Horse Bowl Questions

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What are four predisposing causes of bowed tendons?

Calf knees, long, weak pasterns, a long toe and low heel, improper shoeing, being tied in at the knees, and legs that are too fine for the size of the horse.

What Paint horse color pattern is described as having excessive white on the legs and face, Irregular splashes and roaning of white on the belly and body?


A horse whose entire forelimb is too far forward and away from the body is called what?

Camped out

What type of tooth is usually not present in a mare?

Canine, Tush or bridle teeth.

The "1st digital phalanx" is just below what bone?

Cannon bone

What is another name for the third metatarsal or metacarpal bones?

Cannon bone

What is the toxin that blister beetles contain?


What is the poisonous chemical secreted by blister beetles?

Cantharidin YLM ADV 300-3L

What is another name for shoe boil?

Capped elbow

What is swelling at the elbow called?

Capped elbow or shoe boil

What is the most common blemish of the hind limbs?

Capped hock

What are the two most important dietary energy components?

Carbohydrates and fat

What are 3 sources of dietary energy?

Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins

What are the 5 energy producing nutrients?

Carbohydrates, starch, sugar, fiber or cellulose, and fat

What is the opening of the esophagus into the stomack?


Consumption of Milkweed or Dogbane would be classified as what specific type of sudden death poisoning?

Cardiac glycoside-induced sudden death (also accept cardiac sudden death) Lewis p. 334 770/3

Which system in the horse consists of the blood, blood vessels, and heart?

Cardiovascular or Circulatory System.

What is the term that refers to a horse's falling or lying down close to a wall or fence so that it cannot get up without assistance?


What is a cloudy, opaque appearance of the eye called?


What grubs primarily attack cattle but may also infect horses?

Cattle grubs

What is botulism?

Caused by a toxin produced by the gram - positive bacterium clostridium. Animal carcasses or soil can be the source of the toxin in forages.

What is rabies?

Caused by rhabdovirus. It can be transmitted to horses by a bite from carnivores such as skunks, raccoons, foxes, or dogs, or by bats.

Where is the primary site for water absorption?


Which organ in the digestive system is responsible for the horse's gut sounds?


What specific area of the digestive tract is the primary site for fiber digestion?

Cecum ES p. 112 430/4

Name two parts of a horse's large intestine.

Cecum, large colon, small colon and rectum

What are the 4 main parts of the large intestine?

Cecum, large colon, small colon, and rectum

Name 2 parts of a horse's large intestine.

Cecum, large colon, small colon, rectum

Name 3 ways to encourage horses that "bolt" their feed to eat more slowly.

Feed in large, shallow trough; place bricks or large rocks in their feeders; feed extruded feeds; mix chopped hay with the concentrate

What many teeth in total does the adult horse possess?

Female - 36 teeth (lack canine teeth that males possess) Male - 40 teeth

On a western saddle, what are the wide pieces of leather along the stirrup leathers called?


Digestion of fiber occurs by microbes in the hindgut of the horse. This process is called what?


What is the area called behind the ankle and below the cannon bone?


Which joint is the most common location for osselets?

Fetlock Evans p. 161 620/3

What is another name for the metacarpophalangeal joint?

Fetlock joint

The main function of the suspensory ligament is to prevent overextension of which joint?

Fetlock joint Evans p. 708 410/4

The unborn animal as it develops in the uterus is known as the...?(senior only)


What do we call an unborn animal as it develops in the uterus?


Name 3 clinical signs of Equine Infectious Anemia.

Fever; anemia; jaundice; depression; edema; and chronic weight loss

Name 2 nutrients that an older horse does not digest as well as a younger horse.

Fiber and protein

What is the term for the mounted followers of a fox hunt?


The width between a horse's eyes affects its ______.

Field of vision

What term is used to describe the two choices horses have in response to fear?

Fight or Flight

How is dominance in horses established?


Give three functions of the horse's kidneys.

Filter blood; control water balance; control pH; control electrolytes

What is the major safety hazard for horse farms?


What is the common name for the practice of applying a hot iron or needle to a blemish or unsoundness as a treatment?

Firing (also accept pin firing) DET p. 108, 212 800/4

What is colostrum?(both)

First milk

What is the fastest gait?

Gallop or run

Name the external part of the horse where the fibula and tibia are located.


When viewing a horse from behind, an imaginary line should bisect what 3 points when dropped from the point of the buttocks to the ground?

Gaskin; hock; roof

Inflammation of the stomach is called what?


Give the scientific name for the common, nose and throat bot fly and the specific location where each type of bot fly lays their eggs.

Gastrophilus nasalis (throat) - lays eggs between jawbone and on throat Gastrophilus hemorrhoidalis (nose) - lays eggs on lips, Gastrophilus intestinalis (common) - lays eggs on forelimbs, shoulders, chest, neck, belly, hindlegs and flank Evans pp. 633-635; YLM INT 200-3L 835/4

What is the term for the teamster signaling a turn to the right?


An altered or castrated male horse is called what?


What is term for a castrated male horse?


What is the pangaré effect?

Gene that results in light areas on the muzzle, over the eyes, on the flanks and on the inside of the legs Evans p. 481

Define tabiano.

Generally has white feet and lower legs. The head tends to have more dark color than white. The white on the body usually crosses over the back, neck, or somewhere on the topline of the horse.

Define genotype.

Genetic makeup of the horse.

To utilize genetics adequately and purposefully in horse production, the producer must have a basic understanding of what?


What is the scientific study of how characteristics are passed from parent to offspring?


What the genetic makeup of an individual really is; (what alleles are actually present) is referred to as what?


Name two types of gene expressions and define them.

Genotype - genetic makeup Phenotype - physical appearance

What is the term used to describe a horse that eats dirt because of a mineral deficiency?


Who was the first man to breed quality mules in the US?

George Washington

What is meant by 'giving a leg-up'?

Helping someone to mount by giving a lift to the left leg ( if mounting for the left ) or right leg ( if mounting from the right side )

What is the mode of action for heparin?

Heparin prevents blood from clotting.

Lives on a diet of plant materials


What two factors determine hoof size?

Heredity and nutrition

What term refers to the percentage of a horse's expressed trait that is due to genetics?

Heritability estimate YLM ADV 335-2 550/4

Gene pairs that are not identical are called what?


What term refers to paired alleles of a gene that are not identical?

Heterozygous Evans p. 451

Should withers be high and well defined or rounded?

High and well defined

The cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain resulting in an enlarged head of a foal. This condition is nearly always lethal within 48 hours of birth. What is this condition called?


Name the genetic condition that is identified by the letters HYPP.

Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis

What is the scientific name for HYPP?

Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis

Overheating a horse is called what?


What is Equine Metritis?

It is characterized by pus or fluid coming from the uterus. The vagina may be inflamed. Infection caused by infertility or abortion.

How does a mule shoe differ from a horse shoe?

It is much narrower

What is it called when foals fail to form certain types of nerves in their intestinal tracts and die of colic within several days of birth?

Lethal White Syndrome

Name 3 inherited genetic disorders.

Lethal white foal syndrome, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, hemophilia

Name all 6 of the zoological classifications of the horse.

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cordata Class: Mamalia Order: Perissodactyla Family: Equidae Genus: Equus Species: Equus Caballus

Spasmodic colic is similar to simple indigestion in people. The pain ranges from mild to severe. What causes spasmodic colic?

Muscular spasms of the intestinal tract

What is the minimum height requirement for a horse?

Must stand more than 14.2 hands.

What is the name of the muscle that forms the horse's heart wall?


Which layer of the uterus is responsible for the powerful contractions which expel the foal at birth?


Name the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family genus, and species of the horse.

Kingdom=animalia Phlum=cordata Class=mammalian Order=perissodatyla Family=equidae Genus=equus Species=caballus

What is the pinto/paint color pattern in which the white does not cross over back between the shoulders and the croup?


Tobiano and overo coloring are both controlled by genes. Which color is displayed only if the genotype is homozygous for the recessive gene?

Overo Evans p. 490 300/4

Lethal white foal syndrome is a condition that may be produced by mating two horses of what coat color pattern?

Overo paint horse

Name 3 color patterns of the American Paint Horse.

Overo, tobiano, and tovero

What is parrot mouthed?

Overshot Jaw

What physiological event changes the follicle into the corpus hemorrhagicum?

Ovulation Kainer plate 71; HIH 910-6 510/4

Name the wedges-shaped area of the ovary from which ova are shed.

Ovulation fossa

What is the scientific name for the egg.


What is the scientific name for the egg?(senior only)


This is a two part question. Define "fright and flight" behavior. Do horses possess this type of behavior?

Preferring to run away from danger rather than staying to fight. Yes, horses possess fright and flight behavior.

What term refers to a foal that is born prior to 320 days gestation?

Premature foal HIH 950-9 500/3

If the coffin bone becomes irritated due to unequal weigh bearing, pressure, or trauma, it might develop what?

Pedal osteitis

What is the written record of the ancestry of an animal called?


What is the name for the winged horse of Greek mythology?

Pegasus DET p. 207

What type of bit acts like a snaffle or curb combined into one mouthpiece?


What is the difference between a Pelham and a Weymouth bridle?

Pelham has only one bit, and Weymouth has two bits.

What digests protein


Name the breed of draft horse that is believed to have had an infusion of Arab and Barb(hot blooded) ancestry.


What is the skin between the anus and vulva called?


Pale blue, watery eyes may indicate what condition?

Periodic opthalmia AKA moon blindness

Name four parts of the structure of the horse's hoof?

Periople, hoof wall, white line, frog, sole, bars, bulbs

What is the membrane lining the abdominal walls and enveloping the abdominal organs called?


This color is off-white or pearl colored with rust tips, a double dilution of bay, sometimes called a type B albino


What color results as a double dilution of bay?


What is the only basic modification of black that does not have black points?

Perlino Evans p. 473 300/4

In what country was the game of polo developed?


Where did the Peruvian Paso breed orginate?


6" long snake like structure where digestive and respiration systems mee


What an individual "looks like", based on the genetic interaction of the alleles present is referred to as what?


Toxicity of what mineral results in "Big head disease" or hyperparathyroidism?

Phosphorus ES p. 135

At birth what is the color of the skin of a true white horse?

Pink skin

What is a parasite that causes irritation around the tail and may cause the horse to rub its tail?


What parasite lays its eggs around the anus of its host?


What is the common name for Oxyuris equi?

Pinworms Lewis p. 400

Much of the reproductive process is regulated by which gland? (senior only)


What are three types of English reins?

Plain, laced, web, and rubber

In regards to plant poisoning, what does the term teratogenic indicate?

Plant toxins cross the placental barrier and cause abortion, stillbirths or deformed foals. Lewis p. 332 770/4

Inflammation of what specific anatomical structure results in the blemish referred to as a curb?

Plantar tarsal ligament (also accept plantar ligament) Evans p. 165 620/3

Name the two major components of blood.

Plasma and cells

What two categories are riding horses put in?

Pleasure, stock

Name 4 of the 7 types of western saddles.

Pleasure/trail, endurance, reining, roping, cutting, barrel racing, equitation, gymkhana

In the evolution of the horse, what term refers to the first 1-toed horse that lived 12 million years ago?

Pliohippus ES p. 9 100/4

What is the term that refers to any inflammatory disease of the lungs?


The symbol A (capital A) represents the agouti gene which restricts the eumelanin or black color to what areas on the horse?

Points ES p. 95 300/4

The top of a horse's head just behind the ears is called the ______.


What is an inflamed swelling of the poll between the ears?

Poll evil

What is inflamed swelling of the poll between the ears?

Poll evil

What is the name for the unsoundness where the bursa at the top of the horse's head becomes infected?

Poll evil

What equine sport uses a mallet and ball and is known as the "game of kings"?


What organization started in 1861?

Pony Express

Black Hand No. 1, the result of mating an Appaloosa mare and Shetland pony stallion is this breeds foundation sire

Pony of Americas

What breed has the following characteristics: varied color patterns, white sclera, mottled skin, and stands between 46 to 56 inches?

Pony of the Americas(POA)

When one of the ligaments is torn in the sesamoid bone, what is it called?

Popped sesamoid

When training your horse, what are two types of reinforcers are there?

Positive and Negative

What is the term used for when a rider rise and descends with the rhythm of the horse at a trot?


Name the mineral needed for blood coagulation.


A mare that has hyperkalemia has an abnormally high level of what electrolyte in her blood?

Potassium DET p. 146

Decreased blood level of which two electrolytes may be a contributing factor or cause for synchronous diaphragmatic flutter?

Potassium and calcium (may also accept magnesium and chloride) Evans p. 273; Lewis p. 213 750/4

What are keg shoes?

Pre-sized horse shoes

Name and describe the three types of roan colors.

Red roan - bay with white hairs. Blue roan - black, brown, or liver chestnut with white hairs. Strawberry roan - chestnut with white hairs.

What is pneumonia?

Refers to any inflammatory disease of the lungs.

Name the 2 fillies to win the Kentucky Derby and when they won.

Regret in 1915 and Genuine Risk 1980

What is the best way to prevent dental problems?

Regular dental check-ups

What are the functions of the larynx?

Regulates the volume of air entering trachea; prevents foreign material entering larynx; vocal sounds

Name the three parts that compose the bridle.

Reins, bit and headstall

What is the most feasible, non-chemical means of breaking the fly life cycle?

Remove breeding material

List 3 treatments for acute laminitis.

Remove the cause; treat with antibodies against bacterial toxins; administer anti-shock drugs; increase blood flow to laminae; anticoagulation therapy; administer anti-inflammatory drugs.

What is the function of the membrane nictitans?

Removes dirt and keeps the eyeball moist by spreading tears over the surface.

What is the responsibility of the urinary system?

Removes fluid waste materials from the body

What is the treatment for bucked shins?

Rest and treatment

Give 6 symptoms of colic.

Restlessness, sweating, kicking and the belly, nipping at the belly, pawing, rolling

Name 5 clinical signs of colic.

Restlessness; sweating; pawing with front feet; kicking at the abdomen; yawning; crouching; lying down; and rolling.

Equine Herpes Virus causes what disease?


What is the name of the disease that occurs in a young horse and can be caused by a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D?


What are two considerations when matching a rider with a horse?

Rider's purpose for the horse and level of training of the horse

To what side of the heart does blood return from the body?

Right side

A bony enlargement surrounding the bones of the pastern is known as what?

Ring bone

A bony enlargement surrounding the bones of the pastern is called what?


What color is a horse with white hairs mixed into a base coat?


A true genetic lethal results in embryonic death which is death before birth. Which two color genes are lethal when they are homozygous?

Roan and dominant white HIH 1060-4 550/4

When comparing the absorbency of types of bedding, which of the following would be the most absorbent? Shredded newspaper, straw or pinewood sawdust

Shredded newspaper HIH 330-2 920/4

What is the difference between jibbing and shying in regards to a horses response to a frightening object?

Shying-sudden quick movement away and usually to the side Jibbing-horse freezes, refuses to move forward and may back away Lewis p. 378 910/4

A horse with too much angulation in the hocks is said to have what confirmation fault?


Name 4 different types of horse trailers.

Side-by-side trailer, in-line trailer, sland load strailer, stock trailer, horse van

What is another name for the ossification of the lateral cartilages?


What is the common term for the ossification of the lateral cartilages of the distal phalanx?

Sidebones Kainer plate 12

What are the 5 senses of the horse?

Sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.

What coat color is unique to the Shetland pony?

Silver dapple

What coat color is unique to the Shetland Pony?

Silver dapple ( a dappled chestnut with silver or white mane and tail )

What is the most common topical medication used to control bleeding wounds?

Silver nitrate HIH 440-2

What is influenza? What are symptoms of influenza?

Similar of influenza in man. It is caused by myxoviruses. Symptoms: high temps, depressed appetite, and emits a watery nasal discharge, dry hard coughing.

What are electrolytes?

Simple inorganic compounds that dissolve in water and are essential for many of the chemical processes in the body.

What are splints?

Splints are hard bumps formed by an exostosis between the splint bone and the cannon bone. Once the splint "sets" or quits growing they are usually considered blemishes.

What are the three types of western headstalls?

Split ear, slip ear, conventional

What are the two main causes of barn fires in the summer?

Spontaneous combustion of improperly cured hay and electrical storms HIH 340-1

Name 2 characteristics that help to develop a good person when attending horse shows.

Sportsmanship, responsibility, organization, competitive spirit

Name 4 distinguishing characteristics of the Appaloosa.

Spotted coat pattern; mottled skin, expecially around muzzle and genitalia; white sclera around the eye; and vertically striped hooves.

(Two Part) Where would you find an elliptic spring on a carriage and what is its purpose?

Spring under the seat; to absorb shock DET p. 90 1000/4

What are four ways forage can be harvested?

Square bales, Big round or rectangle bales, chopped hay, hay cubes, pelleted hay and hayliage.

What is the common term for the external parasite Stomoxys calcitrans?

Stable fly HIH 415-1 835/4

Cribbing and weaving are two vices most frequently associated with what management practice?

Stall confinement

The breeding of what two equines produces a hinny?

Stallion and female donkey (jennet or jenny) ES p. 22 550/3

What part of a pedigree is referred to as the top line?

Stallion side (or direct line of male descendants) DET p. 271 220/4

Before mounting how do you check that your stirrup leathers are level?

Stand in front and compare them by eye.

What breed of horse is mainly used for harness racing with trotters and pacers?


Describe cocked ankles.

Standing bent forward on the fetlocks, usually hind fetlocks.

Explain what the phrase, a horse's top line, means.

Starting with the withers and including back, loin, and croup.

In Colorado, what State department registers and enforces brand inspections?

State Board of Stock Inspection

What are three types of races?

Steeple chase, flat racing, and harness racing

What is the name of the race over natural or artificial obstacles, such as fences, hedges, and water jumps?


What are you doing if you are "bulldogging"?

Steer wrestling DET p. 43

What joint corresponds to the human knee?


What joint is at the end of the patella?


Which should be wider when viewed from the rear: the stifle or the top of hip?


Flexor tendons in which specific joint "unlock" the fixed position of the stay apparatus in the hind legs?

Stifle Kainer plate 36 410/4

When viewed from the rear, which part of the horse's hindquarter should be the widest?

Stifle area

Name two joints that begin with S

Stifle joint, Shoulder joint

In which general type of breeds is it designed to see bulge, ripple, and definition of muscling?

Stock horse breeds

What is the name of the leg marking that runs from just below the knee or hock to the coronet?


How can manure be managed on a horse farm?

Stockpiling, composting, spreading

Where in the horse's digestive system would you find bot larva attached?


What type of internal parasite causes "summer sores"?

Stomach worm (also accept Habronema) Lewis p. 158

Identify four ways that horses use their olfactory sense.

To locate food, To ensure food/water are acceptable quality, To identify humans, To identify other horses, To identify objects, To smell potential predators or other dangers, To identify marked territory of other horses/herds, To initiate sexual and breeding behavior ES p. 61 425/4

What does the term "blow a stirrup" refer to?

To lose a stirrup DET p. 33 1010/4

What is the purpose of a dropped noseband?

To prevent a horse from opening its mouth

Why would you place rocks in your horse's feed tub?

To prevent him from bolting his grain

What is the purpose of a flank cinch on a roping saddle?

To prevent the saddle from flipping forward over the horse's head when the rope is pulled tight by a fighting steer or calf.

Identify four reasons for using a saddle blanket or pad.

To protect the horse's back, To absorb sweat and moisture, To protect the saddle, To help the saddle fit better HIH 1100-5

What are the five main functions of the skin?

To protect the tissues underneath, to inform the brain about outside, To stabilize body heat, To acquire vitamin D though sun rays, As camouflage

What is the purpose for the fleshy upper and lower eyelids known as "hooded eyes" which are characteristics of Exmoor ponies?

To protect their eyes from the harsh wind and rain HIH 157B-2

The principle function of the coffin bone is?

To provide attachment for tendons that move the lower leg.

What is the main role of the horse's hindquarters?

To provide the force for propulsion.

What is the purpose of screening or dragging your pastures to spread out manure piles?

To reduce parasites

What is the purpose of screening or dragging your pastures to spread out manure piles?

To reduce parasites.

In a ranch operation, what is the purpose of a boundary rider?

To ride the fences of the property and repair any problems DET p. 36

Give two reasons for putting a hot poltice on a horse.

To increase blood supply to an injured area, or to draw out infection from an abcess or puncture wound.

What is the purpose of applying a hot poultice?

To increase the blood supply to an area, to draw out infection as with a sole abscess or puncture wound, to encourage an abscess to open and drain (only need to give one answer) HIH 440-6 805/3

What is the purpose of a swedge in a horse shoe?

To increase traction (also accept to protect the nail heads from wear) DET p. 260 900/3

What is the purpose of adding stickers or "mud calks" to the heel of a racing plate?

To increase traction on a muddy race track (accept to increase traction) Evans p. 735

Name three of the five nutrients needed by a horse.

Water, vitamins, energy ( fats and carbohydrates ), protein, and minerals.

What part of the red maple leaf is poison poisonous?

Wilted or dry leaves and bark

What is the name of the horse that was assigned the first permanent registration number in the AQHA?

Wimpy P-1 (also accept Wimpy) Evans p. 27

What is a puffy selling occurring on either side of tendons above the fetlock or knee?

Wind puff

What are wind puffs, and are they a blemish or unsoundness?

Wind puffs are soft, puffy, fluid filled swellings occuring around a joint capsule, tendon, sheath, or bursa. Usually on the lower leg. They are a blemish.

Commonly seen in hard-working horses, what is the term for the condition that results from an excessive amount of synovial fluid in the fetlock joint capsule and/or tendon sheath?


What is the term for soft, fluid-filled lumps usually found near the fetlock joint?


What is another name for pneumovagina?


Name 2 of the criteria that horses are judged on in halter

balance & quality, muscling, structural correctness, breed & sex characteristics

What color describes a horse with a brownish-red body, black mane, tail and lower legs


Where is the pastern located on the horse?

between the fetlock & coronet

A habit of some horses of eating their grain without adequate chewing causes this vice.


A large-bodied black insect that lay eggs on the hair of the legs shoulders and jaw.

bot fly

Thickening caused by inflammation of the superficial digital flexor tendon is commonly called what?

bowed tendon

an inflammation and enlargement of the flexor tendon at the back of the cannon, most often on the front legs

bowed tendon

Encephalitis is a condition which describes inflammation of what organ?


