HPE 305 Exam 1

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What percentage of behavior management issues relate to teacher planning?


What biases may negatively impact equity in HPE?

Being their friend, being too involved in the students' lives.

What are the steps in an SEL learning cycle?

Briefing, Activity, Processing

What does DEI stand for?

Diversity Equity Inclusion Belonging

What are some reasons that students misbehave?

If they are attention seekers or have behavioral issues

How do activities, wait time, equipment, skill level, groups, directions, and transition impact behavior?

Poor lesson = poor behavior Boring activities, long wait time, not enough equipment, already mastered skills, inadequate directions lead to poor behavior

What are some practical strategies for building rapport?

Show you enjoy students and teaching, participate in activities with students, go to students extracurricular activities.

What is the "fishbowl effect?"

Sitting on the outside and watching the people on the inside who are playing.

What does SEL mean?

Social Emotional Learning

What do the letters in WAM TKO stand for?

Wait time Activity time Management time Transition time Knowledge time Off-task time

What are some examples of routines?

When the class arrives, they get right into a warmup. Enter the locker room change and start walking around the gym until told directions.

What is the Premack Principle?

You need to do something you don't like before doing something you do like.

What does rapport mean?

building relationship with students

Finish the quote " "NEVER EVER state a ___________ you are unwilling to administer or can't give."


What is the activity stage?

doing a physical activity

What is an example of the premack principle?

eating dinner before eating dessert.

What is character education?

involves teaching children about positive character traits

Why does DEI matter?

it promotes fairness and equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic

What is pinpointing or spotlighting?

pointing out a student who demonstrates positive character to their peers

What are some examples of SEL skills?

problem solving, communication, trust in others

What are some benefits of good classroom management?

students will listen more if you have control over the classroom and it creates a good classroom environment

What is the processing stage?

use questions/activities to promote learning of the SEL skills

What is the briefing stage?

usually in the form of a story, scenario, or task description

Finish this quote "without control.."

your lesson is ineffective

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