Honors English 1 Vocabulary (week 4)
Symbol Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: Emblem, Indication Antonym: Generality, Insignificant
An object or action that means something more than its literal meaning
Consistent Part of speech: Adjective Synonyms: Persistent, dependable Antonyms: Irregular, inconsistent
Constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form
Aloof Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: cool, detached, distant, withdrawn Antonyms: compassionate, sympathetic, interested
Not friendly or forthcoming, cool and distant
Accentuate Part of Speech- Verb Synonyms- emphasize, dramatize. Antonyms- mask, camouflage.
To make something more noticeable
Ambivalent Part of Speech: Adjective Synonym: uncertain, doubtful, indecisive Antonym: certain, sure
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Context Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: Background, Connection Antonyms: N/A
the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect.
Deduce Part of Speech: verb Synonyms: surmise and assume Antonyms: exposition
to come to a conclusion
Imply Part of Speech- Verb Synonyms- Suggest, entail, & hint Antonyms- Define, state, & explicate
to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated
Dilemma Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: quandary, predicament Antonyms: resolution
A difficult situation or problem that must be solved
Melancholy Synonyms - gloomy, somber, grim Antonyms - cheerful, joyful, bright Part of speech - adjective
A gloomy state of mind, especially with prolonged depression.
Introvert Part of Speech - Noun Synonyms - reclusive, solitary Antonyms - extrovert, outgoing
A person who tends to shy from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts.
Negligent Part of speech: Adjective Synonyms: Inattentive, Inconsiderate Antonyms: Attentive, Successful
Failing to take proper care in doing something
Infallible Part of speech- Adjective Synonyms- flawless, perfect Antonyms- faulty,
Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
Penitent Synonyms: Apologetic, Regretful Antonyms: Happy, Defiant Part of Speech: Adjective
Showing sorrow or remorse
Empathy Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: compassion, sympathy, affinity. Antonyms: disdain, indifference, unfeelingness.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.