What production class of horses are the biggest risk of problems caused by fescue toxicosis?


how is a horses age determined from birth to five years old?

by which incisors have erupted

What is the French name for three day event?

"Concours complete"

If a horse has the ability needed to work cattle, the horse is said to possess what?

"Cow" or "Cow Sense"

What terms refers to the canter when the front and hind legs are different leads?

"Disunited" canter (also accept cross canter and cross firing) ES p. 76; DET p. 82 640/3

What are the two distinct types of Shetland pony?

"Island" or draft type, and american type

What is the common term for the Culicoides biting midge?

"Punkies" or "no-see-ums" HIH 415-3

What 5 things has the horse been used for throughout history?

-A source of food -Transportation -Work -War -Recreation

Name the 7 macro minerals required by the horse.

-Calcium -Chloride -Magnesium -Phosphorus -Potassium -Sodium -Sulfur

Name 5 parts of a bridle.

-Chin strap -Cheek piece -Throatlatch -Brow-band -Crown piece

Name the 7 micro minerals or "trace" minerals required by the horse.

-Cobalt -Copper -Iodine -Iron -Manganese -Selenium -Zinc

As a minimum, what vaccinations are recommended in the United States?

-Eastern Encephalomyelitis -Western Encephalomyelitis -Tetanus -Rabies -Influenza

Name 5 parts of the western saddle.

-Horn -Seat -Cantle -Skirt -Fender -Stirrup -Cinch -Latigo -Pommel

Name 5 parts of the English saddle.

-Pommel -Skirt -Seat -Cantle -Flap -Stirrup leather -Stirrup iron

(According to evolution) What are the 5 stages of development that lead to the modern horse?

-Pre-horse -Eohippus -Mesohippus -Merychippus -Pliohippus -Equus

What are the 3 classifications of feed?

-Roughages -Concentrates -Supplements

For a horse's ration, approximately what percentage of the body weight should be long-stemmed roughage?


How long is a furlong?

one-eighth of a mile or 220 yards

this common paint horse pattern is characterized by having a bald face and at least one leg that is a dark color


Hemoglobin in red blood cells carries what element?


McClennan, Decker, Sawbuck and Crossbuck are names of what types of saddles?

pack saddles

Name the three main enzymes that exist in the stomach.

pepsin, rennin, lipase

The wave like motion that moves food into the stomach


A horse that is black with white spots is a....


The part of the blood responsible for clotting?


An injury of the foot caused by a nail driven through the hoof into sensitive tissue is called what?


Of the following gaits, which is the fastest: running walk, slow gait or the rack


What tool is used in hoof care to make a level bearing surface after the hoof has been trimmed with the nippers?


What is the term used for a horse stopping in front of a fence rather than jumping over it?


Alveoli, tidal volume and minute volume are terms associated with what body system?


In reining, what is the reining term used for a 180 degree reversal of forward motion?


what is the term when a pasture is divided into several cells or paddocks for grazing?

rotational grazing

What is the name of a wheel with blunt points on a western spur?


what should be the top priority when choosing a fence?


Length of stride is best evaluated from what position of view?


The mandible and maxilla bones are part of the...?


What is the four-beat gait of the American Saddlebred horse that is similar to but slower than the rack?

slow gait

Food lays in the stomach until about 2/3 capacity and then it enters the

small intestine (only partially digested)

What are the three basic types of bit classification?

snaffle, curb, hackamore

What tool is used to remove dead sole from hard, dry hooves that is held in one hand and struck with a driving hammer?

sole knife

An abnormal bony growth, usually occurring on the inside of the cannon of the front leg.


Another name for parasitic roundworms is...?


these parasites are commonly called bloodworms


What is deglutition?


Anhydrosis is a rare problem condition of some horses. Horses with this condition are unable to...?


Apocrine tubular glands secrete what substance?


What is atrophy of the shoulder muscle as a result of strain or trauma induced paralysis of the suprascapular nerve called?


name four signs of dental problems in the horse

swelling of the face or gums, not accepting the bit, dropping food when eating, loss in weight, bit-chewing, slobbering, bucking, bad smelling breath, poor performance

Structures that attach muscle to bones are termed...?


Where is the Rectum

the rectum is 1 foot long and connects the colon to the anus

What protects the heart, lungs, and other important parts of the circulatory and respiratory systems

the rib-cage

When talking about horse color, what does the term "points" refer to?

mane, tale, extremities (ears, muzzle, lower legs)

What is the term for a mature female horse?(both)


What happens if the PH level gets too low

microbes will die and release in the blood stream as a poison which causes laminitis (founder)

What form of horse identification may not be as successful in deterring theft as a brand?

microchip implants (they cant be seen)

Calcium is an example of what type of nutrient?


The cross between a mare and a jack are called...?


Myositis is inflammation of...?


What kind of tissue moves the skeleton?


What muscle activity is defined as lengthening of the muscle fibers?

muscle relaxation

in the newborn foal, what site allows easy access for bacterial invasion and should therefore be treated with 2% iodine soon after birth?

navel stump (umbilical cord)

What is the name of the oil obtained by boiling the feet and shinbones of cattle that is used for dressing leather?

neatsfoot oil

A snip is a white color marking located on the...?


Per the 4-h Horse Manual, what is the recommended feeding rate of grains for your horse?

not more than 1% of body weight in grains

The term 'grade' when describing a horse means the horse is?

not registered

How many deciduous teeth has the normal horse shed by age 5?

24 teeth; 12 incisors, 12 premolars

How many feet are in one furlong?

660 feet

A horse cannot throw up because

once food passes the pharynx, it cannot go back up to the mouth

How many bones are in the sternum?


The chromosomes which are identified to determine the sex of a horse are the X and Y chromosomes. A gelding has what number of each?

one X and one Y chromosome

What is eczema?

A condition involving the skin, inflammation of the skin with lesions of either dry weeping nature, allergies is the most common cause.

what is a Zorse

A cross between a stallion Zebra and a mare horse

What is a hard swelling on back surface of rear cannon about 4 inches below point of hock?

A curb

Define the term blood mark.

A dark-colored "splotch" on the basic coat color.

Define the term Jennet or Jenny.

A female donkey

Define the term Filly.

A female foal from birth to January 1st of the year she turns 4 years old (4 years of age or younger).

What is a spayed mare?

A female horse that has had her ovaries surgically removes, leaving her stile or unable to conceive or carry a foal.

Define the term mare.

A female horse that is 4 years of age or more.

What is a filly?

A female horse up to three years of age, in Thoroughbreds the term may include 4 years of age.

What is an ovary? (senior only)

A female organ that produces eggs

A more vertical hind leg action is due to what conformation of the croup?

A flatter, more level croup

What is the term for when the horse changes leads at the moment of suspension without breaking from the canter?

A flying lead change

A "live foal" guarantee in a breeding contract indicates the foal has met what two criteria after parturition?

A foal that stands and nurses DET p. 170 940/3

What is forging and when does it most commonly occur?

A gait defect in which a hind foot contacts a front foot on the same side. It is commonly heard when a horse is trotting.

What is cribbing?

A habit of force-swallowing gulps of air. usually the horse will grasp an object with its incisor teeth and then pull its neck back in a rigid arch as it swallows air.

What is a Macete?

A hackamore lead rope

What is a broom tail?

A heavy coarse tail

What is the product of a stallion and a jenny called?

A hinny

What is a grade horse?

A horse of unknown or non-registered ancestry or breeding

In racing terms, what is a "maiden" horse?

A horse that has never won a race on a recognized track

Describe a horse that is cold backed.

A horse that humps its back and does not settle down until the saddle has been on a few minutes.

Describe a horse with lop-ears.

A horse's ears are positioned on the side of the head pointing outward.

What is sweet itch?

A hypersensitivity to the saliva of one or more tiny flying insects

Describe a "cow kick"

A kick that is forward and sideward

What is a fecal egg count?

A laboratory procedure used to determine the number of parasite eggs in a fecal specimen.

Define the term Jack.

A male donkey

What is a gelding?

A male equine whose testicles have been removed, leaving him sterile.

Define the term Colt.

A male foal, which has not been gelded, from birth to January 1st of the year he turns 4 years old.

What is the difference between a mare and a filly?

A mare is a mature female horse over 3 years. A filly is less than 3 years.

In reference to confirmation what is a blemish?

A mark or deformity that diminishes the aesthetics of the horse but does not diminish the horse's ability.

What is a hand?

A measuring unit, equal to 4 inches, and used to measure the height of a horse.

Define a blue roan hair coat color.

A mixture of white with black hairs on body, darker on head and lower legs.

What is tying-up syndrome?

A muscular disease that follows prolonged, hard exercise

Describe stringhalt.

A nervous disorder characterized by excessive jerking of the hind leg

What is a foal?

A newborn equine of either sex up to 1 year of age.

What is Banamine and what is it used for?

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to control inflammation and pain associated with colic and muscle injuries.

In relation to nutrition, what is water considered to be?

A nutrient

If you administer a dose of thiabendazole to a colt, what are you trying to control?

A parasite problem

What is an obligate parasite?

A parasite that cannot survive away from the host animal.

One who rides a horse without control, letting the horse go as it wishes is known as _______.

A passenger

In reference to packing, what is the manta?

A piece of canvas used to throw over a pack load as a cover to protect it.

What is body condition scoring?

A procedure where a horseman visually observes and/or feels the fat cover at six body sites.

What is Gymkhana?

A program of competitive games on horseback based on speed of completion.

What is an abcess?

A pus filled cavity formed in tissue

What is a handicap race?

A race in which competing horses are assigned weights to carry that will equalize their chances of winning.

What is the handicap race?

A race in which the competing horses are assigned weights to carry that will equalize their chances of winning.

What is a flat race?

A race without jumps DET p. 109 1040/2

What is Flemin reflex?

A reflex exhibited by the stallion when he smells the external genitalia of the mare

What is meant by contingent reinforcement?

A reinforcement that is given immediately

Describe the correct diagonal when in a posting trot

A rider rises up at the same time the horse's front leg on the rail rises

What farrier's tool is used to shape and make shoes?

A rounding hammer

Name where a horse affected with colic should be placed.

A safe environment, such as grassy field, large stall, arena. Kept away from concrete surfaces, bridges, ditches, small stalls, and other hazardous environments.

What is zylazine?

A sedative/tranquilizer.

What is a side pass?

A side movement with out forward or backward movement

There are two definitions that define "stud". Define both.

A stallion kept for breeding, an establishment or farm that generalizes in breeding.

What is a dorsal stripe?

A stripe of color down the center of the animal's back.

Define Aged.

A term used to describe an older equine.

All heat tapes and water tank heaters should have what two qualities?

A thermostat and be UL listed.

What is the canter?

A three-beat gait; a moderate, easy, collected gait

What is the primary difference between the horses that are raced in the Kentucky Derby and the Kentucky Oaks?

Both races are for 3 year old Thoroughbreds but the Kentucky Oaks is a race for only fillies DET p. 161 1040/4

Name three types of saddles considered "forward seat".

All purpose, close contact, dressage

Paired genes that are positioned at the same locus on a chromosome are called what?


In herds, mimicking the other horses' actions is called what?

Allelomimetic behavior

What are some ways that EIA is transmitted?

Blood from infected horses, bloodsucking flies, mosquitoes, hypodermic needles, surgical instruments, dental floats, and bridle bits may also transmit the virus.

The enlargement of the saphenous vein on the inside of the hock is called what?

Blood spavin

Name the three major parts of the cardiovascular system of the horse.

Blood, vessels, heart

What are the two species of lice that infest the horse?

Bloodsucking (Sucking) and Biting DET p. 168 835/3

What is another name for strongyles?


What term describes a gray horse with a basic body color of black?

Blue or steel gray Evans p. 81

(Two Part) What are the three roan colors and the base coat color associated with each of the colors?

Blue roan (black); Red roan (Bay); Strawberry roan (chestnut) ES p. 47

This is a two part question. What are the 4 roan coat colors, and what base coat color each is a variation of?

Blue roan-black Red roan-bay Strawberry roan-bay

What organisms grow rapidly in water high in nitrates and phosphates?

Bluegreen algae

Vital signs that include TPR, capillary refill, mucous membranes and skin pliability are used to evaluate the health of the horse. Identify four other observations that are used to evaluate a horse's health.

Body fluids (feces, urine, tears, saliva, sweat) Hair coat Body condition and weight Movement Normal behavior/alertness Hoof condition Behavior disorders Feeding habits/appetite Menace relex HIH 425-1 800/4

Give 3 example of traits that horses are bred for.

Body weight; pulling power; speed; height; color.

What is the swelling of the tarsocrural joint capsule called?

Bog Spavin

What is a soft distension on the inside front portion of the hock joint caused by an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the hock?

Bog spavin

What is a bony growth at the point where the cannon and hock attach?

Bone spavin

A bony enlargement that appears on the inside and front of the hock and tapers into the cannon bone is known as what?

Bone spavin or jack spavin

What would be added to the shoes of pack horses and mules to extend the life of the shoes?

Borium Evans p. 738

What kind of hackamore has a braided rawhide or rope noseband?


Name the specie of parasite that have vestigial (non-working) mouth parts as adults and feed only in their larval stage, on blood and tissues of the horse's stomach and duodenum.


Which parasite deposits small, yellowish-white eggs on the hairs of the horse's leg, neck, and flanks?

Bot flies

Describe how the horse uses binocular vision.

Both eyes work in unison; a horse uses it to look "head-on" at something.

When performing the "airs above the ground" dressage movement referred to as the capriole, which of the horses legs are off the ground?

Both the front and hind legs (all legs) DET p. 22 1090/4

What disease in foals is called "shaker foal syndrome" because of marked muscle tremors?


What type of medication is an alcohol based substance applied to the horses legs after exercise to prevent swelling?

Brace (also accept liniment) DET p. 36, 169 805/3

Where in the body will you find a neurologic case of Rhinopneumonitis in a horse or foal?

Brain or spinal cord

What is the nervous system made up of?

Brain, spinal chord, associated nerves, and special senses.

What makes up the central nervous system?

Brain, spinal cord, and brain stem

In general, what phase of a foot flight pattern is being altered with shoe modifications such as heel calks, square toes or toe extensions?

Break-over (also accept landing) Evans p. 748 900/4

What 2 items can be added to a stock saddle to make it more suitable for packing?

Breeching and a breast collar

When interpreting a Y-Tex Corporation freeze brand, what does the alpha character or letter brand identify?

Breed of the horse Evans p. 810 940/5

What piece of equipment can be used with young maiden mares to prevent lacerations, tears or bruises of the vagina or cervix during live cover breeding?

Breeding roll Evans p. 413

What is the name for the small snaffle bit in the full bridle?


What two bits are used in a full bridle?

Bridoon and curb

In the Netherlands a horse described as an ancient dun color would have unusual body markings such as zebra stripes or teardrops over the barrel of the body. What is another term for this unique dun color?

Brindle Dun HIH 154B-1 300/5

What does the term BSJA stand for?

British Show Jumping Association

The Ellensburg tree saddle is most commonly used for what type of activity?

Bronc-busting DET p. 26, 90 1000/5

What is the piece of the bridle that goes across the forehead?


The western bridle has seven parts. What are 5 of the 7 parts?

Browband, crown piece, throatlatch, curb strap, reins, bit, and cheekpieces

What are the symptoms of azoturia?

Brown color urine (from the broken down muscle cells), the horse may act as if it is hard to move the hindquarters and may sit down on its haunches like a dog or take a rocking horse stance.

What is the term for a wild Australian Horse?


What term refers to a wild Australian horse?

Brumby DET p. 41

What is the conformation in which the knees are bent forward called?


I have a yellowish or golden body, black mane and tail, black lower legs and no dorsal strip. What color am I?


What color is a horse with a yellowish or gold body, black mane and tail, usually black on the lower legs, but no dorsal stripes?


Name three colors accepted into the American Buckskin Registry Association.

Buckskin, Dun, Red Dun, and Grulla

What are 3 examples of diluted coat colors?

Buckskin, dun, grulla, palomino, and cremello

Name 3 key factors to consider when purchasing a horse.

Budget, rider's experience, horse's level of training, breed, age/size of rider, age of horse, intended use of horse

Name 6 parts of the foot.

Bulb, frog, heel, collateral groove, white line, and coronet.

What is the name for a small donkey or ass?


What are small, lubrication, sac-like cushions containing synovial fluid located between the two opposing surfaces of a bone prominence and a tendon?


What is the slang term for the medication phenylbutazone?

Bute DET p. 43

What structure acts as a safety device in that it will help to prevent the horse from falling out of the trailer when the rear door is open?

Butt bar or Butt chain

Were are the glutteal muscles located and how many groups are there?

Buttock area; 3 groups

How is stringhalt most easily detected?

By backing the horse

What type of cinch would you find on a decker pack saddle?

Center-fire rigged single cinch

The brain, brain stem, and spinal cord make up what system?

Central Nervous System

What are the 3 parts of the nervous system?

Central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and specialized sensory organs.

Name the three permanent incisors and the age that they appear.

Centrals-2 1/2 yrs; Intermediates-3 1/2 yrs; Corners-4 1/2 yrs.

What is the main part of the brain called?


Name the five regions of the spinal column.

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

What acts as a physical barrier between the vagina and uterus?


What is the most accurate method to assess the nutrient content of hay?

Chemical analysis

What is the term of the horny growth on the inside of the horse's legs, above the knees and below the hocks?


What color would be the result of the silver gene on a chestnut horse?

Chestnut (the silver gene only affects black areas and does not affect red areas) HIH 1040-2 300/4

What breed of horse was developed by the East Coast Indians from the early Spanish horses?


What is the name for the breed of horse that was developed by the east coast Indian tribes?

Chickasaw DET p. 55; Evans p. 55 200/4

Name 2 breeds of the Native Horse.

Chickasaw, American Indian Horse, Spanish Mustang, Spanish Barb, American Mustang, American Bashkir Curly, Rangerbred Horse

Identify the following disease... Standing with the neck arched and stretched out, appears anxious, has saliva mixed with feed at the nostrils and is drooling saliva from the mouth.

Choke Evans p. 611 830/611

What bodies within the cell nucleus are composed of DNA and carry genetic information?


What are the long, slender thread-like structures that are paired and contain genetic material?


Who created the National High School Rodeo Association?

Claude Mullins

What is generally the least costly and most easily obtained material for stall floors?

Clay and sand mix

What is glycerin soap used for?

Cleaning tack and equipment

What are immunoglobins?


A horse's forelimbs bear what percent of its body weight?


The horse's forelimbs bear approximately what percent of its weight?


What is meant by the term Base Color?

Another name for coat color.

After ingestion of soil-borne spores, what fatal disease come?


What general type of medication is used to reduce a fever?

Antipyretic DET p. 13

Perlino is the result of a double dilution of what color?


Hackney ponies are typically what color?

Bay Evans p. 64 200/3

What results if the periosteum is torn, irritated or bruised?

Exostosis or periostitis

What is the name for the tendon which acts to straighten a joint?

Extensor tendon

Name two of the most sensitive areas to touch on a horse's head?

Eyes, ears, nose

At rest, which legs, front or rear, support more weight?

Front legs

Where do bucked shins usually occur?

Front limbs

Proteins are made up of what compounds of which lysine is an example

amino acids

The inability of a horse to sweat is?


A farriers tool used to remove the surplus grown of the hoof wall?

hoof nippers

Name three symptoms of strangles.

1. Fever 2. Nasal discharge 3. Abscesses

What is the footfall pattern of a gallop to the right?

1. LH 2. RH 3. LH 4.RF

In a pasture with good forage, how many hours a day will a free ranging horse spend grazing?

10-12 hours

What is the average (and healthy) temperature of the horse?

100 degrees fahrenheit

How far from drinking water wells should manure storage sites be located?

100 ft.

Define the term equine.

Any animal in the family Equidae. This includes horses, zebras, asses (donkeys).

What type of internal parasite primarily affects foals and young horses?


What is the mode of action for aspirin?

Aspirin prevents platelets from adhering to vessels

Where is a horse's center of gravity?

At a point about 6 inches behind the elbow

What is the recommended amount of pasture per horse?

At least 2-3 acres per horse

What is the recommended amount of pasture per horse?

At least 2-3 acres per horse.

Horse that are stabled should be groomed how often

At least once a day

Where is the pituitary gland located? (senior only)

At the base of the brain

What three main colors provide the basis for most other colors?

Bay, black and chestnut HIH 1040-1 300/3

Name 3 of the haircoat colors of the American Morgan Horse Association.

Bay, brown, chestnut, black, palomino, buckskin

Is a quarter crack an unsoundness or blemish?

Blemish (an it's a vertical split in the wall of the hoof)

The dried remains of what beetle in alfalfa hay is toxic to horses?

Blister beetle

What are 3 main goals in wound treatment?

Control bleeding, keep the wound clean, and promote rapid wound healing.

What is necrosis?

Death of a cell or group of cells that is in contact with living tissue

What is necrosis?

Death of skin or tissue

What is the scientific name for a baby tooth?


A well-balanced horse will divide into three equal parts. Name those parts.

Front shoulder, middle barrel and rear hip

Name 3 Appaloosa coat patterns.

Frost, leopard, blanket, snowflake, mottled.

What is the term for the service, when a boarding stable cares for all of the horse's needs?

Full board

Ringworm is caused by what and what does it look like?

Fungi. Circular pattern on the skin of the horse

What is the term for 1/8th of a mile race?


What bacterium is usually present in the affected tissues of the hoof?

Fusobacterium necrophorum

In team roping, what is the name of the partner who ropes the legs together?


What determines the amount of energy required by a muscle?

How fast it is contracting

What is the purpose of an anti-sweat sheet?

It helps wick away moisture from the horse's body after a heavy workout.

What is the benefit of using a copper mouth piece bit?

It increases salivation

What is periosteum?

It is a fibrous sheath covering that surrounds and protects the bones of the leg.

What is the traumatic arthritis of the fetlock joint called?


On a sliding plate shoe for a reining horse, which heel is the shortest?

Outside heel

In what part of the female reproductive tract is estrogen produced?


What is the primary cause of runoff and soil erosion on horse farms?

Overgrazing HIH 360-4

Hyperthermia is a term used to indicate what condition of a horse?


What forage contains a fungal endophyte that causes reproduction problems in mares?

Tall fescue

What is the cry of the hunt once the fox has been sighted?

Tallyho DET p. 262 1080/2

What is a stirrup cover called?


What type of internal parasite do most common dewormers not kill?


