrieving it 7) shooting, throwing, or directing any object (equipment, broken stick, etc.) that may be on the ice in the direction of an opponent in an attempt to distract him. 8) any player who makes physical contact, using his stick or body, in a manner that interferes with the movement of the goalkeeper, unless otherwise specified in the rules. 9) any player on the players' or penalty bench who interferes, in any manner, with the movement of the puck or any opponent on the ice while play is in progress

Slew Footing (minor or major)

_______ is the act of a player using his leg or foot to knock or kick an opponent's feet from under him. This is done by pushing an opponent's upper body backward with an arm or elbow and at the same time using a forward motion of his leg causing the opponent to fall to the ice.

Clipping (minor or major)

_______ is the act of deliberately leaving the feet or lowering the body for the purpose of making contact with the opponent at or below the knees. a _______ or _______ shall be assessed under this rule for any reason of the actions described above

Elbowing (minor or major)

_______ is the use of an extended elbow as the point of contact with an opponent while delivering a check or as a means to create separation with an opponent, and may include an attempted elbow. a _________ or _________ shall be assessed for elbowing or an attempt to elbow an opponent

Delaying the game (minor)

_______- shall be assessed to any player or goalkeeper who delays the game by deliberately shooting or batting the puck outside the playing area, including after a stoppage of play

Charging (match)

________ for attempt to injure or deliberate injury to an opponent may also be assessed for charging.

Slashing (minor or major)

________ is the act of a player swinging his stick at an opponent, whether contact is made or not. Any forceful chop with the stick on an opponent's body or opponent's stick, on or near the opponent's hands shall be considered slashing a _______ or _______ shall be assessed for slashing an opponent

Holding an opponent(minor)

________ is the action of a player wrapping his arms around an opponent or using a free hand to clutch, grab or hold the stick, jersey or body on the opponent. This included wrapping one or both arms around the opponent along the boards in a manner that pins them against the boards and prevents the, from playing the puck or skating, grabbing the opponent's body, sitck or jersey with one of both hands, or using a free arm/hand to restrain or impede the opponent's progress a ______ shall be assessed for holding an opponent

High Sticks (minor or major)

________ is the action where a player carries the stick above the normal height og the opponent's shoulders and makes conatct with the opponent. A player must be accountable for being in control of their stick at all times a ______ or ________ shall be assessed for high stickign an opponent

Charging (minor plus misconduct or major plus game misconduct)

________ is the action where a player takes more than two strides or travels an excessive distance to accelerate through a body check fro the purpose of punishing the opponent. This includes skating or leaving one's feet (jumping) into the opponent to deliver a check, accelerating through a check for the check for the purpose of punishing the opponent, or skating a great distance for the purpose of delivering a check with excessive force a ________ or a __________ shall be assessed for charging an opponent

Butt Ending (major plus game misconduct)

________ is the action whereby a player uses the shaft of the stick, above the uper hand, to check an opposing player in any manner or jabs or attempts to jab an opposing player with this part of the stick This penalty shall be assessed to any player who butt ends or attempts to butt end an opponent. An attempt to ________- shall include all cases where a _______ gesture is made regardless of whether body contact is made or not.

Delay the Game (minor)

________ shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who shoots the puck directly (non deflected) outside of the playing area, expect when the puck inadvertently leaves the playing area in a location that is not protected by glass or screen

Unnecessary Roughness (roughing) (minor or double minor)

________ shall be considered any at where a player uses unnecessary force to push or shove an opponent or makes avoidable physical contact with an opponent after the whistle. Under this rule, a penalty for _____ should be also be assessed to a player who delivers an avoidable body check to an opponent who is no longer in possession and control of the puck a ________ or _______ shall be assessed to any player who is deemed guilty of _________ any action warranting a major penalty under this rule shall be assessed under Rule 615 (Fighting)

Head-Butting (major plus game misconduct)

________ shall be defined as the physical use of one's head in the course of delivering a body check (head first) in the chect, head, neck, or back area or the physcial use of the head to strike an opponent. a _________ shall be assessed for head-butting an opponent

Tripping(minor or major)

_________ is the act of placing a stick, knee, foot, arm, hand or elbow in such a manner that causes his opponent to lose balance or fall a ________ or _______ shall be assessed under this rule for any reason of the actions described above. (Note) However , no penalty shall be assessed under this rule if, in the opinion of the referee, the player was clearly hook-checking or poke-checking the puck for the purpose of gaining possession.

Body Contact (minor or major)

an illegal body check is defined as when a player makes deliberate physical contact with the opponent using overt hip, shoulder, arm or torso action. This includes physically impending the opponent's progress for the purpose of physically forcing the opponent off the puck and with no effort to legally play the puck Body Checking is prohibited in the 12u & under youth age classification and all girls/women age classifications. A ________ or ______ penalty shall be assessed to anyone who body checks a player under this category ________________ DOES NOT MEAN "NO CONTACT" THERE WILL BE LEGAL BODY CONTACT WITHIN THIS CATEGORY.

Interference (minor)

any accidental or unavoidable contact that occurs with the goalkeeper shall be penalized under this rule _______

Fighting (multiple violations)

any player who receives a second major penalty for fighting with the same team during the same season shall recive a three-game suspension. For a third fighting major with the same team in the same season, the player shall be suspended until a hearing is conducted by the proper authorities under rule 410 supplementary discipline

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