Homework 10

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The _______________ muscle has two bellies and is the only true opener of the jaw.



Elevates and protracts the mandible


Elevates and retracts the mandible

The center of the retina is a pit called the

Fovea Centralis

Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of lacrimal fluid through the lacrimal apparatus beginning with the site of synthesis.

Lacrimal gland Lacrimal caruncle Lacrimal puncta Lacrimal canaliculi Lacrimal sac Nasolacrimal duct Nasal cavity

A lesion of the Abducens nerve would result in paralysis of the ____________ ____________ muscle, and an inability to abduct the eye.

Lateral rectus

Which of the following extrinsic eye muscles is not innervated by CN III?

Lateral rectus

Which of the follow muscles innervated by the oculomotor nerve does NOT move the eyeball?

Levator palpebrae superioris

Which cone opsin genes are found on the X chromosome, and thus cause most of sex-linked congenital color blindness?

M, L

A single ganglion cell outside of the fovea receives input from____ rod(s0


Lesion of which cranial nerve would result in ptosis, strabismus, diplopia, and a lack of pupillary accomodation?

Oculomotor nerve

Parasympathetic nerve fibers from the Oculomotor nerve are carried in the __________________ division of the Trigeminal nerve to the ciliary and sphincter pupillae muscles.


Lateral and medial pterygoid

Protracts the mandible and moves it form side to side

At her annual eye exam, Marcia was given drops in her eyes in order to dilate the pupils for the examination. Therefore, she was given sunglasses to shield the bright lights as her eyes were unable to adjust normally. What other task was difficult for Marcia to do upon receiving the eye drops, and why?

She was unable to focus while reading the newspaper because the drops blocked the parasympathetic function of the oculomotor nerve.

Visual reflexes, such as when you respond to a bright flash of light by turning your head, are processed in the __________ ___________ of the midbrain.

Superior Colliculus

In order to elevate the eyeball with no medial or lateral deviation you must contract which muscle(s)?

Superior Rectus, Inferior oblique

If you wanted to depress an adducted eye, which muscle would be used?

Superior oblique

Which of the following muscles produces intorsion of the eye?

Superior oblique, Superior rectus

The broad, fan-shaped muscle of mastication that you can feel alongside your temple as you open and close your jaw is the __________.


You are flying on an airplane and during takeoff you pop your ears by yawning and swallowing. What muscle did you use to relieve pressure in your middle ear?

Tensor veli palatini

Which of the following is a clear, gelatinous substance that fills the posterior cavity and supports the eye shape?

Vitreous Humor

To view close objects, the ciliary muscle will _____, the suspensory ligament will _____, and the lens will become more _______.

contract, loosen, rounded

Each cone synapses with___ ganglion cell(s).



- Highly concentrated in and around the macula - involved with color vision - Infolded plasma membrane surrounds each disc - Uses photopsin


- Involved with night vision - Uses rhodopsin - Used in scotopic vision - High degree of neural convergence

Select all the areas of the brain where olfactory information is received.

- Primary olfactory cortex -Amygdala

Match each lesion with the type of vision loss it causes 1. Optic chiasm lesion 2. Optic nerve lesion 3. Optic tract lesion

1. Bitemporal hemianopia (tunnel vision) 2. Monocular vision loss 3. Homonymous hemianopia

Match the division of the trigeminal nerve with its sensory distribution. 1. Mandibular division (V3) 2. Ophthalmic division (V1) 3. Maxillary division (V2)

1. Chin, lower teeth, lower lip, anterior aspect of ear 2. Forehead, eyeball, bridge of nose 3. Cheekbones, most of nasal cavities, palate, upper teeth

Match each component of the olfactory epithelium with its function 1. Olfactory hairs 2. Olfactory glomerulus 3. Olfactory receptor cells 4. Supporting cells 5. Basal cells 6. Olfactory gland

1. Cilia projecting into mucous layer, house chemoreceptors for a specific odorant 2. Site of synapse on mitral cells 3. Detect odors 4. Sustain Receptors 5. Replace olfactory receptor cells every 40 to 60 days 6. Forms mucous covering olfactory epithelium

Place the steps of the pathway for olfaction in the appropriate order.

1. Olfactory nerves are formed from olfactory neurons. 2. Olfactory nerves pass through the olfactory foramina of the cribriform plate. 3. Olfactory nerves enter the olfactory bulb. 4. Olfactory nerves synapse with interneurons. 5. Olfactory interneurons form olfactory tracts. 6. Olfactory tracts terminate in the olfactory cortex and the amygdala. 7. Olfaction is perceived.

Rank in order the path that a neural signal would take through the retina, beginning with the photoreceptor.

1. Photoreceptor 2. Horizontal Cell 3. Bipolar Cell 4. Amacrine Cell 5. Ganglion Cell

In bright light conditions, visual acuity is best when light is focused on the____ of the eye


Which of the following are components of the vascular layer of the eye?

Choroid, Iris, Ciliary Body

The cells that are photoreceptors (detect color) are


In low light conditions, only rods are activated, and visual acuity is best in the ____ of the eye.


The ________________ plate is a part of the ethmoid bone that has many small holes through which the olfactory nerve fibers travel to get to the nasal cavity.


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