How the media affects your body image.

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Source #4 Nisandro Vergara

source #4 The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill,Maggie Wykes, Barrie Gunter.Jan 13, 2005 - Language Arts & Disciplines.Book

#19 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #19 Body image is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual's perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance.Concern over weight and appearance related issues often surfaces early in a teens life.

#20 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #20 Images in the media today project an unrealistic and even dangerous standard of feminine beauty that can have a powerful influence on the way women view themselves.

#40 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #40 Although advertising, the most powerful arm of the mass media, is all around us, many of us believe we are immune from its effects.This mistaken belief is one of the reasons it is so effective. Mass media is everywhere; there is no escaping from it. From the moment you wake until you fall asleep you are confronted with media

#41 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #41 The media's portrayal of body image affects women negatively through using stereotypes, encouraging thinness, and promoting unnecessary products. Of course there are extremely thin people, but it's usually unhealthy and not terribly normal.

#42 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #42 Clothing companies choose thin people to model their clothing because they think that the clothes they have made will look better on a thin person. This is also why you never see a 'Male' mannequin who has a sunken chest and a pot belly.

#43 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #43 If the media would show people as who they really are and at weights and sizes that are attainable it could possibly decrease the negative effect that is such a huge factor in society today.

#44 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #44 People need to know that it is okay not to be a size 2, 4, or a size 6, and they seek that acknowledgement from the media. The media just needs to help by acknowledging them correctly and in a healthy way.

#45 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #45 The majority of media today often present the perfect body to the public, hoping that consumers will strive to achieve fitness using a certain product or idea.

#46 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #46 As a result of these body images projected by the media, men and women have encountered physical problems, including bulimia, anorexia, employment of harmful dietary plans, low self-esteem, and depression.

#47 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #47 Unless reality is discerned from what is presented in certain media, some people will continue to suffer. Every day, people who feel unattractive wear sensual cologne, and those who are not athletic wear Carl Lewis track shoes; mentally, some may feel an improvement but in reality nothing has changed.

#48 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #48 The mental effects of the mass media's portrayal of the perfect body can cause people to resort to unhealthy methods of losing weight to attain that athletic look that so many desire. For instance, men and women who think they are overweight do not eat, for the simple fact that "they want to lose weight" which can result to eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia.

#49 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #49 The influence the media has on teenagers is becoming greater and more dangerous every day. Advertisements and the media set out with only one intention: to make a profit. However, along the way they are altering the reality of body image and leading teens to believe beauty is only skin deep.

#50 Nisandro Vergara

Boston. The Media Lies, #50 People should make up their minds that they will not be negatively influenced by the media. In doing this, the public can view the media for what it truly is, a means of conveying information or providing entertainment.

#17 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #17 In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life.

#1 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image #1 Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have become a huge part of most teens' lives. But do they help or hurt our self-esteem and body image?

#2 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image #2 "People get positive attention in the world by losing weight. And you can do it to an even greater extent on Facebook." --Anika, 18

#4 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image #4 Before social networks, we mostly had images of impossibly perfect celebrities. We would pass these images on billboards, watch them on TV, flip through them in magazines, but we weren't sitting around staring at them for hours every day.

#5 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image #5 The pressure to have the perfect body,the comparisons we make on a daily basis,and the dangers of the constant scrutiny of our own and others' bodies.

#6 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image #6 It is a fight from within, a huge desire to be thin-Olga Shik social media plays a huge part in people insecurities its the desire to be thin that drives people to extremes in order to loo like the people on tv.

#3 Nisandro Vergara

How does, How Does Social Media Affect Your Body Image. #3 "I think that social media platforms hurt because young people are now having their bodies judged online in addition to being judged in person, which causes them to feel trapped." --Jen, 17

#30 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #30 The literature confirms that children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to messages and images conveyed through the mass media.

#31 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #31 Young people are often unaware that digital technology and manipulation in the fashion industry use air brush and digital enhancement to portray the 'ideal' female and male body. These images promote unrealistic standards that are impossible to achieve.

#32 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #32 Encouragement to focus on appearance is at an all-time high in this culture, and with it comes the potential for a significant increase in negative body image.

#33 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #33 "There's often a vicious circle here: the more a person focuses on his body, the worse he tends to feel about how he looks - obsession breeds discontent."-The Adonis Complex

#34 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #34 Which factors affect body image? .Ideals that we develop about physical appearance .The frequency with which we compare ourselves to others .Exposure to images of idealized versus normal bodies .The experience of physical activity .The experience of abuse, including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse .The experience of prejudice and discrimination based on race, .ethnicity, religion, ability, sexual orientation or gender identity

#35 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #35 Negative body image can involve a distorted perception of size or shape, as well as more global feelings of shame, awkwardness, and anxiety about the body.

#36 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #36 People with negative body image tend to feel that their size or shape is a sign of personal failure, and that it is a very important indicator of worth.Poor body image has been linked to diminished mental performance, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction, dieting and eating disorders.

#37 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #37 The same thing goes for 6-pack abs and the "ripped" look being promoted to men; the ability to have very defined abdominal muscles is genetically endowed, and the hyper-muscled physique of action figures and male fitness models is impossible to achieve without illegal anabolic steroids.