Name 3 of the 5 main nutrients a horse needs.

Water, energy, protein, vitamins, minerals

What 5 basic nutrients does a horse require to survive?

Water, protein, vitamins, minerals, and energy

In the hoof, what is the area called where the sensitive and insensitive laminae intermeshed?

White line

What is the name of an infection in which digesting fungi are found in the hoof wall?

White line disease

Name 3 different types of hay.

legumes, grasses, cereal grains

What organ is supplied material from the portal vein and the hepatic artery?


How will the PH change with a lack of fiber or too much starch/sugar

lowers PH

In regards to the racing industry, what is a bug boy?

"bug" or asterisk denoting the 5 pound weight allowance) DET p. 42 1040/3

What is the length of the rectum?

1 foot

When is the conception rate the highest in a mare?

1-2 days prior to ovulation, or foal heat.

What is the concentrate recommended daily feed intake as a percent of body weight for a lactating broodmare?


Yearly fertilizer applications should be applied to pasture at what time?

1-3 months before the beginning of the growing season

The influenza virus can travel distances of at least how many yards?

1-3 yards

Name 5 of the 11 common leg markings a horse may display.

1. Cornet 2. Half pastern 3. Full pastern 4. Ankle 5. Half stocking or sock 6. Full stocking 7. High stocking 8. Inside heel 9. Outside heel 10. Half heel 11. Full heel

Name 5 of the 10 common face markings a horse may possess.

1. Star 2. Snip 3. Stripe 4. Faint star 5. Star, stripe, snip, connected 6. Star, stripe, snip, disconnected 7. Blaze 8. Bald-faced 9. Apron-faced 10. Paper-faced or bonnet faced

Name two places where hernia/ruptures occur?

1. Umbilical 2. Groin

A mare in late gestation should eat what % of its body weight in forage?


Large stomach worms are approximately what size?

1.5 inches

What percent of a horse's body weight does it voluntarily consume in forages?


On an English saddle, all stirrups should allow how much space on each side of the rider's foot?

1/4 inch

How much does the hoof wall grow per month?

1/8 - 1/4 inch

How long is a furlong?

1/8 mile or 220 yards

What in the range in size that a stall should be

10 by 10 to 12 by 12

How long is a horn fly's life cycle?

10 days

What is the length and capacity of the small colon?

10 feet and 5 gallons

How many inches taller should the trailer be than the horse's normal resting postion of its head?

10 inches

How long is the large colon?

10-12 feet

How many gallons of water will a mature, idle, 1000 lb. horse drink each day?

10-12 gallons

How much water will a mature 1,000 pound horse drink per day?

10-12 gallons

The average 1000 lb horse will consume how much water per day?

10-12 gallons

What is the normal length of gestation of a mare?

11 1/2 months

How long does food pass through the small intestine

11 foot per minute about 45 min to 2 hours depending on meal size

What is the gestation period of the mare?

11 month

A foal has how many pairs of incisors?


How many Incisor teeth does the adult horse possess?


How many Molar teeth does the adult horse have?


How many Premolar teeth does the adult horse possess?


What is the average (healthy) respiration of the horse?

12 breaths per minute

What is the length and capacity of the large colon?

12 feet long and 14 to 16 gallons

How big is the large intestine

12 feet long and hold 15-20 gallons

How tall was the eohippus?

12 inches

What is the average age of a filly at puberty?

12-15 months

For horse show purposes, what is the maximum height of a harness pony?

12.2 hands

An adult horse contains approximately how many gallons of blood?

13.2 gallons

How many gallons of blood are found in an adult 1000 lb. horse?

13.2 gallons

What is the minimum recommended size for a stall for a stallion?

14 foot x 14 foot YLM INT 207-2 920/3

What is the maximum height of a pony?

14.2 hands

Approximately how long is food in a horse's stomach before it starts passing into the small intestine?

15 minutes

You do the math....A horse that is 66 inches tall would be considered to be how many hands tall?

16.2 hands tall Evans p. 139

What year did Freestyle Reining become a sanctioned NRHA class?


When did the Spaniards reintroduce the horse to North America?

16th century

Hay should be baled at what ideal moisture level?

17 to 20 percent (accept anything within this range) HIH 750-4 780/4

What is the approximate heart rate of a horse while cutting a hard turning cow?

170-200 bpm

How many pairs of ribs does a horse have?


The horse has how many pairs of ribs?

18 occasionally 19

How many ribs does a horse have?

18 pairs

What is the average length of an estrous cycle during the breeding season in a mare?

18-21 days

If a 1200 lb horse was only fed hay (no grain), how much will the horse eat of good quality hay?

18-24 lbs.

Horse's ear can rotate haw far?

180 degrees

What year was the AQHA formed?


In what year was freeze branding introduced?


What is navicular bursitis?

It is a form of navicular disease and an inflammation of the bursa between the deep flexor tendon and the navicular bone.

What year was AMHA formed?


How many ovaries does a mare have? (senior only)


Over how many days does the Golden Horseshoe Ride take place?


When do the center permanent incisors erupt?

2 1/2 years

How many beats is the trot, and what is the average speed of the trot?

2 beat gait, 8 miles per hour for the trot, and 6 miles per hour for the jog.

How many pounds of oats can a one-quart can hold?

2 lbs.

How long will the gate be open at the state expo?

2 minutes

Secretariat won the Belmont Stakes in record time. What was it?

2 minutes and 24 seconds

What amount and ingredients are made into a mixture that is used as a simple source of electrolytes for horses?

2 ounces of a mixture of 3 parts lite salt and 1 part limestone given on a daily basis

To be considered a business rather than a hobby by the IRS, how many years must a horse business make a profit?

2 out of every 7 years

What is the expected ratio of roan to solid colored foals if a roan stallion is bred to a roan mare?

2 roan:1 solid

What is the capacity of the stomach?

2 to 4 gallons

Approximately how long does a tetanus antitoxin vaccination give protection?

2 weeks

At what age do a foal's temporary premolar teeth appear?

2 weeks old.

How old would a horse be that has the 1st and 2nd premolars in place?

2 ½ years old Evans p. 92; Kainer plate 49 835/5

At what age do permanent incisor teeth appear?

2-3 years

How many gallons of food pass thru the stomach in 30 minutes

2-4 gallons

How long does it take a foal's immune system to become functional and able to produce significant levels of antibodies to guard against disease?

2-4 months

How many weeks before foaling will a mare's udder start to fill with milk?

2-6 weeks

What percent of slope is needed to provide rapid removal of water without erosion around a horse barn or stable?


How many bones are in the horse's skeleton?


What is the total number of bones in the skeleton of the horse?

205 Evans p. 90

How long is a mare's estrous cycle?

21 to23 days

How long is the estrous cycle of the mare?

21-23 days

What is the field of vision for each eye on a horse?

215 degrees

At what age does the average horse live to?

25 years

The horse is classified as a nonruminant herbivore. What does this mean?

It is a roughage eater.

How much fecal matter does a horse produce in a 24 hour period?

28 - 50 pounds

What is the normal pulse rate for a horse at rest?

28-40 beats per minute (bpm)

The average horse will produce how many pounds of fecal material in a day?

28-50 lbs.

Approximately how much feces does a horse produce per day?

28-50 pounds

How many beats is the canter or lope and what is the average speed of the canter or lope?

3 beat gait at 12 miles per hour for the canter and the lope is slightly slower.

How many beats in a canter?

3 beats

How many joints and bone make up the knee or carpus?

3 joints, 7-8 bones

At what age should a vaccination program start?

3 months

The horse is most useful between what ages?

3-15 years old

How much does a healthy hoof grow in a month

3/8 to 1/2 and inch

What is the average hoof growth rate for all horses?

3/8" or 1cm per month

How many days prior to foaling shoud a mare be immunized for tetanus?

30 days

What is the standard distance between the 1st and 2nd barrels?

30 feet

Galvayne's groove appears on the upper corner incisor at about 10 years of age. At what age has the groove completely disappeared from the tooth?

30 years HIH 240-4 435/3

What is the rate of bile secretion in a horse?

300 ml per hour

What are the normal dimensions of an outdoor polo field?

300 yards long and 120-150 yards wide

How many chromosome pairs do donkeys have?

31 chromosome pairs

The horse has 32 pairs of chromosomes do domestic donkeys have?

31 pairs

How many pairs of chromosomes do horses have?


How many chromosome pairs do horses and ponies have?

32 chromosome pairs

How many chromosome pairs do horses have?

32 pairs

How many chromosome pairs does a horse have?

32 pairs

What is the haploid number of chromosomes in the ovum and spermatozoa of the Przewalski's horse?

33 chromosomes ES p. 89; Evans p. 550/4

An American Miniature Horse may not exceed what height?

33 inches

What is the normal gestation of a mare?

335-350 days

There are how many irregularly shaped flat bones that make up the skull?


A registered miniature horse cannot exceed how many inches?

34 inches

What in the maximum height in inches for a registered American Miniature Horse?

34 inches

Gestation requires how many days?(senior only)

340 (300 to 400)

How many teeth does a mature female horse have?

36-38 teeth

What is thoracic vertebrae are withers?

3rd, 4th, and 5th

A hand measurement is equal to how many inches?


How many players make up a polo team?


The walk has how many beats to its stride?


How many beats is the gallop and what is the average speed of the gallop?

4 beat gait at 18 miles per hour, but can vary greatly.

How many beats is the walk and what is the average speed of the walk?

4 beat gait at 4 miles an hour.

What is the length and capacity of the cecum?

4 feet and 7 to 8 gallons

How long is the Cecum and where is it located?

4 feet long lies between the small intestine. Its more on the right side of the horse and holds up to 10 gallons of digesta

A well trained horse should travel at what speed during the walk?

4 miles per hour

What is the length of the esophagus?

4 to 5 feet

At what age do the canine teeth erupt?

4 to 5 years (accept anything within this range) YLM INT 205-2L 435/3

At what age are foals usually weaned?

4 to 6 months

In the United States, what is the average age a foal is weaned?

4-6 months

What is the recommended time for horses to have their feet trimmed or shod?

4-6 weeks

How many teeth does a mature MALE horse have?


How many teeth does a stallion or gelding have?


What is the average (and healthy) pulse of the horse?

40 beats per minute

You do the math... What is the cardiac output for a horse with a stroke volume of 1 liter and a heart rate of 40 beats per minute?

40 liters per minute Evans p. 111 440/4

At what angle should the slope of the shoulder be?

45 degree angle

The pasterns should be medium in length and set at approximately what angle?

45 degree angle

Name the ideal slope of the shoulders in degrees.

45-50 degrees

how long does it take food to completely pass through the digestive tract of the horse?

45-72 hours

In liters, what is the capacity of the large colon?

45-90 liters

How many days is the heat period in mares?

5 - 7 days

(Two Part) What is the recommendation for the minimum height for a perimeter fence and the minimum height for a fence used to divide pastures?

5 feet (60 inches) (perimeter); 4 ½ feet (54 inches) (divider) Evans p. 760; HIH 350-1

in barrel racing what is the penalty for turning over a barrel?

5 second penalty

By what age does a horse generally have all teeth erupted and thus considered "fullmouth"?

5 years

Bosals and snaffle bits are allowed in western classes on what age of a horse?

5 years and younger

At what age is a horse considered to have a full mouth?

5 years old

What is the range in days of the incubation period of West Nile virus?

5-15 days

How many foals and what colors for each are produced from 100 successful matings between a palomino stallion and palomino mare?

50 palamino, 25 chestnut, and 25 cremello

What fraction of genes of a foal came from its sire?


What organ receives oxygenated blood from the renal artery?

Kidney Kainer plate 60

What is the general shape of the mare's ovaries?

Kidney beans

How many days does it take to produce sperm?

57-60 days

The horse had his beginning about how many million years ago?

58 million

What should the dimension of a tie-stall be for an adult horse?

5ft x 9ft

How many bones are in the hock?


How many incisors are there in the upper jaw of the stallion?


How many incisors do mature horses have in their lower jaw?


How long is a piggin string?

6 feet

For best pasture management, how tall should the pasture grass be before turning out horses on it in the spring?

6 to 8 inches

The splint bones usually fuse naturally to the cannon bone by the time the horse reaches what age?

6 years

What PH level should microbes be at


When do the temporary corner incisors erupt?

6-9 months of age

How many days does a mare need to be under artificial lighting to see a response?


Using the correct ratio, how old is a 20 year old mare in human years?

60 human years ( ratio 3:1 )

estrous cycle of mares usually results in ovulation after how many days?

60 to 90 days (accept anything within this range) YLM ADV 336-2L

In a "confirmation hunter" class, what percent of the class is judged on performance?


A horse's body consists of what percentage of water?


How many diploid chromosomes do donkeys have?

62 pairs

How many diploid chromosomes does horses and ponies have?

64 diploid chromosomes

How many events are offered in the National High School Rodeo Association?

7 for girls, and 7 for boys

In reining competitions, each horse begins with a score of what?


In horse how long is the small intestine?

70 feet (average)

What is the length and capacity of the small intestine?

70 feet long and 10 to 12 gallons

You are judging a cutting horse competition. It is important to remember when calculating the final scores that each entry begins with what score?

70 points HIH 180D-1

How many times does a horse chew per minute

70-90 times per minute

What two functions does the angle of the shoulder affect most?

Length of stride and absorption of shock

You do the math... A 25 year old horse would be equivalent to a human of what age?

75 years old (1 horse year = 3 human years) HIH 450-1

You do the math... Approximately 75 percent of a horses total body weight is made up of water. If your horse weighs 1000 pounds, how much of this total weight is water?

750 pounds ES p. 115 700/3

In a horse how many pairs of ribs are true and how many are floating?

8 true; 10 floating

What is the recommended age to start de-worming a foal?

8 weeks

Abortions caused by rhinonuemonitis occurs during what months of pregnancy?

8-11 months

What is the normal respiration rate of a horse?

8-15 bpm or 8-16 bpm

What is the mature horse's respiration rate at rest?

8-16 breaths per minute

What is the respiration rate for an adult horse at rest?

8-16 breaths per minute

What is the capacity of the stomach of the horse?

8-19 quarts

What is the capacity of the large colon?

80 quarts

A normal foal weighs what percent of the mare's body weight?


At rest, how much more weight is supported by the front legs compared to the hind?

9-10%. In action, the front legs support 2/3rd of the body weight.

How much milk does the average size mare produce daily?

9-11 quarts

What body condition score would you assign a horse with an obvious crease down his back, patchy fat appearing over ribs, and bulging fat around tailhead?

9-extremely fat

You do the math...What is the minute respiratory volume for a horse with a tidal volume of 6 liters, a residual volume of 12 liters and a respiratory rate of 15 breaths per minute?

90 liters per minute (tidal volume x respiratory rate) (Residual volume is not a value needed for this calculation) Evans p. 109 450/5

What is a splint?

A capsule enlargement usually found in the inside upper part of the cannon.

Define the term Dapple.

A circular pattern or ring-shaped pattern in the horse's coat.

Approximately what percent of total body calcium is contained in the skeleton and teeth?


What % of Saliva is water


What is the normal body temperature of the horse?

99.5 - 101.5 degrees F

What is the temperature for a healthy horse at rest?

99.5-101.5 F

What is the temperature of the average adult horse?


What is a synovial fluid sheath?

A closed synovial fluid filled sac around a tendon.

What is a cataract?

A cloudy or opaque appearance of the eye

What is a vice?

A bad habit that may affect the horse's usefulness, dependability, or health.

What is a white facial marking that covers the forehead but not the eyes, and is the full width of the nasal bones (but not the nostrils) called?

A blaze

What is an impaction?

A blockage of the intestinal tract.

What is a sidebone?

A bony growth located above and toward the rear quarter of the hoofhead.

What is a ringbone?

A bony growth on either or both sides of the pastern.

What is a bone spavin and where is it found?

A bony growth usually found on the inside lower distal joints

What is the plaited rawhide part of the hackamore that fits over the nose?

A bosal

What is bastard strangles?

A type of strangles that abscesses occur on the body surface or internal organs.

What is a blood spavin?

A varicose vein enlargement in the area of the hock

What is a sarcoid?

A viral tumor composed mainly of connective tissues, which appears on the skin and is the most common type of tumor in the horse.

Describe the facial marking called a snip

A white marking between the nostrils on the muzzle

What is the Tarpan?

A wild horse of central Europe

Name three advantages to gelding a horse.

Less prone to injury; easier to care for; easier to haul

What is the primary difference between a horse with a roan coat and a horse with a gray coat?

A. A roan horse's coat does not change over time (proportion of white hairs is the same at birth and each successive coat); gray will become lighter (more white hairs with each successive coat) ES p. 38; Evans p. 81

What term refers to a mature female horse that has never been bred?

A. Maiden mare DET p. 174

What is the common term for Equine Periodic Opthalmia?

A. Moon Blindness Evans p. 521

What 4 beat gait is the slowest gait and is common to all breeds of horses?

A. Walk ES p. 70

Which breed has had the most influence in the development of light horse breeds in America?

A.Thoroughbred (also accept Arabian as correct answer since the Thoroughbred was developed primarily from the Arabian)

What is silver nitrate used to control in an open wound?


What is the term for any mark or deformity that diminishes beauty but does not affect a horse's usefulness?


Name 3 factors that influence the water requirements of a horse.

Air temperature, activity level, function, feed intake, type of horse

In 1940, what association was formed in Forth Worth, TX?


What is the simple definition of colic?

Abdominal pain

Hirsutism is a common symptom of Cushing's Disease. What is hirsutism?

Abnormally long hair coat DET p. 140 890/5

If a horse has the start of a Galvayne's groove, how old would the horse be?

About 10 years of age

Where is the horse's center of gravity located?

About six inches behind the elbow.

Superficial wounds that result from rubbing or scraping against an irritant surface are called what?


Name three qualities of good bedding.

Absorb urine, be free from dust, be readily available, be inexpensive, provide comfort, be easy to handle

What does the cecum do

Absorbs volatile fatty asids, amino acids and B vitamins. Food in the cecum lack water and can get stuck and this can cause food to get stuck. Can cause impaction colic

What does the large colon do

Absorption on water, electrolytes and short chain fatty acids (main source of energy)

You are the barn manager at a Quarter Horse breeding farm and note that one of the pregnant broodmares has wax-like secretions on the end of the teats. How soon would you expect this mare to foal?

Accept anything within range of 1 to 6 days Lewis p. 244; Evans p. 417; HIH 940-3

What is the function of the sesamoid bones?

Act as a fulcrum for the ligaments and tendons which support and move the leg.

What do bones do?

Act as levers, store minerals, and are the site of blood cell formation

What is the function of the pastern?

Acts to increase the flexibility of the fetlock joint and as a result reduces concussion.

What is Equine Viral Arteritis?

Acute upper respiratory tract infection caused by a specific herpes virus that may also cause abortion.

What must all barns include?

Adequate ventilation

What gland produces the hormone epinephrine?

Adrenal gland Evans p. 127

What is the placenta commonly called? (senior only)


What type of test is a Coggins test?

Agar Gel Immuno diffusion test

Name 4 factors that can cause temperature variation in the individual horse.

Age, sex, level and intensity of exercise, precipitation, time of day, wind, ambient temperature

The color terms alazán, tostado and ruano are South American descriptions of chestnut horses. Identify the specific color of chestnut that is associated with each of these terms.

Alazán - red-colored horse with red points Tostado - red-colored horse with darker red-colored points Ruano - red-colored horse with lighter-colored points or a flaxen mane and tail ES p. 41 300/5

What legume hay, when properly harvested, exceeds all others in protein, energy, vitamin, and mineral content?


What is another name for the digestive tract of the horse?

Alimentary canal

Identify four areas of the horse that would be visually appraised and palpated when determining a body condition score.

Along the top side of the neck, Over the rib cage, In the crease down the back (topline), Along the withers, In the area adjacent to the tail head, Over the hip and pin bones, Behind the shoulder/over the point of the shoulder HIH 720-3, 720-4

What are the functional units of the lungs where gas exchange actually occurs?


What is the name for the functional unit of the lungs that exchanges gas?


What do the initials AAEP stand for?

American Association of Equine Practioners

What is the only draft breed that orginated and is recognized as a breed in the US?

American Cream Draft

What does the ACDHA stand for?

American Cream Draft Horse Association

What breed of horse is registered on a temporary basis until it reaches five years of age?

American Miniature Horse

What breed of horse is registered on a temporary basis until the horse reaches five years of age?

American Miniature Horse

Old Sorrel, Peter McCue, Steeldust and Wimpy P-1 are foundation sires of this breed

American Quarter Horse

Name 5 breeds of gaited horses.

American Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Tennessee Walker, and Rocky Mountain Horse

Which current horse breed was originally known as the Kentucky Saddler?

American Saddlebred

What was the first association for an American breed of horse?

American Saddlebred Horse Association

When you cross a Tennessee Walking Horse with a Welsh Pony, what breed do you get?

American Walking Pony

What organization reviews and updates the Horse Industry Handbook and Youth Leaders Manual reference books?

American Youth Horse Council (AYHC) HIH 1940-2 220/3

What is the proper name for the nutrients sometimes referred to as "building blocks"?

Amino acids

What is strangles?

An acute contagious disease caused by infection with Streptococcus equi. The upper respiratory tract is inflamed and the adjacent lymph nodes, especially those between the jaws become enlarged and abscessed.

Your horse has gone into anaphylactic shock. What is this?

An acute, masssive, often fatal allergic reaction to an antigen

What does a follicle contain?(senior only)

An egg

Define the term weanling.

An equine foal that has been taken from its mother or dam and is no longer allowed to nurse.

Define the term yearling.

An equine from January 1st of the year the animal turns 1 year of age to January 1st of the year it turns 2.

What is moon blindness?

An eye disease that cause a cloudy, inflamed condition of the eye that may lead to blindness.

What is conjunctivitis?

An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lining of the eye.

An insect that carries a disease from one infected horse to another uninfected horse is called what?

An insect vector.

Define the term stallion.

An intact male horse (one that has not been gelded) that is 4 years of age or more.

What is epiphora?

An overflow of tears

What is a defect in form or function that interferes with the usefulness of a horse called?

An unsoundness

What specific type of glucose metabolism or glycolysis results in the production of lactic acid?

Anaerobic HIH 850-2 410/4

What is the primary sign of iron deficiency?


Mares that exhibit no outward signs of estrus during the winter months are said to be...? (senior only)


At what part of the mare's cycle is she not responsive to the stallion?


