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a corporate culture that does not promote ethical behavior

Jake, a financial sales consultant, sells a client a highly risky investment just so he (Jake) can earn an extra generous commission. Jake thinks, "Why shouldn't I earn a big commission this way? Our vice president thinks it is a smart idea." Jake appears to be responding to the influence of ________.

social network analysis

Jason sits quietly in his cubicle, getting his work accomplished. To find out if Jason is really a loner, management might conduct a ________.


Jenny says, "If I had only finished college and gone to work for a big company, today I would be a CEO and the envy of my friends and family." Jenny is referring to her ________ self.

a traditional mental set

Jerry has become much more intellectually flexible since beginning his job with a jewelry company, which is very helpful in his overcoming a fixed way of thinking. This is also referred to as the ability to overcome ________.


June relies on bringing up facts and emotional hunches at the same time. This is referred to as ________.

network of contacts

Lola has a group of people in both her formal and informal channels that she gets in touch with on a regular basis to get her work accomplished. This group of people is often referred to as her ________.


Marge has an open-door policy which allows employees to bring a complaint to her without checking with their manager first. This is an example of ________ communication.

make frequent use of hand gestures

Maria wants to use hand gestures to communicate a positive attitude, so she should ________.

________ is used for such essential activities as thinking, planning, getting organized, doing analytical work, writing reports, and doing creative tasks.

Quiet time

more intense than his or her response to gains

Research suggests that an individual's response to loss is ________.


Ricardo is industrious, well organized, self-controlling, responsible, traditional, and virtuous. It is likely one of Ricardo's values is ________.

helps accomplish work whether or not it is part of her regular responsibilities

Samantha is part of the shadow organization in her company because she ________.

Bart, a hard-working but not very productive website developer at a motorcycle manufacturer, should consider which one of the following actions to boost his productivity?

Set a time limit for most tasks he faces

Melissa, age 28, is in charge of online sales for an office furniture maker. To keep her productivity at a high level, how much sleep do your recommend that she get?

Seven to nine hours per night

conflict of interest

Several times during the winter, supervisor Clyde goes ice fishing with Bubba, one of the workers in his department. After fishing they often have a few beers together. When it comes time for Clyde to write a performance evaluation of Bubba, Clyde faces the ethical dilemma of ________.

developed a high-quality voice

Stan wants to use nonverbal behavior to convey the fact that he is intelligent. Stan could accomplish his goal best if he ________.

Helping restrict the range of ideas we accept

Studies suggest that multicultural experiences often enhance creativity in all but in which one of the following ways?

Which of the following will probably not demonstrate a strong work ethic?

Suggest that others take the responsibility for free-floating problems

uses these sites to eliminate face-to-face interactions with work associates

Supervisor Jason is not making the most effective use of social media when he ________.

Bodily Kinesthetic

Tanya wants to become an Olympic ice skater. She should therefore concentrate on developing which one of the following multiple intelligences?

Company's culture or atmosphere and values

Which one of the following is an organizational factor likely to have an influence on job performance and behavior?

They are too formal in their speech.

Which one of the following is not particularly a negative stereotype that members of Gen Y often have to overcome?

adds some updated features to product information

Willy makes proper use of the wiki feature on the company intranet when he ________.

search among managers they know well

Workers who want an ethical role model to follow should ________.

understand his or her point of view

You empathize with another person when you ________.

how you combine verbal and nonverbal communication

Your personal communication style reflects ________.


________ establish the basis for ethical thinking and behavior.

Positive gossip

________ makes a contribution to the organization because trading information strengthens ties among workers and humanizes the workplace.

A negative side effect noted of workplace conflict is that the people involved often ________.

waste time and energy that could be to used in useful purposes

they sometimes assume responsibility for key problems

A major contribution of employee networks (or communities of practice) is that ________.

environmental conditions

The saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention," emphasizes the contribution of ________ to creativity.

area of needed improvement

The term developmental opportunity in a performance evaluation system refers to a(n) ________.

participants usually have to think more quickly than in sit-down meetings

A noted consequence of standup meetings is that ________.