#38 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #38 Every day, however, we are told that these unattainable bodies are normal, desirable, and achievable. We compare ourselves to these ideals and feel displeased with our bodies for being so different, and when we fail to make ourselves over in the image of these ideals, we feel even worse because we can't seem to succeed at something so supposedly straightforward.

#39 Nisandro Vergara

M Morris. The impact of the media on eating disorders... #39 The media is a powerful conduit for transmission and reinforcement of cultural beliefs and values, and while it may not be exclusively responsible for determining the standards for physical attractiveness, it makes escaping frequent exposure to these images and attitudes almost impossible.

#18 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #18 Very little emphasis is placed on becoming your own unique self, learning to love yourself or your body, develop intellectually, spiritually, or becoming more compassionate toward others.

#10 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #10 Pressure from mass media to be muscular also appears to be related to body dissatisfaction among men.This effect may be smaller than among women but it is still significant.Young men seem to be more negatively affected by the media images than adolescent boys are.

#11 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #11 If we cannot come together as a society and change the way we perceive beauty, there will be serious health consequences, not only in the physical sense but also the mental sense.

#12 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #12 Mass media's use of such unrealistic models sends an implicit message that in order for a person to be considered perfect, they must be unhealthy. Such standards of beauty are almost completely unattainable.

#7 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #7 The media broadcasts the "thin ideal" in almost every way possible.The "thin ideal" being portrayed in the media is a constant reminder of the negative body image being taught to adolescents in our culture and then continuing to be supported by the rest of our population.

#8 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #8 Mass media provides a significantly influential context for people to learn about body ideals and the value placed on being attractive. There is no single cause of body dissatisfaction or disordered eating.

#9 Nisandro Vergara

Media, Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders #9 Body image and self-esteem are definitely affected by the media, in that people compare their actual physical body to those in the media and experience guilt or shame and thus body dissatisfaction.

#13 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #13 Social media puts a ton of pressure on teens to be perfect, by making people think that by having the perfect body and being thin then and only then will society accept you.

#14 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #14 Humans, by definition, are imperfect. It's what makes each of us unique and original! Everyone (even the most perfect-seeming celeb) has things that they can't change and need to accept , like their height, for example, or their shoe size. Remind yourself that "real people aren't perfect and perfect people aren't real (they're usually airbrushed!)".

#15 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #15 In a study on fifth graders, 10 year old girls and boys told researchers they were dissatisfied with their own bodies after watching a music video by Britney Spears or a clip from the TV show "Friends".

#16 Nisandro Vergara

Nermours, Body Image And Self Esteem #16 The media promises that if you are young, thin and beautiful, you will be happy. And if you are fat, old and ugly, you are less attractive and you are not worthy.

Source #1

Source #1 How Does Social Media Affects Your Body Image,Proud 2B Me, National Eating Disorder Association.2012.Website, This is a fresh article that talks about the youths struggle to look like celebrities.

source #2 Nisandro Vergara

Source #2 Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders, National Eating disorders.Feeding hope.2012.Article.

source #3 Nisandro Vergara

Source #3 Body Image And Self Esteem, The Nemours Foundation.Kids Health,© 1995-2014,Article

Source #5

Source #5 The impact of the media on eating disorders in children and adolescents.Anne M Morris.NCBL,US National Library of Medicine.2003 May-Jun.article

Source #6

Source #6 The Media Lies.Excerpted from the 2005 edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves, © 2005, Boston Women's Health Book Collective. Book

#21 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #21 The beauty myth tells a story: The quality called "beauty" objectively and universally exists. Women must want to embody it and men must want to possess women who embody it. This embodiment is an imperative for women and not for men.

#22 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #22 A propaganda model focuses on this inequality of wealth and power and its multilevel effects on mass-media interests and choices. It traces the routes by which money and power are able to filter out the news fit to print, marginalize dissent, and allow the government and dominant private interests to get their messages across to the public.‎

#23 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #23 Despite normal hunger, slender shape and successful social life,many young women deprive themselves of nutrition to the extent that they risk serious illness and even death.

#24 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #24 The appearance of body image dissatisfaction has been observed to emerge among young teens.certainly, 13-year-olds have been found to report concerns with there appearance and body size.

#25 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #25 In western societies especially, a general preference for a thin body shape has been established as the norm. "I believe one of the biggest issues impacting us today is the pressure the media places on us to look "picture perfect."

#26 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #26 Today's children and adolescents grow up in a world flooded with the mass media.

#27 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #27 Over the past 20 years, several articles have proposed a link between the thin female beauty ideal and the muscular male body ideal portrayed in the media with a range of psychological symptomatically including body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.

#28 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #28 Over time the cultural ideal for women's body size and shape has become considerably thinner and leaner and men's body size and shape has become stronger and more muscular.

#29 Nisandro Vergara

Wykes,Gunter ,The Media and Body Image: If Looks Could Kill. #29 These cultural standards may well explain, in part, why many adolescents are preoccupied with their bodies and dissatisfied with their body image, and are willing to try a variety of dangerous weight-loss practices in their quest for the perfect body.

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