What is the fusing together of a joint by exostosis?


This breed's name is derived from the Palouse River country of northwestern United States


The genetic disorder Equine Night Blindness primarily affects which horse breed?

Appaloosa ES p. 100

Name the two breeds that were developed by the Native Americans.

Appaloosa and Chickasaw

Black Hand No.1 is the foundation of the Pony of Americas; he was the result of a mating of what two breeds?

Appaloosa mare and shetland stallion

What breed of horses are characterized by Leopard spot markings?


What is the best and simplest way to control blood loss or hemorrhage from a wound?

Apply a pressure bandage (also accept apply direct pressure) Evans p. 609

What is the best way to control hemorrhage?

Apply a pressure bandage.

Where is the horse's center of motion located?

Approximately over the 15th vertebra

A mare that was bred on May 20 should foal in what month next year?


What breed is readily identified by a finely chiseled head and dished face, long arching neck, high tail carriage, and small build?


What breed of horse has eyes that are naturally defined in black?


What are two body types recognized by the American Miniature Horse Association?

Arabian and Quarter Horse

Identify four breeds or types of equines that Neonatal isoerythrolysis is more likely to occur in.

Arabian, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Morgan, Warmblood, Miniature horses and pony breeds ES p. 102 550/5

What is the country of origin for the Falabella?

Argentina Evans p. 67 200/3

Name 6 amino acids.

Arginine, Nistadine, Isoluecine, Luecine, Lysine, Valine

What is the medical term for an irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat?


The lowering of oxygen saturation of the arterial blood is called what?

Arterial Hypoxemia

What carries blood away from the heart?


What is the scientific name for joint inflammation?


What problem characterized by inflammation of a joint is more common in older horses?


In the horse world, what does the acronym A.I. stand for?

Artificial Insemination

At what age will foals show an interest in eating grains?

As early as two weeks

Where should a rider's weight be positioned to offer the greatest stability and least interference with a horse's motion?

As near as possible over the horse's center of motion

In young foals a pot belly, rough hair coat, slowed growth, coughing, and nasal discharge are indicative of what parasite infestion?

Ascarid (roundworm)

Name the parasite that is most common cause of coughs in foals.

Ascarid larvae

Give the common name for these four internal parasites...Parascaris equorum, Habronema, Strongyloides westeri, Cyathostomes

Ascarid or roundworms (Parascaris equorum) Stomach worm (Habronema) Threadworms (Strongyloides westeri) Small strongyles (Cyathostomes) (must specify "small" strongyles) Lewis p. 386, 392, 399, 406 835/4

Where specifically would the Galvayne's Groove be located?

At the gum margin of the upper corner incisor (at about 10 years of age; extends halfway down the tooth at 15 years; reaches the wearing surface at 20 years; completely disappears at 30 years of age)

Where is the white line located?

At the junction of the hoof wall and sole

Where do muscles that control the leg terminate?

At the knee

Where do the muscles that control leg movements terminate?

At the knee

Where is the hoof wall thickest?

At the toe and becomes thin at the quarters

What are the names of the two chambers found in each half of the horse's heart?

Atrium and ventricle

What is the wasting away of a body part or tissue called?


Explain what sweeny means.

Atrophy or decrease in size of a single muscle or group of muscles, usually found in the shoulder or hip.

What are the blinders and what are they used for?

Attachments to a bridle or good designed to restrict the vision of the horse from sides and rear and focus the vision foreward. Used on driving horses and race horses.

Where did the Haflinger originate?


Would a Standard Diamond Brand size 1 shoe most likely be used for shoeing a pony, average horse or a large horse?

Average size horse Evans p. 728 900/4

What class of dewormer is effective against Habronema, the parasite that causes "summer sores"?


Identify four of the general classifications of de-wormers used to control internal parasites.

Avermectins, Organophosphates, Benzimidazoles, Phenylguanidines, Pyrimidines HIH 430-7 805/5

Moving away from heel pressure is an example of what type of response?


What are 2 preventative measures you can use to avoid hyperthermia?

Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun and do not overwork in high heat and humidity.

Explain how a horse may get azoturia?

Azoturia affects the muscles of the loin mostly in racing horses or light breeds and most commonly affects mares. It happens when the horse is worked hard with full grain portion all week but on Sunday it is not worked and still receives full feed, so on Monday it is feeling sick and showing symptoms.

What are the water-soluble vitamins?

B complex vitamins and vitamin C

Thiamin, biotin and riboflavin are examples of what specific group of vitamins?

B vitamins

In what unit is respiration measured?

BPM, Breaths per Minute

What is another name for a dorsal stripe?

Back stripe, line back or eel stripe ES p. 38

What are other names for the dorsal stripe?

Back stripe, lineback, eel stripe

In reference to "Body Condition Score", name 3 of the 6 body sites that are evaluated.

Back, neck, withers, ribs at midbarrel, behind the shoulder at forerib, tailhead

In reference to horse racing -what is the term for the side of the track furthest from the winning post?


What is the single most important characteristic in equine conformation selection?


There are six important features of a stride. Name at least four.

Balance, directness, height, length, rapidity, and regularity.

Name 4 important features of the stride

Balance, directness, height, length, rapidity, regularity

What are the five categories of judging a halter horse?

Balance, muscling, structure, quality and travel

When selecting a therapeutic riding horse, what are the three most important conformation factors to be considered?

Balance, structural correctness, way of going (tracking)

What is the term for a ration that supplies the proper amounts of all nutrients needed by the animal?

Balanced Ration or Complete Feed

Describe the extended trot.

Balanced, ground covering trot.

Describe two typical face markings of an overo paint?

Bald, apron, and bonnet-faced

Name 5 ways forage can be processed.

Baled, dehydrated, pelleted, silage, cubed, haylage

What is the syringe-like device used for giving large pills to a horse called?

Balling gun

What is the term for a tail cut off in a straight line?


Identify two of the three rodeo events that are referred to as "rough stock events"?

Bareback riding, saddle bronc riding and bull riding DET p. 237 550/4

What is another name for ringworm?

Barn itch

Name three areas of the horse's body where it sweats readily.

Base of the ears, chest, neck, flanks - not back

Why is balance the single most important characteristic in equine selections?

Because it forms the basics for movement, length of stride, and performance

Why is the mare called polyestrous?(senior only)

Because she cycles continuously throughout the breeding season in the absence of conception

Why is the mare referred to as being polyestrous?

Because she cycles continuously throughout the breeding season in the absence of conception.

Why is it impossible to predict the exact traits of an unborn foal?

Because the genetic value of each trait is unknown

Why is the hoof wall harder at the toe than at the quarters?

Because the toe is farther from the coronary band and therefore more keratinized

Why is the hoof wall harder at the toe than at the quarters?

Because the toe is further from the coronary band and therefore more keratinized.

Why is a horse or mule with little or no withers undesirable as a pack animal?

Because their conformation allows the saddle to turn and rub, creating painful sores.

What is the most common breed of draft horse in the US?


Which draft horse breed has registered more per year than all other draft breeds combined?


Which draft horse breed has registered more per year that all other draft breeds combined?


Aniridia is a genetic disorder in which the iris of the eye is absent. This occurs primarily in which horse breed?

Belgian ES p. 100

What is the name of the protective boots that fit over the coronet band and bulbs of the heel?

Bell boots

Define anemia.

Below normal amount of red blood cells in the blood.

Name the warm season, perennial, sod-forming grass.

Bermuda grass

Excluding summer annuals, name 3 grasses commonly used as pasture or hay for horses.

Bermudagrass, fescue, timothy, kentucky bluegrass, bahiagrass, orchardgrass, and redtop.

Where is the small intestine located in the horse?

Between stomach and cecum

Where is the navicular bursa located?

Between the deep flexor and navicular bone.

Where is the coupling located?

Between the last rib and the point of hip.

Where are the intercostal muscles located?

Between the ribs

Where are the intercostals muscles located?

Between the ribs

An excess level of phosphorus and a low level of calcium can cause what disease?

Big head disease

What is the term for the type of vision where the horse sees the same scene with both eyes?

Binocular vision

What kind of vision does the horse use to judge distance?

Binocular vision

Horses with thin, brittle hoof walls can benefit from being fed what nutrients?

Biotin and calcium

Mosquitoes are considered to be the vector for transmission of West Nile Virus encephalitis. What is considered to be the primary reservoir host that infects mosquitoes with this disease?

Birds (especially crows, blue jays and raptors such as owls and hawks) HIH 665-1

What is the common term for parturition? (senior only)


What are four vices of horses that are dangerous to man?

Biting and nipping, striking, rearing, kicking, charging, and crowding

What is the most common color for the Shire?

Black Evans p. 72 200/3

When comparing the life expectancy of untreated wood fence posts, which of the following types of wood would last the longest? White oak, black locust or yellow poplar

Black locust Evans p. 770 920/4

What type of bedding can cause laminitis or founder?

Black walnut

What are the 3 dark base coat colors?

Black, chestnut, and bay

What color are the eggs of the nose bot fly?


How are the horse's front legs attached to the rest of the body?

By muscles and tendons

How and why was the Cooperative Extension Service established?

By the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 as a way to distribute new research information to the states.

How is plant maturity of a hay sample visually determined?

By the amount of seed heads of grasses or the amount of flowers on the legumes present at the time of harvest.

Identify the three stallions that are traditionally considered to be the foundation sires for the Thoroughbred.

Byerly Turk, Godolphin Arabian and Darley Arabian Evans p. 21

What is a splint?

Calcification or bony growth, usually occurring on the inside of the cannon or splint bone area (medial and small metacarpal bones) of the front leg.

Horses with recurrence of urinary calculi would benefit from feeding a diet that has less of what specific mineral?

Calcium Lewis p. 297 750/3

What vein is located in the groove between the brachiocephalic and sternomandibular muscles in the neck?

External jugular (also accept jugular) Kainer plate 61 440/4

A lactating mare's diet should include additional carbohydrates and fats which supply energy and additional protein. The diet should also include an increase in the amount of what two specific minerals?

Calcium and Phosphorus Lewis p. 230 700/4

Name 2 important minerals involved in bone formation.

Calcium and phosphorous

Other than salt, what are the two most significant minerals added to horse diets?

Calcium and phosphorus

What 2 minerals make up 70% of the horse's body?

Calcium and phosphorus

What is the vertebral formula of the horse?

C7 T18 L6 S5 Ca15-21

What are 4 of the 6 factors that influence deworming programs?

Climate, humidity, rainfall, season, age of horse, concentration of horses per land area

What type of wounds are bruises, contusions, sprains, and muscle and tendon ruptures?

Closed wounds (skin not broken)

The disease tetanus is caused by what bacteria?

Clostridium tetani

What specific type of bacteria causes Tetanus?

Clostridium tetani HIH 445-2 820/3

WHOA means to slow down, stop, and stand. What is the opposite voice command, and what does it mean?

Clucking, it means to move or go in the direction of leg pressure, or rein pressure.

What action default would you relate to low, rounding withers?

Clumsy on the front legs and often forge.

Appaloosas have 4 identifiable characteristics which in part or combination will earn registration with the Appaloosa Horse Association. What are the 4 characteristics?

Coat pattern, mottled skin, striped hooves, white sclera around the eye

Hackney ponies are divided into two classes at shows. Name one of the two classes.

Cob-tail/Hackney class; long-tail/Harness class

What is the general term used to describe a horse that is closely coupled and stoutly built?


What test would be indicated for a horse that is suspected of having Equine Infectious Anemia?

Coggins test HIH 630-1 840/3

What is the term that describes a horse that humps his back and does not settle down until the saddle has been on a few minutes?


What is the term given to acute abdominal pain that may be caused by a great variety of disorders?


What do lethal white foals die from?

Colic (incomplete formation of digestion tract)

A newborn foal must drink the mare's first milk. What is this milk called?


What is the "first milk" a colt receives called?


What is the required combined weight of the saddle and jockey for colts and fillies running in the Kentucky Derby?

Colts-126 pounds; Fillies-121 pounds

What is an inherited disease of Arabian horses that results in a failure of the immune system to develop?

Combined ImmunoDeficiency (CID)

What is the round, silver disk on a western saddle called?

Conchoes or screw conchoes

What are the two categories of stimuli?

Conditioned and unconditioned

What is a response that is learned through practice called?

Conditioned response

Name the four c's of show ring etiquette.

Confidence, cooperation, consideration, and carefulness.

What are the four things to remember in the show ring?

Confidence, cooperation, consideration, carefulness

What is the term for the physical appearance of the horse to the arrangement of muscle, bone, and other body tissues?


What is the term for the physical appearance of an animal?


What type of disease can be spread from one animal to another by direct or indirect contact?


An abnormal contraction of the heel is what?

Contracted fee

Name the unsoundness that causes excessive pressure on the 3rd phalanx or coffin bone.

Contracted heel

What type of behavior is the result of seeking protection and affection from others?

Contractual behavior

Which is the more energy dense feed, oats or corn?


List 5 of the most common leg markings.

Coronet, pastern, ankle, half-stocking, stocking, white outside heels, white inside heels, ermine spotting or distal spots, sock

Name in order from smallest to largest the five major lower leg markings.

Coronet, pastern, sock, half stocking, stocking

What structure of the ovary forms from the tissues remaining after a follicle ruptures at ovulation?

Corpus Luteum

What is the term when a horse canters on the opposite lead to the direction of travel yet retaining the bend to the leading leg?


What type of horse performs the gait known as the jiggle?

Cow horse DET p. 157 640/4

What protects the brain?

Crainial cavity

What color is a double dilution of chestnut?


I am bored and because of my boredom I like to chew wood fences. What is this vice called?


In reference to feed processing, what is the term for grain that passes through rollers with corrugated surfaces?


What is the area between the loin and the tail head called?


In reference to fox hunting, what is the term for the "bay" of a hound?


"Ridgeling" is a slang term for what condition in the stallion?

Cryptorchid (one or both testes are retained within the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal, not descended into the scrotum) Kainer plate 76

What do you call a male horse that has retained one or both testicles?


When training a young horse, what must be specific and consistent?


An enlargement below the point of the hock typically seen in Sickle Hocked horses is what blemish?


What piece of equipment is used with a curb bit but not with a snaffle bit?

Curb chain or chin stap

Horses with sickle hocks are predisposed to what problem?


What grooming tool is used to loosen hair and dirt in a circular motion?

Curry Comb

What piece of grooming equipment is used in a gentle circular motion to remove caked mud and loosen matted hair and dirt?

Curry comb

Name three grooming aids

Currycomb, sweat scraper, body brush, mane and tail comb, hoof pick, ect.

Plant poisoning from consumption of Johnson grass would be treated as what type of sudden death poisoning?

Cyanide-induced sudden death poisoning Lewis p. 334

What is the term for the wrap taken with a lariat around the horn of a western saddle when roping?


What is the term for the female parent or the mother?


What type of grain processing forces ground grains through a die under pressure and steam heat?


What sensory deficit is often present in horses with the splashed white color pattern?

Deafness ES p. 50 825/4

Define DSO.

Daily Sperm Output - the number of sperm which can be collected per 24 hour period from a stallion for 7 days.

How does ventilation help with the health of a horse?

Decreases dust, molds, and irritating gases

Movements of stomach and intestines, and elimination of residue are called _______.


What are unsoundnesses?

Defects in form or function that interferes with the usefulness of the horse. They include defects in conformation, feet, legs, eyes, wind, health, and reproductive functions. They may be congenital or acquired

Skin pliability is a test for what?


What term describes a condition resulting from excessive loss of body fluids?


Genetic defects are described as a true, partial or delayed lethal. What type of lethal would Combined Immunodeficiency be considered?

Delayed genetic lethal (lethal that produces some characteristics that ultimately result in death after birth) HIH 1060-4, 1060-5 550/4

What is meant by parturition?

Delivery of foals

What is the star-shaped or circle-like structure near the center of the wearing surface of the permanent incisors?

Dental star

What is the star shaped or circle like structure near the center of the wearing surface of the permanent incisor?

Dental star or cup

Rapid growth is an important factor contributing to DOD. What do the initials DOD represent?

Developmental Orthopedic Diseases Lewis p. 283

What is synovial fluid made up of?

Dialysate of blood plasma and a mucopolysacharide called hyaluronic acid.

In general, what determines the severity of a snaffle bit?

Diameter (thickness) of the mouthpiece (smaller the diameter the more severe) HIH 1100-8 1000/3

What is the main symptom observed after ingestion of pokeweed?

Diarrhea Lewis p. 303 770/3

What are 3 symptoms of Potomac Horse Fever (PHF)?

Diarrhea, fever, depression, shock, laminitis

What are the two most common sources of calcium and phosphorus in horse feeds?

Dicalcium phosphate and steamed bone meal YLM ADV 202-2L

What is the name of the anti-coagulant in moldy clover hay that can cause blood not to clot?


Name 3 functions of the alimentary canal.

Digest food, absorb nutrients, eliminate remaining food waste.

Name three functions of the alimentary canal.

Digest food, absorb nutrients, eliminate remaining food waste.

In general, what are the two major functions of the digestive tract?

Digestion and absorption ES p. 108 430/4

Name 3 systems of the horse's body that use smooth muscles.

Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urogenital

What is the tissue located below the heel of the foot?

Digital cushion

What is Botulism and how do horses get it?

Disease caused by a toxin produced by gram positive bacterium called clostridium. They can get the bacteria from contaminated feeds like big bale silage with inadequate fermentation.

What is Equine Viral Rhinoneumonitis?

Disease caused by one of the several herpes viruses - type 1, type 2, or type 3. Abortions are caused by type 1.

What is the most important feature of the horse's make-up?


What are the three characteristics required of all Appaloosas?

Eye is encircled with white (white sclera), Skin is mottled (especially the nose and genitals), Hooves are vertically striped black and white, (do not accept spotted coat pattern) Evans p. 32; HIH 140-1 200/3

Describe a "pig eye".

Eye that is too small for the size of the head

What is the name for dark spots on a white cornet band?

Distal spots

How do you measure the size of an English saddle?

Distance from the saddle nail to the mid-point of the cantle.

Why can foals and growing horses usually be fed in groups with little problem?

Dominance hierarchies or pecking orders have not yet become strongly established.

What is the term used to describe an allele of a gene that has the ability when expressed to mask any observed phenotype from expression of either a different allele for the same gene or another gene regulating the same trait?

Dominant ES p. 90

Which cousin of the horse has a great deal more reasoning power than the horse?


What type of equine is more efficient in digesting fiber and therefore can be fed a diet that is higher in fiber?

Donkeys ES p. 146 700/4

What two near relatives of horses may be infected with Equine Infectious Anemia?

Donkeys and mules

What is the term used to describe the dark marking that extends from the withers to the dock?

Dorsal stripe

The coat color of a dun and grulla are different, however, they both have what characteristic marking?

Dorsal stripe (do not accept black points or head is darker than body) ES p. 43 310/3

In general, what type of horse is often used as a nurse mare because they produce more milk?

Draft or draft-cross mares Lewis p. 273

Three day event competition involves which three tests?

Dressage, cross country, and stadium jumping

What two thing is a combination horse used for?

Driving and riding

Other than dental changes, identify three normal signs of aging that would be observed in the physical appearance of horses.

Drooping lower lip, Deep hollows above the eyes, Sway back, Graying hair HIH 450-1, 450-6

Name 4 changes that can be observed in the horse as it ages.

Drooping of the lower lip, swayed back, deepening of the hollows above the eyes, appearance of gray hairs around eyes and muzzle, loss of weight, leg/joint stiffness

What are bucked shins caused by?

Due to trauma to the periosteum, most often caused by concussion.

What are the four major variations of the basic coat colors?

Dun (Buckskin), Gray, Palomino, Pinto or Paint, Roan

What are the 3 sections of the small intestine

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

In regards to pasture management, identify two instances when you should keep horses off pasture.

During pesticide spraying, when fertilizing, to reduce overgrazing, when there is fresh or lush pasture, during winter, when soils are wet HIH 360-3, 360-4 920/3

When do mosquitoes most commonly feed on horses?


How often should horses be offered water when trailering long distances?

Every 3-4 hours YLM ADV 301-2L 960/3

What type of Rhinopneumonitis may invade the brain and spinal cord causing incoordination, paralysis and recumbency?

EHV-1 (Equine Herpes Virus Type I) HIH 610-1 850/4

What is the rhinopheumonitis related virus that rarely causes abortion in mares?


What are three types of viruses?

EIA, influenza, equine viral Rhinopneumonitis, Equine Viral Arteritis, Equine Encephalomyelitis, Rabies.

During hot weather, when is the best time to do strenuous riding?

Early morning or late evening

What horse's body part points toward sound first?


What does EEE stand for?

Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

The highest mortality rate occurs in horses that develop neurologic disease as a result of which type of equine encephalomyelitis?

Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis HIH 625-3 850/4

What are the 4 strains of equine encephalomyelitis?

Eastern, Western, West nile, and Venezuelan

Name 2 types of Encephalitis.

Eastern, western, and Venezuelan

What is coprophagy?

Eating feces

What shoe should the farrier use to support the rear portion of the hoof in horses with navicular disease?

Egg bar

What type of bar shoe would be used for the treatment of a horse with navicular disease?

Egg bar (do not accept heart bar) HIH 540a 900/3

Name the 4 stages of the life cycle of a fly.

Egg, larva, pupa, adult

Name the four stages of a parasite.

Egg, larva, pupa, adult

What is the 4-stage cycle of a parasite?

Egg, larva, pupa, adult

What is the name for a shoe with a convex bar connecting at its heels?

Egg-bar shoe

In which joint is the olecranon bone located?

Elbow DET p. 195 410/4

Horses that sweat profusely lose water as well as what?


Define Defecation.

Elimination of solid waste products from the body (pooping!)

What is the scientific name for sleeping sickness?


What is the study of hormones and their effects called?


What does net energy refer to?

Energy actually used by the animal

Name 4 ways in which grains differ nutritionally.

Energy, crude proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber

Name 3 things that a good quality legume hay is higher in than a good quality grass hay.

Energy, protein, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B

Define Proud flesh.

Excessive granulation tissue rising above the edges of a wound, forming a raw mound which makes further healing impossible without medication or surgery.

Name the breed that is considered on of the oldest known types of horses.


What is capped hock?

Enlargement on point of hock

What are bucked shins?

Enlargement on the front of the cannon between the knee and the fetlock joints.

Name the term that is defined by DAWN HORSE, and the period it live in?