Tanya is a sales representative for a software developer for organizations. Tanya engages in proactive customer service performance when dealing with a customer when she ________.

explains that her company's software is too advanced for the company's computer system

A person is a true workaholic when he or she ________.

finds not working to be an uncomfortable experience

To overcome procrastination, Jane jump-starts herself by ________.

getting started on a tiny task related to larger task

To use humor effectively in dealing with difficult people, show them ________.

how their behavior is blocking others

Two teammates, Kelly and Bella, basically detest each other which leads to many conflicts on the job. The two women are most likely experiencing a ________.

personality clash

A basic part of being civil is ________.

practicing good basic manners

The amount of quality work accomplished in relation to the resources consumed is the emphasis of work habits in the workplace today. This is referred to as ________.


Banquet manager Juan delivers a "wow" experience to a customer when he ________.

provides the customer with an unusually sensitive and warm surprise

A mission statement is likely to improve personal productivity because it ________.

serves as a compass to direct your activities

The easiest way to deal with sexual harassment is to ________.

speak up before it becomes serious

An example of a cross-cultural factor in developing a good relationship with your boss would be ________.

the type of respect the manager expects

An important reason that incivility leads to conflict is that ________.

uncivil behavior often leads to a dispute between two people

The technique, disarm the opposition, assumes that ________.

you have done something wrong

An important perspective for combatting procrastination is to remember that ________.

your goal is to cross the finish line

systematically evaluate the evidence

A major component to any form of critical thinking is to ________.

that promise to do something for them

People are more receptive to messages ________.

moral and ethical behavior

A character trait is most related to a person's ________.

protect one's self-esteem

A major purpose of defensive communication is to ________.

Vanessa is a top sales representative, yet at the same time she is an egotist, prima donna, and a poor team player. Which type of difficult person best fits her description?

Destructive hero

from one level to a lower level

Downward communication is the flow of messages ________.

helps you regulate your emotions to make a good decision

Emotional intelligence contributes to effective decision making because it ________.

organizational effectiveness

From the standpoint of management, human relations is quite important because it contributes to ________.

management by walking around

Ken spends time everyday walking among her employees and customers to see how things are going and gather informal feedback. Ken's behavior is referred to as ________.

a creative solution

Laura is known to have a high degree of creative self-efficacy, so it would be a good idea for her manager to assign Laura to a task requiring ________.

developing the right character traits

One guideline for making ethical decisions and behaving ethically is ________.

will sometimes point to problems and a possible solution

One reason that humor enhances workplace creativity is that humor ________.

eliminate bias and prejudice

One way for employers to ensure ethical treatment of their employees is to ________.

satisfaction and challenge of the work itself

People are the most likely to be creative when they are motivated primarily by the ________

combine human relations skills with intellectual skills

People who are promoted to leadership positions in organizations typically ________.

imitate the other person in a subtle manner

To effectively use mirroring, ________.

All of these

To use presentation technology to your advantage, ________.

filtering of information

Trucking supervisor Chad learns this morning that a company truck jumped a curb, and crashed into a restaurant. Chad sends a text message to his boss, saying, "We had a small incident involving a truck this morning, but we are OK." He has therefore created the communication barrier of ________.


Using powerful words is a key principle of ________ communication.


We know that the communication cycle is complete only after the ________ step has been taken.

Correct public self

What the person is communicating about himself or herself is contained in the ________.

feelings often contain the true meaning of a message

When receiving a message, you should interpret feelings because ________.

An important output from working smarter rather than harder is that you ________.

accomplish more in the same amount of time

The final step in the grievance procedure is ________.


A surgical nurse brings her complaint directly to the top administrator of the hospital. She is, therefore, violating the tactic called ________.

avoid bypassing your manager

The key to concentrating on important tasks is to ________.

develop better self-discipline

A task is often procrastinated because it ________.

does not appear to offer an immediate reward

A good organizational citizen will work hard for the good of the firm ________.

even without the promise of a specific reward

A time-and-activity chart is particularly useful in ________.

keeping track of progress on your activities

Glen feels his manager does not like him because he consistently trivializes Glen's comments in meetings. This form of conflict is often referred to as ________.


A potential disadvantage of being overly concerned about neatness (being a neat freak) is that ________.

staying neat can take time away from activities of major consequence

A problem noted with drama in the workplace is that it ________.

takes the form of an obstacle to something you want to attain

Amy is given a gold pin honoring her 25 years of good service to the firm. Which of the following compliments paid her best fits the qualities of an appropriate compliment?

"I'm impressed with your reputation and stability."

