Hotline Counselor Training

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What three types of statements from the caller should a counselor confront?

1. Discrepancies 2. Distortions 3. Evasions of responsibility

List the four steps to follow when receiving a misdirected call:

1. Identify the misdirected call 2. Explain the purpose of Helpline 2-1-1 3. Explore the caller's alternatives 4. Send an SOS with the call information

What three steps do you follow when offering a caller advocacy?

1. Identifying 2. Offering 3. Requesting

When are you required to contact the Off-Site Supervisor on a second-party suicide call?

1. If you cannot determine the lethality 2. If the Lethality Assessment indicates high risk 3. If the caller is unwilling to take action

List the four common characteristics of a prank caller:

1. The caller's concern 2. The caller's affect or voice tone 3. Manipulation 4. Repeat calls

List the seven parts of the confidentiality policy.

1. Do Not Discuss Calls 2. Do Not Give Out Information 3. Destroy Written Call Information 4. Do Not Reveal Information about Another Counselor 5. Use a Phone Name or Alias 6. Never Meet the Callers 7. Confidentiality of the Agency

What six things should you remember during the process of giving information to a caller?

1. Do not give legal, medical or religious counseling or advice 2. Explore why the caller needs the information 3. Find an appropriate resource 4. Quote your source 5. Read the information to the caller 6. Offer referrals if more information is needed

List the three parameters on which the counselor should focus the caller:

1. Themselves 2. Their crisis 3. Their feelings

What are the questions you should ask a caller if they answer "yes" to the previous question?

1. Do you want to make sure your child is on track developmentally or behaviorally for their age? 2. Are they acting or behaving like other children their age? 3. Are you worried about their behavior or development?

On Helpline 2-1-1, what criteria needs to meet in order to offer a follow-up call?

1. They live within our eight county service area 2. They were given a referral

What steps should a counselor follow when talking with a prank caller?

1. Establish a relationship with the caller 2. Explain the purpose of the hotline 3. Focus the caller on the "here and now" 4. Ask the statistical questions 5. Gently let the caller know that if they don't want to talk with you, then we need to keep the line open for callers who do want to talk 6. Contact your Off-Site Supervisor if the caller won't hang up, or if the prank calls are recurring

What are some characteristics of a psychotic person?

1. Affect: extreme, flat, inappropriate, or unstable 2. Language and communication: derailment or tangential though, poverty of content, and lack of concentration 3. Sensory misperceptions 4. Sense of self and external world: loss of ego boundaries, morbid perplexity about own identity, preoccupation with fantasies, emotional detachment, and delusions 5. Orientation: distorted as to identity, location, or time

How should a counselor confront the caller?

1. After the relationship is established 2. Without inferring or interpreting the caller's actions 3. Gently 4. Promptly 5. Consistently 6. Concretely

What are the five branches of the military?

1. Air Force 2. Army 3. Coast Guard 4. Marine Corps 5. Navy

A possible correct response is:

1. An opening statement 2. A rephrase of everything the caller has been telling her. 3. A feeling reflection.

A summary consists of:

1. An opening statement 2. A rephrasing of everything that has been discussed 3. A feeling reflection

What is the Baker Act receiving facility for the Big Bend area?

1. Apalachee Center for Human Services 2. Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare 3. Capital Regional Medical Center

List some questions you can ask to assess a caller's safety:

1. Are you safe right now? 2. Are you injured/cut/bruised/bleeding? 3. Do you need medical attention? 4. Is your partner (i.e. the person who hurt you) there right now? 5. When are they coming home? 6. Might they (i.e. the violent partner) come home unexpectedly? 7. Did something happen to you against your will/permission? 8. Are there weapons in the house? 9. Are there children that have witnessed the abuse? 10. If we get disconnected, do you want my supervisor to contact law enforcement? 11. Are you in danger of additional harm from the perpetrator?

List the procedures for dealing with a domestic or sexual violence call:

1. Assess safety 2. Establish the relationship through empowerment and support 3. Identify the caller's need 4. Deal with feelings 5. Explore alternatives

What information may be in an Active Caller's policy?

1. Call Content 2. Time Limit 3. Number of calls permitted per da

What six things do you need to write down when taking notes?

1. Caller's name 2. Time the call started 3. Hotline the call came in on 4. Caller's problem 5. Feelings the caller is having 6. Alternatives the caller is exploring 7. Other information you think is important

List the six key steps to follow when exploring alternatives with a caller:

1. Clarify their desired outcome 2. Explore their personal resources, including their prior coping 3. Explore any community resources 4. Discuss possible outcomes or consequences 5. Consider possible failure 6. Develop a viable plan of action

List the three stages of training:

1. Classroom Training 2. Phone room Training 3. Supervised Shifts

How can you identify an Active Caller?