Eohippus, Eocene period

The horse's skin is composed of what two layers?

Epidermis and dermis

What is the thin layer of cartilage near the ends of bones which allows them to grow?

Epiphysial cartilage

All long bones of the young horse's legs have what near their ends?

Epipyseal cartilage plate

If genes at one locus affect the genes at another locus, this is called what?


What rare genetic disease results in foal death due to infection and the characteristic appearance of foals with missing patches of hair or skin at birth?

Epitheliogenesis Imperfecta Evans p. 514 880/3

What is the common name for the medication Magnesium Sulfate that is used as a foot soak to promote drainage of a hoof abscess?

Epsom salts HIH 540-2 805/3

What virus causes Rhinopnuemonitis?

Equine Herpes Virus

What disease is diagnosed by a Coggins test?

Equine Infectious Anemia

What is EIA?

Equine Infectious Anemia

What does EPSM stand for?

Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy

What is another name for moon blindness?

Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Name the equine disease that is characterized by a respiratory illness, peripheral edema, and abortion.

Equine viral arteritis

What similar viral disease affects horses and swine?

Equine viral arteritis

Name the Genus of the living members of the horse family.


In regards to evolution, what term refers to the first "true horse" that first appeared approximately 1 million years ago?

Equus ES p. 6 100/3

The domestic horse belongs to which species?

Equus Caballus

What muscle causes the hair to stand on end and helps to keep the horse warm in cold weather?

Erectores pilorum DET p. 99 410/4

What term describes the period when a tooth breaks through the gum?


A 5 foot long muscle that moves food in a wave like motion into the stomach


Which part of the digestive tract has the fastest rate of passage for ingesta?

Esophagus ES p. 109 430/4

Which amino acids must be supplied in the feed - the essential or non-essential amino acids?


The ovary is responsible for the production of which two female hormones?

Estrogen and progesterone

During what stage of the mare's estrous cycle is the mare receptive to the stallion?


What is the term that is used to describe the length of time from one ovulation to the next.

Estrous Cycle

A foal that is being weaned will call for its dam. This would be categorized as what type of behavior?

Et-epimeletic behavior Evans p. 676

Color is largely controlled by the pigment melanin. What are the two forms of melanin?

Eumelanin and Pheomelanin ES p. 93 300/3

When trailering a horse, how often should a horse be offered water?

Every 3 to 4 hours

When horses are traveling long distances in trailers, water should be offered to them how often?

Every 3-4 hours

When traveling long distances, how often should a horse be offered water?

Every 3-4 hours

Name the 2 hormones released by the pituitary gland to regulate the estrous cycle.

FSH-follicle stimulating hormone; LH-luteinizing hormone

Which way should an open-front shelter face?

Face away from the prevailing winds

What two categories are the white markings of horse broken into?

Face markings, and Leg markings

Give another name for the oviducts.

Fallopian tubes

What is another name for the oviducts?

Fallopian tubes

Exostosis located on either the short or long pastern bone, and not involving a joint, is called what?

False ringbone

What term refers to a horse that breaks through the starting gait prematurely.

False start

True or False: The horse is the fastest animal on foot and possesses great endurance.


How do nutrients pass from the mare to the fetus?(senior only)

From the mare into the placenta and then through the navel cord to the fetus

Give two terms commonly used to describe the condition of the racetrack footing.

Fast, sloppy, muddy, heavy DET p. 272 1040/3

In regards to anatomy, the horses first line of defense against cold weather is a long thick hair coat which provides insulation and protection. What part of the anatomy provides additional insulation and is considered to be the next line of defense against cold?

Fat (layer of fat under the skin) Lewis p. 188 460/4

What general term would describe a horse with a body condition score of 9?

Fat or obese

Name three paths of physiological water loss from a horse's body.

Feces, sweat, urine, and respiration

What are the 5 types of horse body fluids?

Feces, urine, tears, sweat, saliva

During a normal foaling, will the front or back feet come out first?

Front feet

What is Potomac horse fever?

First recognized in the Potomac Valley. First sign is mild depression and decrease in appetite. Body temperature may be elevated and gut sounds are decreased or absent. After 24 - 48 hours, a profuse watery diarrhea may develop. More symptoms may come later. Caused by Rickettsia Ehrlichia.

What is a quitter?

Fistula of the hoofhead

What is the collective term for stirrup leathers, stirrup irons, and a girth?


What noseband is a cross between a cavesson and a figure eight noseband?

Flash noseband DET p. 109 1000/3

What is the name for a horse's reaction to novel or pleasurable smells; characterized by curling back the upper lip and inhaling deeply?

Flehmen response

Filing of rough, irregular teeth to give a smoother grinding surface is called______.


Name one function that sodium, potassium, and chloride are essential for.

Fluid balance, nerve and muscle function, and acid/base balance

The short estrus period soon after foaling is called what?

Foal heat

Identify four causes of diarrhea in foals. Nutritional causes

Foal heat, Parasites (threadworms, strongyles, ascarids), Bacteria (E. coli, salmonella, clostridium, rhodococcus equi), Virus (rotavirus, coronavirus, adenovirus), Gastric ulcers, Sand ingestion, Combined Immunodeficiency, (also accept infection as general term that would include both viral and bacterial infections) Lewis p. 259 830/4

What does the term "passive transfer of immunity" mean?

Foal is born without any protection from diseases. Protective antibodies in the mare become concentrated in the colostrums. Foal consumes these antibodies by drinking the colostrums in the mare's milk, which help to protect the newborn foal against deseases.

What is the hindgut

Food not digested in the foregut ends up in the hindgut which digests food through fermentation rather that enzymes.

Give the term for the traveling defect when the toe of the hind foot hits the sole or the shoe of the forefoot on the same side.


Fossa and tuberosity are terms used to describe bones. In general, what do these two terms describe?

Fossa - hollow or depressed area Tuberosity - prominence or projection DET p. 113, 275 410/3

Rings on the hoof are an indication of what disorder?


What condition causes the hoof to turn up and develop rough, deep rings in the hoof wall?


What is the name for an inflammation of the laminae of the horse's hoof causing possible rotation of the coffin bone?


How many toes did the Eohippus have in the front foot?


Describe hipdown.

Fracture of prominence of hip and falling away.

What are screwdriver fractures?

Fractures of long pastern bones

How should sodium chloride be fed in a horse's diet?

Free choice in the form of block salt, loose salt, or added to feed mix

What does the term clean limbs mean?

Free from blemishes.

The chestnut horse you recently purchased at an auction has a brand that is white in color. Would the brand most likely be a hot brand or a freeze brand?

Freeze brand Evans p. 809

What two measurements could be used to help determine a horse's speed?

Frequency of stride and length of stride

When horses lick at the areas where bot eggs are attached, what two necessary factors is the horse providing that allows the bot eggs to hatch?

Friction, moisture, and warmth

What part of the horse's foot provides traction and absorbs shock?


How is the seat length of a stock saddle measured?

From the base of the horn to the top of the cantle

The pregnancy process is also known as...?(senior only)


A sire's offspring is referred to as what?


There are three kinds of joints in the limbs, name all three and give an example of each?

Gingylymus or hinge joint-fetlock, Arthrodial or plane joints-coffin or knee joints, Enarthrodial or ball make up and socket joints-hip joint.

What is an open sore that forms just behind a horse's elbow?

Girth gall

Give two functions of the butt bar in a horse trailer.

Gives the horse something to brace against instead of the door; safety mechanism to keep horse in trailer in case door or ramp comes open.

Melatonin inhibits what hormone?


What is the most important winter feed for horses?

Good quality hay

What is the most important winter feed given to horses?

Good quality hay YLM INT 204-2L 700/3

Give 2 reasons why you do not need to add Vitamin B to a horse's ration.

Good quality hay is an excellent sourse, and significant amounts are produced in the horse's large intestine.

What type of trailer hitch must be securely attached to the frame and the truck bed?

Gooseneck HIH 1155-1 960/3

What breed is referred to as "Skogsruss" in their homeland?

Gotland Evans p. 75 200/4

What is another name for an unregistered horse?


Is hay or grain higher in energy?


Changing the diet of a lactating mare 5 to 7 days before weaning and for at least 2 weeks following weaning will make the transition quicker and more comfortable. What should be eliminated from the mare's diet during this period of time?

Grain Lewis p. 271 510/4

Name 3 factors that may cause laminitis.

Grain overload; exhaustion; lush grass; contact with black walnut shavings; retained placenta; excessive cold water; excessive concussion.

What fruit did the Palomino name derive from?

Grape-Palamino grape, a golden grape of California

You are the night attendant for a large breeding farm. One of the broodmares is lying down and in hard labor. The foal is in a normal presentation with the front feet, front legs and nose delivered, however, even with strong contractions and pushing by the mare the labor is not progressing with delivery of the shoulders. Give three guidelines on how to correctly assist the mare with the delivery.

Grasp the foal's legs at the ankles with your hands Maintain the correct position with one foot slightly forward As the mare exerts pressure hold the foal at the level the mare has expelled the foal to so the foal does not slide back Do not pull on the foal unless the mare is exerting pressure When pulling only one person should exert slight pressure When pulling exert downward pressure in an arc toward the mare's hocks to maintain correct delivery position Strong traction on the forelegs can result in damage to the mare or the foal's chest HIH 940-4, 940-5 500/4

What are two basic types of forages?

Grasses and legumes

The hair coat of the foal will be a solid color, but with each consecutive hair coat, more and more white hairs will be added until what color becomes evident?


What is the dominant color of the Lipizzan breed?


What is the term for the chronic dermatitis that occurs from inflammation of the back of the pastern?

Grease-heel, Scratches, Grease or Mud fever (also accept cracked heels) Evans p. 167; DET p. 183

What is a developing splint called?

Green splint

List 4 ways grain can be processed for horse feed.

Grinding, dry rolling, crimping, pelleting, steam rolling, and extruded

What term describes when the horse is required to stand still when the lead rope or reins are dropped on the ground?

Ground tie

Name two of the horse body functions that are controlled by the endocrine system.

Growth, reproduction, digestion, and metabolism

A horse that is smoky blue or mouse colored with black points is called what color?


What horse coat color is smoky or mouse colored with a black mane and tail?


What is the general term for the bacteria and other microorganisms that normally reside in the large intestine?

Gut flora

Gastric juices contain...

HCL (hydrochloric acid) Pepsin Gastric lipase

this is a genetic disease in which muscle fibers leak potassium into the horses blood

HYPP Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis

What are the 3 classifications of bits?

Hackamore bit, snaffle bit, curb

What is the difference between a hackamore and a bosal?

Hackamore has shanks and a bosal does not.

What breed of horse is known as the "aristocrat" of the showring?


Which breed is known as the "Prince of Ponies" and "aristocrat of the show ring"?

Hackney Pony Evans p. 61; HIH 158B-1 200/ 3

Name three registered breeds of horses which the horse's ancestry is 50% Arabian in origin.

Half-Arabian, National Show Horse, Morab, Pintabian

What piece of equipment do you put on your horse's head to lead them around?


All Standardbreds trace their ancestry to what horse?

Hambletonian 10 (Hambletonian) HIH 171B-1

What is the proper term for the steel or wooden arms that are fitted to the collar of a harness?

Hames DET p. 129 1000/4

What is the name for the tendon located above the hock?


What are 3 training aids the rider uses that require the horse's sense of touch?

Hands, legs, weight.

The Liverpool bit is used for what?

Harness horses

What is the teamster's term for signaling a turn to the left?


What are the functional divisions of a horse?

Head and neck, forehand assembly, and rearhand assembly.

Name the 3 parts of the epididymis.

Head, body and tail

When a horse has a blanket clip, which body parts of the horse are left unclipped?

Head, neck and legs

What are the 3 basic parts of a bridle?

Headstall, bit, and reins

Name 3 things that vitamin A does for a horse.

Health of the eye, lungs, digestive system, reproductive system, and tissue of nasal passages.

Blood is pumped through the vascular system by what organ?


With a horse that has quarter cracks, what type of shoe can be used to transfer weight from the wall of the hoof to the frog?

Heart bar shoe

If a horse has difficulty in breathing and/or lung damage, it is said to have ________.


What is another name for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?


What is another name for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?


Name 2 health problems that moldy and dusty hay can create.

Heaves and colic

Name three different types of wire fence.

High- tinsele, electric, twisted barbless, barbed, chain link

A saddle seat saddle is often referred to as a "cut back" saddle. The head of the saddle is cut back to accommodate what characteristic conformation aspect of the breeds that are most often shown in the saddle seat division?

High-withers (also accept anything that describes the high head and neck carriage) HIH 1100-1 1000/3

Do the front legs or hindlegs have the most joints?


What is a ginglymus joint?

Hinge joint (ex. elbow) Kainer plate 13; Evans p. 688 410/3

What is scalping?

Hitting the hind leg at the coronet with the toe of the front foot.

What is the common term for the soft, raised bumps that result as a response to an allergic reaction?


A spavin refers to various diseases of what joint?


In which joint would the calcaneous be found?

Hock (tarsus) Kainer plate 30 410/4

What type of knot forms the eye of a lariat?

Honda knot (Honda) DET p. 141 1060/4

Biotin is often fed to improve what specific part of the horse?


What piece of equipment is used by a farrier to determine the angle of the hoof?

Hoof Gauge

What farrier's tool is used to pare away dead sole from the hoof?

Hoof Knife

What farrier's tool is available in right-handed and left-handed styles?

Hoof knife

In addition to a hoof pick, what are the three basic tools used by a farrier when trimming the feet?

Hoof knife (farrier's knife), rasp and hoof nippers (nippers) Evans p. 722, 725

Other than radiographs, what is the best method of diagnosing navicular disease?

Hoof testers

What tool is used to help locate an area of damage or injury in the foot?

Hoof testers

The normal, ideal hoof supports the primary weight of the horse on what part?

Hoof wall

What part of the hoof bears the weight of the horse?

Hoof wall

What part of the hoof supports the primary weight of the horse?

Hoof wall

Fullering, web, and branch are parts of what?

Horse shoe

What are designed to protect the horseshoer's legs?

Horse shoeing aprons

What qualities are tested in Endurance Riding?

Horsemastership, Fitness of the horse and rider, Judgement of pace.

What is meant by the term Hotbloods?

Horses of Arabian decent.

What is meant by the term Coldbloods.

Horses of the draft horse breeding.

What are the benefits of using a slant load trailer for the horse?

Horses seem to ride better, they experience less stress, and they are more stable during starts and stops.

What external parasite is the intermediate host for the Habronema species of the stomach worm?

House fly (musca domestica) or Stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans) (only need to give one answer) HIH 415-1; Evans p. 645 835/4

Administration of intravenous fluids is essential for the correction of electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities when treating a horse with salmonellosis. Identify three of the most common electrolyte or acid-base abnormalitites that occur.

Hyponatremia (low sodium) Hypochloremia (low chloride) Hypokalemia (low potassium) Hypocalcemia (low calcium) Acidosis HIH 660-3 805/5

Which part of the brain controls reproduction?


Name five endocrine tissues found in a horse's body.

Hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, adreanal glands, ovaries, testes, uterus

There are three parts of the small intestine. Which of these parts is the most distal portion?

Ileum Kainer plate 51

What important protein does colostrum contain?

Immunoglobulin antibodies

Name 4 types of colic.

Impaction, sand, incarceration, and exercise induced.

What are defective eyes?

Impaired vision or blindness

What is the name of the early training that sensitizes foals to appropriate human requests?


A rubefacient is a substance that reddens the skin and produces a mild irritation. What is the purpose of using such a substance?

Improves circulation to the area (improves healing) DET p. 237 805/5

Identify four advantages of having a "Dutch" or open top exterior door for each horse stall.

Improves stable ventilation (better air quality), More light, Permits horse to put head out into fresh air, Decreases respiratory diseases, Helps alleviate boredom/stable vices, Provides a fire exit Lewis p. 181

How should a hoof pick be used?

In a heel to toe motion

What is the treatment for a splint?

In a majority of cases a splint will "set" with rest, and the inflammation resolves itself naturally to a bony blemish. If lameness persists, blistering or surgery is possible.

How is the height of a horse measured?

In hands

On what area of the horse does "wet mange" usually first appear?

In the areas of the tail

How does the function of the placenta differ in passive immunity when comparing equines and humans?

In the horse antibodies are not passed across the placental barrier (as in humans) (The foal must obtain antibodies by ingesting colostrum) ES p. 169 510/4

Where does digestion begin

In the mouth

How are the eight bones in the horse's carpus arranged?

In two rows

What is ataxia?

Inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements

Age determination is made by studying the twelve front teeth. These teeth are called what?


What are the 12 front teeth in the horse's mouth called?


Give two benefits of exercising a horse in a pool.

Increase wind, Increase stamina, improve muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, and to prevent concussion to limbs.

Give 4 reasons why exercising a horse in a swimming pool is beneficial for the horse.

Increase wind; improves muscle tone; increases stamina; prevents conscussion to limbs

What does the copper do on a bit?

Increases salivation

Give two advantages of the elevated inside rim on a polo shoe.

Increases traction, prevents sliding, enables foot to roll over faster, allows horse to pivot on the shoe while maintaining toe grip regardless of where the foot breaks over Evans p. 737

What is the slang term for the hobbles used on pacers to prevent them from breaking into a trot or gallop?

Indiana pants DET p. 151 1000/4

Identify five advantages of using open-front sheds in comparison with traditional stabling for horses.

Inexpensive to build and maintain,Less labor and therefore more time available to handle horses, etc. Can be cleaned with a tractor and loader. No daily stall cleaning, Require less bedding. Less space required for each horse than stalls. Better ventilation, Less respiratory problems. Less digestive problems. Better attitude of horses/Less stall vices. Improved muscle tone/Less injuries with free exercise. Fire safety/ Fires not likely to occur and horses not trapped Evans p. 772 920/5

Entry, development and multiplication of an infectious agent in the body is what?


What does the term sterile mean?

Infertile; unable to breed

What is a fistula of the withers?

Inflamed swelling of the withers

What are bowed tendons?

Inflammation and enlargement of the flexor tendons at the back of the front cannon.

What is phlebitis?

Inflammation of a vein

What is thyroiditis?

Inflammation of the thyroid gland.

What is the most common infectious respiratory disease of the horse?


What other two diseases is Viral Arteritis like?

Influenza and EVR

What is at the ovarian end of the oviduct?


What bears more weight; the inside or outside splint bone?

Inside-the inside splint bone supports a portion of 2 carpal bones of the knee while the outside bone only supports one.

Describe the difference between interfering and forging.

Interfering: the striking of fetlock or can of the opposite foot.

What are the differences between an internal parasite and an external parasite?

Internal parasite: lives in the internal organs External parasite: lives outside the body on skin and hair.

What is the "key" to a successful parasite control program?

Interruption of the parasite's life cycle.

What are the two most common types of colic?

Intestinal spasm and large intestine impaction

In what country did the Connemara ponies originate?


What is the essential component of the hemoglobin of the red blood cells?


There are many different nutritional deficiencies that may result in anemia. Identify four of these nutrients.

Iron Copper, Vitamin E Vitamin B6, Folic acid Vitamin B12, Protein Vitamin K Evans p. 307; Lewis p. 51 700/4

Anemia is the primary symptom of what type of mineral deficiency in the horse?

Iron deficiency

What are blemishes?

Is an acquired physical defect that does not interfere with the usefulness of the horse, but may diminish its value.

What is the function of the caecum?

It acts as a holding chamber for the rest of the large intestine

Why is a low center of gravity important?

It allows a horse to shift weight more easily to perform athletic maneuvers.

What does the deep flexor tendon do?

It attaches to the semilunar crest of the coffin bone and folds the legs as the deep flexor muscles contract and pull the tendon over the fulcrum points formed by the navicular and sesamoid bones.

Equine sweat is hypertonic. What does that mean?

It contains a significant amount of salts, primarily sodium and potassium.

In comparison to other parasites, what is unique about the adult botfly?

It has no mouth parts and cannot eat.

Define an "essential" amino acid.

It is one the MUST be supplied in the diet.

What is the definition of a stride?

It is the distance between successive imprints of the same foot.

What is bursitis?

It is when a bursa becomes injured or inflamed

What does the panniculus muscle do in the horse?

It moves the skin and shakes flies off the horse.

Other than the characteristic curly coat, what is unique about the mane and tail of the Bashkir Curly?

It often falls out completely each summer and re-grows during the winter DET p. 8 200/4

Why would a short gaskin be an undesirable conformation fault?

It often results in short strided horses.

What is the job of the skeleton?

It provides the framework that gives the body form, supports the soft parts, and protects vital organs.

What is the purpose of a roller in a bit?

It stimulates saliva and acts as a pacifier.

According to the AQHA breed registry, in what month would a horse born in March be considered a yearling?


The recognized universal birth date of horses used by U.S. breed associations is?

January 1st

Most foundation Quarter Horses trace their ancestry to which Thoroughbred stallion?

Janus DET p. 157 200/3

What would a brownish-green urine color indicate?

Jaundice, azatoria, tying-up, Monday morning sickness or disease

Which type of equine has a gestation period that is approximately 30 days longer than a mare?

Jennet (donkey) Evans p. 76 510/4

What term refers to the shield-like bulge between the eyes of Arabian horses?

Jibbah HIH 153B-2 200/4

What is the administrative body for Thoroughbred racing?

Jockey Club

Give another name for the following four gaits: trot, canter, slow gait, rack.

Jog, lope, stepping pace, single foot

Describe the term articulation.

Junction between two or more bones/joints.

Who is the foundation sire for the Morgan horse?

Justin Morgan (Figure) Evans p. 36 200/3

What is the most effective treatment for Recurrent Airway Obstruction?

Keep horse outdoors 24 hrs/day on pasture only.

Why should you use a hackamore when training a young horse?

Keep mouth soft

In reference to wound care, name 4 purposes of a bandage.

Keeps wound clean; keeps medication on/in wound; controls bleeding; reduces swelling; protects from infection; protects from further trauma.

Three race tracks in the Triple Crown are?

Kentucky Derby, Preakness, Belmont Stakes

Identify the two most palatable grasses for horse pastures

Kentucky bluegrass and timothy Lewis p. 109 780/3

Name 4 types of open wounds.

Lacerations, punctures, abrasions, tears, incisions, and penetrating wounds

What is the production of milk called?


What acid accumulates in muscle and is believed to cause muscle soreness?

Lactic acid

The horny inside of a hoof is called _____.