A coworker annoys you by frequently asking how to carry out certain functions on a computer. To use the technique of cognitive restructuring you would say to yourself, ________

"Teaching another person is a learning experience for me."

sending mixed signals

Judy's credibility is diminished because she often says one thing, but does another. Judy is guilty of ________.

highly unethical

Lisa enters a virus into the company computer system. The next day Lisa proudly announces that she has discovered a powerful virus in the computer system but she has been able to repair the problem. Lisa's behavior is best described as ________.


Robin has an ability to know what information is relevant, to find connections between the old and the new, to combine facts that are unrelated, and to see the "big picture." Another way to say this would be to say Robin has ________.


Sally has a strong need for self-awareness, personal growth, and a sense of being individual and unique. It is likely one of Sally's values is ________.

engaging in unethical behavior to benefit the company

Terrence purposely inflates profitability estimates to impress outside investors. He most likely has committed the ethical violation of ________.

getting your creative idea implemented

The lawyer role in the technique, "Play the roles of explorer, artist, judge, and lawyer" involves ________.

is sometimes an asset

With respect to problem solving, the need for risk taking and thrill seeking ________

Studies have shown that a good way of ingratiating yourself to your boss and others in the workplace is to ________.

make effective use of humor

Correct capitalize on opportunities in your career

Correct capitalize on opportunities in your career

believe that you can be a creative problem solver

A recommended starting point in becoming a more creative problem solver is to ________.

promote healthy, accurate communication

A recommended way of combating negative rumors in an organization is for management to ________.

an ethical screen

A set of questions used to make an ethical decision is called ________.

overrated their generosity in dealing with others

A study about the self-evaluation of college students found that the students ________.

40 percent of employees have observed misconduct on the job

A survey about ethics in business reported in the human relations text indicated that about ________.

make company information available in a convenient location for employees

A typical use of a company intranet would be to ________.


"Play by the rules, take turns and share" is the guideline for which character trait?

"In what ways are we awesome?"

A coworker says to Pam, "Our team is awesome." Pam displays the active listening technique of "accepting the sender's figure of speech" when she replies ________

North Americans tend to overestimate their abilities

A cultural difference observed about self-evaluation is that ________.

employees are motivated by social needs employees desire rewarding on-the-job relationships employees are more responsive to pressures from co-workers than to control by the boss Correct All of these

A major implication of the Hawthorne study was ________.

building relationships in person is effective

A major justification for a company going to the expense of business travel is that ________.

facilitate employees building their working relationships

A major purpose of a company using a social networking site within the organization is to ________.

how well he or she has performed

A major purpose of feedback is to tell a person ________.

difficulty in maintaining eye contact

A nonverbal indicator that a person is lying is likely to be ________.

facilitated breaking down the distinction between work and personal life

A notable consequence of electronic communication devices is that they have ________.

delay in making decisions

A notable consequence of perfectionism is that it often leads to a(n) ________.

an individual's personality could influence the potential benefits

A potential problem in benefiting from human relations knowledge is that ________.

carefully explain the meaning of potentially ambiguous terms

A practical way of overcoming the potential communication barrier created by semantics is to ________.

lacks a solid human connection

A problem noted with telecommuting is that it ________.

"I" "me," and "mine"

According to research, a gender difference in communication style is that women make more frequent use of the words, ________.


According to some information technology research, the average worker dealing with information loses about how many minutes of productivity every day to electronic interruptions and distractions?

there is a gap between what exists and what you want you experience stress

According to the technical definition of the term, you know you have a problem when ________.

at his creative best

Alberto, a store-window decorator, is in a wonderful mood today, so we can anticipate that he will be ________.

threat of punishment is not necessary to get effort from employees

An assumption of Theory Y is that ________.

provide emotional support to group members

An employee who wants to be a good team player should ________.

hire a friend who was less qualified than other candidates

An example of a company action that should be considered legal but unethical would be to ________.


An example of a word or phrase by the listener that usually shuts down discussion is ________

is linked to how personal relationships are managed

An inference from some research about relationships suggests that the way people manage their relationships in the workplace ________.

does not generate enough business to pay his bills

Barry purchases a cartridge refill franchise, mostly with borrowed money. His worst-case scenario is likely to focus on what to do if he ________.

his life satisfaction will begin to decline

Bill suffers from chronic job dissatisfaction. It is likely that ________

Which one of the following behaviors least fits service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior?