1. Comfort 2. Name 3. Search ServicePoint 4. Search Active Caller Database 5. Concerns

What steps should you take when dealing with a caller who is thinking about killing themselves?

1. Connect i. Active Engagement ii. Identify Reasons for Calling 2. Assess Immediate Risk i. Ask about Suicide ii. Assess if Attempt in Progress iii. Rescue if Needed 3. Listen i. Desire ii. Intent iii. Capability iv. Buffers 4. Clarify i. Fill in the Gaps 5. Plan i. Review Coping Strategies ii. Develop Safety Plan iii. Rescue if Needed 6. Offer Follow-Up 7. Wrap Up Call

What three steps should you also take when talking to an Intoxicated Caller?

1. Contract with the Caller Not to Drink/Use While on the Phone 2. Assess the Caller's Safety 3. Contact Your Off-Site Supervisor if the Call is Not Productive

What are the procedures to follow when on a homicide call?

1. Establish and Maintain the Relationship i. Remain Non-judgmental of the Caller ii. Carefully Gather Identifying Information 2. Identify the Problem i. Clarify the Caller's Intentions ii. Begin the Lethality Assessment iii. Contact the Off-Site Supervisor if 2 questions are a Yes iv. Contract with the Caller c. Deal with Feelings d. Explore Alternatives i. Explore the act of killing another person and possible consequences of that action ii. Explore the possibility of not killing the person and the other options available in the situation iii. Make a plan with the caller e. Close the Call

List the five common ways a caller reacts to confrontation:

1. Examine their behavior 2. Agree with the counselor 3. Seek support elsewhere 4. Devalue the topic or try to change your view 5. Attack

What are the six different types of callers?

1. First time Callers 2. Repeat Callers 3. Potential Active Callers 4. Active Callers 5. Policy Callers 6. Sex Callers

List the six foundations or counseling philosophies of 2-1-1 Big Bend hotline calls.

1. Focus on Feelings 2. Empower Callers 3. Do Not Make Outgoing Calls 4.Do Not Provide Legal, Medical, or Religious Counseling 5. Maintain Confidentiality 6. Do Not Personally Use the Hotline for Counseling

List the three steps you can take before you begin exploring alternatives:

1. Follow the Switzer model 2. Summarize and paraphrase the caller's need 3. Remember to keep the focus on the caller

What are the procedures for an abuse call?

1. Give the abuse disclaimer 2. Contact your Off-Site Supervisor 3. Write down any identifying information 4. Explore having the caller make a report

Name the hotlines operated by 2-1-1 Big Bend

1. Helpline 2-1-1 2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 3. Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline 4. Family Health Line

What steps can you take to determine whether or not someone is a sex caller?

1. Identify Inappropriate Behavior 2. Set Guidelines for the Caller i. Keep them focused on their feelings and the "here and now" ii. Don't allow them to give you graphic details about the situation 3. Keep the Responsibility for Talking on the Caller 4. Ask the Statistical Questions 5. Trust Your Instincts

To perform a feeling reflection, you must:

1. Identify the feelings the caller is experiencing. 2. Reflect the feeling with a response lead. 3. Avoid Minimizing or Maximizing 4. State instead of ask

List some empowering statements you can use to establish a relationship:

1. It took a lot of courage to call us. 2. You are not the reason your partner abuses you. 3. I'm glad you told me about the situation. 4. No one deserves to be treated that way. 5. It is not your fault. 6. There's nothing you did that made it OK for your partner to hit you. 7. When people are in violent relationships, the batterer may try to make their partner feel like it's their fault.

4. What do you say or ask a caller on Helpline 2-1-1 after they have agreed to receive a follow-up call?

1. May I have your name and phone number? 2. What would be the best time to call? 3. If someone else answers the phone or you are not there, is it okay for us to say who we are? 4. We are not able to follow up with all of our callers, so please feel free to give us a call back.

What are the two different types of sex callers that you may come in contact with over the phones?

1. Obscene Callers 2. Fantasy Weavers

List the types of reportable abuse

1. People living with a disability 2. People that are institutionalized 3. Children under age of 18 4. Elderly

In which five areas is it always inappropriate to disclose your views or information to a caller?

1. Political affiliation 2. Opinions on moral/religious issues 3. Health Status 4. Sexuality 5. Personal experience

What are some alternatives you can explore on a second-party suicide call?

1. Put the crisis person on the phone 2. Intervention by the caller 3. Advocacy

How do you construct a Circle of Reality?