What connects the hoof wall to the coffin bone?


In reference to a horse, give four characteristics of a coarse head?

Large head, thick muzzle, long, roman nose, small eye, thick throat latch

In what part of the horse's digestive system is grass and/or hay digested via fermentation by microbes?

Large intestine

Where do pinworms mature?

Large intestine

Where in the digestive tract are amino acids synthesized?

Large intestine

When food leaves the Cecum, where does it go

Large intestine (colon)

Why would the size of the nostrils be important to a horse?

Large nostrils allow for maximum air intake

Why would size of nostrils be important?

Large ones allow for maximum air intake

What is the disorder that is associated with dysfunctions of the larynx causing roaring?

Laryngeal Hemiplegia

What drug is used on bleeders in racing?

Lasix a diuretic

When should mares be placed under artificial lighting in order to ovulate in mid to late February?

Late November or early December

What are wing-like structures attached to the sides of the coffin bone?

Lateral cartilages

What is the longest muscle in the horse's body?

Latissimus dorsi muscle

What is the first pair in driving called?


What is the name for the lower horn on the near side of a sidesaddle?

Leaping horn DET p. 166 1000/4

When preparing to mount, what hand do you hold the reins?

Left hand

On a western bridle, what side of the horse does the throatlatch buckle?

Left side

The length of the underline should also affects freedom or what of what movement?

Leg movement.

Name 2 items used to protect the horse while it is being trailered.

Leg wraps, head bumper

Where on the horse would there be no sweat glands?


Name four natural aids used to control the horse.

Legs, hands, weight and voice

What type of hay is higher in calcium and protein?

Legume hay

Name 3 things whose length are determined by shoulder angle.

Length of neck, length of back, length of stride, depth of heart girth.

(Two Part) What specific type of blood cell is affected in a horse with leukemia and what is the difference between leukemia and leukopenia?

Leukemia affects the white blood cells. Leukemia is an increased number of white blood cells and leukopenia is an abnormally low number of white blood cells. DET p. 168 840/5

The croup, or rump, should be long, wide, and ______?


What are 3 major preparation steps needed before installing rubber mats in a stall?

Leveling the floor, packing the floor, and making sure the stall has good drainage.

Which parasite of the horse comes in two types - biting and sucking?


A horse that has pediculosis is infested with what type of external parasite?

Lice Lewis p. 399

Cannon, pastern and foot action are controlled by what two things?

Ligaments and tendons

What shape are the sesamoids?

Like pyramids

Why should you use a tighter curb chain on a half-breed or spade bit?

Limts the rise of the port, avoiding possbile injury to the roof of the mouth.

What term describes producing offspring from parents having common ancestry?


What breed is born brown, mouse grey or black-brown, but typically turns white between the ages of 6 and 10?

Lipizzan HIH 159B-1 200/4

What is the horse's largest organ?


Poisonous plants that are classified as hepatotoxic primarily affect which organ?

Liver Lewis p. 309 770/3

Plant poisoning due to pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) results in damage to and eventual failure of what organ?

Liver Lewis p. 313 770/5

This bit has a straight bar mouthpiece and shanks. It can be used as a snaffle or curb and is most commonly used on heavy harness or plow horses. Identify this bit.

Liverpool bit DET p. 170 1000/3

What are two considerations when installing a paddock gate?

Location-not in corner, not in low, wet area; Size-is it just for horse traffic or machinery too; Durability/Material-is it safe for horses.

What is another name for tetanus?

Lock jaw

Name 3 types of ticks that attack horses.

Lone star tick, cayenne tick, gulf coast tick, winter tick, American dog tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, black legged tick

What are the splint bones shaped like?

Long drawn out triangle or icicles and have small nodules on the pointed ends.

Name the four classifications of bones in the horse.

Long, short, flat, irregular

What is the longest muscle in the back?

Longissimus dorsi DET p. 171 410/4

What causes heat cramps?

Loss of electrolytes

Explain the difference between low ring bone and high ring bone.

Low ring bone-arthritis of the coffin joint; High ring bone-arthritis of pastern joint

The reproductive efficiency of a horse is lower, average, or higher than most domestic animals?


To see an object up close, a horse must do what?

Lower its head

What is parrot mouthed?

Lower jaw is shorter than upper jaw

Levels of acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) indicate the maturity and digestibility of hay. Would low or high levels indicate better quality hay?

Lower levels of ADF and NDF HIH 750-2 780/3

The trachea leads to the


What are known as the filters in the circulatory system?

Lymph nodes

Strangles is a disease of what system?


Intake of these nutrients makes it possible to perform what?

Maintenance, growth, production (reproduction), and work

Give four reasons for maintaining a good fences.

Makes horse operations possible, maintains boundaries, reduces animal loss, decreases accidents from loose horses on the road, promotes neighborly relationships, increases property value, adds attractiveness/distinctiveness to the premises.

Are male or female horses primarily affected by genetic diseases that have an X-linked mode of inheritance?

Male horses HIH 1060-3 550/4

Which sex of the horse is more commonly possesses canine and wolf teeth, and how many of each are there typically present?

Male horses Wolf teeth-2 (may or may not appear) Canine teeth-4

When talking about horse colors, the term "points' refers to what?

Mane, tail, lower leg, ear rims

Name 4 of the minerals found in a block of trace mineralized salt.

Manganese, copper, iron, iodine, cobalt, zinc

What disease do mites cause?


When packing with horses, what is the name of the piece of canvas that covers and protects the load?

Manta (also accept "manty") HIH 1125-3 1020/3

How many sesamoids held in place?

Many ligaments

Why is creep feeding of foals recommended when foals are 30-60 days old?

Mare's milk declines 30-60 days after birth, and by 90 days most mares do not produce enough milk to meet foal's nutritional needs.

Define tumor.

Mass of new tissue (neoplasm) that persists to and grow independently of its surrounding tissues and has not useful function.

What are the main functions of the mouth?

Masticate feed and wet it with saliva

When chewing mixes with salvia


What is the name for an inflammation of the udder?


What is the term for a bacterial infection of a mammary gland?


Name 2 factors that affect hay quality.

Maturity at stage of harvest; forage species and variety, harvest contitions, storage conditions, presence of foreign objects, weeds, pests, and dust

What is an unbranded stray?


Name the saddle used by the calvary.


The most common packsaddle used is called what?


Horse that exhibits faded color around the mouth are called what?

Mealy mouthed

Before mounting, how do you check that your stirrup leathers are at the right length?

Measure against your arm from knuckles to armpit.

Exercise involves the conversion of chemical energy to what type of energy?


What specific type of cell division takes place in the ovaries and testes?

Meiosis ES p. 88 550/5

What time of the year is a horse's true breeding season if the horse is native to North America?

Mid spring to mid summer

What is the slang term for the post parturient hypocalcemia that may occur in the lactating mare?

Milk fever DET p. 180 510/5

Give another term for the baby teeth of a foal.

Milk teeth or Deciduous teeth

What are trace minerals?

Minerals found in small quantities in feedstuffs that are required in small quantities by the body.

What animal is known for a dorsal stripe running from mane to tail that is intersected by the arms of a cross at the withers?

Miniature donkey

What is the minimum width for a gate that will be used to move equipment such as a tractor in and out of a pasture?

Minimum of 12 feet wide Evans p. 771

What is the minimum height for an indoor arena that will be used for hunter/jumper horses?

Minimum of 16 foot ceiling HIH 320-7

You do the math... You are the owner of a construction company that specializes in designing equine facilities. You will be building a hunter/jumper barn that will have 30 stalls. What is the minimum length of ridge vent to be installed for adequate ventilation?

Minimum of 30 feet (at least 1 foot per stall) HIH 320-8 920/3

Name the two types of cell division.

Mitosis and Meiosis

Name two types of cell division.

Mitosis and Meiosis

What is added to a ration to make it "sweet feed"?


What is the by-product of sucrose that is used to coat grain in sweet feed?


What is the common term for leukoencephalomalacia?

Moldy corn disease Lewis p. 357 830/4

What are some other names for azoturia?

Monday morning sickness, tying up disease, black water disease

What is the common term for the deformity of the jaw referred to as prognathia?

Monkey mouth or sow mouth Lewis p. 396 600/4

What type of vision do horse have that allows them to see separate images with each eye?


Name the two types of vision a horse has.

Monocular or binocular

The ability to see separate pictures with each eye is called what?

Monocular vision

What respiration rate indicates heat exhaustion is occurring in a resting horse?

More than 30 breaths per minute

Which breed is the only breed to be named after an individual horse?


The dark liver or black chestnut color is primarily found in what breed of horses?

Morgan Evans p. 36 300/3

Name the only breed named after a specific person.

Morgan, after Justin Morgan

Gigantic head, undeveloped and spiraling of the tail are all terms used when describing which of the 4 criteria used to evaluate semen?

Morphology Evans p. 366 520/4

What is the primary vector that transmits equine encephalomyelitis?


What makes up the digestive path

Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine cecum large colon small colon rectum

What are the four parts of the foregut?

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine

Name the 5 major parts of the equine digestive tract.

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

What are the 3 characteristics that are unique to the donkey when compared to a horse?

Much longer ears, voice is louder and makes a "bray" instead of a "neigh", only have chestnuts on the inside of their front legs and NOT on the hind legs.

When comparing a cowboy shoe and a mule shoe... What are the two main differences in the shape of the mule shoe?

Mule shoes are longer, narrower, closer (narrower) at the heels (only need to give 2 answers) Evans p. 732, 734

Donkeys only have chestnuts on the front legs. Identify two types of equines other than horses and ponies that have chestnuts on both the front and hind legs.

Mules and hinnies ES p. 21 460/4

What does "quality of muscle" refer to?

Muscle attachment pattern

What is the largest tissue mass in the horse's body?


Soybean meal, peanut meal, fish meal, cottonseed meal, linseed meal, urea, milk protein.

Name 4 protein supplements that are commonly fed to horses.

What is two legs out of one hole?

Narrow chest with close legs.

What is the name of a colorful woven blanket used with a western saddle that is made of wool?


What bone acts as a fulcrum point to redirect the pull of the deep digital flexor tendon against the coffin bone?

Navicular bone

What is the distal sesamoid?

Navicular bone

What disease is the inflammation of the small navicular bone usually inside the front foot?

Navicular disease

What is a non-infectious disorder of the central nervous system in newborn foals?

Neonatal Maladjustment Syndrome

What is the name of the state in which the first American racetrack was built?

New York

What Native American tribe played an important role in the development of the Appaloosa horse?

Nez Perce

Which Indian tribe developed the Appaloosa?

Nez Perce

Who is credited with the development of the Appaloosa breed?

Nez Perce Indians HIH 152B-1; Evans p. 32 200/2

Can a horse vomit?


does a horse have a gallbladder?


Your mare is due to deliver her first foal. You have raised the mare since birth and she has never been bred before. She was bred to a stallion with an incompatible blood type. What should you do to prevent neonatal isoerythrolysis when this foal is born?

No risk to this foal (only to subsequent pregnancies when the mare develops antibodies to the incompatible blood type) ES p. 102 510/4

Is bone static?

No, it is constantly remodeling itself in response to pressure from conformation, conditioning, and diet.

Are intestinal parasites and transmitted in Utero to the foal?


Is there a correct side from which always mount? If so what side?

No. you should be able to mount from either side.

Does not have multi-compartmental stomach

Non Ruminant

Is the horse a ruminant or non-ruminant?


There is a red maple tree on your neighbor's property next to your fence line. You discovered your horse eating green leaves off the branches that are within the horses reach. What effect would you expect from the horse eating the red maple leaves?

None - Red maple leaves are not toxic when fresh (leaves are toxic when wilted or dried) Lewis p. 331

On what continent did Equus originate?

North America

Where did the horse originate?

North America (Great Plains)

What are the 2 most common places for equine cutaneous papillomatosis?

Nose and Lips

What is epistaxis?

Nose bleed or hemorrhage from the nostrils due to hemorrhage in the respiratory tract or guttural pouch

Name 3 areas to which a hackamore applies pressure.

Nose, chin, face, poll, jaw, cheeks

Explain the difference between a noseband and a cavesson.

Noseband-piece of the bridle that encircles the muzzle, attached to the cheekpieces. Cavesson-noseband with a poll strap

What is respiratory frequency?

Number of breaths taken in a minute

Name 4 things that can cause skin and hair problems in a horse.

Nutritional deficiencies; skin infections; freezing; sunburn; trauma; chemical irritants; external parasites

Name 3 poisonous trees found in North America.

Oak, red maple, black locust, black chestnut, wild black cherry, elderberry, chestnut/buckeye

What is the preferred grain of horse people?


What are oat groats?

Oats with hulls removed

What grain is the most difficult to overfeed when compared to other grains and why?

Oats, because of their high fiber content

Name 4 ways to estimate the age of horses by appearance of their teeth.

Occurrence of permanent teeth; disappearance of cups; angle of incidence; and shape of the surface of the permanent teeth.

What is adenovial pneumonia?

Occurs in Arabian foals or part Arabian foals. The condition is acute or progressively chronic in an animal with inherited combined immunodeficiency CID.

When a horse does not eat with a normal healthy appetite, it is said to be what?

Off its feed

What does the term "nicking" refer to in regards to the offspring from a linebreeding program?

Offspring that are superior to their parents HIH 1080-1 550/3

What horse was the foundation sire for the American Albino?

Old King Evans p. 53 200/3

What is another term for the sense of smell?

Olfactory sense

Where are genes located?

On chromosomes

Bones have an epiphyseal region on what part of the bone?

On the ends of the bone

On what part of the horse do stable flies prefer to feed on?

On the horse's legs, with the largest number on the lower legs and flanks.

Describe one generation according to Galton's Law.

One individual is 1/4 by its sire, 1/4 by its dam, and 1/16 by each of its four grandparents.

Define the "stride stance phase" of a horse's gait.

One or more limbs are in contact with the ground during the stride.

The corner of the mouth should have how many wrinkles with a properly fitted snaffle bit?

One or two small wrinkles

How many pairs of chromosomes are responsible for the sex of the foal?

One pair

What is a "cooled out" horse?

One that is neither hot to the touch nor breathing hard

How many toes did the pliohippus have?

One, it was the first one-toed horse.

What is the first step in treating an abcess?

Open the affected area and allow it to drain.

Define overo.

Opposite of the tabiano, white usually does not extend of the back. Looks as though they had white paint splashed on them from underneath.

What is the origin, location and function of a hormone?

Origin=gland, Location=the bloodstream, Function=regulates body function

What hormone is responsible for milk let-down and contractions during parturition?


Where was the Fox Trotting horse developed in the 19th century?

Ozark Mountains of souther Missouri and northern Arkansas

What type of fence is low maintenance and has the longest life expectancy?

PVC/Vinyl Evans p. 768; HIH 350-5 920/3

Name a lateral gait.


What is a fast, two beat lateral, gait?


There are two types of Standardbred races. What are they?

Pacers and trotters

What type of saddle will most likely be used with a double rigged cinch?

Pack saddle

What is a pannier?

Packers use these to fill with gear, food and equipment.

What is it called when a pigeon toed horse throws the front feet outward while travelling?


What gait defect is seen in pigeon-toed horses?

Paddling or winging out Evans p. 181; DET p. 201

Pleasant to the taste, is referred to as what?


Name the hair-coat color that is a color dilution of chestnut with no black points and white mane and tail.


What color horse has a golden yellow body and a white mane and tail?


You are an equine genetics specialist. Your client breeds and shows palomino horses. Identify the colors and the percentage of each color that would result from the following four combinations...Palomino x Palomino, Chestnut x Palomino, Palomino x Cremello ,Chestnut x Cremello

Palomino x Palomino = 25% Chestnut, 50% Palomino and 25% Cremello Chestnut x Palomino = 50% Chestnut and 50% Palomino Palomino x Cremello = 50% Palomino and 50% Cremello Chestnut and Cremello = 100% Palomino Evans p. 51 550/4

Identify three coat colors that are the result of the interactions of dilution genes.

Palomino, Buckskin, Dun, Cream, Perlino, Champagne, Cremello, Silver dapple, Smokey, Smokey cream, Grulla ES p. 95; Evans p. 472; HIH 1040-2

What is the organ that creates insulin?


What organ secretes insulin?


The cells known as the Islets of Langerhans are found in which organ?

Pancreas (insulin producing cells) Kainer plate 54 490/5

What helps to break down cellulose (stemmy) material

Pancreatic juices

What muscle is responsible for the skin moving and the shaking of flies off the horse?

Panniculus muscle

What is the position of a properly driven horseshoe nail?

Parallel to the tubules in the hoof wall

What is a small organism that lives on or in and at the expense of a larger host organism?


What is the most common cause of colic?


What is the predisposing cause of most colics?


Name 3 causes of foal diarrhea.

Parasites, diet, viral/bacterial infection, stress, foal heat

What is it called when the lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw?

Parrot mouth

Name 5 conformational defects whose common name refers to another species of animal.

Parrot mouth, monkey mouth, calf kneed, pigeon toed, cow hocked, pig eyed, cow eyed, ewe neck, goose rump, wasp waisted, coon footed, herring gaited, roach backed.

Which gait of the Paso Fino is also referred to as the short walk?

Paso corto (paso fino is a fine walk and paso largo is a long walk) ES p. 82 640/4

Name three methods of deworming.

Paste, stomach tube, dailey dewormer

What shoe elevates the heel of a horse that is confined to stall rest?

Patten shoe

What type of horse shoe would be used for a horse with a deep flexor tendon injury that is confined to stall rest? It elevates the heels and temporarily transfers the weight to the suspensory ligament or superficial flexor tendon. This shoe can be fabricated from a standard shoe by welding or bolting an elevation bar or ring to the heel of the shoe.

Patten shoe HIH 515-5 900/4

What is the common name for the dominance hierarchy exhibited by a group of horses?

Pecking order DET p. 207

Name four different types of teeth found in the adult horse's mouth.

Premolars, molars, incisors, canines, wolf teeth

What is currently the only surviving species of wild horse native to Eastern Asia?

Prezewalski horse

What does the term lactation mean?

Producing milk

What hormone is secreted by the corpus luteum?


A cervix that is pale in color, produces a thick, sticky mucus and is tightly closed indicates the influence of which hormone?

Progesterone HIH 910-3; Evans p. 336 510/3

What are three safety practices to establish in a barn to prevent fires?

Prohibit smoking; sprinkler systems; fire extinguishers; keep dust, cobwebs, and hay particles cleaned up; check electrical wires; protect wires from rodents; turn off electricity when not in barn; inspect electrical equipment; no flammable materials

What marking is described as a muscular depression of unknown origin, is usually seen on the neck and sometimes seen on the shoulder?

Prophet's thumb DET p. 221 310/4

Identify the three accessory sex glands in the stallion.

Prostate gland, seminal vesicles, Bulbourethral glands (Cowper's gland) (also accept coagulating glands, ampullary glands)

List three purposes of a saddle pad.

Protect the horse's back, absorb sweat and moisture, protect the saddle, help fit the saddle.

What is the function of the splint bones?

Protect the tendons and ligaments and especially the blood vessels and nerves which pass down the back of the leg.

What is the primary function of the sole of the foot?


What are 3 main factors to consider when storing hay?

Protection from moisture, heat, and outside elements

Identify five indications or reasons for the use of bandages.

Protection from trauma (shipping/travel wraps) To absorb exudates, To control hemorrhage (bleeding), To exert pressure which can prevent/reduce edema, To support an injured limb,To protect a wound from environmental contamination/infection, To aid in removal of necrotic tissue/for debridement, To provide comfort HIH 1160-1 400/5

The major function of the skin is ______; however, it is also very important for ______ in the horse.

Protection; Thermal regulation

Decreased growth rates, muscle loss, slow hoof growth and lack of energy are all effects of a deficiency of what class of nutrients?

Protein ES p. 120 760/4

"Leaf shatter" may occur when hay is baled too dry. What nutrient contained in the leaves is lost when the leaves prematurely fall off the stems?

Protein (also accept carbohydrates) HIH 750-3, 750-4 780/3

Identify five specific nutrients that are absorbed in the small intestine.

Protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, carbohydrates (non-fibrous), fat, minerals (calcium, phosphorus) ES p. 111 430/5

What is exopthalmus?

Protruding eyeball

What is an umbilical hernia?

Protrusion of the intestines through an opening in the muscle.

What is the common term used to describe the formation of excessive granulation of tissue?

Proud flesh

Name the artery that carries oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs.

Pulmonary Artery

Name the artery that carries oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs.

Pulmonary artery

What is the only vein that carries oxygenated blood?

Pulmonary vein Kainer plate 57 440/4

Name 3 types of negative reinforcements in training horses.

Punishment, escape, avoidance

What is the term for the opening in the iris of a horse's eye?


During a difficult delivery, repulsion would describe what action by the veterinarian or foaling attendant?

Pushing the fetus back into the uterus (done before correcting any incorrect birthing positions) DET p. 232 500/5

What are 2 criteria in which muscles are evaluated?

Quality and Quantity

What are the two criteria in which muscles are evaluated?

Quantity and quality

What breed of the horse is noted for having Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis?

Quarter Horse

Which current breed of horses was formerly referred to as "Steeldusts"?

Quarter Horse Evans p. 25 200/3

What is a vertical crack on the side of the hoof called?

Quarter crack or sand crack

What is the vertical crack in the side of the hoof called?

Quarter crack or sand crack

What are the three breeds the APHA will allow?

Quarter horse, paint, and thoroughbred

What is the term used to describe when a nail is being driven too close to the sensitive laminae?


What are 2 of the most common calculations used to evaluate the energy content of horse feeds?

RFV-relative feeding value; TDN-total digestible nutrients; DE-digestible energy

In what two ways can a male horse be a maiden?

Racing and showing

The radius articulates with what to form the radiocarpal joint?

Radial, intermediate, ulnar, and accessory carpals

What is another name for rain rot?

Rain Scold

What is rain rot?

Random tuffs of matted, crested hair on withers, back, croup, and rump. It is spread through the use of contaminated grooming equipment, rubbing on infected fences and stalls. It can be controlled by bathing with iodine, shampoo, penicillin, and dry shelter.

Linden Tree, Leopard and Max are the foundation sires for this breed of horse which is often mistaken for an Appaloosa. Identify this breed

Rangerbred Horse Evans p. 58 200/4

What is the name for the horse color that is yellowish or flesh colored, the mane and tail are red or flaxen, has a red dorsal stripe and usually red zebra stripes on its legs?

