How can you classify plants?

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Flowering plant

A plant with seeds that grows flowers.

Each group has different kinds of roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

How are flowering plants different from each other?

Coniferous trees grow cones instead of flowers to make seeds. Seeds grow inside each cone.

How do coniferous trees make seeds?

Deciduous tree

What are plants that loses and grows leaves in the fall and grows them again in the spring?

Pine and Spruce trees

What are some examples of coniferous trees?

orange tree and cactus

What are some examples of flowering plants?

You can classify plants into groups by color, size, and shape. You can classify plants by how they reproduce, or produce offspring. You can also classify by their flowers or seeds.

What are some ways you can classify plants?

A small cell that grows into a new plant.

What is a spore?

Arrange in classes

What is classifying?

Most coniferous trees do not lose all their leaves in the fall.

What is the main difference between the leaves of coniferous trees and flowering trees?

Flowering and nonflowering plants grow and reproduce in rainforest.

What kind of plants can you find in the rainforest?

Ferns and Mosses

What type of plants do not make seeds?

Mosses produce spores at the end of their stalks. Ferns produce spores on the undersides of their leaves.

Where are spores produced?

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