1. Reconstruct basic orientations. 2. Focus on present tense reality.

What four steps should you follow if a caller is asking you to self-disclose?

1. Reflect the feelings behind the question 2. Acknowledge the question 3. Decide if you feel comfortable answering the question 4. Let the caller know you cannot answer their question

Paraphrasing is:

1. Rephrasing in your own words what the caller has just stated 2. Stating a feeling reflection

What are the goals of manipulation?

1. Satisfying a need to feel safe 2. Avoiding stressors or shifting responsibility 3. Getting something from someone

Crisis is:

1. Self-defined 2.Any situation for which a person does not have or feel they have adequate coping skills

What are the different levels of supervisory support?

1. Shift Supervisor 2. Hotline Supervisor 3. Off-Site Supervisor

Once you have determined that you are definitely speaking with a sex caller, what steps should you take?

1. State "This Call is Inappropriate for this Hotline and I am Hanging Up Now." 2. Immediately Hang up the Phone

What are the six steps to properly closing a call?

1. Summarize 2. Develop and Review a Plan 3. Ask the Statistical Questions 4. Ask About Other Needs 5. Encourage the Caller 6. Thank them

List the six steps to follow when talking with a verbally abusive caller:

1. Take a deep breath 2. Elevate your voice tone so the caller can hear you, but don't yell back 3. Encourage the caller to tell you about their situation 4. Reflect the feelings the caller is expressing as they talk 5. If the caller is using graphic language, set guidelines 6. If the caller threatens you or the agency, contact your Off-Site Supervisor immediately.

List some statements or questions you can use to engage a caller:

1. Tell me more about that. 2. How was that for you? 3. How do you usually solve problems? 4. How has this been affecting you today? 5. What happened then? 6. What would be your ideal outcome? 7. Who else have you talked to about this?

The seven skills used to establish and maintain a relationship are:

1. The Initial Greeting 2. A Warm and Genuine Voice Tone 3. A Non-Judgmental Attitude 4. Verbal Nods 5. Silences 6. Name Exchange 7. Notes

List the eight things you should remember when giving referrals to a caller:

1. Understand the caller and their need 2. Explore previous attempts 3. Use the referrals database 4. Writing utensils 5. Be thorough when providing referral details 6. Offer multiple options (give out at least three referrals, if possible) 7. Avoid giving recommendations or opinions 8. Avoid misleading the caller

List the four categories in which advocacy can be offered:

1. Unfairly Denied Services 2. Unable to Access Services 3. Complaining About Another Agency 4. Needing a Referral Not in ServicePoint

What techniques do you use to communicate with your Off-Site Supervisor?

1. Use Off-Site Communicator (and Google Hangouts) 2. Summarize 3. Paraphrase 4. Use Verbal Nods Sparingly 5. Never Give Out Any Supervisor's Name or Number 6. Do Not Respond Directly 7. Do Not Put an Off-Site Supervisor on Hold 8. Notify Off-Site when call is over or additional help is needed if they excuse themselves from a call where you have control

1. What steps should you take when talking to a Panicked Caller?

1. Use the Four C's i. Calm ii. Control iii. Concrete iv. Consistent 2. Assess Safety 3. Follow the Switzer Model 4. Contact the Off-Site Supervisor

What statistical questions do we ask at the end of each call on Helpline 2-1-1 and Lifeline?

1. What city are you calling from? 2. What zip code are you calling from? 3. Is this your first time calling our hotline? 4. How did you hear about Helpline 2-1-1/Lifeline? 5. We have new resources which can help people learn about their health insurance options. Do you have health insurance? i. Yes: what kind of insurance do you have? ii. No: Would you be interested in getting some referrals about the new health insurance options that are available? 6. Are you a veteran?

What are some questions you can ask to assess a caller who might have taken medications safely?

1. What did you take? How much? When? With what? 2. How did you obtain the medication (prescription from their doctor, over the counter medications)? 3. What were you supposed to take? How much? How often? With what? 4. What are your usual reactions to this medication? 5. Are you experiencing any (other) unusual changes or symptoms right now? For how long? 6. Have there been any recent changes in your medications? Who told you to make those changes? 7. Have you talked to your doctor about what to do if you have taken too much of or experiencing an unusual reaction to this medication? What did they tell you to do?

List at least three questions you can ask to explore the caller's alternatives:

1. What do you think might happen if you? 2. How would it be for you to? 3. What do you think it would be like if you?

What are some questions you can ask when developing a viable plan of action with a caller?

1. What do you think will be your next step towards? 2. When do you think you will contact? 3. What are you going to do after we get off the phone today?