Red Dun

What are erythrocytes?

Red blood cells

Identify two types of blood cells that are produced by the red bone marrow.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), platelets (thrombocytes) Kainer plate 63 440/4

What three cellular elements is blood composed of?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets

Which legume is noted for sometimes having a mold infection that may cause a horse to slobber?

Red clover

What color has a uniform mixture of white and red hairs on the body, darker head and lower legs, and may have a red, black or flaxen mane and tail?

Red roan

What type of bit puts direct pressure on the corners of the horse's mouth and tongue, and falls under the category of non-leverage bit?

Snaffle bits

Explain the difference between roan and gray.

Roan-born with the same proportion of white hairs as will be present in each successive coat. Gray-each new coat adds more white hairs until the horse eventually appears white.

Difficulty breathing due to an obstruction in the larynx is called what?


Dense, thick multilayered bandage incorporating wood or metal splints to restrain and support an injured leg.

Robert Jones Bandage

What term can be used to describe the canter of a Tennessee Walking Horse?

Rocking Chair Canter

What is the name for the flexible quirt that is attached to "California-style" reins?


A back cinch is optional with some types of western saddles. Which two types of western saddles always have a back cinch?

Roping and cutting HIH 1100-5

Wood is one of the most desirable materials for building stalls. What type of wood is considered to be the strongest and is less likely to be destroyed by horses chewing on it?

Rough cut oak (also accept oak) HIH 320-5 920/3

(Two Part) What are the two most common types of hammers used by a farrier and what are each of them used for?

Rounding hammer - making and shaping shoes Driving hammer - driving nails, forming and finishing clinches, wringing off the nails Evans p. 728 900/3

What is the common name for the ascarid?


What is recommended as the best type of covering for the floor of a horse trailer?

Rubber mats

Name three symptoms of lice.

Rubbing, biting, general unthriftiness

Name three symptoms of lice.

Rubbing, biting, general unthriftiness, and patches of missing hair.

What type of martingale allows the rider to maintain contact with the bit at all times?

Running martingale

What gait does the Tennessee Walking Horse exhibit that no other breed does?

Running walk

What is another name for a hernia?


Charging refers to the behavior of a horse that suddenly attacks or savages a person or other horse. What does charging refer to in jumping events?

Rushing into the fence DET p. 54

Which national army had the greatest number of horses in use during World War II?


What are the two basic types of the English style saddle?

Saddle Seat and Hunt Seat

What style or riding are you doing to earn the good hands award?

Saddle seat

What is the primary consideration of any horse facility?


What two primary factors should be considered when selecting a horse trailer?

Safety and comfort

What type of knot should your horse always be tied with?

Safety or Quick release knot, or Manger tie

What substance in the mouth begins the process of digestion?


What type of bacteria is the most common cause of infectious enterocolitis in adult horses and results in lethargy, anorexia, colic and diarrhea?

Salmonella ES p. 171; HIH 660-1, 660-2 830/4

Where are the sebaceous glands located?

Same places as the hair follicles

Name 4 functions of the American Horse Show Association.

Sanctions various types of shows; keeps all records; licenses judges; handles disciplinary measures; compiles annual rule book; awards annual prizes.

What is the general name for cracks in the hoof wall?

Sand cracks

Metamucil is a psyllium based soluble fiber and would be used to treat or prevent what type of colic?

Sand-induced colic Lewis p. 293 805/3

What is the scientific name for the organism that is the cause of the disease EPM (Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis)?

Sarcocystis neurona HIH 670-1 820/5

What is the name of the bone that creates the slope of the shoulder?


What is the country of origin for the Highland Pony?

Scotland DET p. 139 200/3

What is the name for a protrusion of intesting through the abdominal wall into the skin pouch that holds the testicles?

Scrotal hernia

Are horses seasonally monoestrus or polyestrus?

Seasonally Polyestrus

White muscle disease in young foals is caused by a deficiency of what trace nutrient?


(Two Part) What specific mineral imbalance does the term "Bob-tail disease" refer to and what is the reason for this reference?

Selenium toxicity (excess) (must include both selenium and excess for correct answer); Horses lose the long hair from the tail resulting in a bob-tailed appearance Lewis p. 329 770/3

The deep flexor tendon had its insertion in what part of the coffin bone?

Semilunar crest of the coffin bone

What is the general term used for the substance emitted by a stallion during breeding?

Seminal fluid or semen

What is the tissue of the outside of the coffin bone that is attached to the horny tissue?

Sensitive laminae

What is the general term for a bacterial infection circulating throughout the bloodstream?


An inflammation of the sesamoid bones is called what?


How many cervical vertebrae are there in a horse's neck?


What is the cause of bowed tendons?

Severe strain

What is the only chromosome that is not in pairs?

Sex cells

What are added to bit mouthpieces to create "leverage"?


The American pony is the result of crossing what two breeds?

Shetland and Hackney

When trailering a horse, what form of protection is recommended to protect the area from the knee to the coronet band?

Shipping boots

What is the spasmodic muscle contraction that produces heat to help maintain body temperature?


What is a soft, flabby swelling at the point of elbow?

Shoe boil or capped elbow

What is the desired distance between the ribs and the point of the hip bone?

Short - 3 inches

What is the common term for the middle phalanx?

Short pastern Kainer plate 12

What does the term trappy describe in regards to way of going?

Short, quick, high and choppy stride (accept choppy stride) Evans p. 181

What stimulus induces the growth of a horse's winter hair coat?

Shortened day light

What environmental factor stimulates hair growth of a horse?

Shorter length of daylight

Lateral movement is defined as when the horse moves with the forehand and haunches on different tracks. Give two examples of lateral movements.

Shoulder in, haunches in (travers), haunches out (renvers), half pass, two track DET p. 165 980/4

Describe the most desirable length of these different parts of the horse; shoulder, croup, cannon, arm, forearm, thigh, gaskin.

Shoulder=long Arm=short Forearm=long Cannon=short Croup=long Thigh=short Gaskin=long

What does the term "showing in hand" mean?

Showing a horse at halter.

If you were showing a stallion at hand, what would you be doing?

Showing him at halter.

What condition is commonly seen in the cannon area of young horses soon after they enter training?


What is the term for the male parent or father?


In regard to conformation, what system of the horse determines balance?


A horse is made up of nine different body systems. Name six of these systems.

Skeletal, Respiratory, Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, Endocrine, Reproductive, Muscular, and Integumentary.

Name five of the nine systems that make up a horse.

Skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, integumentary.

What is the skin color of a purebred Arabian?

Skin is always black no matter what the coat color is.

What simple test is used to determine dehydration in the horse?

Skin pliability or pinch test

What is the most common way to test for dehydration in a horse?

Skin pliability test

Name 3 general structures in the body that may be damaged by an open wound.

Skin, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons, bones, and internal organs.

What mammal is considered to be the primary source of rabies in horses?

Skunks HIH 680-1

What is the most popular type of 2 or 3-horse trailer in regards to how the horses are positioned in the trailer?

Slant load YLM ADV 301-1L 960/3

What is the common name for encephalomyelitis?

Sleeping sickness

What type of stall door is the safest and easiest to use?

Sliding door

What type of stall door is the easiest and safest to use in a horse barn?

Sling door

What are the two most important aspects of ideal conformation of the forelimbs?

Slope and angle of the bones, and straightness of the limbs

What are the 2 most important aspects of ideal conformation of the forelimbs?

Slope and angle of the bones; straightness of the limbs.

Describe where the croup is found on the horse.

Sloping portion of the back between the loin and the tail

What are the two artificial gaits performed by the 5-gaited American Saddlebred ?

Slow gait (stepping pace) and rack (single-foot) Evans p. 40, 178

In what part of the horse's digestive tract does maximum water absorption occur?

Small Colon

What is the primary site for fat digestion and absorption in horses?

Small Intestine

Describe a Fleabitten horse.

Small flecks of the color over the base coat color of an animal, usually brown or red in color.

Do we want a large or small hoof in a light breed?

Small hoof.

What is the "chin groove"?

Small indentation between the chin and the branches of the jaw.

In what part of the horse's digestive tract are soluble carbohydrates digested to simple sugars?

Small intestine

What organ of the horse is where the majority of fat is digested and absorbed?

Small intestine

What part of the digestive tract is the primary site for absorption?

Small intestine

Where does the digestion of starch, protein, fat and fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E) occur?

Small intestine

The soluble carbohydrates are digested and absorbed where?

Small intestines

What are birdcatcher spots?

Small white spots on a colored horse

What are ink spots?

Small, dark-colored spots seen on the white areas of some paint/pinto horses.

What is a "caruncle"?

Small, fleshy outgrowth

What is a wolf tooth?

Small, inconstant first upper premolar which is usually extracted

Name the three classifications of muscles.

Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal

Name three classifications of muscle in the horse's body.

Smooth, cardiac, skeletal

What is the most common bit used in driving horses?


Name four of the approved coat patterns for a pony to be registered with the Pony of America Club.

Snowflake, frost, blanket, leopard, few spot leopard, marbleized roan, white with dark spots over hindquarters HIH 167B-2

Why is it important for a horse to have a clean throat latch?

So it may flex at the poll and perform while breathing correctly

Why is it important for a horse to have a "clean" throat latch?

So it may flex at the poll and perform while breathing correctly.

Your horse has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To help manage this condition nutritionally it is helpful to do what before feeding your horse hay?

Soak the hay 5 minutes before feeding (also accept anything which indicates wetting down or soaking the hay) Lewis pp. 291-292 700/3

What is the color marking that extends from the coronary band to just above the ankle?


Flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the respatory system, only opens during swallowing

Soft Palate

What problem develops from too much Vitamin D?

Soft tissue calcification

Soil erosion of pastures is affected by what four environmental factors?

Soil type, slope of land (topography), precipitation (amount of rain or snowfall); vegetative cover HIH 360-4 920/4

What term describes fresh, green forage that is cut, chopped and fed all in the same day?

Soilage or green chop (do not accept silage which is fermented) Lewis p. 403 780/3

What portion of the hoof should never bear weight?


What is another name for bucked shins?

Sore shins

What are symptoms of a bowed tendons?

Soreness to the touch, heat, swelling, and a tendency to flex the knee in order to raise the heels and relieve pressure.

What is the term when a horse is free from any normal deviation on structure or function that interferes with the usefulness of the horse?


What is the most economical protein supplement fed to horses?

Soybean meal

What type of bit is considered to be the most severe western curb bit?

Spade bit HIH 1100-10

After the ice age, who brought the horse back to North America in the 16th century?


The horse was reintroduced to North America by what group of people


Name 2 breeds of the Native horse.

Spanish mustang, American mustang, Spanish Barb, Chickasaw, American Indian Horse, American Bashkir Curly, Rangerbred horse.

What type of colic is considered to be the mildest and most common?


What type of colic is not life-threatening, results from a change of diet, and can be associated with over excitement?

Spasmodic colic

Name 3 types of colic.

Spasmodic, impaction, excessive fermentation, incarceration, displacement

The speed index is a method of rating racehorses. What two criteria are used to calculate the speed index?

Speed and distance DET p. 253 1040/5

Explain what it means if a horse runs Double A or Triple A.

Speed ratings are set up for different tracks and a horse that matches the track gets a score of 100. A score of 90 or above is "AAA" and an 80 to 90 is "AA".

What pinto pattern is the rarest, recessive, and only occurs sporadically?

Splashed white

Describe the movement of a splay-footed and a pigeon-toed horse.

Splay-footed: dish or wing in Pigeon-toed: paddle or wing out

What organ functions to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood in strenuous exercise by releasing the red cells it stores?


What is a bony enlargement in the groove formed by the splint and cannon bones called?


What is the term for a bony enlargement in the groove formed by the splint bone and cannon bone?


The mesohippus had 4 toes. Name the bone in the leg that used to be the 3rd and 4th toes?

Splint bones

"Whoa" is the common cue for what response?


Streptococcus equi was first described in 1988 as the bacteria causing what disease?


What is another name for equine distemper?


What is the common name for Steptococcus Equi?


What disease is characterized by swollen or abscessed lymph glands, particularly those under or behind the jaws?

Strangles or distemper

What bedding can heat up to 380 degrees in about one minute?


What is the most popular bedding for horses?


What type of bedding is preferred for foaling stalls?

Straw HIH 940-3

What is the color of a horse with its base coat being chestnut and a uniform mixture of white hair?

Strawberry roan.

What is the term for the action when a horse lashes out with a front leg when mad?


What is forging?

Striking the undersurface of the front foot with the toe of the rear foot

Name 4 basic styles of English girth.

String; elastic-end contour leather; threefold leather; balding leather; web; humane

Of the internal parasites, which one is the most significant and most common?


What is hippology?

Study of the horse

What draft breed is only chesnut in color?


What is the name of the horse drawn vehicle used in standardbred racing?


During what 2 seasons are barn fires most common?

Summer and winter

What is the labial surface of a horse's teeth?

Surface toward the lips

Identify one fibrous or cartilaginous joint that would become ossified as the horse matures.

Sutures (skull); syndesmosis (between shafts of some long bones); symphysis (pelvis); growth plate (physis) Kainer plate 15 410/4

What is another name for EIA?

Swamp Fever

What is the common name for Equine Infectious Anemia?

Swamp fever

What is the common or slang term for Equine Infectious Anemia?

Swamp fever Lewis p. 175; DET 260 800/3

What is the common term for the apocrine tubular glands?

Sweat glands Kainer plate 5

What term refers to the atrophy or shrinkage of the shoulder muscle due to a nerve injury?

Sweeny DET p. 260 620/3

What is a blood spavin?

Swelling of a vein usually below seat of a bog spavin.

The word horse comes form the anglo-saxon word "hors" meaning what?


What term refers to the middle team of horses in a 6-horse hitch?

Swing team DET p. 261 1050/3

When referring to the process of a disease, what does acute mean?

Symptoms appear quickly

Name the fluid that lubricates the horse's joints.

Synovial fluid

What is an inflammation of a synovial sheath?

Synovitis also called tenosynovitis, vaginitis and peritendonitis.

What is ingestive behavior?

Taking food and water into the digestive system

Which common forage plant in the southeast often is infected with a fungus which can cause abortions, still births, and lack of milk production in mares?

Tall Fescue

What is the scientific name for the hock?


Give the location for the point team in an 8-horse hitch.

Team behind the leaders DET p. 215 1050/4

Splints are usually a result from what?

Tear of the interosseous ligament that binds the splint bones to the cannom. It can also result from any inflammation of the periosteum (periostitis). Splints are a result from any trauma but also may have other causes such as, slipping, running, jumping, getting kicked, or receiving a concussion from hard surfaces.

What common term refers to the secretion produced by the lacrimal glands?

Tears Kainer plate 45

What is the name for a practice that is used to identify mares in estrus?


Give the average temperature, pulse, and respiration of a two-week old foal.

Temp.-99-102 F; Pulse-60-130 bpm; Respiration-20-45 bpm

What is the TPR for a normal adult horse?

Temp:99.0-100.8 F; Resp: 8-16 breaths/min; Heart rate: 32-44 beats/min

What does TPR stand for

Temperature, Pulse, Respiration

What are 4 of the 6 basic vital signs of a horse?

Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Capillary Refill Time, Mucous Membrane Color, Skin Pliability.

What does TPR stand for?

Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration

Name five vital signs that are assessed when examining a horse.

Temperature, respiration, mucous membranes, pulse, capillary refill time, skin pliability

What is another name for bowed tendons?


Muscles are attached to bones by what tissue?


What attaches muscle to bone?


What breed is Black Allen known as the foundation horse?

Tennessee Walking Horse

Black Allan is the foundation sire for which horse breed?

Tennessee Walking Horse Evans p. 40

Name the breed of horse that has a natural running walk.

Tennessee walking horse

Describe mutton withers.

Term applied to low, flat, rounded conformation over the shoulder top.

What gait is the Peruvian Paso known for?

Termino gait

What is the name of the rings on the surcingle or harness that the reins pass through?

Terrets (also pronounced turret) DET p. 265 1000/3

What is the master organ and site for the production of spermatozoa and testosterone?


The luteinizing hormone stimulates the production of what hormone in the stallion?

Testosterone Evans p. 361 490/4

What disease is consistent with hyperresponsiveness to light, touch or sounds and prolapse of the third eyelids?


What is another name for the disease commonly known as "lockjaw"?


Identify three bacterial diseases that affect both humans and horses.

Tetanus, Botulism, Anthrax, Brucellosis, Lyme Disease ES pp. 170-171; Lewis p. 362 800/4

What is the name of the famous endurance trail ride that takes place in California and is ridden over the former route of the Pony Express?

Tevis Cup DET p. 266

Puncture wounds to the feet may cause swelling up to the knee or hock, which can lead to what false assumption?

That the problem is higher up in the leg.

The brief moment when all 4 feet are off the ground is referred to as what?

The "period of suspension".

Where is the Arlimetary Canal?

The Digestive system

Name a type of martingale that attaches to the reins.

The Irish, running, or German martingale.

Exostosis is a result of what?

The deposit of calcium and phosphorus by the body in an effort to strengthen the injured and consequently weakened area.

What breed of horse was used for draft, light harness, riding, racing, and was developed in Northeastern United States?

The Morgan

What is the tallest draft breed that originated in England?

The Shire

What is monocular vision?

The ability to see separate objects with each eye at the same time

When referring to foot action, what is meant by height?

The amount of elevation in the stride, determined by the radius of the arc

How is the plant maturity of legume grasses visually determined?

The amount of flowers present on the grass

The hock joint is anatomically equivalent to what in a human?

The ankle

Describe the conformation fault roached back.

The back is arched and convex

What is a Heel Knot?

The ball on the bottom of the bosal

What is the effect of placing a blanket on a horse with a winter coat?

The blanket compresses the insulating hair fibers and reduces the horse's natural protection against cold.

Define Mastication.

The chewing and breaking down of the food with the mouth and saliva.

What is the point of attachment that moves the lower leg?

The coffin bone

What two parts of the horse does the deep digital flexor tendon connect?

The coffin bone to the muscles of the back of the upper leg.

Blood vessels and nerves which serve the entire ovary pass through what?

The convex side of the ovary (Hilus)

To what part of the English bridle's headstall does the throatlatch attach?

The crown piece

To what part of the English bridle does the throat latch attach?

The crown piece.

What is the flehmen response?

The curling of the upper lip in response to strange or unusual smells.

Define the term "quidding".

The dropping of partially chewed food from the mouth

In reference to a wound, what is meant by the term "golden period"?

The elapsed time from injury to closure

What is the coronary cushion?

The elastic portion of the coronary band

What system produces hormones?

The endocrine system

How far up the leg does the stocking go?

The entire cannon, but not the knee or hock

What is proud flesh?

The excessive growth of granulation tissue within a wound that inhibits closure of the skin.

During evolution, what major change did the eyes make?

The eyes moved from the front of the horse's head to the side of the horse's head.

What is a sire?

The father of an equine.

What is a feed ration?

The feed allowed to a horse in a day.

Describe the normal presentation of a foal at parturition.

The forelegs are extended towards the vulva with the heels down, and the nose rests between the forelegs.

What occupies the area between the bars of the hoof and is elastic and wedge-shaped?

The frog

Define Lethal Genes.

The genetic factor that causes the death of a horse, whether in prenatal period or later in life.

What is the genotype of a horse?

The genetic makeup of the horse

Define Prohension.

The grasping of food with the mouth and lips.

Hay that is beige in color can be indicative of what two factors?

The hay has been sun-bleached or leached of nutrients by rainfall that occurred after cutting, or prolonged storage

Name 2 locations on a roan horse's body that may be solid colored.

The head, neck, lower legs, mane and tail

Which is thicker and longer; the hind or front cannon?

The hind cannon

What is the hardest working joint in the horse's body?

The hock joint

Describe how the horse may use monocular vision.

The horse can see out of the right eye and the left eye totally independently. The horse could be watching a dog approach with the right as the same time that its left eye is looking at you approaching with a halter to catch him in the pasture.

What is meant when a horse is "goose rumped"?

The horse has a short, steep croup.

What does the term "registered" mean

The horse has documentation of its breed and its ancestors

What does it mean when a horse is "cooled out"?

The horse is neither hot to the touch nor breathing hard

What does the term Indian broke indicate?

The horse is trained to allow mounting from the off side (also accept trained to allow mounting from both sides) DET p. 151

How does a horse reposition their head to better visualize objects that are far away?

The horse lowers their head HIH 1220-1

Describe base-wide conformation.

The horse's feet are wider at the ground than at their origin at the chest.

What is the name of the muscles located between the ribs that are ivolved in inspiration?

The inter-costal muscles

What organ functions as a blood filtering system, responsible for the excretion of waste products?

The kidneys

What are the carpus bones?

The knee bone

During what stage of gestation do the nutritional requirements of the mare increase?

The last 3 months

What happens when hay is over-cured and baled with too low moisture content?

The leaves shatter and fall off

What is a lateral gait?

The legs and feet move in pairs on the same side of the horse.

What is meant by the term dilution when referring to coat colors?

The lessening of intensity of the basic color hair.

Describe what parts of the horse interfere when a horse "forges".

The toe of the hind foot hits the sole or the shoe of the forefoot on the same side.

Define parrot mouth.

The lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw and the incisors don't align.

Describe the conformational defect of an undershot jaw, also called monkey mouth

The lower jaw protrudes in front of the upper jaw

Simultaneously, blood enters the right atrium from the body and the left atrium from where?

The lungs

"Milk feces" is a yellow pasty material which indicates what?

The meconium has passed.

What is mealy?

The modification of a basic dark coat color in which areas of lighter color are seen on the flanks, girth, lower belly, inside of the legs, muzzle or above the eye

What is a dam?

The mother of an equine.

What is respiratory frequency?

The number of breaths taken per minute.

Define a mule.

The offspring that results from crossing a male donkey (jack) to a female horse (mare).

Define the term hinny.

The offspring that results from crossing a male horse (stallion) and a female donkey (jennet or jenny).

The medulla is what part of the ovary?

The outermost area of the ovary

If you were interested in buying a horse and have a pre-purchase exam conducted on the horse, what would the pre-purchase exam determine?

The overall soundness and health of the horse prior to buying the horse.

What is a crupper?

The piece of the harness that fits under the tail

What is pulmonary hemorrhage?

The presence of blood in the respiratory tract after exercise.

Define seasonally polyestrus.

The reproductive habits of the mare in which she undergoes multiple estrus cycles only during a circumscribed portion of the year.