Cautions outsiders about coming to work at his or her company

she can think more loosely and let in unusual thoughts

City planner Nadia is a morning-type person but today decides to engage in creative problem solving at midnight. If she is successful it might be because ________


Cliff, the CEO of a company that makes plumbing equipment, wants his company to be modern and forward looking. He should therefore emphasize the company value of ________.

clashes with the receiver's mental set

Communication barriers are most likely to occur when the message ________.


Computer-generated data sometimes creates the subtle communication problem that the data are regarded as ________.

usually an asset

In terms of being perceived as having potential for advancement to a management position, possessing human relations skills is ________.

increased with both greater and less illumination

In the Hawthorne studies, worker productivity ________.

shares work relevant information with coworkers

Marketing specialist Martin is participating in a community of practice when he ________.

system of peer evaluations

Marshall would like feedback on what coworkers really think of him. He is best advised to get input from a ________.

reports the incident to top-level management.

Melinda observes her boss using his company credit card to purchase athletic shoes. Melinda can engage in whistle blowing when she ________

feel no distress from being unethical

Nancy has a strong tendency to morally disengage. As a result, when Nancy sells some company supplies on eBay for her own profit she is likely to ________.

are aware of but we cannot see in ourselves

The blind area in the Johari Window consists of information others ________.


The transmission of messages to higher or lower organizational levels in different departments is known as ________ communication.

person-role conflict

Trudy wants to comply with the demands made by her supervisor, but they conflict with Trudy's personal values. Trudy is suffering from ________.

Mariah is a hard-working financial analyst who wants to keep her productivity at a high level. According to the observations of the Energy Project, Mariah should ________.

alternate between periods of intense focus and appropriate rest pauses

Ed is valued by his employer because of the way he handles complaints. It is likely that Ed ________.

backs up complaints with action plans

With respect to listening, a recommended negotiation tactic is to ________.

be the first to listen

A positive side effect noted of workplace conflict is that the people involved often ________.

become more creative

Cynthia and Chuck argue over who gets to use the new tablet computer. Their conflict is best classified as ________.

competition over limited resources

To achieve breakthrough accomplishments, use the ________ tactic.

concentrate on a task of potentially major significance

To gain a productivity advantage from digital technology, it is important to ________.

convert the time saved into productive activity such as saving money

A major problem created by workplace bullies is that they ________.

create physical and mental stress symptoms for others

A study with professional and clerical workers found that the energy-management strategies most positively related to vitality were all ________.

directly work-related

The most vital strategy for impressing your manager is to ________.

display good job performance

A recommended approach for a man to defend against false accusations of sexual harassment is to ________.

establish a reputation of never engaging in sexual harassment

Making other people feel important is an honest relationship-building tactic because ________.

every worker in an organization has a contribution to make

Assume that General Motors (GM) merges with Ford Motor Company. During group meetings of the fused companies, two likely factional groups would be ________.

former members of GM and Ford

A study about cross-national differences based on culture found that work interfering with family life was a bigger problem for people ________.

from individualistic cultures

In quid pro quo sexual harassment, the harassed person is ________.

given favorable treatment because of granting a sexual favor

Gilbert has a strong customer service orientation, so he works hard at ________.

helping customers

A study showed that two important factors in building good coworker relationships are ________.

high self-esteem and being at the center of a communication network

Conflict attributed to diversity within teams ________.

often benefits the organization when managed well

Sebastian could be engaging in the BYB phenomenon at the office when he explains to coworkers how he ________.

plans to remove mites from his mattress

The most frequent reason for employee discipline is ________.

poor attendance and absenteeism

Multitasking is recommended for ________.

routine tasks

Baxter's boss, Alberto, has the pet peeve of wanting text message progress reports twice a day. Baxter thinks that these reports are a waste of time. A recommended approach for Baxter would be to ________.

send the updates to Alberto at least twice a day

Tony, a financial analyst, must deliver the bad news to his boss that the company will most likely lose a lot of money this quarter. To help maintain a good relationship with his boss, Tony should ________

suggest a way for reducing the loss next quarter.

Alex develops a good relationship with coworker Lori, but then backstabs her by ________.

telling their supervisor that Lori might be looking for a new job

A time log is helpful in overcoming ________.

time leaks

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