When is it mandatory to contact your Off-Site Supervisor?

1. When you are the Shift Leader, and any of the counselors on the next shift has not yet arrived. 2. The power in the building goes out; the computers go down, or any other problem with the agency building. 3. A First OR Second Party Suicide call where: i. The crisis person has initiated suicide or an attempt is in progress ii. The crisis person has a detailed lethal plan and access to it while on the phone iii. The crisis person is showing preparatory behaviors iv. The crisis person is intoxicated or showing signs of acute mental illness v. The call is going over an hour and the caller won't deescalate or agree on a safety plan vi. The caller made a statement regarding suicide and hung up before you could assess safety vii. A suicidal person is requesting emergency services be sent out viii. The caller is unwilling to intervene to assist the crisis person (on a second-party suicide call). ix. A caller threatens to harm you or anyone else at the agency. 4. Homicide calls where 2 or more questions are a Yes on the Lethality Form 5. All Abuse calls involving: i. Children ii. Disabled iii. Institutionalized persons iv. Elderly or otherwise vulnerable adults 6. To deviate from an Active Caller's policy. 7. When a caller has recently been victimized and is still in danger or may need medical treatment (including domestic, sexual, or other violence). 8. Confidentiality is threatened or breached. 9. To terminate a call (other than a sex caller). 10. The caller is intoxicated or under the influence of some substance and the call is unproductive

The four parts of the RIDE model are:

1.Establishing and Maintaining a Relationship (throughout the call) 2. Identifying and Clarifying the Problem (throughout the call) 3. Dealing with Feelings (throughout the call) 4.Exploring Alternatives and Giving Information & Referrals (towards the end of the call)

What is the Lethality/Safety Assessment Form?

A form that is used on every first and second-party suicide call that will help you determine the urgency required in the situation.

What is a second-party suicide call?

A second-party suicide call is one in which the caller is calling in reference to someone else who is thinking about killing themselves.

What are some issues a young person might call us to talk about?

Any that we have covered during training.

Write a few tips for talking with youth on our hotlines.

Be careful not to minimize or to "make things better". Be aware of directive phrasing such as "you should", "I think", or "it would be best". Find out on what facts a child is basing an assumption.

Why should a counselor explore the side that wants to die with a caller who is thinking about killing themselves?

Counselors should explore the side that wants to die to allow the caller to express all of their feelings and work through their emotional overload. It can also help the caller to confront the finality of the act of killing themselves and 'make it real'.

What does OEF stand for?

Operation Enduring Freedom

What is the required question for all Helpline 2-1-1 calls that screens all callers for the Help Me Grow program?

Do you have a child in the household or are you calling regarding a child who is 8 or younger

What is endangerment advocacy?

Endangerment advocacy is when the Off-Site Supervisor makes a call to the crisis person.

What does OIF stand for?

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Write how you would explain the Help Me Grow program to callers and ask the screening questions in a conversational and engaging way.

I also wanted to let you know about a program we have here called Help Me Grow. Help Me Grow connects families that are concerned their children may be experiencing behavioral or developmental delays to services in the community.

When and how would you give a parent or child parenting "advice?"

If caller asks, give recommendations from information database and cite sources. Frame them as options not as the only "good" parenting technique.

What is the mission of 2-1-1 Big Bend?

It is the mission of 2-1-1 Big Bend to provide assessment, emotional support, crisis assistance, education, training, and referrals with accurate, up-to-date resource information.

What are the two most prevailing ailments of OEF/OIF veterans?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

What is the Baker Act?

The "Baker Act" (Chapter 394, Part I, Florida Statutes), outlines a bill of rights for the mentally ill. It also provides a system of legal due process for persons being evaluated in designated mental health facilities and details procedures for admitting patients to mental health facilities, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

What is the Marchman Act?

The Marchman Act provides for the involuntary or voluntary assessment and stabilization of a person allegedly abusing substances like drugs or alcohol, and provides for treatment of substance abuse.

What is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline?

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (referred to as Lifeline) is a toll-free number, 1-800-273-TALK, operating throughout the United States. When a person calls Lifeline, their call is automatically routed to the nearest crisis center. 2-1-1 Big Bend answers Lifeline calls from Florida's entire northwest Panhandle region; Tallahassee to Pensacola.

What is the vision of 2-1-1 Big Bend?

The vision of 2-1-1 Big Bend is to serve as the preferred 24/7 gateway to community services and support with a commitment to excellence.

What is the duration of the volunteer commitment to 2-1-1 Big Bend?

The volunteer commitment is 200 hours of service to 2-1-1 Big Bend.

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