What part of the eye records and transmits to the brain what the horse sees?

The retina.

What is reperfusion?

The return of blood flow to tissues starved for a period of time as a result of injury to circulatory structures.

Which side is the off side?

The right side of the horse

What is posting?

The rising and descending of the rider in the saddle with the rhythm of the trot.

Bones have a diaphyseal region on what part of the bone?

The shaft

On the ideal horse what two parts of a horse's body are angled at 45 degrees?

The shoulder and the pastern (hip)

By which parent is the sex inheritance determined by?

The sire

Where are soluble carbohydrates primarily digested and absorbed?

The small intestine

When viewing a horse from the rear, what muscle should be the most prominent?

The stifle muscle.

How does a straight shoulder affect the length of the back?

The straighter the shoulder the longer the back YLM INT 223-3L

What is the largest ligament in the leg?

The suspensory ligament

How long should a driving whip be?

The thong of the whip should reach the horse's shoulder

A dressage test may call for five different walks. What are they?

The working walk, collected walk, medium walk, extended walk, and free walk.

What is the result of feeding high levels of calcium over long periods of time?

Their bones become brittle and dense

What is the function of the short bones?

Their function is to absorb concussion and they are found in the complex joints such as the carpus, tarsus, and fetlock.

What are bowed tendons and where are they found?

They are enlarged, stretched flexor tendons behind the cannon bones.

Why are heat lamps a major source of barn fires?

They are placed too close to hay or bedding which can ignite from heat.

When evaluating a horse for purchase, which of the three should not ride the horse first - buyer, seller, or trainer?

They buyer

What are two reasons the front legs are more likely to be injured?

They carry 60% of the weight, they strike the ground harder, and knock obstacles out of the way of the hind legs.

Why are the sensitive structures of a horse's hoof called sensitive?

They contain blood vessels and nerve endings

Describe the main functions of tendons.

They extend from the muscle and attach them to bones.

What is the function of the long bones?

They function chiefly as levers and aid in support of weight and locomotion.

Why do sprained take a long time to heal?

They have a bad blood supply, so if they are damaged they heal slowly and with difficulty

How do you decide on the length of rein to use when mounting?

They must be short enough to prevent the horse from moving off.

What are bucked shins?

They result from irritated or torn periosteum of the front of the cannon bone.

What is colostrum?

Thick, extra rich milk secreted by the mare's mammary glands before a foal's birth which provides the foal with temporary immunity against infectious disease

What is a bowed tendon, and where is it most commonly found?

Thickening of the superficial flexor tendon, generally between the knee and the fetlock of front leg.

Most foals should be born within how many minutes?


The Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Arabian, and the Byerly Turk are the foundation sires of which breed?


With which breed is the term "blood horse" synonymous?


What breed of horse is registered by the Jockey Club?


What is a puffy swelling which appears on the upper part of hock and in front of the large tendon?


What is the common name for strongyloides?


One year of a horse's life is equal to approximately how many years of a human's life?


What part of the bridle keeps the crown piece from slipping forward over the ears and off the head?

Throatlatch HIH 1100-6

Name 2 ways in which Equine Viral Arteritis is spread.

Through airborne respiratory tract secretions: sexual transmission by infected stallions; indirect contact with contaminated objects such as shanks, twitches, and clothing; and vehicles used for transportation.

In what part of the horse does the migration of the ascarid in its larval form take place?

Through the lungs.

A destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria resulting in a black and strong smelling infection is called what?


Name the hoof disease characterized by degeneration of the frog and a thick, foul-smelling discharge.


The destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria is called what?


What is the term for a foot disease characterized by the degeneration of the frog and a thick, foul smelling discharge?


You are the conditioning veterinarian judge for an endurance trail ride. What condition would these vital signs indicate? Temperature 102 degrees Fahrenheit, heart rate 100 beats/minute, respirations 100 breaths/minute and movement of the horse's flank is exaggerated with a slight audible thumping sound

Thumps (Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter)

What anatomical structure is located in the mediastinum, produces T-lymphocytes and is largest in foals at 6 to 8 weeks of age?

Thymus Kainer plate 63 400/4

What endocrine gland regulates the basic metabolism?

Thyroid gland

What external parasite causes lyme disease?


Name two (2) external parasites that bite horses.

Ticks, fleas, flies, lice, cattle grubs, mites, blister beetles

What is the western version of a "standing martingale" called?

Tie down

Name 4 factors that may cause temperature variation in a horse.

Time of day, age, sex, ambient temperature, wind, precipitation, level and intensity of activity

What is the main reason for using a web stall guard?

To allow more air circulation in a stall; alleviate boredom so the horse can see; keep horse in the stall; replace the door.

Describe two functions of ligaments.

To attach bone to bone, to support and regulate movement of joints

What are two functions of the hackamore knot?

To attach reins and adjust size/fit of the bosal.

What are two functions of the hackamore knot?

To attach reins and adjust the size and fit of the bosal

What is the function of insulin?

To control blood sugar levels and utilize sugar in the body.

What is the general purpose of a pre-purchase exam?

To determine the overall soundness and health of a horse prior to the sale transaction.

When buying a horse, what is the purpose of a pre-purchase exam?

To determine the overall soundness and health prior to sale.

What is the purpose of an anthelmintic drug?

To deworm horses

What is the main function of a headstall?

To hold the bit evenly and comfortably in the horse's mouth.

What is the function of the cannon bone?

To support and bear weight. It is subject to a terrific amount of stress.

Why are clips used on horse shoes?

To take the stress off the nails and stabilize the shoe on the foot.

Which paint coat pattern is dominant?


Name the two types of patterns used to describe Paints.

Tobiano and Overo

Name five pinto or Paint coat patterns.

Tobiano, Overo, Calico, Sabine, Splashed White, and Tovero

Name three parts of the hoof

Toe, quarter, white line, heel, wall, frog, sole and buttress

What does TDN stand for?

Total Digestible Nutrients

Explain the difference between Tetanus Toxoid shot and Tetanus Antitoxin.

Toxoid will provide long-term protection and is usually given annually. Antitoxin is for short-term protection and is usually given in cases where the immunization status of an animal is unknown.

The main tube of the respiratory system is called the ______.

Trachea or windpipe

What is the main tube of the respiratory system called?

Trachea or windpipe

"Dressage" is a French term meaning what?


When should you use a half cheek snaffle?

Training a young horse

What term is used to describe a short, quick, high and often choppy stride?


What causes osselets?

Trauma produces during hyperextension of the fetlock joint.

The wooden or metal frame of a saddle is called what?


At what gait is lameness usually the most pronounced?


What two gaits do harness horses perform and describe each?

Trotters perform a 2 beat, diagonal gait, with diagonal legs moving together at the same time. Pacers perform a 2 beat, lateral gait, with both legs on one side of the body moving together at the same time.

Mules are sterile; true or false?


Pigeon-toe can sometimes be corrected by proper trimming: True or False?


Synovial oil also lubricates tendon bursas and tendon sheaths: True or False?


True or false; Hinnies are sterile.


True or false; a horse possesses and uses both monocular and binocular vision.


True or false; donkeys only have chestnuts on the inside of their front legs, and not the hind.


True or false; the back is a two beat gait and is identical to the footfall pattern of the trot.


What is the difference between true and false ribs?

True ribs attach to the sternum by cartilage. False ribs connect to each other by cartilage and then to the sternum.

What disease is usually seen in very fit horses, with signs of being reluctant to move and possibly seeming stiff all over?

Tying up

Describe a unicorn hitch.

Two horses hitched as a pair with a third in front of them (also accept pair of wheel horses with a single lead horse) DET p. 279

What is the knot used to prevent raveling of a rope?

Turk's head knot

How often does a horse shed its hair?

Twice a year

How many times a year is a frog naturally shed?

Two (every six months)

Giving the horse more selenium, vitamin E and reducing grain intake on days the horse is idle are nutritional preventatives for what metabolic disorder in horses?

Tying up (also accept Recurrent Exertional rhabdomyolysis, Monday morning sickness, Azoturia) Evans p. 306

Name 2 methods of restraining a horse.

Tying, hobbles, twitching, shoulder roll, etc.

Name the 3 basic types of muscle fibers.

Type I, Type IIA, and Type IIB

What is inhalation pneumonia?

Type of pneumonia caused by improper oral administration of liquids.

Name 3 factors that influence the selection of a horseshoe.

Type of work the horse does, size and weight of the horse, terrain worked on, variety of ground patterns available, integrity of the horse's hoof.

What do the following terms describe? Pueblo, Montura and Texas

Types of saddles DET p. 182, 222, 266 1000/4

What is a decubitis ulcer?

Ulcers or sores from lying down, especially in the stifle, elbow, and bony prominences of the head.

Identify the two bones that are fused together in the forearm?

Ulna and radius Kainer plate 10 410/3

Epiphysitis may be caused by what?

Uneven weight distribution on the plates or an unbalanced diet.

Which country produces the most western saddles?

United States

What do the initial USDF stand for?

United States Dressage Federation

A deviation in structure or function that interferes with the horse's intended use or performance is called what?


What word is defined as any deviation in structure or function that interferes with the horse's intended use or performance?


What is the difference between unsoundness and blemish?

Unsoundness is any deviation in the structure or function that interferes with the horse's intended use or performance. Blemishes are abnormalities that do not affect use.

For how long does the horse's foot increase in size?

Until it is full grown (5-6 years of age)

Which two anatomic structures aid the horse in collecting loose feed such as kernels of grain from a feed bucket or manger?

Upper lips (also accept lips) and tongue Evans p. 93

What is a displaced patella of the stifle joint called?

Upward fixation of patella

Define Micturtition.


What is micturition?

Urination Evans p. 119 470/3

Identify four ways that "excess" water is excreted from the horse's body.

Urine, feces, sweat, water vapor from the lungs (respiration) ES p. 116 400/5

Describe how to feed timid horses that are penned with more agressive horses.

Use several feed boxes placed some distance apart; use a large feed trough; or feed separately.

If you cannot reach your stirrup with your foot there are four ways of mounting. Name two of them.

Using a mounting block, Getting a leg-up, lengthening the stirrup leather until you can reach the stirrup, Vaulting.

Where do splints usually occur? Why?

Usually on the inside of the front leg because this area receives the greatest weight. Splints can also occur on the outside of the cannon or on the hind legs, but is not very common.

What are the three main types of Equine Encephalomyelitis?


What is it called when someone gives an animal protection or immunity from a specific disease, usually by injection?


What is a means of artificially stimulating the immunity of an animal without actually giving it the disease?


What is the term used to describe the preventative health practice of injecting bacteria or viruses that have been modified so to prevent disease in horses?


Q. What activity is judged on how well the human and equestrian athletes work together, includes free style routines and is defined as "gymnastics on horseback"?

Vaulting HIH 185D-1 1010/3

What does the abbreviation VEE represent?

Venezuelan encephalomyelitis

Does the most desired horse have a long or short cannon bone?

Very short.

One who is trained and skilled in the treating of diseases and injuries of animals is called a ________.


What is the name of the thoroughbred ridden by General Custer in the Battle of Little Big Horn?


Fingerlike projections of inner lining of the small intestine, helps with absorbing nutrients


Where was the raising and racing of race horses centered in colonial America?


What is septicemia?

Virulent microorganisms in the body of the mare

What are founder rings?

Visible ridges and grooves resulting from disturbance of growth in the foundered foot

What is the oldest and most common method for selecting hay?

Visual appraisal

What vitamin can carotene be converted into?

Vitamin A

What vitamin is lost when stored hay is exposed to the sun and becomes bleached?

Vitamin A

When hay is green it possesses larger quantities of beta-carotene, therefore making green hay richer in what vitamin?

Vitamin A

Which fat soluble vitamin is necessary for the growth and development of normal hooves?

Vitamin A

Excessive intake of what vitamin causes calcification of lungs, heart, kidneys, and other organs?

Vitamin D

What vitamin does sunlight and sun-cured hay provide?

Vitamin D

Your horse has bones that are softened, bent and bowed out and has been diagnosed with rickets. This problem could be prevented in the future by feeding more of which vitamin?

Vitamin D ES p. 124

Sun-cured hay is a good source of what vitamin?

Vitamin D Evans p. 260

sweet clover poisoning results in a deficiency of what vitamin?

Vitamin K

Name 3 vitamins that can be toxic if given in large amounts.

Vitamins A, D, & K

What are the four fat-soluble vitamins?

Vitamins A, D, E and K

Name 4 fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins A, D, E, K.

When riding, what are the 4 natural aids?

Voice, hands, legs, and weight

Name 2 of the 6 main parts of the mare's reproductive tract.

Vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct, ovaries

Name the five gaits of the American Saddlebred.

Walk, Trot, Canter, Slow Gait, and Rack

What are the 5 gaits of the horse that are common to most breeds?

Walk, trot or jog, canter or lope, gallop or run, back

Name 3 natural gaits of the horse.

Walk, trot, and gallop

A typical Hunter Hack class requires the horses to jump two fences and show on the rail at what four gaits?

Walk, trot, canter and hand gallop DET p. 145 1010/3

When a horse makes the vocal sound of a snort, what is the horse communicating?


What is nature's hoof conditioner?


What makes up 65-75% of an adult horse's body weight?


What nutrient is both a lubricant and a regulator of body heat?


A deficit of what basic nutrient may increase the risk of impaction colic?

Water ES p. 116 700/3

What nutrient is absorbed in the small and large colon?

Water ES pp. 112-113 700/3

In general a complete feed is a commercially prepared diet that includes both forage and grain. It would meet all of the nutritional requirements of the horse except for which two nutrients?

Water and salt Lewis p. 385 700/4

How should a horse with heaves be fed?

Water down hay, turn to pasture, feed pelleted food, keep in a dust free environment.

What conformation defect is described by the term "wasp-waisted"?

Weak coupling or shallow in the flank Evans p. 152

What is the frog?

Wedge-shaped soft horn structure on the underside of the hoof

Should a horse be fed by weight or volume?


The American Walking pony is a result of breeding the Tennessee Walking Horse and what pony breed?

Welsh Pony Evans p. 66

You are the veterinarian treating a horse with West Nile Encephalitis. The horse's owner is concerned and wants to know why you are not treating the horse with an antibiotic. Explain why.

West Nile is caused by a virus and antibiotics are used to treat bacterial diseases HIH 665-2; DET p. 12

Give another name for Western Horsemanship

Western Equitation or Stock Seat Equitation

What do the letters W.P. and E.C. stand for when dealing with insecticides?

Wettable powder and Emulsifiable concentrates

When dealing with insecticides, what do the letters "W.P." and "E.C." stand for?

Wettable powder and emulsifiable concentrates

What country did the ancestors of the Welsh pony originate from?


Which grain when fed in excess may form a dough-ball in the horse's stomach?


What is cross-cantering, and what is another name for it?

When a horse is on one lead in the front, and the opposite on the back. Another name for this is disunited.

What are complete feeds?

When both hay and concentrate are incorporated into a pellet.

Palomino horses do not "breed true". What does this mean?

When breeding a palomino to a palomino only 50 percent will produce a palomino (also accept breeding a palomino to a palomino will not always result in a palomino) Evans p. 51 550/3

What are Neonatal Septicemias?

When foals are very susceptible to infection.

What does genetics mean?

When genes are transmitted from parents to their offspring.

What is meant by the term "silent heat"?

When the mare fails to show behavioral signs of estrus.

At what stage are Red Maple leaves toxic to horses?

When they are wilted or dried

When are "high protein" concentrate feeds necessary for performance horses?

When very low protein roughages are being fed.

What is malocclusion?

Where the top and bottom teeth don't meet. (Monkey mouth or Parrot mouth)

What is the common name for ileocolonic aganglionosis?

White Foal Syndrome (also accept Lethal White Foal Syndrome and Lethal White Syndrome) HIH 1060-6 550/4

When preparing to mount from the left side, where do you stand?

With your left shoulder by the horse's left shoulder.

Name the four components of the horse's top line.

Withers, back, loin, croup

What is the common name for Equine Spinal Ataxia?


What is the common term for the 1st premolar teeth?

Wolf teeth Kainer plate 49

Identify three types of teeth that are only present as permanent teeth.

Wolf teeth, molars and canines HIH 405-1; Evans p. 92

What is another name for the first premolar permanent tooth?

Wolf tooth

What material is best for horse buildings?


What are 3 types of fencing?

Wooden board, post and rail, wire fencing, electric fence, barbed wire, rubber fencing

Name 2 types of panniers.

Wooden box, rawhide, or canvas

What are the two classifications of soundness?

Working soundness and breeding soundness

What are the five types of walk in a dressage test?

Working walk, collected walk, medium walk, extended walk, free walk

Your horse is exhibiting the following symptoms...abrupt onset of open mouth with the tongue hanging out and inability to prehend or chew food. What type of plant poisoning do these symptoms indicate?

Yellow star thistle or Russian knapweed (only need to give one answer) Lewis p. 315 770/4

Does the cannon function as a lever?


Is parrot mouth a genetic defect?


In a pari-mutuel race you are placing an "across the board" bet on a horse. Where in the race must your horse place to collect prize money?

You collect if your horse runs first, second or third DET p. 3 1040/3

At what two stages of a horse's life are the calcium needs the greatest?

Young animals and lactating mares

what is a Zony

a cross between a zebra stallion and a shetland pony mare

what is a hebra

a cross between mare zebra and a stallion horse

In reference to motion, what is an "acquired gait"?

a gait that the horse learns

About how tall was eohippus?

about 12 inches

A nutritional toxicity occurs when the amount of the nutrient is at what level?

above the requirment

What does the jejunum do?

absorbs nutrients

What is the hormone produced by the adrenal gland that speeds up the heart rate?


What do microbes do

aide in fermentation process.

Do horse require more calcium, phosphorus or zinc per day?


When determining the size of an English saddle, you measure the distance from the saddle nail to the mid-point of the what?


What is the name of a noseband on English bridles?


The horn like growths on the medial side of the leg, proximal to the carpus are known as...?


the disease commonly known as "swamp fever" can be detected by performing what test?

coggins test

What does the illeum do?

connects small intestine to the large intestine

Most colorado pastures contain what type of grass?

cool season

Which grain has the most energy of any grain & can put weight on a horse quickly?


give a reason when a judge, at his discretion, can award a rider a new cow in Ranch cutting

cow will not or cannot run, cow will not leave herd or end of area, cow is blind or will not yield to a horse, cow leaves arena

Which feed is expected to weigh more per scoop: alfalfa meal, crimped oats or cracked corn?

cracked corn

What is the name for providing additional nutrients to a nursing foal

creep feeding

What is the gait abnormality in which the hind foot strikes the opposite forefoot termed?


A small piece of equipment that goes around the base of a horse's tail and attaches to a packsaddle is termed?


What is the metal chain or leather strap attached to a curb bit called?

curb chain or curb strap

Straps or ropes that are used on the legs to restrict movement are called?


Is the trot a lateral or diagonal gait?


what mucous-membrane lined tube is approximately 100 feet long in the horse?

digestive tract

What part of the digestive tract does the contents of the stomach empty into?

duodenum or the small intestine

Name the original ancestor of the horse.


The horn like material that grows from the plantar surface of the fetlocks are known as...?


The pharynx leads to the


What tube-shaped part of the digestive tract connects the mouth with the horse's stomach?


What is the term that describes movement that lengthens the stride of a horse


If desiring to feel a horse's pulse by feeling blood flow on the edge of the mandible, you feel the...?

facial artery

What is the job of the anus

feces pass through the anus, 50 pounds of feces per 1000 pound horse.

The part of a Western saddle that runs down from the skirt to the stirrup is...?


Windpuffs are swellings of which joint capsule?


cattle are sensitive to position and distance of a rider, their response to this is called what?

flight zone

What is digesta

food mixed with juices and water

What does the Duodenum do?

food mixes with enzymes from pancreas and intestinal glands and bile from the liver

The term pes is Latin for...?


What is the hardest part of the horse to keep sound?


What permanent incisors first appear, the front centers, the intermediate pair, or the lateral incisors?

front centers

What specific term describes a white marking that extends from the coronet up and includes the knee or hock?

full stocking

What term refers to the area of the hind leg between the stifle and hock joints?


What digests fat

gastric lipase

What are the units of inheritance?(both)


Name 2 of the main functions of the horses mouth in digestion

grasp food, chew, wet with saliva, swallow

What is the name for a pole on the ground set at the base of a jump that allows the horse to see and gauge the distance better?

ground line or ground pole

On an English Saddle, what part is located "between the panels"?


The open area directly under the seat of the saddle is called?


What is the offspring produced by a stallion and a female donkey known as?


What is the function of the small colon

main functions is to absorb any extra water and return it to the horses prepares waste and turns it into small balls of feces/poop

when hauling a stallion, where should he be loaded jn the trailer?

in the front, he should be loaded first and unloaded last

What is it called when a loop of intestine has become entrapped within the abdominal cavity?


This disease is caused by myxoviruses. Symptoms include high temperature, depressed appetite and nasal discharge.


name the four funtions of the digestive system

ingestion, mixing, absorption, grinding, digestion, elimination,

what is the most important factor when choosing a horse?

intended use

How much can the small colon hold

its 9 feet long and can hold 4 gallons

What is a collected trot called?


What do joint capsules contain to lubricate the movement of joints?

joint oil (Synovial fluid)

When loping, the horse's independent moving front leg is known as the ______.


Alfalfa, clover and lespedeza are what type of forage?


More frequent, smaller meals are best because

the size and rate of passage in the stomach

What is the infection of the frog of the foot called?


A western version of the standing martingale that attaches to a bosal or noseband is termed?


A piece of equipment called a pannier is used when packing with horses. What is its function?

to fill with gear, food and equipment

What is the airway form the nasal passages to the lungs, also called the windpipe?


How many rows of carpal bones are there?


Is a sidebone a blemish or an unsoundness?


Where would you find the soft palate on a horse?

upper surface of the mouth

Which gait is known as the foundation gait?


What are the three natural gaits of the horse?

walk, trot, and gallop

Name 4 things that induce a higher rate of hoof growth.

warm temperatures; age of animal (younger grows faster); increased exercise or wear; optimal level of feed intake; high heart rate; stimulation of sensitive structures by massage

True neck reining is the response of your horse to the _____ of the rein against the neck.


This is a small, sometimes appearing first upper premolar tooth that may interfere with a bit, so it is commonly removed.

wolf tooth

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